2016 FCS Championship Jacksonville State vs North Dakota State
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Channel: LL
Views: 123,729
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5YdgRcdXpFU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 159min 49sec (9589 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 10 2016
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
First game back from surgery and plays pretty well. Makes some good reads and NFL throws. Not sure many people have seen this game.
Can anyone tell me why going to a "big school" should matter there are lots are shitty qbs that go to big schools doesn't mean these schools with "no competition" don't have talent it amazes me that if you got to the SEC you're immediately guaranteed to be a stud when there are far more talented players at smaller schools that can do what they do and more. I feel like Carson Wentz is it he's legit and he's going to be the future as soon as he gets drafted I'm buying a jersey idgaf
The number one thing that determined this game was time of posession. The Gamecock offense was almost unstoppable all season. The offense stalled uncharacteristically, while NDSU'S offense engineered some strong and VERY time consuming drives. The JSU defense was gassed.
https://youtu.be/DoaSdXzGmXE Nice breakdown of that game.