2016 Active Directory Training for IT Support

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hello everyone welcome to job skills share that or this is Donna or you can call me Dan today I'm making another new video on basic Active Directory training now if you have already watched my training videos an actor directory then this might be a little bit boring for you but maybe it's because it's brand new server you might like it you might learn something new you might learn from a new example or something like that if you're a brand new person looking for Active Directory training and you're just just I don't know how you came to this video you will really love this video because I'm going to first share the history behind these videos so let's go and start sharing the history so basically I started this in 2012 I created this first video basically to trade your training for active support and it has basically I think 2003 server I'm not sure I think 2003 or 2008 at least 2003 yeah it stood on 3 server so then you will see basically its old now and but you know look at the amount of response that I got from these videos the likes and the people so let me tell you what are the who are the main people over here majority of the comments that I get over here is people who are actually applying for jobs because they know someone will ask them about extra directory so what I do in this video is I show you exactly what we do at work has helped us as a normal IT technician what do we do how do we use Active Directory so then you know when I finish the video you have so much information then when you start sitting in an interview you start talking about these terms and you know exactly how to use Active Directory it gives them an upper hand and you guys can read the success comments behind these videos I am just so happy that is helping people so that's the first video that I created right then I created in 2014 another one because you know there was a 2012 server not people you know it's like IT thing you know you once you start want to start training you want you your hands on the new and the latest technologies so that's what I did I created 2014 basically already training for IT support same stuff different scenarios we just add some here and there stuff and then look at the response look at the comments just read about it you're going to get happy today what I'm going to do is do the same exact thing like I did for but this video will have a little bit more so maybe this might become a little boring so if you just want to know about the Active Directory and the help this type you might want to forward it and find that where I'm using the examples but in this video what I'm going to do is first I'm going to be using 2016 server now let's just get started you are brand new IT person ok um your help this person you just want to interview and the first thing this video will help those people I just explained that second one is that let's say you got a job and somehow you are starting your work today and then you know about Active Directory a little bit but you don't know exactly what we do so this video will help you also or maybe you're a student who wants to just look at Active Directory and how we use it it can also help you so a lot of people it can just you can use it in any way to kind of like you know learn this excerpt rectory so basically we're not talking about Active Directory as unlike you know creating domain controllers and doing that kind of stuff this video is specifically for helped us entry-level IT technicians who basically whose job is to work on Active Directory to kind of you know finish their daily tickets for example you might get a call from a user that I'm logged out how do you unlock them ok you might get a call from HR that we have a new user starting tomorrow this is the name this is the department this is their title how do you do that these type of scenarios basically you as it helped us or an IT person you have access to Active Directory now there are multiple ways to get access but I'm just going to show directly how to do it all in Active Directory so you guys know it better now like I said in this video I'm starting something new I will show you exactly how to people get to Active Directory but before that how did they get it in first place basically it's a domain controller the computer that you that will be running this from it's going to be a domain controller so that's what's going to happen is that we are going to install a domain controller and I'm going to show you that may be so that's why I said that this will be a little bit longer than other training so then you will see this board also so there will be no confusion at all but if you just want to watch the Active Directory for helpless you might want to for it or just watch the 2014 video then that's only it doesn't show this part it just straight goes to the helpdesk section so in this we don't want to show you guys that I have a 2016 technical preview server which is basically the brand-new server that's going to be this will be removed technical preview and then this will become Windows Server 2016 and you guys can see it looks like Windows 10 but it's exactly the same when you go in site it's like Windows 2012 so if I open this section as a server manager as you can see is just exactly the same as Server 2012 so the first thing I need to do is to make this computer a domain controller so I already named this computer and this computer name is job Skillshare job skills sorry so I'm going to add a domain controller to do that basically I'm just going to start from scratch so I will go here and then open my server manager so I'll go to application here and then I click on server manager and then I click on add roles and features so basically this company bought let's say this is a small business they bought this machine now they want to become don't want to make this computer as a domain controller and then the rest of the computer will be connected to this computer this is how we do it so you just click on add roles and features click on that then click on next then click on role-based ok that's fine you click Next and this is the name yes I want to keep that name I'm just going to click Next and what what option do we pick here Active Directory domain services we're going to click on that that's the only thing you need I'm just going to click on add features click Next again and then I'm just going to click Next click Next and install now of course when you in a production environment and/or you're a network engineer like I said this video is not fall for networking or any server administrators so this would be more intense video meaning that we're going to go to we're going to do some planning we're going to make some one-to-one to domain controllers and if all of the advanced stuff but this is just to show helped us guys that how did he actually get to the activity how do you see these features before we don't have these options like if you go to start and go to hair and go to Administrative Tools you don't see any Active Directory options so how did they even get to it this is how they get to it this is why I'm making this video so you guys can see this so I'm going to stop this recording right now once this is finish I'm going to come back and we'll start from their own all right so that's done what you need to do is to promote the server to a domain controller and just wait for second so what we're going to do is we're going to do a new forest because it's a first domain so we're just going to add that kay come on mission Oh here so root domain name what we're going to do is to give it job skills dot local make sure its local not put like a full site name because you know you're just testing if you're just doing for testing like I say this is not a video for you guys to do all domain controller type of things we're not doing any explanations on these so just do local and what you're going to do here is we'll just leave everything default and put a password in there so make sure you remember your password make sure I put it right all right click next and that's fine you'll see this message just click Next so while that's happening let me explain again this video is not for learning about the domain controllers and Active Directory as like a full Active Directory engineering or administrator or network engineer and it's not like that it's for help disguise so this part is just to show them how everything is set up before they even get to their options when they start their work so I clicked on nest next after that and now everything is ready so basically we'll just click on wait for this one and that messages that you see in the top is fine for demo reasons just ignore those messages and in this video I'm going to show you guys some of the tools that I use for quick response like if someone called my password is locked out and you're not sure if it's actually expired or not so this is what you get after you click on next you can autumn you can save the script if you are like in our PowerShell person wants to get everything automatic it says right here to automatisation installations you can just click on script if you have multiple domain installation domain controller so you could do that like we're going to click Next on that and we'll move on to the last options so basically what I'm doing here if you're brand new to this whole concept of domain controller thing and in a very easy terms this is going this is going to be like your master computer where let's say for example in your company you have 15 to 20 computers and this is your server when they say domain controller let's say this is your domain controller and all of these 20 computers are going to be connected to this computer so then you can manage it so then you are not going to each computer specifically on one on one and working on each computer basically we're working from one computer to manage all of our computers that's behind I mean that's the concept behind domain controllers in Active Directory because the centralized management so it's more than that but that's just in a very basic explanation of it so let's click on install over here and once this is finished all come back alright then you're going to get this message the computer is being restarted because of the exit record domain service was installed and all removed you're about to be signed out I'm just going to click close okay that's fine close and restarting now this machine when it restarts it's not going to be a single workgroup computer this is a domain controller then this is where you can add other computers and then you can start managing them so this is why I wanted to show this part and I know 11 minutes if you just came for help that's position and directly learning about that then that's why I said in the beginning you need to forward it to get to this part but there could be some people you know how did they even get to this point so that's why I wanted to show that so I'm going to come back and come back to this section which just shows up right away after my 3-star but don't get confused I'm going to come back to this alright so after restart I am logging into my server again now so let's see what happens all right I have to stop the video because it was taking longer but when you sign in for the first time in Active Directory with the username and password now let's watch if you go to start go to all apps and that same in mr. tool section here we go we have new features and that's where you will be working so basically I create this whole 30 minutes just to show you guys how did you even get to this point now this is where the hub the straining of saw which is the main purpose of this video it's basically let's say you started your work for the first time and you got the username in the password they say hope our server name is this and we're this is a username in your username and password for example Mike SD Heather and they give you the password and I logged in and they tell you okay you need to start working and let's say let's say luckily on the first day you get a ticket now ticketing is another thing that basically people will have in a company environment people have tickets they call it emails or whatever you can call it but let's say you get a ticket an email from your HR department that we have a new user starting tomorrow so set up they need a computer they need a username and the password they need email and things like that and they will send an email with like a title so basically you get an email so that's why I had that ticketing thing open just to give you guys kind of like a visual local fit so you know they will go like a employee will go in here and they'll just submit a new ticket so they click on that and and you started the work today and then let's say yeah user name is this and then they say ok there's a new user starting tomorrow they're just going to pick something like a new user and then they'll put something new user here hope new user new name is Donna she and I can't take the okay Donna SH and title they'll put like title something like you know I T you know some other stuff and what they're going to do is basically priority mean it's high because it's starting tomorrow they'll send a message so you as a helpdesk have a ticketing system you as an administrator basically you go in and then you check your email over the system whatever system that you guys are using you will see that like you open the ticket here and then you will see oh this is my ticket and then I can reply I am working on this or whatever so you assign that call to you now this is your job you need to finish that job right so basically that's the process that I'm trying to explain or it so people can get a better idea visual idea so that's how it works so now let's get back to the training now so basically that's where you get now your job is to add that person how do you do that first thing you logged into server like I said this is this information is provided to you by your hiring manager or your network engineer who is or whoever is your supervisor maybe they will provide you this information so you're not doing this whole part that I just did this was just to show you guys I'm seeing that again and again so that can be clear so now you as the person to help this person to store your extra directory training you basically click on Active Directory users and management you can do it from here or you can go to start and then go to like your server manager and then go to tools and then you can click on Active Directory users and computer now there's another way to let's say for example the they don't want you to log in to the server there's an add-in tools basically if you are using Windows 10 Windows 7 you go online and just look for like Active Directory adding tools and you install that and basically connects your computer to this part so basically on your computer you will see when you when you install that tool you will see this Windows administrative tools on your computer so then you don't even have to login to the server you can log in to your your computer at work and then you will see this part and then that's where you can access all these features now you can see we have a domain right here this is where you will see your company name jobs with share org that's our company right so in our company we have HR we they created a ticket now it's your ticket right the first thing you need to do is to create a user for that new person so you go to users and here you will right click on it and click new and then click on user now it depends on a company how they set up this environment this is a planning kind of thing so that's also your not doing that but it will be or replete pre-planned where they want the user to be it could be a really big company and they have like different different you know folders in there or you folders and all that so don't get confused just do the basic training right now and that's something a company will explain to you when you start working that where the user needs to go basically and here is another thing that it's also up to company how they decide to do the naming they could use first name and last name so it would be like Daanish my last name is let's say a con so they will use like first initials and this or they could use like first three and the last three and the date of birth so things like that it's up to company and then you have your your email will be right here and the username and so you click Next and most of the time companies will say that this is a policy that you need to check this because once you give the temporary password and then login with the temporary password that user will be forced to change that password so that's why they will keep that checked good security practice users cannot change but that's not something you want to do sometimes you might work on these type of like password never expires if there's a really specific thing you guys are doing but that's not something you're going to be touching too much so we're going to go ahead and click give it a name we get a password actually I'm going to go back and change the users because you already had nah we don't have D kana here sorry so yeah we already did that we're going to put that username you get the email finish them so we got Daanish Khan added to our system now that's one thing you did right he's starting tomorrow but Daanish Khan also needs a computer how do you add computer you basically go to computers right click on the computer go to new click on computer and we're going to click add ons Khan and these let's say Windows 10 we're going to go W 10 let's say this is the naming format that's also up to company how they do it because most of the computers you want to be you want to keep it the same way because if it's it's a name Daanish con then you want to put this way maybe that will work for you guys but it's up to company so just the naming thing so you know if you have a computer added we have a user added the two things happen right now if Donna Sean was to come tomorrow he can sit on his computer and then what however you guys give this information to maybe their manager maybe you female them the information maybe you just go down and give it to Danish Khan when he comes in for the first time but he can sit down in front of his office in his office and start logging in with the computer so the same username he will use Daanish Khan and then log into this computer so that's that's how you manage that's why we say that Active Directory domain controller part we did that because I want you guess to get a little good picture out of it how things are managed it's not just you jumping into extra directory and started working it it's better to know this where is it coming from and why is it important so as you can clearly see why things are getting managed from here it could be thousands of thousands computers over here it could be many many many users over here and then you can manage it from here so that's number one ticket that you just get you did it you finished it that's how you finish this say you are a brand-new IT person and this was your job to do imagine after watching this video how easy for you would be to just go and do that work second type of tickets you will get from from the from the user section is basically it's a very common thing that a lot of people will call you almost every second day or third day that I locked out I'm locked out of my account because I tried multiple times so maybe your administrator put that if you put your password on the computer when you log in to your computer or maybe some other way to log it you use the login network login and you typed it seven times and typed it wrong for seven times it will lock you out and then you need to call you're helpless to unlock you so that basically is pretty easy you right-click on it and and then go to properties and then go to account and then just click on unlock and apply and okay and that person is now unlocked and they can log-in now that person says I forgot my password then you just right-click reset the password give them a new temporary password and make sure you do user must change the password so now that's another call maybe they'll call back again and then give you another call like now that's your time you know you're using all this time so they say you know I can't remember my password how do I reset my password and that's how you do it you just right click we said check this box they were going to get another problem that hey you need to change your password blah blah blah you might get another call like groups there's another thing you might get a call that you need to add this person to this group like an emailing group or only this HR group or IT group so you see by default there's a lot of groups in there but most of the companies will have their own groups so they will right click and then go to new and then they create a group like you know that would be HR like I said and different different type of things they will do maybe sometimes they'll put contacts in there but groups are very common you know because of the access and stuff like that so you basically will get a call that I want on each one to be an IT group so you right-click on it you go to properties and then you go to members off and then you type that group name or search for it added and then click apply ok now he's and he's an enterprise admin now so that's how you add banished Conte ooh Enterprise them becoming enterprise admin so that's another call right another type of call that you will get is basically when people get married or maybe they change their positions they get promoted they need to change their title name is basically you can just come more hair and add these informations right here so most of the title and stuff name is in the under the organization and then you'll put a title name Department and this is important to keep everything correctly because you know most of these informations are synced somewhere else maybe a SharePoint maybe another site that's pulling information from here so when they see something wrong they're just going to give you another call so that's a better way to just double check whenever you type something over here you need to just double check that it's good and working so that's one part sometimes you'll get a call that this person no longer work over here please disable his account or maybe a person leaves retired or for other reasons you need to disable the account you need to disable it then you just right click disable easy way it's basically it there's just think about how many calls are related to just two users in computers section not to much in the computers but you will see a lot of user section and sometimes you need to just delete a user from here you need to put it somewhere like a this person left and that's another folder in there you just need to move it you can just drag and drop and move that first and drag and Rob it is available in here sometimes you need to search for a person so let me enable that account again sometimes you need to just search for a person you maybe you can't find too many people in here you just need to find it quickly and reset their password or something like that you just go to here to the search container right here so then basically I just do entire directory and then you can find it over there just to decon let's see decon oh my keywords not good okay so you do decon in this there you go so you have that and now you can do the same process that we can do from the user section reset disabled accounted to group rename delete properties we view the same options so see how quickly you can learn about Active Directory by just having these options now another thing that I wanted to share with you guys that sometimes people will call about password resets like you know how many times how many days do they have to reset their password or maybe it's expired but there's not there's nothing to show you that is it expired so there's a really neat tool out there if you guys go to your google let me see if I have that open right now free no I don't have that so what you guys need to do is go to google and I'll put these links at the end I'm going to share very important information with you guys so definitely hear that in the at the end because there's going to be a lot of information that you will love to hear so what you need to do here is you just type Active Directory directory and close right free reset type Spiceworks and I'll share this thing see I mean I'm just kind of like testing it I could have forgot what it is spikes works HTA all change okay so this is the link that you guys would want that's the Active Directory user editor HTA let's click on this one let's see if this is the one that I was looking for so you kind of the same one but maybe not this is not the one let me go back in there let's click on this one okay this is the one and I'm going to share this link with you guys and you guys can see this script is based off this is so query goes to the person who created it so then you guys can see how it's going to work basically I already did that so you basically click on get the code and I'm going to share this link so you guys can click on it and you can download it or you can copy/paste from here so all you got to do is to copy this go to your notepad and right click on it and get that code save as and let's say I want to save this in my document I'm just going to sue a TV set or Eddy password so I can remember any password and you're going to name this to HT a it's a format that you have to use so you do all files in here and then click Save once you save that go to your documents just going to minimize this so everything is clean so you will see ad passwords right here then you're going to get this message click yes and then it basically oh I didn't mistake up install this on my other computer sorry about that I think I already did this on this one too so you'll just go back into same same method I'm going to do that because I thought I was doing and it's all here on my server computer but I installed it on my personal computer so sorry about that ok so let's go to documents I think I already have that over here yes there you go so I'm going to double click on that same thing as you guys can see I'm going to get this yes and it says jobs cut it basically picked up my domain name so I'm just going to click OK and here you basically say enter validol you structure so what you need to do is to type that name so let's see if this works job skills dot local and click enter there you go so you just put the same whatever you see in the active directory right here on the top so you just type that and you will see this information now watch what's going to happen I'm going to show you guys something so if you have this tool on your desktop okay you have this tool in your desktop and you don't have access to the server right now you don't want to open the server and it's just an on the desktop right now and let's say for example I go ahead and disable this account okay or just think about it it got expired okay so what's going to happen I can come back here and quickly search this is somebody called their account is expired and you don't know inactivity doesn't show you that you just type that do search okay and there you go password that's expired okay that's awesome because now think about it you will get these kind of calls maybe there's a after 130 days a lot of people get expired and they call you from outside hey I can't get into my documents I can do this I can do that you get all these calls and you're confused you know like I can't see anything on Active Directory you know what's going on here like and then you spend that kind of time so this why I say you need to have this tool ready because once you put the username it directly tell you that oh there's expired you just tell the person you need to restart or maybe you need to reset their account whatever the process is but how quickly you found out this is why I love this tool and it's free so that's why you need to have this tool on your on your desktop just get it it's a basically script code and I'm going to provide that link at the end of the video I'm going to show everything how you guys are going to get this but just information that you guys can unlock the account from here you can change the password from here you can disable the account from here so it's a pretty great tool okay so that was it for our 2016 basic Active Directory training and how you guys can use the directly to do a lot of calls now question is how do I get to these links and so what are the information that you wanted to share with us this is what I wanted to share with you guys is basically this course is also there's a full course on job skill share that org which is for free so this is jobs could share that org which is our site where we provide free full just like the training that I provided right now we do it in a very very detailed way inside the courses so it's basically a platform where you can learn teach and share your job skills so anyone meaning any job that you do you can come and share that skills with us now can you get AB something out of it yes if you share your skills on our channel we pay you 80% of the monetized money let's say for example you give us a video of your job skills that you created everything is originally by you and you give it to us on its own or Channel so what's going to happen basically you click on the become the trainer section and then you'll see right here that you have 15 we have 15,000 learners in this platform for more than 120 countries all you have to do is to read this and see how we are going to solicit for example over video is 100,000 views and it generated this amount of money so at the end of the when you make the first hundred we're going to give you 80% of that so now this is realistically you're not going to one you're not going to send us a video and it's going to be a hundred thousand waves unless you get really lucky I mean that's up to you I mean anyone can send us a a video and anything can happen it could hit a million views and then you'll get that 80% of it so it's a great way for you guys to try something out I mean if you already know the skill it basically helps our mission so if you guys want to learn more you click on this submit video section and once you click on the submit video section you will see all this right here how is your video going to help us so you can basically read all this and then send us the information of what type of video you are going to be sharing with us and then click on submit so that's it thank you for watching this training and I'll see you guys in a different video and the link I'm going to provide for you guys as this basically I'm going to share are basically on my description area I'm going to share a link where I will have all the three videos for Active Directory and some more information about how to start the free courses so just to quickly you guys can come to the home page over here once you register for a job scripture or this is the campus link and if you scroll down and if you specifically want more training hands-on free training actually you can click on this course right here Active Directory user management go to the course and start learning thank you for watching jobs skill share dot or
Channel: Jobskillshare Community
Views: 167,393
Rating: 4.8949957 out of 5
Keywords: help desk, job skills, top it job skills, it jobs in usa, help desk career, how to start it career, find jobs in usa, help desk job interview questions, cisco 2015, microsoft it career, job related skills, active directory interview questions, active directory training, active directory questions, help desk interview question, 2016 windows server, 2016 active directory, help desk job
Id: Q6FqIzFtxms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 13sec (1993 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 10 2015
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