2016-2017 NHL Season and Playoffs: Best NHL Breakaway Goals. (HD)
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: AP's Highlights
Views: 295,120
Rating: 4.7179127 out of 5
Keywords: SPORTSNETCANADA, NHL, Hockey, Goalies, TheHockeyChannelHD, CanucksFan27, Tbiblaine23, HockeyWebCast, Danglecity, Trav4oilers, GrandySportsFilmsHD, Samboke, NeutralzoneHD, TheNasher61, TheMagicMan, alyssahope, Puck, dafoomie, ReepsFilms, RFHockey Fan, Captain Canada, Hockey Highlights, SAP's Highlights, Hockey Central, Highlight Warehouse, Delta Highlights, The Highlight Factory, The Mook, Top 10 Hockey, Crazy 5s, NHL videos, NHL workshop, Highlight Heaven, NHL Rookies, NHL Pranks
Id: ivtoT30YX0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 144min 10sec (8650 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 17 2017
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