2014 NFR - John McCarthy & Matt Sherwood

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that's right ladies and gentlemen thanks for hanging out with us right here at the NRS shopping experience we've got mr. John McCarthy right here with the Rope smart mr. John you're doing good good deal I'll check that mic there your rope and dummy right here is a little bit different than all the others yes it is it looks like a pretty good training device the legs look different like you said it looks like one of those hot rock crawler akut motorcycles hang on to it and it is you know it's just different you know the birth of it was different right oh yeah everything went based on science we didn't we didn't try to make it look exactly like a cat rock shirt oh sure it it came up pretty unique for sure and I guess you're gonna explain all of that good stuff and you'll probably get some folks out of the crowd to rope it and all that will don't let that scare you yeah well folks it's really laid back here and if it's good with you if y'all have questions just raise your hand you'll repeat the question and answer it and mr. John we appreciate you being here and I'll let you have it all right all right buddy John McCarthy how's everybody doing today wanna yeah we've got a couple people whooping and hollering here alright we're gonna go ahead and start out or start the beginning and talk about a little bit about the design of the dummy where it came from how and why it's effective and and then of course we will have a few people come up and rope it and then we've got to time world champion header Matt Sherwood it's gonna come out and work with three people on the dummy as well about halfway through the presentation so I'm gonna go ahead and start with usually the most commonly asked question on our dummy which obviously it's not the handle about the head the horns it's like what is the pole for and you know we've had all kinds of good ideas you know tea ball hat rack whatever you know but the whole deal behind this pole came from trying to develop a dummy that didn't just look like a cow wasn't just plastic wasn't something I can just exercise and wrote because I was roping and exercising on another plastic dummy and I could rope it perfectly a hundred percent of the time never miss it but yet when you go to a rope in and your fourth cow out and you're in the short go and you go out and split the horns away bit off it doesn't matter you could catch your W hundred times in a row now you just waved off for a lot of money and you through a loop that was a marginal loop but that marginal loop has worked a hundred times in a row on that of the dummy and so I tried to design something that would actually force me to find a loop that was more like the top pros and I was in the video and photographer production industry and so I figured I might as well use my resources and now of course there's some good training schools out there the team Roper or total team roping online they do the slow-mo footage and you really get to see it well we started doing that about ten years ago studying slow low and when I took the great ropers and I just turned down the volume what they're saying and just studied and watched them there's these common denominators that they all had and it's like over at one of our other shows there's a great big classic manner and it's got pictures of these headers on the banner what's funny they they all look almost identical it's a first swing out of the box hands up high angles down I mean everything looks almost identical and that's because these guys have a very common raw talent and so when we sit there we talk and people say well won't you try this you're dropping your elbow you're doing that try to find this try to that one thing you have to understand is we can't see centrifugal force you can feel it in your hand but you can't see it okay there's a lot of things it's like watching a guy on a hit horse it's like why did it get after its hurt well we can't feel what that horse did underneath him but we can see that's all we can do is see and so this pole has got several purposes and I'm going to go ahead and start with the first one and I'm gonna take it into a little bit into horsemanship so you understand it has there's several benefits of it when we put this pole in here we wanted it to reference from the base where we cut the right horn to this to create a 45-degree angle the importance of that 45 degree angle is tremendous it's it's it's so crazy to think the position of a 45-degree angle the difference of being in here narrow could make as many variations of improvement in a roping program just by proper position and so one of the first things I want to talk about is when we rope in at a 45 degree angle and mind you this dummy when I stand out here line that pole up to the base in the right horn it puts me right here so instead of just walking forward and back on a dummy and roping and just costantly groping I mind you I can swing and if I have good form and like great guys they keep their good form no matter where they're at good form good form good form all the rest of us mid numbered Roper is more behind we get the more at the head we throw and the more straight down we deliver we don't maintain those good fundamentals so this gives me a reference when I'm on the ground making sure that I'm staying over here and I'm right where I need to be okay and you want to jump up real quick Nicole hold this when we rope anywhere in here which I call this the no rope zone it affects most importantly the handle and let me ask you something how many people here head 1 1 2 3 4 5 how many people heel ok got several healers - yeah these guys over here sharks ok so when she's in here narrow and this deer hits the end of this rope the steers goodness is gonna wash out and there's a dead spot when this go on hit or you can move up there's a dead spot before that rope comes tied again and there's almost two hits your horses take one when it hits it right here and washes out there's one he turns out and he's going to get hit again but the main things gonna happen is this deer is gonna drop him behind that head horse and now he's being drunk it's being dirty and how many of you healers have rode through the corner and how to steer just sit right next to you you pick up your heel horse and you're trying to deliver because he's just sitting there and all of a sudden he slingshots out of the hole and he's gone and you thought nice heirloom it just went right by an idiot touch accountable okay and that's all those things are cause one of the main causes isn't being in there when you're out at a 45 degree angle and that steers momentum hits the end of this that steers going to shape it's going to start going and all the header has to do then is release their horse and start going across the pin and maintaining this angle at the steer at the end of it the deal is is that the steers head is taken the feet are going to be to the outside if the feet are landing to the outside I'm throwing even our gentle heel loop one of my most likely in the catch even in a marginal healing at least the leg the deal is is when the steers head's taken the feet are out of here and it's out of his own control the feeder landing planning it makes them real easy to heal real easy to time as well when it steers on a loose rope it's not easy to do anything so the reference point takes the reference point of being at 45 is super important the thing that does in horsemanship and this is something we can look at all the load numbered headers out there you see a lot more horse problems with them than you do high number headers it's not just because high numbered headers wrote better so the horse is liking more what it is is when you're roping out wider you're using that centrifugal force and the speed of the steer and so the horse is not getting hit and he's not having to work so hard if you think about a kid in a swing set if you put a kid in the swing set you think about this as a swing set rod here's the chain and this is a swing in here an arrow like this if I picked a kid and a swing and it pulled him back picked him up and dropped and it wouldn't be much fun if I put that kid in the swing and I pull them all the way back to right here to 45 and I let go of that kid the kid just swings I don't have to do anything so again if I'm a head horse I sit down and just crack over and take that steers head his speed and his forward motion takes him through the corner and shapes him okay when I'm in here narrow the other thing that happens to us is when we're open to dumb in here narrow is where's our left hand over here the pole our slack and our left hands here what does that do to a horse when we stick our left hand out or move it to the left we pull our slack releases a head of horse and he goes out one on his front feet well if he's on his front feet he's leaving out of a hole and he takes that hit where's that hit where's the pressure of it gonna hit him right there in the withers she's no longer got his butt in underneath him and he's not ready and prepared to take that hit okay so when we're narrow we turn our shoulders we're swinging in here it's my left hands over here as I move over and go over and turn my shoulders notice where my left hand in my shoulders turn over towards the sphere over to the left so if my left hands right here and I've got my horse's neck here and I'm pushing across I've got the ability to both hands rope dally and hold my or hold my horse in there okay so it's going to improve your horsemanship as well the other things that we do with this pole here and we're gonna get into the reject of loops and if you notice like that loop I through there you deliver even one or two degrees early that loop won't be successful you can't marginally throw a loop and get good success with it and so what are the biggest misses in team roping North comes to the head anybody yell it out what are the biggest misses for head loose wave off so what's the other one split horns okay when you go to do wave off the loop is typically flat comes around hits the steer in the shoulder he's gonna wave off when you feel that loop on our dummy it's gonna hit this pole and it's gonna reject it okay so there your loop is gonna it's gonna tell you right there what hits that pole whether yes it was good loop no it wasn't and splitting the horn it's kinda like when I did that loop right there a second ago when I threw it I dropped my look just a little early so I'm sitting here swinging if I dropped just a hair early again it's gonna come down and it's gonna hit and go around or it might like you did on that one I threw grabs a single horn and come around the head but it's not gonna rope the pole in both horns and so our design isn't meant to foster you'd say a false emotional lifted success rate if I rope a dummy that I can row up a hundred times in a row and I feel great but I don't have that same success in the arena there's no true success on that and so our dummy is more difficult but as people learn to rope it and you're gonna see like when you have the upper numbered guys rope but they're loops are so perfect they can rip it from all any distance and so if I throw the right loop I got my tip down I'm coming across and I'm flat it's gonna rope both horns and the post okay so this post has got a multitude of things that that it does obviously again we kind of recap one it helps you with position two it helps reject those flat loops it's not gonna let your your early release loops be successful it's gonna make you carry your tip all the way to the center before you let go of your rope and most people don't talk about timing when they talk about a head loop but the deal is this and healing and why a lot of guys healed your headers healing we've got to let that tip go by our hand before we set it down and heading you can ride your horse up close enough that you can literally wipe it on almost and a lot of low number of headers they don't have a lot of action to their Luke they don't have a lot of curl doesn't get tight because they are doing just about that and so the other thing is when you're roping this with the pole you're gonna you're going to improve as your tips gonna be out front and we need to deliver that heavy the tip is going to be there the loops gonna be open it's going to go if the whole head pull horns everything all in one a lot of people believe that wider horns is going to make it be more successful I can take that pull out and I can put three or four or five whatever width horns you want and I can take the same for loop come across flat and I'll rope and that's what in the mind I see most people do is they come out like this and they come across the horns whereas if you throw a great loop post here I can go no horns I can go through a 4-foot horns that same loop works on everything and it's tight it stays on there curls to the left if your curls to the left is it roping any front feet is it coming around hitting the shoulder and uncurling and waving off okay so it promotes true change when you get a little bit more I guess your level increases and you little more confidence and you want to do some different drills our dummy has more than just the chip shot as I call it or I'm just going to get back here trying to launch a bunch of coils at it and rope it we can take our head we can loosen it up I say we loosen up turn it a little bit like this we can do angle shots so again I've got to work on the perfect loop but I also have to work on the plane of my delivery make sure it matches the horns okay so I've got more than just that one shot it gives a little bit more more dynamics one of the other things we do is we have our dummy for a calf head and so when you get a family that's got kids at breakaway rope calf rope you've got team rubbers headers healers this dummy really does all facets so we slide that in there and we look at our calf down me I just want to go over a couple things about it you don't rope it with the pole in first thing when I mentioned but on the calf dummy our dummy's designed to reject again poorly loop's with this head going down and be pointed out to the front it's typical of what you see when a cash running off I mean we might see a tail sticking up in the air as he runs off but we typically see a caplet that's head up it's usually down and they're running that they've really got to get down to rope it well with this dummy if your loop isn't your head is not in the center of your loop it will hit this slick corner in the back this and will go right off onto the ground so make sure that the cap rope Regan's got good tip good plane to there delivery and the loop bail does not hit them on the back of the ears and open up out here that they're open it in the center so anybody have any questions about the calf head or the steer head before I move on anyone okay all right on the backend of this thing is one of the most challenging things the design on the back feet and so this opening that we have it was designed based on the opening that we would see when roping live cattle tip of our rope going down looking down to a cow when we're on the ground we'll rope in saw horses or hanging legs or whatever the open space that we have in front of that target is space that doesn't really exist on live cattle and it the u.s. finals recently has riding through the barn and I saw this healing dummy hanging out off the wall and I looked at the pattern of that loop that it was covering on the ground like how much sweet how much that rope was was out there inside those legs and it was like it's it's huge amount of space that was being used and realistically you don't have that much space when you're roping a live cow we're not on a Shetland pony we're not looking at a steer from the backside and he's not coming all the way where we can just go underneath like this we're roping down with our tip coming down and that downward angle is what actually helps that that strand sit on the ground when we deliver our loop and so if we broke the flat loop I'll do it with my tip here I came around flat like this there's gonna be no bottom strand touching the ground at all it's just gonna sweep underneath okay if I throw a great big loop like we'd throw on a sawhorse and I come around I get my tip up I come around like this and everything looks good I come flat like this that space isn't gonna allow that to go through but on a sawhorse or the legs it would have swept through and it would it just looked like the biggest trap you'd ever thrown and you'd feel pretty good about what you were throwing so in our dummy we studied the the the way a heel loop actually broke on a leg breaks and goes underneath and when I was designing that it made me think back to when I was a kid and I used to fish Crick's up in Montana there's a lot of little streams and held nice brookey's nice little browns but in those streams about 10:30 in the morning 11 o'clock those fish are gone they're in the shadows they're just history and so if you want to go catch them you're gonna have to go fish under banks under branches my favorite place was les branches stuff was under bridges and so you get to this little bridge and have this little opening and you're having to get your line way back up underneath there well if I took a little bit of line and let it out and had that weight on there and I started swinging that weight and I timed it right and let go that weight would ship completely back up underneath there a little tiny opening if I dropped it at all early it would land on the water in front of men wouldn't go anywhere I'd scare the fish off and so in healing it's really the same principle as we're swinging our heel loop if we let go of it early it's gonna go where we let go so here it's soft lands on the outside and kind of Peters in there and falls down and if you think about how many people have ever picked a kid by the hands and swung them in a circle most of us if you were to let go of that kid where ever you let go that kid there will fly you're he looks no different wherever you let go of it there it will also fly and there is a video on Facebook and YouTube here not too long ago it was of this gal sitting up on this ledge hold onto this rope and she was gonna swing out and land in the water well she swung and let go the Rope about straight vertical and she landed on the beach face-first in the dirt and it's much like this dropping a heel loop early we want to make sure that the tip of our rope is actually going past our hand and so once it's passed then we can put our bottom strand on the ground and if we drop it early or drop it late it's gonna be unproductive the biggest thing is people roping flat and dropping it early they'll come around at the big loop and they will let go of it a little bit early and again we could look at that and that's a lot of tip up there but if it's a sawhorse would that have went through a sawhorse yeah when we went through perfectly so we created a smaller opening and then the shape of it is really really important I could have done legs that came straight out and dropped down but what I wanted is like on our head we have this pole that references the position also make sure that we're rolling our hand get to the center of the head before we turn our hand over so in the back legs I wanted something that would make sure that my tip angle was good and when I do a lot of times in clinics is we will take a five foot piece of PVC and we'll put an accident off that leg to exaggerate that angle and so when I come to wrote this dummy I do it from a ninety degree I stay over here my Lopes up here I tip it down I tip it down until I match that leg when I match the leg bends when I go in get my own slot and I swing right at my target my targets here if I'd done a ninety degree I'd have to swing over my target or behind my target I'd have to manipulate my delivery when I'm healing if I start trying to manipulate anything I'm sure enough to miss so I get over my target right at my buddy able swing right it all's I have to do is lean for it and put my rope on the ground I don't have to step I don't have to rear backwards I don't have to do anything different I swing the perfect loop I get over my cow perfect position and I simply release my rope and put it down so this dummy on the back feet is going to give you a really challenging smaller window but it's also going to give you really really good tip control and it's going to teach you how to make sure that you are breaking it over the hock and not going to just keep sitting it outside here and slapping that plastic I don't need to be there to tell you when you hit the side of that steer it's give me loud and clear okay some of the drills that we use the legs for on the head side will get more advanced heading heels will have somebody stand back with the rope on the legs we'll get somebody up here ahead and and we'll pull the steer to them so that where the header is learning to rope on the rise instead of walking and uncocking their hips and doing this they're just like they're on the horse their weight and weight weight and they deliver and they learn to read the distance changes of steers coming at them and that's one of those things that's a developed skill you can't there's nothing in that dummy that's gonna make you learn how to judge speed judge distance how fast your horse is riding and the rise and so that's something that that's just a more advanced little drill that you can do but utilizing your back legs dummy we also have these back like spring-loaded so when you're broke from being pulled back jerk back around a little bit and they also they just flip over so when I'm done close this up pull up my rope put it in the little pack here and leave it in there and my double your open rope stay with my dummy everywhere I go take the head off I put it inside and it slips right underneath my gooseneck but I can take it with me easily everywhere I go some guys were just headers they may leave the legs folded up until their partner shows up but you'll never have a problem finding somebody to rope with on this dummy when you have the legs open if you're a header it's fun and it's constructive you can rope it spin it and it's like mad if you don't jump out here we can kind of illustrate that a little bit as let in general this is bad sure with two E's two-time world champion header just want to welcome him thank you fellas I'm glad you guys are here getting confetti okay and so when we're sitting in a parking lot waiting to rope we're doing things that are not just fun but they're constructive there's a lot of guys up north that sit in the barn in the shop all summer I mean all winter when it's when it's too cold rope and that's what they did is just rope the sled we get mad on there yeah good I'll just making sure always on so in case I wanted to say something you'd hear me so it gives you an idea of how it can be used recreationally as well so if you're a parent you want your kid to learn to rope correct I just have fun you want to have them on something that's obviously gonna give them a good skill set and a little itty-bitty kids a lot of times they like to run and duck out what we like to do is we'll get a pallet it's a raised platform and those kids will stay on that and they'll learn to rope from this perfect sweet spot when they master this they'll be able to take that and that's really where you can jackpot roping today where the winds are at isn't it consistency getting off the horse dear Scott so any questions so far we have any volunteers met some guys at ropes right you wrote let's come on down which into your room which into your room I head say yeah did you go where you from okay you rope the dummy a bunch now yeah okay look looks pretty good it nice curl where is five hours north of here Reno Eureka California good deal I want you to go and pull your rope tight real quick when you have a guy that heads pretty good one of the things that's usually real evident is you're gonna look at this line up here I got and I'm wait 40 or five or yeah so they're gonna line up and actually they already start making themselves wide but I get lower numbered ropes a lot of times I'll have them walking back riding through here so you can see it has a really really effective really really good loop what is your biggest miss when you do miss riding your horn don't move over yeah maintain that position and that width is super important yeah absolutely and one of the drills we do like go ahead an get your loop up and get swing and get everything perfect now without changing a thing just sidestep over till you're directly behind the steer don't no no don't collapse your shoulder keep your shoulder back and it's natural we want to turn our shoulder right to our target then deliver the same loop you delivered from over there the perfect loops gonna work from anywhere the problem is as he started to move over at first thing he wanted to start doing was closing his shoulders up and so when a count comes to you and you start turning your shoulder and that's where we lose everything good that we developed and so that's a good drill if that's your biggest miss to get everything over there wide and go straight across rope it from here rope come back over here don't always just rope from the sweet spot kind of like you practice your basketball shots you want to shoot around the court and master all those but the main thing is a master that keeping that form everywhere you go so okay good deal thank you very much any healers team rappers are good liar she's smiling really he heals he just done wanted me to get drugged up here come on all righty let's go again a good loot good timing one thing you want to watch on his loop his plaintiff his angle is a little bit tilted and on the upper level headers the reason this shoulder is up high and the heads out flat that's how steer runs but also on our dummy if you get too far tilted when you deliver and get dragged it'll hit this and skip it over that right horn so I'm gonna tell you that just keep your your loop swing real get the plane your loop to make sure it matches the same level as the steers horns nicely good loop Thanks just talking about him but that was good to trip another one who's a healer here switch ends left Matt hit Heat I'm strictly a healer let's find a healer to swap in and swap pins good nice loops nice loops what do you think of it dumb you have an endemic you can move handy teal rope caps what do you think of the idea of having a dummy you can do every discipline on yeah in deal I'm gonna let a few people if you want come up here and work with Matt a little bit hitting or you're open you want to come back up and heal some come on up this question he just asked and suddenly cover in our clinics and it's a it's a really highly discussed deal is whether you wrote both words at the same time you're both rope and right-to-left and where your curl goes when you wrote right-to-left or both horns I want to preface this that if you learn how to read your curl you will know what you're doing wrong it's one of the things that we concentrate on in our clinic and a lot of people do is they think that they're gonna rope both horns the same time just like they're putting it right down like this the deal is this if I walk up here in my hand is right here are those horns wider than my hand yeah so I'd have to come out here to get that right horn correctly with you if I went like this I mean my fingers wouldn't catch up this I gotta come outside to get that right horn what happens is is when we get back about a coil now my hand is bigger than those horns said vice versa so literally if I went here to here and put my hand just where it is at the head I've effectively covered that head okay do we not swing a right handed circle right to left if my arm is back here we're swinging with our thumb down correct everybody agree with me thumbs down one strands here ones here when we go to deliver we have to turn our hand over and you have to deliver and put your hand to the send the horn imagine this is our whole loop well guess what it just went over that hole went over both horns and my hands pointed at the back of the head basically okay and so it's a good well I just wanted to address that question about about roping both horns at the same time or roping roping from right to left and most of most of what's going to dictate that is your position okay if if you're if you're here and you have this position then you can pull your loop and you can pull it across and come right to left okay and and like John say where your tip folks I wanted to let you know real quick where your tip hits is gonna dictate how you wrote stand right in front of that dummy for a minute no like real real close to it but pretty close come up a lot closer okay if you're roping that dummy across and you're gonna bring your loop across did that tip hit you okay it didn't touch you because I'm pulling that loop across because I'm up here in position that I need to elevate my top strand and really pull my loop elevate my top and and come all the way across but now the further back I am to my target it's hard for me now to reach out here and pull that loop across because it's too far out in front of me to go right to left but as I back up and I have to rope a little bit faster now I'm gonna change my swing is gonna stay the same my focus point is going to stay the same but I'm gonna change how I deliver because I'm too far back even though I'm not real far as far as reaching at it but I'm too far back to really drop my bottom and come across so I'm gonna change how I deliver my targets the same I'm still looking here but now I'm going to push forward and I'm gonna catch both loops at the same time see where my tip hit it hit her in the leg way over here and then right leg but that's because I'm further back and so I've got a rope both horns at the same time too but if I'm in fight if I ride up if I ride up and I ride up and I get really good position at the nomina swing down over the horns I'm gonna pull and cover the horns but Mike it's gonna hit did that hit you the second time but my tips gonna hit here and if you've ever roped a dummy like on dirt and you broke the dummy a lot you can if you rope it a whole bunch you can see right where your tips hit because you got a spot worn in the dirt well what what should happen is okay I'm gonna work on right here cover cover cover and then my tips gonna come across and hit right here but then oh okay so now I'm gonna work on roping a little bit more aggressive and roll them fast and I'm gonna push and now my tips can hit straight out in front of me because I'm pushing my catching both horns at the same time as compared to coming across all my life and coming across and my tips gonna hit over here and to me it's mostly on where I'm at in relationship to the steer if I get a little bit too close I cannot Robo thorns at the same time from here if I try to push my loop forward I'm gonna split the horns push it forward so the closer I get the more important it is I've got to open my strand up really bring my loop a really overemphasize coming across and then I can come across that's that's rope and steers roping you know any dummy no matter what if I'm here I've got to open my top strand and come across with my delivery the only thing I'm changing is my delivery okay my swing my swing is right I want my tip right at my steers head okay if I'm here I've got to have my tip in my loop here if my so many low number guys they're here their tip up okay their tips too high they try to rope you're gonna miss right horn every time okay so the only thing I'm changing is what what I say is no matter when I start swinging my tip of my loop is right on my target okay now I'm ready to roll I can throw from here I'm ready now wherever I get if I get here now I'm changing how I deliver now I've really got to come across and cover both horns but if I've got a rope faster my swing is exactly the same my swings here but now I'm throwing straight forward I say it's like throwing a baseball if I'm throwing a baseball to you I'm not going to try to land it in your glove I'm just going to throw it to your chest okay and that's how I'm going to throw through both both ones at the same time I'm just going to throw through the head and then the head stops my loop but I've got to have my tip down okay my tips got to be down at my steer but on my delivery if I if I leave my tip down then I Drive my tip behind the head so on my swing my tips my tips right on my target so many times I want to say lower number but probably every level they ride their horse like this okay and then when they get there they're not ready to rope so now I've got three swings of change in my swing to get ready to rope but ideally our very first swing we're holding on we leave we ride whenever we get our swing up it's right at the steers head flat across this head right at his head now I'm never going to get into a position I'm in position but I'm not I'm not ready to rope because I have I have a bad swing one thing you guys want to watch here in his hand and we talked about you know it's an analogy if you think of how a trick Roper ropes he doesn't make big exaggerated changes who makes little changes in in and out of this loop and so if you watch Matt's hand when he's out there at that distance and you watch how small that movement is I mean it's really really small but watch will see his palm and you'll see his fingers cut up as he shapes that loop and that's why that leading edge is going over that pole and roping before right that's what I say my tips down here at my target but on my delivery now I have to elevate my tip a little bit to where I make sure it's covered make sure it does cover the horn because like I showed you if I just drive it straight down and I'm just going to a lot of times on that loop you'll hit you'll get your loop will hit here and get the little horn but no right horn because you drive your tip forward but if I'll elevate my tip on my delivery even though my my my tip is at the steer okay so that's my focus my swing but then on my delivery I open my tip up to where now I like my loops like a hoop it's open and and that's the secret like without talking about trying to reach but what what I say is very few of us go to open and we draw five perfect steers not that they're bad but they're not but so we have to be able to okay this deers running a little bit I've got to be able to extend now I'm just gonna change how I deliver that's it my swing my target my focus I'm just going to change how I deliver and have to push it forward a little tiny bit to where I can catch this deer to do that on a horse we have to be able to do it on the dummy first if we've never backed up and extended on the dummy then when we get to a horse we can't we can't do you know you can't do anything in competition that you haven't done a thousand times practicing so and and I'm gonna go back one more thing to your comment about steer goes left okay Jake Barnes is the master at roping a steer that goes left because a lot of times what I try to do is when a steer cuts left I try to rope him right there okay well what happens is I'm in perfect position well when that steer cuts left now it in essence puts me in this position because he's cutting and when you try to take that when he cuts left that's it that's a loop you hear every single time so like what John says is so true about think of it like how I was explained and think it's a great analogy you're driving down the road with lines on the highway when a car swerves went when the lake look the road curves he stays in his lane you have to turn and stay in your lane you cannot rope a steer that's turning and and you're you're staying straight it's so important to recognize when you're going to a steer and he cuts left do not try to rope him take one or two extra swings move your horse over now you're both going left but you're at the exact same angle because what he talked about the beginning about handle on steers okay now if we both got left with one two I take two more swings to get right but now I'm still right here and I can still get my healer handle but if you try to rope a steer when he cooks well you're gonna miss lifts the horns fish it on if you do catch it sometimes you're not going to be set up to give a handle it doesn't take any more time to move your horse over now we're going down the arena we move our horse over we're going here and now everything is exactly the same as compared to roping and in bad position something you can do too if you get a steer in your PIN that dirty and does go left a lot of times what we'll do at the house and sometimes having challenges with it I'll literally just take the rope boy say here just ride your horse work on position first because we can drive down the road we can answer our phone change the radio station eat something there's Wyatt sand stuck in people's head when a steer comes left they just keep driving on straight down the arena so if you have something like that it's a challenge for you you may also put your loop down take that steer that drives left like mess says that let with and stay in your lane is is that algae we use an old school but you've got to stay left but you might put your rope down to achieve that perfect position first see how many times you could have roped him and then go back when you draw that steer again and have your rope in your hand I think to like what he talked about about pulling the dummy to you is we have to be able to rope just like here a little bit being able to recognize recognize size and size and our target up when when when when we're on the game to the steer so so many times we're here and we have to get here 1 2 3 instead of being able to recognize okay soon is like what what I what I want to do at schools is tell people I don't want you to do anything that I can't do physically I can't do anything but what what higher level Rovers do is when they get in position they're ready to rope as soon as they get in position they're ready to rote and they don't waste any time they're ready way before they get there to where as soon as they get in position their rope where sometimes if we don't really work on that at home on the dummy then we get in position but we're not ready to rope so now we're in position to be seven but now okay now I have to pick up my target I have to make sure my swings correct and now I throw to be eight or nine who where if we wouldn't really work on like he said earlier getting sizing up our target back here too as soon as we get here we're ready to rope where are you wide everything said how many little numbers real personally when we get a good steer you get a good light you score everything great and like he says you're right there how many times you see that header to fill that loop right down side of steers head and it flops right in the dirt next to this theory I mean it happens all the time almost every low numbers where you go to somebody's gonna cut a good light and get a good steer and they don't use them in that position like you watch where he's starting his loop from what we try to teach is we try to do what we call the I call Butler waitress and like not going to start your loop couple times and watch where his hand is according to his body and his height do what swing it yeah just go ahead and start your loop here his hands up there you think about where a waitress walks around a restaurant or she carry your food back here and a good drill if you want to learn to get you a rope up quicker if you start here and just turn it over and acquire your target like you said your first swing should be straight at your steers head and when you can get your your loop rolled over and acquire your target you can literally spin off and have power on your second and third swing and not be in that position where when you have one coming to your jaw gets here you don't make good use of it I'll show you that drill we do for Matt will pull it back to him a little bit and then if you want to your head if you want to try this drill too okay hang on lift them back up can you hear me can you guys hear me yep okay bring it to me I've never tried this before but it's kind of nervous anybody who's gotten really good has really really high percentage sketches they get to the steer they can take a few swings and they want to up the level of their game this is one of the best drills you can do this is one of those things it's not a mathematical position anything else you have to learn in your own swing and your own position the gain of the steer it's just something you naturally acquire like timing of a steer the more you rope live cattle on the back feet and the more you're going to naturally acquire timing of this theory I'm gonna do it a little bit different this time I'm gonna wait all the way all the way all the way keep coming and then now just change the way I deliver on that when compared to a few things different it's got real close and so I had to really get my tip down what we do it lower numbered ropers is I'll take a rock or pocket knife or something like that I'll get them in their position get where they're perfect spot is and I'll mark that ground with it right here and that way as I'm pulling this dummy back I can visually see when to stop which would simulate the rate of a horse and that we're at that spot that way if you want to take that one or two swings you can do it there's a lot of loan of the Rovers that leave the Box hold on the saddle horn they ride up there and they don't really start swinging till they almost get in a perfect position so that's a great drill to do to is mark the ground hold the dummy to that spot take a couple swings and then reel the rope the dummy so but like we talked about - don't don't get don't get fixed into one spot and theme this is my lucky spot because you're not gonna get that lucky spot in every roping you have to be able to and I'm not talking about have to be able to reach but you have to be able to have a big area that we're able to wrote from some steers run and they get off to the right and you have to build a rope a little bit more off to the right some steers run a little bit and we have to be able to extend ourselves out in front of us a little bit sometimes we have a slow steer and we didn't throw and we have to be able to rope a little tiny bit closer and the trick to winning and losing it's being able to recognize during the run okay this deer is a little bit a little bit further off to the right I just have to change where I deliver and roll them off to the right or this deer really really runs I have to be able to just same swing I'm just gonna let one coil go push my like you know a long ways but push push it down front of me a little bit just recognize a little bit of difference during the run and know how to deliver different any other headers okay let's want to come up into a few loops here and we haven't got any heater someone come up and try Hilde pet it we need a girl now you're not gonna come what about your dad make him come huh come on he's looking behind him you're not Roper's make the worst liars - I don't wrote that's yeah that's an addiction we have so is there any other healers or headers don't want to come on up and go and feed loops and let Matt work with you a little bit anyone anyone you want to go and try that drill where we pull it to you and turn a few loops come on up you're in it you're gonna get up there and heal a couple times you're not a team Roper tell you what I want you to I'm gonna pull it back to you tell me where your sweet spot is okay right there I got here a business I'm gonna mark that ground so that way if he wants to wait til it's right there he rides position takes his first high percentage shot versus trying to really go after it we know where to stop that dummy and again when you watch lower numbered headers a lot of times if the steer is outrunning them they start leaning in their stirrups trying to get closer trying to get closer trying to get closer and they give up everything good that they've practiced here on the ground it's really it's hard sometimes to make yourself ride correct good body posture stay up straight and when one's out running it's natural to try to get a little closer by leaning forward and really it usually is what slows your horse down if you lean on and get your weight over that horse is starting to back off because he thinks you're already delivered feels you get up like you're gonna throw your rope and you're just praying here about six inches closer hey you ready let me know you're ready so he waited till got right to a sweet spot took his Hurst first opportunity and stuck it on him this one here he got the sneer of the day I mean he rolls up on this one here as fast as he can and and uses it it's real important that you don't Sears like that you get them a slow stairs come out you cut a good light those steers are gonna be the ones that you're gonna win the go round on may be fast I'm gonna go round on and if you're not ready and you don't have your first swing up and it's correct ready rope when you're second third they're gonna beat you you ready head loops and loops deal alright any other questions about are we on time over there how are we doing 50 minutes okay good deal maybe else want to come up and wrote this gonna come on throw a few loops tonight come on up how do we got here he looks like it's like a Roper yeah maybes gonna spin it for you get ready one of the things when you're gonna heal this dumb in your plan to your friends you don't want to stand high I really try to use this dummy to make it as real as I can for practice I stay back and stay off the dummy it's a big body it's wings until it starts moving don't turn in and try to rope but if you just sit up here like this and just wait for it to turn and rope it you're effectively not doing a whole lot for yourself so staying back just like you would high to the hip maybe at the most and turn in like I get that head horse pulling ran out of her ring we're gonna have to reel it in a little bit more or left there this time deal what number hit her are you it's a three plus one thirteen that one number you six all right we won't we won't tell anybody pretty true that one there when you guys are stepping left to that's one of the things that we'll have a lot of higher numbered headers and there's a step left that tip will a tip of that loop we'll hit that shoulder kind of skip up and we'll miss that horn so it makes you stay up and stay crack keep your shoulder even if your horse is moving keep your shoulders Square to your target oh so you're a calf roper are you all right you gonna rope the calf head a couple times all right get on an official calf roper today you guys what's your name Opie Hughes from plumbing st. George I think they got my red for that thing Colby messed up I'm sorry about that we're gonna slip off there but okay do that trick roping what did he do hey guys he breaks it he buys it right is that how it works we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna have issues with that until we get a ranch over here tighten that up you want to go ask him for the pliers yeah that's probably it it's the heads designed to slip right in and out so you go to someone you want to switch from head into healin you can just flip it off his pliers will tighten it up for you what kind of dummy do you rope now Laila hey why do you prefer bail hey yeah when this design of this calf Ropin dummy what we did is we wanted a head that was down low but it's something that didn't have anything that would grab it nothing on the back of the ears so when a person throws a loop maybe their buildups too long and it hits at the back of the head that we've actually just skipped right off when going to the ground when the roping that calf's head in the center of their loop at the right plane it's gonna it's gonna it's gonna go on every single time so all right Katherine's officially attached a lot of the families that have kids that are open stuff to it's nice for them to have you can just flip it off and then we go right off on the ground a lot of the kids that they have dads a team rope head heel whatever this dummy really it it it takes away having to haul all these different devices for them to practice on they can switch off and have a kid rope and calves to take the head off with the steer head on it loops when you step back aways to to reach on this dummy I don't know if you've noticed but go back a little bit like he really had to reach out and get one how much of the back of that head do you see from there that's right it almost disappears I mean you've really got it Foster's the mental deal to keep your your hand up high your tip down low where's it that Hedrick in it they can throw a really flat loop and that's not what you're gonna catch cabs with a big flat loop so this this dummy again does almost it mentally tricks you into getting your hand up getting your tip down really looking for it when you watch a calf roper standing the stirrups when he backs in the Box the swing he doesn't sit there and swing flat he's up over his horse with his tip down swinging out here this captain dummy makes you carry your loot the same way okay appreciate thanks for thanks for roping okay Clyde's question was he has a bad shoulder and he can't get his arm up so he has to keep his arm down so we're just gonna work we just just for one second on looking at heeling this with Clyde swing hey we've got Clyde fixed anyone else that wants to hear like what I told them his head is easy easier if you if you can't get your arm up to cover the horns with your arm with your arm down but heeling is a lot tougher but what we're gonna work on is moving up a little bit move up and over a little bit more Clyde move over more other way see right there he's behind it so I know but you we need over here we need over here but with my arm down here I can still reach around the feet and get my tip through but from here where the angle you were with your horse's head it's gonna be hard to get your tip to because you're gonna want to come here but move up here okay which is a little bit too far to the left but I can keep my shoulder down here and I can still reach around the feet and get my tip through and catch for my touch but just move up a little bit and up and over one of the things that we talk about when we talk about position for heel and if you think about how easy it is for us to park our Ford trucks and dodge trucks and grocery store parking lots these days you know you gotta get way to the left and then turn in and try to make that corner if you look at where you stand heeling what's that you look at where you stand here like Matt's trying to tell him if you think about it's your own parking spot we got room to open your doors up here to the left side of that steer and you just keep that in mind at all times if you're a healer that's kind of the mental place you need to be you know how to have a little clearance for your horse but you need to be able to see those feet on the other side okay right there on that loop that Clyde this rope he had great tip control which is the hardest part but he brought it whoop he had no bottom to it so what we're going to do this time is exact same tip control okay we're going to pull our tip to but then when our tip comes through we're gonna set our bottom down to where we have our bottom underneath our feet so look at your right leg and when your tip comes to set your bottom underneath that leg okay see right there exact same thing but we just got our tip get our bottom down when it came through and now we have it we have it right when it hits because what we want what we want when we're healing like people talk about timing and rope and feet but time timing is not just rope and the feet can heal consistently you have to be able to get your bottom on the ground even though I want to be I want to be in perfect time and I want to rope the feet but I still have to get my bottom on the ground and let my loop stop and then and then elevate healing is not just well I'm in perfect time so I'm just didn't rope defeat you will not catch consistently if you try to rope defeat even even like light we can get our swing up but we still have to get our gift too and our bottom on the ground and now I can catch every time but if I'm trying to come up with my heel loop I will not get my bottom on the ground if my bottom isn't sitting on the ground my percentage will go down another thing that we can't do healing is when we start to throw so many times people start to throw and soon as their little hits they start to pull their flash well what happens when you when you elevate your body you start to throw a perfect loop but when you elevate your body and pull as soon as you come up your bottom strand comes up so even Clyde with with a little bit messed up swing can catch it if he will stay here and stay here down until his bottom comes through and he covers the feet and then come up that loop fell forward but the bottom came through stay here here okay his shoulders down here we're just going to reach around with our bottom on the ground and then we can come up but if we come up too soon as soon as we come up our bottom strand comes off the ground and you think man that was almost a perfect loop well what happens is if you come up too soon your bottom tram comes off the ground and you this is what this is what happened so I'll show you what happens I've seen it before oh so the only reason that happened is you were impatient with your delivery just stay a little bit more patient right here for just a split second and then come up catch it every time do it again quite go ahead I stole them all your time you have to do at least two times okay pull your tip to and get your bottom underneath the right leg put your bottom down can you see right there come through is bottom down for the second and then it just takes that long but you have to wait just like if you look at every what I say is every advertisement you see for a heel rope every healer is it's just right here just and that heel loop is sitting on the ground just for a second and then elevate something about Club you take and keep your focus up here where your tip angles gonna be down like here on the ground our dummy it's gonna give you more of that bottom strand contact on the ground as well if you'd keep your tip down to angle down a little bit don't try to scoop your hand underneath pull your tip to bottom down perfect oh good one of the things about his position it's so important in healing guys is if you're over the top of your steer and you're here one you're gonna be what leaning on your horse to see this deer which is gonna get your horse stopping a quarter but also you're gonna be trying to reach and rope underneath you can't you're trying to break a rope on the side legs from over here and mind you I've got lucky and pull off some you know lucky shots I think everybody who's healed is how to steer come underneath when pulled off a little shots you rope you're like okay feel it tugging you down you got two feet you feel pretty cool but it's definitely what you want to try to do every time we're do the left side of this when you think about this when you're over here to the left side of that steer and you deliver that he loop it's gonna actually break just like my arm would break and the tip would go in when you're over it on the other side of it your tip shoots through there's a lot of times I mean how many healers have ever heard that great sound where you see this big they're like man I had three foot of that gate sticking out the left side well we had more than three foot because the Hondo's under there the whole tips through there and he lifts up and he gets here think and then you're open just pops out because that Hondo gets inside this right leg it starts pushing the hon do closed as you pull your loop on sizes everything down you usually end up with no feet not even a leg so it's another thing it's real important about keeping maintaining that left position and the drill you can do at home and what we do on this really fine-tune that entry is I'll turn around and I'll set a bucket right over here and so as I approach the dummy I make myself instead of coming at a corner like this and closing my shoulders I'll actually make myself walk forward up around that bucket and then turn into my own parking spot and maintain this position here where I've got a little bit of width so if you find yourself walking it at a corner take some time just set a bucket on the ground something you're gonna have to walk up and around so you're gonna emulate that same move that you're on horseback going up around the corner and turn it in and get up to your target and getting to where you're ready to roll so anytime you get underneath it's not a good thing so I think we're about ready to wrap it up is there any last-minute questions everybody came in late has any questions alright good deal I would like to thank Matt Sherwood joining us today Thunder squash team here but also uh but also thanks for other sponsors shooting help here is one of our sponsors and if you guys haven't checked out their shoots you need to get back there and and see those they are they're super efficient cattle working they're just something you got it you got to go back and put your hands on to really get your mind wrapped around so thank you all for today for for being here we'll be here tomorrow afternoon if you'd like to come again ladies and gentlemen John McCarthy and Matt Sherwood
Channel: NRS World - National Roper's Supply
Views: 46,314
Rating: 4.7317071 out of 5
Keywords: Team Roping, National Finals Rodeo
Id: KPwIr8jn0YM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 26sec (3506 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 05 2015
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