2014-06-22. 3. Shane Willard. Hope flows through suffering.

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and we embrace it and we love that any system of religion that tries to motivate your behavior through fear of a wrathful God is not the kingdoms of this Christ even if there's a 25-foot cross over the top of the building that is not what Christ died for Christ died so that you would know that you don't know God anything for all your sins are forgiven and everything you think you owed God was nailed to the cross and the cross worked and we embrace that and we love that and we value that and we own that but that's not what I want to talk to you about tonight I want to talk to you about the other part this is the next line and having disarmed the powers and authorities he made a public spectacle of them triumphing over them by the cross so T'Pol the cross was at least two facets one facet the forgiveness of all sins all indebtedness anything you think you owe God has now been wiped clean because he nailed it to the cross but the other side of it is this he not only died to forgive you he died to set you free from anything that's acting like a slave driver in your life here now today there's one element of the cross that is some day some day some day the lion in the lamb some day no more crying some day no more tears there's a whole nother element of the cross that is here now today to Paul Jesus didn't just die to forgive you of sins Jesus died to free you from anything acting like a slave master in your life right now so that we never ever sing songs like our God is bigger our God is greater God you are higher than any other but then we go home and we know our anger has us our lust tells us our fear has us our greed has us our impoverished mindset have us no no no no no no no Jesus didn't just die to forgive you for where you mess up Jesus died to set you free from the very thing that is holding slave-driver e over your life now to understand that we have to understand this Exodus chapter 3 this idea goes only about next to chapter 3 this is what it says and the Lord said I've indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt and I've heard them crying out because of their slave drivers and I'm concerned about their suffering so I'm gonna come down and rescue them the idea is that somebody somewhere something is doing something to your life that is causing you misery and suffering and God is not happy with it and he is determined to save you from it the word rescue there is the same root word we get the word salvation from save delivered whatever you want to call it you could easily translate it so God's gonna come down and save them he's gonna come down and save them and this says there's a sense of salvation that is some day some day some day but there's a whole nother sense of salvation that is here now today that God does - God doesn't just want to save you so you could go to heaven when you die God wants to free you from your slave drivers so you can experience heaven here on earth right now now to understand this we have to understand that this goes back to Genesis chapter 2 Genesis chapter 2 verse 10 it says a river was watering the garden flowed from Eden and from there it was separated into four headwaters the name of the first was called Pishon and it winds through the entire land of havilah where there is gold and the gold is perfect if you could just keep this slide right there because I want to talk you through this passage it was so full of stuff the name of the first river was called Pishon the word Pishon if you break it down to its roots just means hope actually if if you break it down into its individual letters and you put the pictures on the individual letters what you see is a picture of something that's been consumed like you've lost your voice and then suddenly it multiplies again the idea is that something is dead and suddenly something you thought was dead burst forth with life maybe we could think about it like this like an extinct volcano we thought it was dead but suddenly it is erupted it is burst forth with new life you might can call it resurrection or we could say hope so when an ancient Hebrew person read this what they read was was there's a river called Hope and it's winding through the entire land of havilah the word Havilah is the root word suffering suffering so when an ancient Hebrew person read this passage here's what they read there's a river called Hope and it's winding through the entire land of sufferings in other words if you're in the land of suffering there's a river called Hope flowing somewhere in it you just got to go find it the problem is the problem is is that there's all kinds of rivers in the land of suffering there's a river called give up river called sell out a river called compromise a river called make matters worse but those aren't the rivers you want what you wants the river of hope and how do you know when you found the river of hope you can know you found the River of Hope when you find the river with perfect gold in it well how would you know when you find a river with perfect gold in it now this is something I've read about but I've also seen with my own two eyes I saw it in Perth Australia a scientist named Lance actually did this for me in his lab if you take perfect gold and you put it into water all it takes is one part gold to a hundred thousand parts of water and it'll turn all the water blood-red he did it - he did it for me in a.m. in a test - but he did is he put a couple nanoparticles of gold perfect gold um this is a barrel of gold sort of stuff anyway it was it was billionth of a gram of gold and it doesn't dissolve it creates a colloidal suspension and it turned the entire thing blood-red I'm talking about deep deep red cordial red I used to carry it around with me if I was gonna preach on this topic and what I would do is stand at the door and say hey thanks for coming hey it's good to have you hey thanks for coming thanks for coming and a hundred percent of the time someone would stop me and say why are you carrying your blood sample around it it looked just like that so I want you to think about this if there's perfect gold in the river called hope what color would the river be red so this is what it would say it would say when an ancient person read this it would say there's a river called Hope and it's winding through the entire land of suffering and you can know you found the River of Hope when you found the river of blood mmm oh but wait there's more um the word gold is also three letters those three letters have three pictures because all the all the Hebrew letters are pictures the first letter in the word gold is an eyeball means death see or behold the second letter is a man harvesting supply and the third letter is a house or a house of God so when a person read the word gold here's what they read behold the one who brings the substance for survival brings it to us in the house of God so when an ancient Hebrew person read this passage here's what they read there's a river called hope and it's winding through the entire land of suffering because behold the one who brings a substance for survival brings it to us in the house of God through a river of blood shoot come get you some one lap so an ancient Hebrew imagery when water turns red it means hope flows through suffering fast-forward to Egypt I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt and I've heard them crying out because of their slave drivers and I'm concerned about their suffering so I'm gonna come down and rescue them think through your Sunday School class how does God get the people out of Egypt he gets them out of Egypt through ten plagues what was the first plague all the water turns to blood to the Egyptians that was a curse but to the Hebrew people that was up there would have been a buzz in their camp hey did you hear all the waters turning red and when water turns red that means we're in the land of suffering but hopes on the way all the waters turning red hope flows through suffering God gets them out of Egypt and gets them to the banks of the Red Sea red water hope flows through suffering they get over the Red Sea they get to a mountain God calls Moses up the mountain Moses gets all the way up the mountain God says I forgot to tell you yet Aaron please go back and get him Moses goes back down the mountain and he finds them worshiping a gold cow and he loses the plot and he beats the gold cow into powder and he makes them throw the gold into the water coming out of the rock hang on a second if you take gold and throw it in water what colors have become oh he makes him drink it for the redemption of their sin hope flows through suffering it's even in creation anytime you see blood and water mixing together it means hope and suffering you're mixing like a woman giving birth I've never seen a woman give birth nor have I given birth nor do I think I've missed anything but here's what you see on TV big you know the pregnant woman let you out here and she goes she goes oh I don't think I've missed much um my water broke and when her water breaks she enters into a time of suffering labor and in her labor to liquids mixed together blood and water so that in the greatest suffering a woman will ever know out comes a bundle of joy when blood and water mixed together hope floats through suffering years later there's this guy um he's very important to us we believe he's Messiah they were wondering they're sort of working it all out he's a rabbi very important rabbi so he shows up he shows up at at this wedding in Cana and he performs his first miracle by turning all the water into wine what was his point was his point to provide adult beverages for the party no no no in that culture when you're under the boot of the Roman Empire and a guy turns all the water red what's he saying you're in the land of suffering now but homes fixin to come I am here to save the day later he's having the same rabbi later is having a very bad day and he ends up on a cross and pretty bad day and at the end they come around and name they stick a spear in his side and the gospel writer says that out of his side came a steady flow of blood and water what's he saying that at the foot of the cross even in the greatest suffering a man has ever known comes a steady flow of Hope Jesus didn't just die to forgive you Jesus died to bring hope to every place you feel suffering here now today if you ask somebody in the first century why did Jesus died on the cross the answer was not Jesus died on the cross to save me from my sins that's a later that's the last 200 year answer he's very very selfish sort of answer actually did Jesus tell the cross to save you from your sins yes but it's bigger than that Jesus died on the cross to redeem and reconcile the whole world back to himself and so when we make the cross selfish it actually I think takes away value from it and we tend to make me the cross selfish it's even in our songs he took the fall and thought of me above oh really Jesus thought they're dying for the whole world he's thinking about you and he's not just thinking about you he's think about you more than anybody else how do you even sing that song in a group he took the fall and thought of me more than you what a ridiculous notion if you ask someone at the first-century why did Jesus tell the cross this is what they would have said Jesus died on the cross to defeat the devil the enemy of our soul in his entire way of living that it wasn't just forgiveness it was an in-your-face confrontation to an entire way of life so went back and read the Gospels with that in mind here's what I was looking for I wanted to find every time Jesus did an in-your-face confrontation to oppression I wanted to find every time Jesus did an in-your-face confrontation to the big guys lording over the little guys I wanted to fight and once I started looking for it I found it everywhere there was this one time Jesus has an encounter with a guy named Zacchaeus remember little short guy supposedly up a tree can't you know thousands of people he's trying to see Jesus and Jesus stops though all the thousands of people says hey that kiss you come down cuz I'm gonna eat with you today and it says that kiss was so moved with the compassion of Jesus that he said look here and now I'll give half of what I have to the poor and Jesus says that's it salvation has come to your house is Jesus allowed to do that no temple visit no sacrifice no sinner's prayer no altar call no Romans 10:9 and 10 and he's calling a guy saved that is so in your face is Jesus allowed would he be allowed to do that today could he do that in pretoria or does he have to run it by you and what if he did run it by you what would you said what have you two been standing there what if he looked at you said what do you reckon I do with this guy you go I don't know Jesus what do you reckon you know what do you see his heart change there I think I'm gonna I think I'm gonna call him saved and not just him I think I'm gonna call his whole house saved what would you've said well Jesus you own the whole world do what you like or would you be the person quoting scripture as to why he's not allowed to do that because if you're number two you're annoying that's so in-your-face he called a guy saved without a temple visit without a sacrifice without a sinner's prayer without Romans 10:9 and 10 and without an altar call what's he thinking dears is one time Jesus was at a prostitutes house now what's going on at a prostitutes house in the first century prostitution like Jesus is between customers right which would be the oddest place in the world to run into Jesus wouldn't it can you imagine coming out of the back room and running into Jesus you'd be like oh Jesus hey man I eyes just here to use the toilet the buffets awesome it says it says Jesus has this encounter with the prostitute I don't remember all about it but just what this one do remember it says that the prostitute was so moved with the compassion of Jesus that she knelt down and washed his feet with her hair remember what Jesus said that's it all your sins are now forgiven is Jesus allowed no temple visit no sacrifice no sinner's prayer no Romans 10:9 and 10 no altar call he calls a woman forgiven because she washed his feet with her hair are you allowed to get saved that way or is Jesus a heretic - what if he ran it by you what would you have said well Jesus you own the whole world do what you like or would you be quoting scriptures - why you can't do that and aren't you glad that's not the rule like like what if she met you one day sir are you one day sir are you one day sir are you who are you are you what if she said how did you meet the risen Christ he said I came to church the Holy Spirit moved my heart and I came forward and asked Jesus into my heart to be my personal Lord and Savior it's the greatest day of my life I never want to ever go back it was awesome how would you feel if she went what you didn't wash his feet with your hair I mean with all respect to you two for you to wash his feet with your hair would be a three-man job you'd have to be turned upside down and used like a buffer and so in your face there's this one time Jesus on a cross and the guy next to him can't breathe all he can say is hey man please remember me and what does Jesus say well boat you better hurry up and say the sinner's prayer they're not gonna think you're saved in 2014 I honestly thief on the cross goes sinner's prayer what's that Auster's prayer they make up in 1830 to help people like getting to know me you know if they meant well but they just turn into a it's unbelievable what's it based on based on Romans 10:9 and 10 Romans oh it hasn't been written yet it's alright but you just got it you got it you gotta sorta get with the program here you know Jesus goes no no Jesus goes no no no that's enough that's enough that's enough there's this one time I have a file on my computer called scriptures I don't know what to do with and this is in there and I'm glad I'm glad that there's certain parts about God I can't figure out this I would think if I ever could figure got out I was serving the wrong God um it says this Ellison in the last 18 months I've done the seventh-day adventists National Conference I've done a Baptist Conference I've done in SLE a God conference I've done a Presbyterian thing an Anglican thing I've done a Catholic citywide conference I I've just I've preached to weird Pentecostals I've done everything okay um and none of them would have an answer for this not that I know of it says that and that's okay it's okay the head not have answers it's just okay to say how cool is God um it says that Jesus is preaching in a full house and there was a paralyzed guy and he couldn't get in and it says his four friends taken to the roof and then they cut a hole in the roof and they lower the guy in four four quarters male but which is so chaotic like I don't care how good of a preacher I am if somebody repels from the ceiling it's over right the meetings over so this guy comes down to Jesus his feet and this is what it says and Jesus saw the faith of his friends and proclaimed his sins forgiven his Jesus allowed would you have let him do that can you can you proclaim someone sins forgiven because they have the right friends is that it is is ever time where you could be forgiven because someone else is believing for you I don't know I told you I didn't know but I do know this if you're a mom and you're believing for your unbelieving children you keep doing that Jesus sees that stuff man uh-huh a later author said it this way Paul he said it's the faith of a saved wife that can save an unbelieving husband do we believe that or is Paul a heretic - somebody asked me once well you say it's shade you say you go to heaven by marrying the right woman okay first of all totally not the point if that's your question you're not listening that that's that's one two who goes to heaven who goes to hell is above my pay grade and it's above yours can you go to heaven by marrying the right woman I do not know I do know this if you marry the wrong woman you'll live in Hell today uh-huh - to honor arenas requests for you single adults that were here this morning listen this was my advice never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ask someone to change while you're dating you're already getting their best behavior if their best behavior is not good enough leave and put away your list hmm put away your list start blooming where God planted you quit believing God for stuff you don't have until you are being fully faithful with what God's giving you right now oh man Jesus is awesome hey in your face ain't no sacrifice no temple visit no sinner's prayer no Romans 10:9 and 10 no altar call and he's forgiving people he's calling them saved oh that's in your face there's so many of these but I don't want to go too late tonight because you'll get mad at me and turn on me so I want you to think though to me the most in your face confrontation in the whole thing was the story I hated let me let me ask you this question it hit that next slide for me what's the absolute worst story involving Jesus's life in ministry to you oh I I'm gonna tell you mine and then I want hey I want you to think though I want you to give thought to this to this question is there any story about Jesus that embarrasses you as a Christian like is there any story that Jesus did and you're going I hope to god no one ever asked me about that that is just so awful now what I'm going to say in the next 60 seconds is going to sound awful but I'm gonna ask you to stay with me because it ends really really really well there is a story from Jesus's life that I just could not believe made it into the Bible I actually thought to myself how did that make it surely that can't be true it's a story that as pastors we actually talk about it behind closed doors and none of us know what to do with it and that story it is the story of the Pool of Bethesda are you familiar enough with the story alright I don't have to recent have to read it if you'll let me tell it it's just plain awful um essentially this is what it says it says every Nyssa John chapter 5 it says every now and then an angel would stir the water of the Pool of Bethesda and when the angel stirred the water only the first one in got healed anybody have a problem with that what sort of jerk God does that right this is the picture of paints gods in heaven and he's bored and he says I know what we'll do let's send an angel down there every now and then to stir the water in that pool and then only the first one in gets healed this will be a blast let's entertain ourselves on the misfortune of sick people because our God is la I hated that story what kind of sick perverse God entertains himself by sending an angel down every now and then there's stir water to only let the first one in gets healed then next picture showed Jesus shows up and seems to participate Jesus shows up and he picks the sickest dude in the room he doesn't pick the guy with a headache he doesn't pick the guy was sort of a sore neck he picks the guy that's been paralyzed for 38 years and if you're honest when you read the story Jesus is being sarcastic he walks up to the guy and he goes what's the matter bro it ain't working for you the paralyzed guy goes ah but rabbi I'm paralyzed you know you know the rules only the first one in gets healed and that jerk over there with a sore throat keeps jumping in and I keep trying to raise it with it bro you only have a sore throat wait till the next time or they won't I've been sitting here all my life 38 years I've been sitting here and no one will let me get in no one will even help me right it's horrible really 38 years we tend to read the Bible unemotional well just for a second if you're here and you're over 38 years old you have a concept over 38 years at 38 years like I'm 38 years old I'm 30 I said I'm 38 years old that lady wait what happened to you did you go through experimental chemo their fears are they did they test you in a lab no I just went gray early I know I just I'm a grey at 24 it's done great things for my career and horrors from my love life horrors I was asked on a date last year by 58 year old woman my mom's 59 you know imagine that it's like hey MA this is sue I think y'all went to school together 38 years paralyzed that's a long time ma'am so here's what you got just to summarize this board God every now and then sends an angel down to stir the water and when he stirs the water only the first one in gets healed that's very unfortunate then Jesus shows up and he's sarcastic with the sickest guy in the room essentially he says the start waters not working for you bro and the paralyzed guy states the obvious he says we'll only the first one in gets healed and I could never be the first one in what a horrific story how did that ever make it into the Bible I just never preached on it ever figured there's other things to talk about I just hope God no one ever asked me about it until I went there when I tell you that story in your imagination how big is the Pool of Bethesda in my imagination it's about as big as this intersection and I just thought people would be sitting around it'd be about three foot deep they wait on the angel to stir the water and then you try to get in that's what I thought huh let me show you a picture of the Pool of Bethesda hit the next light this is the Pool of Bethesda just to give you some perspective that is a hundred meters long by 35 meters wide by 40 foot deep to give you some perspective if you see see at the top right-hand corner of the picture there is a person crossing the bridge see that that's a grown man that's huge man now here so here's what happened one of the top history experts in Jerusalem has been listening to my stuff and he called me and said I'd like to invite you and I'll mentor you in history and you talked to me about the Holy Spirit it's like a so we're walking into Jerusalem and this is what he does he goes yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that's Bethesda and I just figured he had the same rule as me we don't talk about that but I had to stop him because you I told you the story of a Thesz day and that's the Pool of Bethesda well what's your quit I said excuse me is this the place where the angel stirs the water and then the first one in gets healed and he said yes if that's the case what's your quit looking at that what's your question my question is my question I asked him was how many people died there okay can you imagine that like you're paralyzed you're sitting on the banks of that and if someone says angels are in the water and you're like and you don't realize till you're in the water that you're number two you're so gone bro so gone so I asked the guy I said how many people died here his face you see this is the one Isis guys have ever met also the most intelligent his face he couldn't hide his face his face was like have you ever read a book in your life what what actually came out of his mouth was was you're kidding everybody knows this so then I felt stupid because everybody knows that I don't know so I said yeah yeah man everybody knows this but won't you let me in or what it is everybody knows cuz there's like some people in South Africa I promise you they don't know all right I don't know I do know but I need to make sure I know what everybody knows he went oh my we must talk about this because if you're thinking what I think you're thinking that would make god awful I said I know and then he said this he said let me ask you questions what religion was ruling Jerusalem when Jesus walked the earth and I said Judaism and I was wrong he said no the religion ruling Jerusalem when Jesus walked the earth was Roman Caesar worship they allowed other gods to operate under the authority of Rome Judaism was just one temple allowed in Jerusalem he said there was upwards of 40 pagan gods in Jerusalem there was Dionysus there was at us there was Adonis there was Mithras there was Horus they were Serapis there was almond raw there was a similar there was Diana there was Artemis there was the goat god Pan in the north then he said this you didn't think the angel in John chapter 5 was the angel of our God did you any cross my mind he said no man he said Bethesda was pagan he said Bethesda was the headquarters of the Greek god Serapis who was the god of healing he said what you're looking at right here where I'm standing is on the ruins of the temple of Serapis I'm taking a photo like taking a photo of their front lawn like this he said but this this big pool would overflow at times and it was at a high point in the city and so they had trouble with the water getting into the city so to keep it from overflowing what they did is they built a small catchment pool on the other side of the temple so you've got the big pool and then you've got the temple and then you've got the small catchment pool and the people at the small catchment pool couldn't see over to the big pool and so let me show you a picture of the small catchment pool next slide this is the small catchment pool all I did when I took the photograph was this boom boom alright and I'm standing at the temple this is about three feet deep it's about the size of the center section of the sanctuary here you can see the holes there that was the aqueduct system that where they've moved water from the big pool to the small pool now I want you to think about it for a second if you're standing in 3 feet of water in the small pool and they all of a sudden have to move water from the big pool to the small pool what does it look like it looks like bubbles are stirring so the Romans the Roman guards the Roman government at the time they approached the priests of Serapis has said listen here's what we'll do Serapis is the Greek god of healing let's tell the people that it's the angel of Serapis stirring the water when we do that and that only the first one in gets healed the priest of Serapis said you're going to run into a problem and the problem is is that they don't they're not gonna actually get healed the Roman government said no we'll handle that and what they did is they used a plant and so what they did is they put their own guy there and then what they did is they said listen you poor and afflicted people the angel of Serapis stirs the water every now and then you need to pay us a premium and we'll give you the closest seat to the pool and so what they would do is they put their plant there they give him a signal before they did it by the time they were doing it their plant would shout he jump into the water and by the time everybody was looking the water was already stirring around him and he would walk out of the pool hall and healthy the problem was he was already whole and healthy Bethesda was Roman extortion of the poor and afflicted now I can preach it so Jesus shows up in the middle of this Roman extortion of the poor and the afflicted he doesn't pick a moderately sick person he picks the sickest dude in the room and he makes the scene he says what's matter bro this ain't working for you and the guy goes but rabbi I can't be the first one in and without the help of stirred water Jesus says get up on your mat and walk come on man you don't have to put your faith one more day in the power of stirred water the Spirit of God doesn't operate like that the Spirit of God is for all people everywhere and it's time for you to walk that's so in your face essentially you guys can sit here and keep putting your faith in stirred water if you want or you can come with me so the history teacher finished telling the story and my question was everybody knows that where do you learn that this is what he said Shana I'm 65 years old and I've never once ever ever ever even considered that any person would think it was the angel of our God because our God doesn't operate like that I said yeah but how do you know that he said I live here I said yeah but how would he said Shane check the pool out here's the here's the small pool that I'm showing you now see where that shadow ends see where the shadow and the bottom ends see there's a yellow plaque there okay that's in the middle the Pool of Bethesda there's no way you can read that plaque unless you have twenty-five vision okay so what I did is I blew it up for you it says temple of Serapis it's on a plaque in the middle of the pool everybody knows this it gets worse next to the plaque is a billboard let me show you the Billboard see at the top it says Bethesda over to the right is the Pool of Bethesda that we read about in the Bible if you look in the middle of that there's an English description of what that was and what does it say pagan medicinal baths right underneath that what does it say pagan temple so I'm a billboard next to the pool where there's a plaque which leads me to this question how many pastors go to Jerusalem every year why haven't we ever heard this listen if we were wrong about Bethesda what else could we be wrong about maybe we shouldn't be so quick to close our conversations about God and more quick to open great discussions about the greatness of our God bethesda was pagan it's on a plaque it's on a billboard Jesus shows up in the middle of pagan extortion of the poor and says enough is enough I'm gonna do an in-your-face confrontation to the entire way you're treating people not one more day not one more day yes let me close the night out with a few questions number one next like what's driving you that you need deliverance from I'm not concerned about tonight I am concerned but tonight I'm not so concerned about whether or not you're saved in the sense of one day I want to know for those of you who follow Jesus I want to know what do you need deliverance from now let's say this way what are you doing to help free others from their slavery the Bible says what you make happen for others God makes happen for you the best way to be freed from your slavery is to actively participate in freeing other people from theirs number three what where's God been unknown to you but is now known in other words what what can you remember a moment where you had an aha moment and God set you free from something don't ever give up don't ever ever ever get up my message to you tonight is there's blood in the water hope flows through suffering if you're in the land of suffering there's a river called Hope flowing somewhere through it you just got to go find it and don't give up you might be twenty four hours away from the greatest revelation you've ever heard that sets you free let's say it this way next slide is there any place that you've put your hopes for the restoration for your restoration into the hands of the powers that have been publicly defeated in other words where are you sitting around waiting on stirred water when the power of stirred water has already been trumped by the power of the Living God they'll say this way where do you need salvation for your house today here now today let me pray for you Lord we love you we honor you we proclaim your king why don't you just pray this prayer underneath your breath Lord give me the courage to see things different and the irresistible urge to respond to what I see lord I speak life in healing and hope to flow through every person in here who's in the land of suffering I speak hope and restoration and Reconciliation why don't you just pray that over the person on your right I speak hope and restoration and reconciliation and then o person on your left I speak hope and reconciliation and restoration may you be set free from your slave drivers if you're here tonight you've never received what Jesus did for you before the foundation of the world I want you to respond to God know you know I don't know what to say you don't need anything to say but you need something to say you can say something like this Lord I have no hope I bring nothing to the table I'm choosing to put my trust in your version of my story instead of my own would you please teach me how to live be my Lord you know Lord would you steal that in us tonight amen I mean would you look this way thanks so much let me be your guest this weekend I was a real blessing to you on the way out would you please be so
Channel: Lewende Woord Brummeria
Views: 8,521
Rating: 4.7647057 out of 5
Keywords: Church, Christian, Lord, Faith, God
Id: Qd71UdG0Xck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 54sec (2454 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 23 2014
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