2013 - Chris Johnson - "How the Book of Mormon Destroyed Mormonism"
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Views: 204,613
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Keywords: Chris Johnson, Mormonism, Book of Mormon, Scientific method, Research, askreality, Ask Reality, Late War Between, First Book of Napoleon, big data, truth, Chiasmus, The late war, Gilbert J Hunt, Joseph Smith Jr. (Founding Figure)
Id: GAGasQ7j_ZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 11sec (4871 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 25 2013
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
TL;DR: "Philosophies of men mingled with scripture" was what JS actually did but THEN wrote a ceremony demonizing the thought of it. Ballsy.
I think you posted this here before. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Glad itβs being reposted.
The interesting paradox to me is that Mormonism would never have survived and become the successful fraud that it is without its sweeping black and white claims. Yet, it is those claims that will be its undoing, because they don't withstand basic scrutiny, science, logic, the test of time, common sense, rational morality, or fact.
Simple examples include: BOM the most perfect book with the fullness of the gospel; priesthood power of God; only true church; only way back to live with God for eternity; the translation of the BofA; the First vision; the restoration of the priesthood; history of the earth; Garden of Eden in Missouri; evolution / dinosaurs; polygamy / polyandry; Word of Wisdom; Proclamation on on the family versus natural occurring LGBTQ people, origins of the temple (and virtually every aspect of the temple), etc.
Of all the things I learned after leaving the church, few things made my jaw drop as far as hearing about how Joseph was neither the only, nor the first person in early 19th-century revivalist America to manufacture stories about the supposed Christian history of ancient America. In fact, it seems that very little of what he claimed was prophecy was even original thought for that time and place.
Just, wow, ya'll.
This video and work is very underappreciated. Thanks for posting.
Proven plagiarized by contemporary sources Joe had access too. Proven historically impossible given the claims made in the book compared to all archaeological evidence. And Proven to be sourced by a known con-man whose other verifiable "translations" are proven fake.
The book of Mormon isn't a keystone supporting the church, it's a millstone around the neck drowning it.
This was the first "anti-mormon" anything I ever looked at. Thank you for cracking my shelf and helping me take off the blinders!!
I got a few minutes in and had to stop watching because of the guy smacking his lips constantly.
Mulek means Cain? Haha π
This page has mor interesting information about Melek. http://morrigandunn.blogspot.com/2010/04/melek-taus-peacock-god-of-yazid.html?m=1