2012 - Florida State vs Clemson Highlights

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straight selected Florida State that's one of his finalist this year and they are on a roll they're gonna be a challenge I mean there would be one that if not the best one of the best offensive away here like the difficult Florida State teams that I've seen in past years the stack three wives of the left first thing they play here early this game now fire this first downhill lead the way for Chris Thompson he'll take you to the action and opposite to the 40 Kirby for the first time 45-yard and it's first down walking Thompson's out front he's helping out also Rodney's doing a good job when you get the receivers blocking downfield it helps out love to see Chris Thompson getting involved not just running the football but being willing to block safety was pressing in the box I want you to watch the quarter minute here each a band roots what I'm talking about he recognizes the safety extra run support so he's going to see moving to play over to the left a stretch play to the left what I think this plays become the bread and butter for this Florida State team you can see the stretch here the nice block here the linebacker and it once you see it for the first time slides down at the 39 to the repertoire slate back the second angle as it my charity pass protection that's the concern the matchup right here on the outside because of his twist he stepped down leaving Carradine tonight a little bit more shotgun chops Gail inaudible and they finally take into Reggie Bush but the way he accelerates with his jump cuts like a LaMichael James Pentagon right there that you don't see most banks with the ability to bounce like that and then accelerate in the middle of the process of the cut he went first 74 and 80 yard technique 15 remember after that penalty ride Thompson AJ back come so the linebackers see this movement they step up waiting to find the window he had to get the ball rolling over top of Willard who didn't quite commit to the play-action fake but a lot of movement in front of the linebackers Pro fire is there James Wilder the big back is behind prior prior leads the way Wilder steps to the right while there touchdown James at 14 first down and ten ties boy keeps it himself there's a player who is down as water with the helmet coming off he's Scranton goes out of it pirate he's out to the party - touchdown for the first down 2004 the first down to the bills analyzed manual back into the pocket thirty-five is at the 23-yard was pushed out by Jimbo Fisher they brought the linebackers manual waited he baited them and waited and then dumps it down to Thompson who has three blockers downfield and he gets huge yards gets him well into field goal range here with a minute 14 he was very close in coverage first down snapped it off beautifully the football gear jammed at the point of attack Emmanuel jet sweep around hey Benjamin breaks three Willard saves that touchdown for Kelvin Benjamin watch Cameron urban get downfield the left tackle blocking them able to spring him loose the receivers also really good job of blocking by grains and then there's feet look at this guy 65 242 pounds running down the sidelines and eventually Clemson barely catches up to him I'm thinking about I'm going to throw it out to the flat possibly try to find a fullback this is a design run turn the corner the defense is committed down second down seven right back commit to him make sure he can't make the tackle on the back he locks it on manual manual of course there's Lonnie Pryor leading the way with another blocks at a touchdown they're executed was racin to go down fiance here we go down Spencer Benton will kick this off he's gonna kick off the term a and effort here in a perfect time for a big return the full-back who's in there chat Abram does a good job but really this is just Joyner being an athlete out in space catches up the banks are going to cross becomes a gift to the outside the job pick it up move it back to the outside the defense's pica is the play-action and a beautiful moves and and green is left all alone for the touchdown making the play defensively in his own two feet with his safeties in detox kids the intended receiver he's 6 for 232 pounds running of the defense he's got great size and it past interference there at all Oh that the phone to the 31-yard line thinking back we did this a lot the first half keeping everything in front of him they don't want to give up the big play so Manuel si nobody open downfield so he comes underneath to a sugary Thompson James Wilder he has matched up mysterious oven but the bowl is just perfectly thrown he didn't even have to use his size advantage he's in rhythm Cristobal up and if you just thrown it right up and over said he practiced that wasn't row it into a bucket call receiver get that touchdown - fine great coverage innocent matchup we all want to see roads against Hopkins a balls thrown actually behind Hopkins he got to the inside he beat his man with a few throws you seen from Boyd behind the receiver James you just call for power he saves a power back I think this pretty much tells the story one jackal and then we're going to bring about three or four with this all the way down to about the nine yard line what an effort there but a young sophomore thirty five yards and some punishment he's coming in his teammates are going to congratulate him on his side on what a greeting he's giving the helmet right on the ball secure the football this is pinning it down let it go down big boy football with a stiff arm he did everything on one carry the touchdown to try much more aggressively up front a little stunt up there you see Warner getting in it gets a hand on the ball the linebackers the coverage I think is also tighter tonight and crepes enforce the front again cannot get first downs complete control danuel flares it out to the outside great debt by they rip down on that far side air midfield completion joking 37 we go to the Jets win boys warner from keep in mind the learners taking on a blocker and then has to have the speed to get out there on the outside there looking get impatient enforce the football says reminiscent to delete the year last year instead of just try to take off and pick up some yards hit play didn't have a chance trying to make something happen but if waste them didn't come up with that interception there's a pretty good chance that the market Joyner would him Chris Thompson is a running back are they fullback for EJ the 80 yards it shows just again gives his left hand them all the way from Humphries when you play too deep folks you gotta have a linebacker can buzz at deep middle comers that let's talk about to go congratulations our kids in our coaches our assistant coaches did a tremendous job at getting our guys ready half done my kids has a lot of character in these kids there's a lot of heart we got a great group of kids I'm blessed to be able to coach those guys for the first three quarters you didn't take a lead too late in the third quarter how did you keep this team believing well they think we've been through this situation a bit last year we told ourselves we knew is going to be tough things you remember in life are always tough you got to keep fighting that's the way we practice that's the way we play the way we think gonna win like this make you guys continue to believe and thanks so much good
Channel: pbysh
Views: 50,564
Rating: 4.7637796 out of 5
Keywords: Football, florida, state, seminoles, highlights, jimbo fisher, clemson, college, football, ej manuel
Id: sYEgDyK-yeI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 4sec (1024 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 27 2012
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