2010 Dallas Cowboys Highlights of the 1st 8 games of the Jason Garrett era.

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[Applause] in stride and Alec catch and a tumble by dez bryant's and the first real big play of this game it belongs to the rookie Dez Bryant 45 yards we're gonna see Dez Bryant inside release but then he gets back out towards the sideline Jon Kitna does a good job of laying it out and given Dez Bryant an opportunity to go get that ball we talked to Perry fuel the defensive coordinator and he said the one guy that we have to control is Dez Bryant he was scared to death of him probably because in that game in Dallas Dez Bryant was the only reason that game was even close Felix Jones at tailback there is again dez bryant's incomplete and brian wants the sideline to challenge it there was a juggle a near catch and let's take a look what an effort please anything there to say incomplete see yeah you know I think the fact that they ruled that an incompletion is why it probably won't be overturned it looked to me like he probably did get his right forearm under the ball but I don't think there's enough there here it is after reviewing the play the receiver had control is a touchdown [Applause] under a minute to go open a quarter here in the New Meadowlands Stadium and on first down Miles Austin want to throw from caetna and Austin is down inside the ten first and goal 44 yards from Jon Kitna well you're going to see the inside release here by Witten that ties up the safety here and so it's one on one on the outside and you're going to see the open field they're down the middle and just a perfectly thrown ball there by Jon Kitna the Cowboys if they wish could let the clock [Applause] this is picked off intercepted by McCann no one to get it Brian McCann on [Music] touchdown Dallas Cowboys there are no flags [Applause] as you're going to see but then he stops right there and McCann already had inside leverets but you have got to cross his face once you start there because the quarterbacks anticipating that you will and when you don't that's what happens 100 on the return and like dad with a Giants so close to maybe taking a lead McCann checks out himself up on the big screen the two head coaches Jason Garrett's Cowboys are up by 13 and off - Bradshaw there is nothing there Scandrick up to make the stop and this crowd is letting them hear it let them give up and they've given Dallas all kinds of reason to believe for the middle Martellus Bennett good throw by kitna and while we talk about all the things going on around the deaf third and ten kitten drops it off that's Felix Jones wonder on on 3rd and 10 Felix Jones may take it all the way Felix Jones will coast for the touchdown [Applause] during man coverage it looks like right here not it stuck I couldn't tell who exactly was supposed to be in man coverage on Felix Jones because there man elsewhere and then once Felix Jones gets the ball to the outside everybody running with their backs to Felix Jones and with a convoy out in front of them and once Felix is in the open field he's not going to get caught you're gonna see that they're in man coverage here running off the problem is there nobody in the middle that's going to account for Felix Jones just a blown coverage there as to who it was that was a sign to him whenever you're running a screen play like that if you're able to get the ball into the guy's hands against man coverage and block then who's covering him you got a real chance human you're here fella he got hold and held that he probably did the pass is caught a block out on the edge there goes dez bryant's down the sideline phillips caught up to him and by the time brian is brought down [Music] see where they're gonna market they mark Bryant back just inside the 40 well that's set up pretty well because they put the right tackle mark Colombo out and then Dez Bryant is the one who helps set it up because they had a corner out there to make the play but when he comes to the inside then he's got a blocker in Colombo and then it's a footrace and for a defensive came into this game being very stingy make the handoff Kenda down the sideline Roy Williams want to throw first down in a huge conversion on third and 22 kitna hits Roy Williams for 27 well they're in cover two meaning Terrell Thomas has helped but you've got to continue to slough on that route and not let Roy Williams in behind you he's expecting safety help but when you're talking about having to get 22 yards for a first down and no receiver in the flat that's too big third downs the other one was the touchdown to Felix Jones and then they get the big 22 yarder for the kid the fires Miles Austin touchdown and Jon Kitna who's well over 300 yards now is having his best day as a Dallas Cowboy the gone Cory Webster he gets him completely turned around double moved their post corner post and that's what creates the separation on Cory Webster it's a heck of a drive right there after the Giants go down to score play clock is at 1:00 in a bad snap manning just able to get back on it now it's a loose football and the Dallas Cowboys take over there is there's those two mistakes here one it's a bad snap by Rich cyber but then Eli Manning's got to just fall on this ball he tried to pick it up and make a play now he didn't realize that he had a butler right there on his back but that's a ball you've just got to fall on if you're Eli let's go back to Kevin booth fires and it's intercepted first of his career and that should wrap up the first head coaching win for Jason Garrett for his first career interception well they tried to run that double move there to Manningham and Alan Ball has seen that before they scored on a touchdown on that plate of Steve Smith going back to the last time these two teams met Alan Ball is anticipating that he drives on it he's got the angle [Applause] that barber gets it again and that'll do it married Barbara brought down from behind with a first down Detroit no matter how you look at this game it's a monumental upset by the Dallas Cowboys and he is standing by with Pam Oliver let's go down to pass the Jason Garrett here what helped propel your team to this convincing victory oh I think the guys accepted the challenge of where we were and they worked really hard in practice this week and they carried to the ball game was a great challenge for us it's an awfully good football team that we faced today they have good players and they're really really well coached what was your message to the team and I mean interrupt you there but what was your message well the thing that we emphasized more than anything else is trying to be great each and every day and everything that we do and you know I told them on Wednesday that we just need to be great on Wednesday let's see if we can be great on wins and let's try to be great on Thursday if we keep doing that we'll stack some good days together and give us a give ourselves a chance to be good on Sunday in nine games third down and ten Lions bus get to the 32 goes Jay Ratliff with his second sack of the season along with Steven Bowen get the perfect five four five during this make it six four six wonderful go jump off to Dez Bryant bourbon go he is something special Houston does a pretty good job he doesn't get his head around but even if he does I just you saw the height advantage you saw the placement of the ball by Jon Kitna their longest drive of the season from the Dallas 33 [Applause] that has to cut and change direction it's going to be something that really hampers Javid best the rest of the year and he has a double case of town there's Brian McCann will turn the data [Applause] the placekicker days raider after a 38 yard return has four catches today for 23 yards [Applause] the receiver set for the Lions and six [Applause] Jason capture missed the last three games of the coin injury they must get to the cowboy they push it up on the top Scandrick [Applause] eventually that company's going to break down portraits and Rohde [Applause] butt-kickin team touches the champ etern Dover so he has nothing gently had this to do all over again you think he might wanted to try and catch that and land on his own and down it but what a great heads-up play by Brian McCain and watch the block he gets on the sideline by Orlando Scandrick right there check the rearview mirror exactly it's always the guy coming from behind almost every long return to get that escort out [Applause] [Music] Farge favorite [Applause] take about your [Applause] the recovery [Applause] space let's take a look right up the middle which little predict away the balls out nice Jean Lee Sean Lee reach it up and just stripping the ball right out there goes that we talked about running back by committee miss Delmas here you think he's gonna slide over touchdown his first reception today in two minutes 43 seconds they leave the Lions by 9 it brings his protection to the right side slips over the top in the position of that truck nice job by John kid led the line of scrimmage [Applause] fifteen [Applause] by JC Gary Detroit is sitting there is 3015 you got an opportunity to de force a field goal attempt and they called a running play Luiz Delmas just takes a horrible angle as he's coming up the fill from the safety spot tough hard running by Marion Barber [Applause] we talked to Jon Kitna he said he's waited his whole professional career to be in a situation like this in Dallas where you've got so many weapons and he's done a great job this afternoon of bringing all those playmakers into the fold Mazda's Austin Dez Bryant everybody goes nice to have choices either URI guys [Applause] at best I we talked about it with the two turf toes he's no he does he tries to lower the shoulder there but if you don't have that push off your feet off your toes things like that are gonna happen to you Mike Jacobs comes up [Applause] second Saturday okay Sean Hill coming off you may have banged that left forearm on this but Jenny Ratliff just right up the center but you're on the 35 yard line [Applause] that came up like that with their hands at their side this is a completely 1015 that we saw two years ago down 70 the street farik's George Dixon across so that you wasn't question who runs it in from the longest run of peppers 14 year NFL career they're smiling Jon Kitna right here run it in for a touchdown but the whole team is celebrating now that's something that we haven't seen in a while from Dallas last [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the interception first for Will Smith [Applause] second runs out breeze goes down DeMarcus Ware a loss of 12 DeMarcus Ware I don't know if there's a bull roster just hits him with his right arm here coming through and just chunks him John Stinchcomb gets off balance and he's able to he's got a straight shot to Drew Brees that's the kind of pressure the Dallas has to be able to get you think back to the left first down Kidman time runs out now he'll run first down carry by Jon Kitna 38 doesn't bother him as always knew he was going to go into coaching play action from kitna passed away for the first and they go to him it hits him in that helmet incomplete for it down and Bush wasn't ready for it I think he saw Gerald sensible pump up and down on him and he was hoping that Drew Brees wouldn't throw it to him he turned he just couldn't locate him he got his head turned around expecting the ball but he just couldn't locate the football 2nd down and 10 though their long drive by the Cowboys could catch my Felix Jones room to run down inside the 15 and it started with that good catch and a good block from Roy Williams along the way 28 yards Felix Jones well Jon Kitna had to lay this one perfectly over the head there of Marvin Mitchell and you write an excellent catch by Felix Jones and then down the field Roy Williams does a nice job right there that allows Felix Jones to get inside of that block it's a nice Drive right now that we're seeing from the Dallas Cowboys it started on the 18 yard I mean I think this is certainly within his range since he's just got to hit it good [Applause] and makes it career long David feeler who's been hot and cold inconsistent that's his best in the NFL 53 yards and it's 20 to 6 at the half stay tuned the NFL on Fox will continue second and 2 with Austin Kerrigan Williams out in front blocking and Miles Austin there are no flags Jones delivers the block touchdown you see the reverse here and it looked like the Saints had him bottled up pretty good right along the sideline what Williams does a good job on the outside that's a second good block that we've seen already here this afternoon by Roy Williams and it allows in Miles Austin did not have to continue to extend that towards the sideline but his way out from under the turf Kenton with a pocket around and for wick good start to this Drive for Dallas completion of 20 yards [Applause] macGuire it's a booming punch just outside the 15-yard line Reggie Bush looking for room penalty flag flies look like a bat block another ball comes out Jesse Hawley knocked it out and the Cowboys have the football but you're always worried about it you see was a Jesse Hawley who comes in and makes the play knocks it out of Reggie Bush's hands but you always worry consider the fact that Reggie Bush hasn't played in eight weeks when you get out there and then you finally have some contact breeze sets up over the middle the rookie can make the couch sensible picks it off through the hands of Jimmy Graham sensible down the sideline Cowboys take over down three sensible second interception of the season [Applause] inside the 15-yard line second down and six kitna throws somehow wrong williams makes the catch and spins for a first down what a catch there's a good catch and he fell down to start with and yet kitna hung with him he comes off the line of scrimmage and he falls down there because of the contact but he keeps the play alive in Jon Kitna he had he had some mustard on that one Joe that's a good catch by Roy Williams in a small space couple of former Detroit Lions hooking up three steps up and down he goes in the arms of Ratliff we got pressure on the outside Ratliffe on the inside so there was that outside pressure that forced breeze to step up and then Ratliff comes up and makes the play [Applause] kitna throws and hits Ron Williams what a conversion down inside the 15 with the Reds rush room already five first downs picked up by the Cowboys here's a tossed at choice welcome back to shark choice touchdown his second of the year well tienta Dawson the defensive end he gets caught peaking in the backfield and it's just enough to get to shard choice out on the edge and then Jason Witten he then secures the outside defender there as you see Jerrod powers gets blocked by here's one air down for Reggie Wayne what a throw and it's picked off ripped away by Allen ball good throw right in the hands of Reggie Wayne but Allen ball swoops in for the pick his second of the year over the middle passes caught Miles Austin and Austin is inside Indianapolis Territory for 22 by Scandrick another Manning interception Scandrick touchdown stepped in front of Blair White and took it right into the end zone and an extra point away from the 17 to nothing start well that's just another throw that you can't make you're going to see Orlando Scandrick right here and when Payton mani turns this ball loose he's underneath the route I mean there's just nowhere for Payton to make that throw and think that he's going to come away with a completion I mean the relationship there with Orlando Scandrick and Blair white you had no opportunity for a completion it's just a bad decision we've seen a few of those you know so it's another takeaway for this Dallas defense and a 40-yard returned by Scandrick at 17 to nothing Dallas last 25 years Peyton Manning week in and week out it's been the most consistent quarterback I've ever seen that's not been the case last three weeks here's mark getting it barely from Peyton Manning he was almost dragged down before he can hand it off you're gonna see him right here he just shoots past the gap and he's in the backfield actually Jeff Saturday he wasn't blocking him at all it was right guard Mike who just failed to come down on him and well played by the rookie Shawn Lee second down and nine Kenda's gonna ride well as a 29-yard touchdown since taking over and now he picks up the first down and now the Dallas Cowboys have Dez Bryant returning the kick right up the middle and Bryant the rookie is out to the 39 don't get comfortable with Dez Bryant returning or returning kicks either first down throws it's late on Blair white by Shawn Lee and Blair white just pops right back up [Applause] nice catch [Applause] to block from Dez Bryant and gets it first down Garrett you're gonna see the upfield released by Miles Austin and it created some traffic then for Jacob Lacey he had to come over the top and created a nice throwing Lane for second started with two interceptions he flips it pass caught by parts don't buy Charlize [Applause] [Music] intercepted by Lee the rookie with his first Shawn Lee touchdown he's down the middle of the field and just reading Peyton Manning the entire way you got Blair White who's trying to work then to the scene but Peyton because Peyton Manning never saw Shawn Lee and I think part of that you you're seeing Peyton Manning today Telegraph throws that you just never saw before Hank part of it is see Shawn Lee right here and he's just going to drop deep metal and he's reading Peyton Manning the entire way you see Peyton all he's doing is trying to figure out where Blair White is going and Shawn Tinley a rookie second-round pick here you know I think he might have kept that ball how many guys in as a rookie get a chance to pick off Peyton Manning but he got pressure in the pocket as you see in he Marvin Harrison here's Dez Bryant a little hesitation showing off his speed gets by McAfee penalty flag and Tryon saves a touchdown but up the big man 355 pounds here's at austin choice Tushar choice another big one by Dwight Freeney you're gonna see him here up the field and then you get him outflanked and it works still because you're able to then get Jason Witten up on Justin Tyrone the corner and so because three knees not staying with contained he's trying to crash down nothing's been automatic that is [Applause] to make him read kick flag is down again [Applause] let's see what the call is Foster took a leap onto a teammate's back and Jason Garrett it's definitely against the Colts as they explain it to Jason Garrett here's the clip sports my light on day number 68 in the defense leverage half the distance to the goal automatic first down the Dallas Cowboys take the points off the board and have an automatic first down 168 they're leaping on the back of Jerrod so there was no teammate but he ends up on the back of Jerrod sign wedding touchdown in front of the fire and a beautiful throw from Jon Kitna for the touchdown hey just one on one on Antoine Bethea and buffet was actually in pretty good position at the snap of the ball just Jason Witten just out runs them to the sideline there in the flat route [Applause] two points and a seven-point lead what a thrill from John King [Music] [Applause] the Colts defense can't make a stop Cowboys got another chance because of the penalty turn it in to eight points [Applause] get off my ring the rookie has his second Jenkins Tipton and Shawn Lee the rookie picked it off [Applause] and it is the fourth interception thrown by Manning in this game and this time he didn't anticipate Michael Jenkins coming off of his man and getting underneath Jacob Tamme you're gonna see Tammy right here tied in running the corner route but Jenkins comes off of his man Reggie Wayne and then he's the one who got the hand on the ball you see how he falls off of Wayne when he sees where Manning's going with the ball and he tips it up for another interception 38 yard try to win it peeler [Applause] women and over time the cults will leave here six and six and Jason Garrett all smiles will leave here 3-1 [Applause] four and eight but in this eight-game audition to try and become the head coach of the Dallas Cowboys Jason Garrett is now three and one he's won at the Giants at home against Detroit lost to New Orleans on Thanksgiving and wins in Indianapolis take a break and come back [Music] [Applause] spinning they said Olga tree around one way and then brought Austin back the other way 26 yards it's one of the most dangerous things about playing a team with a losing record when you're trying to make it on into the playoffs they have nothing to lose you're going to see everything you're going to see reverses you're going to see gadgets so defensively you end up on your heels if you thought anything to share choices in the backfield olive oil is [Applause] [Music] inside the [Applause] Peyton Manning getting wanted over time [Music] as she releases it so he goes down the Marcus we're got there and of course Andy Reid was complaining to the league about some of the shots that Vic was taking one thing you do not want to do is try and block this guy or the full-back that is sensory overload right there without question the best pass rusher and those are the kind of shots that you're Andy Reid you would like to avoid on your MVP candidate Mike Vick that's exactly right [Applause] the Animus three games together [Applause] the 30-yard line Jerald sensible gets it back to the Cowboys [Applause] this is one of those throws you got the middle wide open and he's going to try and lob it in over the top of keys Brooking running down the middle of field and just lobbed it too far but again pressure coming at him and the one thing you know about hits on the quarterback as they do add up and wound up seeing mistakes called again 22 [Music] take the McCoy that spins away from where [Applause] Dallas you can't blame this one on Mike Pig this is a brilliant scramble play and Jeremy Maclin is just gonna let it go right through his hands he does the right thing he comes back to Vic great throw just bounces right off his hands that is some throw you're talking about dropping down sidearm while you're moving away from your body put it right on the money second career intersection eat oh six [Applause] inside the toilet [Applause] so many times after a turnover big plays can get you in for Felix Jones I still think this is what he does best not necessarily running between the tackles but you get him in space he is just so dynamic what a great job with those offensive linemen [Applause] corner blitz by stanza great job by Jason Hatcher right here to take the inside move to set this thing up for Orlando Scandrick he's going to force King Dunlop inside shorten the edge right there on the outside and come up with a huge side Dallas Cowboys firing a few blitzes two seconds a year [Applause] is right there well Jay Ratliff was a nightmare last year in those two games at the end of the year and here he goes again working against Todd Harriman's and just ended up beating him just in one-on-one and for Mike Vick he goes yeah he says that's one more come back with another one really off the field he's walked right now a second down and ten here comes the Blitz he gets it away that's a great time at Fort Sam [Applause] you're gonna see right here the Tampa two coverage again he's going to turn and face the side of Miles Austin in the slot but in this team Jason Witten is really the more dangerous threat down the middle on the other side so every time that Jamar Chaney has turned to face towards Miles Austin they're simply going back door the Jason Witten and hitting some big plays Jason Witten with two touchdowns tonight simple on the toss grab Cano gets things started [Applause] the cats have some good returns this season he's forced out of bounds by HB blades a 38-yard returns epson's and he'd get rolling with him he'd have multiple interceptions during a game Sam velocity over the Redskins group dr. dr. Smith caught the sweet [Applause] [Applause] that's got to be a flag right there I mean it took it's a heady play by sample sq prevents the ER the touchdown by now that is as obvious as it can be Papa turns five a can so the Cowboys start with the Redskins funny [Applause] [Music] [Applause] 26 yards from Kenda Jason went down to the catch down wait he does not go he's a physical runner after the catch wide open big step up the pie-faced agree more that takes 3-4 Redskins to get him to the ground at five more yards from the time he got it sample sq enjoy the Redskins this week tough first play you know oh you tripped me okay I see how it's gonna be get down this field there comes the guy oh the way go left nope huge first quarter last week 121 let's make the though switchgrass instant off there's tea interception this season I want you to watch his rex grossman goes to the outside he just kind of floats one out there you can see right there Mike sellers it turned up the field Gerald sensabaugh does a great job recognizing the errant throw the very athletic we get that interception [Applause] these pencil run yet here's a pic send it to Los Angeles once again here's to keep his hands on you he's going to stay on his feet run away for him do yourself a favor do second thoughts [Applause] john-boy is 15 [Applause] consecutive seats Saxe coming off the bottom and this is something that hasn't happened enough this year between the marcus wear and anthony spencer they were dominant edge rushers last year he's gotten to double digits this year but he was a terror last season good job [Applause] [Applause] this is the way you design a play when you're talking about a wildcat formation because you put your quarter back outside John kitten is way up here now watch he's going to come back and he's going to get back involved in the play on the reverse you pitch it back to him being able to throttle Felix Jones with all that action there goes models Austin right down the middle field he's going to draw all the attention [Applause] it's a wedding down at the bottom he thinks he can get there get the interception the better thing to do is make sure you get the tackling florist Allison to another field goal down here in the red zone Jason with George seduce them over the fourth tight-end all kind with 600 career receptions 15 of 21 [Applause] cousins Shawn Lee and Gerald sensible those get in trouble cook for Istanbul Jay we all have a perception of what he was in Chicago we feel he's different we haven't seen a whole lot of change in this offense from what Donovan running it through the course of the season it was early in the game and he did look like he was dominated but then they just took took him right out [Applause] Oh God steps up throws Votto protection at the Redskins 20 as we check-in [Applause] it stays out of the end zone [Applause] andr with the 4th down Shack but rex grossman does a good job on this play because he knows he's held the ball too long so he knows he's going to get the hit here comes Orlando Scandrick oh I've held it he looks up there he is get two hands on the ball Joe give up the big turnover here [Applause] but look of scotch ring well [Music] by Terrence for a new man it's his ninth career pitch against the Redskins alone he puts the exclamation point boys despite the valiant Grossman for the first quarter now Jon Kitna back to pass he throws to Miles Austin what happens here miles fall down man he got a panic man he's got to try to do something get above the ground pass interference man for my to hear this right now Dominick Rodgers Cromartie makes it seven enough in Arizona then he tries to throw to Roy Williams same thing man Roy looking inside at the DB man who pops off this back Saudis sit about it that down guy goes to the end zone that's not right break Toller pays the toll goes 66 yards 14 to nothing Arizona then Skelton back to pass and he'll find on Trey Roberts I'm very whose neighborhood who are these guys beating us today I don't know man all they had was one guy man that was their fifth terrible we got a guy getting a touchdown we've never had a touchdown before 74 yards first touchdown pass for Skelton in his career 21 to 3 cards kitna throwing to Sam herd here the pass is incomplete but kitna gets leveled on the play that suffers a bit pointer and he really showed wooden game yes continue to play in this nice gig there so Steven McGee the number three quarterback coming into the game out of Texas A&M and he hands off to Marion Barber that was good called oh yeah nice long hand though 24 yards there and in Kendall would be able to kind of gather himself get back into the game but a lot of pain throwing the ball with that hip pointer finds Jason with Superman he has been something special has mean ases 21 to 10 kitna loving it but still in a lot of pain unable to go really shows you why the guys gather around rally behind him because he's such a game so McGee comes into the third quarter and he'll give it to Marion Robert barber finding himself man three weeks out feeling good Oh bad move great barber run bad lob Barbara Hillman oh well that gave me an opportunity to go for a two-point conversion but because of the penalty on the helmet being taken off they can't go for the two so that would prove to be big later but here's McGee matriculating the ball down the field in a big drop oh yeah man doing some couldn't do it takes Danielle baseball that's right there's only get his run there I'm good line look at this pass whoa but there was interference there that was huge that we give the Cowboys a first down and set up the play of the game take me through it Nate yeah boom bonds were sealed miles off Oh doing what he does best making big plays looky you're looking good and he's giving the people hope in the future then David Beeler misses the end boy David what oh no so the Cowboys only lead by two so then john skelton back to work they did a great job on Larry Fitzgerald this is his first catch of the day that's over fourth and 15 we stopped them all game they come back make plays man do name help the sketch i mean john skelton come down kicker makes a great kick right there is the game is the whole problem the lone bonehead play barber and Beland baba comes back off the breeze week makes a great run gets into the end zone cut does what he does best gets down into the end zone pounds this way he gets too excited forget what he's doing takes his helmet off we could have been in position for two but now we have to kick your field but we natural-born bad move great run bad run I mean bad move in right here David fuel or Beeler whatever you want to call him these guys been inconsistent and it hurt us I'm Stephen stepped in and did a great job you know whenever you step into a situation like that whether like hey you know the other quarterback fourth-quarter down you know down ten or whatever we were down it's it's definitely a you know shocking type situation for some people but he stepped in did a good job and that drive at the end was you know awesome I was shocked that Kidman got hurt you know you seen him take so many hits and do such a great job he always gets back up and and yet you know in the back of your mind that it that it could happen that he could get hurt because you seen Romo get hurt and it's tough not getting any reps in practice and you know not have have you never really thrown a pass the wind or miles with those guys and not having much time meaning you know especially with cadence with offensive line there's a lot of little things that you don't really think about that or a big deal and so like I said those guys did a great job of making it easy for me to make him plays and it was a shocker for sure when he went down and I just tried to go out there and have fun and play ball like Coach Gates said just burning a high school game [Applause] this is by Austerlitz for stop [Applause] 48 yard line a fedora from their own 17 yard line first down Felix Jones Jones picks up the first down [Applause] [Music] the phobos starter at quarterback for the NFC here's it's scooped up by DeMarcus well he tips it in Cowboys touchdown [Applause] happy again you break contain I know it's art you've got to tuck the ball right you've got it alley that these guys are coached so what wait Anthony Spencer as he comes down you can't help but see it right there DeMarcus Ware a Hufflepuff sling over is able to scoop that one up before you you've got to get two hands on it he's not outside of the danger zone you keep you know it's physical season it's you got bumps and bruises that you didn't even think about just you don't even take into consideration you know all those hits right there [Applause] once again [Applause] Dallas's defense I'm gonna take the field back up some places I think that this was Marty morning woods big concern with Kevin Cobb being out there have I given him enough [Applause] steps [Applause] it is ticked off by Gerald sensible [Applause] [Music] to the injury suffered by Maxine Gillis intercepted court right two turrets Dillman Kevin Cobbs got to do a better job of recognizing that one that was an easy one for Terrence Newman right there [Music] that's the backfield flow it's going to be play-action to the right they don't have anybody coming this way to control Terrence Neumann so when there's no flow his way he's able to look right at the quarterback read his eyes and come off and get right in the throwing Lane last game started by Kevin Cobb second down and nine the catch is made in Evil's territory by Miles Austin [Applause] get away from tap what first down he's got it on the dive inside and that 94 championship game Daryl Jason Garrick referenced that game to his team this week as combos to his left you guys start behind 21-nothing Midway second attack he completes a Jason Witten still on his feet inside the 10 and finally forced our balance by huge touchdown Felix Jones it's just enough of Kenan Clayton to get him not be on the pocket a great kitchen I look at 15 Manny Johnson down the field blocking Brandon Hughes great effort recognizing that your tight end is breaking tackles coming your way lock onto the guy get him a few extra yards but he's conscious touchdown Jason I think the Ravens you know they've got some momentum but they've been up and down in the season [Music] the city scared Jamarcus [Applause] Marcus where's gonna fire okay Gary [Applause] snaps [Applause] with his second interception
Channel: Deuce Pickle
Views: 11,428
Rating: 4.6781611 out of 5
Id: pH6U4EHfnBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 3sec (3363 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2020
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