2010 Cowboys @ Colts

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for the Colts Manning needs help they need to get people healthy that's not really working out at least this week they're still without Joseph Addai and others Dallas Clark on IR exploit the Cowboys secondary and for Dallas obviously control those defensive ends Matheson Franey Cowboys we'll start with a ball Brian McCann who's been bothered by that act hitter for the Dallas Cowboys takes a knee and here we go with Jon Kitna headed out to the field his sixth consecutive start taking the place of the injured Tony Romo there the backs and receivers and Troy the offensive line for Dallas over the last few weeks has played better well they have gotten better and that's that's certainly something that was very much needed I don't know how much that says it's an offensive line that for much of this year has been very inconsistent kidness put up good numbers 300 the Saints on Thanksgiving and here's Felix Jones who carries it for six over the left side Aaron Francisco made the stop he is part of the defense on the back end at strong safety here's what they do up suck and they don't lits a lot primarily Troy because they can get pressure with that front for well it's imperative for Indianapolis if they're going to be able to play the style of defense that they want to play those two outside pass rushers Robert Mathis Dwight Freeney they've got to be a disruptive force in that backfield second down and four and they keep it on the ground Felix Jones again and Felix is out to the 30 depends on the spot you know the weird thing that's happened for the Dallas Cowboys is even though Jason Garrett took over as interim head coach he's been the offensive coordinator here since oh seven and earlier in the year with a healthy Tony Romo and then even the early part with Jason with Jon Kitna they weren't running the ball as much and now there's been more of an emphasis on that ground game boy there has been more of an emphasis there they've been as balanced as you can get between running past 50% here over the last three games since Jason Garrett became the head coach and averaging over 30 points per game here's more for Felix and Jones out of the backfield takes it for six Bell Connor made the stop for the Colts you talked about Jon Kitna and how he has played Joe the last two games he's completed over 70% of his passes this offense while just while kitna has been the quarterback has somewhat been feast or famine you love the five starts coming into this game three of those this offense went for over 400 yards the other two under 300 yards of offense on second down and four his choice finally getting a chance and Tashard choice carries it for eight in a first down he had only 14 carries all season coming in a guy who's in his third year who at 92 carries in o8 64 last year and lately he's been wondering why he's been left out of the mix I think everybody's been kind of wondering he has not had double-digit carries since October of last year when he's been given his opportunities he's really been pretty productive on first down kitna backs up fires it sideline Bryant the rookie and a nice catch for dez bryant's 14 yards Jerrod powers on the coverage for nd well how about that Thanksgiving game last Thursday when Dez Bryant went without a reception oh you know did he have control it looked like it was questionable Joe as to whether or not he actually had maintained possession before going out of bounds the ball was moving on his way to the sideline and take another look at it here good route by Dez Bryant but the ball moves right there [Applause] so sure I wouldn't challenge that if I was Jim Caldwell yeah even though the Cowboys is slow to get the next playoff there is no challenge and on first down here's Roy Williams making the catch in front of Jacob lacy who makes the start in place of the injured Kelvin Hayden who's now on that long list of injured players for Indianapolis he's out with a bad neck you go back to Dez Bryant three weeks ago his game against the New York Giants had his first hundred yard game receiving he followed that up against Detroit with just eight yards receiving and then as I was saying last week against the Saints on Thanksgiving he didn't even have a catch in that one only eight yards over the last two weeks he eclipses that this first catch in this game ghetto pendrive to Felix Jones trying to get to the edge and this time well played by the Colts defensively Antoine Bethea out there to make the stop so while we talk about the Cowboys offense you look at the Indianapolis defense there's 17th overall but while the offense has taken it on the chin here lately for the Colts the defense has been just as bad they cannot stop the run yeah this is a defense that has struggled throughout the season stopping people running the ball but they're probably coming off of their best defensive effort last week and that loss to the San Diego Chargers play-action and now a screen set up for Bennett gets a block Martellus Bennett has another Dallas first down but they on the stop a gain of 11 and a methodical march down the field by the Cowboys in the opening possession Jason Garrett doing a good job of mixing things up on this possession they wanted to run the ball right at the Indianapolis Colts they've mixed up some intermediate passes we saw the one along the sideline to Dez Bryant they come back with the screen passes is probably not a defense in football that sees more screen passes in these Colts because of that outside pressure with their edge rushing already five first downs picked up by the Cowboys here's a toss to choice welcome back to shard choice touchdown [Applause] talk about making the most of an opportunity here for the three innate Dallas Cowboys 20 yards and a touchdown for choice his second of the year well Kenta Dawson the defensive end he gets caught peeking in the backfield and it's just enough to get to shore choice out on the edge and then Jason Witten he then secures the outside defender there as you see Jerrod powers gets blocked by Jason Witten and a nice run there back to shark choice that was his longest one of the season 20 yards and a touchdown nine play drive covering 80 yards the last twenty of it right here to shower choice getting a chance seven up in Cowboys early [Music] today's game on Fox is sponsored by Southwest Airlines find their fares online only at southwest.com well that wasn't so good for the Indianapolis Colts was it very good for the Cowboys opening possession nine plays 80 yards 445 off the clock and they made it look easy now we'll have the pleasure of watching peyton manning go to work and do his thing Beeler gets into one Tryon waiting for it he'll take it out deston trial out to a 25 so we know what happened for one offense the shard choice made some moves and took it in and now it's number 18 ready to go for the Colts down seven today's game on Fox is sponsored by Bud Light it's the sure sign of a good time here we go wellnot quarterback around the NFL's thrown in more than Peyton Manning question is who is he throwing it to lately it's been a lot of the other teams and this time he throws for his tight end Jacob Tamme and so if he's not throwing it to the other team with seven interceptions over the last two games he's had to make do with the guys he's got on the outside and it tied in because of injury to touchdowns here is Tammy who makes the catch he's been busy more catches at the tight end spot than anybody across the NFL over the last five weeks it's good for 8:30 to coming up they're fortunate to have Tammy because they lost one of their biggest weapons in Dallas Clark in Tammy coming into this season with just six career receptions first two seasons nobody would be able to do in a real game they saw him playing well in practice that's odd for the first down the air made the catch good for seven game break here's Curt a trouble start for the charges against the Raiders Darren's full muff to punt Jason Campbell and Oakland turned it into a touchdown that met his 7-nothing and clinic rivers too soon in the section to Oakland marching for more Joe join Pam running game was a killer the first time in the meeting between the Chargers and the Raiders a game the Raiders won handoff to Donald Brown and Donald in his second year out of UConn first round pick last year carries it 4-2 while we looked at the backs and receivers it's brown running it will see a lot of Javaris James because of the injury to Joseph Addai and then we've got Mike he's getting to the start today they're at right guard and the end of the season as the starter lost his job because of performance second and here's one aired out for Reggie Wayne what a throw and it's picked off ripped away by Allen ball and that is the eighth take away by this Dallas defense over the last three plus games good throw right in the hands of Reggie Wayne but Allen ball swoops in for the pick his second of the year today's game is sponsored by Little Fockers in theaters December 22nd by Pizza Hut your favorite plays deserve your favorite pizza your favorites your pizza ha d and by Sprint the now network [Music] another interception thrown by Peyton Manning his eighth over the last three games and that was the first possession by the Colts that ties a career-high for a three game span for Peyton Manning and now the Cowboys up seven take over at their 16 they slowed down the first time here's Felix Jones picking up 11 but they on the stop back to the interception you can see Alan Ball the free safety he goes to the middle Payton then knows that he's got single coverage on the outside the problem is Reggie Wayne gets jammed inside the numbers and so Alan Ball just didn't have much ground that he had to cover any safety in the National Football League's to be able to make that play an easy pick by a really bad decision on pavement here is Felix Jones he's been busy he carries it to with the stop well the Jacksonville Jaguars have already won today they started the football Sunday tied with the Colts on top in the AFC South Jaguars and the Colts will meet here in two weeks [Applause] second and eight [Applause] over the middle pass is caught Miles Austin and Austin is inside Indianapolis territory 420 - you know the whole key for anybody playing the Colts as I said as I talked about is you got to control these outside pass rushes the Cowboys quit Martellus Bennett out to give Doug free some help widen the edge and then you're able to get the ball down the field - Miles Austin this is a defense that although they've been good in pass defense it's all predicated find those defensive ends they don't get that I don't think the secondary can hold up here is an end-around Miles Austin and when the 60 yard touchdown run on Thanksgiving carries it forward for five yards kiante Dawson one stop the South 13 snaps eight first downs picked up by the Dallas Cowboys so far offenses so last week's game against the Chargers who have had success against the Colts one of the reasons why they have had success in racing there good job there tackles offensively of blocking Matheson free knee the Cowboys tackles I don't think they can hold up to continue see them get help like we saw with Martellus Bennett here is more from Felix Jones he's got another Dallas verse down that's tonight on the Cowboys we know that the Colts likes a running up-tempo offense we've seen Dallas here on these first two possessions they're doing a good job of getting him out of the huddle and trying to dictate tempo a little bit as well Felix Jones already touched it seven times he checks out to shark choices in first time [Applause] there's choice cuts it back and a nice play made by powers to save us bigger Ron it was good for for you know coming into this game Joe I was going to say that if you're a fan of just good old-fashioned Smash Mouth football this probably isn't going to be like our real good at running the ball Dallas has gotten a little better here in recent weeks looking at this the first two possessions here by Dallas er they're very nice continuing to mix it up as they have in recent weeks but then also having some success with the running game to go there is a snip and this has happened far too often for the Dallas Cowboys Saturn exchange with a quarterback and they couldn't make the clean connection no Andre he's got a reach block in soul when you've got a center who's trying to reach like he was on quarterback really has to ride him all the way you see how Andre Jerrod has to he has a very difficult and as a quarterback you got to know that because just by that very nature [Applause] third down in five inside handoff choice more trouble for Indianapolis cannot stop the run but they on the tackle a gain of 11 and when we talked to Hudson out the longtime offensive line coach for the Dallas Cowboys among other stops he said since Jason Garrett took over and now we put on pads on Wednesdays it has helped us get in a groove it's helped us with the run game and it's helped us cover up some of the deficiencies we have on the offensive line there's a lot of coaches out there John that don't believe you should put these professionals in pads during the week I think teams lose their toughness in their physicalness when they don't get in pads every now and then during the weeks here is when to this first catch and Jason Witten is upended by lacy after a gain of four you go back to the start now that the shark choices had and I know we had several of his games in fact we had his first start as a rookie there against the Pittsburgh Steelers that's a little bit of a daunting task for a rookie to have to make his first start against that group and yet he did a nice job 88 yards rushing in that game and whenever he's had double-digit carries he's now inside the redzone here's Felix Jones and he's brought down after a gain of four so a short third down third and two coming up for the Dallas Cowboys who were one defensive play made by Malcolm Jenkins on Thanksgiving ripping the ball away from Roy Williams of being three and oh under Jason Garrett rolling here early in atlas timeout taken defensively by the Colts third down in two when we come back for Dallas already up 7 nothing what an opportunity for the Dallas Cowboys already up 7-nothing got an interception from allen ball and now here they are third and two sharise ketsu flipped good play made by Gary Brackett who's back [Applause] after missing three straight games with a toe injury its fourth down yeah it really was a nice play there by Gary Brackett coming in you're gonna see him come just to the left of the shark choice right there it gets he's able to come underneath Leonard Davis who was pulling and then get the hit on to shark joy to shark choice in the backfield 30 yards try coming from feeler who is getting better as the season is worn on we really struggled early [Applause] it rose this to make it ten nothing good start for Dallas know all the little deeper for Peyton Manning downtown there's the drive put together by Dallas 72 yards it was capped off with the peeler 30 yarder to make a 10 nothing and now the Colts will get it back needing a win here today to keep pace with the Jaguars on top of the AFC South Tryon is waiting deep and peeler will drive once typically gets it into the end zone Pop's this one up a bit [Music] it's to the 15-yard line and we welcome you inside our booth I thought it was interesting that when we talked with Peyton Manning he said now that Howard Mudd longtime offensive line coach been an assistant here since Peyton Manning came into the league Tom Moore is taking a step back now Peyton Manning has to be the heavy around a lot of these guys and get in players faces yeah and that's a there's a lot of pressure on a quarterback to have to do those types of things I've been in that situation and I think the thing that you've got to really guard against if you're Peyton Manning is how that Denham the relationships you have with your teammates within that locker there is a handoff to Donald and brown carries it for two you know oftentimes the quarterback you just want to go play and we all know that Peyton does so much more than that but you know it's a good cop bad cop type thing and you know Tom Moore and Howard Mudd those guys with a bad cop the baton was just able to step in and and be more encouraging with the guys but now he finds himself having to be more the disciplinary banning fires and it's Reggie Wayne - despite all the injuries around him is having a terrific year 14 yards in a first down but I've always thought Reggie Wayne has just been an exceptional player he just goes about his business each and every week and makes a lot of plays for Peyton Manning he had an opportunity when Marvin Harrison was on the team with him to go elsewhere and be the number one guy but he stayed here he knew what he had in Peyton Manning it has been a great player this is caught by pierre garcon he is good for five and let's go for a game break here's Curt Menefee big matchup in the NFC South Falcons at the Buccaneers Michael Turner with the early touchdown putting Atlanta up after the five yards for seven nothing joke joy and tan alright Curt so the Falcons who have never been a number one seed the NFC playoffs they have the best record and they lead at Tampa Bay Pierre Garcon has now hurt so the list continues to grow he was well earlier in the year game against San Diego will expire before the snap 10 nothing Dallas after one Fox NFL Sunday will return after these messages in a word from your local [Applause] [Music] the ultimate entertainment experience with a special offer for HBO and Cinemax from AT&T u-verse catch the best shows in more ways than ever before now you can watch instantly online with HBO GO and Mexico Plus watching stunning high-def with 26 channels of HBO HD and Mac's HD and watch whenever you want with HBO on demand and Macs on demand now in HD get more ways to watch than ever all free with your HBO and Cinemax subscriptions from AT&T u-verse get HBO and Cinemax free for three months call one eight seven seven eight one four five two one six today [Music] contriving a brand new Hyundai Sonata put you in the holiday spirit or do the holidays make it more fun to drive the Sonata now during Hyundai holidays you can lease the sonata for just $1.99 a month from everyone at Hyundai happy holidays visit your North Texas Hyundai dealers or go to do the math DFW comm in that first quarter Dallas 152 yards 85 of them on the ground came in averaging 89 and it has basically rushing yards second at five for the Colts down ten being ripped to the ground by DeMarcus Ware in the backfield a loss of three the Knights work there by DeMarcus Ware he's just able to go right around Charlie Johnson the left tackle and he just whiffs on him Charlie Johnson whiffs on him and then he's right in the backfield and Bob Brown just had nowhere to go brings up third and eight picked off by Scandrick another Manning interception Scandrick touchdown stepped in front of Blair White and took it right into the end zone and an extra point away from the 17 to nothing start well that's just another throw that you can't make you're going to see Orlando Scandrick right here and when Peyton Manning turns this ball loose he's underneath the wrap I mean there's just nowhere for Peyton to make that throw and think that he's going to come away with a completion I mean the relationship there with Orlando Scandrick and Blair wife you had no opportunity for a completion it's just a bad decision we've seen a few of those you know sometimes you get a ball tipped or something happens on these interceptions but the last two in this game have all been on Peyton Manning that interception the first of the year for Scandrick it's another takeaway for this Dallas defense and a 40-yard return by Scandrick it's 17 to nothing Dallas today's game is sponsored by triple hops brewed Miller Lite taste greatness by Warner Brothers pictures Yogi Bear only in theaters December 17 and by GMC it's the GMC holiday event get the job done right this season with a GMC Sierra about the numbers piling up that are not good for Peyton Manning and that's now three interceptions returned for touchdowns over the last two weeks against Peyton Manning twice in the charger game and now and then he hasn't gone through a stretch like this that we've seen even in his rookie year but certainly not in a long long time Baelor hits it Tryon will take it out trying to make something happen in Justin Tryon again cannot get to the 15-yard line back to the interception for the touchdown based on the weight Dallas is playing coverage the inside receivers are the guys that have to be able to win Peyton knows that so that's where he's looking that's where he wants to go with the ball the problem is Orlando Scandrick is sitting on this route and you're going to see he clues in then on Peyton Manning he's looking at him there the ball comes out he's got a break on it the entire way and you got to come back with something to take advantage of the over aggressiveness of Orlando Scandrick but having said that Peyton sees that relationship that's just appalled that he can throw the Oh Joe you talked about the last three game stretch I think of the quarterbacks I've seen in the last 25 years Peyton Manning week in and week out it's been the most consistent quarterback I've ever seen there's mark getting it barely from Peyton Manning he was almost dragged down before he could hand it off the Jay Ratliff he just went right by Jeff Saturday and he splits the gap you're gonna see him right here he just shoots past the gap and he's in the backfield actually Jeff Saturday he wasn't blocking him at all it was right guard Mike who just failed to come down on him and this offensive line for the Colts and it has to play into what's going on the page manic even though he's open getting hit more than he ever has they never replaced Tariq Glan at left tackle they've missed with Tony you go drafting him trading up to get him he's been since cut they cut Lilja they have different guys rotating in a guard they're a mess up front well it's one thing when you're getting hit or getting pressure on pass plays but when you start getting tackled you know you're in for a long day if they're down for sits in the pocket and hits Garcon who makes the catch out to the 34 first down as you look at where the Colts have been after 11 games leading into this year as they sit here now at 6 and 5 realize the success that this franchise has enjoyed because of in large part Peyton Manning and what he's done for Time MVP it's 200 for consecutive start quick set up and throw in it's white and Blair white and carry it forward for six you know you talked about kind of the things that Peyton Manning's having to do more you know in terms of holding players accountable he's not really getting some of that help from the coaches and I've never seen a quarterback do more in practice than when I saw from Peyton Manning on Friday yeah we'll talk about that when we come back right now Scandrick who has a touchdown as injured they look at him we'll take a break [Music] Orlando Scandrick seems to be fine he ran into his teammate sensible he got up and walked off at 2nd and 4 for the Colts to fake the handoff [Applause] nice catch but he's only forward to one yard as we talk about what Peyton Manning does in practice we'll see if we have enough time to talk about it with a third down here but it's a clinic put on every broadcast crew talks about it but he stops guys mid route and instructs them what to do and how to attack a defense but he's trying to carry the entire load here right now for the Colts it's weighing on him heavily we're dancing Zen makes the throw in the completion of our song he's got a first down for Indianapolis a gain of five [Applause] [Music] offensive coordinator has climbed Christiansen and that comes with an asterisk anybody with pigmen and whether it's flag Christiansen her Tom more at least in practice they kind of take a backseat you haven't been to a lot of practices over the last 10 years and then of course having played this myself for 12 years in the league I I know everyone sees what he does on Sunday I've just never seen a quarterback award in practice you know as we were talking about and no and then when you get through the year and you're losing guys the way he has and you're getting hit the way he hears right he's got a first down I think that's the that's the good in the back you've got Peyton Manning this is a timing offense he is his brilliance is getting to the line making a defense declare what it's going to do and then changing and adjusting because he's so smart but then you lose guys and you're trying to fit new players in to this machine that works and obviously they're going to be some first and here's to the one to take manage credit I mean when we visited with him Joe he said hey look I know who's going to play during the week when we're practicing I know what guys we're gonna have on the field and it's up to us to then go out and play with those guys and win I mean he makes no excuses and he holds himself accountable to play better I think he's handling the situation very very well but part of what we just saw you get a first down you run it it's second and ten it's not getting anything running game this is kind of like a run basically as Victor Butler makes the tackle mike hart got it on that little inside flip knows game and now it's third long thoughts trying to catch the cowboys defensively changing pendant flags fly Cowboys may have had too many men on the field as the quick snap caught Dallas look at all these players trying to get off the field and some on they still couldn't get the first down well that's that's just a great job by Peyton Manning scene and getting the ball snapped 12 men on the field so they'll take the penalty and it's still third down it's the first penalty of the game as Jason Garrett looks at his defense which comes in to this game having taken the ball away more since he took over as interim head coach but giving up actually more yards per game well the big thing that the Dallas has done defensively here in the last three weeks is right we get up a lot of yard it's not real good in the red zone fact they're awful in the red zone but they've gotten takeaways they've already gotten to in this game and that's something they just could not do through the first eight games of the year down a peg but as low in the pass is caught Garcon bailed out man and really made a nice catch with good coverage first down Colts there's a good job of Peyton moving in the pocket and yeah a little bit low but a receiver likes that ball a little bit low especially when he's coming in over the middle of the ball it helps protect him and Peyton go into the ground once again I had a lot of people look at the sack numbers on paid man he's coming into this game hit only been sacked 13 times second best in the NFL here's Joe soon here is inside the 30 and still going good run by Pierre Garcon who picks up 11 got around Mike Jenkins and got a first down I put a good stiff arm right there by Pierre Garcon open he's able to then break away from Michael Jenkins airguard song has been pretty active here in this first half as he was last week against San Diego and now player is down on the far sideline that's Jenkins and could not make the tackle on Garcon so we'll take a break they look at the left leg the left knee of Mike Jenkins first down we come back today's game on Fox is sponsored by Visa more people go with Visa Jenkins got up and he walked off and Epico forms on the sidelines appears to be okay first down Colts [Music] 17 to nothing we take the run here's Garcon again makes the catch down inside the 20 to the 17 Brady James on the stop a gain of 8 Garcon last week against the Chargers five catches 72 yards and the air is already blown past that that's catch number six second to first down on a double crown that carousel has continued on the inside of guard for Indianapolis as Jamie Richard 61 has taken the place of Kyle to ban the guard position on both sides has has not been real solid in fact really across the board even even Jeff Saturday who's been such a mainstay for this offensive line years now he has not had the end zone Garcon touchdown exactly what the Colts needed manning to Pierre garçon Peyton just anticipates the timing of this stroll and makes a perfect pass I mean a good route there by Pierre Garcon but when Peyton turned it loose Garcon had not yet gotten into that break and this great execution seven catches 55 yards and touchdown a 15 play drive it ends with this a beautiful throw a good catch Colts on the board down by ten [Music] for Pierre garçon has seven catches ties a regular season career-high at 11 and a playoff game against the Jets but for a guy who was the fourth selection in the sixth round by the Colts back in o8 Peyton Manning's been looking for him finding Atlantic was 10 for 10 on that drive taking it out of the end zone his McCann and we'll cover downfield by the Colts a la flama made the stop after a 16 yard return it's the first ever American Country Awards hosted by Trace Adkins over 15 performances from country music's biggest stars the only Country Music Award show where you vote for the winner American Country Awards live tomorrow at 8:00 Eastern 7 central only on Fox that's tomorrow right now it's the Cowboys up 10 starting at their 13 Felix Jones gets one if you look at Felix Jones really this year and the way that that knee has run the ball the one thing that's really been missing is that he has not had near the explosive ones that that he had had his first few years in the league he's he's heavier than what he was when he came in the league you just haven't seen that first and understand exactly why that is crowds back in it on second and nine passes part by Miles Austin two yards short of a first down lacy on the coverage they get Miles Austin involved you know over the last four games who he really has not been all that compared to where he was earlier the first two games he had twenty receptions he was on pace for a monster year Roma went down third down and two quick set up the thrall austin any complaints and well covered by Justin Tryon an extra defensive back the Justin Tryon getting his opportunity because of Kelvin Hayden being down and but that was a ball that that Miles Austin had a chance on but to see Tryon he did have his left hand in between the outstretched arms there of Miles Austin [Applause] of the game first punt is from McBride and Blair whites were nice return and down by 10 after a 12 yard return tackle by McCray good field position for Peyton Manning we welcome you back to Indianapolis there the offensive leaders in for the Colts of 15 play drive to get him on the board last time they had it trying to maintain some of that momentum you see Donald Brown for rushes for yards I think I wouldn't even run the ball again you know I mean I like my chances just letting Peyton Manning throw it every day in ways to waste a snap hand and yet they still do the play fake which will nobody part two the line of scrimmage they just cannot run and they haven't Joe in in quite some time you know you go back it's been really several years since they've run the ball well and in no wait they were last in the league in yard four carry average last year they were 30th in the league and coming into this game at least in recent years see what he can do with the entire team second down and ten Garson [Applause] by the rookies Sean Lee second round pick Troy out of Penn State yeah and that's you know in talking with Paul past Bologna the defensive coordinator that is the one play that he was concerned about and knew they needed to play well against Cowboys were late getting on the field again defensively in this Jenkins on the coverage pass intended for Reggie Wayne and after having great starting field position it's a three and out for the Colts who are down by ten and really another throw Allen ball is in a great position to get over the top and he's the guy who helped break it up and so Allen ball has been pretty disruptive they typically have not played the ball well in the air we've seen they've already gotten two interceptions but Peyton has tried to fit some balls in today that with Allen ball and where he has mcafee hits it is bobbled but caught by Brian McCann we'd like to welcome the men and women in uniform serving around the world watching today's broadcast in 175 countries on AFN the American forces Network we thank you for all you do we hope you're enjoying today's telecast that's the Fox Sports skybox on a Southwest Asia base 5,000 square feet filled with TVs pool tables for the servicemen and women to watch games it opened this summer so here's Dallas up by ten three minutes ten seconds left in the first half and a delayed handoff to Felix Jones not much well played up front Gary Brackett who's back in middle linebacker was in the middle of it a gain of two well I know they're glad to have Gary Brackett back he's been the captain of this defense for for a long time and they had to move the rookie Pat Angerer from the outside the middle and bracket spin out they weren't real sure how long is going to be able to fly [Applause] second down and nine kid is gonna run a 29-yard touchdown already since taking over and now he picks up the first down as he's driven out of bounds a gain of 18 just kind of lulls people to sleep because people don't expect him to run the ball and you're gonna see this open up right in front of him and so why not everyone's got their back to him Brackett was really the only guy you can tell he's a little bit hobbled there with the toe not able to run quite at full speed but you know John Kidman is one of those savvy types guys I think he's a player who he doesn't while long when you just watch him practice but he's the guy who's going to make the play and do something to beat you and he's a great competitor and he's played very well is an experienced veteran guy filling in for tone [Applause] and we'll be at the two-minute warning when the Cowboys snap it the next time a first down the ball at their own 38 as they lead the Colts by 10 [Music] VESA halftime reports coming up Kurt Terry Howie and Jimmy will have scores and highlights Fox sports ticker will have all the latest stats as you track your fantasy team again first down for Dallas up by 10 kitne as all day and slings it over the middle wide open and threw it into the turf [Applause] you see the attention of Dwight Freeney gets he tries an inside rush here and that's you know really where everybody was and so if you're Doug free the left tackle you like that move and and Jon Kitna should be upset with himself because Aaron Francisco was trying to disguise coverage and he had to run out for John Cadman he just pull second and ten and a handoff to Felix Jones right through this defense gets the nine third down and one coming up Cowboys have all three of their timeouts remaining you know momentum was starting to change there for the Colts and they got the ball in that last possession with great field position in Dallas defensively just did a nice job of stopping and now a timeout taken by the sideline kitten who was playing around changing the play at the line and Jason Garrett on the sideline just called the timeout third one early game headliners Brett Favre was knocked out of the ballgame with a shoulder injury on his first attempt and then Tavares Jackson's came in the defense in the offense put it to the Buffalo Bills Aaron Rodgers a win at home over San Francisco and Brandon Jacobs his day Bradshaw also had two rushing touchdowns as the Giants took apart the Redskins pretty good yard for carry average therefore for Brandon Jacobs and I know you like those Green Bay Packer uniforms they had on Wow play-by-play announcers nice throwback uniform yeah I wish they would just do away with the throwback I'm about tired of seeing those don't you you know know your wife's been gone 15 years third down and one choice a tailback he gets it and Tashard choice as a first down in midfield I like the chard choice and he's been so patient this year and frustrated but it's been pretty quiet about it really and he knew today even though I think he's proven himself every time he's really been given a legitimate opportunity to carry the ball you know he knew that this was another opportunity for him to do that kitna down the sideline airs it out in the pass incomplete for Dez Bryant it'll be second intent during the week - shark Joyce was sure upset didn't say anything but was upset by owner Jerry Jones saying that well the reason he hasn't been more involved in the offense carrying the ball is because he's played poorly on special teams which doesn't really compute but Joyce has made the most of this chance here in Indianapolis today he's not really great at any one thing but he's really good at everything there's a good and a good solid receiver also on second and 10 kitna steps up finds Bennett and Bennett dropped by try on with buffet coming to help a gain of seven forty six and Counting left in the first half and Dallas will take a timeout [Applause] no Jon Kitna at the age of 38 is putting up no matter how you cut it some of the best numbers of his career and when you look over the last five weeks at what he's done compared to other quarterbacks around the NFL he's right there in the top five in all the big categories I had a chance to talk to him prior to him becoming the starter when Romo was still healthy and I said you know how talented is this group and he said I got in the huddle one day in training camp and I looked around he said it was the most talented group he had ever been in the huddle with and this was the second team and so he's had some good years in this league Joe whether it be the time he was in Cincinnati or or also as the starter there in Detroit but this is the best collection of players that he's had around him and and I think he's really done a nice job tell them a little bit of time to settle in it [Applause] stare down in three they don't hand it off throw it first down Austin makes the catch brought down by LaCie a gain of seven well with the Cowboys are doing is they're offsetting the tight ends to help with white bring and that's what they did on the last play to give kitten a time to make they can block it on first down so back to the throw we're gonna see Martellus Bennett how he's offset to not give Dwight Freeney a short edge to get the pressure that on the quarterback and here's the throw and this is a big third down right here because what happens is this leads to points you know if the Colts are able to make a stop on that third down then they're not going to get points and now in all likelihood Dallas is going to at least get a chance to try for a long pause balls nothing out we have 54 yard try from right here [Applause] now boys have one timeout left kitnik completes it nice catch by Austin showing those great hands down to the 25 a gain of 11 yeah you're right Joe I mean that that's that's just him just pulling it right out of the air that was an excellent [Applause] it's a false start they would have a ten-second run off except the Dallas Cowboys have a timeout left so they're going to get a shot here at a field goal because that penalty shut down the running game for 82 they also likely to take a timeout instead of having the election of having a ten-second run off timeout Dallas third and final two timeout so they have to use their final timeout and you would imagine that the field goal attempt will come next right there he's trying to get situated in the ball snapped and how about John Teddy try to pull a little Dan Marino on him no Dan did that I think against the bills back back in the mid 90s right was that maybe it was a Jets but kitna trying it himself not not quite as successful as when Marino did it but you could say that about a lot of quarterbacks who tried to impersonate Dan Marino Baylor's already hit from 30 now he's going to try from 43 make it 48 to add to what is now a 10-point lead let's so a legitimate chance and David Baylor is now 14 of 20 kicking field goals in his first full year of getting to do that in the NFL he pushed this one wide right well he's always got the leg he's just been real inconsistent with his aiming you know I mean he usually pulls it left this time he pushes it right and so kitten is ticked off after getting his team down the field in a position to add to a 10-point I know how the quarterback feels sometimes when you get down there in a position you're not able to come away with any points an 11-play Drive covering 53 yards no points at 17 7 halfway through it Cowboys have come to play it's halftime in Indianapolis some of the pictures from the first half here at Indianapolis starting the second half now 10-point Dallas Cowboys lead welcome inside the broadcast booth what do you want to talk about I think the turning point not necessarily turning point but one of the areas there in the first half where the Colts just failed to take advantage was when they got the ball after scoring the touchdown to cut this game to ten points they got it on the 47 yard line with just over four minutes left in the half and the Cowboys forced the three and out I think at that point the Colts really had a lot of momentum going in their favor but give the Dallas defense credit for being able to come up with a three and out stop yeah they had the one good Drive the Indianapolis Colts did a 15 play drive the Manning was 10 for 10 for the 1 touchdown you can follow your favorite team all season long go to itunes.com slash NFL glad you're with us kind of a second half is it going to be for the Indianapolis Colts who started last year 14 and OH [Music] hold there starters in the gens game the 15th game of the season they lost that game lost a buffalo they ended up in the Super Bowl have played in two of the last four Super Bowls but they're eight and eight since that 14 a nose start a year ago and right now trying to win here today to keep pace with the Jacksonville Jaguars who won today right now it's the Jags on top in the AFC South miss two teams beat here in two weeks Baylor pounds it toward the back of the end zone taking it down to the field here's Pam Oliver well Joe spoke to Jason Garrett about the team's offensive goals for this half he said first of all we got to respect the fact that we're playing against a very good football team also have to continue our mix of the run in the past Jim Caldwell said we have got to stop them from being so effective running the football he also said we need to get some turnovers to match the Cowboys ten points off turnovers in the first half all right Pam yeah a couple of Peyton Manning interceptions one went directly into the endzone for a touchdown returned by Scandrick starting with a bro this is complete to Reggie Wayne who has a first down and more Reggie Wayne came into this game number two in the NFL with 76 catches he picks up 16 yards in a nice completion to start this second half he's been kind of the one guy that that Peyton Manning's been able to rely on you see Orlando Scandrick who had the interception right now Brian McCann is playing in this nickel package on first down this is down instead according to the ground again a for Brian McCann out there on coverage so Scandrick is out he is one of the extra defensive backs nights in the can gets more action at number 37 has come up with some big plays interception return for a touchdown four weeks ago here's tamping the Titan makes a move and he's down inside the 35 Newman on the stop a catch in run of 26 let you see damn he comes off the line of scrimmage and he's got Brooking on him and this guy runs very well I know the Peyton Manning said hey Tammy has got to be able to beat the match up whenever Keith's rookie in his on that he did there today 26-yard Cheers joggled caught touchdown Reggie Wayne what a catch well we've seen Alan ball get involved in everything down the field this time Peyton Manning's able to hold them and you're going to see Payton he's going to pump the inside which holds down the ball on the inside receiver opens up the throw then up the sideline in a perfectly thrown pass by Peyton Manning to Reggie Wayne a little bobble Jenkins was there but a beautiful throw from Peyton Manning 24 touch games of the season and just like that with a minute 7 off the clock it's a three-point game Jenkins almost got it Reggie Wayne did touchdown Indianapolis today's game is sponsored by Southwest Airlines find our fares online only at southwest.com by Budweiser great times are waiting grab some buds by the Ford f-150 and it's for new engines this is the future of trucks and by the Chronicles of Narnia the voyage of the Dawn Treader Friday only in theaters well it was a 10-point game at the half it was 17 to nothing right out of the gate Dallas on top and Peyton Manning said so one off to work we go and it's a three-point game they never get comfortable when you're playing against Manning and now the Dallas Cowboys have Dez Bryant returning the kick right up the middle and Bryant the rookie is out to the 39 go get comfortable with Dez Bryan returning returning kicks either now he's returned two punts for touchdowns and now a 42 yard kick return right up the middle well here's the one play to Jacob Tamme against Keith Brooke and Keith Brooking was questionable all week long because of a sprained foot he just cannot run with Tammy and then this is the touchdown just great execution by Peyton Manning holding Allen ball Sutlej I said something he was unable to do for most of the first half but he did there and got the one-on-one isolation to Reggie Wayne kidneys and trouble spins out penalty flag for a hold and kitten is dragged down on a nice play by Pat Angerer the rookie linebacker out of Iowa 468 offense that's dub free then you can understand why because he couldn't get the bulrush right there by Dwight Freeney Dwight Freeney is most people know who've been watching him play over the years he's got a great spin move he's got a couple different spin moves actually and as good as those are I I liked his bull rush the best and it's awfully effective because once the tackle starts worrying about that spin then you're susceptible to someone coming right at you with power like he just show first down in 20 his Felix Jones picks up three Dwight Freeney was coached by Paul pass Maloney is now the defensive coordinator for the Dallas Cowboys took over when Wade Phillips was fired and he coached Dwight Freeney college he said he had unbelievable vision and could see from his spot all the way down the line in the minute anybody twitched he was getting off the ball he's got great speed too crow timing date coming out of Syracuse the shotgun on second down past caught Mike Bennett [Applause] we heard Pam's report when she had a chance to talk with head coach Jim Caldwell saying we've got to be able to control this running game by Dallas I think that even though the Colts have not been real good against the run tangos a little bit of surprised to see Dallas have as much success as they had there in that first half running the ball third down and ten kid trying to run for it and he slides forward short of a first down [Applause] Cornelius Brown was there and by what less than half a yard it's fourth down yeah Jon Kitna here he is he's trying to get the first down and at the same time protect himself and he have just tried running through that and then doe for the first down even knowing there's going to be contact he would have been able to pick that one up they bring McBride on but he's lined up wide to the bottom of your screen and a timeout will be taken here by the Colts so the special teams coordinator Jodie Camillus with a little trickery and the Colts want to talk about it it'll be fourth down Dallas when we come [Music] now the Cowboys are going to punt it on fourth and one make prior is hedges the ball at the 12 fair catch and we look ahead to next week if the Colts have it down by three next week the Giants and the Vikings will Brett Favre make the start after injuring his shoulder today will be Tabares Jackson after their win over Buffalo Packers and Lions Falcons Panthers Rams and Saints later onto the day of the Seahawks and the 49ers they all start taking on a little more importance once you get beyond Thanksgiving onthe especially out in that dog-eat-dog world of the NFC West first down throws its sidearm and what a hit lay it on Blair white by Shawn Lee and Blair white just pops right back up Blair White's is happy to be playing a gain of four [Music] picked up in week 3 of free agent out of Michigan State he's after the 21 or third a couple coming up Allen ball on the tackle for Dallas I mean we've spent so much time talking about the guys who aren't playing Jacob Tamme Blair White you know those guys they've done really job of stepping in and being productive and a lot of that horse [Music] have been able to overcome the sports team has are flexible Stepanova to and apart can't pick it up first guy there was Brady James and so it's a three and out it would appear for the Indianapolis Colts they tried to run it and they proved once again that they can't do it yeah I just just can't get any type of movement upfront and hey I'm all about running the football and trying to keep a defense off-balance but when you've just had no success whatsoever really doing it and you've got Peyton Manning a quarterback I think that I would just say okay and right now Joe heck he's on pace to have more passing attempts than anybody in the history of the game by the way Orlando Scandrick is out with a concussion for the Dallas Cowboys he's got an interception for a touchdown in this game and here is death it is corralled by Jesse Hawley another dangerous play after the pod Cowboys have it 42 yard punt Dallas up three about a venon now who was the first pick for the Colts in 1990 first overall Jeff George played four seasons for the Colts right now he's living here in Indianapolis full-time dad helps coach his kids basketball and football teams he runs the Jeff George Foundation which helps to raise awareness for breast cancer his mother Judy recently passed away with breast cancer and he still thinks he can help an NFL team as a back up yeah well he's nice shocked that Carolina maybe a couple of other teams didn't call him and give him a chance this year the 40 before e3 next is Felix Jones a nice run on first down the Cowboys are doing what the Colts can as Jones picks up five going Jeff George but he ended up playing which is surprising to me ended up playing for eight teams you know gern his NFL career and never never was able to really find a home but well I tell you what you watch him throw a ball there haven't been many that could throw it better than he put its second down and five [Applause] brought down in the backfield claim made by Eric Foster well Eric foster he's able to get past Marc Columbo there he slept on the block and Eric Foster was able to get inside and then get the pressure and make a nice tackle there on Felix jump boss of five third and ten over the middle Witten makes a nice catch to the Colts 45 stuck his hands out made the grab a 19 yard catch you see right here in the linebacker he gets caught looking inside that's Taiwan Hagler and because of the play accidents play action in the backfield by Jon Kitna it was just enough in that zone coverage to get Jason Witten that in behind it a nice grab by Jason Witten only his second catch of this game all time in the NF catches by tie-down Malthus first cold simcha this game is starting to heat up now and this up on this defensive front and Colombo got beat we saw earlier by Eric Foster this time he got Robert Mathis who was able to go right through him and then get the sack loss of 9 quit throw a completion to ruin to block from Dez Bryant and gets a first down how about second and 19 and Roy Williams is good for 22 they're in man coverage pretty well-designed we're out there by coordinator Jason Garrett you're going to see the upfield released by Miles Austin and it created some traffic then for Jacob Lacey he had to come over the top and created a nice throwing length for kidnet and Williams still a good catch by Williams on the move reaching out to grab at 22 yards first down Persky crushing fumble at the end of the game at home on Thanksgiving against the Saints [Applause] the end zone Austin is rich [Applause] got behind Laci but they was there as well second intent the nice route by Miles Austin because he got up one-on-one on Antoine Bethea and and was able to then beat him to the corner just missed on that on 2nd and 10 choice brought down by Cobell Connor at gain of four then we see Antoine Bethea and into this game was leading the Colts in tackles and so he's a guy who they prefer to have around the line of scrimmage he certainly will get back and he'll play coverage as we saw but Miles Austin on that corner route and pretty good matchup there for ballast Jerrod powers out of the lineup for the Colts on third and six this one for miles Austin not looking for it and almost hit him kitna had to get rid of it because of the Blitz and Miles Austin that thing almost dropped right on top of his helmet yeah he either did not know the ball had been thrown or he lost it in the lights and Kidon is upset because he read the Blitz he knew he had to get it out of his hands and he had one on one and Cornelius Brown he never saw the ball either so I had had Miles Austin have been able to locate it he would have had a pretty easy chance to pull that one in for a touchdown here's a reaction from Kidman and now a field goal try 46 yards for Baylor one of two on the day [Applause] after pushing the 48 yarders last time he drills a 46-yard don't know what Kidman would have done at him it's Alan applause from Jason Garrett who's Cowboys are up by six [Music] there's the scoring drive it didn't end in a touchdown but instead a 46-yard field goal from peeler nine plays 3:45 off the clock six point game with over five to play in the third quarter try'n waiting for it this is the worst team in the NFL returning kickoffs Tryon has had a rough day so far let's go back to that play with kitnik getting rid of it on the Blitz Kenan did all he could as far as getting enough but it is you can tell Miles Austin just had no idea where the ball was and it looks like he's he's maybe pointing at the lights and then dez bryant he came over to visit with Jon Kitna and to hunt Kidman foods a little he's a little fiery and a little perturbed today he's just not in the mood for conversation was the one fire in their last game at home against this act yes he was paint bathing is 17 for his last 18 with two touchdowns [Applause] with two interceptions [Applause] he flips it pass part is don't buy Sean late and now Hart limps off isn't bothered by bad ankle and he hobbles away a penalty flag down on that first down throw pass interference number 15 of the offense 10-yard penalty they'll first down they get Blair White on an offensive pass interference hey Sean Lee the second round pick out a Penn State the linebacker six to 242 looks like he can run and he's been out there and coverage he was the one who made that play and it looks like hardness reinjure that left leg Sean Lee he got a pretty good education on how to play the line basket position there at Penn State they've had a few over the years 20 from the tap since the ball broke it up yeah I was just Peyton Manning trying to fit one in there - Jacob Tamme knowing that it was going to be contested because of sense of all the safety being in a pretty good location to make a play and he's just hoping that he could fit it in before since a ball would be able to make contact and just an awfully tough catch therefore for Jacob Tamme to try [Music] intercepted by lane the rookie with his first Shawn Lee touchdown vanning try to force it to Blair white those two talk and it's another pick six against Peyton Manning and another easy one to make you know Shawn Lee was was playing deep he was basically playing deep middle he's down the middle of the field and just reading Peyton Manning the entire way you got Blair white who's trying to work then to the same but Peyton because Peyton Manning never saw Shawn Lee and I think part of that you you're seeing Peyton Manning today Telegraph throws that she just never saw before Hank part of it is he's not real sure where his own guys are gonna be so he can't so much focus on looking guys off he's trying to figure out where he's his players are going to be and as a result these defensive player safeties in that time shot Lee and so for Shaun lay the second round pick his first interception 31-yard returned for the touchdown his first touchdown Peyton Manning has a talk with one of the young Colt receivers about now ten interceptions in the last three games for Peyton Manning four have been returned for touchdowns - last week - today and it's a 13-point Dallas Cowboy leads I'm just seeing paid Manning do things that you know as far as staring down receivers and not moving defenders I just never seen him those types of things in all these years just take a name let's go back to that interception by Shawn Lee now you see Shawn Lee right here and he's just gonna drop deep metal and he's reading Peyton Manning the entire way you see Peyton all he's doing is trying to figure out where Blair White is going and Shawn Tinley a rookie second-round pick here you know I think he'd might have kept that ball how many guys in his rookie get a chance to pick off Peyton Manning but he got pressure in the pocket as you see and he he got a little banged up Shawn Lee did he doesn't have the ball with them but we're seeing Peyton Manning just doing some things in this game and early in the last few weeks and we're just not used to see night see tabárez James goes to the line of scrimmage let's go for a game break here's Curt Menefee same highlight different game this time at Seattle linebacker Lofa - too cool picking off Jimmy Clausen and returning at 26 shots for a score Seattle has scored 17 unanswered has a three-point lead over Carolina [Music] thank you Seattle very much a lot of it banning crows and completes Reggie Wayne growing in the secondary yeah look to be like that might be on Michael Jenkins [Applause] could be the second penalty on Indianapolis or is it against the defense and Jenkins it appears Jared you saw that contact and one official overrules the other they picked up the flag and it's a 17 yard completion to Reggie Wayne under five to play third quarter [Applause] dr. Tavares James while the better runs of the day a 5-yard gain Brady James on the stop mean talk about Troy trying to force the run a lot of that's got to be Peyton Manning up at the line he seems to have free will and rein to do whatever he wants either into Arana out of it and yet he still try to stick with him because what he has seen this year his teams just playing coverage against them and just dare enough to be able to stop the run or to be able to run the ball against the front that favors now here's James Sanjiv Aris gonna fight for a first down Peyton Manning has been in the playoffs as the two teams start to rough it up no flags are thrown Manning's been in the playoffs ten times in his 12-year career coming into this season Super Bowl team from the year ago right now Indianapolis trying to win here to keep pace with Jacksonville they deserve rebounds with the jet wars in two weeks the last time these two teams met spins into different territory but flag squads umpire through it here's people from bow grabbing the facemask number 81 of the offense 15-yard penalty still first out Brody Eldridge you're going to see right here Dallas is playing with the safeties deep right here the tight end is the one who had the penalty called against them but the safeties being deep means that they are playing coverage and now you've got a numbers advantage to be able to run the football or you should be able to and that's what Peyton Manning has been looking at not just in this game but he's been looking at it each and every week and so teams are playing coverage and with that you've got to be able to run the ball somewhat effectively on early down it becomes very difficult to continue to try to throw the football into those looks but Peyton I I know is getting frustrated with the lack of success go there's two bars James after the 15-yard penalty which is a big thrown to the ground by Brady James after a gain of just four with coming up on two minutes left in the third quarter and there is mike hart who is again bothered by an ankle injury Joseph Addai who does everything from the running back position for the Colts is missing his sixth straight game hey come back and Brody makes the catch a gain of eight o'clock continues - why third log coming up and what happens then is because Dallas is playing there they're just determined not to give anything deep down the field and so Payton is happened to you very very patient now you're sitting here looking at a fern got to try to get the ball down the field Cowboys are showing blitz Manning checks out something [Music] steps up throws and for a first down a big completion from Peyton Manning of 13 yards you know well Blair White's going to run a good route here but Terrence Neumann sees it and he plays it very well he was just a little bit late getting back to it but he got his head around saw that Blair White was coming out to the sidelines but the ball beat him before he was able to make a play I was a good third down conversion there by a cold passes caught short of the end zone is Markham at the one third-quarter is running out of time under 10 seconds sports team balls in the [Applause] and complaint and that's how the third quarter will end with an incompletion to Reggie Wayne so here are the Colts needing a win down by 13 second and goal from the 1 we start the fourth back after this from your local Fox station fifteen minutes to go as we start the fourth quarter it's a 13-point game in its second and goal for the Colts at the Dallas one and they're in a position where you'd like to line up and be able to try and pound it into the end zone but they haven't been able to line up and pound any of them here's the big completion to Richie way that a nice route combination they ran take Jacob Tamme vertically on the safety to hold him with the one-on-one match James in a tale that he gets it lay in for the touchdown and a good effort by Javaris James his third rushing touchdown of the season yeah you're right he got jammed right at the line of scrimmage but he was able to keep his feet going and then just get enough to get it across the goal line and that's enough that's a nice Drive by the Indianapolis Colts I mean as inconsistent as this game has been for them offensively and as much as Peyton Manning has struggled they do have flip big plant belly they keep showing it now it's a six-point game the key play the 40 yard or to Reggie Wayne setup Jabbar is James to pound it in 27 21 Cowboys on top city's game on Fox is sponsored by sheep by UPS let ups put the power of logistics to work for you and by Subway restaurants try the Mel tastic new chipotle chicken and cheese today 2721 Reggie Wayne has been doing it for a long time he's set it up he's got seven catches in this game he got a 40-yarder from Peyton Manning 83 catches on the season 751 completions from Peyton Manning in the time they've spent together it's the number two duo in yardage in NFL history Harris appears desperate showing off his speed gets by McAfee and Tryon saves a touchdown flag is down at the 41 he is electrifying I'll say he showed great patience there and I think he kind of lulled everybody to slow down a little bit and then he saw a little crease and hit it flag was thrown late in the return by Dez Bryant here's a call during the return holding receiving teams hang our penalties for sale zoom right here Dez Bryant stops for just a minute then reverses field looked likes the call might have been right there on Sam her number 17 [Applause] and it looked like it was a design deal the deaths Ryan was going to start to his right show that it was going to be a return right and then reverse field and make it a return left it was a great return without the hold by Sam hurt it was an 85-yard to return and instead of starting at the Colt 16 because of the penalty now the ball is marked at the Dallas 32 [Applause] so a little stoppage prior to burst out bells snap at the football and here we go Dallas up five six get the sense at the screen with Felix Jones good play welcome - this linebacking core they have players now in their normal positions in Taiwan Hagler came up to make that play that group has been solidified with the return of Gary bracket here the offensive leaders for Dallas 147 yards through the air for kitna choice 51 yards on the ground as he is well back with more action for Dallas here today his Phoenix Jones well-played voila third and seven here come the coats training well Dwight Freeney you're going to see the spin move right here up top him one-on-one on duck curry and he gets duck free worrying about the speed rush to the outside the spin move underneath Jon Kitna going down with a satin and this defense for the Colts just stepped up eight sack of the year for free knee and that's his first tackle overall in this game [Applause] walk by the Colts indeed this comes right through here overload that one side they got what they wanted and Smith then just has to be able to make the block he gets a favorable balance and is able to recover it for the touchdown just added to the active roster this week he was on the practice squad of the coach [Music] the Colts are leading for the first time in this game Smith made the play macGuire has his first punt blocked all year and now the Cowboys are down by one [Applause] the time Smith made the play for the Colts their last block punt return for a touchdown was an 89 against the 49ers and Smith who had a good preseason but hurt his hamstring during camp was cut Colts had to wait until November to re-sign I have just activated him and he makes the special teams play to put the Colts on top for the first time can't make the 20 JaVale connor on the stop here's the block smell before getting into the end zone but they call it a touchdown no red flag was thrown II would have clearly been shore to the end zone but then you're talking about first and goal from the one now Dez Bryant the rookie is down and needing attention from the Cowboys training staff we'll take a break as they hold their breath on the Dallas today's game on Fox is sponsored by Verizon the official wireless service provider of the NFL they were looking at the right leg it might be the right ankle or name and Dez Bryant needs a lot of help to get off the field after returning that kick see the point underneath the body of the always the danger of somebody that effective as a receiver returning kicks his feelings Jones picks up three Antonio Johnson made the stop and here's one more look at Dez Bryant tackled by Cavell Connor they were looking at the right ankle and Dez Bryant had a high ankle sprain going back to training camp that's been kind of bothering them throughout the year but how about the different special teams made on that last possession you get the Dez Bryan return that's brought back because the penalty on Sam hurt and then you get the Taj Smith punt block a big chain of events just on special teams alone on second down on the ground the carry by Felix Jones for first down [Applause] and Alice gets ten yards from Felix Jones the first ever American Country Awards hosted by Trace Adkins over 15 performances from country music's biggest stars the only country music award show where you vote for the winner American Country Awards live tomorrow at 8:00 Eastern 7 central only on Fox first down Dallas from the 33 Cowboys with 152 rush yards on the day to shard choice adds three more so the Colts who trailed 17 to nothing one minute into the second quarter of this game now lead at 28th 2017 special teams coordinator ray rich Leske for the Indianapolis Colts has to be pleased with what ty Smith was able to do in that block punt for the touchdown it's been big plays whether it's the block the offensive side of the ball we've seen the interceptions the interception for a touchdown by Shawn Lee but the Colts come right back with big plays to get themselves right in the game here's choice he's tripped up good play made by Buffet might have saved a big play a gain of just one yeah that was a nice play because he had blocking out in front and it looked like that was going to go for a nice game where Troy said that they'd not have been there to make that play so now once again a critical third down play extra men on the rush in the past complete for a first down to Whitman ten yards in a first down a third down conversion third catch for Jason Witt we haven't seen the Colts bring a lot of pressure they brought linebacker their Taiwan Hagler then he has to be the guy who comes over and covers Jason Witten if Jason Witten releases vertically off the ball it's going to be very difficult as it was for Hagler then to get there and make a play trying to disguise what they were doing within the defensive scheme bring up freed up Witten for that first down he's been busy a season-high running day for the Dallas Cowboys a gain of two and Felix Jones who has the only 100-yard individual rushing day this season for Dallas she's up around the 70 yard mark he's carried at 17 times 468 Dallas is going to have to come into this game and continue doing the things that they have done in recent weeks stay balanced run the football try to neutralize Dwight Freeney and Robert Mathis they they have not only been able to run the ball but they've been running ball you know it's one thing to have Russian attempts it's another thing to have successful all you do Kevin Ogletree is in the lineup now for Dallas here's Whitman and he has tripped up brought down right at the marker Ogletree who's been inactive for seven straight games a special teamer was moved up to the active list now with Dez Bryant out with the ankle injury Kevin Ogletree who doesn't have a catch all year is in an important spot for the Dallas Cowboys and we are going to get measurement jason witten i know it was the concern coming into this game he is each and every week but Larry coy or the defensive coordinator he said we do not have a guy on our team defensively that can cover Jason Witten one-on-one and we've seen that on that last play he was one-on-one and he had several steps on the defender first down Dallas you talk about Larry coiour offensive coordinator it's up to his group after the cults in a really important game here with a record of six and five having lost three of their last four at the moment trailing the Jaguars in the division [Applause] to Jacksonville earlier in lawyers defense has to make a stop choice gets it and to chard pushes the pile down near the 38 a gain of five big Leonard Davis pulled on that power play to the last Bank oh I laugh because Leonard Davis has struggled a little bit this year but what did Larry quarry tell us on Friday he said I'm watching film on the Cowboys and Leonard Davis is about the biggest human being I've ever seen and I find myself just mesmerized watching him on film I'm surprised he even saw with Jason Witten did on film based on listening to him an awfully big man 355 pounds here's a toss to choice to short choice another big one averaged 5 yards of carriers first two seasons in the NFL he is over 6 yards of carry today that's good for 26 now they're able to take advantage of the pursuit by Dwight Freeney you're gonna see him here up the field and then you get him outflanked and it works still because you're able to then get Jason Witten up on Justin Tyrone the corner and so because free knees not staying with contain he's trying to crash down on the ball carrier and then with the block by waiting you get the game you got 26 yard carry his Felix Jones hesitates takes it just inside the 10 picks up three so choice troy has a 20 yard touchdown run now at 26 yarder and he is gassed over on the sidelines hey I think this guy's a player I mean we talked about it there in the first half Joe when he's had his chances and he's had 10 carries or more this guy has averaged over the last three years over four yards of Kari he's done that again here this afternoon I think he's earned the right to get a lot more carries here's Felix Jones a yard shy the first day and right now the Dallas Cowboys are close to a 200 yard rushing day as a group last time they did that was week three of last year in the place election 5050 under Jason Garrett at the start of the day and now today well I like that under Philips and then Undergear meanwhile Jason Garrett's been calling the plays all season starting one Felix John's first down and how many times torie you and I talk to coaches around the NFL and it's boring and they all say it we've got to run the ball we've got to stop the run and the Colts can't stop the run and they have proven all day that they cannot run the ball well that's right and that's been a real problem for this Colts team both offensively and then defensively as well I mean when you're able to take some of the pressure off of Jon Kitna by running the ball for over 200 yards we've seen how difficult the sweaters paid for paid men choice came down short of the goal line got about half a yard bracket made the stop second and goal you know I'm impressed though Joe with this Dallas team you know for a team that comes into this game at three and eight and they just don't let up we've been watching them now for the last four games and they you would never know watching his team play that they're out of the playoffs this is a spot where they would likely go for two if they score a touchdown again knocked away by kiante Dawson stirred and goal he just gets his hand up and kidness trying to like he's trying to throw the fade route but that was an awfully no you had to slant there to Miles Austin and Miles Austin certainly was open so Keon to Dawson who saved the touchdown pass if you're gonna say you got a big powerful offensive line you run the ball choice doesn't get there anger the rookie the first one there well Martellus Bennett gets blown off the ball you're going to see him here he's got to block down and he gets pressure in the backfield and then there's just nowhere for Tashard choice to go that is a great job defensively by Indianapolis when Dallas got first and goal from about the one-yard line and to keep them from scoring a touchdown and holding them here to a field goal that's just an excellent job this is less than an extra point distance-wise 19 yards for peeler but nothing's been automatic that is to make them recap let's say delay of the game so that'll turn it into a 24-yard truck and I know you have to take the points I know there's no decision when you've got fourth and goal from the one you haven't been able to get in but now you're gonna kick a field goal and you're going to give the ball back to Peyton Manning where you only need to get into field goal range with a guy like Vinatieri waiting on the sidelines your three na you're out of the race I mean I think you could it's at least worth the discussion well three and eight or 83 I think Jason Garrett is calling this to do what he thinks will help him win the game you have to take the points here but it certainly does change what peyton manning is sneaking over on that both sidelines so a 24-yard tried to regain the lead flag is down again [Applause] let's see what the call is Foster took a leap onto a teammate's back [Applause] and Jason Garrett it's definitely against the Colts as they explain it to Jason Garrett here's the collec sportsman like condo number 68 the defense leveraged half the distance to the goal automatic first down the Dallas Cowboys take the points off the board and have an automatic first down and it was Eric Foster by using leverage guilty of the unsportsmanlike conduct so the offense comes back onto the field for the Dallas Cowboys its first and goal again 168 they're leaping on the back of Jerrod so there was no teammate but he ends up on the back of Jerrod [Music] and that's the call to setup I think they missed one there Joe I don't know that that's necessarily illegal I know you can't use your own player your own teammate to go up on somebody we have Mike Pereira to talk to and we will get the clarification on this with its first and goal according to this officiating full of choice knocked down by lacy at the to a gain of one at second and goal it's a nice job there by Jacob lacy Mike Pereira is with us what did you think of that call Mike that's leverage you know it doesn't make a difference if you go on to a teammate or an opponent you can't put a knee or a foot on top of an opponent or teammate and extend for height if you do extend reach that hand up to try to block the kick it's actually the classic definition of leverage so there you go the proper call made to give the Cowboys this golden opportunity down by here's choice good job by this Colts defense mirror the first one there and now it's third and goal they're just beating Dallas off the line of scrimmage you're right in mirror he just splits right through the offensive line there of the Cowboys and again he's in the backfield we've seen it each time the Dallas has tried to run the ball this defensive front for the Cole to just whipping this Bell and now a timeout is taken by Indianapolis Jim Caldwell the head coach came running down to call the timeout and the leverage call could mean nothing more than just taking time off the clock if the Colts defense can come up with a stop here on third and goal as it is 243 left and the Colts now have just one timeout remaining it seems at this point inevitable barring something out of the ordinary that the Colts are going to find themselves trailing the question is by how much day four Manning the day for kit nose thrown for 160 here we go snap kitna farside Whitten touchdown and a beautiful throat from Jon Kitna for the touchdown hey just one-on-one on Antoine Bethea and but they was actually in pretty good position at the snap of the ball because Jason Witten just out runs him to the sideline there in the flat route a real simple job by Jason Witten coming off the line of scrimmage and then just racing to the flat and Jon Kitna puts it on him for the touchdown so now going for two by the Cowboys try make it a seven-point game Dallas Cowboys have converted one two-point conversion this season and went to Whitley two points and a seven-point lead what a flow from John King they're perfectly in Roy Williams pointed in stride the Colts defense can't make a stop Cowboys got another chance because of the penalty turn it in to eight points and lead by seven look at the numbers on that scoring drug 18 plays that's the longest scoring drive of the season for Dallas ten minutes off the clock that's called playing keep away from Peyton Manning and 14 to the 18 plays were running plays and so even though it had been 347 games since the Colts had last block a punt for a touchdown and gave them the lead the Cowboys crammed and right down their throat for eight points and they lead by seven his triumph can't make the 20 and a good play made by Danny McCray a return of 19 yards and here comes Peyton Manning and it is all stacked up against Peyton Manning and the Colts on this drive and maybe for the season last time they missed the playoffs 2001 if they lose today they're a full game Plus behind Jacksonville Plus because they've lost to Jacksonville head to head they have him here in two weeks Peyton Manning said to us the wild-card option is dead we've got to win the division to get to the postseason by Jenkins pass intended for Reggie Wayne let's go to Curt Menefee for a game break Tampa Bay intercepted Matt Ryan to set up this for the running back earnest Graham to John Gilmore took play 2314 pending the extra point Tampa trying to go up by 10 with 10 left Joe Troy Pam that brings the number one seed in the NFC mornin sports tourism a total miscommunication between Peyton Manning and Reggie Wayne and its third and ten yeah it's one thing when it happens with Blair White but when there's a miscommunication with Reggie Wayne these guys have been playing together for too long but you can tell Peyton Manning thought that Reggie Wayne was going to stay up the sidelines Reggie Wayne hooks it up and it's third and ten two downs to get ten yards [Applause] keep their hopes alive banning scrambles and fines laying for a first down had to step up Peyton Manning and he found Reggie Wayne for 18 yards he's having to navigate his own guy offensive line you get pressure from the defensive front but now he's starting to get pressure from his own players with 208 remaining the clock has stopped because sensabaugh can't get up you think about the success with the Colts this is the only team with ten or more wins and a playoff berth every year since 2002 eight straight years in the playoffs twelve or more wins seven straight years and they won't make eight that ends here in 2010 but a streak that started in O 3 and yet here they are at six and five and staring at six and six without a rally here with 213 left well I would say that even with some of his guys not here new Dallas Clark Anthony Gonzales Austin colleague Joseph Addai nice we've seen it too many times from Peyton Manning regardless of who's been on the field what tonight I just don't know that you can bet against Peyton Manning in this situation based on his track record I know it hasn't gone as well this year we've seen him make some mistakes late in games just like this we saw it against New England a few weeks ago but for my money I'd still put it on Peyton Manning so now you've got sensible still heard Scandrick is out with a concussion and a rookie safety Barry Church a free agent out of Toledo has to come in the game so they're thin back there and that that's important against a guy like Manning obviously yeah don't think that's lost on big man swings it passes card what a catch that's Reggie Wayne again for 13 yards and we are at the two-minute warning in Indianapolis here come the Colts down by seven two to play in Indy [Music] big Manning six time this season 60 second time in his career he's been 300 yards are better those of his stats he needs seven points with two minutes left one time it's Tammy the tie dad picks up seven Brady James on the tackle is under 2-minutes joyless circle that there's one timeout left beginning you two bonus coverage from Tampa Bay Florida as that game between the were paid Manning gets real dangerous because he's got plenty of time on the clock so he can be real patient and he can pressure defense and just come underneath as he does here inside the 25 cents of off back in the lineup for the Cowboys a gain of 13 defense gets so focused on not giving up the big play in this situation that you can complete five yard passes and get all the way down the field with run after the catch wanna catch lay down and sits up first and goal how great is that tax they're unbelievable he lays out right here no one that there's a potential there to take a big hit that's just a great job by Reggie way he's been doing it for a long time the colts call a timeout wayne looked like he secured that catch going to the ground Colts are out of timeouts they're trying to let Reggie Wayne and others catch their breath and I haven't seen a replay that shows anything other than a cache now they're going to take a look at it upstairs it's a booth review with 57 seconds remaining [Applause] here's the call [Applause] you may have already made it here's a call from Pete Morelli after reviewing the play the ruling on the field is confirmed it is a catch so they have also given the timeout back to the Colts as it went to a booth review and now Reggie Wayne through a 194 cards on the day to yard shot [Applause] it takes it may be inches inside the new hancher on the stuff it'll be second and goal at one time I left for the well Javaris James they got the push double-team on the right side he just takes it right over the center and you know Payton got into the line in a hurry and you knew that after that last run they got good yardage she wanted to come right back to the same play he does and it's enough for the touchdown 35 just six carries 18 yards but two touchdowns satyam count and how about the Dallas defense I mean think back to Thanksgiving night the Cowboys have a four point lead they fail to hang on to it there was a lot of attention paid to the fumble by Roy Williams meanwhile the defense let him go right down the field late to take the lead they've got a lead in this game defense has to make a stop to preserve the victory and they can't do it look I'm sorry Joe but you look at this game right now 29 seconds on the clock three timeouts you know with those timeouts 29 seconds is a lot of time knowing that they just need a field goal to win this game you know I'll tell you this that to me what you touched on with this defense for Dallas is this big a reason why wait Phillips's without a job with the Dallas Cowboys as any the mistakes the lack of discipline the lethargic play a talented team underperforming yet but the defense took a nosedive from a year ago I mean this the 23rd rated defense they don't defend the pass well and they weren't getting any turnovers prior to the coaching chain and it was the defense of this team was supposed to hang their hat on 2010 from inside the end zone [Applause] Highsmith doubtless hands-on [Applause] somebody at the bar [Applause] fought for the football natasha 'the already has a blocked punt for a touchdown and in his first week active for the colts this year he almost changed the game and handed his team will win by forcing a fumble but the cowboys recover and it was recovered by Miller that's Lonnie Miller who was just added to the roster backup running back twenty-one seconds left say we'll take this thing into overtime despite three timeouts with 21 seconds left Jason Garrett will head to overtime for the first time you know in something a code yeah somebody look at that is very odd with three timeouts and you know in certain circumstances I think you could say okay so what we can do but Jason Garrett is a head coach he's got to make that decision based on where he thinks his team is at this time he didn't feel good about it we're gonna regroup and we're gonna see what can happen here and overtime so here are the overtime rules the coin toss determines the possession remember the rule change will take effect in the postseason or if one team goes down and gets a field goal the other team has a chance to answer that in the regular season 15-minute quarter you can have a tie two timeouts per team all replays from the booth Peyton Manning and when he comes in he needs a touchdown to extend this game short-handed and he delivers how about Reggie Wayne oh it was that was it was a two-man show and it was we have been Manning Reggie winning that last first team to score wins game ends in a tie without any team scoring will be a time we will use fourth-quarter timing rules each team will have two timeouts and all reviews will be upstairs from the booth this is hit tails this is heads or the visitor you make the call tails tails is the call as it is you won the toss Grady James pick tails whose heads Colts will get it it's overtime and Indianapolis and a big one for the home team and here this evening [Music] if you're just joining us here's what peyton manning's and his six and five Colts have overcome today look at the scoring Dallas led by 17 early in the second quarter by ten at the half and by 13 points entering the fourth quarter and Peyton Manning just took his team down with under three to play got him into the end zone after the Cowboys had scored a touchdown and then converted a two-point conversion and so now here in overtime we'll start at there 20 you're just joining us here's why it's important Jacksonville won today over Tennessee there's seven and five Jacksonville has already defeated Indianapolis this season they meet here in two weeks and we've quoted Peyton Manning earlier saying forget the wild-card for the kind of records we have in our division we have to win the division in order to avoid missing the playoff for the first time since 2001 [Applause] at 42 yards picks chief for touchdowns - touchdown pass Javaris James buck the saga and all the momentum is with the Indianapolis Colts right now and here's what happens in an overtime situation is there's a tendency for viewers to think okay well you play it just like you would you know any other series during the ball game that's not true because this is still basically a two minute situation only you're not held up against the clock you have plenty of time but there's urgency on both sides of the ball nice play by sensible on Reggie Wayne that's right so now you still have the sense of urgency by the defense knowing they got to make a stop same thing with the offense but now you're not rushed and Peyton can still use the drop offs the underneath throws like we saw there on that last possession to send this thing into overtime laughing steps up he is hit by the pan a gain of six so a third down coming here for the Colts we lost three of their last four that they've been good all season and they've been really good today [Applause] Reggie Wayne who got him down in position to tie this game has one off his chest have got up on his shoulder pads and you see he's not able to get his hands up and it just goes right through his arms we saw that last week against the Chargers Peyton threw him a beautiful pass last week and you just don't see it a lot from him and that was a first down if he makes that play Dez Bryant left with an ankle injury he has returned two punts for a touchdown this season Brian McCann has won and he's one of two guys back McAfee hits it it's a good high call for by McCann at the 17 so here comes John kitten if you're just joining us this is the 6th straight start for kitten taking place place of the injured Tony Romo who broke his collarbone at home against the Giants over the last five weeks coming in kitten number three in the NFL and passing yardage line Peyton and Mark Sanchez number four and completion percentage and he's had another strong game they have very efficient in this the high percentage of passes hasn't grown fall Felix Jones and a nice play made by Murer in the backfield Jones got it back to the line of scrimmage lost half a yard and mirror made the play I'll tell you Dan mirror has he's had himself a game here in half of this one I mean down the goal line and right out here first play then overtime makes a play in the back here's Felix Jones claim made by Hagler gain of just two and now you get into that battle of field position as this Colts defense tries to make something happen now this is when the big players step up and Dwight Freeney had a nice Bowl rush on duck free right into the left of Jon Kitna I don't know if that's where he wanted to go with the ball but it's where he had to throw it because he wasn't going to have any more time to hang on to it his flag is down pass incomplete but pretty was held Oh another six years you win with the bulrush two consecutive plays just jammed up three right into the lap of KITT now kitten is able to get outside the pocket fortunate that ball wasn't intercepted but what a disruptive force right there by that defensive front first mirror mirror on the first play of the series and the last two possession for the last two plays there by Dwight Freeney bass was incomplete so they declined the penalty Geary bracket would missed the previous three games with a toe injury was there to knock that pass away it hits a Hoover back inside the 20 millennia the punters having the season the bank riders have been you can tilt it back your way with regard to that field position game get recap mate Manning has thrown two picks four touchdowns three overall that one to Shawn Lee the other one to Scandrick ties Smith blocked a punt for a touchdown that was a big call against Eric Foster leverage and allow the cowboy is to throw the touchdown to whip to point [Applause] that made it a seven-point game but then Jabbar as James just pounded it in Richie Wayne put on a clinic taking it down the field [Applause] this one isn't not a lateral James the intended receiver second at ten million Payton thought he might have got him something there DeMarcus Ware was caught in coverage with Tavares James the tailback and did a good job of forcing Payton to make an errant throw [Applause] second down in Tennessee is caught by Reggie waves it's a catch it's a gain of six third down coming up one thing we are seeing is a lot of contested throws especially the ones being made to Reggie Wayne [Music] champions with a good coverage he's been space all day [Applause] interceptor picked off by the rookie has his second Jenkins tipped it and Shawn Lee the rookie picked it off and it is the fourth interception thrown by Manning in this game and this time he didn't anticipate Michael Jenkins coming off of his man and getting underneath Jacob Tamme you're gonna see Tammy right here tied in running the corner route but Jenkins comes off of his man Reggie Wayne and then he's the one who got the hands on the ball you see how he falls off of Wayne when he sees where Manning's going with the ball and he tips it up for another interception to Shawn Lee so back-to-back for interception games for Peyton Manning after throwing three the week before that at New England there's Felix Jones Cowboys are already inside field goal range but remember they have a less than consistent kicker in David Baylor they want to cram this down closer to make it easier on number 18 yeah and let me just reiterate that that was a freelance play there by Michael Jenkins as a good play on that and read a quarterback when the ball is being thrown come off of the man you're defending and make the play there's a good job on his part second and seven handoff choice a yard shy of the first down let's go for a quick game break here's Curt benefit and the Atlanta Falcons have come back Matt Ryan hooking up with Michael Jenkins nine yards score to give a Falcons the lead 2824 we'll take you to this key NFC matchup if your game is done before it is completed Joe Toye Pam [Applause] here overtime third Delos hand off for a first down choice and he's done it all better [Applause] two big ones one for a touchdown and now a first down inside the 25 to the 24 that was really good vision by Tashard choice just seeing where the weak spot was in that defense wasn't badly played there by Indianapolis up front the Cowboys had been struggling to move any type of you know any type of yard it's on the ground here in recent carries but pick up a key on that last carry by choice 96 yards the choice it gets it again and adds to it how about a quick update on Dez Bryant here's Pam Oliver yeah joe you mentioned Dez Bryant had that ankle injury what we just got more official word on it Bryant with the ankle injury it is actually a fracture back to you so the rookie who has six receiving touchdowns eight overall fractures his ankle returning a kick his offensive teammate to try to win this game second Hey choice again the shark choice picks up - and choice now has the second 100-yard day for a Dallas Cowboy running back and here comes Baylor into the game now you saw Jason Garrett talking with special teams coordinator Jody Camillus and then that last carry was designed just to put the ball into the middle of the field third down here and go ahead and attempt the field goal box snap you still have possession we'll try it on third down it's a 38 yard trying to win it timeout is taken so Jason Garrett I'm not taking by the Colts Jason Garrett is two and one as interim head coach talking to Hudson how the longtime offensive line coach of the Cowboys and other stops told us before the game of all the head coaches he's seen talk to a roomful of players Jason Garrett is number two all-time to the great John Robinson who's actually here in the stadium today doing radio of this game and he thinks the world of the job Garrett has done for a team that looked like it it quit they were a fumble away from starting three you know under Garrett and now they're a field goal away from winning here on the road at Indianapolis the change that we've seen from the Cowboys here over the last four games under Jason Garrett as the head coach doesn't just happen so when I'm told that yes Jason Garrett has been really remarkable in front of the team and very effective it's not a surprise based on what we see of their performance on the field 38-yard try to win it peeler [Applause] he's running it over time the cults will leave here six and six and Jason Garrett all smiles will leave here 3-1 four and eight but in this eight-game audition to try and become the head coach of the Dallas Cowboys Jason Garrett is now three and one he's won at the Giants at home against Detroit lost to New Orleans on Thanksgiving and wins in Indianapolis take a break and come back Cowboys win it in overtime more to come after this [Music]
Channel: Bart Simpson
Views: 52,124
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Id: iAg2EnRxFXc
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Length: 135min 49sec (8149 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 14 2018
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