201 - GameMaker: Studio 2 - Image Editor

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game maker studio 2 comes equipped with its own image editor and the way to access it requires a sprite so let's create a new sprite I'll click create here and I get my sprite editor here and if I click this button edit image I can open up the image editor there's a lot to look at here so let's break it down at the top we have our frame view this will show all of your frames in a sort of slideshow fashion this is the current one I have selected I can tell because of this green underline if I want to add a new frame I click this giant plus button and I get a new frame I don't actually get to selected by default I have to click on it myself so if I click this X button to delete one of my frames and let's just say I draw something and I click add new frame I don't actually jump to it I have to click on it to get to it but now I have two frames and if I want to start drawing in my second frame I can do that if I want to or if I need to reference the previous frame I can click this button for onion skinning when I click it I'm going to get to these red braces around here and what happens is I can drag them to select however many frames before the current selected frame and how many frames after the currently selected frame I want to reference right now I only have the one previous frame so we can not reference it or reference it and it's going to be red there are ways to change the opacity or the Alpha Channel and the color of the selected frames I'll show you that later but now I have a reference point so I can start drawing my own thing over top of this I don't know something like that I can create another frame click over I'm now referencing the previous frame just go on top of this again get a new frame click like that and we'll just draw on top of that again now if I want to reference more frames I just slide it over now I've got more frames to reference and they lower in opacity the further back in time they are and if I select something in the middle I can so let's just select something the middle select upcoming frames and see what those look like I can also turn off onion skinning if it gets annoying so we've also got a few other buttons over here one is the play button we get to watch the animation take place there it is it's kind of this cool squiggly animation now if I don't like this particular speed this bar right here if it's not available it's because it's this little right arrow and you click it to drop it down we can check the speed and there are two different speed settings in game maker studio - we've got frames per second and frames per game frame this requires you to have some sort of game frame setup it defaults to 30 considered to whatever you want 30 or 60 I prefer frames per second when checking my animation so this is 15 frames per second let's just make it 5 frames per second and hit the enter button and it's a little easier to see what's going on then we see which frame were on currently you see just going through what it's doing is starting at 1 going to the maximum number of frames and looping if I don't want a loop I can click it again and get ping-pong this means it'll go to the last frame and bounce back to the first frame and just keep going back and forth like that and then I can also say no loop which means every time I hit play it'll go from 1 to 4 and stop there's a little bar on this side which controls your grid options if I click this button I get a grid and if I don't like what it looks like I can click this drop-down arrow and change the grid options I can change the color of the grid from these predefined buttons right here let's just put it at black that's fine we could set the Alpha which is the opacity 255 being fully opaque and I can drop it all the way down to zero which is equivalent to just turning the grid off but you can change the transparency here it's called alpha we can decide how many units in pixels are on the x-axis and how many on the Y right now it's 16 by 16 but we can change that to whatever we want a by 8 one by one there's also also doesn't have to be symmetrical like that it can be off and we can make rectangles instead of perfect squares now I can still draw this but if I wanted to snap to grid I can just hit this toggle right here and now I can only draw to the top left coordinate of the grid which looks really weird and might not be what you want or at least not at 1 to 5 if it was let's say 4 4 maybe you wanted to create a pattern like that either way these are your grid options I'm going to turn the grid off now over here we've got some magnification options you can zoom out from your image to zoom into your image this will put it at a one-to-one ratio so that's what it will actually look like to my screen down here it's the position of my tool in the X&Y value this is the size of the canvas in pixel 64 by 64 and this is what 64 by 64 looks like in a 1920 by 1080 resolution but if I want to set it to fill the screen I can click this button here and center fit now it's back to what it was when I first started the last option allows you to do split screen right now I'm looking at one editor canvas I can click here and get two canvases top and bottom if I click again I get side-by-side or you can just select from here split horizontal are split vertical it's the same frame on the left and right but the difference is you now have two toolbars so I can zoom in to this one to get really fine detail and still get this zoomed out look so I can find the pixel I want to edit and then I can see over here it's updating if that's something that interests you but I'm just going to keep it at one canvas for now at the top left we've got brushes I've got some square ones and some circular ones they're just some presets right now it's one pixel of the square I can up that with squares or circles it's just a jumping-off point for you to start a brush if you want and as I select these different brushes I can change the options up here I can set the size so right now it's one pixel I can put it up to 48 by 48 which is very large and unnecessary the moment I can also click this smoothing option which interpolates and blends out which of course to a square looks really dumb but if we were something like a small circle there we go we get kind of this anti-aliasing look and it looks a little nicer or you can keep it hard pixels if your game is more based on pixels here we have our color window these are a whole bunch of preset colors that are considered like a palette the reason it's considered a palette I'll get into in a moment but if I wanted to change my draw tools that I've got selectively right now this is my paintbrush tool I can just click one of these colors let's go with this color right here and now I've assigned it to my left click over here you can see it I can also right click the color to assign it to right click so you're allowed two different colors denoted here on the left and right you can add it to left click or right click I don't want those on there right now so I'm going to just ctrl Z and get rid of them this is your most recently used color so every time I click something it'll just show up here it's kind of handy to be like oh it was at last color I used it's right here so it's just going chronologically over to the right so most recent - least recent now I can change these colors if I want I can of course click on one of these boxes and get this color window I can assign the red green and blue values right here just with the slider I can pick whatever color I want like that I can set the Alpha Channel right here the opacity or if I want to use hue saturation and value I've got that option as well also there's a hex editor if you know how to use hex code for color these are all available for you for changing your color you can also pick one of these basic colors we've got our grayscale right here and some simple primary colors and if you make a new color that you think it's pretty cool you can hit save new color and it will add it to a custom palette down here so this is the color we started with and this is the color that we're going to get and if I hit OK this is our new color now I can also change one of these colors in the palette all I got to do is double click so this yellow I'm going to double click it and let's just make it this disgusting brown and there we go we have this dark brown in the palette now why does this matter well if I had more than one sprite let's add an existing sprite the is pitfall Harry from super pitfall for NES now if I go into his image editor he has the default palette again so that yellow that I turned into a disgusting Brown is still yellow now what I can do is let's say I'm working with this version of Harry and I set up all my colors the way I like them and now I want to go back to this sprite and I want the colors I've changed in this one well this drop down right here I can use to import colors from a sprite or copy colors from a sprite so let's say I wanted that yellow back I can import from pitfall Harry and there we go this would change all of the colors here to whatever is in pitfall Harry's palette really great if you set all these colors to what you like you draw your sprite and then you want to start a new sprite well that's going to go back to default but you can always import the colors you've changed and then continue working now of course this is only covering the draw tool there are many other tools we can go over and they're down here in the toolbox the first tool is obviously the paintbrush tool we've been using it it's got this pencil icon and all you do is either hold down left click or right click to draw the appropriate colors that you have assigned to left and right click the next one is the eraser tool it works very similar to the draw tool except you're erasing stuff it's pretty simple and you can also change the brush size for it and up here you can also change the size by a digital value and you can smooth it if you want to you know get the interpolation on the edges for that anti-aliased feel let's just go back and put it back to where it was and it was this giant brush and all like that ok set it back to the way was the next tool we have is a fill tool if I click that I will be able to left a right click to fill that color up into some sort of alpha tolerance I have it set to zero that's a harsh alpha so ever it finds any kind of pixel it'll stop filling if I were drawing a lower opacity value let's just edit one of these to have a low opacity and then draw this box so now it's really faded can't really see it and I want to fill in in color my alpha tolerance is zero so as long as there's any alpha there it will butt up against it and fill to its completion however if I say okay it has to be a hundred percent fill that has to be some pixel there this is fine because this is still a full opaque white but if I try to fill this purple it bleeds through it because I said ignore anything below a hundred percent opacity so that's how your tolerance works so this is just setting how tolerant it is to alpha channels and we don't want this let's just get rid of that okay so the next thing we've got is the color removal tool it's really simple all you got to do is click on a color let's put multiple colors in here so we've got a whole swath of stuff okay and actually let's make them blend on top of each other okay so I've got this color removal tool which is H and if I click a color anywhere that color exists it'll get rid of it once again you can go by tolerance so if it's close to it this is being very specific so anything that is this color is is going to get rid of it but if I had things that are close to this color I might have to increase the tolerance to allow it to get the stuff similar to this color if I click this green down here it gets rid of all these greens and leaves these gaps in between the purple which is pretty cool if you didn't want to just remove the color and you wanted to replace it V or clicking right here is the color replace tool so if I select let's say this dark blue and I'm like okay click on white anywhere there's white and this image will now be blue when I click on it or yellow or whatever the color I have selected in left and right click quick way to draw your sprite and then like let's go into pitfall Harry for example oh I don't like his blue helmet no problem color replace tool everything is now yellow now he's a yellow version of pitfall Harry and it's only on this particular frame so really nice fast way to change one color in your sprite the next tool is the line tool or El and pretty simply you just click somewhere click and drag to another point and release you've now drawn a line if you hold down the shift-key it'll be locked to 45-degree angles so we've got this a0 45 90 and so forth if you're not using shift you can just go in any direction you want and you get a bunch of lines the next row we've got shape tools we've got squares circles and well more specifically rectangle because it doesn't have to be square and then the polygon tool denoted of the triangle now these actually have two places to click the top left and the bottom right the top left defaults to a stroke version so what it's doing is drawing the square or rectangle and it's only doing the outline it's not doing the fill if I click the bottom right it'll be doing just the fill and if I hold shift and click both I'm now getting both tools so that is the stroke which will be whatever your left-click is or I guess whatever one you're holding down will be if I'm holding down left click left click will be the outside and my right click will be the fill alternatively if I'm holding down right click to draw the rectangle the right click color will be the stroke and the left click color will be the fill now of course if that's too weird to do you can always just select up here stroke fill or both whatever you need to do and of course I can change the size up here and I'll have smooth on of course I'm getting this anti-alias kind of interpolation I don't want that this would dry really big square this stroke is ridiculous right now so if I just made it something a little more manageable like 3 then we've got a there we go my stroke is now 3 pixels in width and then it's filling the inside and I just made a big mess of this so I'm just going to delete it and start a completely fresh frame so this also works with circles the same way you can do your there we go your stroke two colors you can do your fill and you can do both and the polygon tool is very similar the only difference is you're clicking to create points and then it's just drawing lines to the points you click on so let's say here here here there we go and then once at another point so let's just drawing a polygon based on these vectors pretty simple stuff now one more thing they're saying about the shape tools is you can do some key commands with it so let's draw a rectangle here and what we can do is draw it at any ratio we want pretty nice but if we want to constrain the proportions we can hold down the Alt key and this will expand from the center of the object rather than where I clicked which will become the top left so I can expand from centre and if want to constrain proportions as I mentioned I'll hold down shift and shift will constrain the proportions so let's do both and I'll expand from centre and it'll be perfectly one-to-one so that means the width and height will be the exact same length but you can always draw any way you want this will work for any of the shapes so anyway I want it from Center and then that's alt and then holding down shift will constrain proportions this will also be denoted down here for any tool click and drag to draw an ellipse shift for a circle so if I went to square this will tell you that I'm going to draw a rectangle but if I'm holding down shift it'll be a perfect square and the polygon tool just says enter to commit so once I've drawn my shape and I'm done and happy I can just hit enter and I've got my shape but I don't want any of this let's just delete it and move on to the next tool which is the spline tool or arc tool which is the a key similar to the line tool or polygon tool what you're doing is clicking down in a point and then it's green to show that we are on that point and then you can draw out these two kind of levers to create a Bezier curve so like that we can create curves or a spline or an arc or whatever terminology you want to use and that's your way of getting whatever curvy kind of look you need and then you can hit enter to commit your changes and there you go you've drawn an arc then we've got our text editor by the way all of the tools will always appear up here if you need any extra controls you got your iterations and size for the spline for text this is the most important up here because you want to pick your typeface or font I don't know what to pick doesn't really matter let's go with arrow and then I've got all the different typeface options the Styles like bold italic light semi bold whatever the point size and whether or not it should be anti-aliased which is like interpolated like I mentioned before keep in mind you have to set the settings before you click where you want to type because if I start typing and then I click up here to change it off of anti-alias you'll see that it committed these changes in my cursor is gone so if I click again I got I got to reset everything and click again so it's changing this but then I can't keep typing if I try to type it'll just tell me to commit the changes so it's unfortunate that once you start messing with with any of these options it kind of solidifies what you've typed but still nice way to just get some type in here and then of course left him right-click are the colors you're going to apply to it so if I right click in I'm using my right-click color if I left click in then I'm using oops my left click color so our next row is the color picker tool so if I have some sort of color and then another color and another color and let's just pick two colors that are not on the board here in my canvas if I want to take these colors again really simply click the eyedropper tool or a color picker which is Oh and then just click either left or right and you'll just suck it up into your left and right click really simple the next one is really important it's your rectangular selection tool or s click that or press s and then just select an area and then you can do stuff with it you can move your selection you can delete selection if you're done you can hit escape you can also do some things down here control to add to selection alt to subtract from selection so in this case my selection is done but if I wanted to add some more stuff I can hold down control and there we go add more to the region or hold alt and remove from the region now this might be a little too blocky for you a little too big which is fine I'll hit escape that's the button to cancel your selection I can go on to the paint selection tool this paints using a brush so if you don't want to use a giant rectangle you can just just go like this and start painting just the area's you want once again if I just click somewhere else it deletes that selection starts a new one but if I want to add more I hold control add more to my selection if I don't want this stuff hold alt and just click where I don't want stuff and there so now I've selected just this and once again I can move it somewhere I can copy and paste the most interesting part about copying and pasting is copying turns it into a brush so now I've got this as a brush I can now paint it on things or post it on thing whatever I want to do if I try to paste it it just creates a new brush now I didn't go over these custom brushes before but I will now you can hit the Delete key when they're selected and get rid of your custom brushes and this is where they appear now the cool thing is you should be able to go somewhere else like another sprite or even to an external program outside of game maker make your selection copy it as a brush and now I can go to my other sprite and I still have it as a brush so I can paste that in here they're two different sizes that's a emphasizes this is 32 by 32 and this one 61 564 which is why they're different sizes but there we go I can paint and make this really disgusting text I'm just going to make a new frame again and then if I don't like this brush I don't want it here I can just hit the Delete key and get rid of it and the next one is the magic wand tool for that we need a whole bunch of colors so let's go to the fill tool we'll fill that then we'll go to our draw tool actually let's make this a bigger brush okay and then let's lower the opacity to it and paint somewhere else so I got the kind of blend between the two colors now the reason I wanted to do that is if I go to magic wand this will select whatever color you click on in your canvas so if I click here it's going to select this color it didn't select in here because it's not exactly the same color it's close but not the same so for that I can just increase the tolerance be like okay be more accepting of the things I clicked on so you see I get to a certain point where the selection will actually bleed into this let's just start increasing there it is at here we go 12 now it selected that so if you have very similar colors and you want to select more than just one harsh value just increase the tolerance for instance if I increase this a lot I'll get the blue as well you probably saw that when I was there we go now I got the blue so yeah it will just increase your selection availability by increasing the tolerance but if I just want one harsh color just zero is fine I can also select color only I believe this have to do with alpha and then your contiguous mode so this one is always fun let's say let's pick up this color into my left click let's paint it inside the blue now if I use metric one over here contiguous mode will just look pixel to pixel whatever is next to it it's nearby so didn't select this color even though it is the exact same color and for that if you want to select every single color that looks like that turn off contiguous mode there we go now we've got this selected although maybe to you that's the same as just using the color deletion or color replaced tool if that's what you're trying to do but if not you can use it this way and then do all of your transform like move it around and that is that tool now our final row we've got some ways of altering brush so we can rotate the currently selected brush now for that I've just got the regular brush that's not very interesting but if we go back to Harry and let's select him and hit ctrl C to create a brush of him and go back now what we can do is um rotate them with this rotate one so what it does is it takes the brush puts it in here and now I can start rotating by clicking and dragging left or right and of course you get all this jagged anti-alias look this is the interpolation if I turn that off it'll be a really disgusting hard look but if you're making a pixel perfect game that might be what you need of course you can digitally enter the values up here if I knew I only wanted a 90 degree rotation I can do that and what this will do is create a new brush here with your new rotation settings so now I can select whether or not I want to draw the upright version or I want to draw the rotated version pretty simple stuff the next thing is flipping the brush so if I've got this version and I just want to flip them there we go now he's upside down or I can flip them horizontally so you get your vertical and horizontal flip for your brushes this works for the default brushes but they're not as interesting and then you've got your pan image tool this just grabs your image and moves it around the canvas now of course if you wanted to just move your canvas around you can just hold down middle-click or mouse button 3 and that'll drag the entire canvas around let's just Center that back and frame but this one will actually move your selection around pretty simple tool at the bottom row now the most interesting part about game maker studio 2 over a game maker studio 1 is we now have layers and with layers we can do some non-destructive editing which is great so every time I draw I'm not drawing on top of my image here I get to draw something new so I create a new layer this one's on top of the previous layer actually let's just start fresh this to me looks really ugly I used ctrl a to select all and then I hit delete to delete everything so on my bottom layer here which if I want to rename I can double click and name it something else so I can just call this like say background you can also change the opacity here in the blend mode which is really nice an additive subtractive or multiply blend mode to make it more bright or we can make a dark or multiply really good for shadows it creates a nice blend between dark and lights this makes it kind of like bright it brightens up things makes them more to white this makes things more on a darker area or removes the color the hue from one to another you'll see it just play around with it yourself but I named it background and for that let's just fill there we go and now if I go to my new layer layer 2 and I start drawing let's pick a different brush so I can draw something on top and these are now two different layers so I can use these eyeballs to shy my layers to see just the one I'm working on and I can lock them this prevents me from editing this layer and I get a warning I'm not allowed to do that so I'll just unlock it but the cool thing is it's now non-destructive I didn't change my background so if I'm drawing something I don't like it I don't have to worry about my background it's still there it's still intact it's nice so you can just keep adding more layers on top you can also group them together with a nice group you just drag them inside and now that they're in this group I can hit this to expand and collapse we can hit the X button to delete any layers very simple and yeah I can delete the group because it's my only layer in there so I have to drag it out you'll get this small gray instead of the big grey rectangle and there we go just delete that group and we're back down to the background the last thing to talk about is anytime you're in the image editor you get more drop-down menus if I were my workspace I wouldn't get them but if I go into this image editor I can get them and you get image view and effects now I'm going to do this in Reverse because it becomes more complex as I torte image effects just has a grayscale option it just makes things black and white it's not that interesting you have your intensity where do you want to apply to the selected layers all the visible layers all the layers you can just toggle your preview and apply it nothing fancy like game maker studio one it just has greyscale for effects so that's simple and out of the way now view is just kind of like these options right here we can go one two one so that's like hitting this button right here so this is exactly pixel perfect to my resolution I can fit the screen same as this the cool thing is you get to know what the hotkeys are you can also toggle grid from here same as that and you can also change your onionskin settings yay we can select how many frames forward to look zero is what I'm looking at right now yeah I can always drag it forward or I can just increase and how many frames back I want to look this is the opacity of the onion skinning this is 50 and they decrease as they get further away from the currently selected frame so I can set that to something else or manually type in a number and then you can just have the color you want to have represented the onion skinning whatever is good for you red is decent I can use black there we go whatever you want really nothing fancy red is probably the best for me at the moment so I will keep it and just close that the last drop-down menu option is image and this gives you a bunch of ways to be manipulate the image you have currently selected let me just turn off onion skin so I can cut the frame I can copy the frame and paste the frame so this has to do with your frame view right here have this one selected I can cut it I can paste it I can also grab and drag it somewhere else which is nice you can reorder your frames you can also control click multiple frames and then they're all linked together so I can delete all of them or move all of them somewhere or whatever I need to do the next one is select all the selects all the pixels in your canvas pretty simple ctrl a you can cancel your selection there's no hotkey but escape does work if you hit escape it'll cancel your selection you can also invert your selection so if I select this area and then invert all I'm doing is now selecting the parts I didn't select there wasn't inverting the selection I can add new frames or insert frames kind of look the same thing but it's a little different adding a frame puts a new one on the end this is done with shift a if you want a hotkey also with this button here insert frame will add a new frame after the one you currently have selected so it's inserting its between the current one and the next one but we can just get rid of those we can also delete the selected frame deleting selected frame you can just hit the Delete key you can hit the X button or delete the selected frame from here always multiple ways to do things the next one is pretty cool this next section we can import images ctrl shift a or just import here you can select from somewhere on your computer to import some other images you already have so let's grab this one if could fall Harry now what's interesting about this one is pitfall Harry is not the same size this canvas is 64 by 64 pitfall Harry's canvas is 32 by 32 so we have some options we can resize the imported image to canvas size this will expand his size to fit 64 by 64 effectively doubling his size or we can resize our current canvas to the imported one so if I set this my Kansas will shrink down to the 32 by 32 or I'm saying ok we'll increase it to this one so it depends on which way you want to do it we can also decide how we want it to contract or expand to the center of the canvas towards the top left towards the bottom right however you want to do it so let's just say Center so this will expand or contract to the center and we can also scale it or we can crop it just append so this was cropping this was scaling and then we get our interpolation we can have no interpolation this makes it pixel perfect or we can use linear interpolation this adds a little bit of anti-aliasing as things scale so let's see what that looks like let's resize the imported image to the canvas this will make a pixel Harry bigger and there we go and he looks like a blurry mess because he's being interpolated I can do ctrl Z to undo that let's see what the other ones would do so let's pick the same one again except this time let's have no interpolation nice hard pixels he's just twice the size look beautiful let's delete that and try another one and let's resize the canvas now instead so now this got all messed up because it got shrunk down to 32 by 32 to meet the canvas size of the newly imported image but we can undo that there we go such a pet to 64 by 64 so those are some nice options we could also convert to frames this is one of my favorite options that is available let's say let's add a new frame that and turn on the grid and we'll make our grid 32 by 32 splitting into four individual cells and let's draw something so let's draw a red circle this red square yes they're ugly and this sort of star asterisk symbol and now let's convert to frames so this allows me to treat this as a sprite sheet and turn them into frames so number of frames I've got four frames here number per row I've got two per row and how big are they well I made it 32 by 32 so this is 4 frames 2 per row and 32 by 32 is the cell size I don't need any kind of offset or anything like that and if I convert importing sprite images will replace the existing sprite frames yeah sure let's give this a shot so what I did was cut up all of those sections into a new sprite strip and then disseminate them among just distribute them which is really nice that's probably one of my favorite options that you could have I can hit undo which is fine so yeah you can draw your own sprite sheet or import a sprite sheet into here and cut them up but you can also just import a sprite in a strip image and do it that way I don't have any strips right now but if I did it'd be the same process I would just be selecting how many images are there how many frames how many per row how big the frames are and then import so thing but coming from an outside source then we can export to PNG this is really nice this will export your filmstrip as its own strip so if I put it in here let's just export that and now if I wanted to import that strip back in there it is and we can do the same thing I can say there are three there's a three per row and they are 64 by 64 with no offsets or anything convert yes it will overwrite my current frames I'm ok with that because it'll look identical so yeah you can export to a filmstrip this is really good if you gotta send it to someone else to work in another program or another game maker we can resize all of the frames this is similar to the one outside here let's just close that which is this same thing we're just resizing there it is so yeah we can either scale it or resize the canvas change our interpolation all very simple scaling options that we've gone through we can also crop all frames to the selection I don't have a selection right now but if I did I can now crop to this this will turn the canvas size and do wherever the selection is so yes crop everything to that there then we've got reverse frames pretty simple it just reverses the animation so it flips the order of your frames nothing special there and the very last thing you can do is you can mirror flip well mirror or flip the current frame or all the frames and you can rotate all of the frames you can't rotate a single frame for some reason but if you want to rotate all of them you can do that either counterclockwise or clockwise by 90 degrees and that is everything inside of the drop-down menus one last cool thing you can do and I'm going to reset everything back to how it was I've got a blank canvas nothing just a draw tool and we'll start with a white circle okay one last thing you can do and it's really fun is here we go editing while animating so we've got our this white circle and let's select the eraser tool and use a small circle okay let's copy and paste I'm just using control-c and control-v to copy and paste a bunch so we've got 12 frames of this white circle and then I'm just going to hit play and it's going to loop through at 5 frames per second let's actually increase that to 10 per second actually 12 a second there we go so it's going to go take one second to loop through all of these frames you get to edit while animating so while this is looping through its stuff I'm still allowed to do things so let's just kind of erase some stuff there we go so I just use the eraser tool while it was animating through them and there we go there are some cool effects people have used doing this technique like making fire I can also add some more stuff this actually works really well with layers if you don't want to be too destructive actually this is creepy let's look 101 look like bugs crawling around that is some scary stuff but yeah I can pick something else make a new layer let's pick a nice small one and then just kind of throw some red in down here I don't know why so yeah anyway it's just a point out that you can edit your images while it's looping through them and animating if that helps you and that concludes this tutorial it was a long one but there's a lot to cover with the image editor you now understand this filmstrip and how to change your speed how to look around how to manipulate your brushes your colors how to import colors from other sprites what the left to right click do all the different tools and how to create new layers and that's pretty much it so thanks for learning
Channel: Let's Learn GameMaker: Studio
Views: 15,697
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game, maker, studio, gamemaker studio, tutorials, lessons, coding, programming, gml, video games, learn, let's, let, llgms
Id: pAmAP1t5_qk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 48sec (2388 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2017
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