2004 Packers @ Colts
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Channel: Bart Simpson
Views: 55,584
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _s9fPr375-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 157min 31sec (9451 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 06 2016
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Fun Fact: Cris Collinsworth loved the "Disgusting Act" by Randy Moss while Joe Buck was bitching about it. He was laughing about it.
No. It was evident Aikman and Collinsworth didn’t get along while watching their games.
I'm never really a fan of two color commentators. They often end up either talking over each other or trying too hard to defer to the other guy so that you end up with a lot of dead air. I think both Troy and Cris work better in their current duos. Michaels and Collinsworth is one of my favorite duos.
Those names sound like a sitcom about 3 guys sharing an apartment