2003 Chicago Cubs vs. New York Yankees at Wrigley Field - June 8 - FULL GAME

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now from Wrigley Field it's the New York Yankees and the Chicago Cubs on the Sunday night game of the week Chicago New York Wrigley Field Yankee Stadium great tradition great folklore including baseball's most enduring legend Babe Ruth's called shot fact or fiction the answer remains elusive but this weekend after a 65 year absence the Yankees have returned to Wrigley Field and once again Wrigley has come alive with controversy with Roger Clemens bid to make history and with an outbreak of pennant tonight from our kind of town it's the beloved cubbies and the mighty Yankees from New York it's Game three from the friendly confines and from 1932 and Babe Ruth's called shock to 2003 same venue Wrigley Field same two teams the Yankees and the Cubs tonight Sunday night baseball presented by Nextel and we've got the rubber match here at the venerable ballpark and we've got Cubs fans and Yankees fans and right now after rain much of the day we've got excellent weather and right now the wind is blowing out a homerun hitters wind blowing out toward Lake Michigan and of course who got the sluggers Jason Giambi ready to go for the Yankees Sammy Sosa slamming Sammy getting ready to take the field for the Chicago Cubs hello everyone I'm John Miller and there's a lot of excitement in Chicago these two ball clubs historic franchises facing off and we've got the Yankees with a great Slugger and a great American League Slugger Jason Giambi and of course the Cubs with the great national league slugger Sammy Sosa they both made their presence felt in this series on Friday in his first at-bat in this ballpark Sammy Sosa gave him a taste of American League power then yesterday in a turning point of the ballgame against the rocket Sammy Sosa after a great at-bat got the base hit that started with food to be the winning rally and made Roger Clemens the losing pitcher yesterday instead of the winner with me is my partner Joe Morgan and Joe Sammy Sosa he's been through the gauntlet of all kinds of controversy and everything else this week and he's not hitting home runs what gives with Sammy well John the corked bat issue we'll get into later on but Sammy's problems actually started April 20th when he was hit in the head by Solomon Torres he has not been swinging the bat well since that time he's gone 58 at-bats without a home run and only one in his last 96 so he has been struggling offensively and they need him to get hot alright so Sammy getting ready to leave the Cubs out on the field and at any moment you keep thinking this could be the day when Sammy gets into one of those streaks but it hasn't happened so far Mark Prior going tonight for the Cubs yesterday was Kerry Wood the Cubs have a lot of powerful pitching and Pryor the young guy out of USC he has really been something well he is John and I think he's in a perfect slot here Zambrano started the first day that was the toughest day the pitch yesterday curry wood went out there and shut them down well now everyone's telling mark private's you're better than Kerry Wood so he's going to go out there today and maybe overpower them and guess what the Yankees are in for a long afternoon I think it's going to take them at least one or two at-bats before they understand exactly what this guy is throwing so we've got it all tonight we've got great talent the great venue great cities going head to head and we've got two first-place teams the Yankees and the Cubs ready to play ball the rubber match of the series ESPN's Sunday Night Baseball presented by Nextel Nextel life's better when your cell phone has a walkie-talkie and in part by Super eight see you along the way and bronze ecosystem brawn designed to make a difference coming up slammin Sammy in the Chicago Cubs ready to take on the Yankees the rubber match of the series and quite a matchup Andy Pettitte for New York and the young phenom Mark Pryor for the Cubs it'll be Pryor up against Alfonso Soriano the Yankee slugger to lead it off when we come back to Wrigley Field [Music] this week on ESPN's Sunday Night Baseball the Cubs 22 year old phenom Mark Pryor is on the mound and tonight he'll tell the story of his surprise meeting with hall-of-famer Tom Seaver that was a thrill for me he said your great pitcher I hope you do well and I'm looking forward you know the things to come and Joe Morgan catches up with first-year Cubs manager Dusty Baker what did this assignment feel sensitive caused you to change by the way you man what it's done actually is hopefully made my team stronger than Union and will turn back the clock sixty-five years to the Yanks and Cubs last meeting and Lou Gehrig's final World Series before being overcome by illness [Applause] it's all coming up on ESPN's Sunday Night Baseball in its 14th season as Major League Baseball's only nationally televised game of the week [Music] ESPN's Sunday Night Baseball presented by Nextel from Wrigley Field it's the Yankees and the Cubs we had rain the tarp was covering the field not so long ago but now we are ready to play ball under bright and sunshiny skies in the late afternoon early evening here in early June laughs Cubs colors out there but also some Yankee colors and in fact I think the Cubs were kind of shocked here on Friday when Jason Giambi hit that home run early in the game and there were so many Yankee fans who became known at that point there's we got Yankee fans and Cubs fans sometimes as a side by side elbow to elbow shoulder to shoulder and then it's often that way at Wrigley when the st. Louis Cardinals come up there a traditional rival the Yankees in the compas so far they play once every 60 70 years now Sammy leads the Cubs on the field something that has become a tradition here at Wrigley Field and it has not changed [Music] despite everything that's happened for Sammy in the year of his discontent [Applause] [Music] so the captors I'm the field Sami leading the way and then saluting the fans out there in the bleachers let's take a look now the Yankees batting order presented by Nextel and they get right into the power the slugger Alfonso Soriano with second base leading it off then Derek Jeter at shortstop Jason Giambi is trying to come around on first base Jorge Posada is having a sensational season hitting cleanup the catcher Robin Ventura the veteran at third base Raul Mondesi another veteran in right field Hideki Matsui for the great Slugger from the Japanese Central League in centerfield Juan Rivera the rookie in left field hitting eighth and Andy Pettitte the veteran is on the mound batting ninth caught up against the young right-hander mark Pryor and Pryor who has put up some remarkable numbers especially when he consider he's only 22 years old and look at that 6 and 2 at 2.76 ER a he has excellent control on only 22 walks versus 88 strikeouts more than a strikeout for inning and he showed us his repertoire and how he grips his pitches just throw a basic four-seam fastball and then my curve slider slurve breaking ball pitch is just down the horseshoe a little bit over the horseshoe just bring it down and then occasionally I throw my change it was just a little bit off the circle change I just bring it up and just release it out and John what's interesting there is that he doesn't throw it two-seam fastball meaning a sinking fastball he just throws the riding fastball he called it you know occur slurve whatever I like that because if you throw it hard it becomes a more of a slider you throw it slower becomes more of a curveball and he does throw a changeup occasionally I think the one thing that he has going for him is the fact that you can scout a guy you can hear all the reports but until you spend in the batter's box and see how fast his ball is coming how much movement there is you don't know what you're getting yourself into and here's the defense behind him we're a real important guy here for the Cubs Miller Damian Miller real good acquisition he handles the pitches very well Eric Carol skilling in for Choi wheels ilanic at second base pretty good second baseman journeyman gonzales at shortstop Martinez one of my favorite players he plays well all over Alou Patterson and Sosa in the outfield Patterson has a lot of range Sosa has been pretty good also lately [Applause] so here we go Yankee vans Cubs fans and Wrigley Field which has been rocking here for three days Alfonso Soriano stands in standing right up in the front of the batter's box first ball swinging the first pitch he's ever seen from Mark Prior and he fouls it back to the screen well you can see standing way up here and starting but a lot of times you know if you're facing a real hard thrower you move back an inch or two give yourself just a little bit more time to get the barrel out there but Soriano is young and he's still quick so he's gonna try from the front of the box he's not been quick enough yet in that fastball it's already putting both of those but that's the point I was making John you can see all the scouting reports even see video on a guy throwing but until you stand in that box to see the arms feed the arm motion you can't really get a feel for what a guy's throwing and how hard he's going Soriano there's only one American leaguer who has hit more home runs so far this year that is the great Toronto Blue Jays slugger Carlos Delgado sorry on a second with 18 Wow look at the hand and wrist action on that breaking ball not often the alleyway there by Patterson but Soriano with a great speed makes it into second doesn't seem to realize that the ball was then rolling across the infield finally picked up by Erik Karras over along the first base line well you will you might wonder to yourself why would you throw a guy breaking ball after you thrown to fastball he can't catch up with at least waste of breaking ball this is a hanging breaking ball I mean it's just a hanging breaking ball and all Soriano has to do is get his hands through and he does that a great job of pulling his hands through he didn't hit it hard but he hit it in the right spot and he ends up with a double [Applause] no it seemed like sorry I don't wasn't aware that the ball had just skipped right on by at second base here's Derek Jeter now trying to move him over Jeter bunts it but no great effort there by Damian Miller that's interesting Jonah Derek Jeter who handles the bat well and does that tell you something about the Yankees expectations against this young right-hander that they're bunting the second batter of the game well I think they want to find out how well he feels this position and just put some pressure on the defense early [Applause] Jeter hitting 286 he'd not been hitting a whole a whole lot lately back from his injury that put him on the Shelf right away in the early part of the season but struggling with with the bat here in the last several days Soriano at second nobody out sorry honorable distracting prior so he steps off the slab with the shortstop Gonzalez breaking in behind him now the one thing that Jeter's done attempt is done it's moved Eric Carroll seeing at first base now if he slashes the ball to the right side it has a better chance of getting through he's not bunting now got him chasing that breaking ball and it is strike two to Jeter and that's the point the pitch I was talking about if you're gonna throw a breaking ball once your Owen to the Soriano you have to throw that kind of a breaking ball one that's a bad pitch out of the strike zone it he probably can't even reach you see Jeter can't reach this one but he hung the one in Soriano and Soriano hit it for a double and I like what he did in that pitch because Jeter is looking for a pitch away yeah after hit to the right side right but it ended up being a little further away then Jeter would have liked on to the count [Applause] okay [Music] buzzed him with the fastball wanted to now we also have to keep an eye on Soriano he has 17 stolen bases this year has only been caught twice well they're doing a good job of trying to break his rhythm at second base first the shortstop sneaks in behind and then the second baseman he's way off now so the shortstop gonna have to hold him close in the hand to the fastball and Jeter managed to fight it on but if Pryor stops him Jeter can't steal third by that I mean Soriano cannot steal third you have to have a moving lead at second base to be able to steal third base so if he makes him stop then he's not going to be able to steal third base soriano and that off the game with his 11th double of the year now Jeter trying to move him out struck him out he's tagged out by Miller and Soriano still at second I waste it out for the Yankees let's take a look at that pitch now from k-zone presented by Carfax well sometimes being a team player hurts you a lot because Jeter is trying to go the other way and he is you mentioned the balls out there so he's gonna try to slap it that way and in both cases he swings over the top of the slider in the dirt the Jeter and Soriano fans down the right-field line the Jeter fans little bit down right now a guess here is Jason Giambi and there's that slider and of his own one I say slider well you've really got two different kinds of curveballs that he throws yeah he called it a slurve you know meaning you know sometimes he throws it looks like a slider other times it's slower it looks like a curveball and I like that description because it just depends on how he releases it out of his hand there's that thanks ball up and in one ball and one strike he just calls it a breaking ball which i think is the proper term see when I saw Jason last week in New York he said that his eyes were all clear now and he expected to go on a tear and he's been doing that and he has exceptional vision but apparently when he was having the eye problems it took away his sense of the kind of rotation of the ball he's having a hard time distinguishing pitches he said he was losing it all so Jon like right the last few feet he said he'd lose the ball and we saw him a few times duck out of the way it wasn't the ball was that close but he would lose it and if you lose a fastball or a pitch you should get out of there I'm getting out of there and I'm up here one ball and two strikes to Jason Giambi one of the premier American League sluggers had a very fine year for the Yankees last year a very slow start this year but as you saw he's coming along lately Soriano at second one out and a foul what about the shadows right now you got the hitters backdrop in the sunshine the pitcher in the shadows do you think that's a problem well it's not perfect but one of the good things about being here is this area right here is not shining see that's grass so you don't get the Sun reflecting off of it which would bother you as you do in some other parks that's on the walnut in Chicago they call that Ivy ivy yes wanted to the count too high 13th pitch of the gains from by prior only the third that did not end up being a strike one way or the other surely I don't let off the inning with a double he's at second one out well with Jeter and Giambi he's used his fastball well to set up the slider of the curve he did not do so well with Soriano and that fastball misses up and away and that's one thing about Giambi I mean you've got to throw strikes to Giambi I'm very discerning I up there so now it is three and two to Giambi he homered in his first Wrigley Field at back on Friday against Carlos Zambrano another one of the Cubs aren't throwing young pitchers 3 & 2 the count Pryor ready [Applause] well he's set him up perfectly for that pitch because he was throwing a lot of good fast balls which tells Giambi I'm gonna have to be quick on the fastball and a 3-2 count the ball starts on the inside part of the plate you think it's a fastball and you commit very quickly see that ball starts inside and Giambi just knows he has to be quick and he gets out in front of it that's what we're talking about with Damian Miller he calls a very good game he he helps these young pitchers to understand what they're supposed to do out there on the mound and of course he knows these Yankee hitters are most of them he was behind the plate for that great World Series two years ago when he was with the Arizona Diamondbacks as Posada fouls one into the upper deck after the land and you can see even though they know that Pryor throws hard no one has been able to get the barrel of the bat out there in front of the fastball they're looking fastball but they're not able to catch up because they just have not seen how much movement and how much the explosion his fastball has I think you'll see later in the game you'll see guys start to put the fastball in play Soriano still at second look out that did it Posada hit by the pitch the high tide fastball well these guys are not afraid to go inside that's the fifth batter this year the prior is hit with a pitch Kerry would his teammate who work yesterday's hit 10 so two men on and now the veteran Robin Ventura will come out well supposed to be a fastball on the inside corner and you can see it starts way in and Posada can't get his arm out of the way [Applause] and affects one of the outside right there strike one to Ventura Ventura the veteran who started his career on the other side of town with the White Sox in the big leagues eight homers 29 driven and a 282 average and a good fastball hitter he is a he will this is a real test for his fastball and they curve a little bit inside apparently one ball one strike thirty first batter hit as we take a look at k-zone off the plate inside Jim Reynolds the home plate umpire and Pryor will try it again two on two out curveball to low 2 & 1 the count Andy Pettitte up against prior wouldn't mind getting a couple of runs out there before he heads out comes the pitches by the way as a group have hit 31 hitters and that is the second highest total in the majors holy man what do you say when the fastball has to add a little extra a joke a lot of giddy up on that when moving away and - into the CAD Nam Soriano with great speed at second base for Sodom the catcher at first base can I just powered admire so prior strikes out the side and Soriano is stranded now the Cubs are coming up [Music] the top eight teams in college baseball head to Omaha for a shot at the national championship the mm series begins Friday at 2:00 and continues at 7:00 on ESPN 2 the US Open win it and forever walked with the Great's now Tiger Woods attempts to capture his third US Open as our national championship returns to ESPN the US Open Cup Ridge begins Thursday at 11:00 Eastern on ESPN we're counting down veteran traffic congestion [Music] [Applause] one concert could generate hundreds of thousands of calls in an instant at SBC if we can handle hurricanes floods and earthquakes we can handle the rad boys ready for anything SBC tomatoes lettuce what are you guys doing making our bees market fresh ultimate BLT hey can I help of admit this has nothing to do with ovens come on there must be something I can do see now the tomatoes won't roll away see now the tomatoes won't roll away RVs market fresh ultimate BLT ripe tomatoes try RV's market fresh ultimate BLT what are you eating today Sunday Night Baseball the Yankees did not score in the first and now the Cubs are coming up his Corey Patterson in the foreground Moises Alou on the right sitting in the dugout bench the Cubs batting one are not presented by Nextel mark Grudzielanek at second Alex Gonzalez said short Corey Patterson having a very fine season in center Sammy Sosa in right field still trying to get it going hitting cleanup Moises Alou in left Eric Karras the veteran and yesterday's hero at first base Ramon Martinez at third base Damian Miller the former Diamondback is the catcher hitting eighth and Mark Prior the pitcher and a very good hitting pitcher nine all against the twenty-ninth soon-to-be 30 year-old Andy Pettitte and again you get a look at the the folks here at Wrigley there's Pettit he's won 10 postseason games in his career including some very big ones along the way he struggled a little bit this year although he's pitched well enough to have one in four of his last five times out yeah he has pitched well you know movement here there there you see the four-seam the two-seam er the cutter the curve and the change-up I had a conversation with him he and Posada and his cutter is actually a slider and he knows that he says but he was taught as a cutter and that's what they call it so here he goes to mark Grudzielanek and he misses a little bit down perhaps maybe a little bit off the outside one ball of no strikes runs ilanic formerly with the Dodgers is hitting 296 he got off to a real hot start this year and that misses chew it oh well it was interesting because what he's doing now because in the past Petitte has always thrown the cutter inside and just complete always boring on the right-handers lately he's been turning the fastball over throwing the fastball away Thanks right that's what he's doing there but that's not the Andy Pettitte we've seen the last few years everything was cutting in or breaking inside to right-handed hitters - another count again to the outside but again missing three and one had it with a 639 winning percentage and since World War two the only left-handers who pitched as often or more than he has with a higher winning percentage Jelani gets a base hit to Center we're talking about whitey Ford Randy Johnson Sandy Koufax Ron Guidry and then Andy Pettitte fifth on that list of left-handers since World War two and let's take a look at the Yankees defense which is improved Posada is a much better catcher now and he was a couple years ago Giambi he's injured a little bit at first Soriano playing better this year Jeter has one of the strongest arms you'll ever see on a shortstop then Torres won six Gold Gloves Rivera's in there because of his glove Matsui plays pretty well in centerfield and modesty of course has a great arm in right field so pretty good defense now Alex Gonzalez stretching with a curveball too long of course the Yankees are a better defense when they put Matsui in left and Bernie Williams in center Gonzalez there's a Matsui out there in the edge of the sunshine in center field [Applause] and back to the bag is grebs Evonik now over the years Pettit has had one of the most devastating pickoff moves of any left-hander 67 career pick offs since 1995 when he first came around but he has not had a single pickoff in his last 20 starts dating back to last year but I think part of that is the fact that you know his reputation precedes him when a lot of first base coaches are just more alert when he's on the mound and they were earlier but they have been successful in stealing some bases I mean if they're able to read him they've been been very successful but it's tough to read him Krenzel alec is not a base stealer curveball in there for a strike to Gonzalez one ball one strike Gretchen Onix only stolen two bases the one guy in the Cubs lineup tonight it really is a threat to steal the bases Corey Patterson who is on deck miss Corey sammy sosa in the hole no score in the game for a Patterson ten steals and fourteen attempts he leaves the Cubs and steals there's a fixed ball in there for a strike but I'm sure this got a report on Andy Pettitte to the Cubs who have not seen him much is that he throws cutters into the right handers and and cutters away to left handed so far he is gone with the fastball away and moving it back in as he did there on Gonzalez but he has not shown the cutter much [Applause] there it is just got a piece of it founding it staying alive by the way if we saw the numbers for Gonzalez when he came up there five homeruns for the year and this is not really his time as a home run hitter his time is the tenth inning or later he has had three game-winning extra inning home runs this year and again back to the bag is bread Gilani he don't add to other home runs at all but three in extra innings to win ballgames [Applause] sammy sosa he said a few over the years but he'd not hit many lately not at any time and that is chulo 2 and 2 the count then we talk about Petitte pickoff move but he has a high leg kick so if you can read him you can get a good jump and still the base but you have to be able to read him runs ilanic 2 steals this year and only 10 steals the last three years combined to antutu Gonzalez for a double play a low liner on a broken bat Giambi caught it and there was no chance for drugs on on it to get back [Applause] anytime the ball is hit behind you like that you're not going to be able to get back because you're a reverse reaction they're just a stop and look and once you look there's no way you can get back you have to start back immediately and that's not what you normally do your reaction is to stop I'm gonna look at the the picturesque setting here at Wrigley Field tonight Corey Patterson and that's ball one inside Corey is hitting 319 12 homers 45 driven in he is the Cubs home run Lee there is it twice as many homers as Sammy Sosa the curveball one ball one strike [Applause] chorong one of those guys Joe that with all kinds of talent but last year the second half of the season it was just one long slump for him and he said it got to him he lost 10 or 11 pounds in the second half of last season 1 and 2 the count he says now and he's got a little more experience and he's able to handle a bad game without thinking it's the end of the world well that's what you gain as an experienced major layer but I can understand losing weight and nothing tastes good food doesn't taste good when you're in a slump some probably Sammy Sosa hasn't been enjoying his meals too much but no Frank through the middle look out Wow Andy Pettitte [Applause] on a liner that went to Center and almost took his head with it that looked like a slower slider wasn't our curveball he wasn't a real hard cutting fast but perfect slider now slamming sandy John one of the good things if you're Sammy so you have to be pleased with is that this did happen at home now you're at home where your fans who adelies you they're gonna still cheer for you the key is going to be when he goes out on the road and see how the reaction is from the fans on the road if you're Sammy Sosa on the week when you got caught with cork in your back did kind of a blessing that your next series was not at Yankee Stadium but rather right here at Wrigley exactly just kind of the luck of the draw but this series it's the only series they're gonna play against each other this year in the regular season it'll league play it could just as easily have been in Yankee Stadium correct re could be on the road I mean whatever I mean Yankee Stadium may be the worst but just being on the road is not could be difficult as well you think they would have gotten on Sammy at Yankee Stadium this weekend their pride getting on him now you know we're not there [Music] one ball one strike to Sammy Sosa Sosa was six homers and none since May the first when he hit one in San Francisco 26 runs batted in [Applause] and that's a ball - and one dissociate no score each team got a leadoff man aboard here in the first inning Soriano led off the first with a double for the Yankees but never got past second base Patterson at first here with two down the second cub to reach in this inning fastball on the hands a mighty cut by Sosa but a foul back out into the crowd and they still love it here in Chicago there's no question about it you can see he's a little late I mean he's like he's just tied up a little bit right there on that did not get the barrel of the bat to the front of the plate Oh Patterson was leading the wrong way and that's the vintage Petitte pickoff move and Patterson's lucky got back well the only reason he got back cause he could die didn't have to take a step and I see he's close enough and he's actually moving back in then he starts so shouldn't have been that close let's see he had a very short lead June 2 to Sammy Sosa that would be about the worst to have your big Slugger the great Sammy Sosa at the plate and you get picked off to end the inning correct so now Corey Patterson knows what they're talking about anyway about what Andy Pettitte could do out there Dusty Baker in his first year as they manager the Cubs 3 into the calf Patterson runs and ball for the Sammy Sosa and now moisei saalu will come up is Joe Torre suddenly a little more beleaguered at least his boss has been making more comments in the papers than in the recent past since Joey became manager the interesting thing about Joe is even at the beginning of the season when they were going very well he questioned you know how good the team was because they were winning games just by hitting home runs you know and that's not really Joe Torre style of game he wants to play the game inevitably the home runs won't come for periods of time right then what big curveball a strike to Moises Alou and they say sitting 286 five homers 32 driven in Corey Patterson at second base now so sad first with two down Patterson the runner at second is a very fast runner on a base hit to the outfield he's likely to score [Applause] over everything tied to the streets of Chicago 3-nothing calmness Dusty Baker says that marches lewis and very shift little to best fastball hitters he's seen and Moises Alou definitely can handle a fastball he gets a fastball this one's up a little bit and he drilled it high fastball well it's not as high as I thought is I thought it was about belt high but it's not and he drills it but he is a good fastball here and he just could not get him out with fastball yeah they knew where was going and the standing ovation here Moises Alou had to come out and take a curtain call [Applause] out under Waveland Avenue in a souvenir for a fan out there so Pettit has faced five hitters and for them have reached base there's the curtain call from Moises now Eric Harris when he was last seen here he launched one and that was an electrifying moment here at Wrigley Field right after Roger Clemens had been removed from the game with a one to nothing lead the first pitch to Karras from the reliever acevedo gone three-run homer curveball and that misses you know Karen's has been a lot of big games he's been around a long time then a lot of pennant races he said yesterday was the most excitement he's ever seen at the ballpark that he's ever been involved in as a player that curveball bounced foul back behind the plate two balls two strikes [Applause] this is the homeroom we we saw tonight that's from summer field [Applause] and that young fella there ends up with an in a glove - and - to Karis strike three called Eve back to autumn with a slider and the inning is over but in the rubber match of this series the Cubs have jumped ahead of the Yankees three nothing Chicago thanks for bringing it up to me no sure looks great here we go yeah bet this happens all the time [Music] that's my dad he's going all the way up [Music] at least you can count on Toro mowers guaranteed to start on the first or second fall or with exit 3 now buy a Toro recycler and get an extra year of warranty coverage free if men are so insensitive why do they need 9 personal comfort settings spectra from Norelco ultra close ultra comfortable guaranteed this is an easy call nothing's proven 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Pryor back to work and that is in there for a called strike two Raul Mondesi and that's the job of the catcher to make sure that that doesn't happen and that's why Dusty Baker thinks that Miller is such a good catcher he makes these guys work the way they're supposed to one ball one strike there's dusty Cubs lost 95 games last year and then when I brought in Dusty Baker and a fastball up by the way you know his comment he says if they if they would have been playing well they wouldn't have needed me so when they bring you in to do extraordinary things they pay you that way the Cubs got up to a very fine start and the cat now - and - even though Sammy Sosa has struggled much of the early part of the year the Cubs themselves were playing very well even when Sammy one of the disabled list invested nearly three weeks the Cubs held their own for much of that time but eventually they're gonna need they need him slamming Sammy you're right to get hot 2 & 2 the count and 3 into 2 Mondesi Matsui is on deck and then the the rookie Juan Rivera due up third in the inning his Matsui was had a pretty good few days here on the road against National League teams and - he got that fastball into the alleyway and he's gonna test him here's our lose throw these in there a double for Munda see the hustle there by Monda the-- [Applause] I mean he made up his mind right away I'm going to get the second base and you're right that was a high fastball 92 miles an hour and mana sea is a good fastball hitter he goes up and gets this one you see the target supposed to be away fastball it's away but it's up a little bit not a bad pitch if you're a power pitcher that fastball up and away is a good pitch for you nice throw by Alou but good hustle there by Mondesi so for the second consecutive inning the Yankees get a leadoff double now here is Hideki Matsui and he's had a big week Joe Torre moved him down on the order before a game in Cincinnati the other day man a wild swing over the top of that curveball and at his own one Matsui ended up hitting a homer and three doubles in that game in Cincinnati the other night and then he had a very dramatic home run yesterday against Kerry Wood that put the Yankees I had thanks Paula strike on the outside it's going to I'm still shocked a little bit if they throw him as many off-speed pitches as they do you know because he came from Japan and over there they throw a lot of off-speed pitches and that's what he used accustomed to hitting especially guys like Kerry Wood and yeah Mark Prior but he hit a curveball from Kerry Wood going to there's the curveball knocked down he sent it hit him and it did so Matsui takes first base and Pryor is in a jam here that's the second hit batsman of the game by Mark Pryor this one he had an O and to count and he throw him a slider down and in and Matsu he couldn't get out of the way slider it actually gets him on his back foot [Music] and you can see it does hit him on the foot because it changes direction well maybe here Matsui didn't see too many breaking balls amongst that you know that that Blizzard of breaking balls used to say in Japan that maybe he didn't see too many that broke that much and that sharply that's the first time he's been hit by a pitch this year and he I mean he did not get out of the way of it that that ball had some sharp break to it here is Rivera two men on nobody out and not much room in foul ground in that area here at Wrigley Field as Karras went over but it's in amongst the spectators it is own one and you get a look at it I mean this is it this is the we're in the friendly confines of Wrigley Field I mean the fans are out close to the action here and you have to love playing in this ballpark and they're the other friendly confines or any banks that's what he used to say all the time I saw her knee before the game he was here and down signing autographs on one-to-one Rivera Rivera the Yankee rookie hitting only 196 two men on nobody out prior in a jam thanks one of the inside one too when you watch his fastball John it seems like right at the end there's some it explodes on the hitter it looks like it explodes there [Applause] onto the count to Rivera you get the pitcher up next Andy pettite none to see it second Matsui at first to the outside but he missed one ball and two strikes take a look at this last pitch Ches alone is supposed to be in but because everyone is sitting in the balls on the outside corner he may have confused you know the umpire because everyone was sitting in the catcher wasn't in the target was in yet the ball was away 1 & 2 the count 2 men on nobody out the curveball hit slowly anjana's to second one the relay by Grudzielanek pulled out of the dirt by Kara's double play time to see the third [Applause] nice job by Carol's to scoop that Breslin Lonnie stood at the bag under the rest from Matsui but he makes the play Gonzales he stands right there and then he flicks it and a nice pickup at first by Alex Barrett carols so now Monda see at third base with the Yankees having a hard time getting that clutch hit here's Pettitte trying to do it himself here and the counters on one John we talked earlier we mentioned the Yankees we're hitting a lot of home runs early but as you mentioned it's not that home runs are not going to be consistent throughout the tough you know but out the season you're gonna have spells where you're not hitting home runs and you have to do something else [Applause] Andy better gotta base it this past Tuesday in Cincinnati on a curveball and depended 1 for 3 in that game and 2 for 6 lifetime as a big league hitter sharp curve in the third I saved there by Damien Miller and he had a lot of confidence that your catcher with the run over 30 is gonna catch that one to throw that yeah [Applause] 1 & 2 cut Randy Johnson slider and good point Curt Schilling's less stuff is splitter I think you should be able to blow pettit away like that well you are right again he blew him away last of the second 3-nothing Chicago the Home Depot is more than a store it's a toy box for dance enduring dad days now through June 15th it's the best place to find the perfect gift for Dad at a guaranteed everyday low price like your choice of a black & decker 17 piece drill set or r-tx rotary tool a jigsaw kit or an electric hedge trimmer each just 2997 dad will love the gift and you'll get something great in return The Home Depot you can do it we can help you see a countryside without phone lines at franklin templeton we saw an opportunity to invest in what became one of the world's leading wireless communications companies a smart call for our shareholders uncovering hidden opportunities like this requires a unique perspective one that has made Templeton a pioneer in global investing Franklin Templeton Investments gain from our perspective how you know how dad's like you give and give and IKEA at RadioShack we believe it's about time dads receive so send dad to the movies 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are now in a flat-footed time with the Yankees for first place in the American against the Blue Jays two and a half back little extra incentive is Martinez takes the ball from Pat a little an extra incentive for the Yankees to go ahead and win this ballgame after this one they go home to the friendly confines of Yankee Stadium I think it's just a question what you call it yeah because as we see Ramon Martinez former San Francisco giant in effect came over here with dusty that one is smoke to left field [Applause] for nothing cogs well Martinez this has been a guy that can fill in a lot of different positions and he does swing the bat pretty well let's take a look at this pitch fastball away about Bell time but he reaches out and rakes it in the left field and Damien Miller first ball swinging face hit to left field against Betty [Applause] and another look at the the homerun in flight [Music] [Applause] but the way that ball was hit didn't you wondered if it would have enough on it to make it over the wall there's Ernie Banks Ryan Sandberg earning and Rhyno two of the greatest pubs ever you know they could have been a double play combination if they'd come along at same time yeah a lot of people forget her any bank started as a shortstop in the major leagues he ended his career at first base but he was a shortstop and this is Ernie Banks one of the flags they have retired her so to speak that says Ernie Banks number 14 their banks 14 to have one for Billy Williams and I expect one of these days they should have one for Sandburg if they don't already here's the Nextel poll question log on to espn.com or your Nextel phone to vote which player aged 25 or younger is most likely to make the Hall of Fame as prior bunch at it but fouls it for is strike one which player aged 25 or younger is most likely to make the Hall of Fame mark Mulder of Oakland well you know what I'm not even you know I'm usually a little wishy-washy I'm not even gonna think about it Albert Pujols is my choice oh because he's hitting the 390 I mean that's a pretty good reason 51 RBI yeah that's a pretty good reason because of that no because of what he's done for his first couple of years man and prior gets the bunt down Posada over to Soriano covering another has been moved along [Applause] good job by the technique is a little interesting but a good job of bunting thereby prior he gets the ball down the first base line where you're supposed to and yet that allows Damian Miller to move into scoring position you like to see that you want he is a good hitter as well John so I'm sure he didn't want a bunt but he is a good hitter he's hitting 294 means swing to bat very well Mark Rutte Jelinek and you hit a single his first time curveball for a strike in fact six of the first eight Cubs hitters against Andy Pettitte tonight reached base against him with either a hit or a walk and now Pryor the ninth hitter has intentionally made an out so Pettit is really struggling runner at second one out and strike two oh into account I mean Albert fool holes it's like he was a a ten year veteran the first year he played and the yes but he and he just get still gets batter he started off great and he's getting better Jeff Weaver up in the bullpen how about this guy Alfonso Soriano oh you know I'll feel about him I think he's gonna be a great great player I mean he plays a difficult position any position on the infield he's getting better and better at that and he hits home runs and he hits for average and he steals a lot of bases I mean there's no doubt that he is a great player and he's going to get better as well but at this point I think ku Holtz is a little ahead of him going to third his Miller yes Soriano throws a colonic out number two of course the other three guys we listed are our pitchers right Mulder Zito from the Athletics and Mark Prior sitting in the dugout there who's pitching here for the Cubs tonight pitchers pitchers are more difficult I think John because you never know I mean if if you'd asked me years ago I would have said like Gooden is gonna be a first-ballot hall-of-famer arm problems I mean you can never predict a pitcher's career I don't think fair ball to Gonzales and he fouls it I mean two years ago Kerry Wood was unbelievable and then he had arm problems and not these not great now but I mean you cannot predict what's gonna happen with pitchers now yesterday now Kerry Wood will turn 26 next week the way he looked yesterday though he wanted just how good again going back that ball is over the head of Rivero Miller scores Gonzales has a double five to nothing Chicago well one thing that you've brought up already - he's not fooling anyone I mean the speed of these pitchers aren't fooling guys I mean they're right on target I mean these are hard line drives them and hard hit balls these are not just lines rising the net ball is hanging up and away and they're going out and getting balls that are way toward the outside part of the plate drilling well that may be it for Pettit one line drive too many or three or four line drives too many Jeff Weaver up in the bullpen and this is a very very early exit for Andy Pettitte the veteran Lefty five to nothing compass Weaver coming in how can a person using a walkie-talkie in Los Angeles instantly contact another in New York homing pigeons focus about feathered friends tirelessly flying from one coast to the other outfitted with leg band transmitters and tracked from rooftop data centers to create an airborne network that makes transcontinental locally talkie signals awesome no that's not how we did it introducing next tales coast-to-coast walkie talkie now that's a walkie talkie it's the moment of choice Tylenol or Advil what will the doctor give you truth is doctors have made their choice doctors nationwide choose advil most for muscle aches strains and sprains it's simply a better choice advil gives you longer lasting relief than Tylenol on tough muscle pain make the 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today only at Bennigan's swaha ESPN's Sunday Night Baseball presented by Nextel Nextel life's better when your cell phone has a walkie-talkie and in part by Advil doctors nationwide recommend advil for strong long-lasting pain relief and there's Corey Patterson taking a curveball from Jeff Weaver for a called strike Patterson actually started the first inning rally with a two-out nobody on single minor to center field and the Cubs been hitting line drives all over the yard ever since so now Weaver picks up for Pettit that's falling two times one ball one strike Jon you mention the fact that they took headed out early and it's the earliest I think I've seen him taking out a ballgame but I think Joe Torre saw what we saw here and that's a lot of hard hit line drives he wasn't fooling anyone and I think that's the reason you know and jump this team is struggling with it they can't afford to just fall any further behind it rolls to the ivy a run is stored at Patterson eases into third a stand-up triple 6-nothing cubs well Corey Patterson has been swinging the bat well he's been hot and let's take a look here fastball this is pretty much in the middle of the plate and I mean he ripped it right inside the line and then it bounces away he ends up at third with a triple now here's Sammy all-in-one on the breaking ball and I talked to Dustin before the game and I and uh Steve said that he didn't see a lot of difference in Sammy since he was hit in the head he didn't see him pulling off or anything like that but I'm not so sure that Sammy's seeing the ball as well as he should or he had been well Sammy got beamed he meant every burden all the highlight programs but also even in all the newspapers the helmet actually shattered and that's the first time I were seeing that time it's helmet shattered have been by Solomon torrents of the pirates aren't synced it misses two and one anyway that week Sammy was the National League Player of the Week at four homers and 14 RBIs in that one week ending the day that he got beaned and he's only hit one homer since he's also spent nearly three weeks of the disabled list at one point when that slider very softly hit Robin Ventura throws him out but the cabins back up there three-run first with a three-run second top of the auto caliber the Yankees down by kid the jumper to win it he got it one point two seconds left he hits the biggest shot of the day the NBA Finals game for Wednesday night on ABC and SportsCenter after the game a million uses in County the 210 horsepower supercharged Nissan Xterra new Tylenol a tower it has two layers one that's fast and one that lasts all day for one simple reason [Music] because not playing is not an option introducing the Panasonic procurve pivot action shaver the world's sharpest shoulder blades and a head the pivots to fit the North Texas Panasonic ideas for life [Music] hila present when you order a sonic route 44 big drink or any large drink you can win anything from a new Mustang to go-karts mp3 players even when free food like I see sonic drinks and made-to-order classics so come party tonight at Sonic from the creators of the Matrix trilogy the Animatrix a collection of nine animated stories that takes the world of the matrix to its unimaginable limits the Animatrix by a ton DVD and pay-per-view the ESPN Sunday Night Baseball presented by Nextel tonight we're at Wrigley Field Chicago I'm John Miller with Joe Morgan your Sunday night Telecasters and so far the Cubs have been the feasting on Yankee pitching six runs in the first two innings with big Mark Prior of the mound and remember John the Yankees have been struggling so all of a sudden they lose two out of three in Cincinnati they come to Chicago and if you know he lose tonight they would have lost two out of three here so Joe Torre is trying to stop the bleeding the curveball all into to Soriano a much better curveball that he right through to Soriano in the first inning that Soriano hit for a devil now the Yankees they started the year twenty three and six oh look at that now that was a sharp break and I'm again that's what he was trying to do when he had him oh and two in the first inning but he hung it inside and Soriano you know the good hitters made him pay but look this ball starts right around the knees and breaks down and that's what you want to do when you're ahead of the hitter oh and two or one in two so a perfect pitch on a two-strike count exactly one dime Derek Jeter he struck out his first time and Pryor made some pretty good pitches to Jeter considering Regina was trying to do at that time hit the ball to the right side after Soriano's leadoff double and that's just power baseball right there blew it by him on one [Applause] Jeter is now officially the Yankee captain the 11th captain in Yankees history and he strike two in the outside one of the things I found out it I wasn't aware of but Willie Randolph had been the captain for the Yankees 86 through 89 I wasn't aware of that until last week when they made you captain [Applause] slider in the dirt one ball and two strikes [Music] [Applause] the very first Yankee captain was named Hal chase he was sort of the Keith Hernandez in terms of being a slick fielding first basement of his time and was back in 1912 Babe Ruth was a captain for one season and then he lost that job slathered in the dirt to it to the cow Lou Gehrig was captain of the Yankees for several years Thurman Munson Greg Nettles well there's the whole list Everett Scott he was the the Iron Man before Gary and before Ripken he had the all-time record that Gehrig eventually broke and Don Mattingly the most recent Yankee captain before Jeter little bit lower the fastball 3 & 2 it was on 2 [Applause] take a look from Kazon [Applause] trying to paint the outside corner knee-high and he misses full count now he's got a six-run lead him out he stumbled a little bit as he threw that one and did not throw it where Miller had asked for it but it was very effective [Applause] well he struck out on a slider down in away last time that looks more like a cut fastball well fastball is sailed and it proudly sailed John because he stumbled that was supposed to be oh just a regular fastball but he stumbled so when he released it kind of sailed on sure if he could figure out how to make that happen that fit you could work like a backup slider Jambi deep in the center way back there and up into the shrubbery up there Jason Giambi with his second home run of this weekend at Wrigley Field and it is 6 to 1 well if you're smart like Jason Giambi you don't let him get ahead of you or get to that slider he throws you a fastball you drill it and that's what he did right there [Music] this looks like the fastball is pretty much down where he likes it out over the plate Nemean you have to hit a ball very hard to get it straight away center field here without any wind he'll that ball that was a tape measure shot so it is six to one that was a ruthian clout he just didn't point now it was believed when when the babe hit his so called called shot in the 32 world series he headed into the centerfield bleachers well they used to have seats right there years ago there were seats where the Ivy is we're sada I thought you took a little something off that might have been his changeup one ball one strike now with Babe Ruth was called the Bambino and the very fine Yankee radio broadcaster John sterling he's got a new name for Jason Giambi the Giambi no okay so in the it's a home run I'm a Yankee Bret guess you'll hear that I like the Giambi no goes B and Posada does not go deep enough into the glove of Corey Patterson the Giambi gets the Yankees a run of the board 6 to 1 Moises Alou coming up [Music] [Music] [Applause] vendetta rape Tea Party be a sport why do we rent from enterprise because having the right car makes all the difference [Music] big enterprise will pick you up mr. Hogan is here to talk about software yeah beautiful day isn't it so how much software would you like to buy you're thinking about our license for 25 thank you does any software company actually listen we do introducing flex select licensing from Computer Associates inside every can of minhwan did 50 click to enhancing woods natural beauty Minwax rich wood stains and long-lasting protective finishes make it easy to turn any house into a beautiful home Minwax makes and keeps wood beautiful somewhere between where you are and where you're going they're just a brain thing right Val here see along the way it's hard to respect the French when you have to bail them out of two big ones in one century but we have to hand it to him on mayonnaise nice job Pierre hey gentlemen no telling how much I'm jelly you jealous I'm jealous I cap elet quit yelling and we're challenged dr. Scholl's massaging gel insoles are so soft they make any shoe to feel outrageously comfortable are you gentlemen yes dr. Scholl's Cubs six Yankees won last of the third inning Moises Alou up against Jeff Weaver and that fastball in for a strike at the knees Moises launched a three-run homer out onto Waveland Avenue in the first inning for the first three runs of this game man look at that breaking ball that fooled him Oh into the counter moisés got off to a real slow start but for the last month or so said about 3:30 and I perv Lowen outside one ball two strikes Eric Harris and Ramon Martinez will follow we're only in the third inning we've had three home runs hit in this ballgame already his Karras hit the big one yesterday bright enough to Clemens was taken out of the game dropped down with that breaking ball missed off the outside two balls two strikes Andy Pettitte tonight went only one in 2/3 innings we wondered if it was his shortest outing ever he'd had a shorter one three years ago one and one third innings I'm not sure how he hit it well I'm sure I told you he's one of the best fastball hitters you're gonna see I don't care if he thrown nine straight curveballs you'd better make a good pitch with the fastball he didn't swing well at the breaking ball they tried to come inside with a fastball and he drills it well see they try to come inside with a fastball it's way off the plate inside but he pulls it down the line and what he does so well she just pulls his arms in on that pitch inside and hits it with his arm and upper body he doesn't really turn on it I mean a lot of guys don't keep a ball like that singer exactly well he just turned he used his arms not his hands there it Karen swings and misses at the curveball on teres called out on strikes his first head back [Music] 6 to 1 Chicago leading we're in the last of the third Eric Terrace the veteran we've been there for tuning as he tries to go to the right side into the upper deck for tuning with he SAP joy he stop joy who suffered a stunning the injury yesterday turned out to be a severe concussion that he suffered to stop the game the man he lay motionless on the field for 17 minutes teres does not get the ball to the right side Alou has to hold as Ventura throws out Eric Karras more baseball tomorrow night on ESPN the Phillies who swept a doubleheader from Oakland today against the world champion angels Jim Thome and the Phillies up against Garrett Anderson of the Angels 10:00 Eastern 7:00 Pacific at ESPN is sente by the up against Jared Washburn to that one be plenty of sluggers in that ballgame Philly's an Angels tomorrow night on the ESPN someone on a loose Tillett second here is Ramon Martinez who homered his first time and that breaking ball snaps in there for a strike anyway yeah with he sobbed shy he was placed on the disabled list today and Kelton has been brought up from Iowa to replace him on the roster but we wanted to send along best wishes to he soft joy and Peter Pascarella did some checking so that we could wish him well and get well soon in Korean which according to Peter is parler way bulk haseo he stopped he stopped is his name Holly way bulk haseo he saw and we mean that from the bottom of our hearts well just in case you didn't understand you get well soon did well big guy big guy yeah there you go get well big joy becomes dugout that's what dusty calls him dusty calls him big joy Terry would who was actually involved in the collision with him and it was just so concerned and the word from the hospital was that when somebody was finally allowed to talk to Choi his first question was how's woody meaning Kerry Wood and that's gonna go back out of play one ball one strike to Damian Miller a very unusual injury that occurred yesterday Giambi pops it up the sea prairie wood was trying to catch it and Troy ends up making the catch but his head hits the dirt it didn't hit any grass and that's where the injury occurred a ball and two strikes now to Damian Miller two down a loo at second we're in the third inning now our colleague Rick Sutcliffe who will be part of the crew working the gay tomorrow night from Anaheim of the Phillies and the Angels and Rick was a big star here for the Cubs for many many years and he said he had never saw and all his years here an ambulance ever come onto the field at Wrigley Field so it was I mean it cast a pall over everyone here and everyone is so thankful and grateful that joy seems to be okay 2 & 2 the count to Damien Miller Jeff Weaver these second Yankee pitcher the game we're only in the third inning curve off the outside full count now you got the pitcher up next Mark Pryor but again he's not merely a pitcher he is a threat with the bat a very good hitting pitcher [Applause] and he's struck him out with a breaking ball and the inning is over when we come back mark fire will talk to us about his surprise meeting with Tom Seaver earlier this year stay tuned [Music] partly controversial always he should be thrown at a game even before a warning Bobby Pease got something to say in my opinion time of the new baseball tonight LeBron synchro was the world's first shaver with a four-way moving head so it catches more hair in fewer strokes for a closer shave only it moves so fast you can't see it but you can hear it and to keep it feeling like new every day it's automatic self-cleaning system thoroughly cleans the shaver in alcohol leaving nothing to come between the shaver and your face Ron designed to make a difference the top eight teams in college baseball head to Omaha for a shot at the national championship the 2003 College World Series begins Friday at 2:00 and continues at 7:00 piensa this week Comcast delivers the hit you want on in demand catch Tom Hanks and Leonardo DiCaprio in the true story of a real fake Jennifer Lopez and ray Fiennes are made for love Harry Potter is back for another magical adventure [Music] Sandra Bullock gives you grant two weeks notice all this week on in-demand pay-per-views delivered home by can honey are you sure Eric's okay without a sitter listen we talked about this right he's getting older he's a good kid we braised him the right way taught him good values besides he still doesn't know the password [Music] password protected parental control parents love it kids hate it from Comcast Digital Cable did six to one the Cubs leading mark pryor on the mound for Chicago earlier this year Tom Seaver asked to have his photo taken with Mark Bryan so we asked mark about meeting Tom Seaver he just basically had somebody come get me and we sat behind the batting cage and talked for a few minutes and that was a thrill for me you know granted he went that see and so there's that kind of connection we had but just the fact that you know he said you know you're a great picture I hope you do well and I'm looking forward you know the things to come was just a big honor for me and you know that was that was just a big thrill to the end of the year well he said would be a big thrill yeah I mean not for you personally what was the honor for me I'm Tom Seaver a fellow Hall of Famers cabinet when I first met him in honor when I met him other than him standing on the mound throwing it yeah yeah well they're lowing you away and blowing me away yeah that's what I mean he didn't always blow you away actually that one of the greatest feats I saw we were playing against Seaver and he was pitching Perez bench a lot of guys got a lot of hits I probably walked but we got a few hits and we scored about four or five runs off of him and it looked like it's gonna be one of those days where you can get to him you know and they came back and scored four runs and all of a sudden the game was over I mean he struck out like 13 guys over the next five innings it was only behind yeah three and two now to Robin Ventura who struck out his first time one of six strikeouts so far for Mark Prior in the first three innings mantasy and Matsui will follow six to one the Cubs lead the Yankees and he stays alive there well I mean look that we've been watching mark fire and this is very early in his career but at about the same point the same number of starts in Tom Seavers career he had 14 wins as he RA a little bit better but probably a lot more strikeouts than Seaver had at this point and that's up in a way so a leadoff walk to Ventura the first walk allowed so far by a primer both power pitcher Sivir and dryer that's for sure when I think Tom Seaver used more leg drives you see his right knee touches the ground when he releases it that's how low he gets and staged through his delivery priors a little different he's six five that's one of the reasons and he doesn't get his low he throws from a higher angle and Tom Seaver did [Applause] mark pryor to raul mondasey - he had a doubled his first time one ball no strikes and one thing that Pryor has been able to give the Cubs you know is some innings I mean he's in all of his 12 starts he's gone at least six innings that's that's pretty big in this day and age I mean for a young guy to be able to go out there and do that on a consistent basis and they've won eight out of the 12 games and he started and 95 on our fastball that he blew right by Mondesi one ball one strike Mondesi hit a hustle double to start the second inning Yankees have had two innings that started with doubles but they were not able to get that runner home in either situation wanted to the cat the breaking ball the one Yankee run was on Giambi's third inning home run and one thing I'm noticing is he must be very deceptive with his breaking ball John I mean we see a lot of hitters swinging that bad breaking balls against him so he must have very good deception it must look exactly his release point must look very very similar to his fastball release point [Music] a lot of times young pitchers will throw one pitch from one angle and another the second slider from a different angle but oh man sprites recall and that one fooled him [Music] another look from k-zone presented by Carfax at that pitch [Music] well it says it was a perfect pitch knee high over the outside corner I'm not sure mom to see agrees but Kazon agreed with home plate umpire Jim Reynolds now Matsui strike effects what on the outside Matsui was hit by pitch his first time five homers but he's hit two of them in just the last few days chase that high fastball and fouled it up under the rooftop falling to the count from across the street another rooftop and that's where Rick suck the suck couldn't get a ticket you couldn't get shut in this game well he may figure that's the best seat in the house because he probably gets free drinks over there I'm sure he drinks water and cokes but I'm sure he gets it free wanted to to my chewy John when I see Matsui I think about what Ichiro told us when I interviewed him in Seattle he said he was worried about adjusting culturally to this you know to this country and I'm just wondering if Matsui is having a problem doing that you know I mean it's a very difficult thing to come from another country and adjust adjust to the culture here as well as trying to play Major League Baseball that's a difficult thing there's a lot of things that a lot of Latin players have that problem coming in and adjusting to a new place I mean it's not that simple to do we take it for granted because we live here but when you come this far and you playing that far away from your home country it can be very difficult especially under the watchful eye they're very well not only the watchful out of the owner George Steinbrenner but a very large spotlight in the big city with a reputation that preceded him right and a lot of you know a lot of the Japanese players wanted to play in in New York remember the deckie Arab who wanted to play there and even I guess Nomo thought about it well no one played for a while with the match originally signed with LA though and no great effort there from third base by Ramon Martinez it was the only hope that he had but Ventura did beat the throw to second and a good job by Ventura to hustle to second base and actually a good job by Matsui just to put the ball in play I think my Chuy's ball actually started the foul well you can see that he like Martinez grabs it fires to second not in time bread's ilanic actually might have had him if he'd been able to find that bag again came off the bag to get that throw and then when he reached back I don't think he I think he missed the bag but I think he made the wise choice you make sure you catch the ball don't let the ball go into the outfield trying to hold the bag at second and you know help the Yankees you know on a rally Yankees have not had a hit for the man in strong position there's that hard tight breaking ball on one the Rivera who hit a double play ball his first time on a breaking ball Yankees are all for five as a team tonight in these advanced where basic could mean a run Roger Clemens he's got that upper respiratory ailment that caused an early hoped for him yesterday and his join his teammates in the dugout now foul back to the screen on a fastball that's going to and I think that's another thing that Joe Torre and the Yankees gonna have to deal with you know they're struggling right now not playing their best baseball but they're also gonna have to deal with how do we get Roger Clemens its 300th win I mean every time they go out there now pressure is gonna be on all the players as well as Roger because you know this would be the fourth time of each trying to get it and that's where the pressure starts to build [Applause] Fleming's and caring would everybody who was here yesterday will long remember that matchup that one is he just won out a liner part by Gonzalez but not quite in time resulallah covering it second to develop Ventura [Applause] good job of baserunning by Ventura to make sure you're not double off your run doesn't mean a lot so you have to always be conscious of where everyone's playing and you can see gets back it's close play but he gets back at Fir up to second base tie goes to the runner right yeah before the balls got a beat in there yeah that gets it at the same time that's too late yeah when I got the pitchers spot due and the Yankees are going to send up the veteran Ruben Sierra just acquired this week the Yankees without Bernie Williams one of their best hitters year in and year out Bernie had some knee surgery and their sterling Hitchcock up for the bullpen Jeff Weaver is finished for the night the Yankees try to work their way back into the skin they've got ample time to do it but they need to start taking advantage of situations like this couple of base runners on there so Sierra against the call here and Sarah had a pinch-hit single in yesterday's ballgame I was his first at-bat as a Yankee so he is 1 for 1 269 overall this year 2 men on 2 men out sharp breaking ball a little bit low Ruben Sierra a very good fastball hitter so they try to throw him a lot of breaking balls if they can get him over Sousa in a little bit is over the Yankees are over seven with men in scoring position fire will be [Music] [Music] imagine the perfect SUV it would make you feel secure it would be built to last it would cost much less than you'd expect and it would be awarded best-in-class what you'd be imagining is the Kia Sorento the only midsize SUV with a standard v6 and a 10-year warranty for under twenty one thousand imagine that now get 0% financing or up to two thousand cash back to cops we got four Mama's boys laying on the slabs at the war's just a gang last night the big case for them can you figure this down bought you a couple of hours you figure it out to the edge take care of them now this is a setup critics call Hollywood homicide high-octane entertainment that's caused by suspension Harrison Ford and Josh Hartnett are this summer's lethal weapon Scouts Canada capital it's a good suggestion Hollywood homicide it rated pg-13 opens everywhere Friday all right kids today we're gonna rob a home run and this house done Major League Baseball Charities is a proud partner Boys & Girls Clubs of America come on you got a rod back you guys want to know about the rally cab make a big double yep this is an important part of baseball through programs like our be a tricky league they bring baseball and softball the kids around the world Oh gather they create a positive place for kids come on come on come on come on Oh we're in Chicago the Chicago Cubs six the New York Yankees one in the rubber match of this three-game series the the mighty Yankees have come to Chicago for the first time in 65 years but the Cubs have the got the best in so far here tonight as sterling Hitchcock the left-hander comes on and he is the third Yankee pitcher already do have been used in this game Hitchcock to face the pitcher for the Cubs Mark Prior and then the top of the order will follow we're joined in the booth by longtime Cubs fan I guess he was born into being a Cubs fan could have been a Sox fan now we don't know we'll find out as Jim Belushi is stopped by Jim welcome to the broadcast thank you John's good to be here it's gonna be in really field again not just that that's the strength of the answer that's right now how did it come that you ended up this a two city town how did you end up being a Cubs fan and out of stock very simple John the marketing of the Cubs when I was a kid was incredible they would invite your Cub Scouts to the game and for free and then Jack Brickhouse would say you know it's a great day in Wrigley Field when then 10 from Wheaton Illinois comes down then watch the Cubs play and that was it we became Cubs fans immediately so I'm gonna come fans as I was a Cub Scout I was 17 years old all right Knight you have a show every Tuesday 8:30 Eastern on ABC television called according to Jim yesterday night's ABC nine o'clock eight o'clock central oh it's not 8:30 I know it's 9 o'clock we moved to 9 o'clock we're coming up on the new season at 9 o'clock I'm so glad you came by then Levitt fell everybody - it's a great show actually takes place in Chicago my characters big cub and Bears fan like I am not too far from me and that then the name of the show is according Jim gin now we were having a little argument about that I thought it was I'd watched it but I thought it was life reporting the chance I told Joe that that was just way off not even close it's implied live recording but I mean according to Jim that's what I wanted to know I mean what according to Jim these live see if you watch the show you'll see it's live that's where I got that alive according to Jim mr. Harry Caray's old box isn't it yeah yeah miss Harry used to come up here and see him all the time during the day this is the booth this is where he used to lean out of it it's a it's Harry's booth he's just we just borrow it we're just borrowing it it's always been his booth huh brick house used to be here though - now what about the cab is playing the Yankees first time 65 years I mean there's been an electricity in town for the three days ended up three days what do you mean four months they've been talking about this gathering from monetary going are you going are you going can you get tickets gonna get tickets you know and it's like ESPN and ABC are sisters so that was the only way I got here as this thing goes the hottest ticket in town so exciting to watch these two and what makes it more exciting Cubs a winner the Cubs are winning I figured that now how big is that for the Cubs to be beating the Yankees I think it's terrific I mean with Dusty Baker - I'll talk to him a little earlier so were you Johnny have you interviewed him at Brad did you know he had a great he's got a great spirit and he is a player's coach and you can see it in their performance this year so far one on one - grunts Atlantic and wanted to as Hitchcock gets one by six to one the Cubs lead how about this prior pitcher he's really he's really hot well I mean he has all the equipment to be a great pitcher good fastball good breaking ball and composed he has a great presence out there on the mound mm-hm I mean he gave up a leadoff double to start the game at Soriano didn't get rattled at all hey you know if you don't cuz of the rain this afternoon there was no batting practice there was no throwing there was no warmup at all so they were warming up in that first inning you know Red's ilanic and singled and grounded out six to one the Cubs knocked out the Yankee starter Andy Pettitte in the second inning of the game his Robin Ventura that throw did not have much on it but just in time and grudge Levon I didn't think so and here's a few words for Dale Scott the I'm fire over there what did you think Jen from here yeah out according to Jim you got Gordon to me according to Jim let's see this again Oh didn't get much on their own well do you want to change see that one more maybe you got robbed maybe you got robbed to Diana here's Alex Gonzalez now - this was a hard ticket to get Don Zimmer said that his wife has been for six months ever since it came on the schedule they were getting mail from people with blank checks saying just just fill out however much for a couple of tickets of that series yeah and that's a ball and that you actually went to work today I did I did a little interview yes I did some some interviews with the ball players also went on the bleachers talked to some of the guys on the bleacher and they got a lot of homerun balls out there what's it like in the bleachers you know what it was a ball it's really fun actually it's a great view those seats have got more expensive action is that we used to sit as a kid no no no we always sat out here you step behind the dugout well go farther back as a kid little a few rows back behind the done yeah I'd say you mean you didn't sit in the bleachers of the kid no no not as a kid oh you're a little rich kid or something no no no just that we didn't come out you know I was born in Chicago then we moved out to Wheaton and from Wheaton we came out and we just got seats got them to meet the terraces here and then when I was in Chicago second city Jack Brickhouse I always got us great seats what's not here we go I look for souvenirs as a kid that's my old apartment right there right there right right there little base of an apartment right there there you go that's a true story no I mean when you get this show on Tuesdays at 9:00 and ABC code according to Tim I mean we you got you say something like that we're going with it yeah exactly Jim Belushi check him out thank you for stopping by oh thank you John thank you traveling 6 the world jobs call this the angels of technology because we work so far up in the heavens here on the plains rises a marvel of engineering a giant radio antenna don't to make coast-to-coast walkie-talkies possible it's the tallest structure in the world the engineering is incredibly complex I mean the tower is over 400,000 feet tall to be a part of something that can be seen from space well you can't help but feel a little bit proud no that's not how we did it introducing next tiles coast-to-coast walkie talkie now that's a walkie talkie and now my dream cars here I got a deal of this uncertain you know telling how much I'm jelly and jelly you know I'm gelling al and you gelling I'm gelling like a felon you want the milling now that hey I'm like much gel and I'm so jealous are you jealous dr. Scholl's massaging gel insoles are making the softest gel ever created if you and your shoes don't feel outrageously comfortable you get your money back guarantee I'm gelling you're not gelling you're so not jealous are you jealous dr. Scholl you feel do better you have like every card yeah it is pretty dominant so here comes okay no problem you clowns been on that rooftop site again no motorcycle financing can have a funny way of changing on you you don't expect it so keep your eyes open and get a straight deal that doesn't change with financing that's as solid as a Honda zero down payment zero payments for the first three months and lock in a low six point nine percent fixed APR for up to five years on any new Honda motorcycle scooter personal watercraft or ATV monthly payments that don't change that's a straight deal and right now get up to three hundred dollars in bonus box on select models at your local Honda dealer today now the Yankees into the fifth inning the Yankees need some runs it down six to one front of Soriano taking a called strike for Mark Prior so yeah no is it a double the left-center and struck out there's that nasty breaking ball that's Owen too but he is having problem recognizing that pitch but again I think it's more prior in his delivery I mean it looked each pitch must look the same coming out of his hand so you mean like the same release flame release point same it just would look like that ball into the count Oh got him swinging another one the eighth strikeout for Pryor [Applause] well guess these pictures are not strikes but it starts in the strike zone it's in the strike zone there now all of a sudden it starts to dive and you see Soriano trying to get to it you know if we took strike three to story on over the third inning and matched it up with that pitch look right here I think if we'd find out I was exactly the same and so he found out something that worked he tried again there's Derek Jeter he has struck out twice he is old for two in the game Giambi on deck thanks ball off the outside just a little tip that I learned about Jeter his birthday is June 26 yeah another baseball person is June 26 yeah his birthday that's a strike the mythical inventor of the game Abner Doubleday was born on June 26 Derek Jeter and after Doubleday on the same day birthday but did he really invent the game well I said the myth pole I mean I'm gonna do some myth that we may it's both just like there's a myth that Babe Ruth called his shot well that's my next question yeah we really call it or not yes he called it in 1932 I believe he called it he pointed out to the bleachers and then he hit it yes I believe he called it Jeeter just got a piece of that breaking ball again fire says he doesn't throw a slider then he's got that harder tighter kind of a slurve type pitch and that's what that one was he's got the bigger slower curveball wanted to to Jeter Giambi on deck the Yankees need base runners they need five to tie we're in the fifth inning and Jeter very protective swing that time on that that hard the slurs wanted to that's what you call an emergency swing is Soriano's two strikeouts on K zone presented by Carfax was the third inning and what we just saw now look like identical pitches right wow it was just a it was a little darker here in the ballpark on that second one was about the only difference eight strikeouts for Pryor and that is too long so Gina giving him a battle here and it's a good job by Jeter I mean you've seen him a couple of times and you struck out both of those times but you at least had to learn something about his release point and how much his ball is moving he's shown priors pitch count is mounting the high hard one and Jeter stayed alive with it 2 & 2 [Applause] Jason Giambi on deck he homered his last time so Jeter trying to get a board for the GMB know I like I'm getting into that Jeff do it to the swing yeah strike three number nine for Pryor and he's gotten Jeter three times [Applause] well his breaking ball is just so difficult it seems to lay off her that's what make that's why it's so tough I mean the hitters aren't able to recognize it quick enough that they can lay off of it I mean look at that I mean ball starts in the strike zone but halfway there it's out of the strike zone and they're just not able to lay off [Applause] now Giambi and that curve is low now the Yankees in these generally games Thursday the Cincinnati Reds struck out 10 of them Friday 10 yankton struck out here at Wrigley Field that fastball is described yesterday and Kerry Wood starred would alone had 11 strikeouts and there were 13 total strikeouts of the Yankees so they come into the game tonight with three straight games of 10 strikeouts or more do the Yankees I mean against the Yankees that's the longest streak by a Yankee team for that to happen since 1966 the fans are definitely getting into it Pryor is one strikeout away from 10 tonight which would be the fourth straight game for that to happen to the Yankees the crowd on his feet Giambi into shallow left [Applause] and that's the inning the top of the order goes down in order matters sooner than that man Sammy Sosa coming up board escape notice it's the perfect size to take off the confines of civilization but with an available 200 horsepower v6 that control track four-wheel drive did never forget it's a genuine SUV [Music] for the state if you haven't looked at for anything look again new Tylenol a tower it has two layers one that's fast and one that lasts all day for one simple reason [Music] because not playing is not an option if men are so insensitive why do they need nine personal comfort settings spectra from the rel coast ultra close ultra comfortable guaranteed welcome to the all-new Harvey Cadillac you'll love the changes we've made we're bigger bolder and better to serve you in true Cadillac style we know you'll like what you see from the bold new CTS to the family of Escalades as the only exclusive cadillac dealer in west michigan our selection is superior we've got a Cadillac to fit your style come see what's new and you'll stay for our commitment to excellence at the all-new Harvey Cadillac you'll get a true luxury experience see us soon [Music] UNIX elevator and hardware has supplies for homeowners and farmers alike find a great selection of home improvement items in her hardware store or check out our assortment of horse equipment crewnecks drive to pick up Center stocks a wide selection of feed seeds and fertilizer in addition our friendly staff will assist you with loading your vehicle for a limited time choose for prunings many varieties of lawn care products covering 12,500 square feet stop in today for great selection and value visit Bruning elevator and hardware located off i-96 exit 10 in nunica p.m. Sunday night baseball presented by Nextel brought to you by Ford if you haven't looked at Ford lately look again Wrigley Field Chicago Waveland Avenue there's been one Balkan after tonight that by Moises Alou of the Cubs in the first inning now here is Corey Patterson who has had a single and a triple he has scored one and driven home one Patterson having an excellent start to his season has lifted his average up to 325 look at all those RBIs leading the Cubs with 46 driven in chasing the left-hander Hitchcock here an account is now a ball and a strike now Gary Matthews the hitting instructor for the Cubs talking about the Corey Patterson and he told me that last week they had that 17 million game Scioscia was back just off the disabled list and Houston actually walked Patterson intentionally in extra innings to pitch the salmon with the right-hander on the mound one of the of the young hide thrower that we saw out of the bullpen Brad Lidge they they walked Patterson to pitch to Sammy man now that's respect from a lot more a batter that's Ryan wanted to the count and the slider in the dirt struck him out one away and here comes Sammy Sosa we're Sammy was just back then to disable this he struck out eight times in his first two games [Applause] although in that 17 inning game he got the the last word he drove in the winning run the only run of that game he knocked in in the 17th and the getting ready out and Waveland Avenue getting into position Sammy's had a lot of balls out there fastball away from Hitchcock Cubs already leading 6 to 1 Sammy has not homered since he hit one in San Francisco back on May the 1st [Applause] change' and that's probably Hitchcock's best pitch to change up one ball one strike Sammy has led the Cubs in homers for 10 consecutive years only one of the player in Major League history has led one team in homers for 10 straight years and that was the great Henry Aaron just off the outside with another change f2 and one errand led the Braves in homers for 11 straight years so salmon with a chance to tie one of the Hammers all-time home run records if he could lead the Cubs again this year [Applause] that he's only hit six up till now that's called the strike at the knees so she did not like that call by Jim Reynolds let's take a look perfect pitch knee high toward the outside corner that was one of the directives this year it was belted in the past that low strike had not been called enough that were pitched actually was in the strike zone was knocking called to strike that often do and Judis Ocean and the breaking ball in the dirt strike three sandy is all for two of the walk in this one two down [Applause] well against the left-handed pitcher you'll not see Sammy commit that quickly too often that just tells you that he is definitely struggling because you do not have to commit as quickly against the left-handed pitcher because you have more time and Sammy had been waiting a lot better last couple of years he'd been perfect in the batter's box going the right center left center but now I mean when you're struggling you don't see the ball as well and you move quicker to try to make up for the fact that you're not seeing it well moist a shallow curve ball ball one Moises with a public three-run homer out on to Waveland Avenue in the first inning first three runs of the game and then he had a double down the left-field line in the third on a pitch a fastball it was way inside and he is 2 for 2 charge by venture the barehanded pickup and he throws him out nice play three up three down when we come back Joe Rogan chats with manager Dusty Baker about Sammy Sosa [Music] you think about conscience that little voice that says you have a responsibility to the people who drive your SUV the people who travel in it the evening the people outside you think about conscience then you build an SUV she's been said to happen the all new xc90 from Volvo equipped unlike any other SUV and guided to Black Consciousness welcome back our big leader is Karl senator and a bouncer from Saskatchewan his hobbies are eating and lighting firecrackers and it says here car you're looking forward to the seventh grade you're going to be a teacher no one student Daleks you mean you're not even in high school yet what is no but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night let's get some harder questions here I Alex stay smart stay at a Holiday Inn Express how you know how dad's like you give and give and give at RadioShack we believe it's about time dad's received so make dad's day with DISH Network and get three three months of the America's top 100 value pack with HBO and Cinemax when you sign up for a year plus get twenty five dollars back by mail from HBO RadioShack you've got questions we've got answers I want to relax by the pool my boys I'm a huge fan I want to take some of Emeril's barbecue shrimp [Music] I want to go where no one can reach me [Music] it's always shake shake shake what about dunking for special vacation packages log on to Universal Orlando calm of a from the ordinary David look back at our Sunday Night Baseball studios O's and cars jim edmonds got ejected from yesterday's game he hung around for a while today that a 2-run shot puts the cards up to zip Edna said he wasn't feeling that well we got a couple hours sleep last night he didn't show Jimmy Edmonds two home runs three RBI and the Cubs and the cards needed all of it they hold off the hose 11 and things are tightening up in the central the Astros have been very hot lately both Wade Miller and Roy Oswalt are pitching well now up top than the Cubs and then the Cardinals tightly bunched the Reds are still in it 25 and a half out ken griffey jr. is back hitting home runs and Adam Dunn leads the major leagues in hitting home runs Austin Kearns over 50 RBIs they've got some talent in that Cincinnati club the the pitching sometimes it's there and sometimes it's not water to under Jorge Posada the cleanup man he's been hit by a pitch and he's flied out to left center Robin Ventura and Raul Mondesi to follow against the young powerful right-hander Mark Prior has Ventura on deck I mean that is it reminds me of Clemens splitter in the kind of swings we're seeing at it well the one thing that tells you that it's a great pitch now we haven't seen one put in play heavily I don't think so yeah so that's the whole point right there if they're not putting it in play that tells you how good a pitch it is I mean the last battle three four innings he said that a hard tight biting breaking ball his Mel stottlemyre in the right the Yankee pitching coach chatting with the rocket Roger Clemens well I did see someone putting one in play that was Soriano he hit the double the hanging breaking ball in the first thing go under the first batter of the game yeah but all of a sudden these last three four innings every one of those hard ones he's thrown has been down there starts at the knees and and then disappears and that's a good job there by Posada to lay off of that pitch three into the high fastball hurrying out Gonzales nice play Joe Morgan shantamma Dusty Baker in the Cubs dugout before the game I know you're very well but what is this dynamic folks incident caused you to change about the way you manage nothing really I mean what it's done actually is uh hopefully made my team stronger as a unit you know I mean you know help us to you know stem ease off you know whether you agree what happened in a disagree what happened so like a family member that make a mistake you know he's still our family and and what it's done probably more than anything is just let me look at the options that I have when Sammy's out let me look at the options on how we can you know cover that space which is no big big hole in our lineup you know by family being out and so you know you stay up some time thinking scenario there's a line of different things match ups quite frankly just maybe had to talk a lot more than once talk [Applause] but what he was started he says made him talking a little bit more do you want to talk because he gets the same question over and over almost every day you know about Sammy [Applause] two down nobody on and raul mondasey the hitter for the Yankees Pryor is on a roll right now it's sharp breaking ball too low actually that's sharp breaking ball reminds me more of Randy Johnson's slider the point because we do not see guys put his slider and play very often when he's wrong with it it's always down around the knees and then disappears one ball no strikes fastball away but now Sammy Sosa and a lot of skepticism about Sammy's story that he you know it's mistakenly brought the wrong back to the plate well I think it's thorry has more validity because all the 76 bats that they found here were negative that ball is driven deep into left field Monda see has a hard into the bleachers raul mondasey who were hit a double launches one into the bleachers it is 6 2 2 Chicago I don't know if I throw the ball back Yankees Yankees and the Cubs maybe they brought some with him and that's just one another one they're throwing back yeah that well that's not it that's not the ball he hit how it's just it's a smart strategy though yeah well Monda see has been able to handle his fastball I mean he's basically the only one that ones away and up a little bit he handled the other one oh there was away enough he hit it in the gap in left-center so he has been able to handle priors fastball now I'm not suing and look at that he just we were praising him for that breaking ball he hangs one very hard one ball no strikes Matsui had an infield single he's also been hit by a pitch that's a liner for a base hit into the alleyway Paterson cuts it off Matsui digging for second and he'll make it standing with a double and my chewing since Thursday has had the hot hand well what he's doing is he's fighting the ball off the other way and he's doing a good job of it we know we saw him hit a little round ball down the third-base line for a base hit last time fastball away and he fights this one off away also and goes the other way with it and that's a good job of hitting there I mean and you're right he has found his stroke the last few ballgames well there's Larry Rothschild after a chat with Mark Pryor one thing we we know that he's not talking to Pryor about is this this copyrighted telecast is presented by authority of the office of the commissioner a baseball to may not be reproduced or retransmitted in any form and the accounts and descriptions of this game may not be disseminated without expressed written consent mlb.com has the widest selection of items for the team you love shop mlb.com the official site of wearing your heart on your sleeve your cap your pullover and lots more than that mlb.com check it out [Applause] another hard thrower Kyle Farnsworth has started to warm up down the Cubs bullpen on soui just hitting his 21st double of the year and Rivera base hit to right field Matsui heading home Sosa's throw cut off back to first not in time Chara's cut it off and fed to grid's ilanic he's circling behind rivera three straight hits for the Yankees it is now six to three prior up around 100 pitches for the game and he might be losing it well that's a good job of hitting there by Revere you know we've seen him miss fastball C to miss breaking balls he just fights this one off again he doesn't try to pull it he goes the other way as we saw from Matsui and that seems to be a better deal a better way to attack priors go the other way and Rivera's injured his knee I guess trying to get back to first base but I think he says he's okay [Applause] so Rivera with his first hit of the game and now Bubba Trammell the veteran off the bench to pinch-hit for sterling Hitchcock Hitchcock has worked to perfect innings out of the Yankee bullpen the Yankee bullpen of course is busy see Trammell who has seen prior before and has done well against him there is Juan Acevedo [Applause] 1/1 Brian came up for the last couple of months last year and [Applause] ended up winning six ballgames trammel was with the San Diego Padres last year powerful right-handed hitter man Ellie's wanted to slider out of the strike zone and took the fastball in there well the fastball that one was tailing back in not much he could do there after the first pitch six to three that comes lead runner at first two down and he took that one the breaking ball down and away the slurve watch prior I mean he has two outfits the fastball and the slur all he Pedro Martinez has three I mean most guys will have food and they can be dominant with those two again it took at this one called strike three Tramell very unhappy about that call that is the tenth strikeout for prior six to three Chicago after five and a half [Music] arnold schwarzenegger is back in the all-new t2 extreme DVD a fully loaded two disc set featuring state-of-the-art digital restoration from a brand-new high-definition digital transfer first ever running teaching audio commentary from james cameron and a behind-the-scenes interactive mode that uncovers filmmaking secrets trivia and never-before-seen footage go extreme to extreme judy now available well paul bunyan must be spinning in his pine box when a man takes to warming his bones with the counterfeit fire how far away can he be from him succumbing to electric razors leaf blowers and pleated pants America is that really you yeah yeah hmm look watch that it's so good no me no me look it's good daddy likes it it's good hmm let's do it at least you can count on the Toro time cutter Z mower the most amazingly maneuverable Toro ever you have like every card yeah it is pretty dominant she comes with Caroline don't you clowns been on that new top side again you know the Home Depot is more than a store it's a toy box for dance and during dad days now through June 15th it's the best place to find the perfect gift for Dad at a guaranteed every day low price like your choice of a black & decker 17 piece drill set or our TX rotary tool a jigsaw kit or an electric hedge trimmer each just 29.97 dad will love the gift and you'll get something great in return The Home Depot you can do it we can help there is Juan Acevedo and a pitch as Acevedo who came in to face eric harris yesterday with a one-nothing lead trying to protect a lead for Roger Clemens on his first pitch Eric Clarence hit a home run I think that's the pitch that he had wanted to throw yesterday but didn't it's rough a high fastball out over the plane and Karen's knew just what to do with it the curved line to Center base head first Cubs baserunner since I Lou let off to third with a double [Music] Acevedo and Karis this was the same matchup when Acevedo came in yesterday this was his first pitch but he throws him some high cheese in that ball was in and caressed the positive the ballgame for the polls Acevedo who was a closure for the Detroit Tigers last year and he has been in a slump he does have six saves he did some closing for the Yankees this year when Mariano Rivera was on the disabled list that ball out of play off the bat of Ramon Martinez Ramon has homered and struck out in this game [Music] you gotta talk around baseball that the Cubs are in the market for a proven run producing third baseman and the named Mike Lowell who's with the Florida Marlins keeps coming up well he is a true run for do thing Thursdays that works and should be to Jeter the second one Soriano slips and falls [Applause] [Music] so they get just the one [Applause] well it looks like that he's not playing with baseball spikes on him when you slip you step the up and he doesn't have spikes on and he slips on the top of the base it looks like he's got you know more like a not necessarily a tennis shoe but there aren't any spikes underneath there [Applause] see well he does have spikes maybe they're just full of dirt Damian Miller takes a strike called from Acevedo but he definitely slipped on top of the bag I had little quicksand on top of that bag Damien Mellon has singled and scored around and struck out six to three the Cubs are leading prior due up next but Lenny Harris has come out on deck the runner going the ball is lined to left Rivera's gonna throw back to first and it hits the runner backed up by Posada and it had not hit the runner Rivera might have turned that one into a double play no doubt I mean the throw it was a great throw and it was going to beat him at first back to first base but it did hit the runner in the back and it looks like they are going to pinch-hit for Briar [Music] well Miller's running so he's going to be close to second base there you see stopped short Rivera fires to first base Martina said is he gets back as the ball hits him in the back Miller hit the line drive well here's the pinch hitting specialist Lenny Harris he's had more pinch hits in his career than any player in baseball history and he takes ball one from Acevedo not only is he a good pinch hitter John he's a great guy they have on the ball club he's one of those guys that just helps make things go smoothly in the clubhouse and he's pinch-hitting for Mark Prior and again he goes six innings and the 10 strikeouts prior [Applause] with nine double figures strikeout games you see Farnsworth another flamethrower I mean he throws real hard I'm in the 98 99 hundred mile an hour hard but nine double think you strikeout games in priors young career he's only had 32 starts and in nine of them is struck out 10 or more [Applause] two and one to Lenny Harris this one will go to the Cubs bullpen ran through a hundred six pitches and the Yankees you know that's been kind of their stock in trade over the years pitchers often don't last as long against them as against other ball clubs take a look at this just a little bit low 2 & 2 the count to Lenny Harris [Applause] Ron Mangus ooh so the inning is over want to hit one left now we head to the late innings the top of the order coming up against the cabbage bullpen fryer is out Farnsworth coming in [Music] I've made a lot of news on the baseball diamond but if you want to find out about this diamond you gotta go talk to your doctor ready to try viagra for the first time see your doctor and find out if a free samples right for you my doctor says it's right for me that's why I stay with it for more information go to viagra com viagra congratulate Rafael Palmero on his 500th home run in 1935 Fox would farm started with one horse and a truck the horse was a thoroughbred the truck a Chevy Suburban today they have a few more horses but there's still only one truck Chevy Suburban with an available 8.1 liter Vortec engine is capable of towing up to six tons making it the best suburban yet Chevy Suburban like a rock defending champ Tiger Woods goes after his third US Open title as the world's best head to Olympia Fields ten Tiger repeat but US Open live coverage begins Thursday at 11:00 Eastern on ESPN 10th cell time in Wayland choose from over 500 pre-owned vehicles you pay as little as $29 down and $79 per month choose from lease returns program cars pressed ratings and more get on the spot financing with rates as low as 1.9 percent i pre-owned vehicles a fifteen hundred dollar minimum traded must get a free four-day cruise for two with every purchase don't miss the annual tent sale now through Saturday only a-wailing for today [Music] please support the kids of camp Blodgett call today with your pledge nine for nine zero seven eight zero ESPN's Sunday Night Baseball presented by Nextel tonight from Wrigley Field Chicago the Chicago Cubs of the National League the New York Yankees of the American League the rubber match of their three game interleague series this weekend marking the first time the Cubs and the Yankees have played since 1930 a they've met each other in two different World Series in the 30s here's fines with a 97 mile an hour fastball to shorty Otto fouled back to the backstop at his own one well it doesn't I know he throws hard but I don't think the Yankees mad especially Jeter and Soriano because they were not having much success against prior so they would rather try someone else miss Freneau twice struck out against that devastating breaking ball of prior well that one was pretty tough to man onto the count hard slider that ball bounced way out in front of the plate Soriano has seen 11 pitches and they've either all been swung at or been called strikes prior watching from the dugout comes bullpen is busy as well hyo-joo pitch he went back to it again this time sorry I don't took it Derek Jeter on deck then Jason Giambi the Yankees with visions of a comeback in this one at one point they were down six to nothing but now it is 6 to 3 Jason Giambi at third of the inning knocked in a run with a homer back in the third to start the Yankees come back and that slider is chased by Soriano bounced foul excellent pitch there because it wasn't much he could do with it just kind of rolled his hands over someone in the outfield keeping score when words for a baseball fan on historic weekend correct Yankees at Wrigley Field they were here in 1932 that was Babe Ruth's last World Series the one of what she hit the the fabled called shot against Charlie root right here dribbly moving the fastball in on the hands fouled away one ball and two strike 1938 the Yankees the last time they were here actually is Game two of that World Series and Dizzy Dean was the pitcher for the Cubs Dizzy Dean who had had injured his arm and was featuring what he himself called his nothing ball [Laughter] and it is to it too and Dean by all accounts just pitch one of the the gritty determined games that anybody ever seen you know throwing that nothing ball over and over again and then finally gave it up in the eighth inning Frankie Crosetti hit a home run against him to put the Yankees ahead and then in the next inning Joe DiMaggio hit a home run after Tommy Henrich had gotten a base hit a good job here by Soriano fighting off some tough pitches from Farnsworth he was featured a nothing ball of the world as he caught the thing called the nothing not nothing oh okay nothing ball that you know that scoreboard that might have been here back then to Jo Ann Soriano continues to battle it out here with Farnsworth John we're talking about you know how tough a ticket this was you know one of the I have to tell you my buddy Mike Alicia's not here with us because he's a little bit under weather and it's the first time we've been to Chicago to do a game that he hasn't been here Wow so he's at home under the weather but he's watching the Iron Man Michael yes exactly right 2 and 2 the count and that is ball 3 well Soriano's give him quite a battle here to Farnsworth a great job I mean started o and 2 and now he's worked the count to 3 into and the Yankees need base runners mr. with the 10th pitch of this battle and Joe Torre like Soriano get aboard here and the Yankees could get serious about this comeback pow Farnsworth needing a strike and he walks him he throw him a slider in the dirt with a three-run lead [Applause] so the Yanks get that leadoff man aboard with Kerry Wood and Mark Prior watching from the dugout there's a breaking ball in the dirt breaking ball to Giambi and we see Soriano chasing it Paul strike three on Monda see Soriano chases again Jeter it's just very difficult to lay off of and that was the last one the tenth one to trammel so ten strikeouts and you saw there seven of them on that breaking pitch here's Jerry Jeter he struck out three times against Brian shows bunt and takes loan that drew third baseman Ramon Martinez in in a hurry I think you have to be a little surprised you mr. John he threw a 3-2 breaking ball with a three-run lead to Soriano the reason you're surprised was he hadn't thrown a strike with the breaking ball the entire at-bat you know he had thrown pitches at Soriano it fought off but he had only been able to throw a strike with a fastball [Applause] one ball no strike two Derek Jeter three strikeouts for Jeter Soriano back to the bag and that was fairly close the speaking of a strike Sojo back in the 38 series we mention Frank Crosetti hit the home run against Dizzy Dean Wright on a 2 2 pitch Dean thought he had him struck out right umpire said ball three the next pitch home run on the nothing ball on the nothing ball this should be too they get one and Gonzalez to first DoublePlay [Applause] [Music] well I'm not a good night for Jeter he struck out three times against Pryor and he hits this ball pretty sharply but he hits it in the wrong spot sinker away and he hits it in the wrong spot because you know they're playing up the middle for the double play and right there they're waiting for Dusty Baker now with Giambi coming up and he's got his veteran left-hander Mike Remlinger ready so he's coming in to face Giambi when we come back the herd is constantly migrating driven by instinct to where the signal is weakest the antenna lope live is they always have man's unwitting accomplice and making coast-to-coast walkie talkies possible read to instantly relay radio signals as they frolic graze and even mate across the vast reaches of America no that's not how we did it introducing next tales coast-to-coast walkie talkie now that's a walkie talkie starting today muscle pain is no reason for not touching down not rage not ice dancing not going vertical not heating the wall not taking the clothes off not getting dirty introducing new tylenol a tower with two players one that's fast and one that lasts all day one dose new tylenol a tower it's the tylenol for muscle pain because not playing is not an option let's say this is you and this is your auto insurance company I've always gotten along ok but let's say this is Allstate mmm looks better than what you got now huh well qualified drivers who call Allstate for a free Auto quote can get a company that's good for this kind of price maybe less the choice is pretty simple don't you think so call Allstate now for an auto quote and find out how you're in good hands with Allstate [Music] ESPN Sunday Night Baseball presented by Nextel Nextel life's better when your cell phone has a walkie-talkie and in part by tylenol arthritis pain extended believe take comfort in our strength Wrigley Field and the Cubs holding a 6 to 3 lead and now Mike Remlinger for the second day in a row is summoned from the bullpen by Dusty Baker to face Jason Giambi and he strikes him with the breaking ball for strike now yesterday was a little more of an urgency to the situation when Remlinger came in the bases were loaded in the eighth inning two down he came on in relief with Kerry Wood to face Giambi and he's struck him out on a 3-2 pitch and that curveball in there strike two call and then sentencing Lester day throwing all fastball until he got to the 3-2 count and then he threw him a changeup so today starts them off differently throws him two breaking balls and they're playing him to pull you can see y'all on the left side three guys on the right side because they're throwing him off speed pitches it's the third baseman Martinez now at shortstop and Giambi unhappy about that call so it is seventh-inning stretch time at Wrigley Field and John Cusack the star of the hit movie identity is here to sing take me out to the ballgame [Music] when it's finally time to move on the new Saturn Ion quad coupe has 140 horsepower engine rear access doors and a fold flat seat so you can fit your bed you bookshelves do coffee table TV stand and your chairs which leaves just enough room for your desk get a 2003 Saturn Ion L Series our view that's 0% APR financing for 5 years for restrictions see your retailer you Gellin no telling how much I'm gentleman you jealous I'm jealous I cap fella quit yelling and we're challenged dr. 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ablaze and ahead Panasonic ideas for life you have like every card yeah it is pretty dominant she comes with Callahan don't cry you clowns been on that view topside again you know [Applause] Juan Acevedo missing with ball one to Mark Grudzielanek as we start the last of the seventh inning it is 6 to 3 that comes with eating that's off the glove with a diving Ventura base it has Rivera comes into shadow left to pick it up [Music] john cusack led the crowd and singing take me out to the ballgame during the seventh-inning stretch [Music] [Applause] [Music] bodies [Applause] [Music] all right and he got a big ovation as he prefaced his comment about the Cubs beating the Yankees and when this series 2 out of 3 has a prelude to sweep in the Yankees in October in the World Series and they got a big ovation here at Wrigley well I can understand man knows how to make it a test yo [Music] Alex Gonzalez the hitter he is lined into a double-play doubled home run and struck out he's 1 for 3 magellanic the runner at first the bunt and a foul you know last year the bullpen was a black hole for the cab's I mean they lost more games late than any other team in the National League and anemic male went out and that was one of the or I'd say endemic fail Jim Henry is now the general manager for the Cubs and Jim Henry went out in addition to bringing in Dusty Baker they fortified that bullpen with guys like Mike Remlinger has been a great addition to this Cubs bullpen Joe Borowski had been filling in for Alphonse Seca as the closer and he's done a great job in that capacity [Music] there's auntie MacPhail the president of the Cubs with George Whitley the great Cubs fan as George said to before the game since 1948 that Andy and right there's a resemblance there isn't there they both have that excitement about the Cubs and that worry I guess same time on to to Alex Gonzalez Corey Patterson is on deck the bunt and Acevedo goes to first and he dragged Thank You partner he goes down the right-field line and that one is off to Norwich either [Applause] [Music] Gonzalez bunted it it went maybe 30 feet from the home plate and then the Yankee started throwing it around and I'm not sure it stopped rolling yet well they caught the Yankees off-guard because there were two strikes and they didn't expect the bunt neither did I for that matter and he dropped it down perfectly right out in front of home plate and things started to go haywire from there for the Yankees now watch he picks it up he throws it inside and a lot of people say what Giambi didn't reach for if you reach in there as a right-handed first baseman I mean you're really gonna get your arm hurt maybe even broken yeah ask cliff Floyd yeah that that's that's wasn't the you know he didn't just give up on the play he felt like there was nothing he could do to save the play [Music] Corey Patterson the hitter so that is a sacrifice bunt for Gonzales no time at bat charge to him an error on the pitcher Acevedo for the wild throw to first base and then an error charged to the second baseman Soriano for his throw to second that that Jeter is not able to grab I didn't think that was such a bad throw the Soriano made I'll have to look at it again you say Jeter should have caught it yes but he tried to tag him while catching it Patterson deep into left field Rivera back right in front of the IV he's got it hurrying back to second is Gonzales and he just does make it [Applause] Patterson now tooth before gave that one a pretty good ride [Applause] now Sammy Sosa a nice job by Rivera and that's actually you know 20s his forte is defense he gets out and makes a fine catch and he shows you he's got a very strong arm he stops and fires back and almost gets a double play at second Gonzalez still at second one out Sammy Sosa over Dilawar face it here comes Gonzalez home here's the throw by Rivera cut off I don't know exactly why they cut that it appeared that there was going to be a play at the plate and you're already down eight to three you might just want to let it go through and you see Sammy gets an ovation and there is just as you see as too powerful they sit so a career milestone for social no flag piece doesn't slide enough and he pulls it in the hole for a base hit now watch this but Rivera we saw you have the good on though this throw is right on target and it's cut off and I don't know exactly why now Moises Alou and that's low is the ball that was hit by Sosa for his 2,000th career hit lotta basis [Applause] and the fans here in Chicago saluted Sammy chanted his name as saluting the Yankees now they sit for a loo and that's his third hit of the game [Applause] to Acevedo who really started his own problems in this inning with a wild throne [Applause] stottlemyre is going to go out to the mound and Tory's gonna call the bullpen fastball right in the middle of the plate and he hits it right back up the middle great job of hitting there by Moises Alou just line it back through the middle so maybe where that ball ended up in the strike zone he's lucky that that's all the boys did with it you know I have to tell you I saw a great note on Moises Alou he has 80 racehorses John 80 racehorses names some of them after some of his former teammates like bags for Bagwell bgo seven for Biggio Craig Biggio of course but guess what he has a horse stable at Belmont where they ran the third leg of the Triple Crown yesterday and he's hoping one of these days one of his horses will be running 80 racehorses I guess he's given himself a chance anyway sounds like he's actually trying to get serious yeah exactly his Chris Hammond the left-hander up in the Yankee bullpen surveyed oohs given up three hits in the inning Eric Kara's the hitter a stripe Terrace his 1 for 3 in the game he singled against Acevedo when Acevedo first came into the game of the sixth inning yesterday Janousek the three-run homer against Acevedo and Roger Clemens suddenly instead of hoping with that 300 win took a loss in that one Monda see makes the catch social tags up and moves over to third base and you were mentioning yesterday that Carroll said that this was the most excitement he's seen at a ballpark yesterday you know people have to remember these are the Yankees I mean great tradition 26 World Championships so anytime they go any place people are going to be looking to knock them off because they are they represent what is best you know about the game so people are looking to knock them off yeah well and the other thing there was a little different for the Yankees they too were excited about it I mean because it's exciting wherever they go right but you know Jason Giambi he'd never been in this ballpark and he likes it Derek Jeter had never been on the field here I don't know if he likes it he hasn't had the great series here but Giambi definitely has had a great series and of course Roger would have been historic to pitch in a great ballpark like this to get his 300th win he pitched obviously well enough yesterday to get it but Yankees could not score many runs for it and that was the reason right there Carey would come he would do instead they've got it that his 50th win but you know it was interesting because a Joe Torre I think put advance before the game yesterday he said wouldn't it be something for the quintessential American League Pitcher to get his 300th win in the historic national league ballpark and he almost did he's seen the Yankee bullpen this year and that has been a problem something you touched on at the very outset of our telecast Jill they've definitely had a lot of problems in the bullpen [Applause] and the foul tip is held by Posada Martinez is gone but the Cubs get two more runs down to the eighth inning eight to three Cubs [Music] coming up on SportsCenter Tony Gwynn tells us who is the best hitter in baseball Tiger talk stuff with Stuart Scott plus we break down Game three of the NBA Finals it's all on SportsCenter after the game on ESPN better than ever the WNBA on ABC Sports 4 p.m. Saturday I love a good thing who says too much of a good thing is a bad thing sometimes too much of a good thing can be a great thing now you can call anyone in America for three cents a minute and thirty nine cents to connect and that three cents get you Canada and Western Europe too just out ten ten nine eight seven there's no monthly fees so you only pay for the collars you make hey you know a good thing when you see it 10 10 9 8 7 rate this loan never went so far [Music] boy the top eight teams in college baseball hits Omaha for a shot at the national championship the - and continues at 7:00 p.m. - you don't look sick to me and I'm not writing you a note Comcast high-speed Internet it's cable powered constantly connected and incredibly fast which makes it easier than ever to keep in touch with your friends and family and stay connected to all the things you love so get Comcast high-speed Internet today visit these retailers for a great offer Frankie B's delicious food for lunch and dinner Frankie B's big screen TVs for sporting events Frankie B's home of the beer tower it's fun for the entire family [Music] Frankie beads 28th Street next to studio 28 comes eight Yankees three as we go to the eighth-inning tomorrow night at eight Eastern five Pacific on ESPN and see for the best golfers on the LPGA Tour as they compete for $600,000 in prize money Annika Sorenstam Kerry web Laura Diaz and Laura Davies go head-to-head in the ConAgra Foods skins day that's tomorrow 8:00 Eastern on ESPN [Music] there's jorge posada the Yankees cleanup hitter he's been hit by a pitch flied out to left center and popped up to short he's over to Remlinger misses to low one ball no strikes John you were talking about the 1938 you know World Series I mean let's go back to 32 you know we're all shocked yeah the call shot so I'm glad you agree it was a call shot what a lot of people think that well I think that yes I mean to a know knowing Babe Ruth all I've read about Babe Ruth he called it that's the way I Sharlee root was the pitcher yeah anybody babe mad well you know also the Cubs had a former Yankee who was a part of that 27 murderers row Yankee team they mark connect a shortstop and the Cubs you know candy came to the ballclub during that year 32 and they voted him only a half share so that outraged the babe and his Yankee teammates that their former teammate would be treated that Shapley by the Cubs 3 and oh the count and that's a strike 3 and 1 so they were kind of getting on the the Cubs about that to begin with the Yankees manager in 32 Joe McCarthy had been sort of unceremoniously dumped by the Cubs a couple of years before and he had a lot of success in Chicago it's rain 1 the count Java will check it on this 232 series that's ball 4 to Posada so anyway go ahead now you're you are the Marla that door is don't make the babe mad I mean the babe said and in his own voice he said yes I called it ok so I believe the babe and I know there are a lot of guys who disagree said that they thought he was pointing at the dugout instead of center field but if the babe said he was pointing to center field I believe well I believe that they did say that he called it right I'm not sure that I believe that he did it but he said he did right Robin Ventura and struck out walked and flied out to left he's over 2 facing Remlinger that's a called strike on 2 but you know all the things I've read about the baby you know he was brash he was you know he he would have it just sighs seems right that he would do something like that to me well the great thing was if it turned out to be his final World Series and that was the legacy his final World Series legacy thing that nobody really remembers about that is that Lou Gehrig followed up right the caught with a home run of his own yeah but he didn't call it so it's just a home run you don't call it it's just another home run well now you mention it yeah one ball and two strikes that ball is driven deep to right field Sosa looks up that ball is gone Robin Ventura the former White Sox comes to Wrigley Field and launches one into the bleachers and it is 8 to 5 Chicago well surer with his ninth of the year well the Yankees always can come back because they do have power up and down the lineup and you can always come from behind when you can't hit the ball out of the ballpark there's alfonseca look at it closely had been Church did he call no he didn't call it he's gonna call it I was watching I was looking for him to call it but he didn't fastball inside part of the plate and Ventura with a nice smooth swing and he drives it out [Applause] I'm almost well we got a new picture cabinet Remlinger is gone and now I'm 2000 Fonseca is gonna come in from the bullpen Robert Kramer the noted historian and author who wrote a book called babe they have biography of Babe Ruth he also weighed in Joe of as we look at the score and Al Fonseca coming in and Robert Kramer weighed in a little bit about whether or not the babe called that shot in 32 Booth's in the outfield he messes up a play lets the Cubs tie the game so he comes to back second man up the next inning nobody on base and the crowd is now all over we just messed up for playing outfield the great ruse may boom and who demand Ruth is looking for crowd yelling at the Cubs that comes yelling back at him Charlie roots on the mound big Luis it better and Charlie's getting mad because babe is talking to the bench and yelling and he says get in there and hit and I think that's when Ruth's automated gesture at the mound as Gehrig who was on deck said Ruth said put the ball in here I'll knock it down your damn throat and he just belted the hell out of the ball headed to centerfield the uppermost part of the centerfield bleachers no one's ever hit a ball that far before it was just funny after he pointed did inform doesn't matter a damn he was challenged by the Cubs and he stuck it to him as a greatest mother in baseball history I really pity sir well you know what after listening to that maybe listen to the bleep you know maybe I do believe the babe maybe didn't if the de bleep was in there you know I mean yeah yeah yeah because that sounds a little bit like the babe - but I mean that's a great story like in other words it doesn't matter it whether you really actually called it or not what mattered as they challenged him and then the next Chris boom the longest home I never seen this ballpark after that time down maybe up to this day you know and that's I mean out there in the centerfield bleachers that's a shot let's take a look okay that centers feel to me I mean the dugouts dugout so over here someplace I mean he you know the dugouts that's in her field man he was calling it he just probably missed his mark he may have been aiming that you know a little bit off the left side left flattest center field but off on second with a slider swung in a swing and a Miss by Mondesi - he has a double and a homer tonight and then those two runs the Cubs got in the seventh look pretty big now the wild throw by Acevedo instrumental in those well Alphonse ACO before his injury I mean he was the closer of the club so they have to be happy to be able to have him back and that hard sinker is low he throws a real hard sinking fastball nobody out and two runs in Paterson comes over into left scenter and that is not number one [Applause] nice pitch by fun sicko he fooled him with the speed and had him reaching for you see it looks like a little cut fastball it's running away and you see him reach for nice pitch there by fun safer should I say Alphonse second I'd go with Alphonse a kid they got will too and that's a ball inside one ball and no strikes now that was a interesting looking film and was well of the babe from 1932 babes final World Series the story I read Joe said that Afton and Robert Kramer just said after each one of the first two strikes the Ruth had taken from Ruth that is a called strike two into the babe held up you know his hand each time after each one of them as if to count off the strikes himself just got a piece of that one so what he said what you're saying he says that's one that's two and then he pointed the center field that's what he did right well that's what a lot of people yeah everyone he pointed and then Gehrig came up and also homered his second home run of the day the next day the Yankees clinched that World Series Game four and Tony Lazzeri had two home runs two into the count Yankees had a lot of great hitters yes the babe in his final World Series had that I mean you know it's a a home run that still Lin's the babe had two homers in that series and at 3:33 and drove in six runs Gehrig had three homers drove in eight runs and at 5:29 in that World Series [Applause] and Matsui fouls it away two balls two strikes Matsui been hit by pitch had an infield single and he has doubled the left-center he'd been on a roll since Thursday's big night in Cincinnati what you see is a guy that's fighting the fastball off and he's doing a good job of it the other way and if you throw him something off-speed then he's able to pull it Tranter but we bring up all the the babe and at Wrigley Field because the Yankees are back at Wrigley Field for the first time in over 60 years and that's ball 4 monsoons been on base four times in this game Charlie Devon's the last living member of those 1932 Yankees spoke with ESPN Classic about his recollections of Babe Ruth's famous called shot homerun I'd say one point to the breaches and then hit the next ball into the bleachers well I did see that but I think that the reason he put up his finger and has happened to point in the bleachers was because he still had another strike and that's the advantage he has over both you and me Joe he actually was there right you know I know I wasn't there but I have to argue with him too because he knows that he pointed to the bleachers yeah well if you pointed to the bleachers and hit it into the bleachers what else is there well I mean if you're standing at the plate you played all those years Joe but I hear work in glee is if you're making hand gestures at a pitcher or wherever you make of them and then you hit a homerun I've got to leave you know what you're doing and I really feel that that's the one area on your resume that you Lackey's you never did that and no I'd never did that that's what Devin's was talking about [Applause] well I just think I'm a dev instead he pointed at the bleachers some people are saying he pointed at the mound other they're saying he pointed in the dugout but Devin's who was there said he pointed to the bleachers no question in his mind you know Juan Rivera Gonzalez gets one read genomic will hold it no chance for the DoublePlay Matsui is forced down not number tuned earlier we asked the Nextel poll question which player aged 25 or younger is most likely to make the Hall of Fame and 45% of the voters thought Alfonso Soriano Albert Poole holes number two on that list how about that next weekend the Cardinals Albert Poole holes in the current let's go to Yankee Stadium to take on Soriano and the Yankees Mark Prior 12.2% Barry Zito mark Mulder how about this how about all five of them yeah good point I mean and they all five have a very good chance if they can stay free from injury that's the big yeah if they can continue to perform at a high level and continue to improve I think that's the key because the league will start to adjust to them and how they've been successful and you have to be able to adapt to that Todd Zeile the pinch hitter for the Yankees we're in the eighth inning Zeile former Cardinal and a veteran of many a Cubs Cardinal battle in that middle America rivalry you got the Yankees and the Red Sox the Giants and the Dodgers and here in this part of the country it's the Cubs and the Cardinals the preeminent rivalry [Applause] 1 and 1/2 zeal and Martinez dreads anomic the 4/7 Rivera 8 to 5 that comes a leading last of the eighth coming up it's hard to respect the French when you have to bail them out of two big ones in one century but we have to hand it to him on mayonnaise nice job Pierre from the creators of the Matrix trilogy the Animatrix a collection of nine animated stories that takes the world of The Matrix to it's unimaginable limits the Animatrix by ton DVD in pay-per-view you Gellin no telling how much I'm gentlemen you jealous I'm jealous I cap elet quit yelling and we're challenged dr. 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Scholl's [Music] yo Strebel TI get into it right now all this guy's thinking about is getting home so he can let his dog out he's late so it's fair to assume that he's not thinking about his Cooper Tires and all they're doing to help him get home now all he's thinking about this is new rug and Benny's small bladder [Music] [Music] hello sorry okay let's see here you've been in an accident of any kind have you had your odometer rolled back oh okay well hey stalling sputtering that kind of thing used cars don't talk cough please that's why there's car facts from police reports to state inspections we have the history of the car you're looking at get a CARFAX report from your dealer or go to Carfax calm and get the truth about used cars Cubs a Yankees five last of the eighth coming up at Wrigley Field now stay tuned right after the ballgame for sports centers John Anderson and Kenny main is standing by with all of the goings on around the world of sports Spurs nets Game three of the stuff going on a baseball in interleague play and a conversation with Tiger Woods that's coming up on SportsCenter right after the ballgame that's right [Music] Chris Hammond on the mound now for the Yankees facing a Damian Miller Miller is one for three comes jumped out early against Stoddard Andy Pettitte three in the first and three more in the second that the Yankees have been but lately they've been playing catch-up they get to in the six to make it six to three but then two big runs for the Cubs of the seventh inning involving a couple of errors by the Yankees Miller hit that off his support one ball in two strikes so when the Yanks got two more back in the eighth they were just matching what the Cubs had done in the seventh the Cubs trying to make it two out of three over the Yankees here and that'd be a pretty good weekend for the Cubs lost 95 games last year as they trying to assert themselves as being the real thing a squibber to Giambi and Miller is retired Joe Morgan sat down and the Cubs dugout and chatted with dusty Baker before the game talked about Sammy Sosa my other things what do you think is worse a pitcher cheating's horsebit balls or stuffing up to baseball or a hitter who courses back I think they're the same to me but they're not just like that's why I'm asking you yeah because see I remember I mean there were times and there's still time but be guys touching everywhere they're touching everywhere all the time laughter got balls going like this and like that and I'm rare one time when I looked at Ray's there's the guy that that that that was cheating that Dave he doesn't wonder nothing and the only thing that would make thing Karen mad he was facing the cheetah right and the guy came over to get one of my teammates to take him out after the game every beaters want another tank to get that achievement song so I because to me I mean there is no difference the only thing is now very rarely does anybody ever go out and check that's good point I mean there were a lot of guys who were notorious for drawing spitters or scraping the baseball before not so now you know it's interesting I we saw this Sammy Sosa's been given eight days we've seen some of the other guys giving me anywhere from six seven to ten days and Greg nettles was the first one to get caught you know in the modern era anyway and he did not get any time he wasn't suspended and I talked to him today was great I asked him what happened and he said they didn't have a rule in place to do that at the time to deal with that and he said he's the reason that they started you know given this a certain number of games for the suspension can you imagine he's the first guy Dean was not suspended at all Wow I mean he's the one yeah the end of the bat broke off as Helton the rookie just up for the minors lines one to left field caught by Rivero David helped him hit 300 or was hitting 310 at Iowa he the places he stopped Choi in the roster who was placed on the disabled list today I think it's a nice ovation for pretty good at that there and spreads Alana comes out to down [Applause] but Greg nettles is Reds Alana takes a strike all these little super balls the story is super balls came out of his the end of his bat instead of bouncing all around home plate I mean it creates a sort of a a comedic seen in your mind's eye anyway and they list of guys have been suspended for doctoring backs starting with nettles 0 1974 no games yeah he was not suspended Prince sagum Albert Bell Billy Hatcher that one is whacked down the lefty aligned by grethel addict extra bases Rivera has to go in against the IV to bring it out and Red's ilanic has his third hit of the game this one a double [Applause] well drehs ilanic that's been swinging the bat well there's a pitch off the plate inside and he keeps it fair into the corner I'm a little puzzled though about the story about Greg nettles yeah I mean the we used the doctor back you'd think that somewhere somebody could would just come on say like the league in those days that League presidents yeah just say one game five games or whatever that's illegal and you've got to serve a suspension for it and that ends the inning Giambi with the unassisted put out against Gonzalez last chance for the Yankees they are three runs down Morosky the closer coming in with a bullpen stay tuned Soriano Jeter and Giambi the big guys are counted on something incredible is happening to guys everywhere they're defying gravity Comfort whether you shave down or up an anti-christian coating on all three blades plus a strip with more lubrication so even against the grain you get less irritation and the closest shave can your razor do this from Gillette the best a man can get alright kids today we're gonna rob a home run and this is how it's done Major League Baseball Charities is a proud partner of Boys and Girls Clubs of America come on you got a rod back you guys want to know about the rally cap make a big double yep this is an 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make at your next paycheck quick check cashing is their call five three Oh 85 52 or stop by quick check cashing today at 17 17 28th Street in Wyoming a career milestone for sammy sosa and it came in the seventh inning his 2,000th career hit now the ninth inning Joe Borowski 32 year old right-hander trying to wrap up a victory for the Cubs Sosa 1 for 3 with a walk tonight that single his 2000 hit knocked in a run that's a ball outside Borowski been around a long long time very little time in the big leagues signed originally by the Baltimore Orioles but last year he found a home here with the Cubs in the year where their bullpen was a disaster he was probably the most effective of all the Cubs relievers last year and this year when alphonse a kid had to go to disabled list to start the year Moravsky sort of my default became the closer and he's done a great job at it Dusty Baker [Applause] is a comes by the way going to Baltimore to open up series with the Orioles at Camden Yards as soriano fouls one off the Yankees are going home and they've been on the road for a while this is the ninth game of a road trip for the Yankees to Detroit then to Cincinnati now to Chicago and they're gonna go home for more interleague play to then play the Houston Astros and that's a hot ball club Jeff Bagwell Jeff Kent Craig Biggio Lance Berkman Richard Hidalgo is back they're going to Yankee Stadium next 2 and 2 and Clemens is next due on Friday although Joe Torre kind of hedged after the game yesterday he said you know we'll see how Rogers feeling he's had this upper respiratory infection right three man he just blew a fastball right by Soriano another strikeout for the Yankees what's that Joe I'm 12 I think I've got 12 for the night yeah well the Yankees have had 10 strikeouts or more in four straight games 45 total the last time a Yankee team had that many 10 plus strikeout games in a row was 1965 and that was a bad year for the Yankees it was the beginning of a decline for the Yankees they had been to the World Series the year before for the 13th time in 15 years or whatever it was some incredible stretch they had from 49 through 64 14 out of 16 I guess it was Derek Jeter Opeth all four for three strikeouts and a double play ball tonight for Jeter and the Yankees after B in the world trade 64 it ended up having a bad ballclub in 65 they got old Johnny Keane came from the Cardinals he had managed against the Yankees in the previous World Series and then roulette the Cardinals to manage the Yankees and I'm sure he regretted it the Yankees were not very good and they were even worse than next year they finished dead last in 66 3 another Jeter that's a strike 3 & 1 but the Yankees will be happy to be back I'm sure in the friendly confines of Yankee Stadium on Tuesday I'm sure they will the Yankees lose this game the Red Sox will be back in first by a half game the Red Sox won had Milwaukee which if you read the papers this week that kind of bug George Steinbrenner well the Yankees have planted the slugging Reds and then now the hot Cubs at Wrigley Field the Red Sox were playing Pittsburgh in Milwaukee this week whom the Yankees don't play at all in interleague play this you didn't play either one of those clubs crowd on its feet praying to the count then Jeter onto the rooftop yes I would figure this has got to be a big at-bat in Jeter's mind yes it is for a lot of reasons yeah good point I mean you know you never want to have this type of game then your job now is just to try to get on base I've never seen strikeout three times in a game I'm sure he has but I have not do that and Jeter gets himself aboard the New York Yankees are trailing eight to five were in the top of the ninth inning at Wrigley Field Chicago the rubber match of this three-game interleague series between the Yankees and the Cubs now right after the ballgame SportsCenter comes up all the highlights from the Spurs and Nets game three in the NBA Finals also all of the baseball news a lot going on in baseball with interleague play in full swing and the conversation with Tiger Woods John Anderson and Kenny main is standing by in the SportsCenter studio as we speak here's Giambi he's homered tonight 1 for 4 in the game and he takes a strike with a slider three infielders play to the right side for Giambi I know this may not be a good time to remind you but Jeter coming Giambi was my daily double pick it was Sammy Sosa in the Joe Morgan Daily Double damn daily on 2 to Giambi well I had Sosa knocked it in a run getting his 2000 hit how many ovations as Giambi gotten tonight having hit a home run so in the diamond Daly Joe Morgan's down together he got more points yeah then I got home runs gave you a little more points big deal [Applause] well maybe you get extra points cause solsa did get his mmv I feel like that should be a lot of extra points and his team is winning good point high fastball and good job by Giambi not to go after 1 & 2 the count two and two next Sunday's talk about interleague play yeah another great matchup on Sunday Night Baseball the Atlanta Braves with the best record in the National League in Seattle against the Mariners with the best record in the American League they are both 42 and 19 right now should be great should be the young Gil Meche and the veteran Greg Maddux next Sunday night the slider too long well the one thing you have to do is I mean you have to throw strikes I mean I'm sitting here I was watching him pitch to Jeter and 3 & 2 they tried to hit the inside corner 3 & 2 with one out and three run lead I think you have to just throw it down the middle the worst they could do is make it a one-run game feedback if he gets a board Posada who has lots of power would be the possible tying run Sosa know they'll have to go play it off the ivy jeeter's speeds over to third and Giambi ambles in the second with a double and Posada is coming up as the possible tying run the wind continues to blow out toward right and you do not I mean you mind but it doesn't upset you that Giambi gets the base hit what upsets you is to walk a guy with a three-run lead [Applause] this is a little slide piece but a great job of hitting us perfect backdoor slider and Giambi rips it into right center field and he ends up at second with a double the only other time the Yankees had a batter up there who could have tied the game with one swing of his back tonight was the second inning when Juan Rivera came up well here's Posada Posada has 14 home runs for the year Giambi tonight hit is 15 Soriano leads the club with 18 strike with a slider I think that last swing by Giambi showed you that he's back on track I mean that was a pretty good pitch back doored 3-2 slider and you reached out and drilled it in the gap the GMB known one ball one strike the Cubs get the bullpen busy left-hander mark Guthrie started to throw after the switch hitting Posada you get the left-handed batting Robin Ventura here comes Larry Rothschild out to the mound to talk to Borowski well I think they're also trying to give that's really love time to get loose I mean just in case he's able to get the sawed out you still have been tore who can hit the ball out of the ballpark and I think you'd rather have a left-hander pitching to event or you know it seems like in this interleague week first week of interleague play there been some wild finishes - game yes Michaels had gone with him so the Cardinals had four in the bottom of the ninth to beat Baltimore this weekend in a game the Yankees have not won a game that they were trailing after seven all year forget about trailing after eight Mariano Rivera getting ready just in case a ball of a strike oh man that pitch looked pretty hittable well the only thing is saved and there - pitch was up a little bit i watch this pitch is going to be well it is enough it's pill time he had a good swing at it looked like a little slider it was up in the homeruns oh yeah it was Gina at third Giambi at second Cubs fans trying to rally barosky backdoor slider well outside I thought do it to crowd didn't think so now [Applause] borowski who's had the 10 saves face it can make it a one-run game a home run would tie the game 2 & 2 the count now that one was up was up around his eyes tried to put him away with that high fastball Joe Torre his Yankees have been in a bad way for about five weeks that one's way up this will be the 25th pitch from barosky in this innings he'll only one out and the slider bounced over toward touring in the dugout and he'd throw a lot of pitches to close out yesterday's ballgame as well [Applause] Moravsky it's 28 times in the ninth inning yesterday when the Cubs five the to win over the Yankees there's Guthrie ready if needed the left-handed batting Ventura another powerful hitter on deck Jeter at third Giambi at second one out slider a little bit high maybe a little bit off the corner it's rare to borderline on both counts let's see what k-zone says [Applause] well like you said borderline higher borderline outside of him both it's really they are really making Borowski work another deep count up the middle base hit into center field cheaters scores here comes Giambi and it's a one-run game good job of hitting there by Posada that was a slider and he just lined it right back through the middle for a base hit murasky has been has been featuring the slider and I think Posada was basically looking for because he threw a 3-2 slider to Giambi as well [Applause] there it is a little slider but he was trying to throw a strike with it and he did and good job of hitting by Posada now Robin Ventura on Posada the runner at first is now the possible tying run then Tura homered his last time up there well dusty may have brought Guthrie and the pitch tevinter if he would have been the last out now with one out if he retires menteur you still have to deal with Mondas Lee a right-handed slugger who was on deck this should be the second out so soon Paterson was happy to let Sammy go for that one all the way and now Monda see the Yankees final hope he's had a double and a homer tonight [Applause] last fall that was kind of tailing away it wasn't a slider fastball and they looked like it just started to move away it's just enough to get Ventura underneath it well now a two down Charles Gibson GIP eson Gibson is the runner for Posada Gibson is a very fast man Borowski and manda c- c is only face barosky three times in his career and he's had two hits against him - he doubled in the second tonight homered in the six to perform come in a pretty good year for the Yankees up till now now I've got to be mindful of Gibson over there Gibson could steal a base and I agree with that but I think he has to give his all of his concentration to Monda see I mean Gibson can't spill second third and home so you have to get the hitter out concentrate on modesty and B not hang it because of you worried about him you may hang a breaking ball or make a mistake to Monda see [Applause] eight to seven that comes our leading Matsui on deck some some prayers being whispered at the moment and wriggly senior high slider well the one thing you can do if you trust your slider as it apparently he does because he's throwing it on three two counts several times you have to make sure if you miss with it it misses off the outside as he does there but you can't miss in the middle of the plate if you miss with it it has to be away everybody on their feet at Wrigley Field to the counter again off the plate another good pitch you have to miss out there so good job on the first two pitches by barosky now if you joke sorry what do you do do you let get to just take off two down two strikes yeah it is how Wrigley Field is rocking one more time as this great interleague weekend comes to an end in a shocking way well he was definitely going and the reason he was going he waited for those two strikes because until you get two strikes Mondesi has a chance of hitting a home run but we're two strikes he's more likely to hit a single so you try to steal to get into scoring position so that you can score on a single and not a good play there by Gibson and you see the Cubs all happy in the dugout the Cubs who had been swept by the Yankees in the 32 series and the 38 series 65 years later take two out of three from the Yankees here at Wrigley Field the Cubs right there in the division the Yankees a half game back of the Red Sox in their division John Miller Joe Morgan good night from Wrigley Field
Channel: Chad Blanchard
Views: 20,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chicago Cubs, New York Yankees, Wrigley Field
Id: lM-R3qy4xCQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 207min 23sec (12443 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 01 2019
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