20,000 Dominoes - NEW WORLD RECORD Sonimod Chain Field!

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we are attempting to set a Guinness World Records title for the largest sonod chain field using over 20,000 dominoes this massive field will measure 27 ft wide by 15 ft long and with only 3 days to build before thousands of people join us to witness this hopefully record-breaking topple let's just say the pressure was on now you might be wondering what is sonod anyway well spell it backwards and you get Domino's also known as speed setting sonom mod is a domino technique where individual tiles are laid on their Corners as opposed to standing upright before being toppled when the first Domino Falls the next piece no longer has a support so it also falls down and then the Chain Reaction continues and before I get any further I just want to give a big thank you to L'Oreal Paris for partnering with me to make this project possible together we've joined forces to set a Guinness World Records title and celebrate the launch of their new product line bright reveal just like a dotted Domino can transform into a blank Domino bright reveal targets dark spots for all ages and skin types now the catch is in order to achieve the record we must topple at least 6,199 dominoes you may be thinking well that shouldn't be a problem right you're setting up 20,000 dominoes right but when it comes to toppling dominoes you never really know what will happen when you set off the first piece although you can do plenty of tests ahead of time to make sure that things work there is no absolute certainty that a domino project will fall exactly as planned it just takes one misplaced Domino to stop the chain halfway through 1 mm can make all the difference in whether 20,000 Domino's topple or 200 I'm just hoping we can build it accurately enough that we can officially break this world record I designed the plan by tracing over the L'Oreal Paris logo on a grid that matched the size of the field the more dominoes you use the more accurate the design becomes so I made the logo as large as I could with a small small border of white around it after the design was made I printed out paper copies of the field plan as well as the protocol which gives exact directions on how to build it with the right amount of colors at a certain order based on the plan the total Domino count came to 20,7 Dominoes to build a sonot field this large in just 3 days I was going to need some help so I brought on my friends Nathan Marco and vilia to join the building team we started by building a long sonom mod line across the middle of the floor then measured the distance to theall wall on either end to ensure that the field was centered then we used our wall templates to build the first row of horizontal dominoes and the field starter to trigger each line to make sure each line would topple properly we place the first two dominoes by hand closer to the edge this way The Dominoes have an easier time falling because if they overlap too much there's a chance it won't topple the idea was to start building in the middle row and work our way outward so that multiple people could be working on either side at the same time this meant that some would need to read the plan from left to right but upside down while others would read it from right to left but right side up it was a little bit unusual but we got the hang of it and we're able to maximize our building efficiency to help with the setup I made a custom sonom mod template using Lego bricks it just works out that these are the perfect size for sonod lines this template will evenly space each domino in a straight line to ensure that all the dominoes will align just Place The Dominoes in the slots move the template in then slowly take it out and you have a perfect sonom mod line I also added a longer piece on the edges of the template so we have a guide to maintain the same distance between rows One Challenge we ran into was the way we moved the templates we noticed that the template can only be moved in the direction toward the starting line if you move it away from the line The Dominoes slide out so you must be really careful that you leave enough space to move the template in the proper direction sometimes we would accidentally move the template too far causing the lines to bend slightly luckily Marco had a great idea to make a table showing the exact distance that each row should be from the wall to make sure the lines are all straight and parallel that way we can measure if a row is bending in or out too far and can slowly taper the next few lines to [Music] readjust the record attempt took place at Westfield London which is Europe's largest shopping mall building live on display in the shopping center was quite a unique experience it was a ton of fun though cuz people would be waving at us through the glass or even looking at what we built with such Intrigue a few members of the dominant Community came by as well and I got to say it was the most heartwarming thing to meet them and even build together [Music] too one thing we did to make building easier was count and prepare the rows ahead of time before putting them in the templates by stacking the rows beforehand you can visually see the image so it's much easier to correct errors if we accidentally miscount one person stacked The Dominoes by color while another read the protocol and gathered the proper quantities of dominoes in the right order it was a great system and definitely sped up the building process quite a [Music] lot [Music] things were going pretty well with the build but then suddenly I noticed something very off I noticed that Domino was overlapping way too much on the one next to it if left like this the chain would almost certainly stop so I carefully went in and adjusted the position of the Domino it really made me wonder though where else could we have made an error like this are there more incorrectly placed dominoes that have just gone unnoticed honestly it was really hard to tell and frankly impossible to fix if it was in the middle of the [Music] field and before I knew it it was time to set up the last few rows finally after 3 days of work we finished building the world's largest sonod chain field with 20,7 dominoes huge shout outs to my team for helping me with this build it looked absolutely spectacular just seeing every Domino perfectly balanced one on top of the other soon enough Paulina our Guinness World Records adjudicator arrived and meticulously began counting the dominoes but before we topple it I had one final task carefully fill in the last safety Gap so I went back into the fully built setup and precariously inched my way through the Narrow Path on the floor to reach the final safety Gap if I topple it by accident the entire project would fall early I mustered all the focus I had and set up the remaining dominoes to close the gap and now we were ready to topple it our fantastic host Ria started the show and in from FR of a massive crowd of people just waiting to watch this record-breaking spectacle we started the countdown 5 4 3 2 1 go [Music] today you have achieved 19,99 which is a new Guinness World Records title this is definitely a moment that I will never forget I just want to thank L'Oreal Paris again for sponsoring this record attempt this was an incredible project to be a part of so thank you to everyone who joined and as always I'm Lily heish and keep on building
Channel: Hevesh5
Views: 581,295
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: domino, dominos, dominoes, domino tricks, insane domino tricks, Domino Rally, domino fall, chain reaction, domino effect, rube goldberg, hevesh5, domino spiral, Dominostein, ντόμινο, domino screenlink, dominoes falling, satisfying dominoes, oddly satisfying, h5, h5 domino community, L'Oréal, l'oreal paris, bright reveal, sonimod, sonimod world record, sonimod field, sonimod field world record, sonimod dominoes, world record, guinness world record, domino record, gwr, domino sonimod
Id: tejaEHHCM3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 32sec (512 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2024
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