2000 Top Gear Sunday (longer) British Motorshow Episode

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Lee Lee do you want you want hi my name's Alex I don't camera it's been faintly weird NEC in Birmingham and we're gonna be the bikini all the gay stuff Enomoto show it's fun 16 so the chili come on you in for the telly yeah Top Gear they know it's for the BBC runway show specific where's it gonna be on there hi I'm Jason wallop I'm Vicki Butler Henderson I'm Tiffany Dell and this is motor show 2004 the next 40 minutes we'll be doing our absolute best to show you everything we're showing but we thought it'd be a good idea to start with a quick dash around the stands to give you a taste of what we'll be doing in this program like me getting my hands on the mad Clio Renault Sport v6 while I get the pleasure of the first road test of the new Subaru Impreza outside Japan will of course be lusting after this stuff few of us will ever own and browning at the stuff few of us would ever want to as well as that two men most famous for the baby G watch and redesigning the Brawn Richard Seymour and Dick Powell will be casting their designer eyes over everything they see but we have to begin here in the Ford Hall oh yes the Ford Motor Company is noise so vast it needs a whole hall to hoist all its different marks so what's the main attraction in this shrine to Uncle Henry well it's not Mazdas 3 to 3 MPs even though this sedate family-run round has been stuffed to bursting with techno wizardry and nor is it from Ford's Swedish winged Volvo although the impressively sporty new s60 is certainly one heck of an image booster the main attraction is an even Aston Martin's vanquish which although drop-dead gorgeous and more powerful than Rupert Murdoch isn't even at the show but despite all of that when you arrive in this hall there's really only one thing to look at and it's a family saloon hey the new Ford Mondeo just take a wee minute to have a look around er pretty soon there'll be so many of these knocking arrives you won't give them a second it's smoother it's more solid it looks more mature than not just the old car but also practically everything else in here as well but why is that well lately for it to be edgy edgy and decidedly distinctive but although this keeps that familiar corporate knows the rest of it just seems so much more grown-up as does the interior which has a much much more upmarket and exclusive feel - and there's a good reason for that Ford's want you to noise see the Mondeo as a genuine luxury car they wanted to compete with not only Volkswagen and ID but BMW and Mercedes and you know despite the unfashionable blue badge in the front they may well have succeeded in building a prestige motor honest all the controls the gear change the clutch the bricks they're all perfectly weighted nothing feels obstructive nothing that would have you muttering under your breath it's fundamental stuff to be honest but you'd be amazed how many car makers saddle their products with irritating stupid and knowing little glitches and the Mondeo even as the axe was swinging above its head the old Mondeo was still a terrific driver's car the new one is just as good the same unflappable chassis and the sim faultless handling and ride but if you live your life in the motorway then listen up because although the Mondeo is the first car to benefit from ford's brand new family of engines this particular power unit a 2 liter pumping on 145 brake horsepower is a bit oh that's better it's a bit on the noisy side of course it's very willing to rev which gives it a fair old turn of speed it's just a shame that it wasn't quieter especially as the rest of the car is sooo remarkably civilised lucky old Mondeo man he's never had it so good the new car has a seriously high-quality feel while still being great fun to drive and it's full of thoughtful design and safety features men stream family saloons were never meant to be this good Ferrari where are we going to Norway hello he'll never let us on the stand it's a better plan come with me I've got to do is make it look like it's the most natural thing in the world to learn the fur artists on so just follow me do what I do and don't do anything stupid all right come on kill you rubes huh who needs them not Ferrari by the looks of things because they're lopping the tops of everything they make take one large 552 Payne chop the top and here you go 550 barqueta possibly the world's ultimate two-seater roadster but don't go thinking that the 172 and a half thousand pound price by Z with state-of-the-art automatic hood NIC you have to make do with a tiny bit of cloth to prop across the seats Ferrari request 30 don't go too fast with it on no such problems here though the utterly fabulous 360 spider may have completely lost its head but there are two good reasons why could just feed the world's sexiest soft top firstly Ferrari has given a generous window through which you can see exactly why this car is so fast and secondly this is where to come for that state of the art hoods just relax and enjoy [Music] how do you beat that by building this Porsches stunning Carrera GT might only be a concept car at the moment that if all goes to plan it'll be going to full production in the next couple of years designed to marry Porsches distinctive styling with their thoroughbred racing technology it certainly looks the business and with a 5.5 liter v10 producing 550 horsepower if it doesn't actually do the business as well I'll eat my racing overalls [Applause] [Music] a slightly smaller fortune will secure you one of these BMWs new m3 and while 37,500 points isn't exactly cheap it starts to sound like a bargain when you consider that this is the fastest accelerating BMW ever not that it sharks about its potential okay so it does but it's shouting quietly as of next spring TVR most friendly model will be this the new Tamura it's meant to be a more accessible less intimidating version of the Tuscan if you can call 330 brake horsepower less intimidating but there's no doubt about the intentions of the new Tuscan are [Music] tailored to your individual tastes and built by the motorsport division you can pick whatever engine specification you want opt for a sequential gearbox and either have rear seats or a big fuel tank for continental cruising you can even have a special doggie bed installed [Music] but however hard the likes of Ferrari and TVR may try with their fancy Porsche motors nothing's going to deflect the limelight from the new mini and look around this rejuvenated icon we invited two gentlemen to having redesigned the bra the toilets and the kettle amongst others know a thing or two about reinventing familiar icons Richard Seymour and Dick Powell the designers have had a tremendously difficult task you've got to think back to when Minnie first came out it was a hugely innovative vehicle in every way fantastic packaging TARDIS like quality inside loads of space and it was the fact that it was new that made it such a character full car we took out blink test a lot of our office it's the first instantaneous take on what something is look at the photographs please before the launch and you go yeah that's got a lot of mean when you get up to the vehicle itself and you walk around it is actually quite big when I look at the new car I see a lot of details if I looked there or I looked there I look there it says mini but is the sum equal to the parts I don't really think so [Music] when I go inside it is what I saw was not a mini because the original Mini was incredibly Spartan inside when you get into this there is styling in inverted commas absolutely everywhere and it feels content print feels modern but doesn't feel mini but I think taking an overview it looks like they've taken the DNA from many as it was and sort of injected it into a new car whereas I think perhaps what they should have done is to take the thinking that lay behind original Mini and applied that style of innovative thinking to a completely new car there's an awful lot of sentimentality around at the moment a lot of looking over the shoulder when many came out in 59 it was dramatically mob it was saying the future is that way and if I'd been doing this I think I want to do that again not make it look like mini but say what is the next super compact really brilliant Town Car for the 21st century and then I think we deserve the back luckily the whole Motor Show study well I should go next Oh toilets I see I'm bursting in the blue corner the Subaru Impreza p1 in the red corner the Mitsubishi Evo six Tommi makinen serious toys for serious boys and of course serious girls epic performance fantastic handling and two of the most technically advanced machines on the road today they may look a bit over the top just sitting still but they look even more over the top on the moon [Music] [Applause] [Applause] the oppressor is quite magnificent but Mitsubishi Evo six is even better and you can imagine just how much that jars the Subaru boys so much so that they've started again from scratch and the new impress that should be pretty good if it's wonderful heritage is anything to go by on offer is a 1.6 or a 2-liter engine in both saloon and sports wagon bodies but what you and I really want to know about is the 21 and a half thousand pound turbocharged @ WRX version and he was the first person outside Seabury to drive it's me it's seven years since the first impressive was launched so plenty of time for Subaru to spend at the drawing board improving its chiseled purposeful features were they inspired by the classic lines of Ferrari perhaps or the muscular stance of Lamborghinis no because the front looks too much like a traitor Corolla and even Corolla owners will tell you that that is a bad idea it gets worse the new Impreza is now more expensive and slower 260 so it seems as though Subaru is testing the loyalty of their fans to the limit it had better Drive well [Music] [Music] fortunately it's just dried well it's very well in fact the clutch is lighter and the gearbox is as precise as ever and where all hell broke loose when the turbo woke up in the previous model here the power delivery is smoother keeping you in the sweet spot for longer despite the cosmetic surgery much of the original familiar impresses still lives beneath permanent four-wheel drive and a four-cylinder boxer engine and although the new car is slower to accelerate the top speed has been increased slightly to 143 miles an hour [Applause] more impressive improvements can be seen inside gone are the yogurt spot plastics and fisher-price controls to be replaced by expensive plastics and more stylish controls it won't be winning any design awards but as Japanese interiors go it's an absolute revelation look shiny metal and thick carpets all occupants have been given more room to the biggest thing Silver's crowing about is the handling stiffer and wider than before it gives greater cornering grip and their even greater grins and when you're pressing on it feels wonderfully sure-footed with the expected understand never really raising its head [Music] Gailen pizza is a caveman of a car and lovers of its brutishness will be sad to hear its successor now comes manners but we're happy to report that subbu are touching their luck at all the WRX is fun a lot of fun look at all these also do something got I got said like knee now their body ancestor here's my junkman so the key old theater the famous worlds and God breaking Noah's is steveland good and same posture and all the other ones and he is the world famous they see China sterling moss oh yeah and then arrived oh look at this one Lee is that bloke always sir on the Italian cooking and to anyone all summer so actually I'm starving don't sleep on over that's play you know the blog has a big problem so it's an impressive collection I think you'll agree the world open to gate serve ronan keating autograph because he was performing with Claudia Schiffer but he had to pull out to the last minute Lee what you're laughing out it's not for me so you think the Mondeo is a wee bit too grown-up and you may well be right in which case Renault is rather more flamboyant looking Lagoona - ought to do the trick it's actually two cars in one this is the sport tourer or a stick and there's also a 5-door hatchback and continuing the French theme there's a brand new Citroen for the family the c5 and it's bigger and bolder the Mazzanti it replaces but it's also a bit uglier there's a new 2.2 HDI diesel engine and a 3 litre v6 but both are guaranteed a magic carpet ride thanks to Sitchin's clever liquid suspension while on the volkswagen stand in one of our favourites the Passat has had a facelift or at least I think it has well I can't see the others around so this a beaut and if the thoughts of all these family cars has left you feeling a little broody then how about this the funky company say it is how well to boost the population by giving us the sporty Cooper Ibiza and if the hottest hatch for under 14 grand can't secure your mate then quite frankly you've got no chance that's it that's not sporty enough for you new version the seven designed to quite literally broaden its appeal for first time since 1957 if altered his dimensions to accommodate a slightly fuller figure [Music] from Alfa Romeo there's a stylish new 147 sports hatchback to replace the 145 and we think is the prettiest hatch around while on the Fiat stand the Multipla has had a baby but even its mother wouldn't call it beautiful which is why she called it da blow the Honda Civic has been with us since 1972 and now it's been given yet another fresh suit it's grown up and it's halfway to being an MPV or possibly all the way to being a blob but this is a very important car in a very important sector so is it any good I like home did you say their quarterly they're very predictable they break away but I don't even though this is only a 1.6 with 100 and its course parts still listen to it away happily no quality Volkswagen Golf is it not only exciting it is amazingly tall I feel what means almost two tours left that we need all that space for a family of me conscious I definitely needed space Lee Lee now I forget to a halt and you want to know where a particular Stanley's on the system for that too what you don't is look up of your head Scottie cows surely know Scotty counts noble noble wait see somewhere you can have an iced give give give it but you're so good everything normally at the Motor Show the manufacturers like to show off just hi clever they're going to be in the future by presenting weird and wonderful concept cars loaded with brave bold design let's say normally because the only people who really seem to have made an effort this year or pursue who describe their city toys as recreational concept cars set in a distant point of time when driving and pleasure are still a possible combination these carbon-fiber creations which combine the fun of scooters with eco-friendly electric par look terrific but what our guest designers make of the concept of concepts the French in general and Persia in particular have been doing a lot of catching up recently and they they're getting very strong in what they're doing and these concept products that they're going to these city toys are actually very interesting because they're not really realistic attempts to produce that concept vehicle that will be driving a couple of years they're really signpost to say where it could be and the real point that's being made is the future doesn't have to be boring it can be fun in fact it's nice to see a company opening the box and really showing this how things might be in the future lots of people have cars not forgetting to do the shopping I take the kids to school but just for sheer hell and enjoyment topics and why not you're going to remember that concept vehicles aren't just there for the public to see they've actually got a very very important role internally in power companies is that it's all the young kids that they've actually set on this it's their Young Turks but they need to get out their feelings and their ideas some of the postural things some of the positions that you're actually in to drive it a lot of them we've got sort of scooter controls that's intriguing takes you forward another clip makes you think about it in a different way a lot of these are more fun and the future can be fun as well as ecologically sound as well as sensible so you know let's think about the fun as well there is still an awful lot of work to do in standard cars to really make them better but the people who use them and these concept cars don't really do that they're doing something different that's not to say that they're not important and they're not really interesting and fabulous but I think there's still an awful lot of work to be done in in basic views tomato as a certain young lady here on the Reno's then keeps telling us size does matter and when it comes to engine performance there's no doubt she's right the 172 horsepower 2-liter in the front of this Clio may be impressive but a 230 horsepower 3 liter v6 in the back sounds even better especially when it's all wrapped up in a body that has so many spoilers intakes and flares it'll have every schoolboy jaw in the world dragging on the pavement well if it goes anything like it sounds we're not going to be disappointed that v6 right behind me makes all the right noises it doesn't sing like a Ferrari but then nor does it battle like a Lotus Exige instead it provides a real sense of purpose with a throaty racing roar the Clio Renault Sport v6 24-valve to give it its full name is the only mid-engine hatchback available today and everything seems oriented to an intense experience but not an expensive luxury this is more of a grand tourer than a stripped bare sports car as an overall driving experiences no doubt this Clio excites but it also slightly disappoints we already agreed that size matters but we also know that getting bigger means getting heavier and whilst this Clio is gained about the 60 horsepower it's also gained around 300 kilos in weight that's not quite the pocket rocket that many had hoped for but it's still a whole lot of it's much more involving than the similarly priced LD TT and it's got a lot more than a BMW 3 to 3 coupe a it may look mad but it actually makes a very good sense so size does matter but small can also be beautiful if you're thinking of coming along to the show it's still got a week to run with doors finally closing on Sunday 29th of October the show's open daily from 9:30 to 7:00 except on the final day when it closes at 5:30 tickets are 12 pounds for adults and 6 pounds for children on the door or a touch cheaper ad pre-book car parks are seven quid and if you can't buy train please remember to get off at Birmingham International otherwise you'll end up in Coventry and I don't recommend that there are special motorsport days on the 27th and 28th of October and if you need a break from traipsing around the car stands why not visit the star studio someone had the bright idea of asking a whole host of celebrities to design their dream car the results are varied from jetsam buttons blueprints for a bond car to Gary Rhodes his kidney bean car [Music] scoffs to me oh and I'm gonna like a zombie very sporty weeds also pretty good off-road and he's got room in sakai family and forth but he's more like a two-seater so over to you [Music] what do you make of this Emily [Music] but all of them George are rubbish are gonna be auctioned at the end of the show for charity so what am i paint now here's a pretty one well sort of the peugeot 206cc no it hasn't got a 250 cc engine the CC stands with coop a cab relay which actually although contradiction in terms explains perfectly what it is you see it's a hardtop coupe a until at the press of a button the roof magically disappears into the boot and you're with me now you've got a Gangrel a very neat very modern but unfortunately with your roof in the boot there's no room in there for anything else so a nice little run around for people who only go away in the winter but the most important small car at the show is the new Vauxhall Corsa and it is new no really my G when you realize that they've sold over 8 million of these things since its launch in 1983 when of course it was badged as the Nova you can see why they wouldn't want to fiddle with the styling too much I mean why rock the money spinning boats now the old Corsa was just rubbish to drive so a Vauxhall bothered to improve it [Music] it's still hardly the place to come if ragged edge thrills are your main priority nevertheless with its 89 brick horsepower 1.4 liter engine it zips along quite merrily top speed is about 113 miles per hour and it'll do 60 miles per hour and a little whisker over 10 seconds it's not bad at all luckily the new Corsa is a massive improvement on the old Corsa it's fun to drive and it's well screwed together by say luckily because let's face it it's gonna sell by the bucketload whatever it's like [Music] now you may have read about day you having trouble paying their staff but that's all behind them now and they're here at the show with a bigger stand than ever and a new look matiz [Applause] like the course of the new Matisse isn't that different the old one keeping the cheeky charm that meant it sold like hot pokemon cards it's a bit more masking on the outside a lot more funky on the inside with this brushed aluminium look to the center console and jazzy two-tone blue dials there have been some rumors of poor build quality but they reckon they've sorted that out and this little mikta still provides loads of fun and loads of space but not a lot of money also from Dave comes the Takuma the car they describe as a recreational sedan sadhana because you can sit down in it and recreational because it's got the option of an inbuilt DVD player and a sony playstation it's time for another thrashing and it doesn't stop at video games because the 13 and a half thousand pound Coomer will eventually allow internet access but if you prefer your hatches a little bit hotter than the volkswagen stands always a good place to start after all they can lay claim to the creation of the hot hatch itself with the Golf GTI which is a bit grown up these days it's put a bit of weight on so time to pass the baton to the baby Lupo and this GTI redefines the word pocket rockets main looks like weight and a good dose of power should help it fly from the showrooms yes yes everyone knows they're a tower part of the old hot hatch game but I might have slipped your mind swords I had seen they have a long and rich history of making absolutely lunatics super minis mind you none of those ever had this vaguely Formula One inspired steering wheel-mounted Tiptronic gear change system press the little plus buttons to change up a little minus button to change down okay so the serial might look a bit strange in a very oriental Conaway and the name cerium is under very silly but and don't tell anyone I told you this it's actually quite a lot of thunder speaker but perhaps die hats you've got a bit too carried away with this SL version of their Terios apparently worried that people are actually going to take their little 4x4 off-road they've added spoilers and side skirts and created a sort of max power Wendy house all safe rooms I hat sue comes one of the few genuine world debuts at this year's show the yrv why indeed oh look a red one lady a lady fancy going now well she'll go should we do Ferrari Late Late Late we're getting into trouble again great thing about merch shows like this is it get not only opportunity to see great car design and how they do it but also to see how the motor manufactures actually see themselves through the stand design so let's see if they're half as good at that as they are designing the cars [Music] when you're looking a stand like this you have to say well is it Renard you know what does it say about Renault am I getting something across here from from this stand that reinforces what Wren is all about well you know it's sort of laminate it looks like that looks like mf5 doesn't have that sort of fantastic quality so you can see they've been trying to go for something that's very high quality very traditional but not sure it's really there one thing you'll remember about merch shows that is that car manufacturers debt is on him stand designers desire I think similarly the danged spanking the one that we're standing in front of is the one the the Volkswagen stand is very much on message it's basically talking about the technology is the cleanliness to modernity to well this whole hall is forward and I think it shows tremendous renewed confidence from Ford because in this Hall you've got all of their big brands dotted around but each one is doing its own thing but as a whole entity as a stand it really hangs together and they've been fortunate because they've got the whole Hall so they've lowered the roof and it gives it a more intimate feeling and yet each individual stand can exist on its own with its own values so by these tremendous I've done a good job [Music] and finally there's Lotus where we find the best-kept secret of the entire show no the motoring press prides itself on knowing what every manufacturer is up to at all times but no one expected to see this the successor to the Elise the new Elise has been under development in total secrecy for the last year of course not have till the whole world are letting anyone and everyone who wants to visit their Norfolk test track see and film the car but absolutely nobody except the Lotus test drivers will get behind the wheel until next month I always loved the old Elise but this apparently is how Lotus intended it to be all along so it's lower it's longer it's wider it's easier to get into annoyed of it's more powerful and it's more Torquay which it needs to be because the car this replaces savored Lotus from bankruptcy why well it's very simple actually everyone who drove it fell in love with it and it has some rather impressive allies when it comes to keeping its memory alive you see the Alize now has a gang this year it spawned the rest bred Lotus Exige that's the silver one and the Vauxhall VX 220 that's the yellow one the question is does the Elise remain the leader of the gang [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so exactly what is it that makes the lease so good after all it's essentially a very basic very noisy aluminium tub but because this little lotus has stripped away modern technology it puts you in total control and puts the fun back in driving it's just so agile if you want a j'l then you want an egg zzzz this is a car accolade all day on our wide-open test track it's unbeatable will cost you thirty thousand pounds now the Vauxhall tx2 20 it's cheaper than the exceed yet to move powerful then be Alize confused that's what TIFF and Vicky wants they'll keep confusing you with all sorts of stuff to muddy the waters because their cars are derivative and as with all copies they are just pure as the original the Elise whenever the other two trying to tell you this remains one of the purest driving experiences around in stars facedown and which is where the vx2 20 schools some points okay you don't get limo luxuries but you do get an airbag abs and acres of grip which all means that you don't have to have racing driver reflexes to influence okay let's sort their site the vx2 20 is fine and dandy and looks great from the front unfortunately these bottoms rather ugly the exudes looks great from all angles Thank You TIFF but those racing lugs bring with them racing noise I said noise nearly still looks as good as the debt was launched modern British sports cars just don't get any prettier each of the individual strengths and all are great in their own way but for us the Alize is still the original and the best it's a very very tough act for the new car to follow well that's just about the end of the motor shame but we thought we'd end with a good bit of public service broadcasting delivered in an easy to digest style you see you'll probably struggle to get to see everything in one day so to help you out here's our list of the top 10 must-see attractions at number 10 it's the yellow Bentley a ludicrous example of what might have happened patek raid kept his big brother money at nine those kooky concepts from Peugeot place at it the Alfa Romeo 147 you must have a look if for no reason than to guess what the grille reminds us of number seven in our must-see attractions is the four tall who's got a big company then number six is the TVR stand with mirrors everywhere you can see not only the cars put yourself looking at the cars and yourself looking at yourself looking at the cars so - the top five and at five its Renaud's monster Clio v6 for a pair of topless Italians Ferraris 360 spider and the 550 barqueta at three BMWs sublime and subtle m3a two Porsches Carrera GT honestly you will not believe how stunning this car is until you go and stand right next to it then you will not want to leave but our number one must see it this year's Motor Show just has to be the new mini you may like it you may not but you've just got to go and have a look goodbye [Music] what a great show all them stands and accessories and stuff fantastic I'm not get a color you know
Channel: gud6y
Views: 17,687
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: top gear, motorshow, car programme, jason barlow, tiff needell, vicki butler-henderson, adrian simpson, motor show
Id: Uzttqiamn7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 50sec (2330 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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