200 To 650+ in one year | Perfect Guidance πŸ”₯ | NEET 2025 | Wassim Bhat

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are live I think we are so people good evening and welcome back again to your unacademy need English Channel I believe all of you doing great having a good time so my dear students quickly let me know in the chats if all of you can hear me if I'm perfectly Audible and visible to every one of you quickly let me know in the chats with some fire emojis if all of you can hear me if I perfectly Audible and visible to every one of you quickly my dear students quickly let me know in the chats I know for this particular session all of you were desperately waiting from past couple of days right and finally my dear students I'm here with this particular session wherein I'm going to meet you one of my amazing students right and definitely you guys are going to take amazing motivation from that guy yeah so are you you all ready for it are you all ready for it people are you all ready for it are you students these sort of sessions right like we have today these sort of sessions are very important when it comes to your uh competive examination preparation right because with the help of these sessions you exactly get to know like how to prepare exactly what to do what to avoid how to carry out your preparation how to complete your syllabus etc etc all these sessions are very important when it comes to those things correct and my dear students at the same time let me tell you this particular session this particular session it is mainly for all those students who could not do well in the ne 2024 examination right all those students who scored less than 300 in their n 2024 examination and still they are thinking whether they should take a drop or not right that is the reason why I have kept this particular session so that you exactly get the insights of the things so that you exactly get to know that there are students who could not do well in the first first attempt of their examination and when they took a complete one-ear drop they killed it right and they scored more than 650 when it came to their uh another year uh neat examination correct perfect perfect people so all ready for it all ready I'm again going to tell you you before making you meet our amazing guest of the session right let me tell you again all those students who could not do well in the need 2024 examination my dear students there is no need to lose hope at all right I told you already even I am the one who could not qualify J examination in the first stat that that does not mean I lost hope or something right because I had a clear motivation in front of me that I have to make my family proud someday right that is the reason which kept on motivating me all the time so definitely you should find a similar reason for you which will kept on driving you all the time which will kept on motivating you all the time which will kept you which will keep you focused all the all the time so that you can easily avoid the distractions which are going to come in the near future in this one year right so my dear students I know there is a very common question which is in your mind whether one year is enough to crack this examination or not since you have scored very low in the neat 2024 examination you must be thinking if you are going to take a draw for one complete year whether in that one complete year you can crack it or not this is going to be the question which I believe all of you will be having in your mind at this particular point of time but my dear students let me tell you very honestly let me tell you very very very honestly whatever was your score in the N 2024 B 200 100 150 350 what whatever does not matter if you are willing to exert if you are willing to study for 8 to 10 hours a day not just for a week not just for a month for one complete year if you are willing to dedicate 8 to 10 hours of your day right throughout this particular year it is not impossible my dear students if you are really willing to dedicate these 8 to 10 hours a day throughout this year that is not only sufficient to crack this examination that is sufficient to make you a put topper when it comes to the N 2025 examination trust me on that I kept on telling you all the time I have trained those set of students who could not do well in the neat examination in the first attempt right who scored less than 300 in the first attempt that does not mean they lost hope that does not mean they quit they did not do that my dear students they followed the proper guidelines right they followed the proper mentorship right there was someone who kept on telling them all the time what to do what not to do how to do this how to avoid this right and that's the reason why you can see this guy over here he's on the screen right right people yes so should I should I be calling him should I be calling him now I want you guys to talk to him I want you guys to talk to him so that you could ask lot of questions whatever is in in your mind at this particular point of time please and please do not hesitate to ask the questions uh to Dr Dr Shahid right he has been my student 3 4 years back and right now he is into the in the government Medical College right and he's pursuing his mbbs and right now in the final year of mbbs right so should I be calling him should I be calling him people yes or no I would want you guys to welcome him with the fire emojis everyone I would want he's a bit nervous I can see his face right he thinks facing camera is easy huh he thinks facing camera is easy H but he should know I mean this session is right now telecasted throughout the country right yeah and that is the reason he's a bit nervous I can see from his face so but but but but but but leave that nervousness aside he has definitely made me proud yes and he's my proud student my proud younger brother I can call him okay so people I would want you guys to welcome him with the fire emojis the chat should not stop everyone everyone everyone everyone the fire emojis are not supposed to stop yeah yes exactly someone is saying welcome senior those students who are going to get into GMC Shri nagar next year he is definitely going to rag you for sure yeah all those students who are watching me right now all those students who are watching me right now from shagar from GMC shagar right from shagar basically the ones who are going to enter into the college next year or this year definitely you guys are going to get ragged for sure yeah hell let's call up Shahid here Shahid please and please please and please please and please sir oh what's up hi everybody uh hello ladies and gentlemen guys he's the guy okay he's the guy and I proudly say I proudly say he has made us all proud okay as I keep on telling you there were lot of students who could not do well in their first attemp but they did not lose hope right and they killed it in the second and he is one of the proud student like that so if you still have doubts in mind that you could not do well in the first attemp correct should you take a drop should you start the preparation again is the clear-cut example in front of you who has done it if he did it you can do it too right sh yes sir uh hello everybody I would want I would want him to introduce a bit right uh hi everybody my name is Shahid Ras and Wasim s has already introduced me with you people and uh first of all I would like to thank Wasim sir from the deep core of my heart because I always feel grateful and happy whenever I share this PL this particular platform with him and it is not less than a dream come true for me to Stage uh to share this stage uh with my uh the best Mentor with Wasim sir thank you so much and I am here to address uh the doubts particularly in the draw piece uh whatever that may be prevailing in your mind I am here to address that in and I will try my level best to address those things to address uh with Wasim sir here with me we both will try to solve all those questions that will be prevailing in your mind thank you so much so Shahid one of the frequently Asked question which I have been getting from the students see a lot of students they scored less than 300 in the N 2024 examination now they are thinking whether whether one year is going to be enough to crack this particular examination or not so I would want you to speak few lines about that so that they also get to know whether one year is enough or not yes uh if this is the question first of all I would like to tell that I was among the same student back in 2019 when I got less than 300 Marks in My KN 2019 so I was among the same student so first of all I would like to tell that it is not only the pesu it is not only the pesu learning that you only watch video video lectures sitting uh relaxed behind no it is all about passive with active learning when you when you assess yourself when you give the mock tests when you learn from the best teachers you will assess Yourself by giving the mock tests by revising whatever you have been taught well I will tell you that one year is not not only sufficient it is more than sufficient for you people if you have scored more than 300 or more than 350 then it is more than enough more than sufficient for you people to score more than 650 in your next neat examination provided you are dedicated there is no procrastination there is no delay in your hard work you are working each and every day 6 to 8 hours you are giving to your study if this is the case if you are dedicated if there is uh perseverance with your studies if you are dedicated then nobody is going to stop you to top the in the neat 2025 examination nobody is going to stop you in one year of study yes it's more than sufficient so guys I think you got the answer of your first question right so one year is not only enough to crack this examination one year is enough to make you a Topper as well right so this was the first question so guys please and please from now onwards keep this thing in mind right if you are willing to dedicate 8 to 10 hours a day throughout this particular journey of one year right it should not be only for a week or 10 days if you are really willing if you are really willing if you have clear mind if you focused mind if you exactly have that am GMC in front of you right if you have a strong motivation to crack this particular examination nobody is going to stop you in order to wear that white coat though he's not wearing it right now but but I do wear it working day exactly exactly and guys okay so this was the first question uh question number two which frequently students would be asking me right on my telegram on my Instagram wherever they see me how important is how how important is the role of Mentor in this particular preparation exactly I have a very very good answer for this uh let's consider you uh in a certain situation where you don't know which path you have to follow if you have uh six 10 paths around you you don't know what is the exact path you have to follow then you will run on that straight path what what is the role of Mentor here he shows you the right path the right direction from which path you have to walk then you will reach your destination otherwise you will get abandoned so Mentor comes here the work of Mentor comes here he tells you among those 10 12 paths which path is the best path which is the right path you have to follow so I think you have got the answer the mentor tells you which part to follow then you have to walk by yourself that's the passive thing which Mentor tells you and the active things you have to walk by yourself throughout the whole session then you will definitely reach up to your goal this is I think the best perfect I I I think this was the bestest answer which you gave to the students and I believe they are going to follow it from now onwards my dear students right now since you are at the phase wherein you have got different paths in front of you now it's a matter of choice right right whether to follow the right track or not and who is going to let you know which track is right okay it is absolutely going to be your Mentor who is going to let you know which part to follow and please and please whosoever is going to be your Mentor from now onwards follow him blindly but make sure the mentor has the credentials he has produc the ranks etc etc right so this was one amazing answer which was given by Shahid about the mentorship all right we have got few more uh questions well uh one frequently asked question again from the students uh since a lot of students I mean I would say entire South India follows this particular Channel mainly right it's not only about South India I'll say majority of the students who follow this particular Channel English Channel they are from South India right and they have been watching continuously the YouTube lectures and stuff so can you elaborate whether YouTube lectures are sufficient to crack this particular examination with a good score yes yes yes well I will tell you that if you are following a certain platform uh a good platform you have to first check it whether the teachers mentors are good enough to to teach on this particular platform if they have as Wasim s already told they should have the credentials they should have certain racks in in those particular examinations that you are going to give so you have to decide you have to decide the right platform then only we can say that is enough for you to study that's enough material for you to study because the mentor then knows what material is enough for you what that is sufficient for you to study you don't have to go for uh the other book stuff or uh the other material well I will tell you one simple sentence that it is better to study a single content 10 times rather than to study 10 different contents because that makes makes a sense for you that's important so guys this is something which I keep on telling you all the time it's better to study one stud it's better to do one study material many times uh as compared to the as compared to follow many of study materials in a particular subject because if you follow one study material in a particular subject many of times that's how you keep on remembering the approach of different problems otherwise you get lost in between so please and please I'll summarize it just minimize your book list minimize your book list right and I'm telling you what Shahid has told you I'll I'll summarize it see if YouTube lectures were enough to crack this particular examination then definitely the ones watching us right now they should have been in the government Medical College right now so you YouTube lectures are not only uh enough to crack this particular examination there are lot of things my dear students number one that comes your I mean you have to remain disciplined throughout this preparation right YouTube lectures are not going to keep you disciplined throughout this preparation right there should be a proper Mentor who should exactly keep on letting you know all the time what to do what not to do that is the most important thing in this preparation number three that comes the study material you have to solve the authentic study material my dear students not once many a times many a times and as I told you in the last session as well my dear students you must be thinking that you have got 12 months now let's complete the whole syllabus in 12 months if you are thinking like that then absolutely you are doing something wrong again my dear students you do not have to utilize the entire 12 months to complete the syllabus you have to complete your whole syllabus of physics chemistry biology in Maximum 6 to 7 months half a year yes right so in 6 to 7even months your syllabus of PCB should be done and dusted that too in the detailed manner right so you're not going to study everything throughout the year no in just six to seven months you have to complete your syllabus once right and after that after that minimum two months you have to give for the revision minimum two months and once you are done with those two months of revision that means you have completed the syllabus twice it's not only once twice you have complet the syllabus and the next Illusions become more and more easy exactly and and and after that after that my dear students one complete month you have to dedicate for the full syllabus mock test because mock test are going to keep you right they'll exactly let you know what your weaknesses are right if and once you write the mock test right once you analyze the scores of the mock test that's how you keep on getting to know about your weaknesses and then you try to act upon them with the help of your Mentor who keeps on telling you how to avoid how to do this how to do that how to increase your marks right whether the problem lies in the calculations whether the problem lies in the Concepts etc etc right so it's not only about following the lectures it's about many other things as well right sh yes exactly I I I would need to turn few lights off right uh just just hang it okay okay well well well well I am uh reading the questions right so I can read it that how many hours we should study in a day well uh it depends on you it depends on your routine uh but but an average I will tell I I at my time I used to study 6 to 8 hours a day uh keeping 6 to 7 hours for Sleep 1 hour for meditation and 2 to three hours for having meals because your health is very very important you have to maintain yourself you have to maintain your body so a healthy uh body will have the sound mind so you have to maintain your body as well uh then the remaining 6 to 8 hours will be there for Holy for your study purpose yes ladies and G guys so there is one more important point which Shahid came up with what is that that is your health health plays a role here right do give first priority to your health because if you are healthy then only you can do something to your studies right so please take care of your health as well as no physical health as well as the mental health that's something which I would want to let you know right now okay perfect now a lot of students are asking about what about the partial drop is partial drop good my dear students tomorrow I'm going to make a specific video right which I'll post exactly at 8:00 to 9:00 p.m. in which I'll let you know uh the ones who want to take the partial drop how do how they should uh start this partial drop preparation right exactly is this partial drop partial drop means uh for example let's say from n 2024 students did not get mbbs they got BDS so they are going to join the BDS program for year no they're going to join the BDS program but they'll simultaneously prepare for need 2025 as well right so that's something which we call as partial I now came to know what is this partial drop I have never taken this huh I was a complete drop student so guys it is it is absolutely see the point is it's better to take one complete year drop than the partial drop for sure right but at the same time at the same time there is one thing there's one thing which I would want to address here the point is if if you have already given like three four attempts then you can take the partial drop right to to keep an option uh and if you have just given neat examination once there's I mean there is no need to take the partial drop right there's no need to take the partial drop take one year complete drop right how be under right guidance and you're done you're sorted right perfect again again I'm telling you the same thing guys see see see see you are not supposed to follow a lot of books right just follow one authentic study material just follow one authentic study material and my dear students my dear students Shah will also see this on an academy the kind of strategy with Shahid was telling you which I was telling you like for six months you have to complete your whole syllabus then revision etc etc we have designed one batch right based on the same strategy for all the need 2025 aspirants and let me quickly show it to you as well as Shahid so that you get to know about this particular batch we call this particular batch as the Phoenix 2.0 neat English batch where in your unacademy neat english team me HSP sir Yar sir am Panki M we are going to train you personally right now what is the best part here in this particular batch since thousands of students have already joined this particular batch right so my dear students this particular batch we are starting on 18th of May 18th of May batch is getting started now now now here comes the best thing every chapter in this particular batch is started from the basics every single chapter be it in physics chemistry biology whether you have studied the chapter before or not does not matter every single chapter will be started from the basics from the scratch all the problem patterns will be done and dusted right now people as I mentioned over here all the theory and the problem patterns are included in the sessions itself right the best part is which I was talking about your whole syllabus of physics chemistry biology is getting completed just in six months isn't that amazing what he was telling you enough time for rision yes exactly I I'll first of all summarize this then you talk about this okay how come this going to be beneficial so first 6 months for whole syllabus completion so starting from 18th may we are going to complete the whole syllabus in 6 months then 2 months completely for revision two months completely for revision right see now they must be thinking in six months how to complete the syllabus see there are 80 chapters 80 chapters are to be complete in 6 months that means that means that means in one week in one week we have to cover three and a half chapters right that's easy 80 chapters in 6 months looks difficult but but but three and a half chapters completion in one week that's easy and once once we complete three and a half chapters in a week Sunday of that particular week they'll have to write the test very they'll have to write the test isn't that amazing at the same time once we complete a particular chapter we shall be providing with the dpps they are not supposed to follow any book yes yes I'm going to address them you are not supposed to follow any book okay these dpbs you have to follow if you sol these dpbs once Sol them again solve them again no need to follow any other book guys right and at the same time study material we are providing here right study material we are providing here in this particular batch sh please talk about this particular plan how come students are going to get benefit out of this is it really a good plan yeah I think I think we were talking about this uh completing the syllabus in in half a year and this Phoenix batch is promising you that they are going to complete your syllabus in six months then the next Revision in two months and the more important thing is that they are going to give you dpps every week and and chapter wise yes yes a chapter wise so lot of questions one I one thing I missed here once we are done with the two months for revision once those two months are over then they will have one month in which we shall be giving uh 30 full servus mock test as well so apart from these chapter wise test right be given full test test for one complete month so I I was looking at various questions they were repeatedly telling me which books to follow whether KNE champagne is good whether fingertips is good at all well after seeing this I will tell you and I I'm making you sure that this particular thing is more than sufficient for you to study this is the content you have to follow throughout the year you have to give these tests regularly you have to store them revise them uh after every week I think this particular syllabus is more than sufficient for these guys you don't have to follow any other book you don't have to follow these need Champion or any other stuff other than this thing because this is the promising thing I can see here in this Phoenix 2.0 badge I think this is the promising for them you they have to follow it regularly be consistent with it yes I think guys guys that is the point that is the point see see I will I will tell you if you are ready to give 8 to 10 hours a day the year right then only join this batch otherwise don't don't waste your money okay because this is definitely going to be the rank decider for the year 2025 for sure because there is no other batch which is currently running across the country which which is completing the whole syllabus in six months followed by two-month revision followed by one month full syllabus mock test with including uh chapter- wise test on every Sunday DPP study material and the best part is you are going to be under my mentorship ship throughout this particular year weekly weekly once when you write these tests when you write these chapter wise tests my dear students once you write the tests I will analyze your test score personally right and I will arrange there will be one-on-one sessions between you and me so that I'll keep you updated where to improvise where not to improvise where you are lagging where you are not lagging how do you convert your weakness into strengths those things can only happen right if you are under oneon-one mentorship and in this particular batch again you guys are under one-on-one mentorship with me right so I believe all your doubts are clear and let me quickly show you how do we get enrolled into this particular batch my dear students as you can see over here this is the session which you guys are watching right now okay this the session which you guys are watching right now okay there's a link over here one year subscription for NE UGI you just need to click on this link and after this particular thing I'll let you know I mean there are few more questions which you want to ask to Shahid so please do that so over here you have got two options either go for Plus subscription or iconic subscription right what is the difference between plus and iconic in plus you get study material in the form of PDF in iconic you get study material in the form of hard copies they are delivered to your houses right and over here you have to select for 12 months proceed to pay over here put your mobile number or you can continue with your email ID on which you get the OTP and everything and eventually you'll be getting enrolled into the Phoenix 2.0 n English batch which is starting on 18th of May but my student this price how was the price by the way huh it's nothing huh I think it is nothing guys you are getting this particular batch only for 549 okay all the things included right okay he knows how come offline fees etc etc let's not talk about that let's not talk about that so the point is the point is Hell Beyond this yes exactly so there should be like uh that is going to be one more zero here I think okay one here and one more zero all right guys so point is point is point is this much this much this there's a 50% off going on by the way right and that 50% off will be only tomorrow after tomorrow again the price is going to hike up so I would want you guys to enroll into this particular batch right after this session because guys every single thing is in Incorporated here whatever parameters are required to qualify this particular examination with a good score all those parameters are Incorporated and the best part is teachers who have produced the ranks they are going to train you here HSP sir right you call them you Nam the topper in the past you Nam the single digit rank holder in the past he has trained everyone everyone just just name it he has trained right I'm m one of the amazing uh biology educator Panki ma Yar sir right and me too yeah let me just tell them uh Beyond need because we were talking only about need this time uh so ladies and gentlemen let me tell you that once you crack your neat examination there is a next another different world you will experience I may not be able to share my experience with you post need but that's a very different different world for example you may be thinking that uh we have to study only biology where come this physics and chemistry work we were talking exactly see see I I by the way by the way by the way by the way we were talking about this exactly I mean I I I went to his hostel like 1 hour before to pick him up right in the car we were talking about this I asked him a general question like why it is only the biology in mbbs etc etc do you think I mean physics and chemistry do they play a role in the mbbs now he's going to answer yes yes exactly I was also thinking the same when before qualifying the need examination but but ladies and gentlemen in your first year of mbbs you have a subject named biochemistry so it's biochemistry a lot of lot of reactions are there you have to Sol and you have to remember each and every reaction you will encounter in that particular biochemistry subject then there's a physics and physics applications are so widespread that I I can't tell you each and every subject is just flooded with physics talking about the Orthopedics Orthopedics he was talking about the Angles and all what was that just tell them yes the pulley thing you are talking about the pulley thing that pulley are very much used in in fractures in Orthopedics and a lot of other things we have uh Radiology we have radiotherapy they also include that magnetism thing that electromagnetism we we study that electromagnetic waves each and everything is guys you will encounter in your mbbs and you will uh just encounter in another high level not this particular is a very basic level for you you will encounter the very high level in your mbbs you are you are this studying physiology in Zoology part and you will see the actual beautiful world of physiology in your first year from G and Hall you will you will see that as a very beautiful subject you will uh study about the anatomy I think that's a very beautiful Journey um if you crack your neat examination you will in reality you will reality in see see that particular essence of uh those subjects ladies and gentlemen that's the very beautiful thing and physics chemistry is very very important you have to understand these two subjects they are very important they are very important they a in biology there one general question yes yes how does it feel to wear that GMC tag yes well I I have told them already that I cannot I may not be able to express my feelings but it is totally Heaven it's totally Heaven I am very very satisfied at this point of time I before neat I was not expecting that there would be this kind of world Beyond neat lat and gentlemen is very beautiful please please have dedication don't procrastinate we because we have the man this mind we have this uh just we have this fault that we procrastinate things we delay the things we think so much but the best condition is to start there are no best conditions the best condition is to start when you start that's the best condition guys if you remember that's something which I keep on telling you do not take a pause here right do not take a pause then again it's going to be really difficult to start remember if you are taking a pause of one day if you are delaying your preparation by one day there will be more than 500 students who will be Crossing you guys in the race if you want that go ahead right if you do not then you know what to do right and uh there is there are few students who are continuously uh writing something in the chats like I'm a below average student can I crack neat with 650 plus I think uh there is I think the badge guys which you have here trust me if you follow it sincerely because you are going to I think there is not such a thing like below average average or talent I think Talent does about it doesn't talent doesn't work in front of a hard work student it's a big it's a big statement talent doesn't work in front of hard work let me repeat it talent doesn't work in front of hard work if you are a talented student you don't study you don't revise the things what will you do nothing you will lose but if you are not talented but you are hardworking student you memorize the things you understand the things you you continue it you have perseverance then definitely you are going to beat the talent so there is no such thing average or something else I I myself got less than 300 marks in first attempt so I was below average student according to up but there's no such thing below average I was not prepared enough I had maybe some other defectors maybe there it it was not in my fate but I just worked hard in my next session continuously studied dedicated I was loyal to my teachers that's very very important I was loyal to my teachers whatever teachers recommend me whatever wanted they recommend me I used to follow that throughout the whole session and now I am here in front of amazing it's a proud moment for me by the way proud moment for me to trust me it's proud moment for me trust me guys he used to I mean see in for one complete year he was with me right he used to call me anytime anytime sir this question sir that question sir that question sir this question sir this question sir that question right okay so guys you have to be the same you have to be the same I'm here to help you right trust me trust me just just just follow whatever we tell you to follow your team right your unacademy English team because I trust my team more than anyone else because they are the ones who who have produced the ranks and one thing I'm not different from you we are same we all have almost the same stories we are just a different characters playing in our respective story nothing else we are same don't think that you are different from me or I am different or I'm spe from nothing else we are same we have different we have same stories but different characters guys I could remember this guy he he he used to study for 8 to 10 hours a day apart from the normal classes trust me and it was not only for one day it was for one complete year right so if you are willing to do that if you are willing to do that then I am ready to take the responsibility of you to make sure that you land into your dream College next year right provided you are ready right you are ready to focus provided you are ready to show that dedication provided you are ready to remain consistent throughout this particular Journey provided you are ready to listen to us right all the things whatever Shahid has mentioned whatever I have mentioned all those things we have Incorporated in the Phoenix 2.0 batch I would highly suggest you to avoid the YouTube Journey now avoid the YouTube lectures right because again I'm repeating the same thing if YouTube was enough to crack this examination then you should have been you should have done it already but it's not enough it is not enough AC learning is it is not enough Active Learning is very very important and I wish you all the best and what what he means by Active Learning you have to remain disciplined throughout this preparation exctly exactly there should be a basically weekly Target which we have kept in this batch as I told you in one week we are going to complete three and a half chapters right so there should be a weekly Target you should know what exactly we are going to complete in one week in next week which all chapters we are going to do right so that is something which we call remain disciplined throughout this particular preparation so my dear students again I'm repeating the same thing if you are ready to be consistent if you are ready to give me your 8 to 10 hours a day throughout this particular year then I am again repeating the same thing then I am ready to take this responsibility of making sure that you all follow your dream college for sure asking me how many years of drop you have taken well I will tell you I have uh when I passed my 12th examination I gave uh this neat examination the the the four coming the fourth coming exam I qualified in my 12th in 2018 and I gave first neat in 2019 I dropped in that then I qualified in 2020 so one one year drop yes exactly so guys I think this much is enough for today right I'll keep on calling up all my such kind of lovely students who have made me proud right and I proudly say that I have I mean contributed a small percentage of thing in their lives right but it is because of them only we are able to stand here perfect and right now he is with me I would want you guys to be with me here on this platform next year after cracking KN 2025 if he could do it you can do it too it okay so with this I'm going to take a leave right God bless you all perfect but again I'm repeating the same thing get enrolled into the Phoenix 2.0 as soon as possible guys because that is going to be One-Stop solution for everything right okay let's crack it together because all the things we have planned properly and amazingly in the this particular batch right and right after this video do get enrolled as soon as possible and if you have any sort of queries do let me know in the comment section of this particular video the take care God bless you all love you all guys and and and let's see you all in the live session till then you take care God bless you all and love you all
Channel: Unacademy NEET English
Views: 6,719
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unacademy neet english, neet english, unacademy neet, neet english unacademy, neet 2025 preparation, neet 2025 preparation startegy, neet 2025, one year neet strategy, one year neet preparation plan, neet 2025 strategy for droppers, neet 2025 strategy, wassim bhat, neet 2025 strategy by wassim bhat, strategy for neet 2025, roadmap for neet 2025, 200 to 650 in neet in one year, 200 to 650 in neet, neet 2025 best strategy, medical aspirant, phoenix 2.0 unacademy
Id: iqQXVMu8lIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 14sec (2234 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2024
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