$200 Luxury Hotel Sri Lanka - Mövenpick Colombo 🇱🇰

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first time at a five-star hotel already with a welcome drink thank you very much yeah this man just checked me in here at the what how do you pronounce the name of your hotel mövenpick Hotel okay so you know me and normally I don't spend too much money on hotels but I figured today I want to treat myself because I deserve it so they gave me an early check-in and I get an upgrade as well take on it awesome awesome and the plan is I'm gonna check out you have a gym here as well right okay so I'm gonna show you the gym I'm gonna show you the restaurant I'm gonna show you my room then I'm gonna go to the beach but I can't swim on the beach you just told me but anyway I'm gonna give you the Grand Tour of the whole hotel I mean it's looking very very nice hello guest relations if I have any questions I come to you awesome okay let's try this welcome drink it's not a shot of what I drink it like a shot okay let me sort out the technicals here and then I'll see you guys when I hope to drool chocolate cake pit stop so I was sitting here waiting for them to come with the room key which I have now they own took five minutes and then I was looking at these cakes right here hold on I'll show you I was trying to I was trying to resist and then I saw the signature chocolate cake and they were telling me how good it was so I have to indulge so right after I'm done with this cake and I've gone through security oh here's my coffee thank you very much it looks beautiful I don't even know where to start how many calories what's the calorie count at thousand I'm joking it doesn't matter I'm gonna eat it all anyway so alright where do we start it's so beautiful something everything's perfect thank you Oh Wow cake for breakfast I think I'm gonna start a new expression is cake o'clock anyway as you can see security here is sound is insane outside here you probably can't see that there's people with a case bomb sniffing dogs in the reception they really don't want to repeat what happened to too much see if I can capture some of it on film for you guys but anyway I'm gonna eat the cake then we're gonna check out the room we're gonna have a steak and check out the pool and tour everything see you down sorry with this one yeah it doesn't work restrict the floor you have to go to the fifth maybe well here we have two rooftop pool sky fitness rooms and suites I am on the twelfth floor with the sea view Wow check out this infinity pool but anyway we are here on the 12th floor and we are going to this one here we go very nice how much yes it comes out to about 200 a night this place this is a king suite they called it on the website with a view down to the beach so I asked them again if you can swim here and it's apparently not allowed I'm not quite sure why but he told me something about it being dangerous and so on and possibly polluted this is yeah you don't normally don't see me revel in this kind of luxury so why did I decide to splurge well I need a gym and I want to eat properly live properly for a couple of days and then I can start to tour around and feel somewhat motivated to just allow myself to deteriorate again so three four days here eating properly living properly eating well training lifting and then I'm good to go for a couple of weeks on a motorbike with just no food at all basically and yeah I'll give you let's check out the bathroom this is dear fancy is looking back of a limousine too bad there's a construction site site on the rules they don't have the showerhead that you covered so much those noodles approve well I approve and we have come full circle luck all right and I assume a minibar so let's see the selection yeah it does have a minibar I also have a little water heater oh Jesus Christ what do we have here instead of filling up the minibar they just have a minibar menu major major disappointment Harold no gusto megusta no Gustaf damn Harold does not approve I do however approve of this little desk what is this why does this desk have a fro intriguing Ethernet cable I guess for faster internet access now why does it have a fro can someone enlighten me as to why this desk kappa fro what did I say I was gonna do oh yeah we're gonna go to the restaurant we are gonna have a steak and then I'm gonna hit the gym and I remember the last time I made a gym video it was in Vietnam and I was filming other people work out and some of you commenters you wrote Oh haiku I was so excited to see how I'll do pull-ups and I figured like who the hell want to see me do pull-ups wouldn't you rather see other people who are who are fit and all that do pull-ups as opposed to me so anyway there are a lot of the commenters you said no I want to see you trains I might even give you a little sneak a little look then at me lifting some not so very heavy weights as I'm not exactly fit at the moment so hope you enjoyed the room tour let's hit the restaurant fourth floor we have arrived Oh beautiful hello I would like to sit down and die in please anywhere all right where do you recommend maybe by the window here can I take this one okay awesome I'll have a look at your affair that okay I have arrived that a beautiful buffet and she's gonna give us the Grand Tour how much is your buffet let me check it themselves all right [Music] is this potatoes yes I love potatoes potato salad rats well this is much better than expected I think I'm gonna have to go for the profane I think I'll take the buffet it's beautiful yeah shall he give you a plate yes yes so how much is it it doesn't matter I'm gonna try it anyway thank you very much okay buffet it is no steak I told everyone I was gonna eat a beautiful steak here and then now I see that you have buffet better than while you have she Lankan food over there alright okay so I opted for their buffet here I mean it looks beautiful so many delicacies Sri Lankan food Asian food and mutton curry this looks very good yeah and it says the hook I think you've inspired me to try that one it's very hot I'm gonna sample a little bit of everything then the fish deviled oh that one on top here no no no no just on the site is going to be a if something goes wrong you can have them if it's too hot then I can alright don't worry I love spicy an anti spicy hack a sweet potato tempered tempered sweet potato that sounds beautiful my first ever tempered sweet potato a green jar mojo a Swiss devil's interest in size try one of these Chili's as well excuse me for not talking a lot guys but not used to vlog in a 5-star dining experience it's embarrassing this garlic in life sorry a vegetable suey what an amazing buffet huh I for the dream sauce I need a different plate for the salad I'll be back for this later but Wow election air is unrivaled but as you can see I have a pretty healthy plate already all right let's get back to the table we're gonna do many rounds I regret that chocolate cake now of course but Danny's done [Music] Wow what's $13 for my viewers we don't know sri lankan money we need dollars the buffet is absolutely fantastic it's so good I tried all the Sri Lankan dishes you are recommended 17 Wow I thought she said 70 and I believed you because it would be worth 17 17 is so team it's so cheap amazing value I will I will I just arrived I'm here for three days and but I like it or look maybe I'll say a long time thank you thank you no wow incredible the value for money I am I almost cannot believe it let's hope I can do a couple of runs I assume I camera so let's dig in the next time you see me I'll be at the German or passed out for overeating chances are election I'm gonna pass out from overeating Wow [Music] Jesus that buffet really got the better of me I'm gonna have to go to the room have a little rest and change my clothes and then we're gonna hit the gym but seeing as this is turning into a video where I do tons of things instead of shooting just one scene in in one take one go I'm also gonna show you what I packed for a trip like this it's a very common question how do you pack what do you bring blah blah blah so much will cover all those things that I find boring but a lot of people find interesting like how I live I mean these hotel videos guys in all honesty I don't really like to do them but it is as I've said in another video one of the most common questions how do you live what you eat how do you pack and so on hold on I see a little something on the screen here let me see if I can fix that yeah that's better so anyway I pack absolutely bare minimum I bring almost nothing so let's dig into the bag then off the shirt I'm wearing I bought at the airport in Germany in Frankfurt and this bag I also bought there I am was sick of the other bag for no real reason anyway let's start hold on since the light is coming from that direction let me let me film this way then the resolution and everything will be better for you guys here we go everything I brought to sri lanka part 1 actually there will only be one part about these ones at the airport in frankfurt i toiletries i don't really have much in here toothpaste and some other necessities this is a i am planning on touring on a motorbike so this is a rain proof cover that I will put around this one when it's raining and I'm driving and I also use it as kind of a laundry you know I throw my dirty clothes in here when I when I move hotels so this is the show I traveled in from from Germany to India and so on then we have almost half of my bag it's electronics chargers I have I wasn't sure if I needed this to charge my my things there so far I don't think that I do let me yeah so this one I can use it but then it also uh it also takes the normal European what do you even call this socket so yeah these are just my chargers extra battery for the the sony [Applause] some things I need for the Apple computer and so on and I actually now even have a second camera I have I have two now more on that later so that's pretty much half the bag it's just chargers then we have a a book what am I reading at the moment sex at dawn how we made why we stray and what it means for modern relationships what am i I am sixty five pages in pretty interesting read thus far then for the third time in six months I bought another pair of rape ahem sunglasses the first one I gave away to that kid in Ahmedabad the second I lost in the past week I have no idea how or where I just started looking and suddenly I didn't have the many mores I have no idea how that happened and this is yeah the third Dampier I really like the style and and everything so what do they cost they cost 160 euros a joke I know but they're one of the few sunglasses that that really fit me this is my my shorts which I'm going to be sporting when we hit the gym in a couple of minutes then we have the We the People 1776 tie which people always ask me when are you gonna wear that tie you'll see then we have my favorite t-shirt which is now many many years old every time I wear it people the comments are like whoa douche bag he's wearing affliction t-shirt that is still mm or something like that well I love the design I love the quality of this t-shirt it I've washed it a million times I've won at a million times it's it's the greatest t-shirt of all time so yes I'm gonna wear affliction even if it's the year 2045 guys yeah a couple of more the t-shirt that's the 1i I wore when I dyed my hair in Vietnam and why it looks like that it's also the one I ate the Cobra in I was wearing that one boxers this is the hold on what do we have here I think this is the yep it's the Harold in beige t-shirt I'm probably going to be sporting that a couple of times on this trip we'll see boxers I actually have a belt not that I need one and then I bought a diamond shaft Germany soccer jersey at the airport in Frankfurt as well and then I have some boxers and socks that's everything that's everything I have then hold on I have a comb seeing us now I'm growing my hair long this is gonna come in handy at some stage then we have the federal reserve's and then here I have some a couple of other allah-allah have some this one for storing my files what else oh there is one more there is one more the computer I'm traveling with the MacBook Pro that I bought in in Las Vegas I mean that's everything I I have that's absolutely everything I mean it doesn't it doesn't look like much and it isn't much and in all it all fits in a hand carry Sam Sampson at hand oh there is a couple of hold on there are more secrets here this is a pen sometimes you arrive in a country and you queue up for it to to fill out those little visa applications or something and either the pen is missing it's not working or there's one pen and there's the cube 200 always carry a pen this is probably the most useful thing I have in my luggage but then one more thing that comes in very very handy the thug life sunglasses life and there is more there is more the hand sanitizer kills 99% of germs without water so that's it that's everything I with it ways I did I did way it when I checked in something like seven kilos hardly anything and you don't especially when you drive in a bike and so on and your your your move in hotels I mean you just you don't want to have a lot of luggage so that's it let's hit the gym for some reps and some deadlifts a woman should be able to sleep her bra without the suddenness bringing them down think we're ready it's good to listen to some progressive tunes to get in the mood for the gym I'm a white knight and I'm proud of it I always ask them to say it when I'm down with it all right audible consent but I'm down with it well says Papa Claire the patriarchy runs the world so stick your white male privilege [Music] sexually very interested I prefer a plus-size model any day this might possibly be the greatest song ever with me I feel pumped it could fucking 7if 200 kilos now let's do it I prefer a plus-size model any day 20 22 23 we are here at the sky fitness how will the beste gate five star hotel gym well there's even a little spa here Nadine's hair and beauty I guess it just sign in here hey how's it going all right just coming to check out your gym awesome can do some deadlifts here that's what I'm looking for yeah I want to do some deadlifts and yeah just below yeah if I don't like the I don't like stationary so I prefer the free weights first okay nice place yes I'm gonna go now I'm just gonna do a little tour with the cab-horse then I'll get to lifting it's in this point yeah yes yes no no no problem just keep doing what you're doing no problem be as noisy as you want I don't care well this is yeah so pretty much when I'm on the road it's just deadlifts maybe some pull-ups maybe a little bit of bench and some some cardio but let's check out the spa I never seen this before they open the blinds for me now so the reason there is of you here this is what it looks like let's see what I weigh first my guess would be I was really dieting before I came here I was trying to get down to 79 and I was away to 81 and then I think I'm back off again maybe now to 83 84 we'll see oh Jesus Christ 87 Wow again six kilos and eight days now this is cardio bit of you I am absolutely shocked that I'm 87 kilos so I'm going for a 15-minute one before that lifts I was actually planning on going easy but no let's get back down to 80 before I leave this country [Music] already so clean the windows are already clean and you're still cleaning amazing yeah I was saying it's already clean you know and he's cleaning more even if not 30 all right I understand yeah amazing you great great to you it is Jimmy okay time for some deadlift are you sure that weight is okay yeah I I just can't believe you know I was expecting me to be maybe like 83 84 I'm 87 yeah you're dropping you're dropping yeah I'm gaining I want to drop like you okay a three hour workout today to the our workout today I'm joking I wish I just can't believe my way Jesus so 150 it has to be done see if we can do the interview with this guy he's interesting hi do you have a minute ah do you have time for a little interview yeah this man used to be a concierge downstairs and then you were upgraded to here in my mind for the moment so he's telling me off-camera we're talking that tourism here suffers a bit now yeah so some hotels have had to economize lay out some mm so so yes it's very very important that's what happens when when yeah like the incident happened two months ago everyone suffers the whole economy tourism everything everything sucks you know a lot of everyone who who who works in that field you know they suffer so I mean now it's a great time to visit things are quiet things are safe yeah they have a guide that the 8k and the reception he'll protect you so there's no hopefully it will pick up again and then you back down to be a concierge so um yeah okay back to the deadlift yes I'll have a chat with you later about to the the motorbike thank you Thanks whole rice back a couple more sets and then I'm done so Saturday they turned on here now which is gonna wreak havoc on the sound so I'm not even sure I can use this click but anyway if I can use to play what I'm gonna say now doesn't make much sense but now it's a good time to visit Harry you get in good deals on hotels you there's not many tourists there which is of course that is how I prefer to travel and I think it's it's how most people should try and plan their holidays around when there's gonna be less tourists but then less is better than more when it comes to this so anyway I don't even know what I'm saying here um I'm getting dizzy from the deadlift that's the one fit I am but Jesus Christ I'm so surprised how fat I was so there's no there's no there's no surrender today so let's continue it is rooftop it's let me pull the clock only one floor up and we are on our artful rooftop I'm gonna have a drink and swim Linda oh no music this mucus music is gonna wreak havoc on my monetization and so it's the wind Oh can already see a beautiful mojito let's find a place with minimum music oh no the music is getting stronger and stronger the closer I get where is the pool I must be oh there we go well well well for those of you who always say Harold the wind doesn't bother us well let's put that to the test right now here I may have found a Harold approves of this rooftop swimming pool let's try not go for early swim before we have dressed impressed well as you'd expect from the roof of the swimming pool there's a lot of wind anyway I decided to forego the drink and I'm gonna end the vlog here I have now this vlog is a bit all over the place but I have spoken to a lot of different people doing different jobs at this hotel as you can see they all speak pretty damn good English and it's it's worth the money to spend 200 a night well you be the judge it depends on your personal finances personally I think it's okay for a couple of nights there are cheaper rooms here too I think I saw the the standard room goes for something like 130 hundred formally or something like that anyway as the wind is kicking in here and I become inaudible I'm gonna end this video I think this was a good idea to cover all the small things that people always ask me about such as where do you stay what do you eat and all that in one video so from the rooftop swimming pools Jordan is signing off
Channel: Harald Baldr
Views: 520,732
Rating: 4.9031773 out of 5
Keywords: Movenpick Hotel Colombo, Sri Lanka luxury hotel, Colombo 5 star hotel
Id: fueLfp-Xc_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 46sec (2386 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 27 2019
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