20 Years of Dust - The Story so far

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did you start playing csgo before or after Operation Hydra back in 2017 your knowledge of dust depends on this for if he started playing after 2017 you'll only have played the fifth and most recent version of dust two and he may never even have seen the first dust which is just crazy to think about did you know that dust one used to be the game's most popular map the stories for many of counter-strike original maps have been lost but not so with the dusts their maker Dave Johnston hosts his own little blog way covers their development in great detail rather surprisingly dusts development starts with Team Fortress 2 it was 1999 Dave was 16 and had just finished his exams he loved Team Fortress and the first images of Team Fortress 2 were leaked it looks different to the Team Fortress 2 that we know today because this version of Team Fortress 2 was effectively canceled but those early images of the game stuck with him these in particular he moved to playing counter-strike where he made a map called CS tire a hostage map that made it into the third beta for the game back then the game suffered from a lack of mappers so perhaps because of this one of the makers have come strike Jess Cliffe contacted Dave and asked him if he wants to make him up for the fourth beta he chose to make dust still inspired by Team Fortress 2 he went to his texture artist Chris McMahon Ashton and asked if he could make a load of textures inspired from early Team Fortress 2 pictures a texture pack was made which he called dest which is short for destiny Dave seems to enjoy shortened names dust is already short and his other map cobblestone was shortened to cobble and the map file is still called that to this day if you want to know more about dusts development then you should check his blog out he talks about it in detail I'll link to it in the description it's worth remembering that counter-strike only had a hostage game mode until beta 4 so it wasn't until dust was released that the game even had bomb defusal which is what dust was because of this map development back then was less advanced than it is today dust was made one area at a time and with very little planning at one point underpass led to a huge underground chamber but it wasn't fun or sunny so it was quickly removed he ended with t-spawn which is the area that he's most happy with perhaps because by the time he reached that he had mastered his map theme you can see in these comparison shots how much it was inspired by the Team Fortress 2 map dust only has two routes that the terrorists can choose from they can either push through the underpass or through the tunnel in the center he understood the importance of this section and took the time to get the timings right and used crates to block lines of sight and to improve the maps optimization he wanted to give CTS a slight advantage here he then chose spawn positions and bomb plant spots using a combination of guesswork and logic he chose these to be the positions for the bomb sites with bombs I'd be being in the underpass it must have been difficult to make a diffuse map when the game-mode didn't even exist 3 instead place the bomb sites as though there were flags that needed to be captured since capturing the flag was at least the game route that existed at the time playtesting was hosted in a different time zone so Dave didn't even get to play his own creation but Jess Cliffe did and suggested bomb site B was moved to CT spawn this was done and the map was included in beta for making it joint oldest a fuse map ever made together with nuke and prodigy and it was only then that Dave got to play his own map dust quickly became one of counterstrikes most popular Maps and serve as hosting it 24/7 soon began showing up this map remained a community favorite for many years since terrorists only had two routes he knew where they were going to come from and have plenty of time to prepare you could even stand here which will let you guard both entrances at once perhaps a better spot though was to snipe from here into underpass terrorists approaching this route didn't stand a chance they've tried to weaken this sniper spot by cracking the walls CTS hid behind to give him less cover but it only made the spot more overpowered so he quickly returned it to how it was before later on he felt the map was becoming T sided some moved C T spawns forward but this made it too easy for them to guard the tunnel so this change was quickly reverted as well a few of the changes he made remained but the custom skybox the tweaks to lighting and this change did the cover-up bomb site a he learns more about this map post release than he did while making it he had several plan changes for underpass but never made any of them he does sometimes how it would have been different had he made those plan changes to its layout but the map was popular as it was becoming the most played FPS map in the world and while it wasn't the best for competitive play it was a favorite for newer players and they wanted more so Dave eventually got to work on dust2 which for now he called dust three he didn't want it to be seen as a direct sequel how could it ever be as popular as the first map how if only he knew again you can check out dust two's development in detail on his block I'll just summarize here by now the diffuse game-mode had been out for a while and the expected standard for maps was higher so unusually for him instead of jumping straight in and making the map he sketched her on paper first he said the sequel was important it deserved careful considered detailed and thorough planning a long and arduous process that would eventually span literally minutes he tried to keep what works with the first dust the sunny theme the warm colors the iconic arches and doors the underpass but he added new elements too like a rock wall and spiral staircase he wanted for there to be room for both close quarter combat and snipers on this map and on top of all of this he wanted them out to be simple easy within a few days he had made it and unlike his previous cobble map everything ended up being the right size first time while dust one borrowed from Team Fortress 2 dust two borrowed from dust one you can see similarities between bomb site a and this terrorist route to underpass from dust one that's how about this terrorist route to be which looks quite a bit like the CT spawn from dust one dust two went through some interesting stages the spawn points used to be entirely different with the terrorists starting near a bomb site a is today the bottom of middle had this mined out corner here this is where it would have been today and he won't believe this there was a bomb site at the top of middle situated in a cabin this is where it would have been on the latest dust to Dave said that thanks to game helper this alpha version of the map was released under the name de dust2 I couldn't spot many differences between this and the beta version apart from the spawn points and of course the cavern at the top of middle which is bigger and darker than I at first expected bomb site B started off being quite a bit simpler and flatter than the one we know now before its release Jess Cliffe looked at it and suggested new spawn and bombing locations and also said to call it dust too because calling a dust three was silly it appears that these were the right calls because dust too quickly became even more popular than dust had been it was fun for new players and in competitive play after early battles with Aztec it eventually became counter strikes most popular map and has remained that way arguably ever since I really have skipped many interesting details about these maps so please do check out Dave site it's great to see that he's still posting there having made one about 3d printing just two months ago and often forgotten part of counterstrikes history is condition zero an ill-fated sequel released in 2004 it never became that popular but did ship with some prettier versions of both dust maps which you can see here in some ways I think that condition 0 maps look better than the source ones but you can see for yourself four also released in 2004 was counter-strike source and with it the source versions of dust 1 & 2 other than the visuals the other major difference was to the physics barrels and other debris within these levels could be shot at moved about used to cover the bomb and to interfere with player movement this was a particular favorite of mine from dust to the maps did get small bug fixes the skybox are dusty used to be open that long a so players could boost each other using grenades up and over the top of the map at one point players could hide inside the rocks I've covered dust and dust too but there was kind of a third dust map as well Dave was contacted by PC gamer UK in 2005 when asked to write some articles about mapping for them he used this as an opportunity to create his first math for source here it is the dust PCG it exists it works it's got some interesting features though it was never intended to be a true sequel to dust 2 or anything like that a few years ago with his help I ported this across to csgo so it's playable on the workshop if you'd like to try it in 2005 valve released the Lost Coast this was a one-off bonus level from somewhere along the half of to coastal segments but with improved lighting using HDR which simulates how your eye to brighten dark environments in 2006 dust received the HDR treatment making everything overly bright and glowy this is showing it on a newer version of source so it may have looked a bit different to this but I remember the effect looking extremely strong it slowed my PC to accrual and made it more difficult to see people in those situations but it did look nice counter-strike still uses HDR that the effect has been made far less obvious than it was with this map remember this was a new and exciting technology at the time they wanted to show it off I believe that dust was the third map to receive HDR following nuke and militia again it's worth noting that this was a different era there wasn't matchmaking there wasn't twitch streaming and the weren't tournaments anywhere near the scale of the ones today I don't think people were as competitive at then most people play counter-strike casually for fun standards were lower and most people didn't care about matte balance as much as they did about having a good time and messing about I enjoy playing dust with HDR even though my PC couldn't handle it too well and it negatively impacted my aiming but HDL was new and exciting and I still have fond memories of it but it shows how much has changed if they introduced HDR like this today I think that most people would complain we associate the elite crew terrorist models with dust to the counter-strike source didn't ship with the elite crew skin they came out later in 2006 and unlike liberal Offensive where each map has a set player skin with older counter strikes you could choose any skin you'd like to play on any map meanwhile back in 1.6 strange things were happening valve are putting billboards on the walls of maps such as dust 2 containing adverts for real products these remained in the game until 2013 when it received an update that removed them again just an odd footnote in counterstrikes history one of the questionable experiments that Valve dabbled with along the way and then four years later in 2010 construct sauce received the orange box treatment the game was moved to a newer version of source was given a new UI over 100 new achievements and it generally changed how the game felt to play and dust2 also got HDR and then in 2012 global Offensive was released the dusts received yet another facelift the map wasn't so bright or colorful but what's more realistic looking at a hello lot more detailed and dust one got a change to its layout it's underpass had always been difficult for terrorists it was widened to give them a path that was hidden from city snipers and a stairway was built into the side coming out above the underpass this opened up all kinds of options for terrorists helping them to gain a foothold on this half of the map as well as offering them another angle into tunnel CTS weren't forgotten about either the bridge being added across the underpass just here this gives them a faster route into tunnel but can also be used by terrorists bomb site B was moved for a third time in cs:go it was placed closer to middle which means it takes less time for terrorists to reach it and reduces the number of camping spots they must pass to get there C s code didn't just get dust and dust - but also SV additions for both which simplified a lot of the details remove the wires dusty clouds and so on these were intended for competitive play but I think what happened is that Valve decided it was too much work to keep both math versions updated so instead drop the SE series and focused on making the main version of the map more competitively viable after all doesn't everybody deserve good visibility I have already covered dust twos many changes spanning 2012 to 2015 in another video which you can watch if you like I'll just summarize here by saying that it went through all sorts of small bug fixes and updates in this time the big things to know of us in 2014 short dust was released featuring a cut-down version of dust one for use in demolition and sporting a single bomb site set inside the mid tunnel this involved terrorists starting an underpass and having to plant in the main palace funnily enough this featured a new route which was almost exactly the same as one of the changes that Dave had considered but never carried out in the original counter-strike and then everything changed in 2017 since dust 2 - released back in 2001 it has been one of if not the most popular map for counter-strike it was certainly my favorite but perhaps it was too popular maybe it was stopping other maps from being played and had been watched so many times that people were growing tired of seeing it savate moved it to its own category away from everything else it could still be played competitively no longer be voted for in deathmatch or casual game modes from 2017 onwards you either play dust2 endlessly or jumped into a lap pool containing the other maps and then in October 2017 he received the facelift sporting new textures and theme it was a great moment and introduced the version of the map that we know to this day there have been bug fixes and stuff for this one as well but I won't be covering them here a month after the new dust to dust one was removed from the game without even so much as a patch note it was when Operation Hydra ended the map Bulls were reshuffled many community-made maps were removed along with vertigo Aztec militia and dust one since then militia and vertigo have returned Vertigo's had an almost complete overhaul while militia has been made dark and snowy so far as Tekken dust one have not returned to the game maybe they will in the future but for now other than dust - only short dust remains in the game I can imagine that newer players will have loaded this up and thought this isn't dust what will its one bomb site in the middle and lots of clutter blocking entrances up everywhere but now you know it's a reminder of where the dust series came from and the only trace of the first map that's left after 20 years of updates the game has had let's hope short dust is in the game as a tribute to the past and not just because valve has forgotten to remove it just yet as always thanks to Dave Johnston for providing such a well documented and detailed account of the past it makes videos such as this one possible
Channel: 3kliksphilip
Views: 2,186,550
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cs go, de_dust, de_dust2, cs old, cs go old, cs 1.6, cs cz, css, counter-strike, counter strike, condition zero, global offensive, dust2 changes, dust2 update, dust1, dust 1, original dust, many changes, 3kliksphilip
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2019
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