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hey this is cam with blacktail studio and this week i am taking this old 10 chunk of walnut gonna be cutting into a perfect circle adding a all new finish to me that is essentially waterproof show you a one hour test i did at the very end and the whole thing took me about three hours so here we go what i'm doing with the string isn't exactly scientific i just want to find a rough idea of where center was so i could still leave a good portion of that live edge then i just drilled a small eighth inch hole which is going to just fit a small little brad nail that rides on my circle jig which when i spin it leaves the live edge yet creates a perfect circle so works really well and really easily you can see i didn't quite make a small enough circle though because there was still some square portions to it so i had to go back move it in about a half inch which was going to make my circle one inch smaller overall and on this pass we got it just perfect to how i wanted it overall it was a pretty solid piece of walnut meaning there was no rod in it and not really much in the way of cracks there were some small little hairline cracks that i was able to fill in just a few seconds with this ca glue and activator and if you're curious what that is i will include links to that and everything else i use in the video in the video description below and those are affiliate links which just means i get a small percentage of anything that you buy if you do find anything useful in this video and you want to give it a shot i do appreciate if you buy it in those affiliate links but you're obviously not required to most of the time when people are rounding over an edge they'll do like a half inch round over and bottom half inch round over on top and call it good and i wanted to do just a slightly different look just to make it a little bit more original so i started here with a half inch bit and in the end it wasn't quite enough i did several shallow passes to prevent any burning but what i ended up doing was a three-quarter inch round over on the bottom and then just an eighth inch round over on top and not a huge difference i doubt most people would even notice but i thought it made it a little bit more interesting whether this is your first time to my channel or you watch every week i want to take a quick second to thank everybody for watching my channel because i know there's a ton of content you guys have to choose from and it means a lot to me that you choose to watch my channel and a lot of people ask me what the best way to get a hold of me what the best way to ask me something is and i always tell people the youtube comments because i actually have shop hours dedicated just answering youtube comments i miss a lot of emails i don't get a lot of the direct messages on instagram so i will get to every single question or comment you guys have below and if you look at last week's video there's like 4 000 comments i have addressed every single one of them that wasn't wildly inappropriate so if anything isn't clear here feel free to ask me in the comments below and i will give you my opinion or why i chose to do it a certain way the only thing i ask is if you like this video if you get something out of it just hit that subscribe button that's what enables me to keep creating more content is by growing my subscribers so i would appreciate if you hit that little bell up in the corner right now anyway back to this video and i am using rubio monaco finish and i do want to address one thing this in no way is a sponsored video i did not ask for anything from rubio they did not ask anything from me they didn't send me the finish they didn't send me any money this is completely independent i follow a guy luxe edge furniture on instagram does some beautiful finishing and i had recently had some problems with finishes that i'd used so i decided to give this rubio a chance because he highly endorsed it so first impression i do not like the two-part mixing you have to mix both parts together and that means if you mix too much you've wasted it and if you mix too little you have to try to mix up a new ratio and get that ratio right so it's kind of a pain to mix up the two part but it does smell really nice it does go on really easily and i'm not an expert at the rubio yet i hope to be soon but you basically buff it in and then wipe off all the excess and i do love the fact that you wipe off all the x's because when there's some like osmo you tell you to leave some on and how much some is can be a little bit kind of confusing but you see there i had just barely enough and that would have been really frustrating if i ended up short on the amount of finish needed so overall it's not the easiest finish to use in terms of mixing it up but as far as applying it it's super easy you just buff it in and then wipe off all of the excess we are going to set this top aside for a little bit while we build our base for this round end table and in the past i don't love using these angle gauges because they have about a 0.2 error but that is going to be more than accurate for the angle that we're using here and i can't even remember why i chose but i went with a 21 degree angle and so what i did was i zeroed it here brought it down to my table and that enabled me to find that 21 degree angle so first off we're gonna cut a bunch of copper stock and this is just plumbing pipe and it might look really cool to you or it might look just like plumbing pipe but we're gonna sand it up and it should be pretty nice looking in the end i was a little embarrassed because i had to google basic geometry to figure this out and i had to figure out how to break it into thirds and it turns out if you take the radius and then swipe it on the side that will give you the thirds of your circles so that's what i did i marked right there at the third mark and my other one right there and then after that i am going to come back and mark an inch and a half up on each of these and that'll give me my consistent angle for my three-way legs what i really need to learn is how to do renderings on a program like fusion 360 because all these numbers are pretty much arbitrary i didn't exactly know how this was going to look in the end overall i was pretty happy with it but if i could do a rendering infusion it would be really cool to know the exact angles of everything before actually building it so until i get good with computers i'm going to have to keep building things manually and hoping they turn out cool i love these drill bits by the way i believe they're called a bormax and they're mostly european so i'm not even sure i'm going to be able to find an affiliate link to put below but if i can i will but don't hold me to it if there is no link for this particular style of forstner bit the plumbing pipe i got was not exactly furniture grade so what i did is i took my sanding glove there and some 320 grit mesh and just sanded it vertically and it shined up really fast and really easily so i liked the 320 grit i did come back later with kind of a 600 grit scotch brite pad and made it really quite nice but first of all i was getting them all the same length and if you are going to cut these on your miter saw wear a face shield be really really careful because cutting ferrous material on a wood saw is pretty dangerous since i had all the pipe the same length i was going to set this little jig up with my miter saw set to 21 degrees and then when i put them firmly against that stop block goes straight down it is going to give me a perfect 21 degree cut that's gonna be consistent across all three pieces again i can't stress enough how careful you need to be when you're cutting copper aluminum anything like that on your miter saw and do not try to cut steel don't try to cut stainless steel something like a brass aluminum copper it can actually be cut but do not try to cut anything harder than that i am just attaching these with a two-part epoxy it's a fast drying epoxy it sets up in a few hours so it's not crazy five minute fast and what i did was just set all the pieces in there not loosely but just in there snug and then brought them over to a flat surface which was my cast iron table saw and then i was able to just wiggle the legs enough twist them to make sure all of them sat perfectly flush before the epoxy cured and this overall worked really really well i was surprised at how flat i was able to get these copper pipe legs a few weeks ago i did a video on how to attach table tops to the bases properly and i specifically said there do not use screws to attach bases to the top so this week we're going to be attaching this base to the top with screws and it's not entirely me being a hypocrite it's the fact that that video was meant mostly for larger tables coffee tables dining tables that type of thing there's really no problem using screws on something this small the not using screws was because you need to allow for wood movement and there will be essentially no wood movement over the course of about an inch and a half that you see these three screws are going to be mounted if you are going to use wood screws in really any capacity i highly highly recommend getting a good set of tapered counter sinks that you saw there i was using a white side set they have changed the way that i use screws with my woodworking one thing i wish i would have done was used a thinner block to mount the legs to and i'll admit i don't actually love these copper lakes i thought they would look cooler in my head but let me know in the comments what you guys think of the copper legs if it's just me or you guys do not like them either i decided the best test was going to be to use just a full glass of ice water and this is going to give it weight it's also going to keep it cold and get the most condensation so set it on the table and i decided to take an ice cube out and that'll give us just more water more potential damage and see how that goes and what i did was set it up for an hour and i had it plugged in to make sure my battery didn't run out but you can see the time lapse here it took a full hour melted it and that's going to give us the most possible damage to the table and we'll see how it ended up i came back after the hour was up removed the glass and the water was pretty well beaded up so initially i was pretty inspired and i dumped it off to see if maybe all of it would come off and that wasn't the case so it wasn't like putting never wet on it but wiped it with a towel and then i got a little discouraged because i could still see some remaining i thought it had failed the water test so got a little bit bummed because i came and it looked like this but what it was it was just still physically wet and it took about 10 or 15 minutes just to dry out i didn't have to do anything else to it and i'm showing you here in the front you're in the bright sun so you can see every possible flaw and there was absolutely nothing to it so overall finished it extraordinarily well again not a sponsored video i wouldn't have cared if it failed just want you guys to have the best possible finish the best results so overall i think it was a pretty good win for the rubio okay that's the whole video and if you're a regular to my channel you know every week i like to give a little credit to the people that make it all the way to the end of the video so start your comment with your next project or something you're working on right now and i will know that you watch the entire video and i promise i will answer all of your questions first and again if you like this video if you got something from it if you want to help the channel please hit that little subscribe button right now thanks again
Channel: Blacktail Studio
Views: 737,508
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: end table, diy end table, diy side table, walnut end table, walnut side table, copper table legs, rubio monocoat, odies oil, osmo oil, hardwax, osmo polyx, water marks, water ring, wood finish, best wood finish, wood stain, best wood stain, diy projects, diy project, blacktail studio
Id: InpneTubBYE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 04 2020
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