Cheap WhetStone vs Shapton Glass Whetstones

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here is a question for you you have 20 bucks to buy a knife and you bought yourself a nice Kuma now the question is a few months down the line you know that the knife is going to get dull and you have to sharpen the knife do you a spend 20 bucks and buy a budget Stone a 41,000 grit stone or save up and spend about $150 to buy two stones a 320 grit and 1,000 grit shapon glass Stone all right so that's what we're going to find out today is how good or bad will this Stone here compare to the shap in glass so can you really get away with a budget wet stone for 20 bucks and have a knife that is perfectly good in the kitchen or do you absolutely need to buy a premium grade wetstone so this is going to be a lot of fun a lot of folks have been asking about this series and really wondering if they can actually just get away with buying a more affordable grade wetstone or a knife and so in this case we have have a budget knife with a budget stone with a budget knife with a premium set of wet Stones okay so this here is a 4001 1,000 sharp Pebble Wet Stone it's a soaking Stone so I'm going to let it soak while I start on the shapon glass this is a 320 GD Stone so I'll use I'll use this one first both knives will receive the exact same treatment of 20 20 pulls on my brick so so I'll just dull the knife first okay there's 20 PS and the last pull was you can hear it it was very very dull this knife may already be dull but that's okay two three four five six seven nine 10 all right all right so the both these are the kuma chef knives I've been using them for about a week now in my kitchen I really enjoy this knife it is a really really fantastic knife I mean for 20 bucks you cannot get a better knife my personal opinion at this point I do have other knives here that I'm still testing so I will uh back that statement up as some point either validate it or overturn it but as of right now this is an absolutely fantastic knife so I'll set this knife aside I got two knives here same knives I'll set them on each side one for the pebble and one for the shating glass so the shating glass here is ready I'm just going to hop right into it uh this Stone here has been flattened already and it's got one or two sharping on it so it shouldn't have an issue all well as you guys may know now I don't believe in flattening Stones very often so this is no exception all right so we're going to go with a push and pull method and then at the end I am going to do a cut test I will give you guys my feedback as I'm sharpening the stones and do a conclusion video I a conclusion at the end of the video and uh let's just hop right into it [Music] okay so we have a bolster here so I've got to slow down I don't grind the knife on the edge of the stone and ruin both the knife and the stone go back [Music] okay that was two [Music] passes okay all right so the stone is ready to be turned we'll do the left side of the knife now so again the stone make really quick you know it made really quick work of this this knife here and that's expected this knife here is I don't know how hard this is on the Rock ball scale it's probably below 55 if not at 55 I wouldn't imagine it be any harder than that all right [Music] okay [Music] all right so now we're going to clean the edge up I'm going to go STW backwards I'll go 10 times and then we'll see how the bir's doing okay and we've got uh yeah the ver removal is fine okay so now we'll go this way okay that was 10 so now we'll go to eight right put it again okay we to six okay go to four all right go to four okay we go to two we'll go to two a few times okay so now we'll go to one do that a number of times okay so now we'll pull over the uh 1,00 git Stone and we'll just drop on it okay because now the the the primary sharpening job has been done on the 400 side or 320 grit in the case of the glass stone so now we're just going to clean the edge up and again you can obviously this is not a stopping stone or a polishing Stone but for this purpose it will do and typically with most stones at least quality Stones the higher you go up the grit the more they cost so that's why I decided to choose the 1,000 as the finishing Stone okay I think we're done here all right okay so we dry the snife off okay okay so now we have our budget Challenger 400 sizes over here now right off the bat you guys will see that the stone is much smaller so you have less real estate to work with and uh so for those who are new to sharpening this will be an adjustment okay this it will take some time to get used to sharpening on a smaller Stone and that's just you know kind of the name of the game so you're paying less money and you get less stone for it but maybe the overall performance will make up for the size of of the stone find out here you know I'm going to be doing a lot of these sharpenings on these tiny Stones maybe maybe I need two w Stone holders one for tiny tiny Stones I say tiny tones tiny stones and one for larger Stones all right so I'm going to do a really you know I'm not even going to worry about flattening it those who are buying the stone probably aren't going to have the budget to flatten the stone so I'm just going to go straight right into it and see how we can uh How We Do [Music] you know what this actually feels it doesn't feel too bad not bad at all for a very budget budget [Music] Stone okay definitely is coar it definitely is a little bit more coarse than the 320 sh and [Music] glass okay so it's it's a little bit slower cutting but not a big problem at [Music] all all right so we're going to turn this down now I can tell just by sharpening these uh these last few passes is uh the the stone uh lets go of material releases material abrasives a little bit faster on the than the shf and glass but again given the price I'm not [Music] complaining e [Music] [Music] okay all right so I think that was two passes maybe three so speed wise this actually is not bad at all on the 400 side so I'm going to do some stopping here clean the edge up then we'll hop to the 1,00 it'll go 10 times I have to be honest I actually enjoy the way the stone feels it really feels like a true 1,000 grit Stone I mean 400 grit Stone which is not always the case when you go to the higher end premium stuff now it sounds loud because it's kind of just a loud Stone I'm not putting any pressure on the St right now it just has a um louder abrasives okay so now we're down to eight okay that's six four okay now we go to two do two a few times okay so now we'll go to one one more time okay so now we'll flip it over have a look at the 1,00 side again we're only going to STP okay okay doesn't feel too bad okay we'll call five more sets okay so all right I'm going Put The Knife The Knife Down talk about the the stones really quickly then we will go and do a quick cut test okay all right so here are my premium great Stones the Sha and glass 320 and the 1,000 and the 400 and 1000 sharp Pebble so you can see here on the 41,000 budget Stone it actually is not loading up all that much okay so part of it is the abrasives aren't very densely packed together so as you're sharpening it the knife does pull off uh and reveal fresh abrasives which is actually nice because the cutting speed doesn't get reduced as the stone loads up I was actually quite surprised by how decent it felt it didn't feel great but for a budget Stone it actually felt quite good at the 400 definitely feel like a really it definitely felt like a 400 grit Stone which is really refreshing because you use Stones like the sh glass 320 and it's much finer than this Stone here even though this is rated at a higher grit so I don't know which one is actually more accurate but for me in terms of what I have experienced this sharp Pebble 400 grit side felt more accurate than the shapon glass in terms of the 1,000 though the 1,000 is actually quite fine uh it's not as fine as let's say a king 1000 but it did feel quite good uh this is a soaking Stone so soaking stones have a you know typically they have a more organic feel to them they do have in my opinion a better tactile feel and they sometimes if feedback is lacking because of all that water and they may sometimes get water logged but in terms of how they feel as you're sharpening I really like the way soaking stones feel now as you guys know shut the glass stones you really can't have anything negative to say about them they're great and the only thing that I have negative to say about these Stones is they are just too thin and you don't get a whole lot of stone for your money but they do feel great they are premium gr stones and really that's it uh this is really more for this Stone this comparison here so let's just do a quick cut test see how we do see how the stone performed with the same knife and uh we will uh we'll go from there so I think this knife here is dry okay so this here is was a knife on my left this was cut by or sharpened by the sharp Pebble okay it's not not as clean as uh what I'm used to in terms of a 1,00 grit Stone but it's not bad definitely not uh not bad considering the stone was 20 bucks or so let's look at the shoing glass stone Stones yeah you can see I mean you can hear it I mean the there's no way that this Stone should uperform the shot glass okay but it doesn't it really doesn't and that's why it only cost you know 20 bucks or so so you can see however in terms of actual percentage of what this is relative to that knife I would say it's 80 90% of sharpness of that knife's sharpness which is actually quite surprising okay even though the shap glass stones did produce a cleaner Edge it didn't blow this Stone out of the water that's the uh that's the big surprise okay here we go uh now the edges are actually starting to pick up a lot of ink that's why you see them really slowing down at this point but I mean not bad not bad definitely a good option for those who are are picking up hand sharpening whether for a hobby or you're just on a strict budget okay so yeah I mean yeah not bad at all I'm actually quite surprised at how well this Stone performed and I mean just look at this look at it this way look at the economics this knife $20 this Stone 20 bucks for $40 you have a pretty decent Edge that you can resharpen at any moment and that price alone is less than one of these stones and that's not in That's not including the 1,00 grit Stone and the actual knife so yeah I mean I really have to say in terms of the winner sure the kuma that's sharpen on the shot and glass stones won this challenge but in terms of me walking away I can definitely recommend that you go and spend 40 bucks on this combination if you're new to sharpening and or you are just trying to kind of get into sharpening uh and you don't want to spend a lot of money either on stones or on a knife this combination here is definitely the combination you should go with so yeah actually quite surprising I'm actually pleasantly surprised doesn't happen very much on my channel actually it does it does but this is actually this is actually pretty cool yeah so uh that'll be it guys and also if you guys want to see other challenges whether this knife against my $300 chef knives let me know in the comments what you guys want to see and if you guys want to see other wet Stones battle it out whether it's cheap West Stone against this one or vice versa you guys know how it is this is a really fun series that I'm doing and so I just want to include you guys in it every video that I do will be based on your feedback and what you guys want to see okay all right guys thank you guys for watching and I'll catch you guys in the next video
Channel: Burrfection
Views: 821,126
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: what is best budget japanese whetstone, sharp pebble 400/1000, knifeasmr, sharpeningasmr, knife asmr, sharpening asmr
Id: BBAM04Xg0yE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 3sec (1503 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 01 2017
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