20 Things NOT TO DO in Istanbul, TURKIYE

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Hello everybody welcome back to one more  video. In today's video we're gonna share   with you the dont's of Istanbul. We totally know  that maybe many of these things might sound   quite obvious for some of you but let's  remember that not all people have the same   experience as others of traveling to  other countries and maybe some of them might   be the first time traveling abroad and visiting  Turkiye so that is why this video will be very   useful especially for those people who might  be traveling abroad for the very first time.   But before we start with our video, we invite you  to check our two digital booklets: The Best of   Istanbul and Capatokia and The Best of Turkey where  you'll find useful information on where to stay,   where to eat, how to move from city to city,  and other suggestions that we do not share   on our social media, you may find the links  in the description box and pinned comment.   Don't eat only in the main touristy areas and we  are saying this because of course the closer   the restaurant is to the main attractions, the  more expensive it is gonna be so this is why we   we want to encourage you to go explore some other  local areas where you can have very good dishes   just as locals do and for a better price. Don't eat  only the most popular dishes. We already know that   in Turkiye one of the most famous dishes is kebap  but trust me here in this country you will find   many other different dishes to choose from and  not only meat also you can find many vegetable   main dishes and these are vegan and vegetarian  friendly so don't focus only on eating kebap.   Don't focus only on the main touristy attractions,  of course when we are traveling the   first places that we want to visit are the main  monuments, for example in Istanbul, which ones are   those? Well, Hagia Sophia, Blue Mosque, the Grand  Bazaar but also we want to recommend you that   if you can, spend one or two extra days in the  city in order to visit some other local areas   and local neighborhoods, for example on the Asian  side, that even nowadays it started to have more   tourists but still there are so many other places  to explore and to discover and that way you will   be able to find the different contrast of the city.  Don't rent a bike or scooter in the city and we   are saying this because nowadays there are many  scooters or bikes that you can rent in the city   but trust me, Istanbul is not bike-friendly or  even scooter-friendly there are many cars around   or also motorbikes even riding on the sidewalks  and of course, many areas are so crowded that it's   very difficult to move around with a scooter or  a bike. For that, we recommend you instead, going   to the seaside, for example, on the Asian side it's  very easy to find good places for riding a bike or   a scooter especially in Kadikoy, Moda, Caddebostan, or  Maltepe, or if you want something in the European   side you can do it around Bebek, Arnavutkoy or  many areas around the Rumeli Fortress, those are   great places to do so. Maybe this one will sound a  bit funny for you but really, don't get scammed and   I am saying this because I know many of us  where ever we go it's not just in Turkiye    but everywhere we go we tend to be more alert but  some people just feel like "okay, nothing   is going to happen to me", so this one is especially  for that type of people that are still thinking   like "no, this is impossible, nothing is gonna happen  to me" but trust me Istanbul just as in any other   big city things happen as well so just keep  an eye open. In case that you don't know what   type of scams are very common in Istanbul, then  we will invite you to watch another video after   you finish watching this one about the most common  scams in Istanbul and of course how to avoid them,   so just pay attention and don't get scammed. Don't  cross the streets without double-checking because   in Istanbul and any other city in Turkiye this is  very common, the culture here is very different from many other countries in Europe or even from the U.S  or even from Mexico. Usually when you're crossing the   streets here in Istanbul, the drivers will not  stop for you, so please do not cross the streets   without double-checking. Don't confuse Turks with  Arabs. Many people have the misconception that   Turkiye is an Arab country but it is not. The only  thing that Turkiye and Arabic countries have in   common is the religion that here in Turkiye there  is a majority is not a hundred percent but the   majority are muslims, so this is the only thing in  common that we have, even the official language of   Turkiye is Turkish it is not Arabic and yeah it is  true that in some areas like Fatih for example,   you will find many shops and even restaurants  in Arabic but that doesn't mean that we speak   Arabic in Turkiye. Don't expect that everybody will speak  English, yeah, actually in the most touristy areas   you will find people who speak very well English  and even Spanish especially if you are in the   Grand Bazaar or at any shop around Sultanamet  area but that doesn't mean that in all Turkiye    or in all of Istanbul every person will speak English, yeah, it is true that nowadays   especially the young generations they speak very  well English and maybe they might be able to   understand you very well. If you can just learn the  most common and maybe basic words trust me that   will make Turkish people very happy even if you can  learn for example "ne kadar" which means how much is it,    "merhaba" "teşekkürler" which is thank you and these  little easy words you will put a big smile on   Turkish faces. Do not drive in Istanbul. Some of our  followers, sometimes send us messages asking   us if it's a good idea renting a car in the  city and the only thing that I can tell them is   no, do not do it, and this is because besides that  the city has a lot of traffic in peak hours also   you will not be able to find a lot of parking lots  especially in the historic peninsula or in other   areas like Beyoglu where Taksim area is and you will  struggle a lot also many of the streets especially   in the old peninsula are very very narrow so  it is very difficult to really drive on them   I wouldn't even dare drive a car in that area  so I wouldn't suggest driving a car in Istanbul   but if you want to rent a car for going from city  to city then it's a great idea but not in Istanbul.   Don't listen to any people who has never been in  Turkiye because more likely those people will have   a lot of stereotypes about the country and as a  personal experience as well before moving to this   country when I was telling my friends or some  of my family members, they immediately were shocked   and they were telling me things that were  not real at all and of course they have never   traveled before to this country so that is why  I am telling you that if you want real and good   advice, just ask people who have really been in  Turkiye and not those that have never been here   but have been watching only from the western media  things, just don't do that. Do not drink tap water   here in Turkiye it's not like in many European  countries where you can easily drink tap water but   here we suggest not to do it. Instead you can go to the market and buy some bottles   it will be much better for you. Do not mistreat  animals and if you have never been in Istanbul and   in general Turkiye, you will realize once you come  here that in general most people have a big respect  towards animals especially cats and doggies   so that is why if you come here, you will  realize as well that most cats and dogs are very friendly to people and that is why we  tell you not to mistreat them, instead, you can   bring some cat or dog food and when it whenever  you're walking somewhere and if you see a furry   friend you can just leave that food to them. Do not  stand on the left side of an escalator and this   one also might sound very obvious for many of you  but trust me also we can find that type of people   that are not paying attention a lot especially  when they are traveling, so please do not do this   because let's remember that also there are many  local people living in that city who are going to work or from work to home so please,  do not stand on the left side of an escalator just   stand on the right side while you are going up  and down and leave that left side free for the   people who are in a rush. Another one and this  is something that I still remember and that it   happened to me a lot of times so this is why i  want to tell you this especially if you're not   used to drinking çay do not drink your chai or  tea right away because trust me it is boiling hot   so if you don't want to suffer from small blisters  in your mouth and tongue just wait a little   until it gets a bit cold and then you can enjoy it  as much as you want but just don't don't drink it   right away. Do not pay at shops or restaurants in a  foreign currency and this means in U.S. dollars or   Euro, pay only in the local currency which  is the Turkish Lira, we already know that the   Turkish Lira is crashing against these main  currencies but we suggest you to instead use   Turkish lira. If you want to find some of the  best exchange rates in Istanbul, then we highly   suggest you do it inside the Grand Bazaar and  pay attention, INSIDE the Grand Bazaar.   Avoid at all costs doing it at the airport or at  any exchange office near the tram line in Sultanahmet   area or even Taksim, they have really bad exchange  rates and you want to take care of your wallet.   Also you have the option of just withdrawing  some cash from any atm and you can do it   in the local currency or just the easiest  way is to pay directly with your debit or   credit card that will be much better than paying  in us dollars or in euro in any shop or restaurant.   Another thing and this really bothers me a  lot, and not only me but also many other people, do   not mess with the gardens and flowers especially  at the tulip festival in Istanbul, you have no idea   how many videos and photographs we have seen  online of many people just messing with the   tulips and going inside there and breaking them  and taking them just for a photo for Instagram   please, do not do this because also instead  of having these beautiful gardens for longer   we are just having them for one or two  weeks at most because after that time everybody   is just destroying them taking flowers and so  on so please do not do this, respect the gardens   and the places that we have so everybody can  enjoy them for a longer time. Do not waste your   money only on taxis, use the public transportation  and let's remember that in Istanbul we have very good   transportation system and it is quite  affordable, you can move from place to place   very easily which is connecting the main touristy  areas and you don't really need to use only taxis.   If you want to use the public transportation,  then you are going to need to buy only the   Istanbulkart which is about 20 liras right now  per person and you can use it for up to 6 people   and you can use that one for ferries, metro, buses,  the marmaray, even the public toilets, and many   other places. Do not call the Bosphorus a river,  the Bosphorus is not a river, the Bosphorus is   a strait, it is a natural strait which is  connecting two main seas, the Black   Sea and the Sea of Marmara, so please do not call  it the Bosphorus river because it is not a river!   Do not buy things without bargaining first,  and wait, for this I'm not saying to go to   the first shopping mall or to big brand shops  and bargain because there you will not be able   to do it and do not do it but for example if  you are visiting the Grand Bazaar, Spice Bazaar,   even the Eminonu shops or the local markets,  there you can do it because this bargaining is   part of Turkish culture and you can easily do it.  do not be loud in public transportation, inside   mosques, and any sacred place because for example  when we are hooping into the Marmaray or the   tram that are connecting the main touristy areas  usually, we hear very loud people and speaking   loudly and some of the locals, not everybody of  course, but some people might feel uncomfortable   with that, so just keep that that in mind, of  course we are not saying do not speak at all,   no, because we all speak just try to maintain a  low level so you will not bother other people and   also at mosques, remember that you are in a  sacred place and also many people are praying   while we are visiting the place it doesn't  matter that it is not praying time so also   let's be respectful with that and just keep a low  voice when visiting that type of places as well.   Do not take photos in the middle of every place  and this is not just in Turkiye this is in general.   In every country or city we are visiting we know  that we are also excited about taking the perfect   photo for our social media but please just think  about it that also there are many locals that are   going to work that are going home and they are  in a rush and it is not cool just that you are   walking and all of a sudden the person in front  of you stops just to take a photo, that is really   so uncomfortable so just that keep in mind,  be more mindful of those situations. Do   not go souvenir shopping in Istanbul on a Sunday  and we are telling you this because on Sundays   especially the shops in Eminonu where you can find  affordable souvenirs of every kind are closed on   Sundays of course you can still shop at the Grand  Bazaar, Spice Bazaar and even on Istiklal street   but on those places you will find a bit higher  prices that normally are so if you   want to really find the best prices, much more  affordable, and also where local people buy, then go   to Eminonu shops but not on a Sunday, you can go from  Monday to Saturday and everything will be open.   Do not start your day late in Istanbul especially  in peak season and we are telling you this because   even though it is not peak season in Istanbul  we have seen the main touristic attractions   especially in Sultanament area and Galata area that  are super super crowded and there are huge lines   to enter, and another huge line to go through the  checkpoints, and another huge line just to buy your   tickets, so if you really want to enjoy the main  places, for example the Topkapi palace, or Hagia   Sofia. we recommend you start your day as early  as you can, as soon as the doors open to visit   those places and the last don't and this is the  most important so pay attention to this one, please   do not skip our videos if you really want to enjoy  Istanbul and Turkiye in a different way, as a local   way, so if you are new to our channel, we highly  recommend you go check our other videos where   you will find a lot of information about Istanbul  and Turkiye such as where to eat, where to stay, everything, where to buy souvenirs, everything that  you're looking for you will find it on our channel.   Hopefully you have enjoyed this video of dont's in Istanbul and if you really liked the video and   if you found it useful, please don't forget to give  it a thumbs up and share it with some other people   that you think it might be useful for, that will  help us a lot in reaching more people like you   who are looking for the best recommendations of  Istanbul. We would also love to thank our patrons   and youtube members who are giving us that  extra support in creating more content for   our Youtube channel every week if you want to  keep receiving more tips and recommendations   about Istanbul and Turkiye, then don't forget to  subscribe to our channel see you next time bye!
Channel: Bery Istanbul Tips
Views: 390,840
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Keywords: things to do in turkey, things not to do in turkey, travel in turkey, things not to do in turkey destination tips, things to do in istanbul, things not to do in istanbul, donts of turkey, donts of istanbul, istanbul travel, turkey travel guide, turkey travel tips, things to know before visiting istanbul, things to know before visiting turkey, turkey travel guide 2022, istanbul travel 2022, bery istanbul tips, istanbul turkey, turkish culture
Id: sThc6Ii4cqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 45sec (1005 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 21 2022
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