20 Strict Rules The Royal Family ALWAYS Follows

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[Music] being royal seems like a dream come true but that doesn't mean Royals can just do what they please did you know that the crown comes with its own set of crazy strict rules stay tuned to find out why you have probably never see a selfie of a royal if this is your first time visiting our Channel make sure to give this video a big thumbs up and subscribe for more great content leave us a comment down below for your shot at a $50 Amazon gift card today we're showing you 20 strict rules the royal family always follows dress of course being royal comes with many rules when you are royal you are a physical representation of your country so it makes sense that your outfit must always be appropriate there is a strict dress code for the royal family and they must just all dress modestly Princess Diana like to go a little more out there with her fashion than the Royals before her the Queen also loves to do a neon outfit from time to time to each his or her own as long as all of their outfits are modest and fit the occasion they fall in line with the Royal rules cover the cribbage going along with the previous rule royal women must certainly never be scantily clad so with that being said cleavage is a huge no-no but it's understandable that many outfits make cleavage a little less unavoidable from some angles to combat this Princess Diana used to always carry her clutch in front of her chest when she thought she might be in a compromising position that way she could still wear what she wanted without the risk of scandalous photos being taken of her she made following the rules look easy other women in the royal family use other tactics to cover up but one thing is for sure none of them would dare break this rule tiara when you were a little girl and dreamed of wearing a tiara we bet you never thought of all the strict rules that dictate how you can wear the rule of where the TR is plate Stunna Royals head has changed over time with the trends but one thing has always stayed the same the tiara must be at a 45 degree angle when he from the side it's the perfect angle for photo ops and allows every aspect of the crowd to be seen the next time you see a royal wearing a crown pay close attention to the tiara you'll notice that none of the women in the family break this rule we wonder how they get it so perfect do you think whoever dresses them has a protractor on him t-time the UK is known for its love of T people in the country commonly take tea breaks and it's rare that you will travel there and not have tea time when it comes to the Royals drinking tea is not so simple even the way that they hold the key cup is important the Royals must use their thumb and index finger to hold the top of the handle their middle finger must be used to support the bottom of the cup women must also sip their tea from the same spot as to not get lipstick stains around the hole read the rules are a bit different for drinking coffee when drinking the hot drink Royals must loop their index fingers through the handle eating etiquette the drinks aren't the only thing that the Royals must pay attention to during the meal they have asserts etiquette when it comes to eating as well they must hold their knives in their right hand and forks with their left the prongs of the fork must always be facing down and that's not all you can never stab their food they have to balance it on the back of their Forks and bring it to their mouths can you imagine if you had to keep all those rules in mind every time you wanted to eat something that is absolutely insane we would be so stressed about forgetting the rules that we would probably just starve get approval for proposals when most people fall in love they can choose who they want to propose to of course a lot of people like to get their parents approval before they pop the big question but it's not required when you are royal you don't have as much freedom according to the royal marriages act of 1772 all royal descendants must ask the sovereigns approval for marriage so in other words Prince Harry had to ask the Queen if he could marry maybe Markel luckily for him she approved we wonder what happens in situations where the Queen does every do you just continue dating and royal highness again in a couple of years or must be split up immediately interfaith marriages getting the Queen's approval isn't the only rule that the Royals have when it comes to marriage the 1701 Act of Settlement forbids Royals from marrying Catholics they may marry anyone from any other faith than Roman Catholicism they can even marry an atheist if they would like but no Catholics in order to abide by this rule autumn Kelly converted from Roman Catholicism to end gellick anism so that her husband Peter Phillips could keep his place in line for the throne so if you're a Catholic and unwilling to convert then she desire you won't be allowed to marry into the British royal family no voting in America the President of the United States is allowed to vote he's actually encouraged to do so in the UK that is not the case for the Royals while it is not illegal for the Royals to vote it is still considered unconstitutional the royal family also isn't allowed to express any political views publicly making Markel has been very public about her political views and recent american elections so when she finally marries into the royal family that will have to stop we wonder if they still talk about their political views within the palace or if everyone just keeps it to themselves no traveling together it's common for families to travel together on vacations in fact it's pretty weird if they don't but the Royals aren't just any family in royal tradition two heirs cannot travel together that way if a tragedy should occur with one royal the other will be safe and sound in another location since Prince George was a baby right now the Queen always allows him to fly with Prince William once he turns 12 though it is reported that he and his father will have to travel separately it is nice that the Queen is allowing her grandson and great-grandson to travel together while he is still young no autographs when you meet your favorite celebrity chances are that you're going to ask them for an autograph right well you better not try that with a royal they are not allowed to sign signing autographs would mean that they believe they were celebrities when they are technically supposed to be representatives of the country it's also a bit tacky they may sign some autographs privately but you will never see them doing it in public they also aren't allowed to take selfies in public the Royals like to portray a sophisticated image and neither of those things really scream sophistication hats are a must the Royals always look amazing when attending events but if you look closely you may notice that there is always one thing that the women at these events have in common it's the hats Royal women are required to wear fancy hats but at a formal event that is why you never see Kate wearing just your flowy hair to formal events how many big hats do you think these women own it must be a lot if you have to wear one to almost every event you attend Meghan Marco better stock up before she walks down the aisle she would never want to be caught without a hat if the event is held indoors the women will switch their house for Tiaras at 6 p.m. Tiaras are reserved you may think that being royal means that you automatically get a tiara but that is in the case at all tiaras are reserved for married women at formal events a tiara is a sign of status for the married women it is also a way for men to know who was taken and who is still on the market now at formal events Kate can always be seen wearing a tiara indoors after 6 p.m. Meghan will have to hold off on picking out any tiaras until after her wedding with Prince Harry who knew that such an ornate accessory was actually used to send messages to other royals must accept gifts we've all received some gifts that were less than stellar maybe your grandma gave you some socks or a friend gave you something that you will never use luckily you can always say no thank you when someone offers you something for Royals that is not the case they must accept every gift they are given the royal family obviously travels to some far-off places so you can imagine how strange some of the gifts they receive are nevertheless they must put on a happy face and accept whatever is given to them we wonder where they store are all those gifts do they have a special gift room where they store all the unwanted presents dinner is over we've all been at a dinner that dragged on a little too long what if you have the power to end any dinner party whenever you want it well the Queen does have that power if the Royal Highness puts her purse on the table then dinner needs to come to an end within five minutes this means that everyone must be constantly watching the Queen to see what she's going to do you should probably also eat pretty fast because once the Queen is done eating then everyone must be done it sounds quite stressful to be a guest at her table doesn't it no garlic when you are a queen whatever you say goes which also means that you can ban pretty much whatever you like reports have said that the Queen hates garlic and has banned any dish from being made with the ingredient in Buckingham Palace now the rest of the royal family may eat garlic when they are out and about as long as they keep it out of Buckingham Palace we wonder if they will keep this rule once a new monarch is sitting on the throne probably not since it was the Queen's preference but it is still pretty funny that a spice is not allowed in the palace dinner attire for most people dinner is nothing special lots of people even eat the evening meal in front of the television that is a big no-no in the royal family with the Royals dinner is a formal affair so that means no casual clothing at the dinner table friends it doesn't matter if it's a big dinner with international guests or an intimate gathering with just the Queen's immediate family everyone has got to get out their fancy clothes do you think the Queen ever wishes she could just put on a pair of jeans and a and her dinner on the couch probably all that dressing up has to get old after a while napkins from this list you can see that table etiquette is very important to the royal family they have rules regarding everything even their napkins in order to keep from getting things really messy Royals must use the inside of their napkins to wipe up once they are done using the napkin they must fold it in half this keeps people from seeing the Royals sitting with the messy napkin in front of them it also helps ensure that no food gets on their outfits it's a pretty nifty trick if you ask us think about it have you ever seen a royal with a dirty napkin probably not June position we bet you never think about the position that your chin is right well royal women must think about it all the time when they walk up the stairs they must walk with their chins parallel to the ground and their hands by their sides but that isn't all we must also pose for photos with their chins parallel to the ground go back and look at any pictures of royal women you will notice that they are all sitting or standing with their chins at the same angle if you ever want to start looking more royal in your own photos make sure to turn your head like this handshakes the Royals shake hands with so many people throughout the day they probably lose camp to most people their handshakes probably look very informal but that isn't the case at all there are strict rules for how a royal must shake other people's hands the handshake must be firm but not too strong they must look the other person in the eyes while shaking when shaking hands one pump or two pumps are okay anything over that is not allowed probably because it looks a bit silly to be standing there pumping someone's hand all day we wonder when Prince George will start to get his lessons in handshaking etiquette stop talking to the Queen the Queen has a lot of cues to convey what she is feeling or what she wants and she moves her first to her right arm that means she is done having a conversation with whoever she is speaking to common people might not know this so her attendants will usually interrupt the conversation after seeing her cue her family however definitely is aware of this rule so if the Queen moves her purse over to her right arm they all know to stop talking we wish you can get people to stop talking just by moving at first it's kind of like a superpower really that's it 420 strict rules the royal family always follows could you live by all of these rules let us know in the comments thanks for watching
Channel: TheThings Celebrity
Views: 535,660
Rating: 4.8018613 out of 5
Keywords: Prince William, The Queen, Prince Harry, Meghan Markle, Kate Middleton, The Royal Family, royals, rules, Buckingham Palace, Royal Family Rules, Strict Royals Family Rules, British Royal Family, Queen Elizabeth, Manners, Royal Etiquette, 0118
Id: mZexEUjmAbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2018
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