20 STRANGEST Birds In The World

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20 strangest birds in the world number 20 tawny frogmouth this bird which somewhat resembles an owl can camouflage itself by becoming perfectly still and shutting its eyes they're located in Tasmania Australia and southern New Guinea number 19 soared build hummingbird this is the only species of bird that possesses a bill and tongue that is actually longer than the rest of its body its beak is so long it has to preen itself using its feet it's found from Colombia and Bolivia to Venezuela and Ecuador number 18 at wadis prairie chicken note the orange air sac the male's possess them and their inflated during the mating season usually January through May in 2014 only an estimated 260 of the birds remained making them a highly endangered species the native to Louisiana and coastal Texas number 17 sri lanka frogmouth as the name would suggest these birds are endemic to sri lanka as well as the western ghats of south india and they do have a somewhat frog-like appearance if you notice they're nocturnal critters and are difficult to spot when resting on tree branches because they resemble dried leaves number 16 kagu this bird can only be found in New Caledonia that's a small island located east of Australia mating pairs are known to stay together for life and will occupy large territories up to 60 acres in size it's the only bird species that has small structures over the nasal openings known as nasal cons the structures likely evolved to keep dust and other particles from entering the nose number 15 oil bird this little bird is a nocturnal cave-dwelling animal that thrives on fruit found in South America it locates food by echolocation not unlike bats and dolphins so why is it called the oil bird well the animal is so oily that they were once hunted down and boiled to use their oil as fuel number 14 sleep flying birds now we ran across this story on some strange behavior exhibited by our avian friends it's been suspected for some time that birds can actually sleep while the flying now scientists have proof of the phenomenon they monitored the brainwaves of great frigate birds from the Galapagos over the course of ten days turns out that the birds could be half asleep but keep one eye open literally to keep watch for potential threats results showed that the test subjects slept for around forty two hours a day while flying but when on land they can sleep up to twelve hours a day that would be one way to catch up on your sleep number 13 Kiwi the flightless bird is a close relation to the EMU and is similar in size to a chicken did you know this bird lays the largest eggs of any bird species in the world that's in relation to its body size it's a national symbol of New Zealand and of course Kiwi is a colloquial term for New Zealanders but we bet you already knew that number twelve rhinoceros hornbill similar in size to a swan this is one of the largest hornbills and is hunted for its feathers and meat they're known to live in captivity for around 90 years does the coloration of that rhino horn remind you a bit of the toucan number 11 blue-footed booby can you guess why they're referred to as blue-footed the male's initiate a mating ritual by strutting about in front of the females because the brightness of the feet tends to decrease with age females normally mate with younger males with brighter feet which indicate higher fertility that found in tropical regions of the Pacific Ocean number 10 resplendent Quetzal found between Western Panama and southern Mexico this bird is well known for its vibrant plumage the birds large eyes can adapt to the dim light of the forest habitat did you know the birds thick plumage evolved to protect its fragile skin and it is the national bird of Guatemala number 9 Hudson this pheasant sized bird is endemic to the Amazon and Orinoco Delta's of South America and while it is beautiful it's also known as the stink bird due to their manure like odor and that's the result of the way food ferments in the animals digestive system when the chicks the birds are noted for having two claws on each wing which are used to scramble about tree branches without dropping into the water number eight Roseate Spoonbill notice the bill that resembles a spoon the animal uses it to snatch small prey out of the water for its meals did you think it was a pink flamingo at first they do share a similarity color wise like the Flamingo the spoonbills pink coloration is a result of their diet which contain organic pigments called carotenoids [Music] number seven long waddled umbrella bed so does it look like this bird is sporting a pompadour well that distinguishing shape atop its head is actually called an erectile head crest which tends to be a bit longer on the miles the males are also distinguished by a large throat wattle of feathers which is always retracted during flight you can find them in Colombia and Ecuador number six philippine eagle this raptor measures around three feet from the tip of its beak to its tail in terms of length and wing surface it's considered the world's largest extant eagle the rare apex predator was once known as the philippine monkey eating eagle because it was thought to prey exclusively on monkeys in fact the bird is an equal-opportunity predator snatching whatever meat it can find which does include the flesh of primates number five kakapo this is the epitome of a rare bird as of june 2016 only 123 of these animals were known to exist what happened well it evolved in New Zealand and had no natural predators there when modern humans introduced predators like cats and rats to the region the kakapo was especially vulnerable it's the heaviest and only flightless parrot in the world they're known to breed on average only three times a decade and only when the fruit of the rimu tree is abundant and that might help to explain this small population to number for greater adjutant this massive creature is a member of the stork family and is found across Asia standing nearly 60 inches tall they have a wingspan exceeding 98 feet during the winter time they'll breed with each other as well as the spot build Pelican and other large water birds and the diet includes reptiles rodents and other birds the name adjutant refers to their stiff manner of walking while on the ground number three harpy eagle also called the American harpy eagle we're including it not because it's so strange per se but because it's so intimidating we're scared to ignore it this fearsome bird is the largest and most powerful Raptor known in the Americas and it's one of the largest extant Eagles in the world it's an apex predator that tends to favor sloths and monkeys although they're known to go after larger prey like capybaras and deer they have the largest talons of any living eagle and have been documented lifting prey that equals their body rate and that's around 15 pounds number two Shoebill stork the birds name is derived from its conspicuous shoe shaped bill and you could probably suss that out for yourself it's kind of hard to miss these birds can weigh over 15 pounds and have an imposing height of up to 60 inches with a wingspan reaching over eight and a half feet ornithologists consider this species to be one of the five most desirable birds in Africa the found in swamps from Zambia to Sudan number one the Magnificent frigate bird here's a bird with a most distinguished look the large lightly built sea bird is noted for the male's impressive red throat sac which it inflates as a means of attracting a mate during breeding season it's found in the tropical Atlantic as well as the Galapagos Islands did you know this bird is also known as the Man O'War [Music]
Channel: Epic Wildlife
Views: 94,930
Rating: 4.823009 out of 5
Keywords: strangest, birds, in the world, dangerous, most, world's, bird, epic, nature, srangest birds ever, scary, wildlife, explained, caught, real, true, in the wild, metal, cool, insane, bird of prey, tawny frogmouth, hummingbird, prairie chicken, kagu, oilbird, sleep flying birds, kiwi, hornbill, blue foote booby, hoatzin, roseate, spoonbill, eagle, great, world's greatest, mysterious, mysteries, harpy eagle, shoebill stork, prehistoric, dinosaurs, magnificent, frigatebird, world's strangest, man of war bird, fun, wild
Id: YCeV1NZqdsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 3sec (543 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 10 2016
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