$20 Silver BLOWS-UP The Banks Before The End Of 2019! | Harvey Organ

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and and so that's why Silver's more suppressed now it's just that there's just huge derivatives they blow up all the banks I mean I can see if silver goes to $20 all the banks blow up ladies and gentlemen welcome to this silver doctors special interview today we have returning guests to the show Harvey's organ from Harvey's organs daily gold and silver reports Harvey Morgan's log com many people offer newsletters for sale but Harvey offers is detailed technical crunching the numbers every single day five days a week for absolutely free so I encourage everybody to check out her view Oregon's log comm to find out what's behind the numbers at the Comex how are you doing today Harvey just wonderful no it has doing wonderful doing great this is exciting times you know now that we see gold breaking out to multi-year highs here you know it's interesting Harvey's because I can see you know kind of an inside look at the driver's seat here at silver doctors and one thing that I'm noticing is that last week we didn't really have all the interest coming back even though gold broke out but just enough yesterday on Monday we finally solved the interest coming back and I'm starting to feel that investors are starting to you know raise their eyebrows and notice what's going on in the metals so I'm enjoying the breakout right now I kind of wish silver wasn't lagging behind but I'd like to get your thoughts on on what you think how you're thinking about gold and Silver's performance here in the last week and a half the key figure in gold was 1350 that was the level of which they lack a two or three times four times and gold couldn't penetrate it and they then the bank's tried to hold that price and it did for a while but when I knew that with Pierce that there's so much riveted out there once it's pierced I knew that banks were starting to be in trouble and sure enough they were silver was 1506 the problem of course now is and everyone's starting to complain to me is why is silver so lower and not not enjoying the rise as in gold okay the reason is is you have to really a pay attention what JP Morgan said now JP Morgan has been acquiring a massive amount of silver which I record every day and you there in at this side of the pond it's about 280 million ounces that they have brought in the last year and a half two years and you can probably triple that over in London so you're figuring that they have probably taken in pure silver that's real silver about a hundred million ounces they the the silver at this side of the pond is stored in a vault it's owned by China and now the question is is that silver belong to JP Morgan and certainly I had my discussions with the CFTC and voice my concern and I basically said that JP Morgan's acquiring a silver when they're also the world's largest short was illegal and of course the CFTC said it's perfectly legal I screamed out loud and said it isn't of course the lawyers are getting involved and then the CFTC said to me something says how do you know that the silver that in the house of JP Morgan doesn't belong to me Martin belongs to a sovereign and then of course I kind of suggested while you're talking in my language I've always said that China basically loaned silver to the West in 2002 and they were very happy to do so because they were able to acquire much tremendous amounts of gold they've been accumulating since probably 1984 started and when right after when Deng Deng Xiaoping you know decided it's far better to fight the United faced with you know with kindness and lion what trade come in and and China just continue to buy whatever their their their one with gold and they got gold they start accumulating it they held it in the banks I'm not silver silver the silver was always stored there they didn't know what to do with it it was a Western phenomenon until nineteen 2002 when the United States ran out on the Manhattan Project and when they ran out there's no question that a you know they knocked on the door the United States knocking on door and said look China we need your silver now remember that silver China has been a silver nation for four hundred years I mean since 1600s I mean they've acquired a lot of silver and it's quite a I'm sure it's over a billion ounces they had in 1949 they just locked up they know what to do with it then all of a sudden hey wait a minute deal so China gets favored nation trait treatment they're happy they knew that they're going that the the game is to whack gold and they're happy so they were getting gold cheaply and gold keeps flying over to Eastern nations including China Russia and everything and that's probably why and I'm at the only one Alistair McLeod also believes they got Prague between twenty and twenty five thousand times yeah okay which is huge now the fun beat now remember in 1990 the United States had about two billion ounces of above-ground silver and then in 2002 they ran to zero so they utilize in the twelve years close to two billion ounces and now they're down to zero so obviously they certainly had to get from somewhere to continue I don't think it's one of the reports shows that it was the sales that their end that this is what's causing the mark the massive sale of of silver and that's not true the correct answer is the leasing of silver into the market by the West constantly and the derivatives so the derivatives so you can imagine like we're pretty sure that we're dealing with between 500 and 750 obligations per 1 ounce well ok so you can imagine the the banks are both fry the moment the moment you if you get above a level is this they implode this is why joy bank is in a major mess and they're trying to do their there they're bad Bank they're trying to do so they'll try to load all their stuff and it's supposedly 60 billion euros but they're derivative loss of Deutsche Bank is probably 10 times that with with all this and they they are massively in short in the silver level which is why it was part of the lawsuit there's you know there's many lawsuits cloud and there's actually criminal cases going on too and Deutsche Bank is the primary kind of supply the chat room discussions and everything on how the fraud was committed yeah of course yeah and that that's known that those in that information is now out while it's in the courts now we certainly got some of it and right right now it becomes a criminal matter because of the JP Morgan situation and I think it's getting serious because it whereas in the first case with it with the CFTC its civil it's not really criminal but JP Morgan is criminal and they are in this department justice so that's getting pretty deep and that stopped and it stopped the civil matter so the civil matter has now stopped where we waiting these guys are still hacking away at any time so they think they can get away with it but you think tonnage a is dragging their feet on this Harvey is the department justice it's got a problem because we have told them many times what was going on remember I've written letters to the Department of Justice I've written to the OCC and here's this here isn't the crux matter they have their there is no silver gold at the comics that call that gold and silver has gone and you're gonna ask well well they're showing it yeah the answer is it's a piece of paper it's a sticky and it's this guy owing this guy a owing B B is owing see they all and there's nothing there what did they do they have complicated they leased it out both so i propagate means they took bar took the barcode numbers and then just sold it and gave a sticky note that they owe this guy so the poor guys who have their supposedly their their gold or silver stored at the comics have got nothing but a piece of paper and the reason is every single ounce of gold at get comics is unallocated it's no such thing as allocated over there so it's zero and that's why if you take my figures that i give every day showing nothing is coming in there hasn't been a very very tiny amounts of gold coming in the year and a half whenever is coming in and silver of course as i propagated out again okay and because there's far more uses in the world of silver than there's a gold okay because gold the usage of gold the uses of silver the demand is over a million i think it's about a million in 80 ounces it demand and the only supply 700 million so mean the demand over supplies is quite high 380 million ounces which is huge and that's because of the pharmaceutical use the photo of photovoltaic used you know in the course the many uses for electricity okay we were using for the solar cells that uses photography's down but the photo is for these solar cells are huge and this is an one of the key suppliers of course is china china is making a lot of these photo cells and and the demand is coming in very very high so we now have a mess our hands as we got of course the demand is high and the silver supplies are going towards china - you know even though china produces about 117 million ounces a year they're importing so and the other one which is dramatic is the it is is India India's massively bringing in silver before didn't they kind of like gold and the Indians are been the gold lovers for years but I guess they are having trouble getting gold so what do they do the the brides have decided hey Silver's not that so they brought in a huge amount I think it's about Oh force fine no more I think it's about four hundred million ounces of silver came in this year in India which is just phenomenal okay and China is bringing in not only do they produce it but they also bring it in too because it's so it's not enough what they need so they're bringing in silver so the demand is very high so what you're now seeing is a problem where we now have entities realizing what's going on are now going to attack the comic you'll see this going on because they real and you're you're getting a good look why if you see Bitcoin you started seeing bit calling at $11,000 you didn't know what's going to happen with go does it go bitcoin is not suppressed but gold and silver are and you're seeing Hong Kong citizens realizing the trouble with their in is now whatever they can is converting into and to try to get so they trying with Bitcoin but also they you know the Chinese are very well versed in gold and silver and they're doing as well because as far as I'm concerned is they kind of like what you can touch and feel and hold your hands they kind of not too crazy about the Bitcoin situation so that that's in a nutshell what is the background now and your your and you'll probably see sovereigns attack for gold because they're going to realize we're now coming into it to an era where the countries are going to need it before they were selling it like Canada and Australia although we have it in our ground that we sold every above-ground goal boat now the central banks are going to need it so you're seeing central banks to go in and you'll probably see them attack the exchange for physical and instead of being a paper obligation it will become ill they'll try to desperately try to turn it into real so you're going to start seeing banks scurrying around the planet trying to find metal so I'm just giving you a background you want to ask question I can try to do the best I can but in a nutshell that's not what's happening right now in the metals China is really cut it's trying to kind of it was it's want it's gold first it'll it it'll that's the metal that it needs to as hard currency and so it's will make eventual hard demands on the United States that it wants its its its silver back it's certainly doing on the rare earth which is another little parts that utilize in all these these you know if our industry in the USA definitely 75 60 70 75 percent of the of rare earths are come from China mm-hmm and this is going to hurt terribly if the United States cannot get it's reversed its cost is too high you see is the rivers are it's not oxides therein oxides and chlorides or whatever it is and it's hard to extract it's hard to get the pure metal it's very high cost where China is very low cost producers and they were able to sell these rare earths at a very low price so they dominated the industry for the last ten years and the other other guys the Western although there are some errors but they just couldn't produce it what China could so that's an that's going to be a real war between China China is certainly we're going to say oh stop there rare earths and they're probably behind the scenes that I want my silver back mm-hmm okay and the end so that's why Silver's more suppressed now it's just that there's just huge derivatives they blow up all the banks I mean I can see if silver goes to $20 all the bank's blow up all the driven six major Dorough banks is Deutsche Bank Bank of America table mm-hmm oh you're dealing with probably four five billion ounces of shorts under stuff that they just don't and now even though JP Morgan has silver they have but I don't think they have as much silver what they to cover the derivative short that's what I was on this table what in addition because if they're holding it for China then is it also possible that all that they claim to have is not all there as in China might get stiffed on some of that silver if they ever do request delivery of you know a significant portion or even all of it I can tell you what's over on this side of the pond okay and that's been verified by the CFTC I'm just telling you the silver that's in the vault of JPMorgan are real okay the question is really tight you know I got a CFTC I mean it was quite quite a comic you know coming from them remember I have live discussions with them you know their theory they fear that what we know when they just certainly don't want you know you know the they don't want them that they kind of precipitated a fraud although we know what's a fraud it's a massive fraud and JP Morgan's dissent remember JP Morgan in 2000 and when was the bursar a 2008 right JP Morgan wasn't involved in the silver market at all and then they came in Bart Chilton I've had discussion with bar before he passed away uh it was amazing how JP Morgan was able to take possession of all the short position of Bear Stearns and then they told they gave them six months and JP Morgan just said screw you guys I'm I'm gonna do it and four years how many at nine eleven years now JP Morgan's on their own so this tells you how much power the powerhouse of JP Morgan they're totally you know going against the CFTC and they're shortened I guess the CFTC don't know how to handle this and then the other thing is ones yet once the derivatives go you know well here's going to be the next JP Morgan right because of JP Morgan came in and stepped up to Bear Stearns well who's going to come in and step up JP Morgan assuming that that derivatives market blows if JP Morgan goes the game's over mm-hmm okay we're at that yeah that's the end and that's why that's why the rhythms yeah by the way Dwight your bank has more derivatives in JP Morgan okay so you can imagine the message that don't your bank is it and they say knew they knew they're in trouble they just don't know how to get out of it they made a massive set on fixed income and they just totally screwed it and that's why they went uses idly to the judge and said look III you know we're in a mess here just get me out of here I'll pay a fine just get me out of here okay and that's why they paid 33 million on each silver and gold to to kind of and there and they provided wonderful stuff the trouble was the Department of Justice came in and said this is now a criminal matter and we've been on hold for 18 months so that's the problem that that's in but it's certainly going to they're going to get hit pretty hard the banks it is a six or seven the riverbank evidence and if it's not the price of silver increasing that can blow up the derivatives market it could also be if which bank goes under that could also blow up the physical silver market because sure sure yeah you don't you know any JP Morgan Deutsche Bank or or Scotia Scotia Bank of another mess on our hands to scotia bank did everything to sell mikata they would they would sell McCotter for $1 nobody wins it why because they got a master Drona washed yeah okay deutsche bank went was on the verge of breaking ten dollars back in 2016 and it seems like someone came in and stepped up but it angels are not stepping up this time you know now it's six and something so anything below six years you give up their total there knows just how five like a bear stearns with what $60 and then in two weeks went out a river is the same thing yeah and you know what what I hear you saying Harvey what is sounding like to me is that you know we hear about you know we know that it's the physical market that's going to blow up the derivatives but it almost sounds like what you're saying is that it's over that they're worried about silver is the one that's going to blow it up it's the gold market yeah right but silver that's the one that has the potential to blow up the whole system that's what I'm telling with you that's the Achilles heel there that that's what I did exactly what I'm telling you and then when everybody tells me about Silver's I get it all the time they for they Harvey you knew that gold was going to rise but and I told them on the silver I said have patience mm-hmm cuz I do know I do know that what's going on in Europe I know they're there they're backward by 12 cents which tells you that there's no supply over in Europe and certain people are going to take the comics on they are getting they are say and when they do that they what they do is they'll it's easy you attack on the exchange for physicals and all of a sudden these banks don't know how to handle this because I don't know have you know how much how much the eunuchs change how much are circulate it's been I'll say exactly a thousand seven times in gold it's about 21,000 tons of gold has been these exchange for physicals in the last three years total of three years okay in the United States back that's equal to the entire world supply or more okay ah silver has been harvested I record our it's huge as well four times what the world produces each year okay I mean it is extremely high so all of a sudden these paper obligations that's an easy way just for the bank's daily you know these guys who really wants over okay they go in and buy you can buy these exchange physicals you buy them and they turn around and say okay now I'm standing for delivery oh boy we don't have it well I want it okay that's the fight that's on there now and that's why it's backward so I don't know if you know is that in in London in goal if I can sit in silver two they have what is called the serial forwards and they're done at 13 days okay so in other words every 13 days it renews itself okay every 13 days thank you why 13 days why not 14 why not 21 the reason is is that 13 days the OCC is not involved and the reason is they figure this 13 days who's going to bother it's gonna it's going to shuttle and everything but no so you have these massive amounts of cereal forwards trading 13 days so all of a sudden so if we now explain this to these authorities hey wait a minute you've been overlooking so I wrote a letter to the OCC saying look I just want to know I'm telling you this is going on it's clear as day that it's happening I just want to know is there's a risk little banks are you aware of it and what happens the CFTC and the OCC refused to answer me then Mooney the the at the UMP is a congressman at a congressman for West Virginia writes a letter to the CFTC and the OCC demanding an answer and again no answer so the refusal to answer speaks volumes is what's going on they realize the mess that are in and it's a it's a it'll bring down the banks okay and especially when one realizes they're not answering me will take position and I can saw a look look what they're doing to China look what these guys are going to say I'm taking a lorry take a lot a US dollars I don't think I'll take possession of silver I'll take possession of your gold at the comics that'll end it the bank's colluded rivers will blow up and he'll then that'll do it mmm Becca and and I think it was early 2018 when we had the VIX explosion and the volatility index yeah when it was a couple of those ETF's literally shut down because they blew up do you see a time when the GLD and the SLV could literally blow up and end up shutting down okay I'm probably going to shock you in this okay I don't think there's any there's very little ounces of gold at the GLD and there's very little silver okay I've been saying is from day one and I how I know is that you can't lease gold or silver at the SLV it's illegal okay that that's one thing in their indenture they say you cannot lease but it doesn't say they can swap and that's how they've been doing it they've been swapping dollars for gold or silver so you see whatever whenever they needed the physical silver they would go in and swap with dollars so all these SLV in the GLD is nothing but a piece of paper they don't know what they don't have anything and that's why I notice to the court contingent you know I've been saying since 2006 that both that there were frauds I was probably the only one the beginning and then of course I was joined by a lot of others they realize it's a fraud so the answer to your question is there's nothing there and they go belly-up there's nothing piece of paper so when you see them add gold okay it's not adding real gold they add paper gold they think they can do is there so they'll buy up a set someone has to deliver gold to it okay but not real there is no reso Cole and this is what's going on in all these markets they're you know paper flying around on them but it's the real physical they don't have an answer to your question GLD and sov are total frauds and they are going to go down because I think one of the like I don't remember if it was the largest one-day inflow supposedly everything geez late last week no one's actually no no is your third it was this yet two days ago 36 months mm-hmm hey you know how it out they're gonna bring in 36 times what give me a break you know they don't have it they get is that there's no I know I know for a fact there's nothing in London I can't get that good they're desperate to get the gold over there and they certainly know silver and there's nothing over and at the DL D&L we are that what happens to the price when these markets blow up is it just going to reset higher is it just going to keep moving day by day or is it just going to you know like essentially a holiday for the Comex or how do you see that playing out wonderful question okay first of all when you raise the price of gold that becomes a liquidity what is the crisis who are now in we have no liquidity people have lost so you need to raise the price of gold in order to provide more lubrication for world trade so and certainly China wants that China is really asking the West we want is you know Patna is part of a trade deal what if there is one which I doubt there's going to be one but we want the price of gold they probably want 10,000 to start okay and then figure 10 to 1 for silver okay and then silver becomes the currency that you know lowlife like a ask me you cookware you use for trading but they like they hide the upper echelon guys the bank use golden countries will trade in gold and stuff like that but I think that's where it's heading China certainly wants an elevation the price of gold and they will it's interesting as I was speaking with reg how and he thinks that it's quite possible that China may have to sell some of the gold back to us and when this is all over and to start again so each of the countries have some of the gold so they all will start to trade but we'll see well but it's not good if all if one the one country has all the gold nobody else does anything it kind of it defeats purpose so you certainly need gold produce Canada instead of selling its gold which it has on the ground so Canada prints 150 tons a year will no longer sell it into the market and they will bring their gold and of course it'll become central bank gold and that's what all the countries in countries that don't have they have oil of course that will be turned and that's why the good Shanghai exchange the gold exchange so they will then turn gold that way and countries will need to bring in their gold but so if you're asking me what I think the level would be to try to lubricate the world I'd say fight they'll probably raise the price now to 2,000 and then overnight it'll raise it to 10 cows so you'll see it rising to 2 and then all of a sudden you'll see a bank holiday and then they'll say we're now revaluing gold to 10,000 start handing it in I think that's where we're heading and isn't this year I think we're going this year I think it's not math the whole financial systems and on this I think can go on you know and and this is a good segue into some closing thoughts Harvey because I just like to you know get what you've been thinking about over the past few days because you know one of the things that's come to my mind is that you know gold is breaking out here and I'm thinking you know well this is it this is the start of the move we've been waiting for whereas six-year highs but silver is just being fat on so you know what I've been thinking about over the last few days is that it seems like you're just really trying to sit on silver just so people will remain skeptical enough to say now it's not happening just yet it's not going to break out almost as like a morale crushing move against silver to get people to think that it's a fake out with the breakout and gold so just kind of what's been on my mind in the past few days what's been on the mind one's been on your mind the past few days Harvey well certainly I looked at that and I saw right away that that silver was lacking okay and I kind of thought that if anything silver would be going to the moon because of the massive short position because of all the derivative losses of the banks a major six seven banks you're right I think you got a certainly valid point why you think silver suppressed I think the Chinese situations certainly they're once you realize that China certainly has out that right for that silver and of course the United States doesn't want to give it yet there's certainly arguments that the United States are telling China where you've been stealing our technology and you're been hurting us so Trump is certainly right Trump is basically saying we've been so we've been watching the the the golf you know or the the straits of hormuz constantly over years and China's been taking oil and and we've been protecting that air that those laneways from Iran and of course with gin United States hasn't been paid for it at all it certainly wants to be it should be but you're now seeing for the first time you know the United States has had enough it's getting poked all the time and we'll see how the relationship between China and the US evolves in the next few days I doubt if there's going to be a trade deal if there is there is no trade deal of course there's a markets gonna fall sir terribly and probably the United China will certainly make its demands known and they may and you know what China may do China may say I've got enough I'm just going to say I've got 20,000 tons of gold and that's the end and once they do you got your let you you've got your your tender you know you're at least two to three thousand dollars level of gold trading plus your you know ten to one silver I think that's what's going to happen if China's had enough and they're going to say they're going to go on their own and let the United States suffer um that's in my mind okay I've always you know certain areas I'm a moral person I carry on discussions with a lot of guys and you know we all you know we're looking at this but the most important thing is have patience it's just that the markets fraught no market you know every every assets higher in price and gold silver suppressed and yet the real money is silvering all yes amazing you know that's the real metal that's that's real and it will always be okay it's just that we had this experiment since 1971 and that experiment is now coming to an end soon study this coming yeah it's coming to an end so let's see what we do I tell everyone to have patience as long as you have it in your hand you're in good shape don't have piece of paper saying you have a right for it you won't get physical silver in your hand that's that's the ultimate thing and then let this play out that's it that's my thoughts you know and I do thank you a lot for your patience and Paula death and working with me to get this phone call going on maybe I'll come true we would just do the phone call or something like that yeah it's okay that's it the most important thing is I wanted to get out because I'm pretty sure that's what's going on I've been involved with a lot of the guys and we're pretty clear that that's what's happening yeah and I mean it is getting exciting and you know and it's like I said you know I didn't see the traffic pick up until just yesterday right so all last week and broke out is when you know we still didn't have any interest in it right it's almost like people didn't even want to believe it but now you don't know what's under day you don't get aligned it I do see your you see what's important to understand is what comics is not a physical market it's nothing but a paper market London is a physical market you know what I'm going to change that have physical half paper okay they try to be China Shanghai is 100% pure mental that's why but when they do these exchange for physicals they know you don't think let's go to Shanghai because Gus consists will be over in 30 seconds you say so is a given so that it makes it believe that there's that there's metal and you have these massive amounts circulating around the game in when a sovereign realizes what's going on and these things trade they say you know what I'm going to take possession of these these exchange for physicals I'm going to turn them into real metal I'm going to I've got a position let's go to London okay over here and that's when they're it's in a crisis by the way you know why gold and silver always fall at 12 o'clock 12:01 at 12:01 30 every time I write all the Europe's closing down at that time yes right and what happened to 12 o'clock is 12 when the LBMA shuts down yeah on a daily basis yeah talk about it came to me you can shut down at 12 at 10:30 if there's no metal actually it was 11 o'clock today because they had no tane and there's no metal there so they said okay we're closed that's it and once they realized I think I won't walk you see China is long-term thinking China will little think a year in a head you know Americans 20 minutes but they're shorting today because they're not worked we'll worry about it tomorrow but right now they got a cover right that's the risk the risk is if they start 6:00 okay like gold was now what 6:23 was cool cuz they knocked it down okay she's 24 oh look at this okay the gold is 12 for teen 2470 and they knocked it all the way down to 14 11s at 1:30 if you look at the time it was exactly 12 o'clock so what they did in an hour and a half they were not worried because nobody could come around and take that piece of paper in hand and get physical but in London they do it all of her life so all of a sudden they're messin they won't do it when it's London time the fear is they have nothing there you see and that's the crisis so that's what what's happened here okay actually Silver's doing not bad Silver's holding itself yeah 1450 kill most in the overnight hours if I remember correctly um Italy is if what I didn't know they just knocked it all the way down the 1411 oh yeah 14 it was low 14 no no it's 15 27 on silver silver held 14 11 on gold cotton so normally I would write to the CFTC and give my at my my opinion scream at them but I decide it's not worth it anymore they know they know that we know and the most important thing the message I can possibly give you guys is is that look to have the physical on your hand it's far better than dealing with this paper and don't get excited I get very upset when guys get excited why is silver down onie why is goal you know I said half patience I told people is what happened I said I gave people advance warning because I knew I know for a fact they're guys going in attacking the comics yeah healthy wealthy family wealthy families on and some days on your report I see you'll put out like you know expect gold to be hit through options expiration this week you know it mmm-hmm and all the times happens all the time yeah that's very less and less this year left I'm waiting this month at sea more marine options expiry week now okay so I expected to be hit a bit but you notice they tried and it is gold resilient so it's holding itself they're all they can't hit they can't hit in the physical time zones they're only can hit in the paper zones and that's not good for them they need to supply any and by the way in order to whack they're going to need physical metal you can't do it just with paper you got to have something so you you got to go to the BIS and say look I need some tons of skull okay but the trouble is the BIS told them we don't have anymore they've lost liquidity I don't know if you knew that but the their swap positions have gone dramatically down and why because they don't have any physical they need it so the bank guys when they're doing a raid have a high risk because they got to come up with supplies physical supplies they just don't they just can't and now they have another problem on their hand because they've got us deal with you know investor psychology switching from sell the rip to buy the dip right correct oh yeah you know that's that's before anytime gold pops up 1350 we're talking about well you better sell it now because it's never going to break this line yeah um so you know you've got the sovereign stepping up and then you've got the psychology just of an individual investor switching to bull market mode of course we've known it's been in a bull market all this time but now your mainstream investor is starting to understand that as well Harvey correct I know that's deadly to them well it's when the little guys start going into silver and gold and taking possess you know and not worry about the market you know what I mean they say thank you very much and appreciate thank you very much and I'll take my gold silver thank you very much they do that you know it's all its art millions of these people like like right now you got all the Chinese can you imagine you know that you know and Hong Kong is a very very wealthy city and all of a sudden you guys all these millions of people sitting there and saying my wealth how am I going to store my wealth so some of them are gonna go to Bitcoin but then they're gonna look I they're gonna crack this computer system I want my real metal so there's turning around and they're going and demanding gold and silver which is what China itself wanted China has been telling its citizens to buy gold for a long time and now they're listening they're listening so you'll see it just sit back and watch and not be concerned I know trans LaRoque today says he's expecting another rate I'm going to be different from him I don't think they can because they don't have any physical metal you need to have some physical to order to continue you know they just don't have it they don't have the stuff so enjoy this thing while a it's going to continue we're just at the beginning phase where we're at basically you know or the beginning of the clock we got another you know twelve hours to go before this whole system and it's gonna be fast though I'm gonna blow up I expect your bank I expect Scotia to blow up I expect JP Morgan will be the last one mm-hm and there is because the others are not protected see JP Morgan has some protection and of course the Fed will do everything to protect it but the other banks Bank of America Citibank they'll all blow up yeah that's what to watch for [Music]
Channel: SilverDoctors
Views: 90,712
Rating: 4.7892008 out of 5
Keywords: Gold Update, Silver Update, Gold Market, Silver Market, Harvey Organ, gold, silver, #gold manipulation, #silver manipulation, Half Dollar, Paul Eberhart, economic collapse
Id: d1m9ghD66-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 41sec (2501 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2019
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