20 Scary Middle Of Nowhere Stories

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welcome back to the swamp today's video will be the last one reviewing the scariest stories from 2018 it's about time to take on 2019 full force if you have a story that you'd like to share in a future video be sure to send it in a swamp dweller net or the email you can find in the description down below I would love to share your stories in the middle of nowhere small towns seemed to lurk with scary things that never seem to leave their borders these 15 subscribers sent in their allegedly true creepy encounters within small towns and in the middle of nowhere these ones will freak you out whether you haven't heard them yet because you're new to the channel or you just want to hear them again this is the perfect video for you now let's get into these tales of terror unknowingly to the naked eye I'm a private law enforcement officer in which I enforce state laws underneath independent contact unlike public or urban officers who are tax paid and work underneath the government think of me as being similar to a personal attorney instead of an appointed attorney if you were to ever get in a sticky situation my unnerving doubts about my obscure occupation started four years after I regrettably accepted a seemingly simple contact from a middle-aged Eastern male stockbroker who merely requested a private escort across the state in an unmarked vehicle on the phone the low tone man oddly asked only two uncomfortable and uncommon questions or requests which were may we not take any back roads and may we not make any stops whatsoever please and thank you after he hung up without saying goodbye I knew right then that this was not gonna be some sort of contact for a novice officer such as myself but after reviewing the massive payout $7,000 I would have been a complete fool to at least not meet this shady guy and to note I'm not fool at least I thought so at the time a couple weeks later two hours before midnight I alone meet the nerve shocked guy had an airport approximately 225 miles from his desired destination was I was unfamiliar with he did not greet me nor did he see anything beyond this remember our agreement he'll back roads and no stops pleased and thank you what Zach was wrong with this guy either way I allowed this weird dude into my unmarked car and we headed off and after about an hour or so and after turning into our exit ramp I looked into my side mirrors and saw two black intent advance ease into my blind spots on my opposite sides this didn't draw red flag until I glanced into my room view mirror and saw the guy with deep red eyes oddly leaning downwards in a seat as if he didn't want to be seen by people in the black vans after about five minutes or so the black tinted vans kept in pace with us the guy's phone rang and shortly after he answered it he sharply said no my red flag was up straight up but not waving just yet if you catch my drift but that was short-lived because six to seven minutes later the guy's phone rung again yet he refused to answer and after that moment the crap began to hit the fan the fan my left side aggressively sped up and so it was ahead of me and afterward it recklessly cut into my lane before slowing down this freaked me out so much I didn't have the chance to notice that the van on my right side I'd lightly rammed itself into my driver's side which forced me into the next foremost lane all the while the guy's phone is persistently ringing as if it was possessed my red flag was waving like a little punk now instead of being forced into the next exit I slammed on my brakes but the mindset of escaping the pinning grip of the vans however the van and I right-side managed to ram the control the front wheels from me which sent our vehicle went into an intense much controllable spin I managed to regain control of the vehicle before speeding off into the opposite way of the pursuing vans as our cars bent down the empty highway ie Yuliya at the guy freakin dial nine-one-one but he just sat there at her shock looking at his possessed phone so I called my mom Juan and they said to stay in the phone as they dispatch state troopers to our area however before I knew it one of the vans attempted to rear-end her a car before the van sighted at us which was enough to send us off the road into the quickly approaching deep woods and therefore forcing me to a sudden stop the van surrounded and blocked us in without a way of escape that didn't involve fleeing into the dark thick was before the van doors open Yuli felt and agonizing pop in my ear the guy in the backseat had shot the rear view window before climbing out and fleeing into the devouring woods more than a small gang of men weren't hot pursuit of the man as for me I was dragged out of the car punched firmly in my side gut and then ordered to drive away or get beaten at first I chose the latter but after a few more manic gangsters got involved I wisely chose the smart option terrified I fled along the highway and so I met the troopers before heading to the hospital I told them my entire story and they investigated a couple of arrests were made but none of the men arrested were nationals so they could not be charged with first-degree murder me and my partner both 26 and this happened about six years ago we both live in Northwest of England at the time we were living in Warrington not really the best place to live but it's a long story how we ended up there but we ended up going there as a last minute decision me and my girlfriend left in an upstairs flat to start everything was fine the room ten stairs was okay but a bit strange at first and clearly drank too much at night and slept ot the couple that moved next door a year after we moved then were all right and we got along just fine and another couple of moved next door but one more nice but to feast but that doesn't really matter the flat we lived then used to be one house but was converted into two flats he had the top floor ever stairs out of the house laid onto the back yard area a back door faced next door's door and the crazy women downstairs door faced out onto the front so to get from her door to ever she had to go outside walk around the house through a large gate and then up a lot o Alawis to our door next door has a large window that looked out into the alleyway anyway the crazy all happened about a year after we moved on the women downstairs was in her late 40s but the drug she died made her look a lot older and it all started when someone started to scratch my car every night we go to bed wake up and someone would have scratched my car we don't know who it was at the time so we asked neighbors and no one knew we started to call the police to set a police log and hopefully they would do more patrols in the area but they didn't every night the same would happen sometimes you waited up and nothing would one night we were in beds and the women then stare started screaming help fine call the police she was shouting as as she'd lost it and we thought maybe someone was Hart she was screaming for like half an hour and I had to be apparently for work me and my message thought she needed the police to help so we called them and they turned up but she went quiet the following day after I got home from work the women tense tears went out and gave me the death stare as she left I went upstairs and didn't think anything more about it later that night there was an almighty clash downstairs someone had smashed downstairs windows a couple of days later after her windows were faxed we went and in the backyard to let our little dog out we are you are outside for about 20 minutes and then the crazy women poked her head at the window and said I hope your dog has eaten the poison I have put in the bread for you you dirty scumbags we packed our dog up and went and luckily enough she never eats anything she finds outside we didn't take her threat seriously the following day the next door's dog got really sick for no reason apart from that they had eaten the bread that someone had been putting out we didn't find this part out and told later they were okay about a week after all went quiet for about a week the next-door neighbor came home and has work van and parked it at the front of the flat one Nate and someone scratched the word scumbag into the side of it he knew it was the women downstairs as she had been arguing with him for a while apparently the following night she got worse she spent ages getting stoned and smoking so much the smell was coming up through her floorboards we went to bed as I had to be up for work at 9:00 later that night she and her guy friends came outside screaming and shouted up at our flat so low that woke us up they were screaming horrible things that are sound threatening to kill us and naturally we were scared so we called the police they came and took the guy home and told her to go to bed after they left we were going back to sleep when all of a sudden we hear a banging on the door so I got up slowly and went to the door in the dark there was no way I was opening the door at this time of night and I looked through the spy hole and couldn't see anyone then I heard open up please that's PC Jones Warrington police I was about to open the door when all of a sudden she came to the door and banged again this time I could see who it was and guess what there wasn't the police after about 20 minutes of this happening she stopped with the hole at as the police thing and started shouting threats at us through the letterbox i sat at the top of the stairs and recorded everything she said on my phone she even said I won't scratch your car but I know someone who will and they will come round and pay you a visit then she been quiet for about five minutes then started again this happened all night the following morning the real police came out to us and they wanted to question me wanting to know why I had attacked the women from them stairs and wanted to know why I had smashed her face into the wall I was shocked and had no idea what they were on about I plead them recording from last night and then they left to continue that investigations as they left the couple next door came out and asked the thicket of a ward with the police officer there what happened to us things apparently when the women was going crazy they were in the kitchen and had a front-row seat and the five minutes she went quiet she walked to the side of the door and had her own face against the black wall and then carried on shouting but after each time she calls the letterbox she would hit her face against the wall again and again safe to say the police were shocked as I was two nights later I was in work at about Tina she came outside and my message called me and said don't come home yet the women next door was out in our form talking to someone and walking around our flats pointing up and taking photos my message had no idea why all she kept seeing as I know she's up there alone right now and I will help you get rid of her it would be easy as soon as I pulled up she ran back in a few nights later she got a back Rottweiler of someone for in her own words protection the same name she got into an argument with the guy next door so she opened the door and said going boy get on get on the dog then ran out and left em see if they say she wasn't too pleased later that night there was a German Shepherd and his owner walking past when the women and stairs opened the door again and let the dog run out for no reason it's attacked the German Shepherd and locked his jaw and the dog's neck she ran back and unlocked the door and left the dog there it took five people to pull these two dogs apart and faint anyway the dog came from the German Shepherds neck was a bad mess a few days later she got rid of the dog I was upstairs in the kitchen one day with lights off on my phone it was winter and there was a lot of snow in the ground I heard her slam her door there watched it as she walked up on the road and turned around and looked up to her kitchen window she then walked over to my car and pulled out her keys and ran them all along up one side and then she went and walked around into the middle of the roads looked up at the kitchen again check for cars coming then that the same down the other side of my car my jaw dropped as I watched this unfold when I snapped back to reality I realized what I had just seen and I ran downstairs so angry and my blood pumping so fast I was shaking however all that was left over when I reached my car was her bike tracks where she had left my girlfriend made me calm down and to not do anything crazy so naturally I called the police again and they came out took them what I said and just told me unless she had Mattie - doing it there wasn't a lot they could do all I could do was faint at a much every course to get my car fixed and if she had met it what she had done he could try and get her to pee long story short get my car fix that would have cost over three thousand pounds I never got it fixed and she never met it - it not long after this we moved out and left with family for a couple of months just until we found somewhere else we couldn't take it anymore and we moved our stuff out into a van with the help of family she sat in the bedroom looking out the window at us every now and again like she had done nothing wrong thus women was totally crazy when I was growing up I don't think anyone was that bad and that everyone should be given a chance but thus women changed everything I believed then just as a word of warning to everyone never trust your next-door neighbor because you never really know what is going on behind closed doors [Music] so before I start I shall let you guys know that this is completely true as I have no reason to lie this house is on the border of North Carolina in Virginia but for the sake of my family's privacy I won't state exactly where it's safe to say that I was in the middle of nowhere with no neighbors no stores or paved roads for 30 miles at the very least anyways on with the story I had been on a two-month long trip to England taking time off from life while I was gone my father had purchased an old farmhouse down in the country as a getaway place only a week after I had arrived home I made plans to go check out the house about another week later I realized exactly how far out the house was from everything it was a bit unnerving but I brushed it off and made myself enjoy the drive but from the exact moment I exited my car in the driveway of that house I felt as if I was being watched I loved my bags into the house and started looking around checking out the rooms in the outside deck after exploring I settled him for the night and nothing happened actually for the first time in three days nothing happened at all everything seemed normal besides the feeling of something watching you constantly it was on the fourth day late in the evening that I would finally find out what was watching me I had just finished eating dinner and was that my sink starting to wash my dishes as I looked at the window I saw a coyote standing in the tree line about 30 yards away it was standing on a sign legs with it's right paw against a tree like it was propping itself up I froze not really out of fear but shocked I had no idea what I was seeing I was never the outdoors type but I knew coyotes did not do this I finally snapped out of it and walked out to the patio doors to the deck to get a better look as I walked outside I noticed it is lowered it's Paul who was now just standing with his nose in the air like it was smelling now if this is where things get really crazy all of a sudden after about six seconds of me staring at it it lowered its head and started running straight towards me now I know this sounds unbelievable what is true like some sort of cartoon it was running on his back legs as fast as a coyote would I was startled and all I could say what the heck are you before it started scrambling up the steps falling and it's hurry to get up then I ran back inside and slammed the patio door shut behind me through the long plastic blinds on the door I could see it it was standing on all four legs she's staring at me seemingly smiling I yelled at it and toward the freak off but it didn't move or change its expression stayed the same I went to the furthest room from the door and tried to forget about it telling myself anything that would make me feel better after about an hour I was calm enough to exit the room but as soon as I did I hear it it was mocking me over and over in a raspy voice that sounds kind of like a grown man trying to learn English the words are jumbled at first but become perfectly clear by the fifth or sixth time I heard it all I can do is just stand still and try to locate where it's coming from and to finally do it's coming from the patio door the same door was earlier I creeped over to the door and as gently as I could fueled one of the plastic blinds aside what I saw changed everything I was looking towards the ground expecting to see a talking coyote instead and the dim light shining over from behind me I saw a man stating a solid foot and a half taller than me with white skin covered I would look to be like deer fur his eyes were all white almost bright enough to shine in the darkness his stare to me with its head tilted to the side for a few seconds than yelled seemingly louder than any noise I've ever heard it was loud enough to leave my ears ringing stunned I walked backwards towards the kitchen as he slammed his hands against the glass sliding door hard enough to start sending cracks through the entire door seeing this my flight-or-fight instinct kicked in he was between my car and myself so there was no escape which meant I was fighting all I had was some flares from the roadside emergency kit in a fillet knife from the kitchen those would have to work just as I started to devise a plan the patio door shattered the sound of glass falling as well all I could hear as I was expecting to see this thing come through the broken door but oddly enough it just stood outside the door as if some sort of force was keeping it from coming in I cracked a flare and threw it through the door attempting to try to ward this thing off as the flare landed beside it it broke eye contact with me I knew that moment was my last hope that charged it with the knife if I die at least I'll go without a fight as I got within a few feet of it it turned and disappeared behind the flame burning bright and loud through the shine of the moonlight I could see it walking across the yard towards the tree line as it walked it slowed as its human body cracked and morphed into the exact shape of a white-tailed deer as it vanished into the forest I felt sick before I could even think what I was looking at suddenly I was doubling over puking and crying my eyes out after a few minutes I put myself together grab my car keys my phone and left without getting any of my bags it was a 10-hour Drive home and I made it in less than 8 my family was surprised to see me back home and after I explained everything they acted like I was crazy that was until they saw that I didn't have my bags and how I said I was my father decided that he would wait until morning to go back and I would show him that night I did not sleep I could only sit in my bed and scour the internet to find something about what I saw that's when I stumbled upon reports of skinwalkers in the National Forest an hour away from the house now until the second time I encountered this creature I wasn't sure if I was crazy or not I've encountered and seen four times now and I plan on sharing those with you guys as well [Music] this happened when my dad was 16 all the way back in 1976 him and my uncle Nigel were very outgoing and liked to explore to keep themselves occupied when the summer of 76 came around my dad finished school he wanted to do one big bit of adventuring before he began work the penny way for those who do not know the penning way is a 270 mile walk way in Britain that depending on which way you walk starts in just south of Scotland and basically cuts through the middle of England and finishes in the Midlands it usually takes around a three to four a week walk with a long summer to fill my dad and 15 year old uncle Nigel and my dad's friend Russ were dropped off in Scotland by my great-grandfather to begin their hike the first week went swimmingly they met some nice locals who even cooked them food and gave them a room to sleep in and generally enjoyed this whole new level freedom and trusted upon them they mainly camped in clear areas but one day two decided to cover an extra five miles in order to reach a village as they needed to buy some more food and get spare tents they stumbled into a village around 6:00 p.m. and saw the local pub was opening after relaxing in the pub with some drinks my dad tells me that the owner probably knew they were in her age but wanted all the business they could get the owner offered to let the guys camp out in the back field of their pub the landlady says wife said the owner seemed oddly hesitant at first looking a bit concerned and having a bit of a word with her husband in private however York Shire hospitality seemed to override any doubt she had after a night of heavy drinking with the locals they resided to their tent my dad says they were using an oil Lancer hooked to a center of the tent as a light source and when they turned it off they left a hanging which is important not only for what happened next but also what happened the next day my dad woke up and turned off the oil lights while debating to get up and having a piss in the field seeing as the owners have been nice and letting them camp out there when he heard a door creak open from the creek shots there were no footsteps so my dad had to put it down to an old shed or something after a few seconds however the sound of feet landing on grass became progressively audible until they stopped right outside the tent my dad thought it was the owner checking in on us and he went to unzip the tent the owner fully unzipped it my dad said the weird thing about this was that he didn't have a shirt on just some slippers and night trousers after my dad asked what was doing he stuttered out some excuse about hearing a growl and when the check if the boys were okay and safe there was no growl as the only sound in the last five minutes was the door the footsteps in the unzipping of the tent the guy weirdly emphasized a need for a good sleep before hiking and intrusively tapped on the oil light asking for it to be turned off he walked off letting off a frustrated sigh and nearing the house and closed the door behind him morning comes in the owner's wife makes the boysson breakfast while they pack up their stuff the owner takes down the tent for them and takes off somewhere in his 4x4 without coming back to the house they think the woman and tell her husband thank you as well she says that when she figures out when he comes back that he will tell her they come to their designated camping spot just next to a small stream around an hour and a half early and decide to have a longer rest after walking around 130 to 140 miles over the past eight to nine days they pulled out the tent and fighting lots of small hauls all about appends width and wide what's weird about this is my dad described the size of it as holding a pen while telling me this everyone looks confused and my dad rationalizes this by the man telling him about an animal last night it must have come back and nibbled on the tent yes that explains it sure Russ suggests they walked back to a different village around two miles back and try to get another tent they leave the now useless tent as a marker for their site and walked back to the village there look a shop clearly targeting walkers is open unfortunately they didn't have any tents but they decided to buy tape and come for the holes for tonight and hope to find a new tent somewhere soon I'm walking back the Sun had begin to set and it was quite dark moonlight mainly guiding them back down the path when they returned to their sites they couldn't believe it their tent was set up for them but it was on fire completely engulfed in flames they threw the water in their bottles over the tent and used the stream water to fill them and eventually doused the fire when they looked inside the tents if their oil lamp glass had been smashed and someone had followed them set up their tent and waited for them to return before smashing the oil lamp and in turn lighting up the tent inflames my dad told me that there really is an explanation except for the pub owner he was stopping doing whatever he was planning on doing but my dad being awake and decided to take some up form of revenge by sending a message at first I totally didn't believe my dad and thought he was trying to scare me but upon referencing the burning tent incident in a phone to my uncle Nigel he instantly started rambling about how weird it was my uncle Nigel does not lie I went camping with three of my buddies John Bennett's and Kyle we do this every year it's kind of a bro trip to reconnect with each other we were all fresh out of college and decided to go to our yearly camping trip in August we are from Oregon and ended up camping in the woods there like we usually do at the same point the first day was great we set up our spot explored the area and by the time the Sun was setting we set up a campfire made dinner after a few too many beers and some s'mores we decided to go to sleep it was a perfect way to end the day our second day was basically the same thing hiking food one too many beers but this night we ended up being not so perfect I remember watching some videos on YouTube and we were laughing and it was interesting as we finished the rest of the beers we were wrestling around with each other like guys do and John stop messing around and froze everyone was confused but John claimed he heard something nearby I told him it was most likely a squirrel and he said no it was most definitely not he was scaring me at this point and I decided to resume the tackling session and I took him down we forgot about the whole thing until about 10 minutes later we were tired from wrestling and joking around so we decided to put the fire out and head into the tent we had a six person tent for anybody wondering so we were all in one tent just as our only light source besides our flashlights went out I heard us like cackle I assumed it was one of those boys because we were all clearly a bit buzzed so everything is fine I wanted to see what was so funny so I turned the flashlight directly into Bennett's face I thought he was the one laughing Bennett's face was white as a ghost he looked at me and said did you guys hear that I said the Laughing and Kyle said that wasn't you we were all shaken and decided to go into the tent silent as we got to the tent I pulled out an axe that I used to cut the wood it was the only source of protection we had I was on the very end of the tent with kayo and John and in the middle was Bennett we were all silenced but I knew we were all wide awake after hearing the Laughing we weren't exactly at an actual campsite where there were other people around we just walked into the woods found an open spot and set up camp here we were about a mile from our car with barely any cell signal so I guess you could say we weren't exactly in the safest position if there was a crazy maniac around I got tired so I dozed off I have no idea how long I was sleeping before I heard laughing again it's hard to describe other than it sounded menacing it was frozen and I didn't move I didn't even try to look over to see if my buddies were awake the act was under my pillow as I mustered enough strength to move to get the axe I saw what looked like someone's finger pressed up against the tent circling around the tent someone was definitely outside walking around her tent laughing when they got to the front part of where the tent entrance was they stopped about five seconds went by before the person furiously shook the tent and screamed that's when I knew my buddies were awake as well because Kyle screamed like a little girl right after whoever was behind the tent laughed and again walked off we laid there the rest of the night wide awake indefinitely sober we didn't want to move out of pure fear that whoever was out there was still there when the Sun came up we packed up everything and walked back to our car we still go camping every year but this time we'd go to legit camping sites I now bring a judge or a gun with me and not just a tax whoever was outside our campsite could have easily been a deranged homeless person psychopath serial killer meth head or just an asshole playing a prank on us but I sure as hell won't camp in a rural place anymore stay safe out there it's a dangerous world we live in this happened just last month about a week before Halloween stuck at a job I absolutely hated I cashed in on my vacation time for a week off my younger brother Jesse and my friend Sean decided during the time off we'd go camp at an abandoned farm near where I live I grabbed my k98 mauser and my survival bag and loaded up some supplies in my Jeep my brother grabbed his Mohsen nagging two-carbon and Sean brought along a 12-gauge shotgun we then drove down the road to a gravel parking area in front of a popular swimming hole before parking and walking as we climbed the hill leading to an abandoned farm I noticed the Sun have begun setting I started to feel a little nervous in an effort to calm my nerves I carried my k98 in hand instead of slung over my shoulder it took about 20 minutes to reach a farm at which point wood sighted a camp in the hayloft in the barn the only thing in the barn itself was a couple old destroyed cars including a Chevy Belair it didn't take us long for us to set up our sleeping bags and an LED lantern my agent MRED and passed out quickly afterward I awoke around 11:30 with a big urge to piss and noticed everyone else was sleeping groggy is how I sat up and began to stretch before fully standing though I heard footsteps outside thinking it was probably a deer or something I stood up grabbed my k98 and climbed down the hayloft to pass I went to the bathroom next to the old Bell air while I tried to wake myself up as I headed back to climb up into the hayloft again a pair of reddish eyes caught my attention I quickly realized they were staring at me I stand five nine so I froze when I realized these eyes were three feet higher than me it was around now I noticed there were no crickets or other sounds from insects or anything you commonly hear around the area the only sound was a raspy breathing in a light breeze I quickly snapped back to my senses and climbed the hayloft waking my brother and my friend once I reached the top I explained to them we were being watched at which points Shaun loudly chambered a shotgun shell I had the biggest gun and so I climbed down first and upon getting to the bottom I noticed the eyes were still there it was at this moment I caught wind of the worst smell I've ever smelled in my life it smelled like a mix of rotten carcass with piss and burned wire by the time my brother and friend got to the bottom of the barn the eyes had vanished once again I walked outside yelling incoherently in German before firing two round into the ground which sounded off like a cannon after that we said screw this packed our stuff up and left while packing we heard something say our names and sort of a garbled and distorted voice we note the heck out of there walking before finally sprinting out at the place we could hear a loud screeching behind us as we ran we never returned to the abandoned farm sense and I really don't plan it ever going back the following events took place in the Colorado Rockies in a small town known as Grand Lake after the following encounter I researched the area some more only to realize it was home to some of the most prevalent paranormal activity in the state the story begins with myself my family members who for privacy reasons will remain unnumbered and my pet Australian Shepherd named Rex we arrived at our cabin at about 3:00 in the afternoon and unpacked our things for a weekend of camping after a brief debate it was decided I would sleep on the outcropping on the upper floor with a futon a small wooden box for my clothes and a window overlooking the surrounding forest during the night I had this uneasy feeling like I was being watched by something or someone chalking it up to me just being paranoid I tried to push through it and sleep in the enveloping silence that the mountain was bringing throughout the next day the feeling of being watched followed me everywhere I went from hiking to shopping with my grandma in the village below at about 11:00 at night as I was beginning to drift off I started feeling an overwhelming panic I called my dog to my side in the hopes it will calm me down a little bit the next few minutes were peaceful - erectus ears perked up and he began growling at something outside the window I've shifted to my makeshift bed to see what it was and immediately regretted the decision outside my window stood a figure with horns it stood upright on two legs just like a person I screamed and my uncle immediately rushed in to see what was going on I shook as I pointed out the window trying to explain to him what was wrong my uncle then quickly got a shotgun and went outside only to return saying there was nothing out there at this point in time the other members of my family were out at my dad's friend's house so none of them believed me when they returned and heard my story the strangest part was in the light snow outside the only tracks were from my uncle's frantic scrambling there were no other tracks outside and I have no idea what I saw us out of my window that night until this day it still freaks me out I hope one day though I might figure out what was on my window that night maybe somebody in the comments can let me know the following events took place about two years ago in Oklahoma I hope to get out of my house for a bit and my friend Scotty who lives in Yukon Oklahoma called and asked if I wanted to spend a few days with him I immediately seized the opportunity to get away and got ready I always bring my dogs when I Drive so I hope you'll forgive me naming all my dogs but they play an important part in this story their names are as follows and there is nine total vitani a Dutch Shepherd Sarah a Labrador Retriever mix Kodiak a Dalmatian mix gray gray a pitbull Elsa a bull terrier mix penny a coon hound Kyra a Rottweiler Jackson a terrier mix and Benji a miniature schnauzer it's about a 55 minute drive from Del City Oklahoma to Yukon Oklahoma so I was planning on taking my time on the road being I had all my dogs with me all the dogs were asleep except for Benji and Penny who tend to be the most protective of my dogs not long into the ride I stopped at a gas station to get food for myself and my dogs I took penny in the gas station with me as it was night out and soon after paid for all the food and continued driving into the night my radio on I was cruising when I suddenly saw a set of headlights behind me I pulled over to let them pass but as I did they pulled over as wow the person in the vehicle behind me got out and distinctly remember them wearing a red shirt I rolled all my windows up and double-checked all my doors were locked before grabbing some pepper spray and a hammer I kept under my seat the man soon approached my window and knocked at which point I very slightly rolled the window down just a crack and asked how I could help him I noticed his hands were in his pocket as he spoke and that did not just gave me a crude kind of creepy he asked about all the dogs a half I looked back giving a signal with my hand to let the dogs know there could be trouble all at once they probed up and stared at the man growling the man startled backed off and ran to his car and sped off I soon continued my journey speeding the whole way I had only 35 minutes till Scotties but I got there at about 14 when I arrived I broke down and Scotty's arms and told him everything that had happened Scotty then called the police and informed none of what happened they sent two officers out and I filed a report and then left on the third day of Scotty's house there was a news report about a man who had stabbed two young woman they showed the man's face and I broke down town Scotty that was the man I had encountered I can only guess I was intended target but he was spooked by all my dogs I'm very thankful I had my dogs with me that night as they saved my life time went on and Scotty moved in with me bringing a shotgun pistol rifle and his German Shepherd Dane the man who stabbed the woman is in prison Scotty and I are now engaged in expecting I will never forget that night and how could have turned out badly but I'm so very grateful that it didn't it seemed like any other day in my seven-year-old life I was a scout in Denmark and we had scouts on Mondays when Scouts ended I asked my mom if I could go out on the playground as Scouts was at my school she said yes and so I excitedly ran out there and started playing with some football soon after I saw a big swing began to move I noticed a dark shadow on the swing but I attempted to ignore it and kept playing when I noticed it again later on I went over to see what it was that's when I saw an old man slowly swinging I'd never seen the man before so I knew he wasn't a teacher or anything like that he looked to be in his mid 30s and had a faint voice as he smoked hi Adam I was afraid of hearing this but still I responded hi what's your name the man replied Thomas after about another minute or two my mom began calling me at which point I said bye to Thomas I went to my mom my mom grabbed me and pulled me aside and asked who I was talking to I told her his name was Thomas and that he was my new friend my mom then walked me upstairs we were in the basement at the time and looked outside Thomas was gone we went home at about 8:00 p.m. at which point I went up to my room to read I had an OK sized room with my bed at an angle that allowed me to see the whole room as I read I heard something fall like a piece of paper sliding on the ground from a high place I ignored it a five minutes later I heard faint footsteps coming up the stairs I ignored this as well thinking it was just my mom coming upstairs this is when a shadow appeared inside my room after opening my door ever so slowly there was a light next to my bed that I flicked on and to my shock I saw Thomas I asked him how he got here and he told me it was following our car home after about five more minutes we became friends kind of anyway my mom walked in and as she did Thomas disappeared I proceeded to inform my mother I was speaking to Thomas and then asked her if she knew a Thomas she told me her uncle was named Thomas and he also went to school where I went to if you're guessing he was also a Boy Scout in his time he'd be guessing right apparently he's staying out there at that swing one day while at that swing he just seemingly vanished never to be seen again although it scares me to think too much on it I like to think his being on the swing is a way of enjoying the childhood he never got to fully live [Music] a few years ago my friend Jeff Gabe and I decided to take a hike in a secluded area we weren't super familiar with I was 16 at the time while Jeff was 18 and Gabe was 19 years of age we were all into photography and hope to get on top of a mountain where we were going up in time to get some perfect shots of the Sun setting on the way up we listened to some music and were warned by several groups on their way down to make sure we are off the mountain by dusk dude two prominent bear in mountain lion activity at night we of course didn't take these warnings too seriously and continued up till we reached the top and took the photos we climbed up so persistently for the pics didn't turn out the best and since the trail was on a loop we decided to follow the trail to another side hoping to get a better photograph the thing we didn't realize was the loop was several miles long and would take well beyond nightfall to get to the bottom of after much walking we realized our mistake unfortunately by this point though it was too late to correct that mistake we were now in the middle of the Colorado wilderness with nothing to guide us but flashlights on our phones my speaker eventually died which was soon followed by a bizarre and surreal silence at this point in time we were all spooked and I held a pocket knife in my hand close to trying to bring myself comforts the silence soon broke to a sound of heavy boots stepping on gravel a figure soon appeared over the hill and as it got closer I noticed a few odd things about something that I believed was a man this man had walked with no source of light to guide him in the night he wore a black bandana over his face he moved very slowly and very deliberately as he passed us I muttered a very audibly nervous Hey but he never responded her so much as glanced in our direction the night air had been quite cold but I swear I felt an air drop a few degrees when he was next to us we picked up the pace of our walk and didn't dare to look back for several minutes at which point he was no longer in view we tried to explain things away in an attempt to calm one another but we just couldn't when we finally got to the bottom of the mountain we noticed ours was the only car that remained making it unlikely anyone had been on the mountain to this day we cannot explain what happened and get goose bumps anytime we think about that night I am a 20 year old female who lives in Michigan I was 16 at the time in the following events took place I'm a huge athletic nerd who goes hiking almost every single day on the day in question I drove to the hiking trail I go to almost every time I hike when I arrived I saw a creepy guy looking to be in his 30s but me being the stubborn and dedicated hiker i am i began down my trail ignoring the man as I began to jog I was about two to three hundred yards into my hike when I decided to take a break that was when I heard a stream that made my heart drop in turns see that creepy guy from before in full sprint heading at me I bolted as fast as I could but the guy was running so fast he was gaining on me which is saying something as I'm very fast my pursuer ran like he had taken two shots of steroids and I screamed before cutting a sharp turn to the woods before rushing towards the parking area I could hear the man's footsteps as I ran deeper through the woods as I approached the parking lot however I realized the footsteps were getting slower upon arrival at the parking lot I immediately took out my cell phone and called the cops it wasn't too long after they arrived and searched the area that they found the man that was chasing me he was a 37 year old homeless man who was apparently carrying a butcher knife in his coat pocket to this day I'm very thankful it took ROTC in high school and that I hiked so often as otherwise he likely have had an energy advantage over me and I likely would have been murdered or something like that this happened in November of 2014 in northern Minnesota the nearest town would be Cooke I will start with a little backstory we own a hundred and sixty acres that butts up to net Lake Indian Reservation it's a very desolate place as someone were to get lost and walk north or west they wouldn't hit a road for at least 50 miles firearms deer season is the first week of November so my father had his stand fairly close to the northern property line there had been a fresh four inches of snow the night before and from his stand about 200 yards away my father noticed something had crossed his shooting lane sitting for a few hours and not seeing anything he decided to take a walk and see what acrost what he found there were 16 inch long human-like footprints he and I had similar experiences previously so we knew it could be from a sasquatch at any rate on to the story it was a Wednesday around 3 p.m. beaver trapping season had just opened the weekend prior and I was ready to set some traps I took my ATV to a large pond on her property and was going to set a couple 330 Conner bears it was a very strange day most of the snow from earlier and the month had melted and the woods were wet the first thing I noticed when I shut the ATV off was that there was absolutely no sound in the forest at all I didn't hear the wind a deer a bird anything the clouds were nearly touching the treetops so I walked about a hundred and fifty yards off the trail to the pond I was halfway through setting up a trap when I heard three consecutive wood knocks I knew what it was and immediately unholstered my black-powder 44 and shot across the pond hoping to scare it away and after ten minutes of standing still listening without hearing anything I finished setting the trap when I bent down to set the second one I heard another three knocks this time the sound was much closer so I dropped my trap and started running back to the ATV I made up that one hundred and fifty yards in no time jumping logs and such without thinking about it I got the ATV started and looked up and saw a very large hairy creature walking away would soon stopped and glanced back at me the creature was at least eight feet tall and had a cinnamon color coat in human facial features I got out of there as fast as I could the next day I went back to check my trap and grab the one I had left unset I had a large beaver and was pretty excited and so I found my other trap it was about twelve feet in the air and a tree I still hunt as often as I can but I haven't trapped that pond since back in 1992 when I was 12 years old am i fishing with my uncles and cousins it was getting late I mean my cousins were around the same age we were in the back of my uncle's truck while my uncle's drove back to my grandmother's it was around 2:00 in the morning as we were driving down the dark country road I noticed the strange light in the sky that seemed like it was following us I told my cousin's hey look at which point they noticed the light as well we initially thought it was an airplane and soon my uncle's pulled into a country gas station the moment my uncle turned off the truck we told them to look they looked and they thought it was a low-flying airplane as well which seemed logical since there was a small airfield nearby a few moments later two state troopers showed up parked at the gas station and came out of their vehicle they lit up a cigarette and started talking another small pickup trucks showed up and I heard this older man telling a troopers about the strange lights in the sky I wanted to tell the troopers about the light we saw but my uncle's came out of the gas station and we took off we arrived at my grandma's house and my uncle told us to go inside and go to sleep my grandparents went to Mexico for vacation and to visit family so nobody was home but just us they told us they will be back in the morning at which point we went inside we talked about the fish we caught and made jokes then I brought up the light in the sky the moment I brought it up we heard the neighbors dog barking around the house we went outside to see what was going on then we heard a low humming sound and I looked up and saw the same strange lie close to the house we all screamed and ran inside the house we locked the doors and turned off all the lights something that looked like lightning outside rang out and we could still hear the humming sound the dog stopped barking and while we hid under the table in the kitchen the Lightning continued outside the windows but there was no thunder afterwards and not even a single cloud in the sky above we all stayed awake till my uncle returned the next morning and we then told them we'll have and they looked at each other before they told us the dogs were barking at their house as well and their girlfriend saw the same kind of lightening everyone in the room just stood there looking at each other there was no other explanation except that we experienced a UFO this story probably won't sound scary but it is easily the most chilling experience of my life I've recently gotten into watching urbex videos on YouTube and wanted to get into the hobby myself we have a mansion not too far from here that's abandoned and so I figured I'd start there the place is called Ivy Manor farm it was owned by a physician in the 1900s but the owner left without a word he once released a patient saying she was healthy who then returned to the small town that we live in and stabbed a girl in the town square enough background though having found the ideal location I decided I would head in that night under the cover of darkness it was raining and with my hood up I made my way to the Fallen iron fence as I did this I couldn't help but notice all the cool scenery like an old car and a pool out back I took out my camera and began taking photos but as I did a rhythmatic clicking sound filled the air that was followed by a psychotic laughter that left my hair standing on their ends the laughter came from the only room I'd avoided at this point the basement my fight-or-flight instinct kicked in and even as a 20 year old six five male I decided to get the heck out of there running toward the front door I couldn't help but notice a warm glow coming from beneath the floor I stopped and decided to see what it was a done decision I know I felt terrified as when I went down the Glo I found a man swimming in trunks spinning in an office chair cackling that was it urban exploration wasn't for me at all I quickly turned and ran knocking over a gas canister as I did at that point I could hear something scurrying up the basement steps as I rushed outside and out the Gateway to the mansion I turn just in time to see the creepy guy in the swimming truck smiling and in our two figures further away needless to say my urban exploration days are through I've never gone back nor have I tried urban exploration ever again [Music] this happened 10 plus years ago so I'm paraphrasing for all parties it's not the creepiest story ever but it's definitely unsettling to say the least my dad and I were hiking on this mountain trail that was really steep and treacherous it's not an exaggeration at some points I was worried I'd fall to my death over the edge if I took one misstep it wasn't a long hike but it was definitely super super challenging eventually we made it to the top we had brought some food with us so we sat down and started snacking on it maybe around ten minutes later this guy comes out of the bush a lone bush he literally came out of the bush it was so obvious he was hiding there let me just say and I'm not trying to sound like a rude person or anything but this guy was really big and unhealthily large man my first thought was how did this guy even make it up here again I don't want to be rude but I was genuinely curious that's how he made it up there I was out of breath and so was my dad the guy was not out of breath at all the interaction with this guy was very odd but it went like this the guy asked hey can I sit with you guys before we can answer he sat down on the rock next to us and started talking he asked the most cliche creepiest heck questions like where do you guys live and I order you are you married I was 14 by the way and you're so pretty my dad immediately stands up gives me a head nod like let's get away from him and leave and tells the guy he just wants to spend time with his daughter my dad was super polite but I could tell he was thrown off by this guy we start moving around our area and the guy says hey a few pretty aggressively my dad says something along the lines of watch your mouth my kid is here we did have a rifle on us and that didn't seem to register to the guy he definitely definitely saw it but it was on my dad's back the guy just sat there on the rock he would not go away he was staring us down I guess in his defense there wasn't really anywhere for him to go except back into the bush or down the mountain he just kept staring at us he gave me the most uneasy uncomfortable feeling this situation was classic scary movie stuff but my first thought was he was probably some mentally disabled guy or maybe mentally disturbed or something like that and was probably just harmless but after we moved he started threatening us with stuff like I'll beat your butt and you better not talk to me like that like what we were pretty nice and asking you to leave us alone that's when alarms really started to go off of my head the situation really started to escalate pretty quickly after the threats so my dad takes the rifle off his back and whispers to me to stand up and start walking down the mountain and he'll be right behind me the next part is all from hearing movement and footsteps because I was following my dad's orders I'm walking back down the mountain but I could hear the guy starting after my dad asked him why we were leaving my dad turns around and screams at him to back off I could hear that click from the safety and thought this is seriously flipping happening he was trying to be a badass the gun was four bears the mountain was known for bears and we had food on us and after the guy finally backed off my dad caught up to me and told me everything was fine and just keep walking we made it back to our car lock the doors and drove out of there as fast as we could to this day though I don't know how that guy got up there people hunt in other parts of the mountain and hiked there during the appropriate seasons you legally cannot live on that mountain there's nowhere to put a house how long he'd been up there and what in the world his intentions were I guess I'll never know I'm just glad we had the rifle that guy was definitely more dangerous than any bear out there that day it was summer of 2018 and like many others I went on vacation to a place somewhat isolated from people just to get away I had gone with my two cousins to a ranch we owned in Lake Perris California for reference I will call one n in the order one J M being the same age as me at 24 and J at 28 I have been planning to go visit them for almost three years but I hadn't gotten the chance due to transportation and always having to work I only had just gotten the chance to be able to travel because I had crashed my brand-new ninja motorcycle in September of 2017 breaking my collarbone and three of my ribs rendering me unable to work while recovering I was living in the Bay Area by San Francisco and to think I wanted to write eight to ten hours out to my family's ranch on a bike that would have been suicide since I'm not at all familiar with the roads anyways I had finally gone to visit and I thought it was going to take much of my stress away in many ways it did but during my time there it seemed like things just started to get worse not only did my girl dumped me but strange things started happening again like my uncle's mom passing away and along with my cousin M that was sitting next to me at the time seeing her spirit late one night at around 2:00 a.m. we both started to see weird things we both turned to each other one night to see something peeking into the room at the same time and I asked him did you see that I stood up to see if it was my other cousin trying to creep us out but I walked out the door I saw my great-aunts face and talked torso turning and fading away into the thin air I automatically ran into the room on my tippy-toes and both hands on my chest repeating what I saw to her over and over again well two days after in between everything that was happening at the time me and my cousin jeigh decided to go smoke a bowl under the large evergreen tree in the back by where all the cow chickens and goats are kept with the intention of avoiding my aunts and uncles smelling what we were up to out of respect so it was a bright sunny day I NJ along with our huge all-black 200-pound Great Dane Abigail which is chillin on a wooden bench under the Evergreen staring out to some of the hills where there were no more or two or three miles away I noticed a large black horse pacing side to side in the middle of the two biggest hills behind what looked like a barbed wire fence that ran along the top of the hills paring the size of the old abandoned building that looked like it was used to be a slaughterhouse really thinking nothing of it I looked at the dog laying in front of us whose head in her ears were both aiming straight up at the black figure high up between the hills when I realized just how long that thing had been there I had seen it come up from the hills about 15 or 20 minutes earlier and Abigail had not taking her eyes off of it the entire time so I turned to my cousin to tell him about the horse and if he had ever seen it there before just to find him frozen with the bong and lighter in his hands also looking right at it he had this look of terror on his face when I look back towards the thing I saw it was standing on his two back legs and facing right at us its front legs were side by side us it was trying to intimidate us or something we were all just frozen including the dog she didn't make a move I think either she was used to it or she felt safe with having us around after almost a minute of looking at it it seemed to shrink before our eyes she almost looked human-like when I said to Jay holy crab I think that might be a skinwalker he quickly responded by telling me to shut up and to ignore it he almost begged me to be quiet it went from what looked like a ten-foot tall creature thing to like six foot and only a few seconds judging by the old building only about a hundred yards away from it I know these things and what they're capable of I'm Mexican born in California but Mexican culture has a big part of my life along with its folklore and older stories of Witchcraft and people who practice it's deeper roots Mexican culture is right up there next to Native American culture if not the same I'm scared to even mention any of this to anyone but it's good for a cause it's time that people know the truths and secrets of humans and unhuman things that are so oblivious to II to that thing dwelling in the hills of Lake Paris stay the hell away from our family and hopefully I'll never have to see this thing again also importance to the evergreen tree that we were ass the evergreen tree is known to be used by witch doctors of Mexico to keep evil and bad spirits away maybe not just a coincidence oh there is a big-ass one in the middle of our ranch I don't know why but that dog would not leave my side for two and a half weeks when I was there even my cousin's pointed it out Jay also told me that I'm weird but in a good way whatever that means [Music] well to start this off I grew up in the 1970s in a small town in North Carolina well it was almost too small to be caught of town with only a school and a couple of small shops I'm guessing you can imagine how boring it would be to be a teenager there and it would have been so if it wasn't for the woods the neighborhood that I lived in was backed up to a big forest that spread out for about 3 miles and it's where I spent most of my teenage years with my two best friends Levi and Connor they both were in my class at the time we were all 15 Levi lived across the street he was smart and kind of quiet unlike Connor who lived down at the bad side of the neighborhood Connor was a troublemaker always getting sent to the dean's office at least once a week he was loud obnoxious and a natural leader always finding something for us to do be it legal or not when he was around we were never bored it was the beginning of the summer holidays and Levi had called for me we went down to get Connor and he was messing around with his younger brother scooter in the front yard we asked him if he wanted to go into the woods and he said yes now just in case this may be necessary Connor had almost black shaggy hair the most beautiful eyes one was a light blue while the other was a brownish color he always wore scuffie red converse shoes and a denim jacket and of course I just had the biggest crush on him while Levi had style brown hair brown eyes and freckles and was considerably shorter than me then there was myself a redheaded brown-eyed girl that had quite a lot of people scared of me due to me being hyper I was always ready to go somewhere to do something and I was always talking about something anyway we made our way into the woods and sort of walking into a random direction we did this for fun just to see what happens usually we would try to get lost and try to find our way back which most of the time just led us to being late for dinner and getting sent to our beds early or worse for worse getting grounded but we did it anyway we were making our way along a deer trail that I didn't think we had ever been on before when Connor found a pile of crap and of course dip to stick into it and then try to chase us with it Levi and I of course freaked out and scattered neither of us wants to be smeared with crap I ran off and luckily for me Connor follow Levi instead in the opposite direction after a while of them not coming back I begin to think they had left me and I was furious I was walking down the way I had seen them run when suddenly something stuck out the bush and grabbed me I let out a surprised Yelp and Connor shush to me only for me to shout to him scaring me only when I saw the look on his face as I said that I shouldn't be talking and I shut my mouth Connor whispered to me you have got to see this and began to lead me through the bushes and further we went the more and more we went the more I could smell something disgusting we came across something gooey Levi started staring at the ground with a weird expression on his face I was about to ask what was wrong and what Connor tugged me past him a few more feet a wave to where there was this ditch and in the ditch I could only describe as something out of a nightmare it was a body it was a purple blue colour it almost looks swollen the stench was so terrible I had to cover my mouth my jumper so as not to gag I backed up to where Levi was Connor stood looking into the trench for about five more seconds before he walked back over to us cool huh he said with a grin Levi gave him a disgusting look before saying no it ain't cool we need to go home and call the police what's why what do you mean why there's a body dumped in the woods Connor it's clearly been murdered no man is so cool we cannot get the police if we do they're gonna take this away and think we were the killers why would they think it was us because that's what the police do man don't be stupid Connor you can't stop me fuck's sake man if you get the police out here that there were just so just be on the news and we'll get questioned by everybody they'll probably set out a curfew they'll banished from going into the forest they'll be police everywhere and then you know what summer will freakin suck I had just been quietly watching the argument take place not really caring about what happened but that got me there was no way in hell I was going to let my summer get ruined Conner's rice what you're not serious Levi we have the whole summer left to do whatever we want do you really want to spend it inside with a curfew yeah man two against one come on you can't do anything stupid believe I looked crushed fine but I'm not coming near this again Connor had let out a whoop of joy we have made our way home listening to him talk about how cool would be and how this would be our secrets well the secret didn't last very long is by the end of the week Connor had shown all the rest of our friends and it was a miracle that nobody did call the police but I guess that just goes to show how close everybody was we were like one big family and almost like all families we had our secrets the body remained there for the rest of the summer I only went up a few more times and I gotten less interesting as each time we went there were only bones left anyway on the last week of summer vacation we decided to have a big campout with all of our friends it was me Levi Connor Josh and wash he was a loudmouth boy with mousy hair and blue eyes Alice was there as well she was a quiet girl with great bound hair Courtney was there who I could only describe as the only girl actually saw as a friend probably because she was the only one who put thought into things and didn't have a bratty attitude and then there was Kenny the kid whose garden we were camping in he had sandy blond hair brown eyes freckles his dad owns at the biggest garden so of course we could camp there and as an added bonus Kenny's garden backed right up into the woods and even though we have promised Kenny's mom that we wouldn't go into the woods after dark we were definitely planning to but unfortunately our plans were foiled by a good old mother nature as she decided to make it rain so all seven of us powered into this big tent which belonged to Cortney we play cards for about two hours making up new games with crazy rules she also even suggested that we play strip poker only to have a shoot chuck to him and to be told that if he carried on acting like a pedo we would send him home he quieted down after that and we carried on playing until Kenny began him complaining that we were gonna run out of oxygen this went on for a good 10 minutes before we decided to unzip the tent to stick out his head so he could breathe hey guys the rain stopped said Kenny excitedly seriously I said yeah let's go do something we then I'll argue for a good 20 minutes about where we were going to go and what we were going to do and so far breaking into school and hanging out there was winning until Connor said why don't we go see the body that was it everyone put on their shoes and coats and Kenny took down his dollars for a flashlight that he had hung from the roof of Courtney's tent and off we went Connor and Kenny led the way but Kenny's flashlight to be honest was pretty crap and didn't light anything very well and I don't believe that we needed anyway because even though I hadn't been to the body in weeks it was burned into my mind how to get there the whole way there we were talking about what it would look like now and how creepy this all was and then the conversation took a turn that had never had before began talking about who we thought the body was and why they were dad and who had murdered them and this scared me because it made me see it for what it really was a dead body of a murdered person hidden by someone in the woods and we had never reported it I brought this issue up to Connor who simply stated it's too late now there's probably only bones left and even if we did tell the police we were getting trouble for holding off for so long to this I remain silent and kept walking alongside Courtney and Levi listening to Josh telling Alice some story behind us they soon went silent though as we came to the ditch Connor and Kenny stood silently at the edge showing the flashlight into it Kenny's mouth a gay padwar I asked what it was and Connors just me and beckoned me and the rest of us over with his finger as I came up to yet what I saw has freaked me out in that ditch was something piled on top of the original body it was wrapped in a yellow floral patterned bedsheet and it was tied with some sort of string at the top to make it not slip off everyone stood silent for what felt like hours but in reality was probably only a couple of seconds before Connor pulled his stanley knife out of his pocket and descended into the ditch Levi began to protest but Connor turned and shush him and whispered to Kenny to shine his light on her - which Kenny obeyed Connor they kept some of the string and ported the seat to reveal the face of a young girl she stared up at us with a dead glaze over her eyes and a blank expression I felt like I was going to be sick and apparently so did Levi as it began to violently retch and he turned away I couldn't turn away no matter how hard I tried I was mesmerised Connor suddenly jumped back with a look of sudden realization and horror crosses fell paces he began to scramble up the side of the ditch joshed helped him up in a chorus of what happened and what was it it began only to have him frantically shush us with a shaking voice he said it's dry his bone a feeling of absolute dread settled in my stomach if you don't get what the big deal was it had rained only an hour earlier and everything was wet and this body was dry which means that I had been put here recently everyone was silent then there was an always behind us across the ditch and my heart was in my throat as we turned around and Kenny quickly pointed his flashlight at where the noise was coming from then click suddenly from across the Geist came an extremely bright lights lumen ating us in making the person holding the light impossible to see run yell Connor grabbing me by the honor and everyone sprinted and whoever it was with the ligh sprinted to where we were they were running violently randomly illuminating trees and brushes as scared the out of some deer and then suddenly it went off I felt my heart stopped and Connor was muttering where the heck is he under his breath as we ran for our lives I tried listening to hear if the guy was still coming after us but everything was so blurry I just couldn't keep track of who was doing wats and where the noises were Levi stumbled in a couple of seconds later face streaked with tears of fear followed by Josh we huddled together and everyone began blabbering out what the heck was going on and who was that and what do we do if he finds us but then Cortney spoke up where's Alice everyone was silent and looked towards the woods and fear and to leave I spoke up can you go get your dad Connor looked over to glare at Levi before turning to Kenny and barking no can you don't get your dad let's think about this okay what do you mean let's think about this he will call the police and don't you think the police are gonna believe us I don't think so this arguing went on for probably five more minutes and so eventually everybody shush stop can he begins pounding on his back door and this goes on for about five minutes before mr. Stokes opens the new door with a red face what are you guys doing what are you playing boys two in the goddamn morning he hollered dad Alice's in the woods what she ran in when we were playing tag and she hasn't come back out we think she got lost mr. Stokes stared off into the woods for a bit squinting trying to see beyond the tree line before muttering and okay in repeating into the house - only five minutes returned with a big flashlight he stomped off into the woods and we all waited for about 20 minutes before he returned and said funs home kids go home get your fathers and tell them to bring flashlights and that was it we all went home told our parents what was going on and the men went into the woods to look for Alice while the woman stood around in Kenny's backyard we were all told to stay at home to which I didn't I crossed the streets and knocked on Levi's door he answered it and I stepped inside and apparently Connor had the same idea as he was sitting on the sofa and Levi his room eating some chips do you think the finder I asked quietly yeah she's probably just panicked and got herself lost said Connor and what if he got her what if she's dead what are we gonna do then said Levi as he stood by the window looking into the dark Street suddenly the sound of police sirens cut through the air mumbled Levi as the police cars drove down the road to Kenny's house but washes two police cars pulled up and the men came out carrying big flashlights that walked around the back into the woods after that I ain't Kenny went home that washed out my window at suddenly five more police cars appeared at my parents house I was around 6:00 in the morning at this point I asked my mother what had happened and she told me that they found a body in the woods and that it wasn't looking good the next day the police interviewed all of us we all stuck to Conner story but didn't find Alice and just like he said it would be there as news coverage a ban on us was going into the woods and that was a curfew for 9:00 p.m. when we went back to school there was an assembly of safety for strangers they found Alice in the end 12 days later chopped up into little pieces and crammed into a garbage can on the side of the road about 10 miles from her house I have my own kids now and since I've lost contact with all my childhood friends apart from Levi who I now have a child too and he recently told me that Kenny had been killed due to an overdose we were invited to a funeral along with the rest of the kids that grew up with I will not be attending that funeral a once rented a room in a small house in Hartford Connecticut this house was actually quite nice with hardwood floors and a stove that heated the entire house during winter he walked up some flat circular stone steps to access the front door and the landlady had a pretty garden out front the back of the house was a bit of a mess and she had as I soon discovered a hoarding disorder although I could see her home was cluttered I simply needed a place to say one entire room was blocked off because she had so much stuff in it still the room I was renting was charming and the bed was comfortable I shared it with her in her one child who was still in school the bathroom was large enough to share and there was a washer and dryer and Wi-Fi another person briefly rented the room downstairs before she bounced and checked out I started having odd experiences in this house had an aura of stress to it for instance one night I was alone in the house as the landlady had gone spend the weekend with her fiance it was cold enough that she put wood chips in the stove before leaving I enjoyed watching the flickering in the darkness the living room took on a calmer feeling like the fire inside the stove began to stir all of a sudden I had the awful feeling that someone was standing next to me spooked I went upstairs into my room and shut the door the next weird experience came when I was doing laundry in her messy basement by this time I was growing tired of the accredited living room tidy but that was about it I wandered around the dark room as the washer spun then stopped in a kind of odd horror someone H braid painted the words ah in blood on the back of the steps entirely chilled I found my Bible and prayed over the words I wondered a Satanist had lived in the house of witches at one point I started to feel like I was living in the presence of evil the room I was staying in grew colder night after night literally I began to feel like I was suffocating and struggled to sleep one night I rolled over sleepy and chill and looked at the digital alarm clock it was around 4:20 a.m. I looked towards the window at the far end of the room where she kept around mirrored coffee table there was a dark mass there with no face just staring at me I could see curly hair but no distinct features it was hovering almost as if it was lying on his side and I screamed and turned on the light I asked my landlady the next day if she had hurt me screaming but she denied it I knew she had once been married to a man who evidently had abused her when I spoke to her boyfriend I decided to take a risk I enquired about my landlady's husband who was now deceased her fiance told me that the neighbors had described him as evil I hesitated when I asked if he had curly hair he replied in the affirmative I am convinced that I saw some sort of imprint of this person manifested on a spiritual sensitivity which I had possessed for most of my life later on I saw a photo of this husband in the landlady's child he indeed had dark curly hair [Music] this happened to me when I was about 10 years old and it still haunts me this was around 1969 or 1970 and pop bottles was how West kids came up with money for candy or whatever I would search everywhere for them construction sites for gold mines I would regularly search abandoned properties I was a little braver than my friends so I would always have a little more money to show for my efforts there was a large and creepy house by itself on the outside of our neighborhood in our small little town that was clearly abandoned I never went in there something about it just felt different and a little scary even to me having nothing to show for my pop bottle search I decided to quickly check it out I should have stuck with my instincts but I ignored them and went in which was a big mistake the walls were painted an awful shade of green even the ceilings but the chilling thing was the mirrors there must have been hundreds of hundreds of them they were literally everywhere many were in the floor broken and you couldn't even walk through without stepping on pieces of them they were of all sizes and shapes hanging on wires or frames or just stands or shelves or just leaning against the walls you could see all around you and every room you went i never imagined something like this and it blew my mind I couldn't process what I was seeing because it wore off I'd me my heart started pounding and I felt dizzy it was way too much and I got out of there and I didn't think my feet even touch the steps leaving the place i sat by a tree for a long time and got myself together before going home I was soaking wet from sweating and feeling very sick I will never know who put those mirrors up or what they were afraid of but that image has stayed with me my entire life I even hate the shade of green when I see it they had a house of mirrors at a fair and just looking at it made me sick even at a department store that has a large display of backed by mirrors I have to look away my days of exploring abandoned places have come to an end never know what's gonna be on inside it might just give you a phobia you're stuck with for the rest of your life this happened back when I was 12 or 13 years old now a little back story here my dad and I volunteered at a bird banding station if you don't know what bird banding is it is where researchers put small metal bands on the legs of birds and then release them to track their migration patterns we set out mist nets in the woods to catch the birds we use nets instead of traditional traps so we wouldn't harm the birds so anyway the guy who owned the bird banding station in the entire property let's call him our with let me wander the woods while he was collecting birds out of the Nets arch property was massive with woods countryside marshland and new nameĆ­s all out here on the edge of a small town now back to the story it was a cool summer morning I was wandering in my usual part of the forest it wasn't long before I noticed that it was unusually silent which was odd I usually hear at least one thrush or blue jay but there was nothing all of a sudden in the distance I hear what sounds like a distressed a baby deer or a cat being the curious animal lover I was i followed the noise however as I got closer to the sound it seemed to grow a lot farther away it wasn't long before I came to the edge of ours property the wailing sounded like it was coming from nearby one minute and then sounding very far away the next despite being confused and a little creeped out nice for some reason still followed it however a few minutes later I came across small deer blind I looked inside to see if anyone was messing with me but there was nobody there when I got a better look at the blind I noticed something a bit off there were massive slashes on the sides they looked as if a person had slashed them with knife or an animal's claw marks but there were no bears in this part of Michigan odd so being a curious 13 year old I continued on my way to finding this distressed animal I was walking along the edge of ours woods trying not to go too far I'm starting to get frustrated where the heck was the scream coming from so being the naive little girl I was i mimicked the noise that I was hearing to try to find my way back to the animal to see if it would show herself not a minute passes by and I hear a noise said I would never forget this sound just like a dogs growl mixed with a Bucks grunt no deer sounded like this though something in my brain told me to get the heck out of there and I did leaping over twigs and branches until I'm in ours front yard as I'm making my way towards his house I hear the same sound growling coming from the woods about ten meters behind me at the very least so instead I run towards the research sack since our wasn't at the house and the doors would most likely be locked I knew that no one would believe me so I just said that do you growl at me however I've heard deer grunts and snorts all my life and they do not even compare to the animal that I heard it didn't sound like a coyote or a dog either although I never saw the thing I believe that it was trying to get me off the property to dune who knows what I'm guessing that it might have been a Wendigo since they can mimic noises of other animals and even voices I also lived near the Great Lakes a hot spot for Wendigo sightings maybe even a skinwalker but they tend to be more in the western states so when I here in the woods something doesn't seem right don't just brush it off thanks for watching I hope you enjoyed this compilation of the scariest stories in the middle of nowhere from 2018 if you enjoyed these stories be sure to hit that like button as it helps me out of time if you're new to the swamp subscribe and turn on notifications to never miss a new video as I upload them almost every single day and all things strange and anomalous if you guys have it yet come join me on Instagram and Twitter it's a lot of fun my Instagram is swamp dweller official and my twitter is at I saw her I would love to talk to you guys on there and see you guys more outside of the YouTube channel if you have a story you'd like to share in a future video be sure to send it in to swamp dwellers net or the email you can find in the description down below I'd love to share your story I'll see you all soon with another creepy video you you
Channel: Swamp Dweller
Views: 167,823
Rating: 4.7162504 out of 5
Keywords: Middle Of Nowhere Stories, Small Town Stories, Swamp Dweller, True Scary Stories, Unsolved Mysteries, deep woods exploration
Id: 9MhH7KQySrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 34sec (5914 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 15 2019
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