20 Photos That Will Make You Lose All Hope In Humanity

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facts first presents 20 photos that'll make you lose all hope in humanity number one stay in the crosswalk there are plenty of places where crosswalks can save lives most of these places are in the middle of the road so that pedestrians can safely cross the street this crosswalk doesn't make too much sense it takes you from a sidewalk to the side of a building where is the danger there number two why many vehicles have a rear windshield wiper to keep the rear windows clear the vada in this photo has a rear windshield wiper but they don't have a rear window why have a wiper if there is no window some things just don't make sense number three seriously most public places have handicap friendly restrooms so be fair that people in wheelchairs are able to go everywhere they need to go the handicap friendly restroom at this restaurant is far from being handicap friendly not only do you need to climb two stairs to get to the door it has a skinny little doorway a wheelchair would never fit into number four thank God for that people man it is a good thing that this door has a peephole huh I mean how would people who live in this house know who's knocking at the door if it weren't for the peephole I mean what happens if that peephole is dirty and and they can't get a clear view of who's outside Wow oh you know I guess they could look out that huge window in the middle of the door whoo why there is a peephole in this door is beyond me number five who designed this chandelier a nice chandelier can add beauty and elegance to a room any chandelier but this one it makes you wonder who designed it how did they think that it was beautiful or elegant anyone who can't see what this resembles is blind this photo shows that not every chandelier can add elegance to a room in fact this one adds awkwardness number six and inappropriate pool many people like to get the family together on a hot day to take a swim a day at the pool is a great family outing unless the outing is in this pool the shape is so inappropriate most parents would never let their kids to swim in it who would ever want to swim in a penis-shaped pool number seven your car isn't that great many people with really nice really expensive cars take up two parking spaces so nobody will ding their door this photo just doesn't make sense this car is not taking up two spaces it's taking up three and it doesn't even look nice or expensive in fact it's not even all the same color kind of makes you wonder what the car owner was thinking number eight gluten no gluten this cookie is an enigma the top of the label states that the cookie is gluten free under the name of the cookie though it states that the cookie does contain gluten so which is it a person with a severe gluten allergy deserves to know number nine who wrote this book there are plenty of children's books that help kids learn their numbers this book will do the exact opposite the page is for number five the only problem is that there are six bananas not five the editor of this book should be fired number ten just wear the seatbelt there is a company that sells shirts that makes it look like you're wearing your seatbelt rather than spending the money on the shirt though which is an outrageous forty $6.99 and then waiting for it to get delivered how about you just wear the seatbelt not only will it save your life it's a lot easier than the whole process of ordering the shirt and it's free number eleven hey Amazon it's raining the person who delivered the packages to this home must be very lazy rather than leaving the boxes close to the door under cover they drop the boxes right at the mailbox well hopefully there was nothing inside that could be destroyed by water oh quick fun fact cardboard is not waterproof number twelve the worst flight ever unless you're sitting in first class playing may not be the most comfortable experience of your life for the man in this photo not only was flying uncomfortable it was disgusting what makes this woman think that it's okay to put her nasty feet on his armrest I'd be calling the flight attendant over and saying there's a bomb on the plane a stink bomb number 13 another inconsiderate flier this is incredibly inconsiderate the person who took this photo just wanted to watch the in-flight movie well thanks to the rude person in front of him with the dry straw-like hair his flight was ruined of all the photos that'll make you lose all hope in humanity this is the worst number 14 false advertising at first glance this sandwich looks delicious when the person who bought it cut it in half though they found that it's just bread with a light topping a very sad excuse for a sandwich [Music] number 15 how is this eco-friendly this restaurant wants customers to think that they are eco-friendly they recycle so they must care about the environment right well the only problem is that there's just one bin inside this box whichever hole you put your trash in it's all going to the same place nice try guys number 16 can't you read seal pups are adorable little creatures this sign on the beach asks that you don't disturb them because they sleep on the shore when it's quiet while the people in this photo apparently couldn't follow simple instructions and they bothered at the seal pup anyway you can't really get much ruder than that I mean come on do you like it if somebody wakes you up from a nap number 17 why people go to the movies - well watch the movie for some reason the theater manager thought that he'd be fun to float a balloon in the theatre too bad it blocks the screen this is not the smartest idea in the world number 18 do you know how to use a bike rack the person who owns this bike shouldn't be allowed to ride a bike at all I mean if you don't understand how a bike rack works you just need to leave the bike at home now nobody can park their bike number 19 the worst day ever people who chew gum should throw it away when they're done with it but throw it in a garbage can not on the street because this is what happens and it ruins a person's day number 20 do bookstores know how books work bookstores need to put tags on their books so that they can ring them up most bookstores know that it's a bad idea to cover the words with the tag this person may never know what happened in this paragraph perhaps blank blank blank to believe the people would really unpleased by God on oh wow No thank you you can take this book back and give me back my money [Music] subscribe for more [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Facts Verse
Views: 1,020,336
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Keywords: factsverse, facts verse, funny images, pathetic stories
Id: xg-rZA1B2y8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 15sec (495 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2019
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