20 mph range test on Segway x260/ street ride

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[Music] hey what's up guys welcome back to my youtube channel if you guys are new here you should hit that subscribe button basically just make videos on electric things anywhere from burnouts to electric rides but today i'll be doing a 20 mile per hour range test on the segway x260 and i'm just going to be going 20 miles per hour the whole time on a street street riding the whole time and we'll see how many miles it really can go it claims 76 probably going moderate speed and i think 20 mile per hour is pretty moderate so let's see how far it gets all right so we're at 100 now the odometer saying 577.6 i ran that down to 0.5 and i'm going on a 50 mile rip trip 25 miles there and 25 miles back and if i get back and it's not dead then i'll go around the block a few times till eventually it dies and at the end of the video i'll come back and see how long how many miles it went with going just 20 miles an hour so and i'll play a couple videos and check back in with you guys throughout my ride and we'll see we're at let's get to it [Applause] [Applause] [Music] all right guys so i'm just about to leave this town i've gone 8.5 miles up 8 miles so far and we're at 86 battery so i'll keep on checking in with you guys i'll check in when i'm missing one battery [Applause] [Applause] tdd [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] all right guys so i'm just about a quarter way to the first up to where i got a head back and we've gone down one bar we're at 78 battery life and that got us 14 miles so at that rate we should be able to hit 56 miles but i'll keep on going and see and i'll check back in when we're missing either one or two bars [Applause] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] uh [Applause] oh no it's just an electric bike oh thank you they're a lot of fun [Music] so [Applause] all right guys so i just made it to my destination now and i've gone 26 miles in total and that's taken away two bars which is 56 percent and 26 miles is what it took to get me here now i got to go 26 miles back and if that doesn't kill the battery then i'll take it around the block a few times so let's get back to it [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right guys i just lost another bar now only at two bars at 39 and i've gone 36 miles so i'm going to keep on going and keep you guys updated when i lose one more bar all right guys so we're at 22 and i'm gonna give it a little pull to 20 miles per hour and see if you guys can get a reference of how quick it's going right now at 22 percent so this is an equal mode to 20 miles per hour from a stop not bad i mean yeah that was pretty badass pretty slow and now this is in sports mode see if it makes a difference to 20 miles per hour all right sports more definitely still makes a difference [Applause] all right guys so i'm just making it back now and i've gone 48.3 miles we're at 12 and it wasn't 15 but i had it on for a little bit not too long but supposedly three percent worth but i don't know if that's accurate or not but we're at 12 now i'm going to take it around the block a few times and see how many more miles we can't get on it all right guys so it's completely dead now i'm gonna bring it inside and tell you guys how many miles i got and the lights just flashing all sudden i don't know it was just at two percent and started dying now there's no lights on at all all right guys i'm getting just getting back now and it's completely dead won't even turn on the lights or anything but right before it died i was able to look at it and see what it was at and it was at 631.6 is what the odometer was and we started at 577.6 and so that means we went on a 54 mile ride and i was pretty much going 20 miles per hour the whole time there was like two or three times where i went up almost up to 30 miles per hour only three times i'd say but so pretty much 20 miles per hour so looks like to get that 76 you'd have to be going slower than 20 and 20 is already pretty slow it wasn't extremely bad but it's slow but that's gonna be the end of this video if you guys liked it hit the like button and i'll see you guys on the next you
Channel: Electric things
Views: 13,876
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: TsHgryRLQ1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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