20 Most RIDICULOUS Moments in NHL History..

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NHL players get really ridiculous St he go there's also funny things happening that is nothing compared to the time one NHL player lost $1.4 million or the time one player scored with his head but before we start with those Eric Coleman embarrassed the referee coing in shoot Bop score [Applause] [Music] Cole high-fiving a referee my man's got ball unlike number 19 where one player put everything on the line backing C it the wait did dude just really block the shot with his third leg well that's still not as ridiculous as number 18 where a celebration had everyone confused see Ziggy paly was married to Andrea paly you know the person he was supposed to get lucky with but for one celebration he wanted to do something crazy green Center's py py a shot bangle shot he scores power play goal and it's now 3 to2 and uh we just see a kiss oh my god dude really went all in just like me but at number 17 a player did something that would forever haunt him Steals and he'll likes it oh at least I thought he was going to until he blew it that's unbelievable wait a minute I don't know what was more ass slip or his team cuz right after the miss the oers went on to break and tie the game with 2.4 seconds on the clock but being ass has nothing to do with number 16 cuz Conor McDavid did something only I thought was possible in video games boilers got the match up they wanted Rangers having trouble changing here mavid beautiful back goal wasn't just ridiculous to me I mean bro literally had grown ass men on the table having trouble changing here oh my God oh my God go he's up there again amazing what can you say I get it though bro went through four players around the goalkeeper and still managed to stay on his feet to celebrate I I mean I think it's the best goal I've ever seen so honestly the moment so far have been ridiculous but at number 15 one player has started getting bullied by his own skates now try to hold on the fast charging Red Wing forward now he's only got that skate that plastic on the bottom of the skate so there's nothing he can do about it skate and and plastic just don't go they just slide so here's a blade falling out of the skate that's something I thought I'd never see and you've never seen moments like number 14 where one team did everything they could to survive see in the second period the Bruins had to kill a penalty and when the Panthers finally had their chance to take the lead lead that's when someone tampered with the lights the slap pass to donov the save by Raz Hoffman in the dark wow that was really nah ain't no way the people controlling the lights had bets on the game but that didn't matter anyways cuz the Bruins Were dogit Somehow fumbled a 40 lead in the third but all right let's take off the tinfoil hat cuz not every ridiculous moment has to involve some conspiracy like at number 13 a ref showed why not everyone's got the balls to officiate an NHL gameo here who's got the puck now and he gets it in off the referee it goes in but that will not count dude really took it in the nuts and scored a goal all in one play that's ridiculous but at number 12 Trevor zis and Sony Milano scored a goal that didn't just include one ridiculous play but two there he goes right to him zers here he can oh look at this oh oh my goodness what a goal the magic of TR yeah zus really flip the puck up from Milano I mean the dude even surprised himself with that move but being surprised is nothing compared to the player who used every part of his body to score seeing game two of the Western Conference Finals the Ducks and the Blackhawks were battling it out into triple OT however Blackhawk fans thought it would be all over in the second OT when Andrew Shaw switched Sports and did something no one thought possible wait down low Kan tried to step it in rebound dude wasn't even playing hockey man started playing soccer but even with all that someone had to go ahead and Destroy Everything cuz after reviewing the play the zebras wanted to bust everyone's bubble deliberately headbutt at the pucking the net no goal it's all good though cuz after 5 hours of play and three overtimes the Blackhawks managed to get the W but all right now that we've reached the top 10 most ridiculous moments ever let's take the to a whole new level Steve Sullivan was playing against the Colorado Avalanche when in the second period he almost lost all of his teeth G for the Avalanche risky pass in front of his own goal what's crazy though is one fan started to trash talk him I swear Broan a death wish and well even though Sullivan wasn't able to get his hands on the fan Karma did look out here short a CH Sullivan in the clar he scores Sullivan shorthanded in a he scores there Sullivan again yeah Sullivan scored two goals but even though he shut up the fan with his goals it wouldn't end there cuz late in the second period the puck got tipped out of play and you didn't think it could get much worse for the bald fan but well it did when I watch the puck at the goes around Bonk it hit something and now Sullivan comes over this is the fan the F same fan that was given Sullivan a hard time and that's his wife laughing with the Thumbs Up come in come in man really got to eat it more times than my girl ridiculous what's even more ridiculous is number nine when one fan threw something on the ice that even had rats running for their lives got a replay watch in the whole area here it's going to come flying let's keep watching same Mario there's the smoke there's the smoke after dude really threw a stink bom on the ice my God man but at number eight one players stopped playing in the middle of the game not only that though man wanted to get revenge on his coach this is Patrick Roy and he spent 11 Seasons with the Montreal Canadians and during that time he won two cups but during his time with the Canadians Roy had beef with one of his teammates Mario tremble and when tremble retired Roy thought he was finally free from the constant disrespect but that would soon change cuz in 1995 Patrick Roy's nightmare would become a reality the Canadians would sign tremble as their head coach things got so bad that no one even thought Roy would suit up for the Canadians again until he did just so he could show respect to the fans and in a blowout game against the Red Wings Tren blé refused to take out Roy out of the net obviously Tren blé wanted to fire shots at his goalie but all Roy cared about was putting his team in a position to win but in the third period one moment decided everything one Tim way to Pat stop that boys finally here comes paty and Patrick hey it's not your fault get out of there get arrest and get ready for the next game and forget about this baby it's over and every Canadian on the ice went over to tap the pads of Patrick [Applause] W all because of that Roy would get traded to The Avalanches and after everything Roy would get the sweetest revenge in NHL history winning another Stanley Cup just 6 months later you got it damn you got to respect that but what you can't respect is number seven cuz car hogen scored an own goal that should be impossible into the corner hain's pass off Target all the way down and they score with the delay uh yeah that moment had me locked in at the comment section the [ __ ] is Roo doing why you still not subscribed to face off bro yo bro come on it's free so click it but all right for number six it's a player that just doesn't make sense bro cuz every time Patrick coff is playing in the NHL not only does he have crazy games but he always scores like this one regation back feeds it over seof up on the rush the back the score is deflected in to really scored in his first game for the Flames but even doing that wouldn't save him from what was about to come cuz after that goal seof was quickly traded to the Senators and just 3 days after being traded BR did something that would destroy his career oh dude really gave his own teammate a concussion in a training camp that hit killed his career with the Senators and had him on the bench for 2 years before finally getting to play in his second NHL game he risked it all his own now seaf with a shot that goes off the outside of the post bounces in Patrick seof scores two games and two goals ridiculous but at number five one fan became $50,000 richer all because of one shot not only that though BR wasn't even supposed to be at the game to begin with see Patrick Proto was just your average Canadian but without a love for hockey and in 2019 dude really won tickets for a game that would change his life cuz during the second intermission he was chosen to compete in a fan competition bro was so clueless he didn't even know he should have a left or right stick but obviously he knew how to use it oh my god oh oh my [Applause] God now winning 50gs is ridiculous the way his wife will think him afterwards that will definitely be crazy but not as crazy as number four where one slapshot created [Applause] [Music] chaos I never ever thought I'd see a guy getting cross checked in the face for that but I'd never thought I'd see number three either the time a Stanley Cup game had to be replayed seeing the 1988 stainle Cup Final between the Bruins and the Oilers the Bruins were getting their asses handed to them and there was nothing helping them as they were losing 3 0 in the series but in game four something happened that made me want to put that tin foil hat back on of course a massive power outage at Boston Garden with 323 left in the second period of a 3-3 hockey game in game four it was TI and we have a power failure here BP the lights are out what else for the emergency lighting here in the Boston Garden what else could Poss I know I know all of this could be a huge coincidence but at number two one team broke one of the wildest records in NHL history see the Seattle Krakens went up against the Chicago Blackhawks on the 14th of January 2023 there were two big differences though one team was hot and the other was not cuz not only did the Krakens become the first team in NHL history to sweep a seven game Road Trip they also did something I never thought was possible things go [Music] well wow yeah these guys had everyone in the stadium edging I mean come on scoring six goals from Seven shots not only that they broke two records in one game but let's be real it was against a team with an 11264 record but the the most ridiculous part of it all is that it's not even the most ridiculous moment in NHL history at number one is not only the most hated NHL player right now but the fact he has even managed what I'm about to tell you should be impossible yeah I know it sounds completely ridiculous but here me out see this guy right here yeah that's Brad marshan and he's known for doing some really stupid things there the little cross Che and then a turn around Bear right to the moved it forward if he touch the with his that's going to count he did move it forward E dude what the [ __ ] but all of that is nothing compared to what it's cost him this man has already pissed off almost every fan base at least once including his own but there's some people he's pissed off even more the National Hockey League see if there's anything hockey is known for is that it's not for like some other sports but Brad Maran takes things to a whole new level I mean dude has literally been suspended more than any other player in NHL history eight suspensions five fines 28 games lost and $1.4 million forfeited in salaries yeah you heard that right dude is so wild he forfeited more money than I'll see in my lifetime but I guess he's also the type of guy that makes us love the sport so damn much I mean without him I would have never been able to do this video right here these are the most inappropriate moments in NHL history why you still here dude click it
Channel: faceoff
Views: 353,296
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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