20 Most Incredible Homes In The World

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who doesn't love looking at big expensive homes they'll never be able to afford themselves it's fun to daydream this video is all about homes we've stumbled upon these are the most incredible homes in the world [Music] number 20 tree in the house tree in the house was designed as an inverted tree house intended to provide an escape from the sweltering concrete boxes of city life that's how they define this first unique home and it's well you can't really deny it's unique but that's not exactly the problem that we have with this place this concept would be developed not just to make a unique home but to be the basis of a reality show and it's not that hard to see why people would watch a show that sat in a house like this because there's no way to hide in a glass house the developer even noted that the reason he didn't build it earlier was because he needed investors which he would eventually get and look if we're talking about aesthetics you can see the appeal of something like this a large home with a tree inside and being encased in glass so you can always see what's going on around you that's the dream of many homeowners i'm not gonna say hippies but i'm sure they'd like it as well and even just the focus of the home being the tree within is something special as it really does bring you in tune with nature in a way that most homes can't or won't do and of course the catch with this house is that it's multifaceted which is why i'd never be caught dead living in it first off you have to make sure that you take care of that tree because if it dies then you just have a glass house you know and then there's the fact that because you're in a glass house everyone can see you if they come up upon it not exactly a great thing for your privacy and still someone would want it and apparently that's enough it's just not going to be me ever before we go on like this video smash the subscribe button and click the notification bell right now or this centipede will crawl on your face when you're sleeping now it's time for the sweet topic look at this house it's inside of a rock as in boulders not dwayne johnson isn't that the coolest thing ever that we don't mean like something from the flintstones just look at how incredible this thing is made entirely from minimalist concrete slabs this place has a chic but futuristic vibe that would suit any major rock stars would you live here sure you would let me know all about your thoughts in the comments section down below using the hashtag sweet topic number 19 up down court going to a more standard kind of home if you will we head to london england where one of the most expensive houses you'll ever find is there it's called up down court and it's something to behold and something that you must be rich to even think about affording this home would be produced in the 2000s by a developer who didn't have such scrupulous means he decided to make this 103 room palace to better show off his standing and that was a standing that literally collapsed upon itself as it turned out that his businesses were a fraud and as such his home was then raided i just wonder how long it took to raid that house given how many rooms there were the joke here sadly doesn't end because of the incredible size and lavishness of the place it's been stated to be worth about 75 million dollars and after the fall of the developer that's exactly what it was put on the market for i wonder what happened in that one well i'll tell you the price plummeted later to about 15 million a bargain at twice the price but then went back up to about 70 million after it was once again placed on the market and thus the controversial house cycle continues even to this day to own this place you need a whole lot of money but for that amount you could get a wealth of nice homes or just build your own incredible mansion plus with over 100 bedrooms and a host of other amenities to take care of it's not exactly the most practical place around still though for those who are wealthy these are the kind of places that they absolutely love to own number 18 the red house now that kind of sounds ominous the red house that clearly should be the title for a horror movie but rather the red house is an award-winning house that proves that sometimes having a unique looking home is enough to get people to appreciate it if even you don't get it yourself janice marlar and blair harkness live in the red house in the west auckland bush and it would be designed by a man by the name of ken crossan from crosston architecture they asked for this specific kind of house to be built and ensured that crosston architecture knew what they wanted and went about the right way of getting it done which everyone can appreciate i can also appreciate that despite the unique look of the home they apparently didn't go that far over budget which many of you would probably think would have been a given due to its form but obviously aside from the color what makes this home so unique is its boxy yet deep shape it has vertical windows that help to showcase everything that's on the outside and has indentions and more that make it so much more than box shaped what might be the most ironic part of it all though is that they honestly weren't intending for it to be red as one of the owners isn't really a fan of the color they wanted it to be black because that was what they like to wear a lot and no they were not goths to the best of my knowledge anyways but when red would be suggested they admitted that it would fit the bush area that they lived in and it does fit even if the house is still a bit odd number 17 the tin house if you were to picture what a house should or would be made of you likely wouldn't put tin as something that you'd use it for but you'd rather go for wood or other strong materials built for one builder he decided to use tin to make a house that also was built upon certain other design principles henning stummel had the objective of creating an environmentally conscious residence that occupies its place among the surrounding buildings with confidence and he used a contemporary design that was mixed with craftsmanship details the tin house maximizes space through six interconnected pyramidal pods and when you look at it as a whole you just have to admit that it is a clever twist on the process of making a house what's more this is a house that's completely without gutters they built it so that the water would run off in such a way that it didn't hurt anything yet didn't need an elaborate gutter system as a whole oh and it's red as well so there you go two red houses back to back and i promise that this will not be a thing going forward the thing about this house is that this is someone who wanted to be both bold with their design and yet environmentally conscious and stummel made sure that all the materials that he used and how he used them would fit his goal and clearly people liked it because he got nominated for many awards and his very unique construction project as well sometimes going in a different direction actually leads to a unique and praised effort and result number 16 k valley house you know that line that i just said about different directions and unique results well it's about to come into play once again because if you were to look at this next home the k valley house you'd think that it might be some kind of shift house that someone made just to ensure that they had a place over their heads but in fact this place was built as a kind of reclusive spot for a director and camerawoman couple who wanted a place not only to relax during film shoots or in between jobs but also had a unique story that went along with it in terms of how it looks and where it was placed the result became a utilization of aged and recycled materials that all came together in such a bold expression of form and stark contrast to the lush surroundings that the home was situated in or in other words it's a place that's perfect for artists that take their jobs a little too seriously at times ironically i actually know of other secluded homes like this one and the feel is exactly the same it's all about taking the people in this case the couple who wanted it out of the drama and the hustle and bustle of their lives in order to help to connect them more with the world and spark their creativity as a whole does that sound weird well it might be but it clearly works for them and you can't deny that this house is unique number 15 field house residents we'll now head to new york the state not the city where all sorts of lavish and over-the-top homes have been built to service those who can't afford them especially in and around the city itself and one such house is that of the field house residence which has a description that's very lavish perched between ocean and pond the luxury field house beachfront residence almost appears to allow the landscape to run through it acting as both an extension of its surroundings and as a shelter from it the house is conceived with flooding and wind in mind now on one hand i can appreciate a home that allows protection from the elements while also having a form that's good but the whole the landscape runs through it bit well yeah that's laying it on a little bit thick wouldn't you say not unlike certain other places i've already shown you i can say that this is a spot that's meant for those who want to enjoy their surroundings and not just their home and that's why there are so many windows and elevated spaces they want to see the ocean and the landscape from various comfortable places and as they said they got in trouble with some weather and they can easily endure it from the inside at an elevated second level so there's some really good functionality to be appreciated but yes it does still scream a rich person lives here so deal with it number 14 the manor now if you thought the last one screamed rich people then you need to take a look at the manor a place that's so pompous that you can't help but say the moon or in an over-the-top rich person way now if you don't believe me when i say that it screams wealth well back in 2019 it set the los angeles county price record at 119.75 million dollars when it went on to the market yes almost 120 million dollars for one single home though to be fair it is a very big house 56 000 square feet in fact when you factor in the land furthermore it's the largest home in la and among the largest single family homes in the united states so yes clearly the price is justified in some metrics the manor was built in 1991 for the late producer aaron spelling and his widow candy the widow then later sold it for 85 million dollars and when it went back on the market it would eventually be sold for 120 million dollars showing just how much value that people thought that this manner had so what's in it then you may ask well how about 20 plus customized rooms which includes a flower cutting room a humidity controlled silver storage room a barber shop a multiple gift wrapping rooms and a french wine and cheese room that was furnished with sidewalk cafe style tables and chairs along with french music a one-lane bowling alley featured its own shoe closet and it took over 30 people to maintain the thing so yeah it's not a manner it's the manner it has history and looks and money built into it so while it may change owners every once in a while it's not going to be going anywhere number 13. bran's castle ah a castle the dream of many a young child in regards to living in one whether it be to lord over it or to be a princess at the ball within one if you had the right castle you'd be living it up but this particular castle bran's castle is one that has a bit of a dark history in it mainly because it's the castle that's referred to as dracula's castle yes that dracula and no dracula himself didn't exist he was based off of various things which included vlad dracula aka vlad the impaler and bran's castle was the legendary castle that the various forms of dracula were stated to have lived in what might surprise you though is that this isn't a place that you can just go and live in rather in 2009 bran's castle became the first private museum in romania after being returned to the heirs of the habsburg family in 2006. the castle was originally seized by the communist regime in 1948 with the expulsion of the royal family so that means that you can go and roam the halls where the famous count once lived you might find it odd that such a place would be turned into a museum but in truth not many people want to live in castles anymore for various reasons and given its importance to romania as a whole it is a great place to honor history and mystify some people in the process number 12 kensington palace from fictional royalty to true royalty we now head to the uk where we can have a look at the kensington palace the palace is of great importance to the british royal family and was even the home of the legendary queen victoria as of today kensington palace contains the offices and london residences of the duke and duchess of cambridge and it also contains the offices and residents of the duke and duchess of gloucester the duke and duchess of kent and the prince and princess michael of kent so clearly it's a place that's still very much a home to many of the royal family and furthermore it's often a place that's used in the act of celebration which includes bringing in famous sports teams so that they can mingle with the royals it's not unlike the british version of the white house if you will as you can tell this is a very large place and it makes sense given that the royal family is often quite large and thus has a lot of people to house but even when all of them aren't there well it still has a history that dates back centuries and as such it's allowed to maintain appearances one could say that as long as the monarchy reigns and it doesn't seem to be going anywhere anytime soon then kensington palace will be a place that many will want to visit number 11. house mm let me tell you the tale of a then near retired couple they wanted to build a house in spain that was perfectly suited for them but their friends and supporters felt that it would be a bad idea because at the time being 2012 spain was on shaky ground in various ways however bucking that advice they hired an architect group to go and make the house mm which was named after them divided into four connected boxes it is according to the owners simple clean and elegant now that's certainly one way of looking at it it's not the way that i would but it's one way of doing so given its shape one honestly has to wonder how it works and where everything is which thankfully someone was willing to lay out the main entrance of this home actually leads inside the central box which faces the mediterranean and houses the living and dining areas on the ground floor along with an elevated study on the way to a rooftop balcony the south facing kitchen block looks onto a vegetable garden while on the other side the remaining two boxes will harbor the master bedroom and the guest rooms both of which enjoy great views of palma's gothic belver castle and the cityscape oh and while it may be simple to look at it wasn't exactly easy to make and the walls were made with concrete because of some of the nuance within the building itself the owners liked it so much that i know i shouldn't judge but it just looks kind of weird when it's all said and done number 10 living garden house usually such words as living garden house might give you the indication that a place has been overrun with natural plants like a post-apocalyptic future but not exactly in this case rather this creatively designed house was built to not only allow privacy but also to have a garden setting and feature outdoor gatherings that can still be had inside via the glass partitions this gives people a natural feel without having to be fully engrossed in nature itself now it may seem a bit complicated but apparently it's very easy to go from one form of garden living to another via the partitions themselves the garden area does lead into the house in various ways and that includes heading to the second level of the place this is very much for the type of person who doesn't only want a nice place but also embraces nature without having to be in the nature in the house like with some of the others that have shown you now granted it's a very over elaborate home in a lot of ways but the appeal is definitely there and it's not hard to see some people wanting this kind of home for themselves number 9 konyechi's ark now we'll take a look at this home known as konyechi's ark it's easily one of the most unique houses that you'll likely see on this list and we can say that with a straight face because this is a house that's literally built on a slope at an angle and yet is completely fine if you look closely at the home you'll swear that it's not touching the ground at all and you'd be mostly correct in fact it was designed so that only one corner of the home would be touching the ground at any given time but why would they do that well this house is on a slope near the polish mountains and as a result of that rain and mudslides could be a problem hence the elevated nature of the home so that the rain and mud could literally slide beneath it without damaging the house at all a rather clever fix oh and as if all of this wasn't enough for you there's actually a retractable drawbridge contraption that will allow you to get onto the slope without the need to jump now admit it some of you are tempted to go and try this out aren't you number eight great island no i'm not trying to sell you an island here although i probably could if i wanted rather i'm talking about an estate known as the great island it's located in connecticut and is a very famous place during the gilded age of the united states not to be confused with the gilded age show on hbo max which is totally different i think i haven't really watched it anyways another reason that i'm talking about this place is that this estate would be put on the market recently and it's being asked for 100 million dollars to be clear though you're not just going to get the house but the island that goes with it so i guess what i'm trying to do is to sell you an island built in the year 1905 by an industrialist and baking powder magnet by the name of william ziegler the fast estate is one of the america's last family owned properties from the gilded age so that alone makes it history it does have 60 acres of land mixed in with a grand estate and you'd be hard pressed to beat that anywhere number 7 villa les sedres it shouldn't be that much of a surprise that france is home to expensive places after all they were home to empires revolutions a whole bunch of people who like wine a great example of one of those places that would be built was villa les sedres a place built over 190 years ago and is still standing to this day it's an 18 000 square foot home with 14 bedrooms that's set on 35 acres and back in 2017 the owners of it were asking for a whopping easily making it one of the most expensive homes in the world some of the things inside include grand sitting rooms chandeliers french doors a floor-to-ceiling 19th century portrait in ornate frames a wood-paneled library holding 3000 books on flora and naturalism and that also includes a 1640 edition of a botanical codex worth several hundred thousand euros add to that the history of the place and all the other amenities and you can see why someone would charge that much whether someone out there is willing to pay that much though well that's another story together now isn't it number six hollison hall what's a list of grand homes without talking about a haunted one not a great list i would say there is a place out there called hollison hall which is part of bennett college that has long been lost to history in terms of the amount of decay that is beset upon it now seriously just look at the place and try to tell me that you don't think it's haunted on its looks alone surely enough there are those who indeed believe that it is inhabited by spirits mainly because it was a hotel that was then turned into a school and some of its residents are said to still be living there now those who tour the places have heard sounds and other things that just don't make sense that is unless you believe in ghosts all of this just goes to show that that's what can happen when a grand structure slowly falls into ruin and disrepair if you want to go and see if it's haunted for yourself well turns out it's still standing there today number five chateau miranda chateau miranda can be found in belgium and at one time it was one of many grand castles that roamed the hills and plains but now unlike our last entry it's a place that is associated with disrepair and decay still though you can see the bits of what the castle used to look like which makes you wonder what it would have been like to witness this place in all of its glory as for why it would fall into decay the owners actually did not take care of it and they didn't want to sell it to anyone who might have tried to repair the things though ironically in 2013 they filed for a license to demolish the castle and when they did a bunch of people would protest so clearly they were willing to fight for it which is very noble you know number four jungle house so creative with some of these names when you say red house tin house tree house jungle house oh so clever about a two hour drive from sao paulo brazil is where you'll find the aptly named jungle house and it's one that does indeed seem to burst through the trees that are all around it according to the people who made it the goal was not just to have a nice social place to hang out with friends but to be able to blend everything together visually the idea here was to insert the home into the landscape as unobtrusively as possible while also maintaining a connection to the existing vegetation that surrounded it and allowed for a sea view well they definitely succeeded on that front and the building is indeed one that's filled with amenities to enjoy which also includes an infinity pool and a fireplace however if you wanted a social place to go why would you pick a jungle number three villa leopolda moving on we now have villa leopolda a very expensive place to live in because it would cost you somewhere in the range of 750 million dollars just to get it granted when you look at the setup you can agree that it has to be worth some kind of money but three quarters of a billion dollars well that's a stretch in many people's minds not to mention many people's wallets the villa has 10 bedrooms and benefits from an eight hectare park with more than 1 200 trees of various varieties so it does have a lot to offer and if you can afford such a thing it could be yours surely enough there have been many owners of this villa over the years as well as certain controversies that surround it but if you just want to look at it it is free and it's really luxurious number two the pole house again with the names i thought we were done with this joke we head to australia where you'll find a one bedroom one bathroom spot that just so happens to be about 120 feet off the ground this is the pole house and it apparently is one of the most iconic homes in all of australia what really boggles our minds though about this one is the fact that according to those who go there it's not about the luxury of which it technically has little it's all about the experience and by experience i mean living 120 feet off the ground in a house that's going to cost you over 400 dollars for a single night stay now sure that's an experience i'm not saying that this wouldn't be a cool place to look at or even experience or see the views from but i think they're overselling that experience a bit too much number one the cliff house this one honestly doesn't really need too much of a description it's a house that was well and truly built into the side of a cliff and yes there are multiple takes on the cliff house which includes a vertical house being strapped to the side of a cliff but this time it's literally being built into the cliff this one is made of concrete for strength and reinforcement and yet it also has rather elegant features in terms of its shape and how it blends into its environment and considering that it was a 43 degree slope you know it couldn't have been easy to get everything done but there it is for everyone to see and it's a really clever thing that's all from the realm of really unique houses what did you think of this look at the places where people live and how crazy that they can sometimes be would you want to be in any of these homes and if so which one and are there other homes that could have easily fit onto this list be sure to let me know in the comments below also check out the other cool stuff showing up on the screen and i'll see you next time
Channel: The Scary Cherry
Views: 301,334
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: house, home, houses, mansion, viral, new, mansions, homes, architecture, incredible, best, expensive, mega mansion, in the world, biggest houses, incredible houses, real estate, house tour, unusual, unusual houses, incredible homes, education, expensive houses, apartment, stuctures, buildings, travel, extraordinary homes, unusual house, luxury house, hidden homes, unbelievable, creative, structure, tourist, strange, futuristic houses, coolest mansions, luxury mansion, most incredible homes
Id: R8kx7ZgMbXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 4sec (1684 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 30 2022
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