20 minutes Classic Aircraft Show, Excellent video from Shuttleworth Collection, Old Warden

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[Music] [Music] snatch a line extended between two posts to grab the message or whatever it might be [Music] hence the overload fuel tank beneath the center fuselage initially for its Army cooperation role that was the one for which the aircraft was originally designed and ordered a long hook would have been carried in occupied France in particular I think we're going to get a side slip but it really [Applause] [Music] SES [Music] I would ask you to look way up above off the release there gling the yellow is the Luna we began the program with uh a very basic primary gler here you see the sort of design really [Music] ear unusual in a number of respects however you will see that it's got a cular csection fuselage [Music] that [Music] oh top was [Music] a [Music] cover [Music] it is not a typical for a field to have so many miles entries in it it says a great deal for the and tex in the red blue aircraft has a 65 horsepower water Micron 4 cylinder inline engine you see the difference in the nose configuration from SPS aircraft coming in behind which is the original prototype of the aircraft in 1957 and has got the four-cylinder in line of a car c just 32 h a very very incredable performance on the left you think that was an impressive performance no less impressive is that this aircraft is very airplane indeed was designed by two deand apprentices however we have prot this more of these aircraft individually another day for the moment all bets are off that was the race I trust you understand that it was one conducted uh according to uh CH Club rules his tongue firly in cheap a 8 in November 1916 by the end of that year the S on the walk [Music] [Applause] 30 the F me sometimes called PES into position from [Music] 936 it may be of that vintage but in 1979 it won this particular aircraft won the king's cup air [Music] race a 1934 design you notice it has the rather unusual Ford R windscreen the m3a version produc Manu thether cor the fr on your own by dead reckoning at night and you have to arrive amid people who didn't want you be doing anything of your [Music] sort Mercury [Music] engine in there in particular it will tell you a little about the individual aircraft most of the individual aircraft that is will be used in the smaller airfields particular during the Battle of Britain and indeed on aircraft carrier day and as we'll see as the afternoon goes on Ara training aircraft originally at least all had names in the field of academ and so this is known as the Eaton well there I guess with the uh there I say better binoculars will not only be able to see courtesy of this very sparten structure just how this aircraft is controlled but indeed very clearly see the pilot doing it wingspan of some 34 ft or does one say 10.3 m as ever with a sail plane and we'll see this later on the art is define gravity courtesy of aerodynamics to stay airborne for the maximum length of time well in this case of course there is a finite period in the program and so chrisin for you see flying the aircraft this afternoon spirals his way down to bring it in I think for a close pass and no in fact in for the landing very well however another miles aircraft there for taxes in in the form of the gminy now we come up to date and we come to a very different airplane in terms of it performance and indeed is perpose tting into this m is one of the most uh aircraft in his field in the world in terms of unlimited AIC it's in the hands of CH and the sequence begins immediately after take off checks it at the top and falls back down back onto the main display axis up again onto the vertical rapid rolling reversing and rolling back the other [Music] way cor screwing back down checking from at the other end of the axes this [Music] time again you can see it has got a very marked roll rate it is something in excess of 420° a second [Music] now on the B AIS this time at right angles to the line he's just been using you can see the aircraft on the underside is a solid [Music] color rolls around the top and tail [Music] slides the alternating cover scheme allowing the aircraft to be judged the more readily in [Music] competition and you may notice as ker brings the now half Loop half roll back into the upright not for [Music] long one and A2 flicks negative entry quarter roll on the way down and change to the B AIS up again onto the vertical [Music] half roll sets him up for perhaps no not quite a launcher [Music] back falls out of that quarter [Music] rolls as you can see very precise [Music] oil is injected into the exhaust to produce this white smoke there's not room aboard for uh colored dyes to emulate certain other teams on the knife edge there you can see that differing scheme this the only h540 in this country it's reckoned to have the greatest power to weight Rao of all the world's unlimited category aerobatic aerones empty it weighs only some 520 [Music] kilos and under underlining that point about the power to weight ratio last year the aluminium firewall on the aircraft was replaced by one of titanium to save a few [Music] GRS [Music] looks like a tail slide comes out inverted [Music] I right now you all Avail a copy of the souvenir program it is price at £3 it too helps the collections work the sails they [Music] off that we [Music] are [Music] [Music] that's [Applause] but you'll also see that there is a section
Channel: Tufan Sevincel Earthrounder Flying Adventures
Views: 80,485
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Old Warden (City/Town/Village), Shuttleworth Collection (Museum), classcial aircraft, old aircraft, airshow, spytaxi, Flying
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 11sec (1211 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 20 2013
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