20 min Yoga for WEIGHT LOSS, Fat Burning Yoga Workout | Sarah Beth Yoga

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welcome to the yoga workout for weight loss practice you won't need anything today just you and your Matt so when you're ready lie down on your back and soup the baddha konasana bring the soles of your feet together let your knees fall open take one hand to your heart one hand to your belly gently close your eyes and relax [Music] as you breathe feel the rise and fall of your belly [Music] to turn on the jury breath the victorious breath control just constrict the muscles in the back of your throat you're using the same muscles as if you were trying to fog up a mirror except you're using it on your inhales and exhales through your nose the purpose of this breath control is to build internal heat with that breath engaged pull your navel in towards your spine and draw your knees together and pull your knees into your chest for a full wind pose just hold onto your shins or your thighs and feel your lower back flatten out on the mat flex the muscles in your lower belly drawing your navel in to maintain this flat back on the mat and keep your right knee in and extend your left leg long to hover just inches above the mat if at any point your lower back starts to lift up and it's no longer flat on the mat then you need to modify by lifting your leg up a little higher even up to the ceiling counts it's so important that you do not strain but instead focus on strength so draw your left knee in and extend your right leg long find a similar variation or modification that you took on the other side your back is flat on the mat shoulders are relaxed and your right leg is strong and long with your ujjayi breath turned on the muscles in your face and your shoulders relaxed draw your right knee back in long body stretch stretch it out code tips to fingertips well done now that you can feel your core I want you to keep it engaged and strong throughout the rest of this class today so pull your knees into your chest begin to rock and roll the length your spine front and back eating momentum as you do so so you can eventually roll over your ankles plant your hands and step or shoot your feet back find a high plank so let's set up high plank starting with our hands fingers are fanned out wide grip into your mat using your entire hand and the pads of your fingers once your hands are strong and your wrists are engaged and properly protected poorest firm ribs are tight and your legs are so strong driving back through your heels that if someone were to come up and grab your ankle they wouldn't be able to move it that is a strong plank well done now take a break take a seat on your knees and heels shake out your hands big breath in through your nose and out through your mouth come back to your plank and right away set up proper engagement for your strongest plane every time for chaturanga high plank to low plank first shift your weight forward two inches if this is already really intense then lower your knees down to the mat for the modification strengthen don't strain wherever you are and your elbows back as you lower your chest down neck is still in line the spine stop when your elbow is graze your rib so pinch your elbows in to your sides plank is still strong even here for upward facing dog lift up through your heart heal your legs up off the mat so the only things touching the mat are your hands and the tops of your feet everything is engaged and rolling open inhale exhale to send it back downward facing dog reach your hips high and back pedal out your legs and feel free to take a seat once more and shake out your hands if you need to that vinyasa chaturanga up dog down dog is something that we repeat often in power practices but remember strengthen don't strain so feel free to modify or even skip whenever your body is starting to feel a little tired or strained so turn on your og breath and on your next inhale look up and your knees exhale step your feet to touch at the top of your mat find a halfway lift slide your hands up your shins roll your heart open as you press your chest forward inhale exhale to forward fold now inhale Mountain Pose come all the way up reach your arms overhead and pull the air for just couple of breaths relax your shoulders away from your ears firm up your body as you're anchoring down through your feet and lifting up through the crown of your head inhale exhale forward fold hinge at your hips come all the way down lead with your chest then soften your needs one more halfway left slide your hands up your shins press your heart forward inhale exhale plant your hands step your feet back high to low plank all at once slow fluid and controlled upward facing dog as you inhale shoulders roll open downward facing dog as you exhale send it back big breath in through your nose big breath out through your mouth again inhale look up and your knees exhale step your feet to touch at the top of your mat for halfway lift on your inhale exhale to forward fold inhale Mountain Pose come all the way up exhale to forward fold come all the way down halfway lift inhale and chaturanga exhale high to low plank lead with your heart elbows graze upward facing dog as you breathe in downward facing dog as you breathe out big breath in big breath out just one more time inhale look up and your knees exhale top of the minute for halfway lift then forward fold inhale Mountain exhale fold one more halfway lift chaturanga high to low plank inhale up dog what's up dog exhale down dog big breath in through your nose and out through your mouth reach your right leg high big inhale exhale bring your right knee to touch your right elbow use your core inhale reach your right leg high exhale need a nose or forehead wherever it goes inhale reach your right leg high exhale right knee to your left elbow across the body touch it once good inhale reach your right leg high exhale step it through to a low lunge stack your knee above your ankle round into your right foot as you stand up into a one-leg Mountain Pose left knee lifting arms reaching up for the sake of balance set your gaze on one spot and bring your hands together at heart center and ground down inhale arms reach back up exhale reach your left arm back and grab on to your left foot setting up for Advance er pinch your knees together and then bow open through your chest as you extend your left foot into your left hand reach your right hand directly forward and with grace release your back foot extend both hands forward for a warrior three or if you'd like to modify you can take airplane and step your body is like a plank on top of your standing leg gaze is set breath is smooth from here set up half moon lower your right hand down reach your left hand high and flex your left toes back as if you were driving your heel through a wall behind you and slow and controlled step back into a warrior two keep your right knee bending open and do yourself a favor right here take your hands to your hips fingertips right inside of your sharp hip bones and push if it's jelly that means you're not engaging so engage the space between your hip bones so that when you push there's some resistance there ain't a mat engagement reach your arms up for warrior two and then take reverse warrior legs stay the same right arm reaches high and your core is still engaged inhale exhale to extended side angle right arm reaches down left arm reaches high or if you've done this a couple of times you're a fan up the beach bod series reach your arms overhead as if you were holding a beach ball core is still strong your belly is tight from here reverse triangle reach your right arm overhead as you straighten up both legs big breath in exhale take both hands down to the mat chaturanga and vinyasa through to downward facing dog and remember you can modify your skip strengthen don't straining so from your down dock when you're ready reach your left leg high inhale exhale left knee left elbow inhale reach your left leg high exhale knee to nose inhale reach your left leg high exhale left knee to your right elbow and tap it once inhale reach your left leg high exhale low lunge step it through then rise up into your one leg Mountain right knee lifting bring your hands together at heart center and ground down inhale arms reach back up exhale reach your right arm back and set up the answer grabbing onto your back ankle knees together take a big inhale to bow open into your dancer pose then with grace release your back ankle finding warrior three or airplane like a plank above your standing leg set your gaze and slowly open up into half moon lower your left arm down right arm high if you feel strong in this pose you could play with hovering your left fingers above the mat otherwise just plant your fingers on the mat flex your right toes back drive through your back heel step back into warrior two and again on this side grab onto your hips fingers right inside of your sharp hip bones and press to remind yourself to firm up your core all of your strength in these poses comes from your core so inhale reverse warrior left arm reaches high exhale to extended side angle and take the beach ball variation if used on the other side reverse triangle both legs straight and your left arm reaches high then cartwheel both hands down to your mat in vinyasa through to your downward-facing dog however you'd like to get there and take a big breath in through your nose and out through your mouth again in through your nose and out through your mouth then seal your lips find your ujjayi breath the breath that you can pace the breath that keeps you calm and when you're ready let's blow inhale reach your right leg high exhale tap right knee right elbow inhale reach exhale knee to nose inhale reach exhale across the body tap your left elbow inhale reach step it through to a low lunge and rise up one leg Mountain Pose left knee lifting exhale bring your hands together at heart center inhale reach your arms back up exhale lower your left hand down set up your dancer for one full inhale bow into the pose and as you exhale release for your warrior three or airplane inhale set up your half moon slow and fluid exhale step it back to warrior two firm up your core inhale to reverse warrior right arm reaches high exhale extended side angle inhale reverse triangle both legs straight exhale hands to the mat chaturanga for upward facing dog breath in send it back to downward facing dog breath out and then right away reach your left leg high inhale exhale tap left knee left elbow inhale reach your left leg high exhale knee to nose inhale reach your left leg high exhale across your body inhale reach to a low lunge inhale rise up one leg Mountain right knee lifting and bring your hands together at heart center inhale reach your arms back up exhale set up your dancer big in how to bow open exhale find warrior three or airplane inhale to your half moon exhale set up warrior two or as firm river warrior exhale to extended side angle and take reverse triangle big breath in cartwheel both hands down to the mat chaturanga high to low plank inhale to upward facing dog exhale to downward facing dog big breath in through your nose and out through your mouth and take a walk to the top of your mat for a deep forward fold with your feet about hip-distance generous bend in your knees set up a gorilla pose slide your hands underneath palms facing up so far that your toes come all the way up to touch your wrists the idea here is you stepping on your hands will help compress all of the blood and the ligaments and the tendons and the bones in your hands so that when you eventually release your hands the new blood flow will help stimulate restore and heal the hands and wrists that are worked so hard through this practice already so here with your feet on your hands try wiggling out your toes maybe shifting your weight side to side really work on squashing your hands [Music] and then one at a time gently released shake your hands out and take a seat on your mat and come to lie down on your back place your right ankle on your left knee setting up a figure four make sure your right toes are flexing back so your foot is flat this will help protect your knee then thread your hands through your legs to interlace underneath your left thigh or left shin gently drawing your legs in towards your body [Music] and notice if you can feel any connection between this e smooth breath and the sensation you feel in your right hip [Music] and gently release and switch sides place your left ankle on your right knee left toes flexing back thread your hands through giving just a gentle pull enough so you can feel sensation in your left hip and tension releasing with each breath [Music] almost there [Music] then gently release well both knees into your chest for full wind poems wrap your arms around your legs tuck your chin and squeeze yourself into a tiny little ball using every last ounce of energy 4 3 2 1 release into soup de baddha konasana with the soles of your feet together and knees open and that's it take a few deep breaths to seal off your breakfast [Music] and that's it well done yogi you know it would be really perfect right now is my hips slow stretch routine a long holding deep hip opening class more like a yen style routine that'll make you go deeper than ever before and some of your favourite hip openers and maybe some new to you all you need to do to get access to this formerly Members Only video is click the first link in the description this video enter your name and email and I'll instantly send you that video so go do that right now and then if you like this video please let me know by clicking the like button below and comment to tell me your favorite part and don't forget to subscribe to my channel for new uploads every week yoga and lifestyle videos that will help you stretch strengthen tone and de-stress on and off your mat so go get started on the hips low stretch and I'll see you there
Channel: SarahBethYoga
Views: 1,196,624
Rating: 4.9242663 out of 5
Keywords: yoga, sarah beth yoga, sarahbethyoga, power yoga, yoga for weight loss, yoga for weightloss, fat burning yoga workout, yoga workout, 20 minute yoga, weight loss yoga, fat burning yoga, weight loss yoga workout, weightloss yoga, 20 minute yoga for weightloss, 20 minute yoga workout for weight loss, yoga for fat loss, yoga for fat burning, power yoga for weight loss, 20 min yoga, 20 min yoga for weight loss, 15 min yoga, 15 min yoga workout, weight loss
Id: B_rXP_bL9jM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 0sec (1260 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 24 2017
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