20 Creative Things to Do With Cremated Remains

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[Music] okay so we have 20 unique ways to take your loved ones cremated remains and then what to do with them so I put together 20 different things that you can creatively do with cremated remains nowadays some of these I'm sure we've talked about or you've heard of but I wanted to do a nice concise 20 places for you so the first is from a company called eternal ascent and it is where they take a little bit of cremated remains put them in a helium balloon send it up into the air so about five miles up the balloon reaches a temperature of negative 40 below zero and the balloon essentially pops and the inside crystallizes and so then you get scattered in the wind about five miles above the ground number two in a figurine like an hourglass or maybe a paperweight that sets on your desk so you they take cremated remains and they put them into these two or three different types of mediums where they can do like a glass figurine or something that they put cremated remains inside of then there are coral reefs so the cremated remains are mixed with a cement and or concrete and they are formed into a unit that is then placed in a coral reef and it becomes part of that reef system to replace some of what has been broken away you can be pressed into a vinyl record and a song put on that record that maybe reminds you of your loved one we put into fireworks and shot up in the air you put in ammunition so let's say someone was an avid skeet shooter you could have cartridges need for an ammunition made for all the buddies that did skeet shooting and they could go out and do around a skeet in memory of the person and he or she could be shot up with every round cremated remains can be mixed in with paint and maybe a portrait of that person is painted or maybe a house is painted the person you can also mix in with tattoo ink so I've talked to a lady who has done this and so we're gonna do a future video on it but so you mix it in and then that person is basically imprinted into you and that tattoo ink in a tattoo in memory of the person there is a company called kami Bayer and they take a small teddy bear and the cremated remains go inside a vessel inside of that bear so rather than just a little urn you can keep some of your person in this teddy bear that you can then have in your bed you can hold you can carry with you it's kind of a comfort item along with a cremated remains holder talked about kind of glass figurines you could also do blown glass where you have the person's cremated remains mixed in with the glass and then when it's blown out they are in that unique one-of-a-kind hand-blown glass piece so the man who created the Frisby Walter Morrison wanted his cremated remains mixed in with a batch of frisbees so this was done so there was a whole limited batch of frisbees that were released that he was actually inside of the frisbee some of his cremated remains Keith Richards the guitarist for the Rolling Stones talks about how he snorted a line like cocaine but of his father's cremated remains after his dad died you could take the cremated remains and make a tea from it and drink that tea has been done can't make this up you can turn the person into a diamond so they press the cremated remains down and create a gemstone or diamond from it and you can put that in your jewelry you can keep it solid or tile to it on its own they're gorgeous and they are completely unique / for the person so it is something really cool that you could take cremated remains and put them and make them into this gemstone that you can wear and you know what who or what it is but nobody else does so it's kind of like your little secret of your beautiful piece and in terms of jewelry also you could take some of the cremated remains and they press them not into a gemstone but they put them on like a metal Bayon to wear as a ring I know an Etsy there's a lot of companies that are doing this I found it for like pet cremated remains where you could take and they put it on the exterior of the ring and so you have cremated remains attached to the metal look that one up so there's a company called Chronicle cremation designs and they do ceramic ware with cremated remains in them so you could take and have the cremated remains put into the ceramic and have a mug made out of it so then when your or a plate and maybe you have a special meal once a year on this plate that your mom is in the plate and you make your mom's favorite food and eat it on the plate so there's a few different things you could do with that you can send the cremated remains to the moon you could have a drone take and scatter the cremated remains always remember when it comes to some of those things cremated remains our night just light and ashy they have dense pieces and chunks within them so that's not going to just blow away that's gonna fall and it's gonna fall hard like dropping a pebble or a rock from a mile above the ground it's gonna hit somewhere so there's definitely some things about scattering up above that concerns me for safety reasons so there is a company it's called the toll ant walking stick and you load the cremated remains in this walking stick and it registers for about a mile walk every time you step with that walking stick it will release just a little bit of cremated remains and you can slowly spread the person along a favorite path or you know walking trail that you maybe went on and so you go on a solitude walk maybe or a family walk and you can spread that person's cremated or it means during that walk so then we have the traditional an urn or scattering in a traditional matter there is every type of urn available in every shape every size for every hobby that you have there's you can get one 3d cast in the person's head shape so it looks like you know a bust of the person or coffee cans toolboxes deer elk you name it burns come in the shapes you can find them from every company Etsy I've said is out they are along with every mainstream urn line then you can scatter and scatter them wherever you want however you would like to in different ways you can do on water by floating them out on a biodegradable urn like a plate or in a little box that you drop out and then urn eventually breaks away and then the cremated remains are dispersed in the water so hundreds of ways that you can disperse of someone with cremated remains so those are 20 that I have compiled together but please share your stories with me what did you do with your loved one following the cremation when you got back there cremated remains you know do you have them in a special container did you do something extravagant like a firework with them share with me what your outcome was from after you got back your loved ones cremated remains and how you memorialized them these guys [Music]
Channel: Kari the Mortician
Views: 34,097
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: death, keith richards, dying, fireworks, tolad walking stick, moon, ashes, frisbee, bullets, cami bear, diamonds, vinyl record, cremation, hand blown glass, ceramic, coral reef, cremated remains, tea, kari the mortician, helium balloon, ammunition
Id: OpzkS_QPlgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 9sec (489 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2019
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