20 - CKA Question 20 Killer Shell

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welcome back let's now see how to solve question number 20 in the certified kubernetes administrator killer shell exam simulation question 20 task rate 10 percentage we'll execute this given command to switch the context and the question says your co-worker said node cluster 3-worker 2 is running an older version Elder kubernetes version is and is not even part of the cluster update the kubernetes on the Node to exact version that's running on the cluster 3 Master One then add this node to the cluster use the cube admin for this all right let's see the number of nodes so we have only two nodes cluster three Master one which is a control plane node and we have only one working node which is cluster three dash work one and they are running currently running v1.25.2 version of kubernetes so in the question they specified the the cluster 3 worker to node is not even part of the cluster uh let's SSH into the cluster 3 worker too and now inspect the version of cube admin I think we have to use skip admin version so it is 125.2 that's already with the right version which is good no need to upgrade the cube admin now let us take a look at the Cube cubelet version I'm going to use dash dash version cubelet yeah cubelet version is version 1.24.6 so it's running on the lower version so we need to use the keyboard mean upgrade cluster okay for the kubernetes documentation so we have to upgrade it to um t125 and we are doing this on worker node let's search for worker this is the third one in the list upgrade the worker nodes so we need to check um the cube admin Cube admin is already on 125 so we need not have to take any action for this one uh let's try Cubit main upgrade node to see if it is able to upgrade it uh you know the cubelet file is missing that's fine because it's not even part of the cluster we'll try and join this worker node to the cluster now we have to upgrade the cubelet and cubicle Cube cuddle we have noticed at the zone and lower version let's inspect the cubelet we have to use dash dash version so it's even on the lower version 124.6 so we have to upgrade both the keyboard and cubicle to the desired version First will unhold them and then we will even yeah uh 125 so this is the exact version I suppose let's check another terminal 125.2 as it is let's get the update for them both and once that is done we have to hold them so that it does not automatically update this one is taking a while let's give it some time it's done let's hold them set them now we have to restart um the cubelet and reload the Daemon it's done we didn't Harden anything because it's it's not running anything it's not even part of the cluster so we need not have to uncoordinate that uh for this situation so get nodes obviously will not give us any useful information about this upgrade because we have to use Q button join to in order to join this node so let's use this one so basically it will be key we have to use a token to join foreign so let us let us frame the command so it's basically keep keep admin token create so we have to do this from the master node so let us SSH into cluster 3 Master 1 and then let us execute admin token create reduce print join join command let's create a token and um this attribute print join command will also give the join command which we have to execute on the worker node we where we just upgraded so I'm just copying the entire uh string we can also check this by using keep admin token list so this one is with token u3f so this is something which is valid for 23 hours let's go back here and execute the key but we join that's running the pre-flight checks now it's starting the cubelet and just configuring the cubelet let's give it some time and it seems it's done now if we go about to the other terminal exit out of it and say Cube cuddle I'll get node we should be able to see it right here it's still not ready we have to give it some time but uh what we have to make sure is uh it's it's already joined part of the cluster and we have um the same version of cube admin cubelet and um the cube could running on all these nodes so the API server should be coming up so now it's not ready state so anything else that we have to do then add this note to the cluster you have to so nothing more so so as long as we are able to see the cluster 3 worker 2 part of this cluster and it doesn't really State and it's running the same version as the other two nodes uh uh it should should be fine thanks for your time and see you in the next session
Channel: Cloudastic
Views: 1,163
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Keywords: CKA, Certified Kubernetes Administrator, Killer.sh, CKA Killer shell, Killer shell CKA Question 20, CKA question no 20, CKA Exam Questions, Certified Kubernetes Administrator Exam Questions, CKA Exam prep, CKA Exam preparation, CKA Practice tests, CKA Q&A, CKA Question and Answer, CKA Question & answer, Cloudastic, Cloudastic CKA, CKA Killer shell solution, solve CKA killer shell questions, KillerShell, CKA Certification, Kubernetes Certification, Kubernetes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 16 2022
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