$20 AutoZone Window Tinting Using a Gila Installation Kit

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so if you've ever been to advanced autoparts autozone or over ailee's you've come across this right here this is the Hilo window tint kit this has been very requested by you guys and today we're finally gonna be tinting the same door window but with only this kit here I can't imagine how they expect you to actually install film with only these tools but the more I've thought about it the more I've come to kind of realize that this right here this heat gun or any heat gun for that matter drastically changes the price point of an installation kit so for 10 bucks I would suggest that they change a couple of tools in here there's some stuff out there that would definitely make it easier for you guys to try and install but you know if they're only trying to keep the price point at ten bucks then hey it might not be that bad so let's go ahead and crack this open and there we have it so these knives are very chintzy very cheap you can find these at Walmart for 50 cents they're just you know your basic snap off knife what I had hoped is that this would include a stainless steel blade to make it you know a little bit safer for your car shows no markings whatsoever yeah if this blade is not safe for your windows at all this one is actually a pretty good choice you have a soft rubber squeegee to get out most of the water and then you can actually flip it around and use this plastic edge here to get into more corners and stuff like that it might scratch your film so we're gonna see if it does or not but you know for an all-in-one squeegee it's not a terrible choice we have this here which is a lint-free cloth this is actually bigger than I thought it was gonna be I mean it'll probably clean the lint off but it's not going to do much more than that we're gonna see what this is like - oh that actually actually sprays pretty far now you only have this little bottle to work with the application solution is already mixed up so if you run out they do say here on the box that you can use their application solution were baby shampoo now one of the things that really gets me about this film here is that this whole company is actually owned by one of the most prestigious window film brands in the business they are owned by Eastman Chemical Company and Eastman owns Llumar and Sun tech so I would expect this film to actually be halfway decent they're not winning any points here there we go that sticker made it a big pain in the ass so let's go ahead and take our first look at this film it's pretty grey and blue this is a six and a half foot roll by 24 inches so definitely enough to tint a couple of truck windows it's a little rubbery and a little bit flimsy this isn't exactly inspiring much confidence this is feels very similar to a lot of like films that I've ordered off of Amazon and played around with alright so now let's get into the installation so we're gonna roll some of this we have to be very conservative with our water this time because I only have what's in the spray bottle I can't refill it if I have to get more I'm spending another like 10 bucks to buy another kit essentially we're gonna go ahead and line this up take this knife and cut it off it's very curly to the stuffs been sitting for a while the first step is kind of get rid of some of the extra and then we need to make the film slightly bigger so we don't show any gaps and stuff like that but because we can't shrink it I'm not gonna pull the film very far down to tuck below the seal because that's just gonna make things a lot more difficult so we're just gonna go a little bit more basic on this installation because I feel like I feel like we need to try and show you guys how you could possibly use this to get a halfway decent result I don't expect that you would get a super professional result of it but let's try and at least set this up to be somewhat successful so now that I shifted that over I'm gonna go ahead and cut down this other side and then throw this away and then we're gonna shift it back over so now we have a little bit of overlap on the sides and I'm not gonna pull this down well maybe just a hair but when I cut my top edge and install it on the inside it's gonna set a little bit below the seal but we don't want to install it past the bottom seal on the inside of the window we can take this and kind of tack it to the window let's go ahead and roll this down a bit now this knife is actually not bad for cutting out a top edge it's gonna be tougher than some of the more expensive knives but you know the basic things are there you have plastic to hold the film against the glass and then you have a sharp enough blade to make a cut so this really comes down to a lot of practice and as long as you try and keep it a taste at a diagonal angle you can cut out the top edge but this just comes down to practice so now that we got that cut out we have to round our corners oh my god I'm trying to move okay that didn't even break off clean you see how it's now dipped up you want these blades to break clean against these this mark here on the blade itself might not have a very clean front edge either so here I'm actually going to put the card against the glass and what we're gonna do is basically eyeball a straight line and then round off the corner and we're cutting on the card so we don't actually scratch the glass itself kela should should hire me to do these to do a proper installation with their kit see we got some lines here on the card but that is not on the glass the application solution is drying up on the glass right now so I would normally spray it a lot more to get it to stay in place because these corners keep rolling away it just makes it more difficult to try and install we go it's not too shabby so we did get a pattern out of this knife normally I would shrink the film here you're gonna see on the inside of glass what happens when you don't shrink film on larger trucks and suv's you might be okay with not shrinking the film especially if it's your first time you're probably gonna have a thing or two pop up however that does change the price point a lot in my last video my target video I did use a hairdryer instead of a heat gun so if you have one laying around your house you can get away with use using a hairdryer just for the door windows that don't need very much shrinking so it does take a lot longer to shrink with it but it does work all right so now we're on the inside of the glass brace some of the application solution and then want to run my hand just to feel what kind of is on the glass you can take this knife you can actually swipe it sideways like you're using a razor blade this is not gonna scratch your glass if you're going at a very steep angle so the same thing for the top we'll just spritz it off and then from there you might want to wipe off your top edge two of the window because a lot of times dirt will sit in this channel up here especially if you have laminated windows wipe off the whole window with it because this is a lint-free cloth that's supposed to help with the application so you might as well try and use it huh instead of just using it as a towel next up let's go ahead and we're gonna spray this one more time and now we're gonna squeeze your window so we really only get a couple of shots at this with just the stuff that we have in the bottle you see this bottom edge here I want to make nice clean strokes against the whole window but this kind of gets in the way you have to be a little bit creative with how you do your sweeps and then we're going to sweep down both sides and we should be good actually spray this off one more time so we have a nice layer that we can use to slide the film along the glass they did say use two pieces of tape to try and get the film to peel away the clear liner nice to be peeled away a simple trick that I like to do is I'll use my key and work the corner you know just peel the corner that way just don't like bite real hard to like crunch the film as you're peeling this away you might want to spray it a little bit too because you don't want any dust you don't want much dust settling on that it can create some static and I will say this does not peel away very easily it's almost like a static cling to it this is not through static cling film for sure just to be clear on that but it's a lot of what are called release liners will usually peel away much easier than that this film is so flimsy feeling to look any more blue against this glass this is definitely a 1 mil film they'll tell you that that that means that it's thinner a lot of professional films like you can still get a thin film like a 1 mil film in a professional quality it's just very indicative of being you know a cheap film and yeah it's 10 bucks from autozone so you can't expect the world out of this it's just the company that sells it I'm just surprised a couple things that the film is so thin coloring is so on the blue side of things we're getting this lined up into place they if the soft rubber grabs the film so as you're trying to squeegee it out a lot of times it's going to be shifting things around the amount of slipperiness to this film is actually really really good makes it easier to try and install if you can slide it around the glass you know if you're trying to do this outside and you're baking it in the Sun you're gonna have a hard time but if you're in like a cooler environment then this is this is pretty ideal here so we're gonna flip this around - we're gonna try using this plastic edge for like the corners and stuff and that works pretty well so now we're getting pretty tacked up it's still wiggling just give it some time at this point you can just kind of take a breath if you got this far this clean just let it sit and it will tack up more aggressively as you let it dry out and then you can wiggle it to see if it's gonna move on you or not looks like it's not gonna move on me go ahead and roll that up I'll usually go a little bit more aggressive with like the slip solution because a lot of times dirt can trail and stick along this line where you have the window half-ass I would take the squeegee and try and run it across but there's just there's too much here to try and get this in there and keep things clean so now that we got that all taken care of okay look at this curling back the other way try and keep that wet but like it's it's just curling really aggressively opposite of this liner that's not it's not a good thing to see put a little bit of solution on the underside and then because we're sitting above the seal we just need to lay it flat as a professional tenor you're going to want to install the film underneath the seal but since we're not shrinking it and we're not pulling off the panel either that's why we're cutting it a little bit short good god you definitely want this squeezy to be wet like that's kind of what I've been fighting against now see these little spikes here these will suck in dirt if you fight with them too much so as you push it down and it pops back up it'll pull whatever was at the base of it up into it and that's what will make a window look really dirty really quickly it'd be ideal to try and sweep this under the seal but I just have one tool here so if you have like a stick or something laying around I mean just use that to pull back to seal a little bit when you go to make like a sweep see these little things popping up not great so we can also try and wrap this around our towel and soak up a little bit of the moisture or if you're in a if you're trying to do this on a sunny day maybe letting this sit outside and just tack up it might be the way to go it looks like we're okay I think everything's down and then we're gonna wipe this off the film starting to let go a little bit like starting to get those little fingers popping up just a little bit so keep an eye on that before you go to roll your windows down as it's drying out if those pop up just let them dry some and then try and sweep them out so at this point you probably just take a regular towel the paper towel wipe off the outside too you'd want to probably save this to do the other window too as well but we're just gonna go ahead and do the one here so that's it I actually used only the stuff in the kit to install their film and it didn't go as horribly as what I thought it would go there definitely setting you up for a hard time with only these things but you know it's only ten bucks I'm gonna link below to a cheap kit on Amazon that I would probably recommend over this basic kit here but if you just need something now run there this squeegee is gonna be your biggest asset right here and then after that you're pretty much on your own thanks you guys so much for watching I hope you guys enjoyed this and I'll see you guys in the next one [Music]
Channel: TintStuff
Views: 145,436
Rating: 4.7899394 out of 5
Id: skDB70uUPe0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 53sec (953 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2019
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