20 Amazing Spells You Can Cast in Hogwarts Legacy

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I'm going to take you through 20 confirmed spells including several new ones that have recently been announced that you'll be able to cast in Hogwarts Legacy and let's first start with our summoning charm called Akio axio or asio depending upon where you are in the world and which audiobook you listen to but this spell allows us to pull or bring an item in question to our very feet and as we can see here in the Gameplay trailer we'll be able to pull enemies towards us in combat as well as pull ourselves closer to objects if we're standing on an environmental puzzle platform now it is widely contested if it can or can't be cast on living things and I think we can assume we're just summoning the dark Wizard's clothes here in combat which is quite the thought indeed but either way you look at it it's going to have an incredible amount of utility for us in and out of combat as there will be so many different reasons for us to use it now the counter charm to Akio is the pulso which you can very faintly hear in the Brazilian trailer courtesy of nats ionai or Gryffindor Quest companion in-game but we can also hear it even more clearly in the bug clip posted by Hogwarts Legacy on Twitter listen to this now as far as the deposit charm works it sends the target far away from the Caster otherwise known as the banishing spell and it certainly looks to be the case here as Nat side blasts back the dark Wizards 10 feet or so in distance I'm very much looking forward to using it now another bread and butter spell we'll be using heavily in this game is the one lightning charm called lumos that conjures a light at the end of your wand and grants you visibility in dark or dimly lit areas and it was very famously invented by British witch Levine amongst Stanley in 1772 when she was searching for a quill that she dropped at the dusty corner of her house but this spell isn't just used for looking for quills in the darkest of places it can also be useful for repelling ghosts and spectrophos in The Wizarding World it was also utilized for revealing hidden Illusions for what they really were which may come in useful in this game as Avalanche have stated several times there's hundreds of Secrets waiting for us to discover them now it isn't yet shown in the game but I'm confident it will be in it and that's the one distinguishing charm called Knox that was also invented by Levina to essentially turn off her wand otherwise it would actually remain indefinitely lighted so I don't think this is going to be a separate spell that will have to bind to our controller in game but rather once we press the lumos button again to turn off our wand I wouldn't be surprised to hear our character say Knox to extinguish it as we still sneak through certain areas to actually remain undetected but speaking of discovering Secrets I think this spell here will be our go-to charm in regard to revealing concealed objects messages passageways and hidden markings in this game it's called the revelio charm and it was considered difficult for a second year student at Hogwarts and in this clip here it is utilizing that spell and it is revealing what looks to be a hidden secret that subsequently added to the in-game field guide now another reason why I think this spell looks like revelio is because we can see the chess that it also reveals in a location further away from us and even though we can't hear the character say the spell in the gameplay footage the PlayStation account on Twitter captioned one of their Clips back in 2020 as we revelio magical details about Hogwarts Legacy so I think we're pretty solid on this spell here and I will certainly be sprinting down all the corridors in the castle spamming this spell so I can find all of those hidden chests now another spell which has been used consistently throughout all of the Harry Potter games over the last decade is the repair as spell otherwise known as The Mending charm that could completely restore a broken object which worked on most materials it was invented by orabella Nutley in 1754 who used it for the first time to repair the Roman Coliseum after it being destroyed in a very audacious duel now as for in-game mechanics though we can visually see and hear Professor fig repairing the coastal bridge in the reveal so this says to me that we're going to get a lot of utility out of this one as we won't be able to Traverse or explore locations in game until we repair a ladder Bridge or pathway which will then allow us access to that certain area so we can progress incidentally in the PlayStation dual sense controller trailer they specifically show off this raparo scene so I wouldn't be surprised at all if PlayStation players combined this spell to their next-gen controller in some capacity as in the Half Blood Prince PS3 game you have to rotate your analog stick counterclockwise to activate it but let's just wait and see and if you are enjoying the video so far please do leave a very Swift like down below really does help me out on YouTube so thank you very much and why you're down there I'm also running a Hogwarts Legacy game giveaway you just need to be a subscriber of the channel to enter and the link is in the pinned comments so good luck now this spell you won't need to wait and see because I'm sure you're all quite familiar with it and that's the famous disarming spell called Expelliarmus which was noted as Harry's signature move in the books it allows a witch or wizard to remove the object in question from their opponent's hand and was an excellent offensive and defensive option for Duelists we can see and hear our character in the gameplay reveals casting this multiple times but quite distinctively after levitating the suits of armor in this scene listen to this now Avalanche have stated that threading spells together in combat is what makes this game come alive and I'll be breaking down the other spells used in this scene shortly but what's interesting to note about this spell from a lore perspective is that the Expelliarmus charm could disarm multiple opponents if they're all in close proximity or it could also send an enemy flying backwards if a very powerful witch or wizard cast the spell an example of this being Snape versus Gilroy Lockhart in the dueling Club in the Chamber of Secrets so I'd expect to see this spell with these type of upgrades in game as it has been confirmed we can upgrade our spells in the Talon and skill tree menu now while we're reviewing this suit of armor scene just before our wizard disarms the third dude at the back he can be heard very quietly to be casting the wingardium levio SAR spell on the two dudes at the front so listen to this again and see if you can catch it and this all adds up quite nicely because if you didn't know when guardian Leviosa was a levitating charm and one of the first spells learned by any young witch or wizard it was invented in the 16th century by a warlock named yaleth Hobart who cast it on himself and then jumped out of a window thinking he could fly in fact after he took his clothes off mid-air as he thought they were weighing him down he then hit the deck and broke 16 bones in his body and the reason why I'm telling you this story is because the charm doesn't work on humans it only works on the clothes they wear so that's why we can levitate these suits of armor as well as the dark was enemies in the gameplay we've seen so far and I also think that this will have a lot of utility in Puzzles where we'll need to float objects around to certain locations to get them out the way so expect to use this spell a lot I would say in and out of combat and now I come to think of it I think the same amount of utility could be used for this disillusionment charm which was a spell that disguises the cast or all target into its surroundings we can see this being used in the small snippet of stealth combat footage here and even though we can't verbally hear the spell being cast Channel with the community manager of Hogwarts Legacy did mention in a Playstation blog article that will be able to take a stealthier approach by finishing off enemies whilst utilizing the disillusionment charm so solid confirmation there it's also important to note that this charm doesn't make the Caster completely invisible but rather depending upon the competency of the witch or wizard it allows the person or item in question to take on an exact color and texture of its environment effectively turning it into a kind of chameleon and I think this plays really nicely into that stealth mechanic in this open world RPG game because I can see as being spotted by enemies if we get too close to them or perhaps prefects who do spotters whilst we're exploring the corridors late at night and because of that it would make sense to me for us to be able to increase its Effectiveness in the stealth Talent skill tree that we've actually seen footage of already reducing the time it takes for enemies to detect us when this disillusionment charm is active and hopefully we get to see more stealth footage of this in action soon but just sticking on stealth a little while longer this is where we see the petrificus totala spell being used on an unsuspecting enemy with chandlerwood going on to say that it's a great curse to use as a way to finish off enemies whilst operating in stealth reaffirming that this game is intended to be played by mixing and matching different spells that do complement each other depending upon your own preferred play style and you may have seen this spell before in the films it is quite iconic because the arms and legs of the victim snap together so they're unable to move but they still have the ability to see Phil hear and think but speaking of another spell with the potential to hold enemies in their tracks and that's the stupefy charm which is also known as the stunning spell now arguably you could say it's another iconic spell because it's bright red projectile is often mistaken for a spell more deadly looking than it really is because if you are hit with it you're rendered unconscious but more importantly it doesn't leave any lasting damage unless you were to hit the ground with some force and because of that it was heavily preferred by Julius when they were doing the Tango it's yelled out and shown multiple times throughout pretty much all of the reveals across the last 12 months but what's interesting about this spell in particular is that the stunning effect can be Amplified significantly on a Target when multiple Wizards use it against one enemy and this is a quite important lore detail which I think will be utilized heavily in this game as the only way to subdue large and dangerous magical creatures such as dragons and Mountain trolls was to spam stun this spell at them in fact both of those creatures will be in this game and if you look at this clip of the hebridium black dragon it has some ancient markings on its hide and I think this is what we need to be aiming at to bring it down especially if we can upgrade this spell in the talent tree to stupefy Duo which is a more powerful variant of the spell so lots of potential for upgrades here as well but that said I'll tell you what else has a strong possibility of having an elaborate skill tree and that's our Shield charm better known as protego which was invented to combat all manner of jinx's hexes curses and of course stunning spells this is a great all-round defensive spell that we can see cast multiple times by ourselves and the opposing dark Wizards in this gameplay footage and speaking of which I've gone through all of the Combat gameplay we have so far frame by frame and I think this will be our Parry mechanic in the game which we'll need to react to at the right time to successfully deflect the income coming spells likely using the L1 Trigger or left bumper on your Xbox no idea about the PC we'll just have to wait and see but here's a good example of what I mean a wizard pings a quick hex at the character with no prompts on the screen is then instantly counted because I imagine the player has hit that Parry button at the right time and because of that successful Parry the combat slows down for a second which I think is The Game's way of telling you hey good job on the deflect now it's time to send back a counter curse which then opens up the game for more spell combos there's also several upgrades for protego including protego Duo Maxima totalum and diabolica in the law sense so expect a very heavy upgrade tree for this spell in particular as I've mentioned now while we're on the topic of counter spells and opening up combat for further collaboration and combos this is where I think our pogno Jinx comes into play quite nicely and the reason I say that is because it was a spell that directed an object or individual to attack the Target in question Hermione famously using this spell to conjure a flock of canarys who she then instructed to smash into Ron in the Half Blood Prince and again this is another one of those spells that has yelled out a shed ton of times in the state of Play trailer because it's clearly bound to the R1 button on the PlayStation controller and it's designed to be used as a complementary option to what spell we're primarily casting at the time in the game it's kind of like an extra damage dealer in combat if we happen to be near objects that we can Chuck our enemies which I think is pretty cool in terms of kind of combo creativity but I'll tell you what else is cool and it's that it can be used directly after disarming someone as we can see here with the suit of armor scene again there's a very quick and short window to press R1 when it's prompted up on our screen after the sword is blown out of its hands so it really does look like there will be a lot of spell combinations we can thread together that will work wonderfully in tandem with one another whilst in combat now we'll also be able to whisk the descendo spell into our Jewels even though the target is standing with both feet on the ground which we can see here against the infry and on first glance that's quite odd because the spell itself is an incantation that makes objects fall or move downwards and it seems to be applicable to living things here in this game because once it's used the target actually bounces off the ground and then returns into the air with this temporary floating mechanic happening after it opening up the door for further spell combos as we've just discussed but even though we've only seen this used in combat so far I'd very much expect this spell to be put to good use by pulling down ladders from ceilings in environmental puzzles as well as other objects that need to be brought down so we can kind of move past it and progress the dungeon or Mission or whatever it is that we're doing and I think the same thing here will be applicable for the defender spell as well because we can hear that called out and shown multiple times throughout the gameplay it was invented in the 15th century by The Wizarding seamstress Delfina crimp as a more accurate way to cleanly cut through material and since its Discovery it has been coined as the go-to severing charm that can precisely cut something that is specified by the witch or Wizard and this is why we see it used within combat because the defender spell if used inappropriately could cause serious injury maiming or death which is quite significant as it's taught in the second year of charms class but again expect to utilize this outside of combat but as I imagine there will be lots of ropes tapestries and objects in this game that can be bypassed if we just slice through them now another spell which I will be utilizing a lot in this game and that is confringo which is otherwise known as the blasting spell that causes targets to explode and this isn't to be confused with the incendio fire spell which I'll walk you through next but rather a more direct and impactful fire bomb explosion which we can see in this Jewel on your screen here now it was invented by Alberta to Hill for the purpose of winning The all-england Wizarding dueling competition by surprising the favorite to win the Super seed that being Samson Wilburn who was quite shocked at the use of this spell having never seen it before and because of that he couldn't counter it and he went on to lose and that is for good reason because it is a high damage disruptor spell with Hermione using it to greatest effect against nagini in the Deathly Hallows where it rebounded around the house and hit Harry's wand breaking in two so this will be a full upgrade from me when I do jump into the game as I do think it's gonna absolutely wreck but as for incendio though otherwise known as the fire making charm and this is where it differs from the confringo spell as its in ended not for blasting people in the face with a fire explosion but rather for setting things a lie and that said we don't see our wizard setting any fireplaces a light in the gameplay sharing so far but what we do see is a lot of footage of people and in Fry being roasted alive which I have absolutely no doubt a lot of you will be very pleased to see but one thing I do want to bring your attention to though is the Spell's distinctive animation differences between clips and in this first one both in Fry are set to light from a single incendio spell however in the most recent hogsmeade Quest trailer there is an area of effect after the spell has been directly cast at the mannequin and actually this is also shown in the state of Play trailer as well where the ring of fire expands out to other enemies so for me this suggests that the incendio spell has been upgraded in our talent tree and this is a good example of spell progression in the game that we can experience with spells visually changing and having more of an impact after each upgrade now fire aside we also get to play with some ice elements in this game with Community manager Chandler wood mentioning back in May that they snuck in a freezing spell into that state of play Trail now he's referencing the glaciers charm which actually isn't originally heard in the main state of Play trailer but it is mentioned on their official Instagram post listen to this and we can also see it used in this combat scene where our character freezes an enemy on the ground and then makes the ice explode damaging and blowing back enemies in the vicinity so perhaps another upgrade in our spell talent tree there as well but when it comes to its environmental and out of combat utility though within the law it could be used to freeze water and extinguish fires which I imagine we'll also need to do to solve some puzzles in game and I could definitely see this being used in a very similar way to the puzzles that we see in Star Wars Jedi Fallen order as a way to temporarily hold up objects in motion so we can get past safely but in Hogwarts Legacy we'll be able to freeze it in place but I'll tell you what spell won't be solving any puzzles anytime soon and that's the killing curse otherwise known as Avada Kedavra and one of the three unforgivable curses that are outlawed in The Wizarding World in fact by using one of these spells the second being the cruciatus and the third being the imperious curse which I'll walk you through next you'll land yourself with a lifetime sentence in the Wizard prison Azkaban which we've incidentally already been shown a teaser of from the announcement trailer a few years years ago so perhaps visiting the prison itself is still on the cards but that all said it's Ironclad confirmed we'll be able to use this spelling game but it's not yet specified in what context and I personally think it'll be within specific scenarios within the game and not freely castable around the castle but if we were to try and use this spell outside of its parameters of where it can be used I wouldn't be surprised if we picked up a wand malfunction animation which Avalanche unintentionally showed in a bug video on Twitter I believe listen to this so what I would say is don't expect to be able to run around Hogwarts casting the killing curse freely as you head to charm's class now as for the cruciata's curse otherwise known as the torture curse it has been teased in the recent Dark Magic trailer involving slytherins Sebastian sallow and His companion questline and the effects of this curse haven't yet been shown to us yet in game but for it to be successful in Wizarding World law the person casting it must possess a deep meaningful desire to cause the victim pain righteous anger just won't work just like when Harry used used it on Bellatrix Lestrange for murdering Sirius Black and it did cause her brief pain but it wasn't effective because Harry doesn't have that sadistic nature inside of him and took no pleasure in performing The Curse so it became redundant very quickly but with that in mind it does seem that we will have the choice whether we want to perform this curse in the game thanks the recent dialogue options released by avalanche on their Twitter account so if you want to become a sadistic dark Wizard or witch I think the option will be there for you to walk that path and we don't have any further info on the Imperials curse as of yet by the way but I do imagine it will be appearing in the game considering we have two of the three unforgivable curses confirmed so far and it would be very odd to exclude the third but on top of all that we have these new finishing moves that are freely integrated into the Combat gameplay we've been showcased two so far one being The Apparition maneuver which after transitioning Rains Down lightning on the Goblin's head as well as another spell where we can slam another Goblin repeatedly into the ground which is quite aggressive to put it mildly now I've got a feeling these finishing moves will only be activated if the target is at low Health prompting The Finisher to be engaged as we can see with the R1 button popping up on the screen here or alternatively perhaps this mechanic operates in a similar way to the ghost of tsushima game where you activate this Aura of the ghost after defeating several enemies without taking a hit and because of that you can then finish three enemies pretty much instantly now these spells are called finishes for a reason and they're charged with ancient magic meaning they're difficult to perform so expect certain parameters or criteria that need to be met before we can actually cast them now very recently Hogwarts Legacy teased an in-game Field Guide which provided us with a few fun tips to do in the game but hidden away on one of those pages was four spells that were scribbled down two of them we've already discussed that being stupefy and protivocus totalus but the other two we haven't yet seen in any gameplay those being Rick to sempra and ridiculous now the former is a tickling charm that causes the victim to buckle over in laughter and is widely used in The Wizarding World as a diversionary tactic and a way to get a bit of a break from your opponent in a jewel if the spell is successfully landed which means see Harry Dew against Malfoy in the Chamber of Secrets dueling club and the latter ridiculous being a bogart banishing spell which was a charm that was used to defeat a booger which if you didn't know was a shape-shifting non-being that took on the form of its observer's worst fear they were defeated by laughter by using this spell to transform the Boga into something very silly so I can see he's coming across a lot of these hiding away in chess somewhere stopping us getting the loot unless we use that ridiculous spell now speaking of Secrets hiding away in the game I've got 10 new ones for you in this video so give that a click on your screen right now to find out what they are and I'll see you there in just a second but if you're still watching though my pick thanks to those of you who are in the reloads club and support me on YouTube via a membership hopefully I can get to the point of making content For You full time one day but until then coffee is on me and cheers for watching
Channel: AndyReloads
Views: 412,524
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Keywords: AndyReloads, Andy Reloads, harry potter hogwarts legacy, harry potter legacy, hogwarts legacy gameplay, playstation state of play, hogwarts legacy, state of play, harry potter game, playstation 5, hogwarts legacy release date, hogwarts legacy state of play, harry potter ps5, harry potter, hogwarts legacy trailer, hogwarts legacy game, new harry potter game, harry potter rpg, hogwarts legacy avada kedavra, hogwarts legacy unforgivable curses, harry potter spells and magic
Id: ga_xrTHMnAQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 15sec (1155 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 22 2022
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