2 Year Restoration - All we built on Abandoned land Timelapse

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Two years ago we bought this small abandoned Farm in Portugal. It didn't look anything like it does now. Everything was overgrown all the trees plants weeds brambles growing everywhere. We set about clearing the land - strimming chopping cutting brambles and Bracken. With Dan working full time and our property being a three hour round trip away, we decided we could camp out in the pickup at the weekends. We rescued lots of useful equipment from the house to use in our makeshift kitchen. And Dan built a compost loo that we could use on site. Soon things began to look better and take shape. Then we had a summer storm. We don't expect a huge Harvest this year because the hailstones really did some damage to the very baby olives and it knocked down our big apple tree. We knew we needed water if we wanted anything to grow so we set about unearthing the well. The first bucket of water out of our well oh just a wee bit of grass yeah that's pretty good one It smells okay but I'm not drinking it. The water comes from down deep down in the well and we've got a 12 volts submersible pump on the end of this pipe. We've got a small 12 volt battery a solar panel and a charge controller and a switch. This pump Arrangement has a capacity to pump about a ton of water so fill the IBC in a bit less than an hour. We'd cut down lots of invasive mimosa and started to build a fence. Then it got really hot and we needed somewhere to cool off on those hot summer days. [Music] we bought a big purple wine container and used a black hose to heat the water. oh We're going to put the the bottom feed for our solar heating Loop We're just putting a male male adapter in the valve so that we can shut off our closed loop heating system. Because the hose wasn't long enough we temporarily attached it with a hose clamp, and there were no leaks. That's currently attached to the top and Inlet outlet. It's freezing. Okay we're coiling up the heating Loop and hopefully we're going to heat up our plunge pool with the sun and our bit of black hose. now we need to attach this. So the theory is that the cold water sinks out of here put the hose clamp on the hose before... yeah put it on the hose. The theory is that the cold water sinks to the bottom and we'll go out down this hose it will warm up in the black pipe on the 'eira' and then the hot water will go back in the top of the tank. At night time we can close it off so it doesn't circulate. Lovely. It's rather murky. Um and maybe we'll turn out come out orange but there you go that's what we've got. Who's going in first? That's Meraid's pleasure privilege I almost fell in. (laughter) We finished the fence and created an archway to help divide the land and make it feel more manageable. Every weekend, we would clear out a room in the house and discovered all sorts of amazing Treasures that we will keep for the future for when we finally move into our home. [Music] We found this wooden box in what appears to be the old chapel in the house so let's find out what is inside it. Looks like a home decoration book from 1970 something [Music] In October 2021 we packed up our stuff and moved to a rental house nearby. That year we harvested some chilies and had our first Olive Harvest. We began to grow and plant vegetables. Family and friends visited and they planted trees and helped us clear the land. It rained for a week in December and it didn't rain again until the following March. We had an obsession with making piles which never seemed to be in the right place. We turned as much of the old wood as we could into wood chip to use in the garden. [Music] We cut bamboo and built a bean structure. We cured the onions dried the garlic and the beans started to grow. thank you We carried on planting fixing things and restoring. We started our YouTube Channel Hello lovely YouTube people. The Harvest isn't great this year. Our main big well at the top of the land is almost empty. We emptied the small well took out all of the silt and then we waited and then we waited. You are not going to believe what's in this well. Water. I could almost cry. We restored the Old Vine Terraces The chest of wine We Unearthed an old wall. We rebuilt the old wall and turned the entire area into new garden beds. [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Thunder and Rain] After the floods Dan built berms and swales and ditches to handle the extra water. We planted fruit trees and harvested the olives for the second time. We cleared out the Attic. We keep hoping to find the stash of gold up here Keep looking. look at that, a wee Puffer. because I think that's the one that we've gone over both bronze I don't know let's see what's inside Hello. Our friends Tim and Fatima lent us their trail cam and this is a collection of all the Fantastic animals we managed to capture on our land [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you We bought this golden kiwi last year only last year it was this tall oh some things are just just here to try our patience. it's not exactly the biggest of Luffas but it is a loofah and it's got seeds. It's not exactly been the year where I'm going to be a loofah farmer. Summer ended and we started clearing the land again we picked the last of our Harvest to preserve for the winter. [Music] foreign Our friends came back they helped us transform the vegetable garden cleared more land and planted more trees. Can you remember what variety of lemon that is? Yes the rounded yellow type. cheers. That's the one I ate you can still plant it yeah I know. This one? Yeah. Dan built a bench for a new Garden. Over the last few weeks we've been planting Vines. We want to establish our Vineyard for wine production. We planted 60 new Vines. [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] This is the beginning of our no dig potato bed. As we move into year three and plan to restore the house and continue growing our farm and restoring the land. We hope that you will continue to join us on our journey. We'd like to thank all of you who have been here from the start and look forward to more of you joining and sharing in this wonderful journey in the future.
Channel: Nearby Veggies
Views: 718,269
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned land, camp out west, diego leon, house renovation time lapse, house restoration, house restoration time lapse, land restoration, martijn doolaard, nearby veggies, newbys, off grid living, off grid portugal, portugal, portugal homestead, portugal renovation, project kamp, renovation time lapse, restoration, restoration home, restoration house, restoration time lapse, the newbys, time lapse renovation, timelapse renovation
Id: Lcp84BmRX6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 39sec (1179 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 15 2023
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