2 Ways for Volumetric Clouds in Blender ( + Cloud Generator )

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how to make volumetric clouds in blender first thing you need to do is set the render engine to Cycles since heavy still kinda poor in that field you can choose any shape of mesh you have so let's go with Suzanne to make a monkey Cloud next we need a volume empty so shift a to add one with this empty we need two modifiers one is mesh to volume and in this we can select the shape for the volume by assigning any mesh the monkey in my case then we can adjust both the density and the voxel number for more details I will go with a density value of 3 and a voxel number around 128 should do the trick you can lower the voxel number for low end machines by now we don't need Suzanne so just hide it the other modifier is for the cloud texture so add a volume displace then make a new texture in it switch to texture properties to fix couple of things first make the type on clouds since this is what we want and it should give you something like this which I think is kinda cool and you can go with it the size also can be adjust and I increased it a bit and that depend on your mesh and this is what you get quite nice if you agree and you can go to the materials to fix the color and other values like in any volume node second method we have is similar to the first one but with geometry nodes we do need some subdivision on this monkey head then add a new geometry node on it and focus here a bit add an instance on point node and plug the group output to the instance slot we also need a mesh line as a points input to get the monkey back and make its count on one cause we need one monkey Cloud after that add a realize instance a mesh to point and a points to volume in order in the last one adjust the radius and density to keep the monkey in shape or go crazy and see what you get after that we need a volume to measure node and that will go through a subdivision then a set position node to get some texture on the cloud so in the set position offset Adam Musgrave texture plug it through a multiply math node on two steps one to fix the normal and the other for the size we can wrap all this with a mesh to volume node and we're done with this mess you can control the density and voxel amount for the size details and all that with the last node and here is the result a fine s monkey Cloud to get your Harry Potter project done there are also many cool addons to help you generate or add clouds to your scene one of them is this old procedural cloud system and it's free to get on blender Nation the other one is a paid collection of vdm called real Cloud so check them out links are downstairs and that's it like the video If you still hear and see you guys next time stay sharp goodbye
Channel: Architecture Topics
Views: 32,564
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Id: ChYzvNgRkK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 31sec (211 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2023
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