2 Warp Cores and AI Crew: The Ross Class Starship

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hello or Rick here with a video on the Russ class I was going to do a video addendum on the Galaxy cast for Star Trek Picard reasons but instead I delved into the rabbit hole of the Ross class and purchased a couple of books featuring it because I was amazed at its origin originally on seeing it I thought it's just a sovereign style Galaxy right damned it is but it's so much more so the real origins of the Ross class are rather impressive and actually involve a tabletop RPG Adventure which as a game master and Avid DND player I'm stoked for the Ross class was envisioned as a sort of evolution from the Galaxy class that folded in the latest developments of Starfleet such as the Sovereign class technology and finds from the Delta quadrant the designer was Thomas moroney and the concept came to life in 2020 for the Star Trek Adventures live play clear skies because of this several aspects of its law were derived for the players to tell their narrative but the design was more than simply a fan-made creation as it was also implemented into Star Trek online as a skin for the Galaxy class as its own ship from here the design progressed into a full Cannon as one of the four initial designs lifted from sto when new ships were needed to populate the 25th Century Starfleet Armada while in spirit a Galaxy class it does feature several alterations such as the cell pylon shape and a circular saucer section combined with a large amount of sovereign Flair the coloration interior deflected dish and neck all have the Sovereign elements in their concept so when the ship was added to the lore of the games naturally it Incorporated these into its design Tale if I ask you the tasteful and good-looking Starship Aficionado that you are what the replacement for the Galaxy class was you might say The Sovereign class and before the existence of the Ross in Canon you would have been mostly right The Sovereign like the Galaxy Incorporated the state-of-the-art technology into one vessel and launched at the Pinnacle of that era's capabilities at the time the most advanced ship in the fleet the Constitution was this the Excelsior Galaxy and Sovereign too however the Sovereign was created with a more combative mindset from the Dominion war and bore threats it was still equipped with diplomatic Suites and Grand scientific departments but for the most part it knew what it was Starfleet refined one of the quirks of the Galaxy class had been that it was expansive and crammed full of all sorts of labs and Technology to address a myriad of what-if scenarios it was also designed to take on numerous upgrades and alterations in its lifetime to adapt to its deep space missions on the go that was something lost on The Sovereign class and it's into this Niche the Ross class enters the picture the project began in 2375 which actually places it after the launch of The Sovereign class which was entering service around 2372 and the following years this means that despite the Ross looking like a stepping stone between the Galaxy and The Sovereign it was not it bore many departments focused on science and engineering and would act as a technological test bed easily the ship was also large enough to maintain another form of Duty of the Galaxy 2 and that was to house a civilian presence or at the very least a passenger or colonist roster with these missions in mind it was defined as a command exploration Cruiser the project began with the Galaxy class and practically recreated it as if it were being designed again two decades after the original project started and therefore there were many similarities this is why the design that emerges is one that literally looks like a Galaxy Sovereign hybrid inside and out the six years later the Prototype USS Ross nx76710 was launched from San Francisco Fleet yards under the command of Captain Seoul for a two-month cruise to the Shackleton expanse which lay in the beta quadrant between the Romulan and Klingon territories while you could go around it was easiest to pass through Klingon space and in 2381 the two Powers were Allied so this was not an issue both the Klingon and Romulan parties had little interest in that area so the Federation was free to explore it the ship was named not after Admiral Ross as I first assumed but after Mary Golda Ross the first Native American female engineer at Lockheed this was a good choice for a ship that was designed to trial new technologies as part of its exploration missions and indeed many of these such as second generation of Bio neural circuitry would go on to be standard by the 25th Century among other Technologies was its experimentation in the evolution of artificial intelligence and holography based on the EMH doctor's evolution the exeo system was a fully sentient and aware holographic officer that could be projected around the ship and had a basic mobile emitter that was limited by a connected range to the USS Ross this officer bore the rank of Lieutenant Commander and was to explore the utilization of holographic officers in various roles while the USS Ross Xeo acted as the first officer it's unclear if other ross-class vessels had these dedicated holographic officers the Ross class is 663.2 meters long 146.8 meters high and 398.9 wide this made it longer than the Galaxy class but slightly narrower I would say that from an above angle the nacelles really look kind of out of place but they do connect in the middle not by the ends as the sloped pylons would suggest it weighed over 4.4 million tons and spanned across 42 decks it carried a crew complement of 600 officers however it had an accommodation for up to 1900 passengers it had six dyn58 multi-band lateral sensor Suites 4gbc directional sensor arrays and its main deflector was an ndm-09 omnifase deflector array several of these since the Suites were located on the underside of the saucer section in terms of our moments it had quite a few with 11 Mark 10 and later Mark 12 phaser arrays and seven torpedo launchers now I left the warp capabilities for last for one reason it was capable of reaching warp 9.9 as its maximum which was not quite as fast as the Sovereign but still a generation ahead of its predecessors however while its main core was a yoyodine 33rmarc warp core it had a secondary smaller warp core rated at 1200 cochrons within its saucer section this was because like the Galaxy class before it it was capable of reversible source of separation and therefore bore two Bridges however drawing on the Prometheus class the sorso section maintained a separate warp assembly complete with the ability to generate a warp field and travel at warp itself an evolution of the Galaxy class design this was accomplished by a ring of warp coils around the edge of its saucer opposites the recreation deck and phaser array it could sustain warp 6 as a cruise speed on its own and in theory should the primary core fail the entire ship could run from this secondary core by channeling energy to the drive section this was not ideal however as running power down through the sensitive areas of the ship was not without risk when not in use or separated warp it could Channel directly into the phaser arrays the ship had kick it also maintained three Karen yards heavy impulse engines for sublight speeds in terms of auxiliary craft it had a comparable shuttle Bay to the Galaxy class with it being located on the back of the neck between the impulse engines and its complement was therefore similar the exact amount was not detailed but it contained runabouts and the Argo transport craft which are on the larger side of Starfleet shuttles so I assume the bait held around 20 shuttles at least following the successful two-month Shakedown the Ross class ended production with ships like the Archer Forest Vanguard and Yi Sun Jin and would continue to create new vessels into the 25th Century as The Sovereign took on the technological and poster child aspects of the Galaxy the Ross class took over the civilian engineering and scientific Spirit of the class leading to the decommission of the Galaxy class in full this one is for Picard season three but one good thing to come from the decommissioning of the Galaxy class was the surplus of components and entire hulls some of which such as the USS Syracuse were adopted by the starflict museum and used to reconstruct and repair the Fallen Enterprise ncc-1701d so while the Ross class pioneered on it's kind of nice to know that in 2401 the most famous vessel of its inspiring class was on its way to completion and spaceworthy once more so that is the breakdown of the Ross class the level of detail here can be broken into three layers based on its implementation into Canon with all of these details being true to the tabletop RPG game some of them being accurate to Star Trek online and with Star Trek Picard pretty much confirming only that yes it exists still this is a standout ship that I did not expect to like as much as I did until I began looking into it from its Origins to full canonical vessel the lore on the Ross class is well thought out and it finds itself a nice place in the Star Trek lineage to occupy thanks for watching I've also linked to clear skies playlist below as it seems the subsequent voyages ended up folded into the law of the RPG game itself based on the Utopia planesia Source book and you may find some fun within thanks for watching this video I've been wreck and I'll see you later for another law review or other sci-fi video Until then thanks again and goodbye [Music]
Channel: Certifiably Ingame
Views: 405,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Certifiably ingame, star trek, picard, canon, lore, online, clear skies, adventures, rpg, ttrpg, ross, ross class, starship, history, galaxy, sovereign, enterprise d, returns, design, warp core, saucer seperation, new galaxy, new, 2401, starfleet, museum
Id: uivhpuGlcaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 21 2023
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