2 Stroke VS 4 Stroke Settled ONCE AND FOR ALL!

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hey guys thanks for tuning in I'm your host Kyle brother s'en this is dirtbike Channel and today we're talking two strokes versus four strokes but I think this is gonna be a little bit different spin on it than you've ever heard before stick around so I still get a ton of questions on my email and my social media about two stroke versus four stroke just before I get into this too deep though see this shirt right here I am going to be selling shirts like this and hats like this and tie downs and all kinds of cool stuff because the bike just like this one is gonna be given away this video should come out on October 4th and October 15th I'm starting a giveaway where I'm giving away two bikes at twenty twenty KTM 300 X etbi this one's the 250 version and I'm also going to give away a 2019 KTM 250 XC it's a 60 day sweepstakes details will all be up on dirt bike channel comm on October 15th so stay tuned for that but enough that I get a ton of questions about two-stroke vs. for stroke and I have now been doing this long enough that I have a little bit of a unique perspective on this and some of you guys think that I'm only a two-stroke guy I actually spend about 60 maybe 65% seventy tops of my of my time on a two-stroke but that still leaves between thirty and forty percent of the time that I'm riding on the four strokes and they're absolutely great both bikes are great the thing with this is just it's a different they're a different type of a tool so I want to explain to you today how I have come to believe how I've come to feel about the two-stroke versus the four-stroke and which one I have more fun on it's important to also point out that this is all about fun I ride dirt bikes for fun I don't ride dirt bikes to win some purse or something in a motocross race or an enduro cross race I ride dirt bikes for fun so I want to ride the bike that is the most fun for me to ride and I have a blast when I'm riding a four-stroke dirt bike especially this four-stroke this one half the time riding I'm just giggling and I'm grinning ear-to-ear and I just I love it so I have a ton of fun I mean it's a dirt bike after all the thing is though is some of the time and I don't know if you guys have noticed this but this is how I feel some of the time when I'm gonna force okay I feel kind of like I'm going to a beach party but I'm dressed more I'm going to the boardroom and there's just a little bit of this overdressed feeling that I have and yeah I can get to that party and I can still have a blast I can still you know run through the beach and get in the sand and do all this stuff but I just I just feel like I'm a little bit a little overdressed for the occasion sometimes sometimes when I'm on the 4 strokes and it just kind of is in the back of my mind it's weighing on my mind like I might dress right for this occasion especially with the concept of you know what I know I feel like when I'm on the two-stroke so yeah I have a ton of fun on these things but I feel kind of like I'm dressed for the boardroom I mean who hasn't done this seriously boom we are ready to roll Sun and then those days that I come back to the two-stroke I just feel like I'm coming home and for some odd reason I'm still going to that same beach party but I feel a little a lot more comfortable with the way that I'm dressed I see everybody else having fun and I'm like oh I'm dressed the part it just it just makes me feel like I'm going to that party dressed in the flip-flops and the board shorts and the tank top ready to have some fun and because of that I end up having a little bit more fun on these bikes on the two-strokes than I do on the four-strokes overall you know and it's it's not anything super scientific I think it's just because you know for the type of riding that I like to do the two-stroke is maybe just the right tool and so it makes me feel like I'm dressed appropriately it's also maybe just that it speaks to my soul a little bit more and I'm more of the guy that wants to be you know on the boat then at the boardroom and that's just kind of what the two-stroke does for me it just speaks to me of that in that way I get it I know we all want data and we want some scientific thing to prove why the two-stroke or the force torque is better but it really just comes down to this which one is more fun for the type of riding that you're doing and which one is more fun for you and the two-stroke isn't the funnest bike for everyone it is for me generally speaking but if not it might not be for you it might be this beta 390 RR over here cuz that is a Fun Factory right there so these bikes are just for fun and I choose to write I'd choose to spend the most amount of time on the bike that is the most fun for me and that tends to be the two-stroke I know it's not scientific but that's just how I feel and I think a lot of people should look at it more that way just be like hey look let's ride both in the scenarios that I want to ride you know find a buddy that has a four-stroke find anybody that has a two-stroke and swap back and forth and realize the bike might not be set up for you the best way to kind of settle this is for you to have to I know not everyone can do that but if you can have a four-stroke and a two-stroke you can kind of get to see their little idiosyncrasies and little things about you know each platform that are better suited for one type of riding than the other and you know you just kind of go with that I love the two-stroke and four-stroke debate I like them both I love them both I could ride that beta 390 for a long time and if it was my only bike I would just kind of have to adjust some of the hard enduro stuff that I do to be able to make sure I can keep the bike running that overall I love them both there is no right or wrong answers there's just different tools for different purposes and they are a ton of fun guys I hope you enjoyed this video I had a lot of fun making it if you haven't done so already please subscribe my channel and make sure you click the ringing Bell to make sure that you're part of the notification squad when these videos come out if you want to support me you can go over to patreon I've got a patreon page over there where you can do a monthly tip amount you can also just do Pay Pal on my website you can PayPal a donation there and these dirt bike sweepstakes are gonna be coming up this this bite well it's it's this this bikes brother or sister is gonna be giving away so watch for that that's a great way to support me is by buying product that way also I just started a podcast so you can find me on iTunes and Google Play and stitcher and all of those major podcast directories you'll find me there stir fight channel podcast and I'm put out a mix of content up over there so go ahead and check that out should be some interesting content for you to listen to while you're going to work or from you know to or from work or to or from the trail something like that so anyway hope that you guys enjoy that content and we'll see you around I can't help but feel a little bit exposed like this with my toes I don't have anything cover my toes and that has me that has me a little bit worried but I can still get into my attack position grip the bike got the skin on plastic right here that really helps you know it's gonna be a little warm actually that's gonna be the advantage of writing the two-stroke when you're dressed like this is it's not gonna burn the crap out of you as much because those four strokes get freakin hot when you're wearing shorts like this dude seriously you gotta be careful
Channel: Dirt Bike Channel
Views: 165,070
Rating: 4.5845089 out of 5
Keywords: enduro, motocross, dirtbike, ktm 2016, ktm motorcycles, shootout, ktm, range, erzberg, graham jarvis, johnny walker, best dirtbike, 125, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 525, exc, sx, how to, 2 stroke, 4 stroke, video, review, husqvarna
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 10sec (430 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 04 2019
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