2. React Native (Expo) Firebase Authentication Google Login (Android) | Google Sign In & Firebase

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so for this video we will be configuring Google sign in package and the Google Firebase console first we will open or look for authentication then social oauth then click Google and here we will use the Google sign in library then scroll down below and copy this npx Expo installation command copy go back to our project and terminate this first and paste the installation okay then once we have installed the Google sign in package let's copy this one the plugins copy plugins and um up the Json here it is you can put it right below the slab and don't forget to add the coma save and then before we can use the Google services.json you first have to create an account in Google Firebase console so here let's type firebase.google.com and select your account then once you have logged in let's click get started then click create a project type in the project name type this one I take 222 registration form or registration form and just remove the underline then accept confirm continue for the duration choose Philippines accept and create project then wait for this to finish okay then once your project is ready click continue and let's first select or first create a Firebase app for Android here you have to enter the Android package name let's open up the Json and copy this one copy paste for the nickname it's optional and for the debug signing certificate we will use EAS so let's again check if the ESS account is ours so if you have confirmed that it is your account let's now type EAS credentials then choose Android development keystore set up a new key store scroll down or arrow down create a new build credential configuration enter y and wait for it to generate okay then press any key to continue and we now have a new credential copy this one the shot one fingerprint copy go back to the Firebase page paste register wait for the registration to finish then we will not download this first click next scroll down next and continue to console here we already have the Firebase for Android click settings scroll down and add another fingerprint so as you can see we have two credentials this one and this one above yeah copy again the Xiao one fingerprint go back to the site and paste save then we can now download the Google services dot Json okay let's open this copy and paste it inside your project folder so right here this is now the Google services dot Json and let's minimize that okay here single services.json then here in Firebase select build from the sidebar and click Authentication and here we have to enable the different authentication methods we can use Google Facebook Twitter GitHub and it can be your own database or an email account here above click get started then choose e-provider let's choose Google and enable Google here you just have to choose the project support email then click save okay then let's check project overview I then the next thing that we are going to do is include this one inside your app.json file so let's copy this one open up the Json here inside Android let's face that one and include a comma what else okay then let's install let's install the Firebase Library okay let's terminate this first yeah on the terminal press Ctrl C and we will install react native Firebase off search for it and look for the npm JS website copy this one so that we can install the react native Firebase auth Library paste wait for the for it to install right then you also have to install react native Firebase app okay copy the command and paste it on the terminal okay once we have installed the arachnidifierbase libraries we have two rebuild the application where is it here create development builds copy this one and paste so that the Firebase libraries will be updated updated from your Expo account so let's check if we already have the build we have created 20 minutes ago and we have to rebuild so that the Firebase libraries will be included so again this will take another wait or maybe it was a problem from our internet just let's run again the code okay uploading to EAS build all right then since we are using a free account from Expo this will take a little longer okay let's check the subscriptions that is it count setting and we are using a free plan and so for the free plan we are limited to 30 lower priority builds 10 concurrencies and 45 minutes build timeout we just have consumed 1 out of 30 low priority builds so again we have to wait for this one to finish this might take 10 to 20 minutes okay then select install and run on an emulator okay then let's try to run the project step in npx Expo start Dev client okay then for the next video we will add the Google sign in where is it go here real ID codes for Google sign in
Channel: Peng
Views: 13,160
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wQnUb86ge7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 08 2023
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