2 Legit SEO Side Hustles (For 2024)

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I'm going to show you how to make an extra $1,000 to $10,000 per month using search engine optimization and artificial intelligence and watch until the end because I'll show you how to tap into what I call the revenue flywheel that can double or even triple your monthly income I'm Nathan gotch the founder of gotch SEO Academy and the author of The SEO entrepreneur so like this video right now to show me you're excited and let's get right into it number one build a micro destination website in your local area so one of the most untapped ways to build income online using SEO right now is to build a micro Local website see everyone really focused on National based you know affiliate marketing and building these huge Authority websites but in fact if you're trying to get some quick wins if you're trying to make money in a very quick way without having a build this enormous Authority website and have to go up a bunch against a bunch of competitors and ultimately you know have to be kind of uh you know at the whims of Google's algorithms on the local level things are a little bit easier you can get results faster yes the income potential is not typically as high but I'll show you later on this video how you can take these rankings with this local website and you can use those rankings to greatly expand your income so what you're looking at here is actually an example of a site that we built specifically in a little tiny City and you can see right now this is despite all these updates that have been coming our traffic is totally unaffected we're still growing uh and this is honestly just a passive little project that we just did for a test site so if we actually commit to this and actually want to grow we can double triple quadruple the size of this but it's really just to prove this particular model and so what I'm going to be showing you is how you can actually take advantage of this all right so the way you need to think about this is you know most people who are doing building out websites and trying to monetize websites by using SEO what they do is they just basically focus on the entire United States or an entire country so they're going to do you know best creatine okay and that's going to be applicable to all the United States nothing wrong with that but the biggest problem is competition the problem is that Google allocates more resources towards National queries and you're going to be under the microscope a lot more but as we start to Niche down by location things start to get really interesting so we go from United States down to the state level which is Missouri in this case down to the city or even the county level and then all the way down to a micro City within the larger County okay and what you're going to see here as I'm going to show you some real life examples this is one of the most powerful ways to build a a local Niche site that you can actually make money from like people really really underestimate how much opportunity there is okay just to give you perspective like the the uh website in this scenario is a tiny little city with about 11,000 people okay 11,000 people we're not even fully ranking that well quite yet haven't even done any link acquisition haven't pushed this really hard and this is a city with 11,000 people look how many key words we've we've taken already 633 key words and what's fascinating about this is that just in this tiny little city of 11,000 people there are almost a hundred businesses in just this tiny little city okay and if we start to think about how we can start to tap into helping businesses with their SEO you can start to see where I'm going with this okay so just to just to kind of review here what we're going to do is we're going to Niche Down super super far so let me show you let me show you a couple examples of this in real life okay here's an example right here this is from Sam you can see choose Chicago and it's a beautiful beautiful website that basically is just a completely built for the city of Chicago okay and this is once again you you probably don't want to attack the Broad City and I I I will show you how you can actually attack the broader City but you have to to be a little more strategic but this just give you an idea of like sites like this are really really popular I mean if you look at this one 1.2 million organic search visitors I mean just absolutely crazy how much traffic this site gets so you can actually go over here uh and check this one out once again nice beautiful website and most people don't even know what Overland Park is I mean it's you know in Kansas City and you know you ask anyone outside the United States I'm sure they don't know what Overland Park is right but look at look at how beautiful this site is you can see how much traffic they're getting uh 50 almost 60,000 visitors a month just organically for people interested in this one city okay tons of opportunity once again uh here in myam my local city over here St Louis uh another great one it's a really cool site right it's it's awesome and so what these these businesses have already built the blueprint for you you can take the blueprint and you can apply it to a much smaller lower competition City and you just can blanket that City and become the authority in that one little micro location okay so let's say you know another one here too visit Dallas if you just want to keep going with this this is another another great example uh visit Dallas you can see once again all right so there's tons and tons of these you can go pretty much across all the United States and find these all right so let let's say let's say you wanted though to go after one of the bigger cities well what you could do is you could take like explore St Louis for example and what you go in here is you go to KD very easy all right so this just keyword difficult to how many links is it going to take essentially to rank for this um and then go to the advanced filters and just put in the actual city so we basically get rid of all the other stuff then let's say you wanted to do a St Louis related type of website well what you wouldn't want to do is build like an Authority website because that's going to be just very difficult right what you should do is you should go really really micro and build a very specific website to St Louis okay so what we do is start looking through these and start looking for things that you could actually build a site around like something that has uh a topic that could be very very deep okay so for example if we look at this map of St Louis County that's not going to be a good website because basically you could have one page that fulfills that all right so we want to look at ones where there's an opportunity to actually build something that could have a lot of substantial uh interest okay one you when you combine it across many things okay so one of these things right here is outdoor activity St Louis okay this is one that I would consider right building an entire website just around the best outdoor activities in St Louis and you could do all of St Louis County but if you think about that if you had a whole site just focused on this one core idea think about how easy it would be to rank think about how topically relevant that site would be okay and I'll just show you real just to give you an idea of what this is like like St Louis SEO consultant this is a site that I build inside of got SEO Academy just to show people how you can do this but you'll see like I rank number one here with this site okay it's literally one page like it's a one page website and it ranks because it's so incredibly hyp specific all right this is Works in insanely well okay and we can even just take off consultant I think it's still ranking pretty well uh yeah it's number three even without the exact match okay and then I'm right here as well uh but the point is this is what you can do so this is why I teach people in the academy like if they're trying to get uh trying to get SEO clients or trying to build like a a site where they can start to make some money the best thing you can do is just go local like get real granular on the local level there's so much opportunity and it I cannot express it enough uh it is so untapped okay so you can build out these little micro sites you could do one about outdoor activities you could do one about live music you could showcase those events right um there's just so many things you could start to look through here and you just want to see is there a little bit of interest you just don't want to do one where there's just not a lot of a lot of interest overall the other technique is to build one of these kind of explore St Louis type of websites but do it for a micro City it like in in the county or outside of the big Metro so in this case like creef core uh I picked this one which is right outside of St Louis and you can see this is a tiny City I think has about 18,000 uh citizens in the city and you can see if we go and look at the total volume the total opportunity here this is a tiny little city and there's at least 55,000 searches of month uh just for everything related to creef cor Missouri okay 55,000 all right and that's just what semrush is able to pick up this doesn't account for all of the thousands and thousands of keywords that these tools can't even pick up okay and I'll show you in a second how we can identify those those keywords that these tools will never pick up but people are absolutely searching them because I've been able to prove that with this particular website here we actually build out a lot of pages that don't have any quantifiable uh keyword dat data but the the way we're able to do it is because we're using using Common Sense we're modeling these sites that already exist and using a little bit of chat GPT so I'll be showing you how to do that in a second for the rest of this video where I'm going to be showing you actually how to build one of these sites from scratch just like real quickly how to get it set up and running would take you 5 10 minutes to get a site up and running um and then from there we'll start to do keyword research and we'll do a bunch of other stuff to prepare and build the foundations of this campaign and then in step two I'll show you what you can do once you get it rolling once you've got some keywords rolling in like this how to how to double down on these keywords to basically leverage your results to get to start to make even more money uh in regards to SEO okay so go to hostinger.com and then go to the WordPress section click on manage WordPress so one of the things I really love about hostinger is a couple things number one is you're going to get a free domain and you're going to get free automated migration which is really awesome so you it doesn't matter you know what hosting platform you're on you're going to be able to move to hosting very very easily you also get a free CDN and plus you get tons of free AI SEO tools as well so can't suggest it enough then select the package you want I'm going to do business and then pick how many months you want it to be so I'm going to do 12 months because I'll be able to save $108 and then go ahead and enter your details and enter coupon code gotch SEO and then click apply then it's going to take you to the control panel and then we're going to just start selecting these options that are most relevant to you okay so click next and then we're going to do what type of website we're going to build I'm going to pick blog in this case go and select that and then we're going to go to next and then we're going to go and we're going to enter our WordPress Account Details and then pick a theme so I'm going to do standard themes in this case and I'm going to pick the hosting or blog and then what we'll do is going to pick some color schemes that's relevant to us all right then uh go ahead and select what plugins you want and then you're going to go and enter a brand name and description here you can use the AI to generate it for you or you could just Model A business that's similar uh in this case so I pick St leou so I did it for creef core in this case and then go ahead and get your domain and enter your domain details and then pick a Target location so make sure you pick whatever country you're going after in this case the United States makes most sense and then you're going to go in here into the control panel and now you can see the actual website already pre-built now you just need to go through customize it make get your own and then you can actually create a free email as well you just click the setup button and then this will go and then you just have to configure the email app which is super easy and then from there we're going to go ahead and we're going to go and test the loading speed with hostinger and what we're going to find is it's extremely fast out of the gate that's why I love hosting or it's so fast and so easy to set up so can't recommend hosting or enough make sure you use coupon code gotch SEO at checkout and highly highly recommend them as your hosting provider so what we're going to do now is we're going to start to build a keyword foundation for this little micro website for cre course so what you should do is if you're using semrush I'd recommend just creating a list uh so you can just go ahead and do this and I'll just call it CC for creef core and then just create that list and what this is going to do is as we do our keyword research we can just start to add keyword ideas to this list okay the easiest thing to do is just go broadly into creef core and start to do research in that regard uh so you can you can go ahead and just actually run into the keyword overview like this and then just do creeve core broadly okay so it's kind of step one because it's going to be the lowest hanging fruits that you can attack and I would just go right into here and just start looking at some of these variations that we could go for so what I would like to do is I want to start to just look at some of these keywords so obviously the main city I want I want that to to pop for us uh creeve core Lake that's a informational intent which means we could probably do like review based on cre cor Lake uh creef core Park once again a very good one uh creef cor restaurants beautiful now I would pretty much avoid in this case I'd avoid pretty much anything that uh is branded or or navigational in nature uh and these are the most obvious ones okay just start adding these to your uh you know your main list that you created here and pretty quickly you'll start to build a pretty nice list of opportunities just doing this but this is just the beginning this is like preliminary you can probably build a database of at least you know 200 possibly 300 keyword phrases that all have different intent just by doing that alone okay so that's kind of like phase one then what we're going to do uh and this is something I really really love to do is instead of looking at the small City what I like to do is actually look at a big city and the reason for that is because when you're dealing with a small City like this you first of all there's not as much available data and there's not as much available uh just information to be able to make decisions you can't really quantify a lot of these decisions but the thing is if someone is searching about something in particular like in Chicago there's going to be more volume associated with it just cuz it's a bigger city which means in some cases there will be volume in a smaller city as well we start to look at some of these Concepts so let me give you an example so looking at Chicago all right so we're going to start to go through Chicago and I just did very Broad and we're looking at informational intent okay now what I want to do is I want to start to see things that once again do not have navigational intent but are kind of broader Concepts okay so things to do in Chicago perfect okay so what I did is I already added this into my Google sheet just so you can see but basically what I've done here is I created a little simple formula so what I did here I just added three little columns okay one is for the modifier and a modifier is just something that you add to a keyword that makes it more specific okay so if we just did things to do in creeve core Missouri that's great but if we had best that signifies that there's going to be some sort of ranking associated with that and people then do tend to use these type of modifier so best top sometimes the year whatever it may be so in this case I manually decide that best would be the best modifier no pun intended for this particular phrase okay then we have the seed which I pulled directly from Chicago so things to do okay and then we have the location all right so best things to do creef core Missouri all right and of course you can add in in there as well if you would like um we could just actually do we could do best best things to do in like that and now we've got that full phrase so I'll give you I'll give you this uh particular formula here that I can just I'll put it in the description below but basically what this will do is it just combines these Concepts into one okay so now we've got one full query that has unique intent that we can go after and then from here what we can start to do is we can basically decide what are the different types of restaurants in cre core that we could attack so just go to chat gbt it will give us a full list of different restaurants uh based on nness and once again we're not like sometimes when we think about keybo research it's as simple as just using common sense and in this case it's common sense to know that people are absolutely searching for Italian restaurants in a particular City and so that's kind of the first phase is build out build out the keyword database uh and then from there make sure you start to Cluster it all out and then after that you basically have this beautiful database all you have to do is start planning out the content okay so the next thing you're going to want to do is actually build another tab so we've got our keywords Tab and then we've got our our link bait Tab and so naturally we're going to want to create a lot of assets localized assets that can help us get links naturally and passively that's what we're trying to do so we're using content to get links okay this doesn't mean that we're not going to go out and do Outreach and all this other good stuff but we need to have things that are worth linking to and on the local level it's actually much easier than you might think now the good news you don't have to come up with these ideas on your own now obviously if you want to be creative and come up ideas certainly go for it but you can just use chaty to help you all right so you really need a couple things here number one the ideas so you're just going to put your ideas in here and then you're going to use the ice mechanism okay and this is a way to prioritize opportunities so impact confidence and ease what's the impact of creating this asset what's the potential impact for let's say getting links in this case which is the goal how confident are we that this asset is going to get us links and then number three ease what is it going to take to actually create this asset okay so the bigger the score the better the opportunity that's what we're going for so we'll go ahead and put total in here as well and then we're going to want to do a sum so that we can get the full total all right now good news is chat gbt is just makes it so much easier so you don't have to guess on any of these all right so we're going to go in here go into chat gbt and back to what we were doing and just create a little simple prompt like this okay so go in here and just say give me 20 link bit ideas such as research data tools Etc that a reporter or or or re I should have said researcher would link to as a reference or helpful resource for the city of cre core Missouri okay that's what we want to do now what it's going to do it's going to pump out a bunch of ideas here and a lot of these are really good interactive map of creef core okay so if we look this up on Google let's see if anything like this even exists all right so we're going to go over here check out these top three and see is there anything that's interactive in nature okay so we look at this this is actually from the core uh Government website uh a lot of room to improve right we there's not a whole lot going on here so existing land use uh you know pretty standard stuff pretty boring not super interactive not super fun uh so we can make this more interesting all right uh interactive map here once again uh this looks like uh doesn't seem like something that's super interactive based on what I can see we can try to see if it's interactive and it's not this is not really what what we're going for here okay um now go over here once again this is just a general map so this isn't really anything uh and then this one here it looks like this is kind of like a I don't even know what this is all right so the point is there's a lot of opportunity to do this just on this one alone then we have a historical timeline local business directory uh annual events calendar like there's just so many things that we can tap into here and honestly these are good like these are legit um and I'd probably just be building out as many of these as possible okay now one thing that you can do too is you can actually have chat gbt give you the steps for building out these assets so that's why I did in this example it gave me the the steps for building this now some of these are going to be more difficult than others naturally now if you don't want to do this yourself of course you can just go right into Fiverr and start looking at the AI services and you can get these guys to build you build you these apps uh you can go into programming get them to build it there too so there's there's people that can help you okay if you need to get this done um but if you're if you're on a tight budget then you're going to have to learn some stuff right if you don't have money then you're going to have to learn some skills uh to be able to make up that Gap um and so for me like if I was doing this I would just because I have capital I would just re I would just invest so I wouldn't have to do it myself but uh you know pick the particular link bait ideas that after we start to score them are going to require less technical knowledge to to uh ultimately publish faster all right so then what I did is I said rate this list based on the impact confidence and ease formula and from here now we got a good it it's going to rate these based on its knowledge uh so far remember it's a large language model it's not perfect but when you look at these I agree with a lot of them right so what you can do is you know 984 go into here uh and you could do 9 8 and four okay and then you you can just repeat these for every single one now if you wanted to um to make this a little bit easier we could just have uh tell chat gbt put the ideas and the ice ice scores into a table into a table so what we can do is we can actually just copy this and then paste this directly over into into the sheet and because it added an extra column so we're just going to do this um and then we can go ahead and just delete that column and we'll go ahead and filter this out and now what we can do is we actually just pull this down and now chat gbt is so freaking awesome that now we can just do this in a you know few quick seconds it organize the data for us and now we can sort by best opportunities okay and this is just 10 opportunities here like there's so many more things we could dive into I haven't even gotten into specific data that you can add like for example when you're building a a micro a micro City based website start thinking about certain things like uh what's the average age in this city uh what's the average income uh what are the wealthiest neighborhoods in this city okay start to think about those things those are data points that people love to reference and especially if you can provide evidence that it's true and it's act you're actually using government data to to build these assets okay um so this is a way that we can tap into chat GPT and use AI in a smart way not just like let's just generate content uh automatically which is not smart um but use it as your your uh sidekick to ultimately research and come up with ideas and just remember these are seeds these are just starting points okay um I would start to think about like what would be some data driven assets we could build like just ask what are 10 datadriven assets that we can build for this city right and just have it have it start to and then just have it you know continually keep going deeper and deeper Within These layers okay and you're going to start to uncover a lot of really cool ideas um and then from there all you have to do is just slowly execute on them okay um another one here interactive crime map beautiful that that would be a beautiful thing real estate en housing dashboard like this thing is awesome right there's so many ideas here that we can tap into so once again have it come with the ideas and have it prioritize using the data okay so once you've built up your keyword database the next thing you want to do is you want to actually build some SEO content briefs so what I recommend doing is building out SEO content briefs for all of the main keywords you want to go after so obviously this is just a sample but in a normal situation I'd have you know probably hundreds of different keywords with different intent now one clarification on that remember we always want to create a dedicated page if the keyword has different intent so for example best Italian restaurants Cree Missouri versus best Japanese restaurants two totally different types of intent the person that's looking for Italian wants Italian the person that's looking for Japanese wants Japanese okay so you're always just matching the intent perfectly and the better you can match the intent the better you will rank so that is the number one thing that you have to do you have to you really have to focus on answering the searcher's query you have to you have to be the best result for that Searcher okay and that in in other words you have to be the most relevant result and you have to also have the best page for that result okay that should always be your objective so what we're going to do here is we're actually going to take one of these seeds which is best restaurants creeve core and we're going to open up rank ability okay and you're going to go to the content Optimizer and we're going to go ahead and just enter this keyword in here and we're going to click run Optimizer okay so once this is done just go ahead and click through and what we're going to do here is we're actually going to create a Content brief okay you always want to start with a Content brief because this is really the first step to helping your writer create the best content possible I've just seen this time and time again people think that you know you need like a really exceptional writer to get results but the truth is the success of your content is largely dependent on the content brief this is the ultimate thing that you have to focus on so with rankability you have two options number one you can go and you can enter all of this manually okay so if I I can go through each of these fields enter manually or I can click the AI brief and it will do it automatically for me and then I can edit along the way okay so in this case I'm just going to do the AI brief the only the only caveat here is when you do the AI brief if you're working with keywords that have really low competition maybe not a whole lot of information then sometimes it might be best to go kind of that manual route you can see that we have the prompt here we can see that we have the example page URL and this will get marked in green when it's correct uh and as far as being correct just means like it has the the primary keyword in the URL okay uh the title tag it says top 10 restaurants in cre core Missouri uh because it doesn't have the exact keyword variation in here that's probably why it's it's not getting registered but what we could do is actually get rid of this cuz just an example but we could do top 10 best restaurants in C Core and naturally because it you know this isn't the exact phrase it's not going to get marked so it has to be the exact phrase for this to get marked so that's just one thing to consider but not a big deal you can you can certainly have that in there it's not going to make a difference okay uh metad description once again you know we probably want to modify this so that the core keyword is uh in there but once again not a huge ranking Factor uh and then also having the keyword in the H1 tag is you want to have some variation of the keyword in the H1 but doesn't have to be the exact keyword okay so just some clarifications on that but once again just a really easy way to create a very quick brief here now this is just part one now what we want to do is once we've created the brief we're going to go over to the outline section now once again you can go ahead and build this outline yourself but you'd have to go kind of one by one like this through the competitors and you could just add you know you click this little plus button and you can add this in here for the H1 and then you could add this in for the H2 you know you could certainly do that uh but what I would recommend doing is hitting the AI outline because what this is going to do is it's going to pull from all the top results and it's going to build out those headlines for you automatically okay so we'll go ahead and just get rid of this and then we'll click the AI outline and this will automatically create it for us and then once this is done then we'll be able to actually you know we can edit this outline and make it make it our own okay remember when you're doing AI always remember this is always just the the first draft of what you're doing you should also manually go through Maybe some additional research uh but this is just a way to kind of get that nice base layer so then now we can build upon this okay so looking at this you know it's showing us all kind of the core restaurants in this area one thing you'll want to do especially on the local level because sometimes content can be inconsistent is you're going to want to go and fact check this you're going to make sure that these are actually in creeve core okay if they're not in creeve core then that's going to be a real problem so you want to make sure that we have the accuracy here but you can tell just a very quick outline and then if we wanted we go into the optimizer which is the next phase of this um and actually let me go back here so once you have the outline built and obviously I'm not going to go through manually do this but let's just say this was good to go and it's not definitely not where it needs to be yet what you could do is if you want to take this and share with the riter just go in the share button here we're going to copy this and then you can just paste this and you can send this to the riter it's going to have a beautiful content brief for them so it'll have the SEO details that you want it'll have similar content that they can model it'll have the content outline and then the cool part is they don't even have to log in they can actually just go ahead and actually begin to optimize this content inside of actually inside of this content Optimizer okay so what you want to do next is once you have your briefs created you're going to want to create I would recommend creating briefs for like every single keyword that has different intents you get that all set up and then just assign this work to a writer there is a lot of evidence that you know manually manually written content is outperforming pure AI content these days so I would not recommend just building this out with AI personally it's not my what I would recommend doing uh but obviously you know do whatever you think is best but what we want to do here is when we look at this content Optimizer you can actually click on this AI brief and if you wanted you could certainly just paste over this content outline and this could be kind of the base of what you start okay but once again you need to make sure this is all accurate and fact checked and all that good stuff okay so this would just be the Baseline and then what we would do this is the part that's really really important most people don't get this right is when we're looking at these keywords okay do not do not look at these keywords and think that you need to just inject these into the content don't don't worry about how many times you need to use these that's pretty much irrelevant what matters is that view these as topics okay these are topics that you need to cover in the content so I see you know Bristol Seafood Grill clearly that's something that I need to put into this content it needs to be on this list because the top competitors are using it and if you're if you need clarification you can click on this and you go to examples okay and you'll see specifically where this has been mentioned uh among the competitors and it's not always going to be the ones are in the top 10 but what you'll see is in the top 30 or so this is being mentioned therefore it's likely very accurate okay and you'll see this it actually is all of Boulevard is in creef core this is accurate so this would mean that we would want add this to our content so we just need to figure out where this would need to go on the list so we would just go and do Bristol Seafood Grill and now that gets highlighted and we're good to go okay also creef core making sure that we're mentioning that and really what we're trying to do is we're trying to get into this optimal range for the rankability score okay yes you can certainly go above it it it certainly will not hurt um but we would just want to basically get into the optimal range at a bare minimum that's like just base level bare minimum um and these these keywords are always going to be sorted by importance so as you go down these become less important less competitors are mentioning these uh but it doesn't mean that you shouldn't mention them it just means that they're being mentioned much less okay so you really want to focus in kind of on front load on these top ones here and make sure you're hitting these these topics okay once again you're not just injecting these into the content view these as topics and now number two build a microl localized SEO agency okay so just to revie what you're going to do is you're going to build a localized micro website that can honestly act on its own you can actually make money with that website on its own either through advertising uh you know selling business listings there's all kinds of things you can do Partnerships collaborations there's a lot of ways to monetize even a tiny little Local website but what I recommend doing if you really want to expand your income is you should leverage the results from your local site to ultimately get SEO clients okay so what this looks like is we create a localized website to build awareness all right that's what we're doing we're building trust we're building a portfolio of results we're building up Authority in that local area which helps gives us more gives us more credibility and then we create a micro loc marketing agency that specifically targets the location that you already have results in okay now what I recommend doing is picking a specific Niche within that local area I don't recommend just targeting the whole entire location and every business that's in it it and I'll be showing you an example of this in a second but just you have the local results so you're going to leverage those to ultimately land land clients okay uh and if you look at this a lot of people think that they need like a massive amount of results to be able to offer SEO services but you actually don't you can every single ranking position that you have that you have achieved is a result right and when it comes to SEO every keyword phrase is its own individual battle so you can take this one little battle and you could make this a part of your portfolio so you can literally with one website you could technically have like in the case of this example here like 1,00 keywords you could have 1,900 keywords in your portfolio to use in your in your sales process okay so don't overthink this you don't need a massive amount you need much less than you probably think okay uh and then the next thing here is just kind of thinking about how you can do this logistically so this is an example from a website that's doing this really really well on the national level but basically what they've done is they've created an authority site in the niche that they want to go after and then what they do is they drive a lot percentage of that traffic towards the claim listing you know link or the advertising link and of course when you're when you're targeting National queries you're going to have a lot of like B Toc type of traffic but there is going to be some B2B traffic that comes in there which is what you're really going forward so that's probably going to be let's say one % of your traffic but that's where most of your money is going to be made is is selling advertising and then ultimately what what you can do is when they uh submit an inquiry for advertising you can certainly give them your packages but you can also say hey by the way we also actually do SEO or digital marketing for this specific Niche right so in the case of this creef core example we do SEO for denst and creef core just so you know okay so it's a very easy transition there where you can start to drive inbound traffic uh for an agency okay and then just so you know this is just to give you kind of a broad overview uh it can a cold Prospect can require 20 to 50 touches to book a discovery call okay so people way underestimate how many touch points you actually need um and you can certainly just rely on any one of these channels but if you're going to be able to do this effectively what you want to have is more of an omnipresence type of strategy you want the the prospect to kind of see you everywhere right you want them to make that comment like man I see you I've seen you everywhere I saw you on YouTube I saw you on LinkedIn I saw you on I I searched you on Google and found you there then I was in a community I saw you there and then oh oh you're here at a uh you know Chamber of Commerce event as well right so like these are all touch points now not all touch points are created equal for example a touch point on LinkedIn like let's say they see one of your content pieces of your content on LinkedIn that's considered like a soft touch point right so maybe they saw it but they just kept scrolling like there's not a whole lot of interaction it's basically you know a Ono many approach and it's kind of the same thing with LinkedIn and YouTube or any type of content Centric uh method touch Point like don't expect it to move the needle a lot now YouTube is the exception YouTube can really move a relationship forward a lot faster just because it's video okay so you can move that you can move that line a lot quicker of the no like and Trust just like how you're watching this video of mine right you can you just build a relationship ship with someone a lot faster through video but it's just one tool in Your Arsenal so you should be doing a lot of inbound stuff a lot of Attraction based type of marketing to build those touch points but then you also want to do some of the stuff that's a little more manual okay so that's going to be like participating in the local communities which could be like on Reddit or it could be forums uh even going to Chamber of Commerce events shaking hands with people actually getting your face out there uh and then more importantly the direct Outreach which I'm going to be showing here in a second which is actually sending emails specifically to prospects you want to work with Okay so very simple process here which I'm going to show you is number one we're going to build a list of prospects and then once we have our list of prospects we're going to identify points of Leverage and then once you've identified the points of Leverage all you have to do is just begin this process here which is getting a lot of touch points okay so it be a combination of sending direct emails be a combination of them just seeing you everywhere and hopefully if you do this well you know you should basically aim for that 20 to 50 touches um and of course you can't measure every touch but within a certain guideline we can at least measure the direct Outreach right we can't really measure how many touch points we get around here we don't know if they're going to see our stuff or not we could of course run paid ads to make sure that it gets in front of them but this is the one that we can actually quantify as far as like the output okay so that's why we want to focus on that one the most so we're going to build this prospects and then we're identify by points of Leverage and then we're going to make sure we hit all of our touch points so let's start with build a list of prospects okay so building a list of prospects is actually really easy you you really have two options number one you can do this manually just using Chrome extensions or you can go on Fiverr and have someone do this for you for super cheap whatever you want to do depending on the the time that you have but I'm just going to show you how to do this manually so what I recommend doing is even if you are targeting an entire location like I say you're just doing creef core I still recommend picking picking niches within those cities so dentists are an obvious choice because they typically have very high customer values uh and it's just a great business to to go after because they can usually afford uh you know digital marketing and SEO Services right that's a really important piece here you'd rather go after dentists who who have you know very high customer values versus going after let's say a hot dog stand or a p a personal trainer or something like that because it's just they're not going to be able to afford that much and so some of the niches that you would definitely want to consider would be like dentists uh Home Services which could be Roofing HVAC Plumbing uh electricians uh even foundation repair like there's there's a lot there uh you could also look at water damage and anything along those lines fire protection like there's just there's a lot um so don't don't focus on small little tiny niches that have low customer focus on the ones where they can easily afford your service okay that's what we're going for now what you can do is just you go ahead and enter the whatever the niche you're going to go after so in this case dentist and then the city okay and what I will do is I will actually go up to this data scraper plugin okay it's or data minor plugin and usually it will it will show a few where you can pull directly from here but what you can do is just test it so we'll go over here and just click this play button and it will show you how it will scrape those results now sometimes it's it's not so good so like this one's requiring premium so we're not going to do that one uh we'll go down here and we'll see how this one does okay and this one's much better all right so we've got the we got the title we got the description uh we've got even got a link uh and that that's probably okay for the most part you could even try some of these you just keep going through these ones and see which one collects the best data you can also have it do the next page automation so actually it will automatically go through and scrape uh all of those Maps results okay so play with this and pick one that that ultimately gives you the best data and then you click scrape and then you can go ahead and copy these details now once you've copied the details just go ahead and slap them into a Google sheet and what you'll see here is I've collected I've collected data both for uh the traditional organic and the local pack okay so both I really want to see where these businesses are ranking in in both results that way I have different points of Leverage that I can go after okay so right now it's just looking at dentist and based on this and I lot a lot to work with even in a small City like creef core there's so many dentists in just creef core and you know a lot of them aren't doing too well right like a lot of them are not ranking well so and these are just in the top 20 there's dentists that are even not ranking even worse than this um and so there's a lot of opportunities so what I would recommend doing is creating a little filter here so you can just go ahead and if you just click on go into here and you go to insert and you can go to dropdown and then you can just build out the build this out yourself but the one that I build is really simple okay it's just not working working which means we're actually doing some Outreach we're actually working on this Prospect uh when they when they actually uh commit to a discovery call they're going to become a prospect right just because someone books a discovery call and you're actually going to get them on the phone doesn't mean that they're a qualified lead yet like you could technically be talking to a dentist that is you know about to go out of business or you know there we you got to find out if they're qualified first so a prospect is simply that they're just a prospect we're seeing if there's an opportunity to work together that's it that's what Discovery call is all about now if we have the discovery call and they're definitely a good fit then they turn into a sales qualified lead okay so SQL for short is sales qualified lead and that just means that we're actually going to go through the process of building a proposal and we're going to try to close them as a client all right so then we have you know sent proposal you'll probably do a proposal presentation and then obviously send that to them and then they'll go into followup once that's all done so it's just you know you need to go into a follow-up process to try to close the deal um and I'll actually show you real quickly just some data on followup you can see you know 80% of sales require five follow-ups after the meeting and 44% of sales reps give up after one follow-up okay so if you're someone who's trying to beat the majority of people you should definitely set a minimum of five follow-ups and you can just put this into your Google sheet and make sure that it's there that way you actually commit to doing those five follow-ups uh and once you've done your five follow-ups at least you can sleep at night knowing you did the did did at least what you could okay should you do more probably okay but just to give you an idea all right so followup and then one lost and cold so one means you actually like you won the deal lost means they pick someone else or they didn't want to work with you and then cold just means like you can't even get a hold of them like you've sent all your follow-ups they're just they're just gone okay okay so you can set that as cold um and that's it so those are kind of the status based options and then from there all you're going to do is you're going to go through all these different businesses and you're going to find points of Leverage okay it's that simple and then you're going to put it into the opportunities column now one and I'll show you that here in a second but once you have the opportunities all set then you're just going to set your Outreach dates here so every time you send an Outreach email to this this business you're just going to Mark the date right 328 you know 2024 okay you're going to mark that date because what you're going to do is you're going to cycle back through and you're going to commit to doing your seven Outreach this is the rule of seven when it comes to outreach you got to do at least seven before you before you knock you know you you basically mark this this one is cold or it's not going to go through this doesn't mean it's over right this just means this first cycle of seven it didn't work that that well so we need to refine our strategy maybe give it a little more time come back at them at another time but this is why we need to keep track of this because otherwise you just won't you won't know what's going on so you you really have to keep track of this like almost at a borderline crazy level okay so Outreach dates and then on top of that I would actually add another few options here as well as for followup on proposals okay but begin with this because you're not even like at this point you don't have any proposals so don't even worry about that let's just focus on getting our Outreach set up now what I recommend doing is when you send your first Outreach you're probably going to get no response at a lot of these so you just get zero response but it's good for you to reflect on what you sent and see what worked and what didn't work and then just do more of what works I know it's crazy uh but just do more of what works okay so I'll show you an example this is an Outreach email I sent to a previous client so they're a little bit warmer but I just want to show you an example and when I say Outreach most people think they're going to fire up some automation tool and just start like spamming everyone you got to get really specific okay so this example here everything that's blacked out is like the the client's name and then this is their their company name and basically what I did is I just looked I just looked at their business and just found some quick wins okay and I attached a screenshot showing those quick wins I didn't actually ask to do anything I didn't ask them to become a client I didn't say let's book a meeting I just literally sent this and just left it there I was like Hey here here's the opportunity you know have a nice day right this is a this is a way to get some feelers and okay you're getting some feelers you're seeing who's interested and some people will respond to this some will not but I can tell you this does work this person did respond and this is from a very big company so this personalized well-thought out Outreach is what works and you could you could certainly copy this if you'd like as a template but the point that's not even the point the point is that we're being creative we're coming up with unique ideas without being weird like I you know those Outreach emails where they like you know try to say a joke or do something strange like don't do that like just be normal like no one wants any of that but what people really care about what a you have to really focus in on what a business truly values and a business values more traffic more leads and more customers and more Revenue okay so like always bring it back to that and that's why for this you see the the things that I'm focusing on are the things that I know are are will really hit the mark for them because it's missed opportunity and no business likes missed opportunity right like when you say here I have I have this you know bag full of cash and I can give it to you like for free you you're going to pay attention to that right like this is what this is you're telling them look there's this money right here that you could have in your business and you're just not doing anything about it so what we're going to do is we're going to help you do something about it all right and that's what we're trying to do we're trying to build that trust takes time all right takes time as I mentioned we're looking at 20 to 50 touches all right and if you want to build a real business this is what it's going to take especially when you don't have a portfolio you don't people don't know like and trust you quite yet you don't have authority this is what you have to do you have to grind this out because otherwise it's just not going to work for you so back to the point we're going to send the Outreach emails now the question is what do you mean by points of Leverage so I mentioned points of Leverage here which what what does that even mean so what you're going to do is you're going to take one of these businesses and you're going to dissect every single element of their business now good news you don't have to guess I've already created the checklist for you so this is an example of what I would personally do is I once again pick a location uh and a niche I want to go after and then these become the businesses that I'm going to start to start to investigate okay and you can see all these different checkpoints local pack onpage SEO conversion sitewide content and this is just scratching the surface this is just for this video I'm just showing you a real quick example this is just for this video I'm just showing you real quick example but look at how many different leverage points I have just for this one business like they're not using a tracking phone number uh they are not using areas served if app applicable do they have visual content no uh do they have as much visual content as their competitors Zero verse 15 to 30 uh do they have relevant description they don't even have one uh looking at the the amount of reviews they have relative to the competition they have seven competitors have a 100 minimum okay do they respond to reviews no do they respond to FAQs no right so we just keep going down the list of all these opportunities and what I will do is I will pick one maybe two to three maybe and that will become my Outreach email and it's not we're not we're not focusing on what they're doing wrong don't say hey you're doing all this stuff wrong you guys suck uh what you want to do is you want to focus on the opportunity okay so don't say what they're doing wrong say what they're missing out on because because they're not doing this right like this is the reason why they're not getting more leads from Google this is why because they're not doing the things that they need to do so we're going to say hey if you do X then this should improve your local pack rankings which then can lead to more high quality leads for your dental practice okay so you're giving them like okay here are the here are the things that we need to improve these are the opportunities we improve those opportun you actually show them how to improve them you give them advice for free and then uh what you'll find out is when you show them exactly what to do the funny thing is is they're actually going to not want to do do it at all okay that's that's what it comes down to because they have stuff to do and another cool thing you can do is you can actually use this section here which is is this page optimized well for NLP take their content for their their page that they're trying to rank and then put it through rankability and you can see how well this page is optimized and if it's not optimizable one it looks like even with grammarly it's not it's not doing too hot uh but you can tell like they need to be in a 38 and they're at a 22 so you can actually quantifiably use this as a point of Leverage to improve now they're they're in the right word count range but it shows that they're not this this page is not is not relevant enough for them to rank well so all you'd have to do is just go up to the share button you go here and you say hey by the way uh just want to show you this real quickly you know you you guys are at about a 22 uh we want to get this up to a 38 uh and these are the keywords you can actually use uh and topics you can use on this page to improve the relevance of this page so you're literally giving them results in advance you're helping them and just remember these are just points of Leverage so you're going to keep hitting each of these points throughout your Outreach and then eventually what you want the goal here is like them just say all right I give up just help us that that's what we're trying to do so we're trying to give so much value that they just submit and say you know what okay let's have a conversation right let's let's have a discovery call um and that's what we're trying to do remember you're not trying to close a deal in this process you're not trying to you know lock them in you're just trying to get a phone call that's it that's literally all you're trying to do so just change your mindset on this don't think like I'm doing this Outreach to close deals no you're doing this Outreach to get a simple phone call just a discovery call that's it that's all you're doing um and hopefully if you keep doing this well and you stay consistent and you send the followup and keep hitting on the points that they care about a percentage of these will work it's it's inevitable if you're doing it this way now if you're just sending Outreach that's generic and not helpful and isn't actually unique and personalized don't expect to have good results but if you're doing in the way that I'm describing you have a far better success rate yes you cannot scale this but that's not the point we're not trying to scale this we're trying to build real Partnerships with real businesses and real people um you don't need massive scale to build a $10,000 per month SEO agency you only need like three or four clients to do that it's not like we're not talking huge scale here to hit that point like people get way too obsessed with scale so you don't need to worry about that in the beginning what you need to worry about is standing out you need to be unique because when you don't have authority and you don't have a portfolio and you don't have trust you have to make up that Gap somewhere else the way you make up that Gap is by giving more value and outworking the people that you're up against and the good news is that's not very hard so that's all you need to do we're going to review this real quickly but just to keep it simple uh you're going to build a list of prospects you're going to identify points of Leverage you're going to get as many touch points as possible especially if you can get to a chamber of commerce absolutely join the Chamber of Commerce and go to all the events uh for example I just went to my Chamber of Commerce uh event recently and I to I downloaded this onto my phone spoke with many Chamber of Commerce members and had a bunch of them say hey uh you know we actually need help with SEO so I said hey here just scan this and what this did is this actually takes them to this page and when they scan that QR code it takes them to this specific page where they can book a call okay that's it simple as that so don't overthink this you just need to do you know you need to really focus on building the authority and Trust in that local area and if you do the things that I'm showing you you you it's almost inevitable uh as long as you don't give up okay that that's the key here so that's it
Channel: Nathan Gotch
Views: 12,023
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: seo, side hustles, search engine optimization
Id: YtaibHxZlfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 1sec (3241 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2024
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