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hey besties welcome back today I'll be showing you how to make your Greek yogurt using your freezed dried St culture just that you don't need to sa out your way because it's extra thick already there's also no need to boil over the stove top so keep [Music] watching in my previous video I mentioned that I use Doo cool cow and this is the instant filled milk powder okay it's not the full cream milk powder now if you want to use a full cream milk powder you can go ahead and use that of any brand just make sure you're using a good brand okay be sure that you're not using expired milk I don't really advise you buying those milk that have been open down because you can't really be sure that it's expired or not but if you sure of your vendors you can buy the ones that they measure in bucket and ho this recipe works perfectly okay and the St culture I'll be using also works perfectly provided that you follow the instructions I'll be giving to you in this video to the letter okay so this satchet is 350 G and 350 G if you measure in cups it gives you 4 cups of milk I already know that this sachet gives me 4 cups and this is 350 G but I'm just measuring it so that we can all be sure that this is 350 G or this is 4 cups of milk that we'll be using so by now you want to make sure that your you know water is already boiling on fire over the stove top boil your water make sure it's properly boiled if you've watched this video up to this point please kindly like this video to enable YouTube push it to a large audience I'm actually boiling my water using an electric kettle and you'll see I have a 1 lit electric kettle and you'll see for this recipe you are not using 1 liter remember we are making Greek yurt and you do not need to see out the way so you do not need to use one liter this cup is written they wrote 250 ml on it but if you measure it on a scale the quantity the liquid content in it will be 200 mL so this is 8 00 ml that I'm using if you want it extra thick you can use 600 mL or 700 mL of water to 350 G of milk powder instant milk powder so after pouring your OT water in grab your hand whisk and just whisk it together you're going to whisk until you lift up the and whisk from the from the bowl and you do not find any lumps okay by that time you should see like Foams all over the top it should be foamy on top and at that point you know that you've mixed it thoroughly you might mix for about 5 to 10 minutes I would also like to mention that you need to sterilize everything you'll be using okay so you need to use all water after washing now you sure that everything you're using from your whisk to your bowls your measuring cups your spoons everything you're going to be using you pour all water on it just to sterilize it because you don't want it getting contaminated that can also affect your yogurt from setting okay so after we've made mix I let it cool down for just a bit and once you dip your finger in if you can beely itat for about 8 seconds then it's at the right temperature if you noticed in my previous video I mentioned that we do not need this temperature to be too cold it's not lukewarm we're not keeping it until it is warm no it still has to be OT but bearable when you dip your finger into if it's not OT when you dip your finger into it your yogurt will not ferment it won't set okay so after mixing it up I just poured through a saeve okay to get out any lumps that you might have you know in your milk you can use a seeve that is extra fine okay just in case you want to get out completely all the lumps so I'm using this Yogo St culture this is what it looks like and at the back you can see it you might be thinking that this is expired but no this is the year 25 is the year 03 is the month and 23 is the date okay so it's not expired just make sure you're getting the yogur T culture that is not expired if you don't know where to get your yogurt St culture let me know in the comment section and I'll drop it for you in the comment section okay it's very easy you can find it anywhere so what you want to do is just cut it open in a clean Bowl remember all your things are sterilized pour your yogurt T culture into it it's about 3 G so it's not so much so This Yogurt T culture um some people claim it works for 5 L 4 L and cobal my advice to you is to use it for 1 lit So This Yogurt T culture makes 1 lit of yogurt so if you're going to even go past that one liter please don't go past maybe 1.5 L of yogurt so if you calculate the measurement I'm using right now by the way I just poured a little bit of our hot um milk into the St culture and you want to mix it all up until everything is totally dissolved there's no lumps whatsoever and then you want to go ahead and pour it into your milk your OT milk and Stir It Up Stir It Up just give it a good whisk okay so as I was saying This Yogurt St culture the 3 G works for 1 liter of yogurt so whatever measurement you are doing don't exceed 1.5 okay if you want to double this recipe you can use two sta cultures for it but I basically use my sta culture to prepare my yogurt St so if this gives me this quantity from this quantity I take out the batch I need and I freeze it until I'm ready to make the next batch which is most likely within a week or two okay so now I've put my duv there I put a nylon there and I immediately poured in my milk into it the airtight container you want to go ahead and tie the nylon and quickly wrap it the most important thing in yogurt making is your temperature if your temperature is too low your yogurt will not set if your temperature is too high your um the temperature is going to kill the good good bacterias okay and this yog Tata culture one of the benefits of using it is the Taste the taste is not there's not like it like it tastes really really nice okay so your yurt will come out tasting perfectly okay and another thing is that it has so many like uncountable if I if I talk about Millions running into millions of billions of bacterias good bacterias inside of it okay so you want to make sure that if you're doing a yogurt business this is the yogurt that you are using or there are other yogurt STS in the market also you know some can make up to 5 l 10 L at once okay so it just depends on the one that you want to use so I've placed it immediately inside my cooler and I'm just going to leave it here for 6 to 8 hours if you want it a little bit sour you can leave it for 8 hours if you don't want it s 6 hours is fine it's been 6 hours and I'm just going to open let's open together and check if our yogurt is set okay I just I wanted to mention this to you if for any reason you use this particular stter culture okay because a lot of people have used this stter culture and they've complained that it didn't work and that's the reason why I made this video now if you use more than one liter say you're using 2 L 3 lit 4 L 5 L this T culture might not work okay and you might feel like it's a bad St culture no it's not a bad St culture it's just that the St culture is for a small amount of yogurt between one L to 1.5 L of yogurt okay so now our yogurt is set you can see it okay I'm just going to make it test by lifting it up you can see it's fully set when I bend it over you won't find any way okay so if you want it extra thick you can reduce the quantity of water cuz I I used 800 mL of water if you want it extra thick you can reduce the quantity to 700 mL of water or even 600 mL of water no more stress of draining your we seing your we putting in cheese clo putting in the fridge let all that be in the past because what exactly is the way your way is just the water the liquid and some protein from your milk okay so there's no point if you reduce the quantity of your water there's really no point going through the stress of sving it putting it and this Greek yogurt is very good it does not it's not slimy in any way so this T culture is very good if you're going into yogur PA business or you're going into yogur production business in a small scale Our advice that you use this Tata culture if you're going into it in a large scale then you want to go for the stter culture that they can that can be used for large quantity of Yurts so all I did was to break up or to mix it all up and then I'm pouring it into into this bowl always remember that you can take out in fact you should always take out some of the unsweetened yogurt into another bowl like I'm doing right now and then cover it and put it in your freezer your life Culture Your Life bacterias would not die if you put it in your freezer okay when you need it allow it come back to room temperature and use it and when I say put in your freezer I mean in a freezer that works not in a freezer where you you didn't put on or there's no light or what so if you understand what I mean okay so now that I've taken out the part the one that I'm going to use for my next batch of production you can see I took out enough quantity about a cup okay for my next production I'll be using that t culture to make about 4 L of Greek yogurt I've added one over 4 cup of sugar and I'll just mix it all up together you might notice that your yogurt is a bit watery it is fine because you you are mixing at this point it's fine what will happen is that you need to set your yogurt in the fridge this consistency is perfect for people who are doing yogurt paet okay if you're selling Greek yogurt this consistency is perfect you can set your yogurt in the freezer or in the fridge and consume within one week because we are not using any preservative if you enjoyed watching please like comment subscribe and I'll see you in my next video bye [Music] guys
Views: 28,382
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2 ingredients greek yogurt, Business ideas, Freeze dried starter, Freezed dried starter, Greek yogurt starter culture, Greek yogurt with granola, Yogourmet yogurt starter, best greek yoghurt, best greek yogurt, cakesbyife, drinking yoghurt, greek yoghurt parfait, greek yoghurt recipe, greek yogurt, how to make yogurt at home, ifepinkiestv, lagos nigeria, small business ideas, yoghurt business, yoghurt business in nigeria, yoghurt parfait, yogurt, yogurt starter culture
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 10 2023
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