2 GOLD NUGGETS!, 1 BOULDER, 1 metal detector, and me! (Spring 2018)

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well hello everyone I am here today at the choke Creek Mine I'm starting to set up for the year I thought before I put much effort into setting up for the year I'm gonna have some fun I brought my metal detectors 80 gold I know some people are gonna say the gold bug - or any of the mine labs are gonna do a much better job of finding gold and the the Garrett 80 gold but no that's the metal detector I have so I'm gonna start looking around here the old workings from last year and see what we left behind see if we left if we got close to a little nugget never got it or you know dropped it on the way or whatever it might be got some really big boulders boulders are good and I think under that one we actually found quite a bit of material last year I can just take the melt Dekker and swing it over all of this stuff and see if I can find anything exciting I have never found a gold nugget with a metal detector or even a big cold flake I found coins I found jewelry you know on beaches at parks that kind of stuff but I've never found gold placer gold with my metal detector so today let's hope [Music] obviously I've managed to lose the foam doughnut here for one earmuff soap it's gonna be uncomfortable today [Music] now something I've done here today is I brought myself a really big gold flake because as I said I've never found gold with a metal detector before so I want to sort of hear what it sounds like on the ground if I find any false signals I want to try to put the gold beside it swing over and see if I can detect what a false signal versus a real signal or together sound like so I don't you can drop the gold nugget on the ground here so there it is right there and I just got swing over that right now and see what the metal detector sounds like just with the gold right on the surface I'll do some bearing and other things in a sex to [Music] single cells are similar to what a contestant [Music] [Music] so I found my first signal and I dug it now and I put in the pan and something is definitely setting off the metal detector in the pan but I think it's that rock so I'm gonna take that rock set it aside and try it yes the rock is setting it off but I'm gonna go pan that out all the same see what is there isn't it up sit in the pan [Music] let's keep going I'm not an expert with metal detectors by any means [Music] there's definitely something's there now it's right on top of that rock that's so often into the grukk it seems to it seems to be right there but it could be this rock here just could be a hot rock although it's granite won't expect that in granite I think the best bet here is just to shovel some of that into my pan and then see if the signals still there [Music] [Music] there down some nice crop lots of hot rocks though whatever it is it's gone Oh something sounding off in there Andy one of these could be hot rocks let's see [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] that's gonna be big enough to set off build sector there we go [Music] [Applause] oh yes refocus camera under that rock there were quite a few that size when I was running the machine so there we go there's a little nugget okay not really nugget but all the same I'm happy that could be the first bow this is the first piece of goal that found using the metal detector I'm excited that's right on my pan is the river is gone no there we go my first metal detected nugget how exciting it's probably point one I'll have to put that in the vial with my other big flake and then continue find another one found something else under here not sure it's a strong signal but it keeps seems to keep moving around I've dug a big hole now it was over here now is over there maybe I'm just pushing it around there it is there nice signal right there right on rock now here good camera over here from this you try to pick this one out headphones take those offers so this is in basically the same spot as the first one underneath this Oh big rock which is very stable we've tried to move it it's very stable I'd like to move it but I can't and the signal was over here I broke off a whole bunch of rock of dirt and as I did the signal moved out here so I'm thinking oh it's out here somewhere so just be grab little handfuls [Music] of course nothing in any of that is I have the headphones on so I can't hear a thing brilliant system if I mentioned a non-expert metal checker [Music] now I have the headphones on signals still right there nothing out here where I dropped extra stuff so it's still in that pile let's see what I can do [Music] the dirt underneath the rock that Rock Falls [Music] my wedding ring will set that thing off yeah it's a very weak signal in my hand let off the side for a second still a weak signal in my hand where is this thing what's still in the file still in the pile maybe it's wrong nope this rock nope nope [Music] okay let's oh hey I see it okay let's see if I can will get this Oh cameras metal that's for sure for years oh you can probably see it that's a bit better flash of it before a bit of dirt fell on top so I'm going to see if I can just peel away the dirt oh where is it now lost it there it is look at that oh she's round she's not flat fleek look at that how exciting underneath this big rock oh I definitely know where I'm going to start digging first with the Bobcat once we get started up here they clear out this spot for sure if I hadn't been metal detecting here I would have cleared it out anyways with the Bobcat we would have caught these in the big machine for sure but this is fun that Oh feeling raindrops okay go for a bit more here hello weather's turning on me look it I'm excited got clay all over it like that's probably sitting down in that clay at the very bottom there well get out the vial put that in with it well I've done a bunch more clearing underneath that rock I had two or three more signals but they just seemed to be hot rocks though I left all the material serve piled up out front here that's to be the first scoop I take with the Bobcat and run through the plant this season right there and I'll clear out beside it on both sides my hope is that I can dig into the hill over here and then loosen that one up so it falls and then dig in behind it will have all huh we'll see though that's a big rock there's next big rock here they have to deal with they didn't think I get any good signals around it today just cuz I had so much Slough come down around it yeah use the Bobcat again just to remove all that Slough and see what's underneath but that little lump right there is my next oh 10 or 20 yards of material to go through the plant as well as this little lump right here and then I've got some way over there that I want try as well clean up neither chains out here clean up a few things I'm excited not as excited as I have about fighting to Nuggets with a metal detector that is awesome Garrett 80 gold may not be the best but hit work pretty good today I like it and I like the fact that I'm getting a little more used to working with a metal detector - so here I am back at home just gonna weigh out these two little pieces of gold and see what they come out at here's the first little guy plate one 1 1 okay but 1 1 0 so she's a point one here and the next one it's a big one here we think what we think it is 0.513 another 1/2 grammar that is exciting to get the good camera here and get some good pictures of that [Music] anyhow everyone that was just a little bit fun I was having learning how to use metal detector I should have lots more videos coming out real soon we got lots in the works right now so if you're enjoying these videos don't forget to subscribe to my channel there's a book and remember that little bell icon right beside the subscribe button once you've hit subscribe hit the bell icon it'll tell you what I have new videos out waiting for you to watch please leave a like on this video share it if you can and if you'd like to help support me in my endeavors out here creating these videos for you guys to watch there's a link here at the end the video for patreon click on the link and you can pledge your support to me over on the patreon site thank you so much for watching this video we had all my videos and until the next one bye
Channel: Dan Hurd
Views: 107,176
Rating: 4.9120879 out of 5
Keywords: gold record under big rock, pioneer pauly, biggest pieces of gold, biggest gold nugget, sniping, metal detecting gold, Gold nuggets, where to find gold, how to metal detect, gold, nuggets, nugget, metal detector, Garret, garet, atgold, atpro, dredge, at gold, gold bug, goldbug, mine lab, minelab, prospecting, mining, fisher, British Columbia, BC, Canada, Dan Hurd Prospecting, biggest pieces of gold found, how to metal detect for gold, Prospecting around a huge boulder, two toes
Id: r1pE_KiCpPY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 25sec (1165 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 13 2018
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