2. Exploring Within with Aubrey Marcus

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the Divine is incomplete without our unique voice and our unique instrument and our right and I would dare say Our obligation to play that instrument as clean as pure as loud and as true as we possibly can welcome to why isn't everyone doing this I'm Emily Fletcher and I believe that Bliss is your Birthright that's why I'm calling on my world-class Network to uncover the most potent spine tingling even taboo healing modalities also you can reclaim your bliss let's do this sweet friends if you do not know Aubry Marcus I am so excited to introduce this man to you he is playing such a big game he is a dear friend and has been a huge supporter of me and Ziva over the years and in this conversation we talk about how meditation has changed him about how meditation can be a practice of psychonautics the deep exploration of your own psyche the dangers of jumping in too far too fast with psychedelics and the best place to start if you're interested in beginning that Journey we talk about the need for initiations in our society and how charging himself up with erotic aliveness has helped him to build his Empire so buckle up this is a fascinating Deep dive into all manner of human consciousness and I'm so excited to hear what you think in the comments all right sweet friends today is a really really special day I want to welcome you back to why isn't everyone doing this and today I have the Deep honor and pleasure of getting to have precious time with someone who I consider a dear friend someone who I admire immensely he is the founder of onit which is a globally disruptive brand helping athletes in high performers all around the world he has a gym in Austin Texas he is the founder and the host or the Creator and the host of the Aubrey Marcus podcast which is a good thing it'd be weird if someone else was the host of the Audrey Marcus podcast which has over 50 million downloads and is really exploring things on the thin edge of the wedge of really pushing humanity and Consciousness forward in very brave ways and I will say the only podcast that I listen to regularly he also has created a donation-based coaching organization called fit for service which is filled with such beautiful people doing Brave inner and external work and has recently created an awesome transformational music festival called Arcadia which I got to do an activation at last year and whoa it was like a life highlight and as as big as the stuff is that this man is doing externally in the world the thing that I want to highlight and the thing that I want to celebrate you for is your outrageous generosity I am so moved by the bigness and the and the constancy of your generosity you invited me onto your podcast in 2019 you did not know me my first book was coming out I was four months postpartum I was exhausted and being on your podcast and then you even did an Instagram live with me because we were like oh we're in the running for the New York Times and both things really move the needle in in me bringing my message to the world you then saw things in me before I even saw them in myself and invited me to come and work very intimately with you and your wife you invited me to speak at fit for service and at Arcadia which was truly like one of the most cohesive love-filled exciting activations I've ever had on a stage and then invited me with such generosity to stay in your home and I'm and now being here today like truly from the depths of my heart thank you thank you thank you you're welcome sis I mean all of those are the easiest things to do when you're actually listening to the wisdom of the heart the heart will tell you like what to do and you have to sometimes filter that wisdom through the the eyes of discernment and you know discretion because the heart might want to just give everything to everybody all the time and then you don't have sufficient resources but I just feel very blessed that I can hear the voice of my heart very clearly and also see and have the faith and discernment to understand like what is possible and that's the way I live my life and there's never been easier choices than all of those things that you mentioned because I just love everything that you stand for as a being in your being more than anything that you're putting out is just who you are and so let's go to be able to listen to the wisdom of your heart or has it always been there and that's very much what we wanted to talk about today of like why isn't everyone exploring within you know in this day and age where everyone's a life coach and everyone thankfully is starting therapy and you know we were looking to these external sources so one of the things you wanted to explore is why isn't everyone you know exploring within and I imagine that that is very similar to your ability to listen to the wisdom of your heart right so something you've always had or something that you've cultivated it's evolutionary of course I think there were threads of it Sparks of this thing that would ultimately become the bonfire of who I am that I could trace back to the early days but it was the start of my plant medicine Journey when I was 18 just graduated in high school my father set me up with a shaman to go to the mountains in New Mexico wait can we just underline that your father said yeah had he been doing plant medicine at work so he was he was connected to Stan Groff one of the Legends in uh you know psychonautics World both through his breath work work and his work with psychedelic medicines and Stan Groff had kind of a crew that kind of was working with my father both doing breath work and using psychedelic medicine so one of the shamans in that Cadre you know she was available to see me as a rite of passage as an initiation just coming out of high school and coming out of high school I had no spiritual beliefs at all actually I had the antithesis of spiritual beliefs you're atheist yeah aggressively aggressive because because all that I'd heard about from God was religion God Doctrine does fear and shame and guilt and I was like this is [ __ ] and then I went on a family trip on my mother's side I went on a family trip and I saw the dungeons of the Inquisition in Italy and all of these torture devices and the most sickening part of it I would say 75 to 80 percent of the torture devices involved people's genitals right and I was like what the [ __ ] and so with that I was like this is such [ __ ] it's perpetrated such evil like I got really kind of fired up yeah reading my Christopher Hitchens and I was like let's go we're gonna tear down organization exactly exactly I was like this is this is the way so my dad was like great great great why don't you go I have this journey why don't you go and find God in another way son and I was like you know I was into it you know I really respected my dad and I was very curious my even everybody in my family instilled this thirst for knowledge like how much can we know how much can we learn and this I knew this was a way that I would get to learn but I was also terrified so I remember before we were actually gonna you know sit with the medicine which was a combination of MDMA and psilocybin that was my first experience and I grabbed a rock from the from like out there and it was a river rock it was very smooth and I was like as long as I'll hold this rock I'll know I'll still be here you know I was like [ __ ] terrified and uh went into the ceremony and I felt my body evaporate and my even my breath slowed to a point where I was no longer conscious of my breath and all that remained was Consciousness but really the best word I had for it at that point was like oh this is my soul and then I was like well if there's a soul maybe this religion thing didn't have it all wrong and so that started the path of like actually I got to find you know my mind was like no none of this God stuff makes sense none of that but inside myself when I went in the interoception of going in with the medicine then I was able to find that oh there's Spirit there's Consciousness there's a soul that lives in as me and through me and so that was the first time where I started to really learn about myself and understand that I could shift my perspective to see my own actions to see who I actually am and it's been 24 years I've been on that Journey whoa and so how do you oh well or with another medicine does the medicine call you does an opportunity arise or how does that work there was a period where I was like just radically into psychonautics exploring for exploring's sake so if there was something new and there was something novel and I hadn't done it I was like that's for me and I think that was really valuable you know it wasn't that I was called to the this particular I was called to all the medicines because I wanted to know what they were capable of and what they were doing so I think a chef has to try all the ingredients exactly like what it what are all of these things how do they work and that was a big driver for me I think early was to just experience all of the things from the lineages that carried that wisdom tradition and the medicine so if I was going to do a Boga I went with the booty Shaman if I was going to do Ayahuasca I went with uh catch wash almond how did you get access to these people because I mean there's access to men is now more and more and more access to people that have been holding the traditions I mean there wasn't the demand that there is now and there wasn't there weren't that many options but I had enough good roots in the community you know that I was able to kind of suss it out and also use my intuition also get lucky and sometimes you know I didn't pick the right person you know it wasn't like I had 100 track record of like that's the right person but I feel very blessed that you know holistically um whether I sought them out myself was found them on accident or was guided to them I've had some amazing teachers I was my first Ayahuasca experience my first and only Ayahuasca Journey was in a a mcmansion in Tampa Florida it was like the Real Housewives do Ayahuasca Edition which I always imagined I would be in Peru and so um so I just think there's something to that of like connecting to the the tradition keepers of them if you're going to visit this venerated Sage this wisdom keeper if you're going to visit the grandmother go go to her house yeah don't make her come to you like go to her house go see Mama at her house yeah like I said there's something paying respect for that so yeah yeah my all of my first Journeys were in Peru I usually do most of my Journeys now in Costa Rica but I've done them here Stateside subsequently and it can be incredibly beautiful it's not like it requires that but there's something very beautiful about making a house call yeah and so and actually it feels like a bit more of an initiation and that's something even though I'm a person who identifies as female for years I read this book called of water in the spirit have you ever heard of this book no it was written by this uh amazing man in Africa he grew up in a pretty small tribe and he was kidnapped by a French Catholic missionaries and taken thousands of miles away from his family and his home and he was taught French and Catholicism in English and about 17 years old testosterone's kicking in and he was like this is not it pushes his priest out of a three-story window jumps out after him and then runs just starts running and finds his way back to his tribe in Africa like some internal Compass he's now almost 18 but they're treating him like a child because he didn't go through his initiation ceremony right in their eyes he had not become a man right and the gift that he's given us is that he then got to write about these amazing initiation ceremonies like jumping through fire meditating in front of a tree for 10 days killing a lion with his bare hands like these Rites of Passage and I don't think that we would have had the same window in if someone had experienced it and then learned English yeah right and so like and ever since I've read that it feels like we don't have that anymore we don't have those initiations or rights of Passage anymore and I think that our society would be different if we did because then there's no proven I don't have to prove that I'm a man I don't have to use my power to sublimate the feminine because I've already proved it so I'm just curious like did that feel like an initiation absolutely every one of these things is an initiation and I think it's a it's a tragedy that it's not a formalized initiation so one of my favorite books of all time is Aldous huxley's book called Island and in the book Island he sets up a utopian society that lives on an island called Pala and it's all of Aldous huxley's who's a pioneering psychonaut one of the most incredible minds of you know the 1920s psychedelics yeah with psychedelics you particularly like mescaline but he was you know into a variety of different things he wrote the book The Doors of perception talking about the Psychedelic experience intuited that basically the brain was like a radio receiver and actually what was normally happening which now we call the default mode network was actually filtering out all the information and then psychedelic medicine was opening the blinds to allow us to actually perceive more it wasn't implanting anything it was just like opening the Windows like what's up what else is out here which is still to this day like the dominant theory about what's happening with psychedelic medicine is you're just tuning in to the field of what's possible instead of having the cognitive limiting device of your brain in your default mode Network controlling things so he writes this book and the book's called Island and it's a fictional story and in this fictional story the kids all go through an initiation and the initiation is a difficult rock climb up a mountain to a cave where the Elders of this initiation lineage would serve them in the story it's called Moksha which is met which is the medicine it's the Psychedelic medicine so they'd go into this cave and they have Idols of archetypal representations of the Divine divine feminine Divine masculine you go into the cave after climbing the strenuous climb and you do medicine and that was one of the initiation rituals and it was formalized in this fictional culture and I think that's something we're deeply missing because we can find an initiation by going out and doing these medicines like I did and it works you know like the the initiations have happened but there was never a formal moment where it was like this is your initiation and then all of the right words and all the right ceremony or the preparation or the preparation exactly exactly or the acknowledgment from the people around you yep right so this initiation topic I think really has the power to be quite transformative in our society like do you see there's football for women who give birth or people who give birth like childbirth is an initiation that's pretty common yeah but is it treated like an initiation or is it treated like a medical procedure and like a sickness yeah yeah and we don't that's that's the thing like that is such a beautiful golden opportunity to make an unbelievable ritual out of one of the most sacred if not the most sacred thing that ever happens all right let's make it that sacred actually and make a real ritual out of it but of course we are actually making a ritual out of it but it's one of the dark rituals the ritual of Empire the ritual of big Pharma the ritual of Big Medicine the ritual of commodification of the self for money all of these other rituals were actually worshiping the scientism and the kind of forces of Empire by how we're doing it in our unconscious way but let's you know really it's an invitation to like Take Back Control even if you do birth in a hospital you can still make it a ceremony you can still make it a ritual and I think this idea of like create your own rituals create your own ceremonies create your own initiation that radical permission that's something that I really stand for as well yeah I I did my best I had a four day labor so I had plenty of time but I had signs on the door that I was like please only come in if it is absolutely necessary I had to lecture candles in there I had incense going and I had this one nurse who I loved and then she went off duty because you know four days and the new one came in and she was just like a [ __ ] elephant in a china shop and she was just banging stuff and so loud and I was like ma'am I'm gonna need you to dial it down I was in this like ferocious mother mode you know I'm like I am protecting this space um but it's it just it can be such a beautiful reverent sacred time and we don't treat it as such but do you have any ideas for ways that we could insert some sort of an initiation some from a rite of passage specifically for people who identify as male oh so many ideas and I don't think you get it all in one shot necessarily either I think it's good to have big moments but it's also good to have many different moments and there's many different rituals that you can go so I imagine my future son who actually I'm intending to name Huxley and violan is on board as an homage to Aldous Huxley who wrote one of my favorite books Island that it really changed the structure of my Consciousness because it showed me the way that a society could be before Charles eisenstein wrote his book you know 60 years before he wrote his book The More Beautiful World our hearts known as possible seven years whatever Aldous Huxley wrote Island and it showed a picture a snapshot of that more beautiful world and how it could look through his own vision and through his own eyes beautiful things in which they even trained the parrots to say attention so all the wild parrots in the land of Paula said attention so when they were out there instead of just parroting other random words they were all trained to say attention so we are now here and that was the other thing they would say you're now yeah yeah come on yeah so like so the birds would actually be be squawking that in this in this magical lot so many beautiful ideas that were shared so our son Huxley and I just imagine all of the different rituals so okay let me go through some of them I think you know for a while when he's when he's a kid you know I believe that like well-sourced meat is actually really important for the fortitude of like our bodies like our bodies are meant to actually absorb that not meant to but they can absorb that in a really powerful way but of course the energetics of how the animal was harvested where it comes from that's all very important but I see a period where it's like all right now son you're at the point where you can hunt and actually the point where you can take this animal's life and so I see restricting all meat fish everything restricting all meat in that period and say you know now son if you want to go earn the right to actually eat these animals now now you have to go through the whole process you have to take the life you have to clean the animal and then you have then you're going to be a part of cooking it and then you'll be a part of eating it and that will unlock for you this potential so that now you can eat whatever you want you know and same with growing food right like because you'll have the reverence for it because it's not the energetic investment that it took I don't know what it is doing now which is just consuming with no regard to the amount of energy that we're consuming when I went hunting for the first time you know you have this cut of meat called a tenderloin ah tenderloin delicious moist you know soft meat why why is it the tenderloin why is that meat softer well I learned when I was cleaning the animal that I'd taken from the field which is an unbelievably spiritually powerful process you know and I could tell that full story but the most important part of this is that in the process of taking that animal's life putting my hand on it saying a prayer putting my knife in its heart after it was a clean shot with the rifle at like it was a really beautiful experience four days looking for the right animal I'll just tell a little bit of this story this black Buck dough comes in about 260 yards away runs towards me this is after four I thought I wasn't going to get an animal runs towards me turns broadside and presents it's like the perfect shot and I was like oh you're the one I just knew it I was like oh you're the one took the shot deep breath took the shot clean shot one gallop and then it falls and then intuitively I just started running towards it because I didn't want it to suffer and I wanted to be there and I put my hand on its head and I saw that when I put my hand on his head that porcupine quills had gone through its cheek and was actually piercing into its eye so this animal was in constant constant pain and I could see the inner secret wisdom of the universe of the Goddess that said that animal knew that if it just ran this way towards me and presented itself I would be able to not only have my own initiation but ended suffering like it the quill is in its eye before you shot it yes um yes it was it'd been living with that the whole time so this unbelievably powerful moment I found the soft spot between the ribs I could feel the heart still beating fast and I just plunged my knife into its heart instead of prayer and just started weeping weeping and then we carried the animal back and then strung it up skinned it that skin is still on my altar and then when we were quartering it and then preparing the meat it was like okay here's the tenderloin well the tenderloin was on the inner thigh of the animal now you imagine an animal it's all haunches all of the movement the big powerful movement the jumping the Galloping and all comes from the posterior the interior is that's for like change of Direction cutting and actually moving the legs closer together but that doesn't happen that often in the wild it's important to have that muscle of course they need to be able to close their legs if they want to but they don't use it that often so it's not tough It's Not Strong so you could feel the different textures of the muscles and understand this isn't just tender meat this is this muscle from this animal and that changed the way that I look at Food fundamentally hmm this feels like an important initiation thank you for that yeah and that's I mean that's just you know one of them there's like there's many different many different initiations and I happily talk about some of the other ones that are kind of planned for Huxley as well I love their already planning for your son um I'm curious because I know that that plant medicine and psychedelics has been such a big part in many initiations over time and so what would you say to someone who has never done any sort of psychedelic any sort of plant medicine that this heals for and that maybe they've grown up with conditioning that's like that is devil work that is you're going to lose control we don't know who's gonna come in when you open yourself up in that way like what would you say to someone that's just starting or curious or even scared I always recommend that you start with breath because if you take breath and you take it to actually its full potential into the shamanic breath work which is beyond even like the Wim Hof breathing which is more about the physiological effects although you can enter Altered States of consciousness but to take that shamanic breathwork ride where you actually go to the point where your Consciousness starts to dissolve very much like my medicine journey and then the somatic experience of all of that trauma starting to shake out of your body all the tears that are uncried all the grief that you haven't wailed into the into the sky and into the Earth all of the rage that you haven't expressed all of that that comes through that's a great place to start because it gives you access to Altered States Of Consciousness but guess what if you want the experience to stop just slow your breathing down yeah like you can take your foot off the gas anytime you want and so getting used to that first is always the place to start and then from there maybe you go into a sweat lodge you know where the door of the anipi or the Temescal closes and there's just heat and smoke and prayer and and darkness and be there with that and that's a psychedelic experience you know like really what I'm a proponent for is not necessarily psychedelics but psychonautics what's the difference psychedelics are the medicines that you take and some of the medicines aren't even technically psychedelics heart medicine is not a psychedelic ketamine is not a psychedelic there's not I mean we call all of these things psychedelics but it's not actually even accurate psychonautics is about exploring like astronauts they explore the you know the astral well not the astral in the spiritual sense but these world of stars in the universe Psychonauts explore the world of the psyche you know so they actually go in and explore what's inside and that's the thing like why isn't everybody doing it it doesn't require that you take any exogenous substances or medicines meditation is a practice of psychonautics it's actually learning about something that's inside yourself so that's the first place to start and then also fundamental superstructure you know changes about how you understand the cosmos you know to really understand and I say this quote a lot but it's roomies quote that you're not a drop in the ocean you're the ocean in a drop so everything that you might perceive oh these energies are going to come in those energies are already in baby they're already in you all of them are in you so if you're worried about it it's just an act it's just a matter of resonance it means that you're resonating with that and then get curious why am I resonating with this dark energy What Fear do I have in myself so when I see someone going through a process in breath work or in a medicine Journey or something where something actually literally looks demonic that comes out my the way that my superstructure is from my own 24 years of journeying and understanding the world of polarity and I recognize that as just an unintegrated part of the darkness or the Shadow Self that someone has so instead of saying we need to cast this out which then just further deepens the darkest cut of the Shadow it's you know welcome back to the Garden like you're welcome here you're welcome here and so with that there's just no fear like there's so much fear and to start to soften the edges of that fear and again this kind of judeo-christian Catholic perspective about this is good this is bad all of these kind of ideas of strict polarity and Duality to understand that we're all the good and we're all the bad we're the place where the demon and the Buddha meet and that's the truth of it and so to see that and then you can step into a place where you no longer carry that fear and then get more courageous with the practices that you do even up to doing a medicine like Ayahuasca which is going to take you on a five to eight hour ride you know that's you're not really in control of at all and you have to be willing to just let go of the reins and that's a terrifying thing except if you trust that what you're letting go over the Reigns too has got you Mama's Got You Mama's got you your trust falling into the open bosom of the universe you know where fathers you know father God father Shiva is going to hold you and if you're asking for forgiveness that father God energy is going to say forgive what I don't see any grievance I I hold no record of wrong and then the mother that says come here sweetheart you're a little sick let's Purge this come here I got you baby I know this is hard but you're gonna have to look at it you're gonna have to see it you're gonna have to move it and to just know that you're falling into the lap and into the arms of something that's really got your back however it's not to say that you should jump headlong into that if you're not ready if you haven't done the breath work if you haven't been kind of fully preparing yourself because it can be destabilizing you know if you go you go blasting right through the thing about an Ayahuasca Journey you can't take your foot off the gas and if you're in a space you can get stuck in a really challenging Loop in a trauma Circle in a place where you've lost your active agency where you can even tell yourself to surrender because you can't even summon that agency so you're stuck in a place of resistance against some energies that are really hard and it can be very re-traumatizing or immensely destabilizing and that's on the negative side it can also be destabilizing on the manic side if you have unresolved issues and ideas delusions of your own Grandeur and egotism that hasn't been acknowledged like where you pretend that you have no ego and then all of a sudden the medicine comes in and some thought it's over expressing that it's like I am not only tapping into the energy of the Christ I'm Jesus I can't tell you how bummed I get when I meet people who are like I'm Jesus I'm like no bro no like we're all the Christ but like oh you're not the guy I had somebody I had somebody had Arcadia and he was like you know I just want to tell you man like I'm the guy and I'm like what guy it's like you know you know the guy and I'm like what guy is that he's like you know the guy I was like Jesus and he's like yeah it's like oh God there we go and what do you say to that like were you just like seeing like no I mean at that point I looked him very clearly and I said listen brother all of us all of us are the Christ and that is the message of the Christ and nobody can claim to be the Jesus because that is one man and that one man you know that one man is not us and that was his version of divine and you are your own version of the Mind exactly so we can participate in that Christ energy that Christ Consciousness but we're not the guy and I think it's also a slippery slope that a lot of people get in with a lot of psychics and in mediums and I can't tell you how many psychics and mediums tell people that they're the this [ __ ] former past life Emperor or King there can't be that many [ __ ] Emperors or Kings in everybody's [ __ ] lineage you know who are the poppers exactly exactly you know it's like and it's all of this is like a seductive allurement for the for the ego and so I'm very cautious with all of those things and at the same time sometimes amazingly powerful things come through that you're like how on Earth am I this blessed I had this experience recently I did a medicine journey and the medicine that I'm most drawn to right now is the combination of ketamine and cannabis and it's been incredibly powerful for me over these past few years and of course ketamine's been legalized for the treatment of depression cannabis has been legalized in most of the states so interestingly it's fully legal to do this my ketamines prescribed by a doctor my cannabis is legally acquired cool I mean it's not that I'm opposed to acquiring things from other ways obviously I couldn't have been a psychonaut for 24 years doing things but in this particular Journey I felt so much blessing coming through me I felt all my allies and guides and I have some odd and peculiar allies and guides the energy of mercury the Roman the Roman god Mercury also known as Hermes in Greek is one of my allies and he brings energy through my feet and through my ankles like the wings that were depicted on the ankles I was like I get it because this energy floods through my body my legs start tingling and I feel this unbelievable life force coursing through my body and I know that that's the energy source though thank you thank you like thank you so it was not only that but it was countless other energies and beings in the Divine Life Force itself pouring through me and I just was overwhelmed at that point and this is I mean again lots of experience with this I still I go man why me and I just hear the voice of the Divine go well why not you and I was like yeah why not me why not me you have an abundance of divine energy why would I be even a little bit hesitant to receive the fullness of that energy through me and why would I think that you would be like yeah buddy I'm going to give you a little bit but that's all you get yeah you better be grateful you better be grateful for what I gave or else we're taking away some of that from your brother yeah so you better enjoy all of these stories of finitude and scarcity and just it was just like a very sweet little moment where it was so overwhelming that that was my response and then why not you ah this is so beautiful because one of the things I wanted to talk to you about because you're playing such a big game and I know that you're really just getting started yeah and I remember actually at Arcadia we were backstage which well not backstage but like in the audience and I was watching you watch the stage of this beautiful first of its kind Festival where it felt like like you had created Burning Man like like a flavor of Burning Man but but there was is even like seeds of something bigger there in it and also not that many people know or maybe they do I don't know you were supposed to have that in Wyoming until like two to three weeks prior and you'd moved it all like so much money out of your own pocket but we're here we're in it like in the magic and I for whatever reason like and this is obviously my interpretation of your experience so you can validate or deny I imagine it's quite accurate the grid like above and below you and for the first time I was able to sort of sense the magnitude and the Grandeur of just how big the game is that you are playing and it's very exciting to me it's very exciting to me because I know about I know the purity of your devotion like your Devotion to the Divine specifically your Devotion to the goddess which is not necessarily being mean female um but I'm curious what you would say to people who are afraid of their own power people who you know have some tall poppy syndrome or think that if I really step up that I'm gonna lose my friends or that people will be jealous of me or who am I to step into this like can you speak to someone who's who wants to and knows that they can but isn't yet fully inhabiting like all that they are this is where death can be a wise advisor a really wise advisor because imagine imagine now project yourself if you feel any of that resonance with what you shared about I don't know about me I don't know about this imagine you're final final stages on your Deathbed imagine looking back at your life are you going to be like ha good job man a good job good job you know girl you you really played it small like thanks for that I'm glad you really toned it down really kept it really kept it safe like good work we got one or two more months yeah yeah yeah you know but you know what and let's just keep it small all the way through let's make sure you don't express anything too loud on the no you're eulogy Marcus yeah safe and small yeah it really is that what you want no and of course people realize that it's like why didn't I let myself be more happy why didn't I it's all of the things that we didn't allow ourselves to express so in the proximity of death death is truth and in that truth you can actually fast forward yourself to see like okay from my position of death and maybe even beyond the deathbed maybe in that place where you've left this body and you're looking back on this life you've lived as a collection in the whole array of the many lives you lived and what do you want from that life you want to be that man I was Aubry Marcus and I [ __ ] I screamed Aubry Marcus I let it pour out of every pore of my body not to glorify the name but because I'm a unique self and without my instrument playing in the whole Symphony the Divine is incomplete the Divine is incomplete without our unique voice and our unique instrument and it's our right and I would dare say Our obligation to play that instrument as clean as pure as loud and as true as we possibly can I remember you said that to me in Miami doing a week-long together with my Lana your wife your amazing goddesses actually fun fact we reunited I was invited to speak at your men's group in Austin and I was doing a ceremony and I was handing out flowers to all the men there and I looked you right in the eyes and I was like something that came through me was like take me to your wife this being that was like knew that we needed to connect um so thank you whoever that was um but you looked at me and you you just said like at what point are you gonna own your own mastery yeah like at what point Emily like you have both a like an opportunity and an obligation actually and so and then really I've kept that with me like if I if I start to shrink or play small I think who am I I'm just like it's really been a beautiful anchor so thank you for that of course and and so going back a little bit if we go back to the control and the Darkness coming coming in and out there was a Shakespeare quote that came to mind which is that nothing is either good or bad but thinking makes it so and so I think there's an analogy there actually people who might be afraid to do this inner exploration um with psychedelics or just simply looking within and really integrating the darkness or the sticky stuff as if we don't want to see and um and what we were talking about with the initiation of like how do we love that part how do we not exercise it or judge it as bad but really love it so to me it seems like if you're going through initiation or if you're surrendering control to something bigger than you and something gets exposed that you would have judged as bad or dark or something you don't like about yourself can you maybe share how you've found ways to love those pieces of yourself it's a challenging Journey because we have an idea of who we want to be to be good right to be good we have we feel like every aspect of us needs to be good but actually every aspect of us is every aspect of everything and so to actually recognize that it's one thing to actually forgive you know some kind of behavior or some kind of action or some kind of attribute in another person I think that's level one that's very hard to like have love for I mean the stories of ramdas had you know Donald Trump on his altar that was because it was a hard person for ramdas to love so if he was going to be ramdas he wanted to make sure that he could love Trump too otherwise he wasn't Ramada so on the external it's important to you know work with those energies and that's challenging enough the even more challenging part is when you find and locate that within yourself and then the question is can you love that too can you love that too can you love that too and it's uh it's a process that takes courage and it also takes a different understanding about what it means to actually be good right it's like I think Star Wars does a good job of depicting that every Jedi could become a Sith like the dark force and the light side of the force they're all available is that I'm preaching to my son all the time because he's four and a half right and so it's like Good Guys bad guys Good Guys bad guys and every time like everyone has and he's like Mom shut up Good Guys bad guys okay this okay this oh [ __ ] and I just I just right right but it's it's like well he's reading he's reading the story of our story of our time this is the old story there's good and there's bad and bad is outside good is inside and and this is bad is the other good is me you define yourself based upon what's bad about the other which makes what you are good this is the division and polarity that we've experienced particularly over the last three years and it's all but it's always been there so he's actually accurately reading what the toltecs would call the mitote which is the collective Consciousness mentote means Marketplace the marketplace the ideas of the collective Zeitgeist he's reading that and he's just expressing that because it's in all the stories and in all the cartoons and and all of that but news stories new myths new Consciousness needs to emerge that tells a different story and it's not like we're inventing this for the first time by Mahayana Buddhist Mentor a guy named John Churchill I did a podcast with him and he was the one who told me that when the Buddhists the Tibetan Buddhists and his lineage are meditating they're meditating on a Tonka and a Tonka looks like an image of a demon and his favorite Tonka is a tanka name yamantaka and yamantaka is the death [ __ ] and death [ __ ] has a raging erection he's got like a he's like a buffalo man he's like this wild wild be and what they're doing is they're evoking that energy that the power of that dark dark masculine energy and they're bringing that drawing that in and then synthesizing that and transmuting that into their full life force energy and then that's where the Buddha meets that energy but it's actually a process where they're they're meditating and actually identifying with those Primal energies of that one that looks at death and says come here sweetheart I'm gonna [ __ ] you open see how hard my [ __ ] is come closer right like that power and that's actually so that technology of recognizing that within yourself it takes some time and and I've been tested in that to be shown all of the different dark nooks and crannies of myself and to not flinch and to not shy away and no I am all of that and what I choose to express is the nature of who I actually am it's not because I'm fundamentally good or bad it's my choice and I get to choose to be what I want to be and you know it's very difficult to actually choose to be a Sith because you have to keep a wall of delusion up that the delusion being that you are not me living a different life right like you have to justify or degrade or dehumanize the other sometimes that you're hurting someone else that you're hurting you have to to play that game so it's actually a little bit more difficult to play that side you know but that's why I think good always wins right because it doesn't require delusion because it because it's grounded in truth so all of those stories like you know good always wins in the end I think that Mantra is actually accurate because it has an inherent advantage in the long run is that it's grounded in truth it's grounded in the idea that we are all of the same Source Wellspring of life itself but for me just understanding that my choice to express how I want to express is enough and it's not because I'm not bad you know it's because I'm choosing to act in this way Bound by the values and truth and the love that I actually feel well it feels like that's that's the thing that the love can transmute the fear the love can consume the darkness but the darkness can't fully consume the love no that's right and and so it's right yes there's the it's actually there's an inherent advantage to good because love is the is the substrate it's Eros the Shekinah it's the force so so speaking of arrows which I'd love for you to Define for us but we've been talking a lot on this just because this is the thing that I'm really stoked about these days the sacred sexuality transmuting your your creation energy this erotic energy that's alive inside of all of us and then using it to fuel the life you really want to live and then what's really exciting to me is creating a huge Collective antenna and a lot of people birthing this new Earth that our hearts know is possible Right what Charles wrote about in his book and most of my guests on the show so far have been people who identify as women and and so there's a lot of the divine feminine talk and so I would love for you to share like how you someone who identifies as male one work with sacred sexuality transmute sexual energy into creating things in your world and then two and this is probably a bigger question like live such a life of Devotion to the divine feminine to goddess energy it's the same question great I mean fundamentally Eros and ethics are inseparable and how would you define each so Eros is the force of Life allurement presence attraction and also in some cases report it's all it's almost the magnetism of the entire Cosmos the magnetism of the cosmos yeah and it was actually so it was symbolized in the two cherubs that were intertwisted at the top of the Temple of Solomon who carried this lineage transmission of Eros and connecting it to Shekinah and hoshikina Shekinah is the is kind of Eros embodied as a goddess right so it's the force of Eros it's a simple way to say it but there's many ways that you could describe shakina she's often called The Bride but that doesn't quite fit that's more in the malhot kind of there's there's a variety of different ways to describe it but as Rabbi embodiment is yeah in a way but it's so it's so ever-present in every man and every woman and every you know bite of food and everything it was actually really the symbol was created as the two cherubs on top of the Ark of the Covenant on top of the temple in Jerusalem and Shekinah wasn't either one of the cherubs it was the space between it was the thing that Drew them together to intertwine and get into that dance so the third thing that is created exactly when the energies and the polarities exactly and that's Eros and you know again as Rabbi Mark Gaffney shares like the sexual models the erotic but does not exhaust it so we think of erotic and we think of sex and yes sex can and should be erotic and also it's just a model for living your life erotically like Rumi the poet who is constantly talking about the great beloved and you imagine that that great beloved was a man or a woman or whoever he was attracted to when in reality the great beloved was his love affair with god um you know and or Shekinah or whatever the name is that you want to say but it was his love affair with life yeah like what you seek is seeking you right that's that magnetism yeah if you have the desire then it has the desire for you as well yep and so how do you like if you if you feel comfortable sharing like personally use that Eros that energy to or do you use that to create what you're creating in the world so go back to younger Aubry and my desire My craving for the goddess was so strong that I recognized that okay and I remember I remember one very defining moment again this is Young Aubry actually went by the name Chris then has had two middle names Chris and Aubrey were my middle names people call me Chris I switched that to Aubry but that's a bracket not important but anyways so young Chris Marcus fake ID 20 years old I go to a burlesque show in Vegas called La fam and it was based on the burlesque show in Paris the famous one at the Crazy Horse gorgeous like abs like the way that they play with lights and music and the dancers it was stunning and I remember I had a Crown Royal on the rocks and I was again fake ID and I'm just sipping that and I'm a 20 year old college kid right and these are like gorgeous professional dancers like women like the goddess and body they were like Shekinah embodied the allurement I was feeling was like through the roof right they were like expressing this element of femininity and sexuality that was so far beyond whatever I could cultivate and I was like man how on Earth would I get a date with one of these women like how do I become a great enough man that they would say yes if I said hey you want to go out like a goddess of that kind of power of Ilana like how could I be the man that the violana would be like yeah and so I saw the world I looked at the world and I saw like all right what does the world show me what is the world teaching me well you need to have resources you need to have personal power you need to have a variety you need to have a healthy strong body you need to have all of these things that are still a part of what I am and but it was very much focused so the Eros the my desire to actually be and meet a goddess of that level and again I didn't talk to him I don't know how they were in conversation or whatever but that's the energy yeah it's like I will do whatever it takes to be the type of man that could be with one of those women whatever it takes and that was not limited to one thing I didn't say I just got to get the money or it wasn't like Scarface or I just got to get the power it's like holistically across the board intellectually my humor my kindness my love my ferocity my wealth my influence all of that needs to be in line so that Drew me forward in a fundamental way and there's still aspects of that that draw me for it I'm not going to say that that has left it's been included and transcended but the first poll of Eros was the pull to my greatness so that I could be a match for the goddess which I wanted so bad so beautiful and that's a it's a really empowering reframe on something that we could there's so many ways to shame that as lust or proving or you don't believe that you're enough and so you have to like there's a million ways you could um like warp that and you haven't like you can see the Purity in that yeah and now I'm curious you know the work that Milan and I were doing and this work of like actually transmuting sexual energy into manifestation the creation energy itself and manifesting with it is that a practice that you do actively so the the way that I see it now is I see that Eros is the reason why I even care it's like it's it actually gets me still in a different way not to care because I want to match with some I'm already matched with the goddess I've succeeded that and so I've included and transcended that but when I'm charged with Eros poetry Falls from my lips I can see things that I wouldn't normally see I have more courage to take a stand so the way that we use it in our relationship is you know she knows that if she fills me with Eros she packs my body full of Eros that I will go step forward as the king than I am and actually create good for us and for the world and so it's really about like tapping into that place filling me up and then allowing all of that to move through me it's like charging charging my whole being and then everything disseminates throughout you know throughout the whole Kingdom so that's really how it's done and it's it's it doesn't require us to have for me at least like a particular practice of this or that when it's happening it's like just pack me full of it and trust that my body will be the vehicle and the channel that will take all of that energy and it'll pour through my body and and that will create yeah like she likes the vision that you're creating it's like she's like fueling that like exactly they're using it to generate it um and so what would you say to people who identify as male and who are wanting to get into sacred sexuality or even like Devotion to the divine feminine like how do you do that and still because we've been so you know patriarching is all around us and pussy's like the worst insult you could call someone and there's there's just swimming in this old Paradigm so how do you in this day as the frequency of the planet seems to be changing into a more receptive more lean back more magnetized more harmonious frequency how what would you say to men who are starting this journey who want to devote to the divine feminine I don't think you should try to force yourself to do it I think you have to be allured you have to be drawn towards it so I would really focus on the genuine allurement to the goddess in whatever way that is for you right and [ __ ] is an incredibly alluring Force for me in my own sexuality I am so drawn to that the smell the feet like every aspect of it transcends anything that you could look at from a materialist reductionist standpoint it's it is this it's this world it's a portal that comes to this point yes it consumes me with ecstasy you know when I can smell it still on my face after a lovemaking session I'm still in heaven and I don't want to wash my face you know it's like I in that type of love for that aspect of the goddess and there's many aspects beautiful aspects of the goddess and I have a recent you know real sister that I made like a deep friendship with no Sexual Energy at all there but there's so there's many different ways to relate to the goddess and so I don't want to isolate it to this but if you're talking about sacred sexuality find that point that you're the most allured to and maybe it maybe for you it isn't that and maybe feel free to explore that thing that you are most allured to rather than the mental constructs of I need to do this and let's get an orgasm this line sexing Consciousness where you're just thinking about an outcome trying to create a result worrying about your performance in your head trying to figure all this [ __ ] out allow yourself to become completely intoxicated allow yourself to just swim and float in the garden of feminine ecstasy and just just let it consume you entirely and then that's the place by which you can start you know some real reverence in in for that aspect and expression of sexuality and then extend that out to the entirety of the being you know a woman is not just a [ __ ] she is every aspect she's her heart her mind her spirit and yes men and women share that same quality and and all of the genders share that same quote we all share that so but I think the starting point is like what are you allured to and what are you like what what is intoxicating for you really about the essence of another person so I love that so don't force it because we think we should but just like what is what is the actual magnetism which is the Eros and is that regardless of gender or whatever it's like where's that pull devote to that let yourself be surrendered by that sensation and consumed by that sensation so we talked about why people we talk about why people why aren't people exploring within but like why why aren't they why do you think we're so afraid of it why isn't there more of it so the identity structure of who we are people call that the ego but the problem I have with the word ego is there's a lot of conflation with the idea of ego with hubris and pride and a lot of the different Shadow aspects of ego I think ego's bigger than right just the right the way that we use the word yeah it's it's your identity structure it's your identity it's who you are in identity it's the thing that separates you from the complete homogeneous you know wave of the Divine like ego says I am but in saying I am it's also saying I am not I am this is my body it's mine and it's of course connected to all of the earth and contained of all of the particles of the mother and the water and the air the wave is not an illusion it's an appearance of separate right it's not an illusion it's right so and that's that's an important aspect the identity structure says well at least in some densities in some dimensional realities this is me and me is different than you and so it's very important because that's what allows us to explore and allows us to differentiate that's a that's a vehicle that allows us to really play so but the problem is is that the ego can then become an entity in and of itself and that entity cannot evolve very well unless it really the way that it evolves is much more like the Phoenix it's much more like a caterpillar evolves into a butterfly which is it turns into goo and then it sprouts wings or it turns from a bird it goes to Ash and then it gets its fire Wings this is how the ego has to actually evolve it has to molt it's very difficult for the ego to change in microwaves it's very stuck and stubborn so when you look within you're threatening to kill this identity construct that you have so you're facing death so deepest compassion for those who are afraid to look within because if they see within and they see that yes I am this ego this identity construct but I'm also all that is I'm also the embodiment of Eros I'm also connected to all things I also have a soul lineage where this is just one life in the Advent calendar of who I really am you start to see that and then all of a sudden that identity complex that structure it has to die and so when you're asking somebody why don't you look within why don't you change you're saying why don't you just die that's really what we're asking people why don't you just die well it's dying is scary yeah face your biggest fear is going back darkest pain exactly the most embarrassing and then dissolve into goo yeah and and that's and that's really what it feels like and people will defend their identity structure and they'll defend it as if they were defending their life because they're actually identified with it so their their their attentional system is fused to their identity and as it's fused their whole being is fused to that so anything that challenges it is a threat so this to me feels like why meditation is so important as like a precursor and it's an integration tool to this work because every day twice a day then you are transcending the left brain and connecting to the right you're transcending the the identity and connecting with the thing that lives beyond the death of the body so if you're doing that in micro doses every single day then when we do it in some initiative initiation of a medicine ceremony or an actual facing of death or dissolving into a lover like you're prepared at least to some degree like you've been practice it like you at least know that there is an ocean Beyond just this wave so I'm curious to know like what what your meditation Journey has been like like I know we've danced in some parts of it but I know your imagination journey is very bad yeah so can you feel into like who you were before you started meditating versus who you are now and how that Journey has changed you so you know I was there's uh I think there's kind of a school of thought and that school of thought is that if you reach these Altered States Of Consciousness with anything other than meditation you're cheating and this is the only true and pure way and if you're gonna be like really a good person this is you don't need anything else and you know like I'll have people I'll comment about a medicine journey and just like I hope that one day you realize that you don't need all that I was like yeah I realize that and also they're amazing for sure have you done it like it's awesome I've been teaching meditation for like 13 years and I love drugs yes right so so I I was given the gift of being able to use the bridge I consider all of these medicines like a chakaruna which is the catch-all word for bridge and so it's a bridge to other states of Consciousness meditation for me has been something that actually you know our meditations together when I started to learn with you that was one of the best experiences of actually having a practice that could drop me into really deep States Of Consciousness it drops me into that kind of void space you know where everything falls away and rest is happening and and of course you have all of these different talks that I'm sure everybody has heard but you get this kind of quantum rest in that state where everything is just dissolved in this beautiful way and you're such a master at teaching that and thank you for the personal attention and helping to illuminate that for me the other practice that I've been working with that was taught to me by the Mahayana Buddhist John Churchill was to actually change Infuse my and this is not separate necessarily from what you're doing but it doesn't involve a mantra in exactly the same way but putting my attentional system right on my heart so all of my all of my attentional system goes directly to my heart and then there's primordial words for mother and one of the primordial words so he's of Celtic druidic lineage but he studied 30 years of Buddhism so the the word that he prefers is AWA it's very similar to Mama but it's and so I identify I feel the safety of the mother I feel all around me and how safe she is and how she's holding me and then I just go into this and I drop my attentional system right into my heart and I'll just say oh and again that becomes like a mantra but it's not a mantra that's trying to actually drop you into the state where you step back and forget the Mantra which is a beautiful practice I love it but it's actually to continue to feel your heart opening and connecting more to the mother and so it's like driving driving more energy through the heart that you're sourcing from Gaia so I have now two tools that I really like and can use for different occasions one gives me this deep rest the other really opens my heart it makes me feel connected to the mother beautiful yeah thank you so much for sharing that I've never heard that ahwa it's stunning you can just feel it like I feel like safe exactly even hearing it um something that I was taught is an advanced technique would be you know rather than putting your attention directly on the heart that actually you can bring your attention to to the to the rib cage like the sternum right in front of it it's almost like the gate to the heart and it's like it's like you said you're gonna go see the grandmother like go to her house yeah you know it's like you want to go to the heart like go maybe don't enter the house without her permission but just go right outside yeah yeah and like what if we bring our attention there and then let her expand let her envelop you which is also like the states of intimacy like if we if we skip steps of intimacy right I'm like hey do you want to sleep together and you're like I'm what is your name you know like it just you have the opposite of versus if if it just gradually bit by bit deepen and then an invite so that could be something to play with too of just like what if you put it right right at the sternum I like it good I love to just before we start to wrap things up I'd love to if you feel comfortable talking about the God bomb if you feel comfortable talking about that okay that's great let's go um so this is something that that you and by Lana cognized like this feels like something that wants to come through a specific medicine that wants to come through and a beautiful activation and gift and experience that you facilitated for some of your nearest and dearest this is again my 24 years experience in many learning from many different ways phylana naturally being a magical Adept and having this unbelievable ability to sing and play the sound bowls and download a direct transmission of someone's unique self and apply the sound to that I was Apprentice in a particular type of Bodywork from my brother parangi and it's an unbelievable you know magical type of Bodywork so we pair both of those with the combination of ketamine and cannabis and sometimes there's admixtures but I'd prefer to allow those to remain in the mystery but the core of it is the ketamine and the Cannabis and ketamine to me represents the dissolution of this identity construct and the opening to the fullness of all that is right it's like entering the void space it's that shivik this is all of the cosmos that becomes available Shiva being the destroyer of a relevancy right so you can just expand into all that is all that is and then the Cannabis is the goddess she's the one that awakens our senses all the food tastes more sweet the music sounds better the Bodywork feels better the yoga feels better everything is in the body this is the goddess this is goddess medicine so it's a combination of a very be very highly polarized Divine masculine so masculine you wouldn't even call it grandfather no one says grandfather ketamine it's beyond that it's beyond even the personality or archetype structure that could say grandfather mother brother Uncle yeah it doesn't want to be Persona no it's not that and something else mixed with a very visceral feminine energy of the cannabis and so in that combination then stacking that with the Bodywork and with the sound and it evokes like an unbelievable experience and we were honored to be able to offer that for you and to just see what came through and it's it's really stunning yeah I mean I can imagine it's so different for each person but just to speak to my experience like one you have so many talents but I imagine people many people don't know that you actually are very gifted body worker um but what what I saw when I was on the table was clear as day um these like pyramids and I could tell that they were both ancient and future like and and there was a group of us that were there in these ancient pyramids and in the future and and I could feel the transmission so clearly and I've always had a connection with with Egypt even in um Middle School I was in eighth grade they asked me to teach the sixth graders ancient egyptology and I was like this seems unusual to ask a 13 year old to teach 11 year olds but now I'm like oh right because I was there um um but then cut to Burning Man and we're all in a pyramid together and you're introducing myself and Layla and bailana and Regina and now like it's possible we might be going to Egypt like in the fall with this amazing egyptologist and so it just feels really exciting to like have these very clear downloads that happen and then to see them come into into fruition and then the last thing I'll share about my experience which again I just felt so honored and grateful um but that I was valana started singing and it was something called called light language which sounds like a language like oh I just don't know what language that is it must be like a mix of Portuguese in Czech or something but I've never heard but it but started singing I felt like death sometimes you'll see videos of deaf children who get hearing aids for the first time and they get to hear their mother's voice for the first time and that is what it felt like for me that I was hearing my mother tongue for the first time and then afterwards I said what was that what were you singing what language is that and she said I don't know I've never sung that before it was actually a weird tone for me because it wasn't my voice it was your voice like she was able to tune into whatever my light language code is and it was just such a fascinating beautiful experience and I guess I just want to say like thank you for receiving the download and thank you for gifting that to me well it's absolutely our honor and we've facilitated this now you know probably close to 30 times in different people and again it's very unscalable and it's you know it's me and bailana spending a full five six hours with somebody you know so this is not something we that we can scale and it's our unique energy in medicine but the the reciprocity is built into it because in that space we share we share this psychic space in such a way that I actually get to learn from the book that I'm reading of whoever's there on the table and I'm constantly you know learning and learning and learning what different codes and frequencies and ideas and energies and what things need to be healed or transmuted where the body is storing things and it informs me so it's like I get to go to The Great Library of you know everyone being who is a master in their own right on the inside and I get to read the book of a master and then [ __ ] always come out better from it so it's one of my favorite things to do and the amount of magical things that have happened on that table is it's like it's Indescribable what I've what I've experienced in facilitating for some you know really remarkable people and again it is very very different for every individual but that's the beauty of it because everybody's got a different book and a different chapter of the book I'm not even saying that I read the whole book you know like we when we were there I was reading a lot about Isis from you a lot about Isis and I'm pretty sure you almost levitated off the table at one point you became so light I was I felt like I was carrying an albatross or something what's an albatross that's a big bird I mean like like that's what it was like yeah huge wings and it was like oh wow you're like everything just lightened in the energy and whether actually you were a lighter or actually that's just the way it felt because of the energy I mean all right we can have our debate about that but in it genuinely felt like you were about 14 pounds when I was holding you on the table there and and that was a just a beautiful experience of you stepping into that stepping into that energetic resonance and to my experience changing the density and actually the weight of your entire body which may be an old forgotten lost technology the ability to change your resonance and then change your change your density who knows it's an interesting World well I would say that certainly was an initiation for me and then like sort of outing myself in this new realm of work on your podcast the whole thing was quite quite its own initiation yeah so thank you for that you're welcome um so last question before we before we close is like where do you think we're going as a species and how do you think we can or perhaps dare I say should prepare now we're coming to a point of resolution where actually all you know everything is going to actually meet all of the old ideas some of the challenging and detrimental ideas that have perpetuated you know through the origins of Empire this desire to control to keep people you know restrict their access to their own personal power to their so that's how you define empire the desire to control and restrict access to people's own sovereignty correct okay yeah Empire once Empire wants drones Empire wants Stormtroopers Empire once faceless defaced people who were who were slaves to the system that puts certain people in extreme power right like that's the idea of Empire it's extraordinarily hierarchical in which all of these other people serve me the one it's it's the actual expansion of the detrimental aspect of the ego or the shadow aspect of the ego which wants to be better than everybody else and wants everybody to serve it if unchecked if disconnected from the field that's what the ego wants and Empire is just that played out in the collective the desire to have certain people with extreme power and everybody else serving those different people as basically you know servants or in you know in in that in that capacity so there's that energy and there's all the ideas of that in order to perpetuate and exacerbate that energy weave fear and you weaved vision and you restrict sexuality and you squash magic and you promote this version of materialist reductionist scientism that denies the existence of anything that's outside of the non-material and all of these different ways that were disconnected from the full power of who we are so that played out through politics in in the corporatocracy that we find ourselves in with the re-emergence of people who are finding their true true power and bringing back the old forgotten lineages you know all of the old wisdom lineages of Solomon that you know Rabbi Mark gaffney's taking and piecing back together from the hidden allegorical references from the many books and bringing back that wisdom and then the Mahayana Buddhist wisdom that's coming in the the Deep kind of Kashmir shaivism and all every I mean you could name something from the Gnostic Christianity to every different aspect it's all coming in as well as the best in modern philosophy and psychology practices like internal family systems all of these different things and the medicines are coming on board now and so there's this huge point where structures that have been built on an old story are now coming to face with the truth about life itself and the truth about Who We Are and I it's hard to see that being smooth but that's a it's a prayer we can hold I'm I'm praying for the revolution that does not require a Revolt yeah we just birth it through our own pleasure that we can hold the frequency of this new Earth yeah and then we can manifest it even in the wake of the crumbling of the old unsustainable and I think we can individually and like we have the ability with how we see things to see that this is happening and this is necessary for this to happen and all compassion to those that are hurt when this happens you know it's like if the the recently this last week one of the banks failed Silicon Valley Bank failed and it's like you know damn you know like that but obviously this is systemic of a bigger problem that needs to be there but it's not like you don't have compassion for people who had their life savings in their bank and they can't get it back and for whatever reason it was an FDIC and they may not ever get their money back it's like a lot of money right yeah so I didn't have direct exposure with my but so many of my investments banked through them because they're like Venture capitals so all of a sudden a huge portion of my wealth is now at risk I actually don't even know I mean today's Monday so presumably I'll find out more but it could have evaporated like a huge amount could have evaporated so for me I could have gone into the scarcity fear you know I can't believe this happened blah blah blah or I could choose to just see this like well this was the crumbling of a building that I you know had some trinkets stored in and the trinkets may be smashed and I may never get them back and that's okay these different buildings will crumble and I have you know different resources spread in different places and it won't all come and and if it does I'm gonna be fine because guess what I got me and bilana me and bailona can live with my parents [ __ ] couch and still have a great time I mean we might need a private bedroom for everything that we do be more more comfortable less awkward for us yeah yeah but that I mean this idea that no no it's gonna work out it's like we're gonna be okay one way or another and even if something catastrophic individually happens it's like all right well you know in this Incarnation this is all that I was able to get out of it but I'm gonna get into this I'm gonna get another shot at this and that would be a great tragedy but there's still a way to see that kill keeps you engaged with life and seeing the more beautiful world in process even if things are crumbling so while I don't think it's going to be necessarily smooth across the board I think for every individual who has this type of mindset it will smooth your purview your window into the Multiverse to a degree that you're going to be able to actually stay above the Ruckus and the chaos that may come you know keep our attention on the creation that happens right behind the destruction correct yeah wow well I mean you are I mean I would sit here for eight more hours but it would get very hot in here yeah it is warm um but thank you for your lifetime of devotion thank you for your lifetime of study thank you for your outrageous generosity in lifting up the people that you see birthing this more beautiful Earth that we all know is possible it thank you for your time here today and I'm so excited that you are going to give us a window into what sounds like a really powerful exercise a way for us to change our future by changing our past so I'm really excited about that and I want to say thank you so much for joining us on this ride as you can tell this is a very brilliant um Mission driven human um where would you like to direct people where would you like for people to come and find you Aubrey Marcus podcast yeah it's really really good thanks so good thanks sis and just yeah at Aubry Marcus on Instagram it's my most active social platform okay so Aubry Marcus on Instagram and the Aubrey Marcus podcast truly I mean he's covering everything everything from the science of magic all manner of psychedelics um political divide and creating Unity inside of it um lifting up authors and philosophers from all different lineages it's really um it's a gift it's a very generous gift that you're giving to the world every week it's my honor yeah well thank you so much for joining us if you are enjoying this I would be so grateful if you would follow and do stick around join us at zevameditation.com why this where you're gonna get to enjoy these bonus teachings that we simply cannot fit inside of the podcast where you're going to get to dive deeper and get to actually experience some of these modalities that we've been speaking of so thank you so so much I love you and I will see you next week [Music] thank you
Channel: Ziva Meditation
Views: 10,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ziva, ziva meditation, meditation, manifesting, mindfulness, emily fletcher, mindvalley, calm, headspace, guided meditation, meditation for sleep, how to meditate, ziva online, ziva live, meditation course, ziva kids, Stress Less accomplish more, stress, anxiety, emily fletcher meditation, what is manifestation, come to your senses, mantra, pre interview motivation, meditation for performance, Mark Hyman, sleep meditation, why isn't everyone doing this?, podcast, aubrey marcus
Id: Qqa-TrS2Kh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 0sec (4740 seconds)
Published: Tue May 16 2023
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