2 Corinthians 9:1 to 15

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all right welcome back to the cloud Church I'm Robert breaker missionary answers to Spanish and English speaking people and we are going through 2nd Corinthians we just finished up 2nd Corinthians chapter 8 verses 1 through 24 and I just I looked at chapter 9 and said man I just got to continue so I'm gonna go ahead and continue with chapter 9 because it basically is everything we just said in chapter 8 it it reiterates it so I decided I'll go ahead and leave this up here and go ahead and record verse by verse through chapter 9 as well I don't know how long this will be because this is a very very short chapter here in 1st team in st. Corinthians 9 verses 1 through 15 so verse 1 says for us touching the ministering to the Saints now what is the ministering to the Saints well the ministering to the Saints we've seen was the giving of a gift of money to poor Saints in pubs writing and saying look how poor the Macedonians are you Corinthians should give to them and yet then he tells them but look how poor they were they had next to nothing and yet they were giving to help them the poor Saints in Jerusalem so we see that in the early church there was a camaraderie I guess is the right word there was a fellowship there was helping other Christians and how different that is you don't see anywhere in these writings of Paul that they would just go out on a street corner and give money to a lost person why because they're in Corinth where that lost person would probably go right up the road to the to the prostitute house and spend the money or go up to the road and to the bar and drink his sorrows away or take that money and spend it on an idol or something evil so we've got to be careful when we're giving money to God that it goes to the service of God and that's why Paul was talking about utterance giving utterance take that money help the poor saints and what's the the reason for doing that so that they can go under the gospel so they can go out and preach it more and so we take the money from Christians to minister to other Christians so that they'll be able to preach more about Jesus Christ not that you can't help a lost person I'm not saying that a lot of churches do like I said last time churches have food banks and they they help lost people to eat but why should they do that food bank it's not just to give them the food it's with the hopes that when they come to take that food you have an opportunity to give them the gospel but they might never have heard before so check read news chapter 9 verse 1 for us touching the ministering to the Saints it is superfluous fluo s-- for me to write to you for I know the forward nests of your mind for which I boast of you to them of Macedonia that ended that akai yet was ready a year ago and your zeal hath provoked very many so here Paul spent is saying I know the Florida some einde now we read that in chapter 8 and verse 10 and it says there and here and I give my advice for this is expedient for you who have begun before not only to do but also to be forward a year ago and here it's reiterated in verse 2 of chapter 9 that a year ago you had wanted to give to the poor saints so they waited a year to do this for some unknown reason I don't know why maybe they were saving it for a year until Paul came back or he sent Titus back to take it to the people he says for for which I boast of you to them of Macedonia so Paul when he wrote chapter 8 he was telling him hey the Macedonians did this and gave to help these poor people and now he's writing to the Corinthians that he's saying now I boasted to them about Cydonia that you guys were willing to do the same thing and you were full of zeal and that you wanted to do this and because they wanted to do it verse 2 your zeal hath provoked very many so because they wanted to help other Christians than other churches wanted to do this thing did they do it well go back to 811 Paul says now therefore perform the doing of it so just because for a whole year they wanted to do it doesn't mean they did it so it's one thing to want to do something and be willing to do it it's another thing to actually follow through with what you want to do and that's what the last chapter was about Paul's telling them now do it do it you wanted to for a whole year to help other Christians take up an offering and do stuff for them do it the fact that you wanted to do it and you express them to me that you wanted to your zeal provoked many but now do it now show what you said with your mouth that you wanted to do so sin Corinthians 9:1 for us touching the ministering to the Saints that's so important to the Saints Christians are supposed to help other Christians and so said the day of age we live the love of money the love of many wax cold so few Christians help other Christians and that's why so so many Christians just get out of church because they say that's not Christian they claim to be Christians they don't care about us so we need to show other Christians that we care about them for I know the forward nosov your mind for which I boast of you to them of Macedonia that aquella was ready a year ago and your zeal hath provoked for a minute verse 3 en have I sent the Brethren lest our boasting of you should be in vain in this behalf that as I said you may be ready so he's boasting Paul is telling other churches yeah they want to do this they want to do this so Paul sent the brother to Corinth to take up the offering is lest his boasting should be in vain verse 4 lest haply haply if they have Macedonia come with me and find you unprepared we that we say not ye should be ashamed in this same confident boasting so what it sounds like to me and I could be wrong is that for a whole year they were saving up I've seen churches that do that a lot of times some churches will have little kids take up an offering for a missionary and the kids are coming every week and give an offering and then at the end of the year a lot of times they put into one of those big five-gallon water bottle things and they say this is how much it inhere that if that we saved up for missionary so-and-so and they give that money to the missionary so maybe this is what it's talking about here for a year ago they were willing to so maybe for a whole year 52 weeks they saved up and now Paul is sending the church the other brothers to come to take that offering and to take it back no when I think about that I think how interesting here's the Apostle Paul he's going from church to church to church to church preaching and he's carrying two things with them he's carrying the Bible well actually three things he's carrying his tools because he's a tentmaker so he's carrying these tools to make tents with and that was his living he didn't live off of churches he usually didn't even take their offering he didn't want it he worked as he preached as a missionary then he took a bag full of money so it's a wonder that he didn't get robbed here Oh Paul was going from church to church and he would take from one church well they saved up to bring this offering to you and you go to that church and say here's an offering and then they say well here's an offering for them and they take it up and you know he'd stay in a church for a year here two years there he stayed in one place for a long time preaching but he always made sure that every church their needs were met and that one church learned to take care and support another so once again you see the camaraderie in Christ and the love for one another that you don't see nowadays in many churches many churches don't care how interesting and yet helped odd how different that is most missionaries today don't have jobs they're not tent makers they go to churches and they beg for money please please give me money help me and I'll go be a missionary and you know what I've seen it's so sad many missionaries go and they leave America and the first thing they do when they get to the mission field is build themselves a big mansion when they do that they lift themselves so much higher above a month above the people they're trying to reach that the people look at them like Oh wretched good-for-nothing he claims to be a Christian and they go and they say hey can you help me and he says no oh I can give you the gospel but I can't give you any money and then they never listen to what the guy has to say that is so different than Paul Paul became all things for all men that he might win some Paul never had a house he was a tent maker he dwelt in a tent he never owned property most likely so he went around to show people look I'm like you I don't have I'm not portraying myself as as Judas the Bible says Judas carried the Treasury bag and Judas lover of money Paul didn't love money Keith he would rather give it away than to hold on to it and yet people today we're going to hold onto money then give it away so big big difference but it's interesting that many people that claim to be preachers today today that's what they're in it for they're in it for the money exact opposite of Paul he wasn't in it for the money he preached because he wanted to see people saved and when he got money he wanted to go to people that needed it that shows his heart that shows his care that shows his love that shows his charity can boy I tell you I wish there were more ministers like that today now that doesn't mean you can't live with the gospel we've looked at before and in Corinthians where Paul says he that preached the gospel should live of the gospel so if a man is preaching the gospel and teaching the Bible other Christians should support him and help him cinema checks in on the money order help him out as he's doing it because a lot of times it's hard to have another job I read today that over a hundred million people in the United States of America do not have a job do you know there's only between 300 and 325 million people in America so if over a hundred million people in America don't have a job that means one-third of the population of this country is without work right now if that's the case those that do have jobs should help those Christians that don't and if a man is a minister of the gospel well he should be supportive he should give money from other Christians so that he can continue to preach the gospel it's others so interesting thought something to think about let's go to chapter 9 verse 3 yet have I sent the brother and lest our boasting of you should be in vain in this behalf that as I said you may be ready so he's saying we're sending some brother to you hope you're ready so that when we come we're coming with a big old bag to collect what you said you were going to give to other Christians verse 4 lest haply if they have Macedonia come with me and find you unprepared either that we say not ye should be ashamed in this same confident boasting I like how Paul says that we don't want to be ashamed but I should say you you ye shouldn't be ashamed because you're the ones that say you're gonna do something and you'd be ashamed if you didn't do it I've been to churches before and this is a crying shame this is a crying shame but I'm not the only one I've talked to other missionaries I went to a church once well this has happened 20 occasions of the churches I've been to the pastor I've just finished preaching in the church I go sit down the pastor says man what a blessing by the breaker Todd is something from the Word of God or he preached the message to touch their hearts and the pastor said brother breaker everything taking up in the offering today will go directly to you so whatever y'all give today will go to brother breaker and they go and they bring back that money and they put it on that that front table in front of pulpit look at that and I go wow that's a good offering that looks like a blessing it looks like there's four or five six seven hundred dollars there and then the next day the pastor gives you a check for a hundred dollars and says thanks for coming brother breaker have a nice day now why would that man say that and then lie why would that man stand in a pulpit some people call the sacred desk and lie to his congregation and lie to my face and yet not be ashamed why would he tell me that everything taking up that offering would go to me to help me in the ministry and then lie and give me obviously way less than was actually collected there I'm not the only one that seen that happen other missionaries that's something pastors do from time to time and and it's it's it's dishonest it's evil go back to chapter eight real quick and look at verse 21 same Corinthians 8 21 says providing for honest things not only in the sight of the Lord but also on the side of man Paul in the context of giving says that we are to be honest not only the sight of the Lord and the sight of men let me show you another verse where Paul says this to be honest Romans 12:17 I mean if you can't try the pastor who can you trust Romans 12:17 says recompense to no man evil for evil provide things honest in the sight of all men and we're supposed to be honest and yet there are many pastors that I've met that are very dishonest I don't know if they love money more than God but why would they stand up and say everything taking the offering will go to brother so-and-so and then it's obvious they took up the offering they went and counted and they come back and give you a check that's way way way less than what was collected I'll tell you story in a second Philippians 4 4:8 finally brethren brethren whatsoever things are true whatsoever things are honest whatsoever things are just whatsoever things are poor whatsoever things are lovely whatsoever things are of good report if there be any praise that there be any virtue excuse me if there be any praise think on these things so what sort of things are honest and true how can a man claim to be a minister of God and then say something and then lie or go back only said and there was a there was a evangelist preacher one time who was an Indian American Indian and he was invited to a church to preach and he preached at this church he preached as hard as he could and it was a blessing to the people but the pastor was a little bit I don't know if he was racist or what and he said wow this brother is a blessing he said everything that's collected this tonight will go directly to this evangelist and we appreciate him coming and he touched the hearts of people they were crying they took up an offering and they and it was literally falling out of the out of the place there was so much money to collect it in the offering I mean conservatively he figured there was probably a thousand two thousand dollars in the offering taken up for him and that pastor stood in that pulpit and said everything in that offering he's gonna go to this evangelist here preach tonight this Indian evangelist well after they took up the offering and the service was over the pastor came out and says well brother it's not much but I hope it helps and he gave him a check for $100 $150 and that evades us he just looked at that he looked over there and he says this can't be right but he didn't say anything he says okay if that preacher wants to be a liar I'll let him lie so that amazes left he didn't I have enough money in his pocket to get to the next church where he was supposed to preach and so he had to borrow and beg in order to to get down the road to the next meeting now that is a crying shame that a man would call himself a pastor would staying in the pulpit and lie to an evangelist and lie to a congregation and then he doesn't have enough to help him get down the road to continue uttering about Jesus Christ and preaching the gospel to the next place he's supposed to go so you know what that that Indian evangelist did I like this this is a good story he was invited to come back the very next year and preach at that same church and so he did but this time he brought with them a big old leather suitcase and it wasn't just a suitcase it was like those old doctor bags you know they're real big and they kind of come up like this and a lot of room in there to put stuff and he preached a message in the and it touched the hearts of people and they were blessed and that same lion pastor got up and says everything taken up today for this brother he's going to go straight to him we're gonna take up an offering everything collected in the offering today he's gonna go to this this evangelist this brother so they took up the offering same thing as last year people were crying they were so touched he preached so hard I mean there was minds is falling out of the plates there was so much that people gave and as soon as they brought that up ring up there that evangelist jumped up and grabbed his suitcase and said I want to thank the church it's what a blessed that y'all are giving me so much and this is real blessing he said to the Deacons he said brothers put it right in there and when he said that he looked up at the pastor like that and that's okay hey man I said everything's gonna go to this brother so he was making sure that that pastor was honest because he lied to that evangelist and you know what he had enough gas money that time to get to his next meeting why the pastor's lie why are they so different than Paul a lot of them love money I was about to say about money and I'm sorry I just get so sad to see people say something like that and know that they've lied that's happened to me on many occasions you know I don't care I don't care about money but it said here a pastor say oh all this software will go to this brother and then you know that he lied and he doesn't give it to you he gives you a little check that's way low from you I would even say that they just don't even say it don't get the hopes up I went to church one time and the pastor says look we're gonna take up an offering for brother breaker he says whatever we collect in this offering whatever this often comes up to he said the church Treasury will give enough to make it double whatever's collected when he said that I looked at my blood there was a couple hundred dollars and I said I know this man and I know I can trust him he's honest so I took out all the money out of my wallet I think it was three hundred dollars and I put it in the offering plate and I just said lord please don't let him be a liar like some of these other pastors and they took up an offer from there and I think it was like four or five hundred dollars and you know what the pastor said okay it's for five hundred we'll go to the Treasury we'll take that exact same amount and we'll double it from brother breaker house because what would happen if I gave that three hundred and he said okay here's a check for a hundred dollars I would have two hundred like some pastors would have done that this pastor was good to his word and I appreciate him for that but first Timothy chapter 6 in verse 10 says for the love well let's back up let's like back up in verse 9 look at verse 9 but they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare and into many foolish and hurtful lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition better watch out don't desire to be rich you'll fall into destruction and perdition verse 10 for the love of money is the root of all evil which while some have coveted after they have erred from the faith and pierced themselves through with many sorrows but that old man of God flee these things and follow after righteousness godliness faith love patience meekness so if you're a preacher you need to be honest like Paul if you say I'm gonna give everything this offering to that brother you do it you don't lie and say oh no we had to keep some for ourselves no no you follow through with what you said then you be honest well back to 2nd Corinthians chapter 9 and 2nd Corinthians chapter 9 and verse 5 second thien's 95 therefore I thought it necessary to exhort the Brethren that they would go before unto you and make up beforehand your bounty whereof he ye had noticed before that the same might be ready as a matter of bounty and not of covetousness not as of covetousness so I thought it necessary to exhort the Brethren they would go before unto you so it sounds like he says now I'm sending some people before unto you to say hey this is what Paul said he said you told them and you told him a year ago you were gonna give special offering to us a special church okay here they come to tell you Paul's showing up he's gonna bring some people from Macedonia with him and when he shows up you need to follow through with your word perform the doing of it you said you're gonna do it make sure we show up that you give what you said you were gonna give so don't be like those pastors I've known like that pastor that lied to that Indian man if you say you're gonna give them all the money in the offering to such-and-such a brother you give all the money in the offering such-and-such a brother if you say we're gonna take up a special offering for a whole year at the end of that year that offering is going to be set aside and all that that's a mass that we saved up we're gonna give to poor Christians in another place you follow through with your work you do what you say you were gonna do not a matter of covetousness and 9 and verse 2 but this I say ye would show if he would show us spare them sparingly shall reap also sparingly and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully now what is he talking about well I believe he's not talking about the prosperity gospel because we saw in the last chapter that there were people that were infliction and they were poor so it's not their fault they were poor it's not a prophetically but he's saying that you reap sparingly you sow sparingly I think that's your relief Awards and having the more do you give to the Lord the more you get in heaven the less you give to the Lord the last you receive now verse seven is a very very very very important verse and there's a lot of things that go on in churches nowadays one of them is something I don't really care about I'm not in favor of I don't I don't have anything to do I believe I put out on one of my websites about this it's called faith promise giving now if you're in a church the practice-based promise giving I am in no way attacking this doctrine but I am going to say that it's not in the Bible number one and number two every time I've seen Church that tries to do faith promise giving at the end of the year they never ever get the amount that they claim they were gonna get and the reason is faith promise giving makes a person give what they don't have here's how it works and by the way it was founded by charismatic years ago and what it is it's called faith promise giving and it's a system of giving in which you say well you make up in your mind I want to give so much money a week or a month to Jesus and yet I don't have that let's say I get two hundred a month that is a paycheck and I set aside I want to give Jesus 25 dollars a week of that 200 a month but no a month let's say a month but I know I don't have that and the only way I can do that because all my bills come out to 225 dollars a month I'm just gonna by faith say well I'm gonna give it anyway and I'm gonna write down on a card and I keep in my Bible some of these faith promise cards oh I'll do what the pastor says and write down on this card that I'll give so much a month and I'll promise to give it and then what they do is they pass those cards in to the pastor he reads that and he told it up and he says well well it looks like the church has promised to gift to God two thousand dollars a year to Mission just to make up a number I can't find them right now and so at the end of the year because all these private people promised there should be $2,000 a year that they have saved up to give to missions well is that right well what does the Bible say we've looked back in 2nd Corinthians chapter 8 verse 11 says there was a readiness to will so there may be a performance out of that which ye have from 31st a willing mind is accepted according man half and not according to half not you see these churches that preach faith promise they tell you to give what you don't have but by faith believe God that you'll get it that's the opposite of what the Bible teaches it teaches give what you have don't give what you don't have and I've met faith promise preachers I've been to churches where they practice faith promise and you know what the pastor gets the people to promise to give to God a certain amount every month and then he tells them but give it even though you know you don't have it you know what he does he gets them to commit to promise to do something that they may not be able to do and do you realize if you make a promise to God and you break it how grievious that is I've talked to people that have done faith promise and the pastor's tell me well I've never seen you the exact amount come in and so you know what most faith promise conferences are its gift to God to God believe that you can give it and give to God and give to missions and the next year the pastor preaches on well we didn't get what we were supposed to get so you all are a liar and you you promised to give and all he does is browbeat the people because the amount of money he claimed they claimed to give didn't come in so I've never seen faith promise work and I've never seen it as a biblical giving God likes people that give the Bible says something to the effect of let not your right hand know what your left hand is doing where in the bible does it tell us that we have to write on a piece of paper and promise god that we're gonna give so much every month it's not there the Bible tells us to make up in our own mind in our own heart how much we want to give so this faith promise doctrine is I promise teaching is a teaching of man it has its roots and charismatic ism our cares who cares cares mad ISM however you say the word and it's not biblical and it's constraining a person to give a certain amount every month now what was the what does the Bible say about that Saint Corinthians chapter 9 verse 7 it says every man according as he purposed in his heart so let him give not grudgingly or of necessity for God loveth that's your forgiver so who are you to try to get people to write down on a piece of paper and promise you that they'll give God money what it says here you give of your heart not of necessity not grudgingly so this faith promise giving there's a lot of problems with it I've written a little paper about it if you're interested I'll try to post it online but from what I've understood faith promise giving is a system which makes men liars because if they don't give what they promised to give then they've lied to God and that's a sad thing so let's just give give cheerfully you see you don't get till it hurts you give till it feels good a lot of people that I've known that have done faith promises after a while they say I made a promise to give and I didn't have it I knew I didn't have it and so now I can't come up with it now I feel bad well God doesn't love a bad giver that feels bad God loves a cheerful Giver so you give them what you have not what you have not and that's what the Bible teaches about giving so don't give till it hurts until it feels good give what you have don't promise to give something that you don't know you won't have tomorrow I've never understood that how could you promise for a whole year to give God so much out of your paycheck when you don't even know you might get laid off tomorrow and never have a paycheck for the rest of the year how could you make that promise to give something that you don't even have yet why not just make up in your mind and determine your heart I'm gonna give this much to the Lord of my own heart not grudgingly not of a necessity because God loves a cheerful Giver I'm gonna give to him of my abundance what I have why don't you do that well mercy and God was able to make all grace abound toward you that ye always having all sufficiency in all things may abound to every good work is it a good work to lie to God and write down on a piece of paper that you're gonna give so much and then not give it I have to show you these cards I'll just I saved some of them they've got to be here in my Bible I just want you to see what I'm talking about because you go to these faith conference meetings and they tell you oh we're not constraining you to give anything we're not forcing you to give it's not a pledge and then you give you a card and it says no here's your faith promise pledge card I thought you just said it wasn't a pledge and now you're trying to make me make a pledge to give you God what does God want me to lie to make a pledge to give him something and then not be able to give it to them and now I'm a liar does God want me to be a lighter again but God be true and every man a liar here's one in dependence upon God I commit to give weekly to the worldwide mission program of such-and-such Church I will commit myself to the weekly faith promise offering for missions trusting God to supply now is that biblical I don't have it yet it's above what I earn but I'm supposed to trust God to give it to me anyway so I can get him that sounds very charismatic very charismatic here's one my face promise for world evangelism in dependence upon God I will endeavor to give each week of the worldwide missionary work of such-and-such the amount of write on this card the amount that you have committed to give each week during the coming year for world evangelism you will not be asked for it it is your voluntary offering to God well if it's voluntary offering that I don't need to write it down I'll just every week give it voluntarily who are you to tell me that I have to write down how much I'm gonna give to you beforehand I don't I don't see how that's giving voluntarily and then it says the faith problem is planned what is not it is not a pledge oh yeah but you said over here that I need to commit to give you so much every week isn't that if I commit to give something every week than I am pledging to give something every week oh but it's not a pledge but you just told me that I have to commit to write it down on a card how much I'm gonna give to you see what it does it's called cognitive dissidence it's sending something and turn around saying the exact opposite it makes no sense God loves a cheerful Giver and the verse says not of necessity they're trying to make you of necessity give a certain amount every week why don't you just give every week what if every week god bless me differently every week and there's good weeks and bad weeks and only good weeks I can give a whole lot more than I would have if I wrote down on a piece of paper I'm only gonna give this a little bit you see it's not a necessity not grudgingly it says it is it is not something that someone will come to collect it's not something that you sit down and figure out how much you can give and yet every one of these faith promise conferences I've been to they said sit down every month and figure out how much you can give and give more than what you think you can give and just trust God to help you give it it is between you and God you must trust him to supply it and on and on line the faith promise giving if you study it it comes from Pentecostals it comes from charismatic it comes from years ago a system in which they try to get you to give something to God that you don't have yet and you're supposed to exercise faith that God will give to you something you don't have you know what that sounds like prosperity gospel and they say the more you give to God the more he'll give to you we're in really really bad economic times today the government isn't forcing a plan to bankrupt our nation mutually-assured economic destruction Cloward and Piven a third of the nation's out-of-work people can't get money and you want to constrain me to write down on a piece of paper that I have to commit to give so much to God every week if I were to do that I would break the verse because the burst is not of necessity and you're telling me of a necessity I have to commit to make a pledge and then you say what does odd blades not play so I have a real problem with that I believe people should give and give because they want to not because they have to and as we looked last time first Corinthians chapter 8 it's all about willingness now therefore let's read 8 11 and 12 one more time now therefore perform the doing of it what does that mean it means give that as there was a readiness to will so there may be a performance out of that which you have you don't give what you don't have you give what you have 12 for if there be first a willing mind it is accepted according to man half and not according to that he hath not faith promise says you give what you don't have and just trust God he'll give it to you to give no that's anti-biblical that's against the Bible you give what you have and you give because you're willing to give because you want to give back to verse 7 every man according as he purposeth in his heart so let him give not grudgingly or necessity for God loves a cheerful God loveth a cheerful Giver so you get cheerfully you get from the heart and it's not something that someone says you have to give it's a necessity that you commit to doing it like this continuing on verse 8 and God is able to make all grace abound toward you that ye always having all sufficiency in all things may abound to every good work so God's made able to make all grace abound toward you that you having all sufficiency and all good things may abound to every good work so whatever your sufficient to do the more you work the more you earn and then the stuff that you earn you choose of your own heart to give to God you don't write it down on a piece of paper I promise to give money I don't have yet and I'll just trust God that hopefully I'll get it and I'll commit to a pledge and get what I don't have you give what you have you don't allow someone to force you to make a commitment to do something you just give it cheerfully and not grudgingly verse 9 that is it as it is written he hath dispersed abroad he hath given to poor his righteousness remaineth forever that's a good verse I believe that's from Psalms 112 9 let's look at that Psalms 1 1290 Psalms chapter 112 verse anomaly it says going here and blows on my pages he hath dispersed he had given to the poor his righteousness endures forever his horn shall be exalted with honor now if we look at the verse right before that it says in verse 8 his heart is established he shall not be afraid until he see his desire upon his enemies so it's talking about giving giving something to the poor it's not wrong to give many times Paul will go back to the Old Testament verse and apply it to today giving is from the heart it's something that we do from the heart don't let anyone force you to give or make you make a pledge or a commitment to have to give so much everything so often you give up your heart you should give every week you should give every time you go to church yes but you don't promise to give what you don't have you give what you have not what you don't have first in now he that ministereth seed to the sower both minister bread for your food and multiply your seed sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness being enriched and everything to all bountifulness which causeth through us Thanksgiving to God first well for the administration of this service not only supplieth the want of the saints but its abundant also by many thanksgivings unto God now notice once again all this talk about offerings all this talk about giving all this talk about the gift who is getting the money is it going to a missionary is it going to a preacher is it going to Paul all this money that he's talking about giving is going to other Christians poor Saints for Saints nowadays they try to get you to do faith promise and then send it only to the scenaries people going overseas to preach well that's great they need the money to do other instill where is the taking up and offering to help the saints in the church where is the taping up of the offering to help the poor Christians God knows there's a lot of them today in this day and age in which a third of America is without a work 33 percent of the countries without work where is that first eleven being enriched in every thing to all bountifulness which causes through us Thanksgiving to God for the administration of this service not only supplieth the want of the saints notice it doesn't say the want of the pastor or the want of the church or the want of the missionary the want of the saints when the church sees that there other people in the church that are wanting that are poor that are suffering it's the duty of the church to help those other church members and yet today that's not very seldom done very seldom done most of the money taking up today goes to a church building program goes to a denominational headquarters goes to the pastor goes to a missionary goes to evangelist guest speaker where is the helping of one another where is the Fellowship of the ministering to the Saints that's my question verse 13 wild by the experiment of this ministration they glorify God for your professed subjection unto the gospel of Christ and for your liberal distribution unto them and to all men so it goes to help other Saints but you can also help other men you know you can feed the poor but use that opportunity to give the poor of the gospel 4:14 and by their prayer for you which long after you for the exceeding grace which long after you for the exceeding grace of God in you thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift so let me start back in verse 13 whilst by the experiment of this ministration they glorify God for your professes professed objection unto the gospel of Christ so who's glorifying God the people that are about to receive the offering that the Corinthians are about to give so they're glorifying God Hey other Christians are going to help us because we're suffering we're going through trials of affliction we're in deep poverty all for the cause of Christ and the guy and now we're rejoicing because other Christians love us enough to help us just as certain Christians love the poor Saints in Jerusalem enough to help them and it says and for your liberal distribution unto them and to all men liberal means generous generous distribution when they had abundance I believe that's what he said in verse somewhere says in your abundance well I guess it's verse 14 of chapter 8 but by this equity that now at this time your abundance may be supply for their want that their abundance also may obey of supply for your want that there may be equality so he said you're liberal distribution unto them helping out them as they need it and all men we're supporting them by their prayers for you which long after you for the exceeding grace of God in you so the people that are giving are praying for the poor was one thing to pray for them it's another thing to help them so willingness willing to help willing to pray willing to give yourself to God how do you give yourself to God well you can actually go over there and help them out and spend time with them now verse 15 says thanks being to God for His unspeakable gift what is his unspeakable gift I guess that goes back to for verse 14 exceeding grace of God so thank God for the grace of God you know what that's what it's all about it's grace Jesus Christ because of His grace died for our sins he rose again he's up in heaven now how are we safe by grace through faith so it's all about grace well because he gave himself for us then we give ourself for him and if others are trusting Christ and trusting His grace because of grace we love them enough to try to help them and if we have extra we give to help those in need so that's chapter 9 there's not much to it it's a short chapter 15 verses my best to get through it I hope I didn't come across as angry or mad or anything but I'm just really sad to see how churches do things nowadays and how most churches it's like they love money more than I love God the Bible warns us of people called higher links and how higher links they get in church they get in pulpits and all they care about is making more money and more money more money and oftentimes the pastor has thousand dollar suits has a brand new car 5060 thousand dollar car and he's richer than anybody in the congregation that's sad that's second house where's the where's the equality there if you're in the ministry and it's just because you want to get paid you need to quit the ministry is not a job it's a calling and oftentimes in the ministry you are in need poverty and the trials of affliction it's hard to get by because when you preach the gospel to others people don't like to hear you rebuke them and people often don't like sometimes what the Bible says so true pastors usually pass our small church 2030 people the people that have the big churches you know 3,000 4,000 5,000 are those that that learn to preach only on self-esteem and feeling better about yourself and and they don't preach the gospel it will preach the Bible they don't rebuke against sin and that's why they're able to build a great following because people feel good about themselves we looked at before how the Bible wasn't written to make us feel good about ourselves the Bible is written to show us what sin is and to realize we are nothing and that we can't save ourselves and that because we're just such lowdown sorry good-for-nothing sinners we need God's grace and so we come to Jesus Christ for salvation then we have his grace and that's what it's all about right their grace giving these two chapters chapter 8 in chapter 9 and second Corinthians I'm all about giving giving what God's given us of ourselves to God and giving to others and just given to God are are all giving them apart even more mine giving him everything we have for all he's given to us so that's about it next time we'll start chapter 10 I like this chapter it's a pretty good chapter it's got a lot of good information in it it's a short chapter as well 18 verses in chapter 11 it's it's pretty long with 33 verses so I guess we'll see you next time I appreciate you enduring to the end on this tape and I hope that I've been able to make sense like I said earlier I've been been sick a little bit I've got a little bit of a sore throat I'm very weak tired but I got as good as I'm able to preach I want to do that and I just ask you all to pray for me and as you can tell I'm not in this for the money if I cared about money and I definitely wouldn't do be doing this I'd go get a job and try to make as much as possible but I just want people to grow in the Lord and I just want to say special thanks to all the people that called and emailed and appreciate this Bible study I hope it's a blessing hope that helps you grow in the Lord and hope you learn about grace and if you truly I believe this if you truly understand grace I believe people that understand grace give better offerings than those who don't if you preach grace and you pointman say it's all about what he did then there's a good often because people from their heart when they realize wow all Jesus did for me man I just want to I want to give because of all that he's given me and that's what these chapters are about Paul is talking about the Macedonians saying what great people because they got nothing and they're giving everything they can for Jesus and Paul says no what about you Corinthians you got everything and what are you giving you promised you said you are willing to give something what have you given for Christ and then Paul says well I'm about to send some guys there and I'm about to come myself and do what you said you're gonna do give to the other poor Christians and that's what the chapters were about so thanks again god bless preciate you watching we'll see you next time
Channel: Robert Breaker
Views: 8,942
Rating: 4.8592963 out of 5
Keywords: Bible Study, Pauline Epistles, Verse by Verse Bible Study, 2 Corinthians, King james bible, 2 Corinthians 9, Second Epistle To The Corinthians (Religious Text)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 49sec (2749 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2015
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