2 CASES! Woman Thinks Son Is Tricked & 20 Year Paternity Search (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

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Please be seated. Hello, Your Honor. Hello. This is a case of <i> Boyd v. Walker.</i> Thank you, Jerome. Good day, everyone. AUDIENCE: Good day. Ms. Boyd, you are here today with your son, a semi-pro football player who you say is being taken advantage of by the defendant. You argue, she's told your son and another man that they are her three-year-old daughter's biological father. (AUDIENCE GROANING) Ms. Walker, you admit that another man was at the hospital when your daughter was born. You admit he cut the umbilical cord. You even admit he's on the child's birth certificate. But now you say you've suddenly changed your mind and believe Mr. Boyd is her biological father. Yes, Your Honor. Ms. Boyd, why do you believe Ms. Walker is now claiming your son fathered her daughter? Your Honor, I raised my child to be a good man and a father. And... I just believe that Ms. Walker knows his potential, him being a semi-pro football player and all, and that he'll do the right thing for not only the child that I believe is his but also for the other two children that she has. And I just don't want, if this is my grandbaby, I just don't want her to go through what I went through. I believed a man was my dad for seven years. And when he passed away I found out he wasn't my father. And I don't want that for not only this baby, no baby. I understand. (AUDIENCE CLAPPING) Ms. Walker, your response to that? I did come trying to keep it 100 with both men and letting them know that it's a possibility either/or could be the father of this child. And in my heart I felt like it was the other guy because he was there and he stayed around. Mr. Boyd, he disappeared, went MIA on me, and he wasn't around, three months later, and all of a sudden you want to keep sending me pictures, and that's what gave me doubt about the whole situation, because they did look alike. And I have, um, proof, and, um, evidence right here, Your Honor. Jerome, can you please hand me that evidence? WALKER: And that's the reason why I had doubt, because she did look like Mr. Boyd. But, he went MIA like I said, and, um, the other man stepped up, and he was there from the beginning. So, this evidence here, on the left is a picture of Mr. Boyd as a child. And then on the right is a picture of your daughter. WALKER: Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Rayjanay. WALKER: Yes, Your Honor. Her eyes, they both have, like, the little bug eyes. And, um, their teeth, when she smiles they touch, just like his does. (AUDIENCE CLAPPING) GAIL: Can I say something, Your Honor? Yes, ma'am. It's been three years and we've been trying to do this test. I shouldn't have had to bring them here after three years. (AUDIENCE CLAPPING) And, so when you found out that you were pregnant, you told Mr. Boyd and the other guy? Yes, Your Honor. You them both? I told them both at the same time... JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Boyd, what did she tell you? Uh, she told me that it was a possibility it could be mine, or the other guy's. JUDGE LAKE: So, she was honest? Yes, she did. JUDGE LAKE: What was your response? Uh, I told her that, "We need to get a DNA test done," because I was not present, I did not sign the birth certificate and I was not there during the birth. 'Cause you chose not to be there. Is there a reason why you didn't go up to see the baby, Mr. Boyd? CORNELIUS: No, there wasn't. I don't believe I was there that day, that weekend, that it happened. I wasn't there when she was born. I got the call, I was out of town. WALKER: The man of my other two kids, he was there from day one and he came to the hospital, and he was there when I had her, and he came and he stayed for a little bit, and then he continued to go about his business... CORNELIUS: Excuse me, ...because he chose to be... CORNELIUS: Your Honor, I have proof right here that he signed the birth certificate. JUDGE LAKE: He did? Yes, he did. Um, Jerome, let me see that evidence, please. This is a birth certificate for Rayjanay. And yes, I do see a signature here, under father. Yes, he was there and he signed the paper. And he... She got his last name and everything, because he was present. When he went MIA, I am not trying to keep nobody around who doesn't wanna be kept, because I feel if you wanted to know, you would've been there from day one regardless of the situation. (AUDIENCE CLAPPING) So, during this time... During this three years, have you built a relationship with Rayjanay? Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: You have? I have. JUDGE LAKE: Describe it, please. Uh, when she was about, maybe, two or three months old, they came to our family reunion, and we showed her our whole family. And there was probably 300 people there. So, I saw the resemblance, she looked like me when I was a little girl. But, I didn't know anything about this. All I know is my son told me that this is his baby. I never even questioned it, I didn't know anything about another guy. I didn't know any of that. JUDGE LAKE: So, you've developed a real bond with Rayjanay. GAIL: Yes, Your Honor, I love her. (AUDIENCE CLAPPING) And Mr. Boyd, how about you? What is your relationship like with Rayjanay? We have a good relationship together. We, uh...(STUTTERING) She calls me every now and then to ask, just to talk to me, out during the day, see how I was doing. Say, "Hi". And then she'll go on about, and she'll get bored and then she won't talk on the phone no more. But she just about calls me, just about every day. If not... JUDGE LAKE: She calls you, "Daddy"? Yes... JUDGE LAKE: Ms. Walker, what's Rayjanay's relationship like with the other man? WALKER: With the other man, she does call him "Daddy," but it's like, he has that on-and-off relationship with her. And that's what I don't like. JUDGE LAKE: So, your three-year old daughter is calling two different men "Daddy"? Yes, ma'am. (AUDIENCE GROANING) (JUDGE LAKE SIGHS) GAIL: Can I say something, Your Honor? Yes, ma'am. As a grandmother, when she spent Christmas with us, it broke my heart, because she said something about the other man and that being her dad, and then she said something about my son. Like I said, being through what I went through, I couldn't correct her. How do you correct a three-year-old when they are already confused? It just really broke my heart. And that's why we are here today. JUDGE LAKE: Okay, I think it's time we get this resolved. (AUDIENCE CLAPPING) I am ready for the result. Jerome? These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics and they read as follows. "In the case of<i> Boyd v. Walker,</i> "pertaining to whether three-year-old "Rayjanay Hayes, "and as to whether Mr. Boyd is her biological father, "it has been determined by this court "Mr. Boyd, "you "are not her father." (AUDIENCE SIGHS) JUDGE LAKE: I'm sorry. WALKER: I apologize for my actions, but I did let you know that from the beginning. Mr. Boyd, Ms. Boyd? I am just happy that it came out now, opposed to her living for 18 years thinking that she had two fathers and not knowing the difference, cause... (AUDIENCE CLAPPING) JUDGE LAKE: How do you feel, Mr. Boyd? I know you said you developed a... A loving relationship... It hurts a lot, because I do love her, like she's my own. She still is. But she's not mine. AUDIENCE: Aww... JUDGE LAKE: So, I am glad you came today, and I am glad you got the truth, and I hope you all feel that you're better having found it out. But now, there is still a beautiful little girl that's established a relationship and a connection to you. You will have to figure out how to then either incorporate, or somehow slowly move away, so her feelings and her spirit and her sense of self are protected. Okay? And as a unit figure out how to make this okay for Rayjanay, okay? Okay. I wish you the very best of luck. The court is adjourned. WALKER: Thank you. Please be seated. Hello, Your Honor. Hello. This is the case of <i> Smith v. McBride.</i> Thank you, Jerome. Good day, everyone. AUDIENCE: Good day. JUDGE LAKE: Ms. Smith, you are here today because you claim that growing up, you were told again and again that different men were your dad. AUDIENCE: Aww... SMITH: Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Today, you say you hope to put an end to a lifelong mystery, when you meet a man for the very first time that you finally believe is your biological father. SMITH: Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: So, Ms. Smith, first, take me back to when this mystery began. When I was 15, I was told by a cousin that the guy that had been raising me was not my biological father. JUDGE LAKE: Did you confirm that with your mother? I did. She told... They both ended up talking to me. And they told me the truth about it. And that there was a different man that was biologically my father. And, um... When I got a little bit older, I tried to contact that guy. And he just didn't want anything to do with me. JUDGE LAKE: Did you ever get a hold of him? SMITH: I actually went to his job, and, um, he said that there was a test done. And, um, that it came back negative, and when I asked him about the results of the test, I asked him if I can see the test results. He got, real, like, defensive about it. And he wouldn't have anything else to do with it. He said that he would contact his attorney if I brought it up anymore. (AUDIENCE GASPING) JUDGE LAKE: Really? So... You waited and waited for this moment. You say you've been through so much in your life. Yeah, it hurt me really bad knowing this guy that, you know, had been there my whole life, um, finding out the truth that he wasn't, in fact, you know, my biological father, and... JUDGE LAKE: Did anyone ever tell you why? SMITH: No... I asked them who hung around, back then, you know, in their group or whatever, you know, and he had mentioned one man that could in fact be my father, um... (AUDIENCE GASP) So... (SIGHS) He told me that his name was, um, Mr. McBride. JUDGE LAKE: Okay. And, um... I contacted him on Facebook. JUDGE LAKE: And that was sent to the man that's in court today. SMITH: Yes. So, you have made contact with him? I have. But, you've never met him? I haven't. You going to meet him for the first time. He is here, right now, with his wife. (AUDIENCE CLAPPING) Jerome, will you please escort Mr. and Mrs. McBride in? (SIGHS) JEROME: Go up to the left side there. (AUDIENCE CLAPPING) (SMITH MUMBLING) Hi... JUDGE LAKE: Hello, Mr. and Ms. McBride, thank you so much for being here. We are here talking with Ms. Smith about her journey. Her long journey. Before she ever sent you that Facebook message, did you have any idea she existed? No idea whatsoever, Your Honor. (AUDIENCE GASPING) CHRISTY: He... He's real close with his children. And, um... When she got hold of him and the possibility that she was his daughter came up, he was upset, because he said, "I may have missed out on "35 years of her life." AUDIENCE: Aww... Mr. McBride, you do remember the relationship with Ms. Smith's mother, am I correct? Yes, I do. I have talked to mutual friends and everything else, and I was never told, I had no idea whatsoever. JUDGE LAKE: So, you have seen her mother, talked to mutual friends you've had... Yes. And no one has ever mentioned Ms. Smith? That it was a possibility at all? No. Do you believe she's your daughter? I believe there's a great possibility of it. JUDGE LAKE: You do? Yeah. (AUDIENCE CLAPPING) JUDGE LAKE: And... Why is it that you believe that? Well, from pictures that we have looked at and, like, my wife will say sometimes that she acts a lot like I act like... JUDGE LAKE: (CHUCKLES) And, uh... You Honor, they are so much alike, it's uncanny. JUDGE LAKE: Really? CHRISTY: Yes. In which way? Describe, please. Well, they not only look alike, and I have pictures here... JUDGE LAKE: I'd like to see those. Jerome, would you hand me the pictures, please? CHRISTY: But their personalities are so strong, too. There's just an amazing resemblance. And these are the photos you submitted to the court? Yes, ma'am. JUDGE LAKE: This photo is... (AUDIENCE GASPING) CHRISTY: The one on the left. JUDGE LAKE: Ms. Smith as a child. Angie, and the one on the right is, um, JUDGE LAKE: Mr. McBride's mother. CHRISTY: (STUTTERING) Mother. CHRISTY: Yes. JUDGE LAKE: As a child. They even have that little twist in their mouth... She's got that, that his father has. JUDGE LAKE: Hmm! Mr. McBride, you said you have boys? Yes, I have two boys. Do you have any girl children? No, I don't. I would have loved to have had a little girl. CHRISTY: We... We just... We bought her a dress, because Dave said that he had never gotten to buy her one. Oh! So, if she's his we... (AUDIENCE CLAPPING) SMITH: Oh, that's beautiful. (INAUDIBLE) So, Ms. Smith, as beautiful as this is, there's still some doubt here, as well. There is doubt. I just, um, I don't want to get hurt again, after all of this that I've been through trying to find, you know, who this person is. I just... I just don't wanna get hurt. Jerome, I think it's time we go to the results. (AUDIENCE CLAPPING) These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics and they read as follows. In the case of<i> Smith v. McBride,</i> when it comes to 34-year-old Angela Smith, Mr. McBride, you are not her father. (AUDIENCE SIGHING) JUDGE LAKE: I'm sorry. DAVID: Me, too. So sorry. (AUDIENCE CLAPPING) It'll be all right. It's okay. I know this was not the result any of you wanted. I hope she finds co-operation from others and maybe... Maybe there is someone else that we don't know about, but I hope... I hope she gets the answers she needs. JUDGE LAKE: And we do, too. Ms. Smith... DAVID: We will be there to help her. We planned to make a trip to see her, um, before winter comes in and we are still going to do that. (AUDIENCE CLAPPING) JUDGE LAKE: Good. That's beautiful. JUDGE LAKE: I wish you all the very best of luck. Take care. Court is adjourned. This is just too much. I've been dealing with this stuff for years. I just... I don't even know. I really like you guys. A lot. I really like them a lot. And I still want to continue the relationship, and go from here.
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 2,283,168
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Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 4, season 4 full episodes
Id: il2D4oe9Yvg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 21sec (1041 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 27 2019
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