1v1 vs EVERY Rank in Rainbow Six Siege

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since you are echo echo echo Echo test oh Echo test also chat and YouTube family just a friendly little reminder that if you sub to your boy jinxy on Twitch you get the jinxy charm YouTube the Link's gonna be in the top of the description all of you [ __ ] get the junko charm um we're I'm still getting a little bit of an echo a little bit of an echo Crow that time I hit some down a little bit Yeah so I feel that should fix it so Crow Crow since you are copper okay hold on Crow Crow I gotta ask how long have you been playing this game for uh um I played way back in Parabellum that's when I started but then took a huge break yeah like I came back four year break and what made you come back recently um honestly probably like saw you on the tick tock Clips I was like oh that got me back into it remember you throwing the chat man W crowing the chat a and Crow let me first start off um this is gonna be an ugly 1v1 I'm gonna be honest I'm not gonna go easy on you just because I love you it's gonna be full on Johnson action okay because bro you gotta understand from my point of view okay if I lose to a level 68 copper it's not a good look for me I might have to go into retirement if I lose to a level 68 copper but Chad we're gonna be 1v1 in every rank man starting at Copper finishing at champion after this is bronze down tab or 10 Subs away from 73k oh my God bro I have a question for you have the Gypsy charm you don't have the junko charm I was gonna get it do you have your account linked think about it uh not yet I was gonna have somebody give you a sub but if you're a constantly you know what so Crow I'm gonna be coaching because I want you to get out of copper why would we hit a landscape in the first 10 seconds of the round bro that's the cheeky line skin we don't have Lions cancer no lion scans in the first 20 seconds around that's why I don't like playing coppers I can never predict anything GC thank you for the 10 gifted 73k baby hey Crow have you been introduced to to the shadow realms welcome to the shadow Realms courtesy of cssg Crow I would like to formally apologize and formally welcome you to jinxy Island babe Crow again crow like I said man your copper you're new to the game I love you man but I'm gonna have to lay the Johnson down in game not IRL I'm gonna have to rate the siege Johnson down Crow you know what I'm saying we're gonna be winning every rank guys this is obviously the easiest level no offense bro after this is bronze then we go silver then we go gold then we go then we go Emerald then we go Diamond all the way up to Champion Chad for the champion game at the end of the stream who should I won't be one be honest should it be Charles I'm gonna laugh to the bank [Music] so Crow how long have you lived in Australia for also shout out to all my Australian viewers you got some of the nicest people I've ever my my entire life bone rice dude so have you been to Brisbane you've been Brisbane that's where I live oh really bro that's like one of the nicest places in Australia have you been to Melbourne yeah that's what I was right you respect my Australian knowledge I'm a big Australian fan I'm not gonna lie most Americans don't know Brisbane and Osborne or Melbourne they usually know Melbourne but I've never actually heard anyone outside of Australia no Brizzy W American oh probably the most wait so oh my God we don't back up no I don't want to do this to you Crow back up Crow back up good kitten good kitten got him hey who's your favorite footballer do you watch football I don't watch football AP thank you for the vibe gifted so so what is your favorite things to do in Australia a question I got a question where'd my headset go wait what happened to my headset I don't want to be a um I don't want to be a I don't want to be a stereotypical American but do you guys ever just hang out with kangaroos depends on where you live people down like South do Okay so so if um interesting so wait if I live in South Australia I can just walk up to a kangaroo and like give him my Johnson no not the second uh I could just say hi to them so have you ever seen a kangaroo yeah it has a diffuser not much in the city where I am now but yeah are they nice or no should I watch this watch this depends on the size of them guarantee you this works make sure you double check everything at bronzo you might want a drone hey bro bro you might want to use your drone Anthony thank you for the 10 gifted twitch Subs yeah lebronzo you might want to utilize your utility and throw out a drone you wait do you drone you guys thrown in Copper or not really you get you forget to In the Heat of battle gets too passionate out there make sure you use both of your drones Crow you know what I mean yeah I haven't decided so I don't know where the other one is where's your other drone bro I have no idea where's your other drone at Crow I don't know I forgot where I left it can you check can you like totally honest there should be a button on your controller there it is there I just found it and a one and a two and one two okay [Music] do you like bass drops drop the bass Anthony thank you for the 10 gifted another 10 appreciate it would you consider yourself a good kitten or a naughty kitten dirty kitten what if I meowed [ __ ] that get me going you might want to plant the diffuser what are your thoughts on C4s like that you don't have one lined up daddy chill baby [ __ ] pop be honest do you guys think I will lose a single 1v1 tonight I need to make it to where everyone be one goes up to four we'll do two minute action phase 15 second prep Champion do you guys think I will lose a single 1v1 tonight from copper all the way to Champion be honest chat chat be honest be honest yes yes you're zipping Mijo okay Chad tell me what tell me what rank is gonna beat me what do you think is gonna be the first rank that beats me be for real though chat should I be for real though don't trip though be for ryoto is this NFL plus what rank is he on this is the first rank copper one this is the first rank this is leveled one is that cool if I say that crowd like this is easy difficulty yeah okay yeah Sage isn't the main game yeah what's your main game bro what's your main game OverWatch all the way okay okay core you a sub of the YouTube fam or no uh uh no I don't use YouTube okay into wrestling you think the first rank I'm gonna lose at is gold trouble you're so toxic bro the you think the first rank I'm gonna lose out of this gold bro really Chad remember if you're a bronze man spam your gamer bag after this game you located a bomb bro would you like to take a trip back to the shadow realms foreign yes not really well welcome far out or eliminated I don't know he's hey he's got him bloody done it Crow let me first start out by saying man I [ __ ] with you heavily bro have a great have a great Australian day thanks for the game mate okay1 I love you Crow okay bye Anthony with the 50 gifted twitch Subs scribbles all right chat the copper is down yo W Anthony in the chat guys the copper is down next rank is bronze if you're bronze and you want to get in this 1v1 type your Gamertag in the twitch chat type your Gamertag in the twitch chat dude type your Gamertag to switch shatter if you're bronze and you want to get in this 1v1 oh yeah yeah oh yeah yeah yeah yeah all right next map we'll do Coastline we gotta switch it up each game we'll do a little bit of cheeky Coastline in it hold on let me change I'm just gonna change here's what I'm gonna do chat here's what I do I'm gonna change settings keep on operator bands I'm gonna change settings okay okay and then what we're gonna do Chad these are the best 1v1 settings by the way we're gonna make it two minutes like 10 seconds that's way better that's way better and then I can just duplicate it right and then do a different map each time so we'll do a house game for sure probably this game will be house then Club game and then a coastline game Chad how many ranks are there in Rainbow Six Siege all right well this is game two this is game two baby jinxy versus a [ __ ] bronze we actually defeated the copper but now we're on to the bronze large lettuce 574. large letters 574. all right Chad this is the bronze Weston thank you for tier one this is the bronze 89 thank you for the prime sub hola Papa jinxy what up 89 but I can't believe we have 73 000 Subs on Twitch yo shout out to everyone who subbed the twitch I love all y'all man what's up what's up SP they give you the five gifted lettuce do you think you have what it takes to represent the bronzes listen I can I can represent I can represent the bronzes so you're not about to get absolutely fluffed right now oh I mean I'll get it bro even if I get around on you that's gonna be embarrassing bro uh buddy buddy buddy you're not getting around buddy let me invite before everybody else does don't bark at me first off but now lettuce recipe it's my first season playing I was playing this game when you were literally playing with Legos I was playing this game when wait what'd you say listen I'm a silver five but I have a 0.9 KD and it's my first season I was carried to Silver five technically a bronze 0.9 you're an actual bronze because you said you got carried to Silver my friend is really good yeah and you think you can win around on me well let's see I mean I've never played house before so you're kind of throwing a curveball game um you've so wait you've never played house before or boy you know how long it's been out of casual bro dude do you realize house is like the found like bro house is like the number one bro like house is like the best Siege game like the best Siege map ever dude OG house OT house is the best Siege map new house I'm new I'm new I'm new one I'm here bro what would a bro well look at a bronze primer yeah wait I just banned an operator that you don't have I don't have Solace back [ __ ] bro 2500 or no pause on the sauce bar Chad do I give him the uh the juice pause again Chad do I give him the cheese what the [ __ ] is this oh I invited that guy earlier yes I do play this operator yes I do chat yes trust me this is the play chat this operator is the play dude you protect your bombs from me yeah you'll have you underestimate my power I I think it's cute that you think you can win a round on me playing a house I mean don't come up with the excuses now buddy oh you're literally the king of excuses I'm the king of excuses name one excuse I've ever given name one so Penn rear is crazy what's the problem if it's a problem let me know you can't you can't aim with MP7 name one excuse I've ever given okay let's see so you don't you don't give an excuse like Avid does Abby is like stupid excuses let's see you're always like same people's positioning is stupid but maybe it was just better positioning than you well I'm the greatest so that's where you're wrong I mean you'll find out you're in a lobby with me so let's see let's see let's see house house how to attack house thanks for the Drone thanks to the Ayanna clone buddy for a bronze this guy's cocky yeah I don't know what's up with that you I mean yo can you do me a favor real quick lettuce click the two squares button then click on large letters drop the ego and good night you gotta push buddy I'm I'm silver that's news to me yeah and your ring and you're a cowboy Champion okay bronzo you might want to plant the diffuser [ __ ] up I thought you were gonna win around but I thought wait it's the settings we're blaming the settings bro you got like no time wait but wait but we're blaming the settings but you're bronze though so what's the problem because you said you were gonna win around I guarantee you I make I make my time work my I bet I guarantee you I make my time work my time's gonna work let's see the time management see the time well I guarantee you my time management is better than yours it's like I'm trying to tell you there's levels to this [ __ ] click on my account click on my account then click on yours you thought you were gonna win around buddy he's that guy's ugly oh sorry okay I'm actually a pretty good looking young man most would say hey this guy is cocky yeah I don't know why this guy wait what did you say I couldn't hear you should grow the hair out I might or I might randomly go bald again for no reason what side did you go downstairs did you go garage well I have no idea what side I went you went to the same site that I just went to dude really yeah yeah you're so ominous bro what does that mean Anonymous ominous what's your GPA I forget 2.6 man that's a good try good try what do you mean good try I graduated yeah I could try was Monday Mike's GPA foreign no don't beat that don't beat that buddy trust me when I say you don't want to do this back that ass up backing backing backing mother up or eliminated [ __ ] [ __ ] do it no no I'm good bro I'm good I'm humble I'm humble that's fine you're not gonna win the game bro you ready I gotta you're not gonna win the game don't nobody give a [ __ ] don't nobody give a [ __ ] you're not gonna win the game buddy I was honestly feeling good in the tea hunts today secure the area again click on the profile look at the stats okay drop the ego man only honestly for only Diamond plush Diamond five seconds what made you think that you should play some coppers and bronzes we're doing 1v1 versus every rank it's one of the classic series of jinxy YouTube yeah I'm talking I do this once every single season once every three months I do this I see if I can progress through the rankings all the way from copper to Champion so we're not just playing coppers and bronzes we're progressing from copper to Champion never never um I've ever lost you was a PC silver and he's the same holes what's the problem no problem okay so shut the [ __ ] up oh my bad thank you the nose like that like but it's quiet in here thank you but being tied is that the only way to get downstairs that's I don't know no wonder behind you cool check your voice messages man I sent you money 19 Fortnight card jinxy is so bad Nini if you want we can 1v1 let me know twin I do it blind though but I don't need Vision but lettuce that's the difference between a champion I don't need Vision yeah I and I oh wait what's the problem jump yeah there we go that's what I'd like to hear wait I'm blessed I'm lucky it's all skill it's all skill nobody said nobody said it was luck I mean when you're saying that my shot was blessed you're basically saying that it's not skill briskill I am a skill I'm saying you're blessed I'm saying you're blessed God loves you you know that oh oh thanks man I appreciate that I thought you meant my I was lucky I thought you meant I was lucky in the game you know what I mean 10 seconds so lettuce uh how did you uh think of the gamer tag larg lettuce do you see my profile picture my dad bro that's your father got a problem no it's a good looking man why would there be a problem I mean if you want to have a problem we can have one but I didn't have a problem okay exactly so there's no problem correct or is it a problem problems is it a problem yes or no problem no problem oh you at though it doesn't matter if I'm gonna win the round don't worry about it I think we found them yo nice Gadget did you uh steal that from jinxing did he steal the strategy from me Brad thinks he's Brad thinks he can beat James I'm loud okay so it is a problem that I got no enemies this guy's the best crowns ever this guy's the best most aware bronze ever that's like the best shot ever bro wait are you actually bronze wait wait wait wait wait wait wait you're Jen you're genuinely bronzed like legitimately bronze yeah and you're legitimately champ 1.0 Pompano chip all right no so it is a problem all right well now I understand no no it's all good because it's all good because now I know that we're talking [ __ ] okay don't let me win around that's all I'm saying don't let me win around no bless though still blessed don't let me win around bro don't let me win around five silencio wait why are you saying oh baby give me one more chance to deployed how do you know I'm on pulse uh called it droning droning droning running droning wet thank you for the five gifted I want to try to find my drone good job bro great drone work dude oh you pull shotgun chair come on whatever you want nice job ace good job Ace way to shoot open the window Ace yeah Shadow realms man how do you feel right now I thought I was dead I didn't say you were that did I say you were dead did I see the shadow Realms man did I say you bro did I say your dad oh this guy's really not smart for that do crap man and oh I know that hurt bad kitten and I gotta discipline you yourself a naughty kitten all right emo boy one more chance 10 seconds I fell in love with an emo I have seconds to go fell in love with an emo girl and Shadow realms interesting smart kitten are you a naughty boy dude I'm literally louder than louder but you were talking [ __ ] we're blessed we're blessed oh [ __ ] though but where did all of them but where did all of the [ __ ] talk go though no one but I won two rounds and Bradley it's less bats but at the end of the day I thought I won the game but at the end of the day I'm gonna go home knowing that I won the game lettuce you see the difference you're excited about rounds we talk about prac we talking about practice locate a bomb I win games [ __ ] I win games 10 seconds I don't I don't get excited over rounds buddy I don't get excited over rounds buddy I want to thank you for uh so you put me on to that one song uh outer space oh let's stop let's go what's it like to be in a lobby with the greatest to ever pick up a controller what's it like it's underwhelming really so we're back to [ __ ] talk I'll cry I really didn't think I'd get two rounds I really didn't care I really didn't care you know what I mean hey why are you so mean bro no I worry well you're you're celebrating the rounds I'm celebrating the win you know what I mean there's a difference I'm talking about practice I'd be out of it though cool what do you say I probably wouldn't I'm like I'm not gonna lie wait I'm sorry say it again I didn't hear you I honestly think Abbott's better than you by the way you think it's better than who here wait who's having better then what ever didn't even say anything wait who's having better then oh twitch who cares twitch how do you fall for that I said twitch yep cares twitch cares [Music] you know I care and I'll be there yo let us have a blessed amazing day man I love you man okay bro love you bro peace out hey I got you bro I'm summing up someone up you were my love all right next up is silver Chad if you were a silver type your Gamertag in the twitch chat right now if you are a silver type your Gamertag in the twitch chat right now if you are a silver type your gamer tag in the twitch chat right now we're 1v1 in every Rank and Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege started that copper now we're into silverford we started that copper we're undefeated as expected there's no way anybody thinks I'm actually gonna lose out here uh there's no way anybody thinks I'm actually gonna lose out here Dirk yo Dirk yo Dirk are you ready to get slammed now why are we why are we entering Department why are we entering the party like that during the party like you said what Mike echoing echoing Mike Mike Echo now your mic is lagging Mike is lagging could you fix it Dirk so let's try that again are you ready to 1v1 and represent the Silvers pretty good people calling me man don't nobody give a [ __ ] uh yeah Dirk that wasn't the question are you ready to represent the Silvers uh yeah you you ready to get slammed but okay so Dirk let's break this down your silver I'm Champion how are you gonna slam me I'm curious because the last guy was on the same level Dirk I'm inviting you to the game join junko SSG somebody in my chat said he's plat Dirk you're plat form oh but you're sober right now I was on massive keyboard it was terrible yeah wait wait you're silver right oh my God he seed all right Chad we need a silver come on specter06 guys where are the silvers at guys don't just say your Gamertag say your Gamertag with your rank that's how you'll get invited save your Gamertag with your rank that's how you'll get invited fart sniffer guys save your Gamertag with your rank say your Gamertag with your rank chat Mr Dr dung I'm inviting I'm inviting I'm inviting I'm inviting next up is Silverman swing with me yo Dirk let me know are you still are you ready spamming me man my internet sucks hey Dirk are you so dark dark hold on because we're not gonna Breeze over this Dirk you said last Dirk you said last season you were using an evid K on console no I did not say that Dirk hey Dirk I will leave this game if you're not a hundred percent honest with me I need right hand on the Bible I saw them they swear Dirk are you using a controller or a mouse and keyboard I'm a controller now wait what do you mean now last season you were M K yeah you're on controller now that's fine last season were you mnk no judgment Maybe what made you stop using mnk Dirk dude I can't even hear nothing these people don't stop inviting me man Dirk listen to me and listen to me clear can you hear me Dirk click the home button scrolled over to your picture go down to settings then go to preferences then go to Notifications notification banners on you're gonna uncheck Mark that Jesus Murphy okay I got it I got it okay you should not get notifications anymore Dirk back to my question let's go to my phone too Dirk please shut the [ __ ] up okay dirty back to my question you said last season you were M and K and you were plat I want to get this really straight and clear here dark if you're not honest I'm leaving the game no I was 10 seconds so you were M K flat last season dirt what made you switch to controller what made you switch the controller well I was watching you and Johnson got a little bigger how fast them hands was moving you know so it kind of motivated me so I made you switch to controller yeah yeah yeah dark so you're being abundantly clear with me you're not using mnk right now because if you are it's a problem it's a problem if you're M K right now right now you're not gonna get right now hop on your drone Dirk you might want to draw me buddy dark hop on your drone you might want to join me you gonna do this again like you did to the other person no no I would never do that that's [ __ ] up yo nerd uh Guardian Johnson do you know who you're in the lobby with nothing is safe around here you're in a lobby with the greatest controller player ever I'm going to 1v1 and defeat every single rank all the way from copper to Champion man Jackson thank you for the 10 gifts today Jackson dirt so do you think do you think I can 1v1 and defeat every single room echo echo echo okay it's good now okay okay wait wait so dark you even think I could beat the champion you think I could beat the champion dirt but me and Charlie are tied in wins in one of the Worlds Charlie for chance if he's on I don't think he's gonna be on it's going to be like locate and defuse a bomb Tyrant what wait till you see my charm oh the boatload charm's amazing you're using the Boro charm and not the jinxy jump no it was about a freak out thank you for the five gifted have you watched Naruto Shippuden at all you don't watch the anime no so why do you choose to suffer anime's the greatest show ever or the greatest shows ever what do you watch like Netflix didn't be watching twitch yeah well the only thing better than anime is jinx Lisa I'll give you that yeah that's what I'm saying why did I just hear my mic in the background oh dear Heavens are you in my twitch stream right now no I just have it playing because I'm checking oh that's fine that's fine no I'm not watching I need the view yeah I need the view yo Dirk do you enjoy when your screen flashes White nope not at all shut in the Facebook come on me I must be the greatest but he's done it he's gone and probably done it all the baby wait did I knock you did I knock you yeah you knocked me and I was conduct him because I didn't think you're gonna kill me and I I got up like immediately Dirk you knocked me no or no I know you knocked me when you shut the that wall in the bathroom you knocked me and I like pressed put me up like quick Dirk I got a question the baby are you um where I'm from in Florida is a little country area but um weights are dirt are you are you from the gun from Mississippi notifications it's getting on my nerves why am I losing the rounds to a silver right now though what's going on Dixie looking because I'm the best silver ever okay oh there's another drone dang I can't even oh come on man Captain yeah like it's Fourth of July yeah thank you you put me on it's always Sweater Weather oh like yeah it's a man I want the world in my Johnson I hate the beach but I Stay okay you might get this round because I can't go inside Hardware okay with my toes innocent nah brother dude that strong Sweater Weather should have got won the talent show yo I'm roaming right now are you gonna do something about it because I'm roaming right now you see me or something oh you're definitely I mean yeah um well you just got flanked buddy useless sweater let's have an adventure and plus all friends wait yeah just get turned on wait Silver's up that's good look at this I mean wait silver so that's good yeah wait I'm about to lose to a silver wait I'm about it wait I'm about to lose to a silver oh my God wait yo I'm gonna retire actually if I lose to a silver I'm retiring if I lose to a silver I'm retiring okay I heard you silver I think it's so funny how you do like I don't care I need to login I'm about to get roasted bro five seconds I was just sitting here not even thinking I was gonna get picked and then it says junko SSG invited me I was like I was like I mean I guess I gotta beat this dude right quick why are you talking like you're better than me bro you're not you know you're not better than me bro come on come on come on you know you're not better than me okay Nicholas look at the score government name is insane what side are you tell me what side a basement all right I'm gonna believe you and if you're not basement it's a problem okay what I'm pushing basement right now okay you live definitely no lying is a sin yeah I know and cousin is and he cuss all the time that's true I hear you yeah should I stop cussing is it a bad example no it's fun are you gonna push in I mean I'm roaming wait you're actually roaming like honestly don't lie again because then it doesn't I can hear you bro you know it's not allowed look at the shop look at the angel s [Music] 87 excuses in four seconds at the end of the day you died I just heard 87 excuses in 44 seconds at the end of the day you got [ __ ] on period end of story ah period ooh period ah waving am I wrong though you did get shattered away am I wrong though you did get [ __ ] in the one okay I'm not wrong so you got children end of discussion you use the new Joyce do you like to use the uh the new settings wait what settings you can Crouch oh like bindings those were new eight years ago those have been in the game for eight years what yeah last season I was like a point eight Zoom which I know is like the best you can get but I don't know I got mouse trap I got mouse trap and then I haven't played and I just started playing ranked back this week so that's why you started using it was because you got mouse traps that's why yeah and and because I'm like better than people no it's because you got mousetrap let's call it what it is okay this time I already know they can produce your blood is the prime sure I'm thinking the prime appreciate it y'all me what did you have the jinxy chart mine I appreciated yo nice location you know I went downstairs right you know this right you know I went downstairs right you know right yeah yeah so I'm about to go inside the plant thanks yeah you do it four is located but is it a terrible rotate though but is it a terrible rotate though but it is that a terrible roadside though but is it a terrible Rotator huh yep but is it a terrible roadside though but it is cardiac game sense deployed what can you do when I'm floating what can you do when I'm flowering what can you do when I'm you don't know what haircut you should get to get a bowl cut five seconds yeah not enough time idiot yeah I'm so smart I'm so smart I'm so good at this game I could never lose to a silver I could never lose okay what is that profile picture my boy what is that profile what do you mean that's me that's that's me bro that is literally me [ __ ] I took the picture I vividly remember I bet it's me so definitely we're gonna change it I'm not 11 anymore that picture is 10 years old dude okay Nicholas that is me stop talking about my government name is insane my name is jinxy or junko I need your drone to locate a bomb don't call me by my government okay what's up what's your government dark 10 seconds [Music] learn to survive I carry my top come on um don't say that on the internet let's not get you um in a let's not get you into that predicament you are not affiliated let's stop that right now this is not the life you want because those [ __ ] don't play around so let's apologize for what you just said first off we're outside next time no we're gonna apologize now I do not want you to get into trouble hey sorry Nicholas no don't apologize to me okay goo stick around I better [ __ ] my pants yeah stop singing I perish I'll actually do whatever the [ __ ] I want because this is my street or not yours is this the parish stream no it's the jinxy stream if you don't want singing um politely shut the [ __ ] up thank you if I beat you I get to plug my twitch they are what if I win what if I win located [Music] um I won't call you Nick no more where the [ __ ] bro what are you doing huh he's alive he's just so good how are you silver boy how are you server my main how is he silver no no no no no no bro your silver hitting shots like that you're silver hitting flicks like that I'm just better bro what what type of [ __ ] is this dude how's he doing this Chad secure um I can't even do this huh am I about lose to a silver chat I know that sounded good are you breathing so hard thank you I'll unsubscribe if you lose you're not even subscribed you know what you should do sometime you should get better I'm better than you put on my Silvers but I'm about to prove it right now though come on Mike op4 found a bomb you must defend construction interesting Ambush Ambush ambush ambush ah there you go bring me [ __ ] what um 10 seconds left uh oh you gotta play it but you gotta play though but all of that [ __ ] you talked I don't know what you doing [Music] hey Chad have not lost undefeated have not lost undefeated Commander thank you for the prime rise thank you for the prime Manny think if it's your water have not lost and still undefeated jinxy still undefeated who's next um gold gold gold gold gold gold gold gold the next is gold F and smoke bet s thank you for the prime sub Baconator thank you for the prime sub TG the converter um new map new map new map chat next up is gold I'm still undefeated yo smoke yo smoke yo what whoa who who the [ __ ] are you talking to boy hey let's try that again let's try that again with a little bit more respect yo what up smoke what's up sexy oh what's up Nicholas all right government name is ridiculous goop thank you for the 10 gifted all right listen smoke you are representing all of gold right now did you lie or you actually go Dirk get the fluff out I'm actually gold leave the lobby in 10 seconds or it's going straight to bansville and Tori thank you for the gifted all right so let's be honest with yourself Dirk and be completely honest you don't think you're gonna work it's not even in the laws smoke be completely honest you don't even think you're gonna win this let's be honest I mean I don't know you don't know like I'm like a Charlie I'm like a console Charlie or a controller Charlie you know how are you like a controller Charlie you are gold my boy my boy you are gold you are not anybody good you are literally a gold okay all right and what is that gonna do with anything um it has to do with everything your gold meaning that there's still a lot you have to learn about the game which is fine I'm glad to teach you join the Bobby I'm glad to teach you about the game you're funny is there anything is there any reason why you're not in the lobby smoke or no I'm joining right now I was trying to find your invite but are you joining them yes I'm joining this is looking like a duck this is looking like a wise duck I'm literally in the custom right now like you're making up excuses to duck me I'm making up excuses to duck you wait are you complaining about that we play in Oregon is the gold having a problem is the gold having a problem I mean you don't like Oregon I mean I would like to not give a [ __ ] but here's the thing smoke so you're complaining about the map but smoke at the end of the day I'm the best organ player on planet Earth so this is actually a blessing in disguise no you're second to me this is a blessing in disguise my boy thank you for the 10 gifted twitch subscribers Coupe thank you for the 10 gifted I already take you seven hours to be only up so why are we insulting my only upskill level I'm good at one game which game yeah so you just admitted I'm good at R6 you just submitted I'm good at R6 well I mean but I'm gonna like spend your lifetime on this but I'm better at FIFA I'm good at FIFA guarantee you I'm way better than you had FIFA guarantee you I'm way better than you at NBA 2K guarantee you I'm way better than you at Clash Royale guarantee you um what no no no no no I swear to God I would slam you in class I played Clash Royale semi professionally from the ages 16 to 17 I hit ultimate Champion four years ago you would never in a minute wait why are you wait I can go to the tree right now wait I can go to I go to my store you're lying to yourself no no go to my stream oh no it's all good go to my stream go to my stream yeah yeah go to my stream go to my stream right now pull up my stream I lied I love it when they I love it when they say that I lied oh wait why'd you just shake I just heard you tremble I just heard you tremble wait why'd you tremble cause you tried to insult me and say that I'm only good at Siege but Clash Royale is my best game ever so notice how like notice how like when I joined the game your viewership spiked up to like it spiked up 1K your look here look go to my tweet go to my tweet right now I don't have Twitter go to my channel I mean go to my I mean go to my go to my um to my stream go to my stream yeah okay go to my stream go to my stream for any [ __ ] that wants to talk [ __ ] in Clash Royale just know that I'm the best Clash Royale player in The Siege community ultimate Champion right there jinxy wow hold on you have you have like a 15 second delay jinxy 5 000 in the world and this is not my best screenshot I was way better than this all right here how about after this all right here how about you shut up how about you shut up see because now you got humble no because now you got hungry because now you got humble because now you got humbled because now you got it thank you for the 10 gifts how about after this how about how about you shut the [ __ ] up thank you yeah uh no I got business to handle with 1v1s right now I gotta I gotta handle every rank in the game oh you can't you can't waste your uh eight hour stream for a three minute Clash game yep precisely it honestly sounds like it sounds like you're duffing to me foreign why would you drown the cane no no no no I mean since you like my surround so much did you like Clash Royale so much you realize missing shots helped me by wasting more of your time you realize that right you realize I do that intentionally right you know it tastes like a second you know I do that intentionally right it was six seconds here shut up shut up I'll be shut up see dog thank you for the five gifted it's fine keep talking [ __ ] because you can talk all this [ __ ] but at the end of the day none of it matters seven hours seven hours what's the problem seven hours on only up like you're terrible you're terrible Clash around them 10 times better than you uh then then 1v1 me after class you're terrible bro 1v1 me after class you're terrible my boy see you're ducking you're terrible per usual I I mean it's fine it's fine but music failed all friendlies have been neutralized oh did you just yawn it's all good hey lucky round it's fine because at the end of the day I will not lose another round to you we need to locate a bomb I will not lose another round to you and you know I'm telling the truth but you know I'm telling the truth though you're not gonna win another round you'll smoke where'd your mic go cat got your tongue why are you why are you not talking smoke what happened why are you not talking buddy hello I dropped my controller don't nobody give a [ __ ] you're still my [ __ ] why is your body on the floor wait but you heard me but you couldn't kill me wait put you yeah since you want to talk about Clash Royale you won't but you got cheated on but you got cheated on wait but why did you get cheated on wait but why'd you get cheated come down chair is taking a beating protected oh I'm fat now oh but I'm fat now okay so I'm fat okay I'm fat all right five seconds left left I mean okay I mean you know I'm not fat you know I'm not you spent seven hours you spent I mean you know I'm not fat though wait why are you getting mad because out of the class for Allah are you getting mad are you getting mad because of the Clash Royale well you're calling me fat you're okay hey I know I got in somebody's head when they start insulting me personally so echo's crazy hey but it's personal insults is crazy that's how I know I got in your head and I know I got in your head buddy oh yeah you definitely one of my head I mean you're resulting to personal info insults that proves a man has been defeated you've mentally been defeated I mean if you're mad because I'm better at time if you're mad because I'm better it's fine if you're mad wait what's funny ain't [ __ ] funny my face is Stone Cold seriously you're pretty you're pretty [ __ ] bloody well you're pretty funny do you want to plant the diffuser or what yeah I'll plant I'll just let me you know oh wait you know you can't plant because you're playing against the best Echo player on Siege you know you can't plant you know you can't plant you know you can't plant playing the best Echo player on Siege you're probably Courtyard right now not gonna lie probably God damn my phone's blowing up three teddy milk two yeah Terry milk [Music] you really gonna try to plant buddy wait why is your body on the floor wait are you mad wait yeah why are you so mad why are you so mad Coop thank you for the 10 gifts wait how about how about how about you show some respect how about you show some respect let me talk Nicholas let me talk oh government name is insane it's fine I know you're mad I know I'm in your head Nicholas Nicholas how about after this we won't be one on Clash Justice just to see who's better on Clash all right you know what I'll I'll take you up on that deal I'll take that deal if you can get one more round get one more round and I'll take that video is that a deal get one more round on me you're no damn well you're not getting around don't say sure you know damn well you're not getting around but I'll take that dude before drone has located a bomb wait why do you not playing why am I the greatest ever all I need is a default controller I don't need [ __ ] all I need is a default controller and control freak that's all I need boy I'm back so Lion's crazy how do you know I'm online wait because I heard your gun oh my God you can refuse all you want I mean I didn't accuse anything I just asked the question once I say that [ __ ] sleep sniping that's when I begin my accusation so don't accuse me of accusing don't accuse me of accusing because then it's a problem also why is your body on the foot oh you know that was almost a headshot wait but why is your body on the floor with a white tag uh oh wait but why are you dead I shot you in the club you didn't shoot anybody you didn't shoot anybody I'm on 100 HP wait why are you dead pop beep boop beep weep but I'm the greatest controller ever if you want this class real 1v1 just get one more round just get one more Jesus shut the [ __ ] up wait what'd you say I couldn't hear you you're dodging me on a Clash I couldn't hear like you over the ammo like the bullets everywhere I couldn't really hear you I'm dodging you on Clash I'm giving you a fair way to get your Clash Royale everyone he's got to lose four to two that's it it's pretty easy I mean a bronze could do it you know what I'm saying and the thing is I can tell you're mad I can tell you're mad I mean not everybody can even if I do even if I do lose which I mean most likely I mean obviously I'm probably gonna lose because you sit on your chair all day and you play the game location you sit on your chair all day thank you for the five gifts yeah back to the personal insults yep 470 yeah back to the personal lamps ever but yet you're not but yet you're not number one keep it going keep insulting me number one I mean I haven't played ranked in two weeks why would I be number one I don't [ __ ] on ranked all day I have 90 ranked games but I mean you're mocking my voice but you know I'm right you know I'm right oh I know I'm right you know I'm right you know I mean you literally know I'm right though but you know I'm right you know what an echo drone is or no like you know I can just keep doing it you know I could just keep doing this all right I think this guy's like actually really stupid you know I can just keep doing this right wait you know I can just keep doing that right yeah I know you will because you're because you're weird you don't actually like to take gun fights the way they're supposed to be taken yes I played the game perfectly thank you for the compliment appreciate it thank you for the compliment I do play the game perfectly wait why is your body on the floor um wait but you got [ __ ] in them wait but get out of the party all right next is if you are plotting you think you can 1v1 me type your gamer tag in the chat that guy was the saltiest that guy was the saltiest person I've played in a minute God he was mad God he was mad all right chat listen if you are platinum and you would like to 1v1 me type your gamertags in the chat Platinum if you are Platinum flying King one that Lion King one if you are Platinum if this guy doesn't join somebody else can join hey appreciate all the new twitch followers Crystal boo we got one wait we got a flat we got a flat we got a plan we got a black drop your gamer tag in the chat room right now drop your Gamertag in the chat up room right now primitive zukimo what is this profile picture bro Zoo what the [ __ ] is this dude zukimo what is that profile picture dude this [ __ ] hot man hey uh could you join the game also why is smoke still in the lobby leave the lobby I will be reporting this to Ubisoft devs I don't even know what to have chat you keep watch on the Robbie Suzuki um is that profile picture real or did you edit it that's a screenshot of tick tock so so you went into my Tick Tock live while I was twerking in my Tick Tock live and you thought let me take a screenshot of this ship yes sir oh I know you've tugged your Johnson to that all right join the game let's go zukimo welcome again what would you say are the mathematical odds mathematical likelihood of you winning this game be completely honest 50 50. yes I would agree it if I was aiming with my Johnson we could call this a 50 50 tsukimo I'd have to be angry with my Johnson you understand that right yes sir could you join the game your invite's not working bro I sent 400 what about my 400 invites I think I'm joining Ben thinking the prime I'm gonna tell you this if you win around no no what I meant okay Mo if you win this game what do you think you deserve what do you want uh I'm not gonna tell you later I'm gonna have to think about that I'll tell you what I want if I win this game okay how about that I bet I want you to never say this is 50 50 again you know damn well this is not a 50 50 game everything about Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege is skill there's no luck in this video game so to say that it's 55 and I'm luckier than you bro so to say that it's 50 50 is just respectful to me bro do you ever pick your boogers suzukimo I'm doing it right now I just fricked mine okay pause why did you ban Grim I have a total of four minutes on grim no reason who was that who the [ __ ] was that was that your son or brother I don't know who that was do you think I'd ever have kids be honest you got mine no thank you thank you for the offer but no it's a no for me why not [Music] is that your girlfriend yo what's your name I'm waiting for you bro I'm waiting for you who was the girl on the mic who was that dude you are tripping balls there's no one there um [ __ ] I heard the voice that was definitely a girl protect the bomb you definitely got to get the premium I definitely thought what you're crazy bro you're hearing voices they're in your walls they're underneath don't try to set me into a schizophrenic breakdown please don't do that location don't do that there's no planet where you win this 1v1 you know this right Parish Parish why'd you try to rush the game wait tukima why'd you try to rush the king wait why'd you try to rush the king wait why'd you try to rush the kid come on all right zukimo if you do this voice again it is gonna lead into uh me blocking you I mean this is crazy bro zukimo you are a grown ass man my boy I'm a little boy bro you tripping you playing with little boys right now bro can you just talk to me normally bro and not change the voice I just want to talk to you normally bro like Amanda man five seconds before insertion is that cool can we do that Maybe and I never stream this Lane wow I can't end stream until we beat every rank I'm going undefeated zikimo do you think I can go undefeated be honest I mean you almost lost a little brown I mean I mean but you're downstairs and I know you're downstairs tell me about your flash I mean but the plan is down I mean the plants found I mean but you talked [ __ ] but not the plants down I mean you talk [ __ ] with the plants down there's online and active I mean you talk [ __ ] with the plants down stock ship of the plants now I mean but you talk [ __ ] put the plants down okay all right all right why do I still fall for baits did you know that I dropped the hatch did you hear me drop it I'm a masturbator bro I'm a master nope not my question did you hear me drop the hatch yes or no yes bro obviously that was the whole reason why wait were you did you have your Warden goggles on when I threw flashes I wasn't even in the same room as you bro I was nowhere near you I just knew I just knew that you knew I dropped that I think you got to hear him bro I'm like a bat bro I could hear anything understand how you knew I dropped the hatch if you weren't closer I heard your fat ass drop I heard your fat ass down hit the ground okay I'm not fat I'm a I'm a little bit husky I'm Mr Stewart Mr Stewart with the 25 gifts the 25 gift that I love you appreciate it golly that music's annoying be advised it because if you didn't white staircase as Yang nice white staircase has Yang nice Candela in your hand nice blinded it blinded nobody's eyes can you just push throw another one yes push now just push there you go you're inside nice plant that abuser good kid and plant the diffuser is he actually inside right now is he actually inside wait the wiser body on the floor eliminated wait but I thought you heard everything on the floor but I thought you heard everything the way I play the game is really just like artwork it's really just artwork man so zukimo what were your thoughts on this round on that round oh whatever I'm looking in I'm looking well I mean we're in the prep and we're not even we're in the Prep Prep race what was your thoughts on that round I just wanted you to see what hey bro my father five seconds you must locate and defuse a bomb oh look it's crazy wait how do you know my buck I'm in your wall not the stream bro not the string in your wall hide it on my buck though outside the end wait there's cameras outside I didn't know that I had no idea I had no idea those cameras outside that means you were on it right away wait why is the ball back wait stop me the Wall's boxing did you pretty I'm coming cause if you did it but what side are you I'm inside buddy buddy old pal thanks for the plan [Music] uh-oh wait but did you think I was in sight but did you think I was inside but zukimo I haven't lost to a single rank did you think it was going to be any different with Platinum chemo be honest there's no way you thought you were gonna beat me man there's no chance dude I'm the best there is man doesn't get better it doesn't get better dude on some real [ __ ] do you think I'm gonna be able to go undefeated like do you think I'm gonna be able to beat the emerald beat the diamond and the champion you're the bomb s you're losing an emerald you think I'm losing 10 seconds that's cute that's cute five seconds but that's cute that's really cute she had a geometry the long stream today it's gonna end up being around nine hours when it's all said and done my unmatched perspicacity a little nine hour I did a bunch of [ __ ] today bro hold on my bedroom I think enjoy the streams right now I don't know the stream was asked today you know I hear everything you know damn what I hear everything wait every stream is ass do you enjoy um anime really what's your favorite yes sir talk [ __ ] I love how like that's how you get the kill too I love how that's how you get the kill though I love that you were doing what to the what now you were sniffing me through the walls you know I was going for a one tap with my pistol right you know that rounds nothing to get excited over right you know this right mm-hmm [Music] redo of waitress your drone to locate a bomb wait your face wait your favorite anime what do you say who was that in the background take dog you must locate and defuse a bomb wait so do you like um do you like One Piece no Luffy's up where you don't like Luffy I don't know he's like a little thin boy he sounds like one you know loopy way tougher than you right if you could stretch I could stretch turn bro I might have to do it to you might have to do it to you I might have to do it to you yo what side are you I'm upstairs top floor you are I respect your honesty I'll push it right now if you're lying it's a problem I hope you can't solve problems you got a 2.6 okay so now we're insulting intelligence which Court do I take it to court though I don't know it's up to me do that again do it again please nothing got him oh you're so dead bad kid wait your entire screen twice hey watch the map knowledge I want you to peep the map knowledge look at the map knowledge oh look at what I do to [ __ ] and plat down humbled humbled humbled humbled humbled humbled humbled humbled humbled who's next that's the real question next up is I believe Emerald Emerald next up is Emerald wait am I actually all right if you're Emerald type your gamer tag in the twitch chat no way I go undefeated on every ranking right I'll wreck you then what's the gamer tag poppy perks Emerald three perk got me small criminal like a Mike Moore in that song I pop parts to them all the pain cause I hate to me yo perks yo what's good what's up jinxy so perks let me so perks let me first start off by saying do not pop Percocet that is really bad for you okay yeah I know it it's just the name it's just the name yeah don't do that don't do that but um perks how you doing man you know you're representing the emeralds right yo I am I am you know you're not gonna win right we'll see about that I mean I haven't lost yet you know I haven't lost I've been watching me I've been following float a little bit um we're gonna do a different map when we haven't played it I'm thinking Cafe though yes all righty Cafe that sounds good with me so who's your favorite rapper favorite rapper I'd have to go with Chef G really what about Sleepy Hollow Sleepy Hollow is good they collab a lot they collab a lot what about the greatest of all time juice world I was in a song like especially his own release [ __ ] yeah type [ __ ] um so what would you say are your top three top three um rappers right now right now top three top three definitely like one of the top shift keys I'm trying to oh yeah [ __ ] do you oh [ __ ] my bad I have my [ __ ] on uh not disturbing me all good all good so you would say number one is Chef G number two is oh trying to think Maybe I can't even think bro I can't name anything on top of my head bro would you like my top three yeah number one not even [ __ ] close number two Lil Uzi vert preferably 2018 little ziebert number three oh yeah trippy red actually change the list no no change the whole list number one juice world not even close number two xxxtentacion number three little ziver number four trippy rare number five Rod wave broad waved have you ever seen a baby's move yes not a great rapper in my humble opinion Smith oh she won is payback photo you like lopy I I legit know one song from him start shopping okay start shopping I know uh it's called falling down I think with X and [ __ ] that's all protected oh yeah [ __ ] don't feel the same way all right unfortunately I'm gonna have to decline you for from winning around just letting you know all right you're not allowed to win around on me where the [ __ ] are you kidding I like the cycle Chad it actually works too look see look at the bottle located little angle from the R6 Master the R6 Pro all right Chad look at the camera okay where are you baby all right after Emerald we got diamond and then we got champ and then we're done let's watch the rain don't do it don't do it I know you want to do but don't do it cause if you do it I'm gonna have to do it and I don't want to do it rather I don't want to do it Pokemon I know better oh I know that hurt grenades huh interesting Scott grenades restaurant oh don't do it please don't know it because one of us goes in and then we all go through it foreign I wasn't familiar with your game oh let's get this [ __ ] let's get this [ __ ] the [ __ ] is in my Lobby right now that was a good shot appreciate that bro I'm not I'm not [ __ ] don't feel the same so come on bomb has been located Guardian s nice flag buddy good plan good plan good plan good flying good flank good flight and plants now you know plants down the plant was down because the screen was white yeah nice docs Tim you know I'm gonna fake this plant right you know I faked this right what did I say what did I say listen to what did I say oh why did you not listen to me though listen listen listen listen I get in my head in my head all right hey have you watched one piece ready I do that's actually my favorite anime I'm completely caught up ready for gear five in like a couple of weeks did you enjoy the game pistol right on your John secure the bombs bombs oh yeah I did I did you're supposed to say no dog no I enjoyed it trust me five seconds I love it [Music] buddy where are you at where are you riding at with Echo Death Note you say death though have you seen it you watch the entire show yep would you like a summary sure you what you would prefer a summary sure I'll do a summary you would like a summary of Death Note that's right no this is my perfect victory I win those headphones I knew that was coming too bro but now your name is in the Death Note by the way that clip is definitely going viral on Tick Tock so there goes that you need to use your drone to load just I'm not kidding when I say this Death Note is my favorite show rather not anime it's my favorite show ever and it's not even close everyone in the chat if you want to be sure if you want to be better at video games watch Death Note we we weren't only supposed to go kitchen right we could go you can go any site you would like all right like Yagami will still be meeting you when I've got clipped thanks for telling me that you didn't go catch him by the way up foreign don't know where you are nope actually yeah like that ass oh [ __ ] baby I can take you back babe [Music] baby take me back but I'm the greatest just like a laser beam so I'm I'm selling my own [ __ ] right now has he lost a 1v1 yet uh to answer your question token short the short answer no wrong answer no I have not lost a 1v1 yet for my life can't say that [ __ ] 17 38 year I rock with you bro you know all the lyrics don't tell me hey hey Poppy all she won is like that [ __ ] um you don't know say that [ __ ] by don't be five seconds so what's your favorite song ever you'd say I really don't have a figure it's hard to pick I'll be listening to like a [ __ ] ton of music so like I don't it's just hard to pick a favorite word to Moms and Pops yeah I got you do you enjoy the shadow Realms or no not particularly you're not a fan of the Shadows what about the wall bangers nope shot in my white teeth easy oh you know I'm in here black the diffuser yeah yeah do that do it yeah yeah do that do that for sure let me get upstairs ggs perish Pokemon oh my God Pokemon all right Chad we're on to the last two yo poppy GG's man yeah bro you're getting [ __ ] in my head bro my heart was beating that hole all right chat next up is Diamond then Champion bro sazikas for diamonds I don't want to play a diamond that's peaked that champ it needs to be an actual Diamond like a diamond diamond like a like a diamond Club yo zikas it seek his brother real quick I just want to say I want to see a good one if you want but you best of luck I'm huge is your brother diamond or was he champ before well my brother isika's right here I'm just talking to you because I love you bro but sikas is Diamond yes he's never a champ no not yet he has an internet he's gone nah but I I donated five dollars and I said if this works you're paying me five dollars back so you still owes me five bucks hey it's gonna be a good one he's not gonna win because I'm gonna give him you want me to give him my best game right you want me to give him you want me to go hard right what's up junko yo zikas your brother said um that he got you this 1v1 basically you know what's about to happen right have you watched the last two hours of 1v1s would I haven't lost yet so why do you think you're different I haven't lost yet so why do you think you're different just cause you're diamond you think a diamond phases me I am the king of this game when people think of Rainbow Six Siege they think of my bald ass all right this is my video game [ __ ] I know you've seen me shining in my whites easy because what would you say is your favorite operator no reason at all okay smart kidding smart kitten smart kidding me a nice smart kitten fan blast hi bro is this [ __ ] drunk Walter they give me the prime stuff wow hey so Suzuki let me get to know you man um whoa whoa 1.5k I like that I like that I like that can you get out of my room 1.5 K3 yeah what's up with the 1.5 K3 what's good with that I'm just good with that he's got an ego are you controller oh you're Mike your mic's broken I can't you're like lagging bro my mic's broken um yeah my mic's broken my mic's broken he's controller he's just crazy wait wait wait suzukas yeah I can hear you now are you controller or Zim um controller um why'd you say it like that yo tazika's brother I know you're in the Stream coming to his room and Shout is he controllers him be honest I can sneak his brother he'll be here in five four three Counting two one because of your Zam it's a problem I'm letting you know what's gonna be the problem Suzuki's brother is he controlled or is him yeah he's controller all right Wayne thank you for the five gifts wait why did your brother smile the second time he said okay let's see this game I'm watching I heard the smile the second time Slither into diamond body oh he's quieted passionate can you shut up real quick oh okay got a little bit of toxicity why'd you just giggle what side are you wait why'd you just giggle I didn't wait why did you want it why'd you decide I didn't giggle chat clippity giggled where are you bro check Liberty giggled Jack leopard he giggled he there [ __ ] I know you see me shining in my white she's easy oh my heavens somebody said bad clone what bro what side are you bro are you mad don't get mad at me don't get mad at me because you can't find the site but on things I went upstairs where'd you go wait why is your body on the floor wait why are you dead [Laughter] wait why are you dead are you what side are you bro CCTV see uh you might want to work on your drone work you might want to work on your drone work shut up I'm trying to tell y'all man Diamond Champion it doesn't matter I don't lose games Diamond Champion Nicholas you're not winning bro Nicholas is crazy I haven't gone by Nicholas a day in my life okay [ __ ] five seconds [Music] you know what's crazy not you not you you because you've been talking [ __ ] for nine hours yubies wait what side did you go I have no idea I'm CeCe are you CC wait why am I inside blood didn't lie so how long have you been diamond for hello are you ready to be humbled or not they let you why are you flashing wait why is this green white why's your screen White are you advise your body on the floor [ __ ] hides in a corner and gets a ego [ __ ] hides in a quarter and gets a ego wait why is your body wait but why is your body on the floor wait but why wait but why are you talking [ __ ] like you're gonna win the game why are you starting damn well you're not going to win this game just swear to God stay quiet buddy why would I do that because you know you're gonna lose no I just I don't need to swear to anybody bro it's secure you know dude you knew when you bro you literally just like [ __ ] your pants when you went around bro I'm a Gary champ so now we're just chatting so now we're just chatting how's your baby absolutely positively fantabulous how's your day been going wait I don't care this guy's funny bro this guy's funny so what side are you bro the last time I told you my site you didn't listen bro CCTV again bro you like misdrawed it no you are not dude I just drove CCTV throwing it again do you know where the bomb is you're downstairs you're downstairs shut up boy don't talk to me like that boy oh you're going blue interesting going blue generator interesting I would have done the same thing did I not shoot did you not yeah shut up [ __ ] I know you see me so Nicholas how do you feel about scores wait scores what fortnite what fortnite who's foreign Don't Care Plus ratio hmm oh this is though oh no wait I'm too HP but you're actually weird no you're actually weird oh my gosh can the fire go away Pokemon oh I might be the greatest video game player of all time tazikas don't talk during my speech it actually is yo what's up juicy how you about to get in wait what did his brother say oh you got to go get impacted to say your breath is pressing you buddy yeah he is yo so he's not a supporter yo so zika's but why'd you hop in the Pokeball like that you're not Charizard are you you need to locate a bomb you're not Charizard are you not much awesome I don't know why hopping the Pokemon I don't know either I don't know either who's that Pokemon wait what side did you go see you again are you being honest or are you fibbing are you feeling yeah [Music] hello [Music] but romantis do you get on cameras or no like do you get on cameras or not why not you just get bored of it you probably shouldn't probably shouldn't get on cameras probably shouldn't get on cameras you probably shouldn't get on cameras you probably shouldn't get on cameras you probably shouldn't get on camera you probably shouldn't get on cameras wait but you were talking [ __ ] when you went around so now it's my turn to talk [ __ ] wait but your body's on the floor wait but you got slammed wait but your body's on the floor wait but I'm bubbling diamonds wait but I'm humbling diamonds wait but I haven't also 1v1 in two hours somebody stopped me somebody stopped me somebody stopped me somebody stopped me Swag like somebody stop me please but will I lose Chad that's the real question is dead serious I mean the next game will be on Oregon against the champion and tune into that one too it's gonna be a w what um the next game's gonna be on Oregon it's gonna be against the champion and he's gonna lose you can tune into that game too if you want all right bro okay back so you're downstairs Chad Who's the champion gonna be that's the real question because this is just light work this is this is life no reaction might work no reaction [ __ ] I know you've seen me Charles he's definitely asleep and if he is on we can humble him too blue stairs walking down below Knights and Parish what are you grenading buddy don't do that perish don't do that oh my God GG Suzuki maybe one day oh geez I'm so crap chatted like everything I do is so quick and cool everything I do so quick and cool Chad just like watch back how I just got that kill you can't even blame him for losing you can't even blame him for losing bro can't even blame him for losing all right chat next is the main event the moment you've all been waiting for jinxy versus an R6 Champion can we go undefeated can we go undefeated can we go undefeated swing with me swing with me Chad I haven't lost chat I haven't lost Chad I'm yet to lose I haven't lost this is the moment we've all been waiting for jinxy versus an R6 champion now I'm gonna be honest this guy's gamertag is the most Zim [ __ ] I've ever seen yo swing yo Swing Swing it says I have a meter but I can't unmute him GG I guess bro who is the champion gonna be I Lago said he's champion who was the champion gonna be bro bro what's my mic like where's my face cam doing that dodging Charlie bro Charlie Charlie's not on Charlie's not on dude see bro wait hold on see bro Charlie's not on dude I told you wait wait wait wait yo lag wait yo Charles why does it say he's muted did I just get calm band bro let me switch accounts why does it say that everybody I invite is muted why does it do that no this account's gone bad Chad you guys know what I'm talking about party encounter to error yo my combat did Xbox just crash bro what should y'all see this [ __ ] I know you see me bro do y'all see this [ __ ] foreign X while in the party lewins bro I can't make a party [ __ ] I can't make a party ain't no [ __ ] way bro I can't make a party chat let me try resetting my [ __ ] chat why are you guys saying press X while on the party guys I'm not I can't even make a party bro I can't even make a party chat [ __ ] I know you see me shining in my whites he is easy Chad I can't even make a party dude huh Shadow thank you for the five gifted Shadow appreciated it twin let me try one more time Chad if I can't make a party we gotta end it bro we gotta end stream dude and we don't have to but it would be like now we I'll still play somebody just through the game no no we won't have to we won't have to wait surely that guy didn't hack you right who who nah nobody hacked me it's not even possible dude if somebody were to hack you bro they wouldn't like make it to where you can't make a party not even possible let's try again oh my God yes all right we're back we're back we're back in business Chad we're back in business Chad we're back in business the wimps let's give somebody a chance we've never played before the wimps for the champion game the wimps for the champion game yo yo are you Champion yo yo why'd you say I was ducking you buddy who said that you bro who oh no my bad this guy said stop talking Charlie my bad yeah yeah yeah so the website are you actually Champion or is this a waste of time I'm Champion right now you're jealous I just I I just lost my champ game like right before inviting this is getting in this um you can you can check me oh okay let me see bro let me let me check I'll check your stats I'll be the judge all right all right pal all right pal I mean do you think you can beat me though like actually I will [ __ ] [ __ ] on you okay so why are you I just don't understand why are you so delusional bro I'm not delusional pal okay oh no he's been champ the last three seasons with a 1.4 KD every season oh you don't know who I am buddy I am controller I am control he's been champ the last three seasons with a 1.4 KD every season chat this guy has better stats than Charles yep Charles is um he is him okay the WinStar you controller or what oh yes I'm controller you wanna hear it did you lie about being controller or what because this is the champion game do you hear it do you hear it pal bro you can be here wait wait wait hold timer don't tell me what to do click your notification click click your Xbox go to your profile I know how to do this pal okay then don't talk to me like that tell me bud your buddy your body your body your body we're gonna change the tone right now because you're coming in real disrespectful you are a champion but you are in a lobby with the champion I'm the champion of Rainbow Six Siege the champion [ __ ] I'm the king of this game you're not gonna beat me bro you're not gonna beat me everybody I asked says they beat you everyone you ask says they beat you who'd you ask I ended up I'm being so serious some random ass dude said his name was like Sanford or some [ __ ] don't nobody know who the [ __ ] that is I've never played that kid but that's next level pleasing to lie about beating me is like that just but but when Snapchat should show you hey bud how big of a 1v1 this is the biggest 1v1 of your life bro this is the biggest 1v1 of your life don't sell it don't sell it and you're gonna lose and You're Gonna Lose I'm gonna lose this [ __ ] drunk yep no no listen to this [ __ ] talk right now chat listen to the energy listen to the [ __ ] talk give it two rounds and then we'll check back two rounds he's gonna be like bro you're playing like such a [ __ ] bro watch that guarantee watch that guaranteed give it two rounds bro give it no one does that no one does that L ego uh this guy said he would [ __ ] [ __ ] on me so obviously here we good is this kid no you're all sweaters but but I mean how are you gonna draw me these hammers everywhere but there's no turn there wait but your body's on the floor wait put your bodies on the phone wait but chat remember the energy remember the energy and now it's shifted now the energy yeah wait wait but now the energy shifted but you're a champion but you're a champion but now the energy shifted [Music] wait you were talking listen to me no no no no no you looked at me but you were talking [ __ ] but you were talking [ __ ] but you were talking tell him to bring me my money I just had to say that hey Chad everybody that talks [ __ ] it all ends up the same way dude it all ends up the same way bro it's Just Energy [ __ ] am I everyone am I everything uh you would be a part of it you're better than who cares it's him player got him easy thank you buddy thank you buddy Brad thanks for listening nice position got him who's that who's dead who's dead damn wait wait wait wait wait wait wait yo stop farting stop farting not a fart I can't with you how You're Gonna Lose just know that just calm down today down to 10 seconds you probably are but you're losing but so so so what does that say s that's crazy you think you're better dude but you're losing You're Gonna Lose oh my God yeah the outrageous so you're reinforcing right now you think amazed you think I'm a song Maybe wait what am I hearing headsets issues almond you're inside I'ma come up wide all right I'm gonna come up white all right you ready hey hold that pal hold on you know I hear that you know I hear everything buddy what's the point hey guess who's going on better than him come on [ __ ] I know you see me why it is easy you know I rotate it right but I still thinks I'm close door Parish well I've got a C4 shot wow no that was the last down to 15 seconds 10 seconds ago my nose that was blessed foreign wait I'm a punk ass little [ __ ] but your body's on the floor with blood all around it and I told you the energy would shift and you would you lost that tone in your voice you had that little you had that little tone in your voice and now it's gone and the tone is gone you entered a lobby with somebody who was truly better than you end of story end of discussion bro thanks bro thinks because he's champion that's crazy delusion crazily Division 10 seconds to go [ __ ] your [ __ ] what you ready I said you're gonna die pal I'm gonna die you just don't you don't know who I am you don't know I'll plug it in right now wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait you bout to plug in your zip no no no no no no no no you took it wrong you know what plug in the zoom I don't even care plug it in I don't I don't use them I'm so dead serious I don't care but I'll plug it in I don't use it I can't how am I supposed to do if I don't have it you just said you were gonna plug it in I'm Kitchen By the way you just wait what I'm catching tumbling time chat it really is it's not no humble in time limit well let's see I beat in every rank in the game and looks like you're the last piece of the puzzle here wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait oh wait wait come on am I uh yeah wait you're blind wait you're blind I am blind wait why I don't love me son oh I know you're blind why'd you do that and pop that real quick foreign [Music] what am I waiting for you to win I mean we might be here all night you didn't know what you need to wait for we might be here all night my boy you need to know what you eat you need to know what you need to wait for pal so a four to one win on a three-time champion with a 1.4 KD every season I told her [ __ ] I'm him quit playing like you know what I'm saying you're not him but you're a 1.4 KD Champion for the last three seasons and you're getting absolutely [ __ ] but you are getting [ __ ] on no no am I wrong with my assessment to say that you're getting [ __ ] at all right now is that wrong is it over yet foreign you realize you droning me wastes your time with the action phase you know that right but do you know I wasted one second but you know waste one second but now I have the Drone and you wasted 10 seconds great job oh good job wait you're down all right wait thanks for the drones wait thanks for the drones you can have it I don't care but thanks for the help but thanks for the health you can have Master bro I mean like I don't need it you know this right [ __ ] I know you see me it's easy uh four is located a bomb you know what to do blood thinks I'm top white blood doesn't know I'm top man Attic in the Attic the [ __ ] dude no ah who's dead no no no you're [ __ ] dead no oh no it's fine yeah but it's good talk [ __ ] cause I remember this no no I'll remember this you sold talk [ __ ] wait wait no no no no no talk [ __ ] talk [ __ ] I'll remember this I'll remember all of it don't worry get no get in the [ __ ] talk now keep it going don't stop go ahead go ahead look at that go ahead look at that voice message go ahead and look at the chat laughs go ahead my Xbox messages don't load just just give me the voice message in the party oh okay okay it was just basically calling you a dog [ __ ] wait wait what did you say in the voice message you will not win this game don't get me banned but what happens in five seconds what do you say oh and diffused you know you're not winning the game right it's important that you know this I'm not winning the game I'm not winning the game Mario go upstairs or what oh yeah now if you didn't lie you would realize that you just slide I don't lie it's a sin and then double lied about not lying I don't like this thing all right I'm gonna be drowning upstairs really shortly don't worry about it okay it's very good they go you win yep who's that easy one of my charters yes yep yep um I want to personally thank you for the win and thank you for talking [ __ ] man I appreciate it I love when people talk [ __ ] yeah so you let me plant and wall banged the wrong spot but because you played it so bad you won the round so I was already presented how wait how is it while being in the wrong spot if you died because I was planting behind me how was it how is evolving I mean I can explain it I was 70 done on the plan and then all right wait wait wait wait wait wait wait just Chad if this kid wins this game oh my God oh my God if this kid wins this game like when the 100 thing was there yeah do you guys realize what just happened I was standing on music meaning that his wall Bank was the most pointless thing ever but because I moved because I thought he was better than he was like your bombs from being here with me somebody said you said look at that chat wait what chat was she blood in the Stream no why'd you say it like that I said no because saying no me in a different way means something oh [ __ ] had a barricade off okay I mean you got some floors okay let me back up one second I actually drone [ __ ] I know you see me I should have used my utility for once you know what I'm saying that would be smart and now I rotate it yeah easy money give me then okay on my way wait your dad wait why are you dead
Channel: Jynxzi
Views: 535,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jynxzi, JynxziR6, JynxziLive, Jynxzi Stream, jynxzi funny moments, jynxzi rage, jynxzi stream, r6 1v1, 1v1 vs every rank in rainbow six siege, jynxzi 1v1 vs every rank, r6 1v1 trash talker, r6 ranked, r6 rank tips, r6 rank up, how to rank up in r6 console
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 139min 24sec (8364 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 10 2023
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