1v1 PVP MODE IN Toilet Tower Defense

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today in skibby toilet Tower Defense we're playing the new PVP mode and it's time for the ultimate One Versus One Challenge let's see once and for all who's better at Tower Defense games sunny or Melon we unlocked so many crazy towers for this video so please drop 5,000 likes if you want to see more let's get goed Sunny this skib game just dropped a brand new mode and you're not going to believe it what is it melon check it out it's PVP mode so we can finally face off against each other and prove who is the ultimate Tower defenser no no no that's C it's so that we can finally battle and I can show you that you're just a steaming pile of turds all right that's it head into the red mode with me but first actually hold on let me equip my God Squad that's what I was going to say bro don't you want to make your party a little bit better I am going to unequip all my units and choose some of the new goed ones like maybe a potato I am going to equip the upgraded Titan cameraman Godly and I'm also going to combine that with the potato bro that thing is op yeah you have fun with that I'm going to take something else like maybe this boy he's pretty cool ooh I need a money maker secret agent my squad is insane bro but you have a money maker I don't even have a money maker oh you're in trouble bro I got a scientist cameraman oh no I need that okay I've got the Titan clock man and I need some kind of money maker you know what let's go summon some crates I'll help you out the moneymaking unit is part of I want to say the legendary crate yeah he's a 6% chance in the legendary crate yeah you need to get him from the legendary crate there's something from this that I can make money from no not even in The Godly crate bro let me help you bro I'm opening up nine well I have 3 million coins so I'll open nine as well or you could just trade me I just unlocked him for you wait you actually just unlocked him yeah I got two of them hey I got one as well let's go I got the money nice all right goats I'm thinking I should probably put a cheap per unit into my party then again the potato is going to be pretty epic scientist equipped Sunny let's head into PVP mode and face off actually melon real quick no using the potato this is a developer Tower and it's really busted yeah I know I was going to say the potato is by far the best in the game fine no potato now goats I want to choose a unit that's really strong I think I'm going to go with the spider TV its DPS is insane and it's pretty cheap all right melon I'm ready I think we have like an identical Squad if you copied me I'm going to be really upset uh I think you copied me if anything nah I'm going to destroy you it's time sunny I have no idea how to make this thing work it's real easy melon we enable Autos skip or maybe not actually I don't know let's learn the game so basically you could spend money to summon in enemy toilets like this send send send no no no no what are you doing sunny I need to get money I just wasted so much cash you got two money Summoners but I sent extra toilets at you okay well I need to Auto skip please is Autos skip oh melon you want to Auto skip you you do it takes both of us to agree oh well thank you that actually very kind of you to agree to that wait what now I need to destroy this with a spider TV I did not agree to Autos skip that's not cool oh my goodness this guy has no AOE and all the toilets are going to hit my base yep our health is dropping but you're going to lose a little extra cuz I invested in these toilets right here dang it bro but we must save up for the late game and we'll see who wins can we just Auto skip please I have it on and dude I cannot believe this spider TV's AOE is that tiny I'm taking a lot of bramage bro I can't kill a single unit oh neither can you your spider's literally not even attacking that's what I mean it has no range why did you copy me and put a spider TV you're cringe I haded my hot bar to begin with sunny whatever do you have the drill man or is at least that for me only that's for you only I have the clock man and the upgraded Titan cameraman oh our parties are way different bro is this enough to actually start hitting the toilets yes defend some damage spider oh this is bad I can upgrade oh wait I need 350 never mind this is not good melon we are both going to take heavy damage can't kill a single toilet but I'm taking slightly less than you Sunny oh you're right dang it and I need that money cuz then once I invest in the money I can invest in toilets and destroy you oh you think it's going to be that easy didn't say it was going to be easy but I know I can I need to do this and then goat to check it out this and this now I should make enough money on the next wave to finally buy something and it's going to be the drill man I need this money so badly sunny I need it even more let's go oh no oh my goodness you've acquired a drill man how his attack speed is trash I made a big mistake I'm going to have him at least Target the strongest units and he does a lot of single Target damage and he looks cool most importantly he looks cool check this out sunny I have for money makers all acquiring me $250 a wave no way are you kidding no I'm being dead serious spawn him in oh he only attacks every two seconds and upgraded Titan cameraman wreck those toilets oh he attacks every 2 seconds too yeah you and I have some damage problems right now but it's okay cuz it's only wave seven melon soon I'll have more bamage yes and if I just save up enough money I could just kill you with toilets then no that would be cringe oh but it would be genius Sunny let's see I have $1,000 I got to do this let's make sure everything's there okay we're chilling can I get this I can only have four scientists yeah that's all you're allowed nothing more we actually killed most of these toilets yes same here I must invest in some upgrades unfortunately boom now that my friend is going to be splendid H $2,000 I agree I am now making extra money but I might die soon come on drill man get him oh no one of them got away I'm placing myself down a large laser cameraman as soon as I can yeah I just had to upgrade $1,000 there that was pricey yeah I've done the same thing Sunny these upgrades cost a lot tell me about it but now I'm stopping every single toilet this laser cameraman was a smart investment I didn't know you had that in your party I did sunny and then I spent $2,000 on upgrading that's it I ought to kill you I just need more money making first oh I need all the money I can get oh that's a lot of money I think I'm making more money than you right now sunny I can admit it you probably are but not for long $2,000 here all of them are going to be at level four soon yeah yeah yeah level four level shmore just wait until the end game you've already taken more damage than me yeah but I'm not going to be taking any damage sunny from now on that's what you think dude that's what I know look at that money I'm going to upgrade this I think I'm going to get my scientist to level five he's maxed out that's a big investment melon are you sure that's a good idea it is because it gives me an extra 1,500 per Wave It's a far better investment than merely upgrading the other ones a much better return on investment and I'm going to do this upgrade that and next wave I'll have a ton more money for big upgrades old toilets have a lot of Health melon will not be able to stop this I'm going to spend all my money this wave on small toilets he won't know what to do there's going to be an army of them and his attack speed is too low oh I'm taking damage how much damage they doing oh I cannot allow anything else to hit me yo why is there so many toilets you finally realized my Army is coming for you and it's too late it's a good thing sunny I have a bunch of money and I'll invest it all it's my large laser cameraman are you kidding me did I just feed you oh give me all the money son oh my goodness there's so many of them come on break through break through kill them no let's go my Planet worked more damage you're getting destroyed but I stopped them I stopped them which means I can win now bro I wasted so much money but it was worth it that was hilarious yeah Sunny do you know how many I'm going to send at you now probably a lot you shall die yeah but I got AOE bro I'm not really that worried you have AOE what has AOE in your squad the spider TV isn't it AOE no it's not oh no I thought it was AOE I'm going to try using this guy maybe he'll be goated you didn't even send anything yet why am I panicking sunny I am waiting I waiting for the precise moment to destroy you oh okay I need to invest in money why did I freak out there boom upgrade all right I have three maxed out scientists now I am making hecka cash guys I'm going to try this let's see if it does anything to him look at the Speedster he is zooming I need to start investing in my upgraded Titan Cinema man oh Speedy boss just got one-shotted that was actually just sad oh man nice use of money Sunny think I got to make more money as well it's the only way we're playing an economy race now but soon I will send something so large so mutant it will be the end of you I'm pretty confident I can take take out any tanky units we're about to find out in the next wave bring it on brother sending him in 10,000 oh 95,000 oh what are you going to do boy what are you going to do he's rather slow at least so there's that I got that going for me I got a big boy in the back lines who might be able to save the day oh this is going to be close oh boy yes and I will upgrade my UTC to unrivaled levels oh melon I destroyed that guy what and I made so much cash off of it thanks no I just wasted my money and now I can go back to the economy grind upgrade upgrade feels good melon thanks for that no I actually think this is the best one guys I send an army of these I'm going to put another spider TV in the front and max level it let's see how much damage this thing does it should cook all the little toilets well in advance although this unit does something weird where it just just keeps following them and changes its location coats I'm going to save up a bunch of money and spam Sunny with the most powerful toilets you could ever imagine oh wait there's a lot of toilets coming in what is happening right now I'm not a fan of this you got a lot of toilets still there I just killed them all oh wait actually I merked them never mind we're chilling I think I can just save up my money now and then do a ton of summons and I'm pretty sure I only need one of them to get through they do 150 damage and melon's health is 120 that's all I need is one big wave of them dude my spider TV is wrecking your squad is it really oh yes it is sunny well I hate to be the bearer of bad news mhm mhm but Mr melon you are about to be defeated how so attack go go go yo you're sending in a bunch of Speedy toilets that's right hopefully they'll get Blended in with the other ones I think I timed it up perfectly just one of them needs to sneak through and you're done good thing I'll just kill them all come on come on come on come on come on oh Sunny that was a really good strategy thank you for all the money dude this game is so hard how am I supposed to defeat you you're not going to defeat me shny that is the purpose of the game I was trying to take advantage of your cooldowns one of them snuck almost through my UTC is at max level it does AOE oh wow oh you guys do AOE as well I mean just one of them anyways melon I guess I'm a Brokey now I got $700 and you have so much I see your money don't worry I'm saving it for the ultimate wave I'm curious what happens if you send that money at me in the form of these huge bosses if I kill them do I get paid 30,000 each time and we just keep trading money until somebody loses I don't think that's how it works I'll be real well we're going to find out soon enough and before we find out goats I'm going to have leveled up this character so strong boom max level 15,000 damage every 0.6 seconds in an AOE this guy is busted I am so broke right now compared to melon he has 57,000 I only have 3,000 so I'm going to keep investing all my money into damage upgrades that way when he finally unleashes the Beast I'll be strong enough to crush them and then with all the new found money I can send it back at him I just have to wait for the waves to become hard enough sunny and then you'll die why does it have to be so evil why can't I just like get un lucky or something could send two plain toilets but I think they're just going to get obliterated hold on let me do this I'll send in a toilet man for 50 I don't like how much damage your GES do my GES are the most powerful ziz they are the most powerful ziz and I don't like zizz it bro you're the one with the cash I see you with 70,000 I'm going for it oh I can only send one every 15 seconds oh that's cringe and it's going to get melted bro I just got a nice upgrade over here this guy does 20,000 damage a shot every 0.5 seconds and he's targeting the strongest enemy whatever I'll try and double send it maybe it works oh I think I just wasted my money dude he's melting me let's go how much am I going to get paid woo I just lost all my money for nothing when this guy dies how much do I get paid ooh I do get paid quite a bit melon soon our money is going to be insane bro I think this is going to be a draw I don't think any of us are ever going to going to lose you sure about that don't the waves get harder I mean maybe we're going to be here for like an hour yeah these guys are way too slow and why can't I spam it that's the problem here oh wasted all my money let's go Sunny thank you for donating the money back to me I really appreciate it no problem now are you a coward are you going to use those for upgrades bro the plane toilet just stunned my guy oh really wait the plane toilet's actually making it through what's going on let's go stop him no he's so glitchy no what happened to your defense in the back my goodness he lagged so hard that is stupid Hey melon good effort out there next time though I think we got to spin a wheel for our units to make it more fun oh absolutely you're going to want to see this next video so make sure you watch it on our Channel subscribe now
Channel: Sunny and Melon
Views: 455,363
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Id: 03f1KZXqk38
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Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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