1v1 Arabia | Slavs vs Aztecs | vs Hera

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all right let's go arabia what is the pitch meeting a pitch meeting is a set of youtube videos uh really funny they're kind of making fun of how like moments and movies like moments in movies that don't make any sense and it's like a guy presenting his idea of a movie to the guy that can fund it or give the thumbs up you know and it's like just really funny i'd recommend you guys to check out pitch meeting make the going more exciting castle drop oh no you actually wrote make the game more exiting castle drop yes that makes sense fish meeting got everything right about army to that good recommendation yeah i agree it was hilarious what is mgm amazon is being allowed to buy up mgm what is mgm can you capture hook james bond studio oh really interesting abby and sandy thank you very much for the prime um let me play against aztecs you may ask and i may answer i have no freaking clue please win i went all in on you with points on harrah's channel you know you just make me want to lose when you say things like that because i know that i would have ruined all your points that's tempting you mind me yeah i'm not sure how how viable that is oh there's the deer let's scout him a little bit then we go look for some deer i have a fairly nice map except gold i think it might go scouts scouts that makes me feel like this is a primal rush show me the barracks boy where do you go from mill instead now since i see you hello either you have i mean you have to make a decision boy either this is a primal rush or is not oh where are you going oh he could have time to drop a barracks first where's your barracks huh super suspicious both goals are forward where's the barracks man that wasn't the primal rush this and his uh mill is really slow oh that's embarrassed okay let's see let's see what it's like okay let's let's do it safe here why did you go back still no doubt what the f it was all a debate i told you that's what streaming and everything is at the moment it's clickbait oh no let me push it man let me push it come on let me push it what a lamer this guy he's killing my dear oh my god i don't really like my barracks they're stable it's kind of blocking farming space but okay well viper wouldn't want to say hey i won a game earlier okay not that bad i can also win games you got some skirms on the field why is he there no there we go what he made a fourth one holy let's kill that guy suspicious still really want to push one there you know just one give my equal a little bit of a boost foreign you just noticed that i'm pushing here this is a fight to push the deer man that's what this game is i just want the deer i just want the deer just give me the deer man what did i get it oh we got it [Music] no respect these days from these kids i don't think we need more scouts yeah i think he's just not making archers i invested into skirms for no reason at all pretty much it could be that he still make notches but it could also be for eagle play coming up let's still do flashing and try to apply some pressure foreign this gate will lose a lot of hp oh yeah we will struggle with our castle timer i think what's the game plan uh kind of put a little bit of pressure see how it goes hope for the best i think he's just not making many archer maybe he's making just one range archers until he's up to castle age that's probably not a spearman go next question [Music] next question did he actually move out with those archers did he go back home is he booming uh pressure is not booming he should be hitting castles very soon he had he's not in castles yet all his play style really hinted at him going for um fairly fast cast last time i was looking pretty good [Music] we caused a lot of issues for him let's do this hold the door hold the door hand he's had some idle time for sure and this should be some lowest privileges around so we're going to see if how we decide to don't know which p1 is there as well i would decide to pressure this we can push downhill here [Music] he obviously wants them to not get out because they can help snipe his monks i get out with almost all of them i'm not too upset about that one what oh i thought we got a knight i was ready to i was ready to get upset there boys it was just a skirmisher so all good all good don't worry don't worry and people are cat jamming so hard right now ever since we started cat jamming people are just like oh cat jam see who gets ballistics first don't heal it oh cheeky guy [Music] no moving out at the moment he's sitting at home not sure why i feel like he should feel like he has to do some damage those two goals are my target for this game we are basing our game around those two bolts i think he did a tc up there [Music] very passive i'm not sure if i want to force the issue anywhere i feel like it's a mistake hope you're up against the number one in the world get it together okay i didn't know doubt was smurfing for hera it's not fair bro he's just sitting at home i think even i think even moving out uh trying to force the issue for me is a bad idea um because i don't have to pretty much got him for a second i heard him say dogecoin no that's not what he said but i heard he's definitely clicked up now gotta find out where those arches went they are still around oh found them so i have a relics advantage castleman will be good i agree should i really not have a second building that is very unfortunate unfortunate boys what's he even doing moving out right jump i think i jumped he wants to go crossbow it is an opportunity for me to just kill bills really i'm going to sacrifice these knights to get very solid equal lead and behind this we are gonna get a castle on the hill and transition to skirms which should be helpful to be whatever is next masterpiece i don't speak too soon there are chances for this to backfire and we certainly kill a lot of villagers now we need to make sure to follow up uh make sure that was justified and that starts next [Music] it's actually going there [Music] that was not part of the plan sir still not there need that do you think what i did was worth it as long as i don't take any serious damage next couple minutes which i should not i was doing barracks so i might behind this very lightly i will make a champion switch of some sort there should be a limit to how many eagles he can make because of the lack of those four goals players i'm not surprised you guys asking for that yeah he's diving too deep even if no matter how many bills he kills here he's never going to get out of here with a good trade it should still be okay okay that was maybe a bad idea by me open he's still not using his secondary gold that's a lot of skirms how is he not using that still doing a really good job uh making sure he doesn't take uh that he doesn't lose too much or that he gets some value out of this he has to be using that gold otherwise i am very confused should not be able to be dodged doubt stop smurfing use your real name yeah i think we're in a very good spot it's been a weird game though he hasn't he hasn't moved out of his base since the mana arms well of course besides as well for most part he didn't actually move out of this game which i think just gives slaps even better terms [Music] so my question to hera right now is how is he planning to make that how is he planning to make eagles without gold that's the question mark here ask him i think we don't have to ask him you know i of course it's it's a question i have but i don't have to actually you know ask him maybe he's on this cold as well actually i should have that's something i should have scouted i don't care about losing those either it's all about keeping his villagers [Music] idle that's kind of wasteful by me wasteful use of my units [Music] regina i need some time first but it is on the menu need some time to get eco back on track i guess i could have even gone honestly here run fix eco mic was fine you just have really high standards after watching doubt but generally my equal is fine save the trip uh did i just make a dive here at some point i kind of want roshina first 1200 expensive stuff it's coming it's coming oh i don't have units anymore those ramps will be slightly wasted i think i cannot save my castle anymore that's a desperate very desperate mining camp everybody's like that's far off those champions are performing really bad generally speaking you can see that you can see that jam's too slow yeah not ideal actually castle there all the gold is gone no point we need to force the issue there anymore you probably keep reinforcing there that's after all quite an important location coming back from the hell i don't think so should be borderline impossible to i'm back in his position no matter how good he is should be really hard to come back here i was just still alive [Music] there is such a crier you're a crier zed said switch get your negativity out of my face this is a weird game like i feel a few in some ways i feel like i didn't play this game does that make sense sure there was a drush opening or my arms opening where i was kind of just pre-walled they couldn't do anything made some scouts made some skirms i was hitting walls we both went to castle age it was a small skirmish in futile age and after that we didn't have anything happening at all in castle caslitch it was only on the way to imper as things started happening the doubt in you was playing yeah it makes sense is why empire wars is good yeah to a little bit choco mallow since i won a i've noticed that in games where there's not a huge amount of dark fuel aggression top players generally start aiming at around 30 minute mark would you say that this is a benchmark to aim for naturally the general answer will be most likely be it depends guess what but uh advice would what advice would you give to people that struggle with setting their eco properly up you know what i'm what answer i'm going to come at you with um it does depend um main reason being every game plays out differently and depending on your civilization you also want to advance at different times certain sieves need a lot more economy to back up their ideal or wanted army composition while other sieves are fine with roughly 30 veils in wood 20 bills on gold and you kind of kind of can do things in imp as long as you have enough food to make upgrades but it does depend um it's hard to give general advice on that um what advice would you give people to struggle with setting up to equal properly okay one advice i'll give you is look at the numbers up here you know you see wood and then you see a number below the wood that is how many villages you have on that resource collecting that resource right now this is something you can try to balance and i would say watch profession like pro streamers and look at the numbers how they're keeping their numbers based on what they are making and you can sort of imitate that to a certain extent um i i wouldn't be able to give you advice straight up advice because one advice could be wrong for once even right for the other civ and then wrong for the third and right for the fourth tip so it's just so many that's why it's so difficult to generally try to teach things in asian vampires because there are so many things in hindsight wasn't elite boy are a better choice than champs the elite awkward is only a thousand six hundred gold and have saint pierce armor's paladin in the e um still he would be able to trade somewhat okay with his pikeman champions are i think both units probably are winning and considering the circumstances but champions are a safer choice because you want them for long term and boy or boy or a risky choice because if you run out of gold boyers you spent a lot of gold on the boyers they are 80 gold or is it how much is it no didn't they get maybe 70 75 no it's eight still 80 gold a piece it's extremely expensive unit they're more expensive than a paladin so when you run out of gold those boyers are the reason why you run out of gold and then at that point it's like oh i didn't win the game after making 100 boyars what do i do now and then you start like okay i want to go champions and then you're like oh wait i don't have gold for champion upgrades and yeah you also need castles to produce them so it's a lot of things to take into account
Channel: TheViper
Views: 36,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: age of empires 2, age of empires 2 definitive edition, age of empires 2 strategy, age of empires 2 definitive edition strategy, theviper, theviper aoc, age of empires 2 build order, age of empires 2 definitive edition gameplay, age of empires 2 gameplay, age of empires 2 definitive, fast castle age of empires 2, age of empires 2 definitive edition review, age of empires 2 tips, age of empires 2 mods
Id: CWm7H_E13lg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 21sec (2121 seconds)
Published: Mon May 31 2021
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