1st Class on The Jacobite Steam Train! Is it worth it?

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the jackaby steam train is Scotland's most famous train having starred as the Hogwarts Express in the Harry Potter films this train was originally created to draw tourists to the Scottish Highlands so that is what we are doing this week we are taking the jackaby steam train from Fort William across the lock abber Countryside passing through Glen finnen and its famous Viaduct and onwards to malag on the coast we start today at Fort William railway station Fort William station acts as the main railway station for lock abber with Scott Rael services to Malik and Glasgow the Caledonian sleeper also operates out the fort will with services to London Houston but we are here today for this operated by West Coast Railways the jackaby steam train is easily in the running as one of the most famous trains in the UK of course this train is no introduction largely because of Harry Potter which is how this train became world famous and is probably one of the most famous trains in the world so that Mak covered for all you poter fans out there of course as always this got weather just isn't playing ball with us today um when is ever so oh dear oh well just get shot at the engine before uh before we get settled in and set off the engine pulling us today is an LMS 4871 this is different from the grw class 5972 used in the Harry Potter films that locomotive is currently on display at one of Brothers London Studio oh I love the smell of coal in the morning sure said that about diesel the other day getting on board you're in first class which has tables laid out in a 21 configuration okay so I just have to change seats cuz it turns out I went the wrong seat originally but uh we're in seat now still got a good window before departure cups were left to each seat as well as shortbread we're all also just in time to catch the Caledonian sleeper arriving into Fort William from London [Music] Houston I love the decor in these Mark 1 carriages and once everyone got settled in we departed from [Music] Malik after departing the station and traveling through Fort William the trolley service was started complimentary tea and coffee was also handed out from the trolley the service from the staff was great and not a weird tasting Jelly Bean in [Music] sight takes quite a bit longer than the normal scull real Service as you can imagine it being a steam train but you can't be views like that and on the viewfront this train rid promises not to disappoint even before leaving Fort William you get some fantastic [Music] sights after passing through some beautiful landscapes we approach what is one of the most famous bridges in the world [Music] passing over the glenfin andir G really is something and after we pull into the station sharing the same name the only official stop on the jackaby server this okay so we been let onto the platform for a little bit so just going and have a look at the tree from there right so this is glinton station other than the bridge and that which is a an old Sleeper Car um it's fairly standard Highland station um see what that's about I'm quite interested at that sleeper car over there but uh yeah fairly standard P station but the views are absolutely gorgeous and I think the rain's about to close in as [Music] well yep as predicted that's the rain on engine here for clearing snow got a dining car up here actually appears to be open um but I don't think we have enough time to get any food weather is a bit horrible now it's that fine rain that goes through all your [Music] clothes okay yeah I'm going to get back on board and get into the dry and the warm cuz this is now becoming quite unpleasant out here great train ride though but the weather's being a bit unpredictable rain's just started so back in I think we're about halfway to Mal now so not too bad make a too bad time for a steam train departing Glen finnn and we continue on through loab and to be honest this is where loab scenery becomes absolutely epic so I'll shut up and let you enjoy [Music] [Music] [Music] it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] getting to the coast the track turns North on our way to Malle thanks mate you have a good one too and I also wonder if this guy stands out every day for the steam train with this sign [Music] pulling into the port town of malag the train stops here for roughly 1 hour to allow the engine to change directions going so there we have it the jackaby steam train what do you think of that well we've got about half an hour to wait until we have to go back down to uh to Fort Williams so let's go and see what we can do in Malik okay so what I did try and do um which was recommended was this uh a crew Wildlife Cruise um that it takes 1 hour that they time to be back for the train um so your train gets in quarter uh 22 Wildlife cruise at quarter 2 and then yeah it gets back in time for the train departing so yeah I pegged it from the station to here um but because of the weather today they've all been canceled unfortunately um so yeah think I might just get a spot a lunch but yeah if you're ever on the jackaby steam train I would recommend this if you've only got the one hour of you're going and coming back the same day um if you got the 1 Hour come and do this it's a good shout I would definitely do it I came to do it but the weather is playing against me as it always does um I think we're just cursed on this channel with the weather unfortunately but anyway let's go get some lunch okay so just had a quick plate of soup and a coffee I'm going to head back to the train now get back on board and head back up to Fort [Music] William I should mention now that the jackaby also has an onboard gift shop it is a really the nice little shop and if you're a steam train or Harry Potter fan you'll definitely find a Keepsake here so as you can see from that footage there the the engine is moved from the front to the back and is now going to be pulling us back to Fort William we're also in a different Carriage cuz what they do is when you book a table if you book a uh two people to a table or four people to a table the tables are actually on opposite sides in two different carriages so people can get the all the views throughout the whole journey if they doing the return Journey so I think that's quite a good system to allow people to see everything um yeah so let's get back on board head back up to Fort [Music] William don't have that shut properly right as people make their way back on board the Scot rail service from Glasgow and Fort William arrived into Malik there also in Malik that if you pre-ordered any food or drink that is brought to your seat I went for the high tea which had a scone with a selection of cakes and sandwiches it was honestly very [Music] nice and after everyone got settled in we began our return trip to Fort William and even though we are on the other side returning we are once again in for some jaw-dropping scenery [Music] [Music] yeah you're going to f see on the way back we had a 1H hour extra stop at Aris station due to a Fallen Tree on the line if you're enjoying this video please consider becoming a patreon the link is in the description and everything you do an eight goes back into creating content like this once the tree was cleared we were once again on our way back to Fort [Music] William [Music] oh oh [Applause] [Music] w [Music] GL crossing the river Loi and back into Fort William we get a nice view of the old inlock castle this however marks the end of our journey on the jackaby steam train this to me has been one of the best train rides I've ever been on and I can see why it is always fully booked if you can get yourself on this train you really won't regret it it should also be said that sadly there have been some issues with the train in recent months regarding the implementation of a central Locking System but I am certain it will all be worked out in due course we pull into Platform One at Fort William just in time for the rain so there we have it the jackaby steam train or the Hogwarts Express for you Harry Potter fans anyway guys what did you think of that I've got my my high tea going to take it home and uh have it on the way home um yeah what did you think of it I thought it was absolutely brilliant definitely one of the most beautiful Railways I've ever been on um but yeah you let me know what you thought down below what did you think of this train ride was it worth it if you did think it was worth it then you should check out this video here to see some of the other steam trains in Scotland and of course if you like this video please consider subscribing and as always we will see you all in the next one
Channel: WorldWide Dom
Views: 11,658
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacobite steam train, hogwarts express, glenfinnan viaduct, the lancashire fusilier, inverlochy castle, glenfinnan, travel vlog, harry potter, lms, scotland, trains, first class, glenfinnan viaduct train, glenfinnan scotland, harry potter viaduct, jacobite steam train glenfinnan viaduct, jacobite express, glenfinnan train, west coast railway company, jacobite steam train scotland, the jacobite steam train, west coast railways, mallaig scotland, fort william, scotland vlog
Id: o6oBNG0UP5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2024
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