I am the resurrection and the life, 19th July 2020

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[Music] you [Music] good morning or good afternoon or good evening whenever you're watching this you're very welcome this is our Victoria Baptist Church church at home service and we're glad to have you join us in worship and listening to the Word of God I'm going to open with a word of Prayer and just thank God for this opportunity Heavenly Father we thank you that you have made it possible for us to still be your body still be your gathered church still be a group of people you've called out as your children even though we're geographically apart Lord we're one in spirit and in heart in mind as we come to worship Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior so bless our time together help us to engage with all that we hear Lord not just to be here as of your word but doers of it all so that we can put into action what we learn from this service thank you that you are the resurrection and the life we give you praise I'm in we're continuing our examination of the I am sayings of Jesus throughout the Gospel of John and we find in John chapter 11 an amazing story of Jesus raising someone from the dead and Jesus declares to his friend Martha I am the resurrection and the life and that's quite a statement to make but not only does Jesus make this claim he backs it up by actually doing what he promises he raises people from the dead so we're going to see a short video clip which will lead us into our time of worship and we'll proclaim our belief in the resurrection and other basics of the Christian faith as we sing together the Creed [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] you're policeman priceless Jesus sauces [Music] our God is three we will rise [Music] increase it [Music] you rose English forever seated high favorite three I [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm leaving life is home in the virgin birth I believe in the Saints Communion your Holy Church I believe in the resurrection Jesus comes again and I believe in Christ the star I I that [Music] Jesus J'son [Music] you may or may not know that as a church we we like to support various mission projects and outreach projects in all sorts of parts of the world and one of the things that we like to do is to support some outreach holiday programs for children where they can find out what the Bible says here's some great Bible stories have a lot of fun on summer camps and hopefully some of those children will come to know Jesus for themselves we support a work in Lebanon in the Ukraine and friends there are currently running their summer camps so I just want to share a little bit of news that we've heard from those folks out there Bogdan and his team and first of all they tell told us that the mayor came and saw what was going on had tea with the children and absolutely gave His blessing to to the camp to the team running the program and government authorities also came to inspect the camp and facilities in the light of kovat 19 but they gave it a clean bill of health which is great because the camp's can now continue for a few more weeks a lot of the children who come have never been to church before so it's great that they get to hear hear the gospel perhaps for the first time and many of the the children are going home and telling their parents their families about the things they're hearing there's a testimony of one young girl he was about seven years old she's really met with God through this holiday camp she'd been going home to her grandmother every night and her grandmother doesn't believe in God but the child insisted that she read her stories from a children's Bible that she had and every night last week she pleaded with her grandmother that God is real and she needed to find out more so the grandmother eventually went down to the camp to see what was happening and she found out more about God and asked for a Bible of her own and we thank God that that the little girl was a or to share stories from the Bible that she'd received through the summer summer camp so it's great that these things are happening and we want to support them we're going to pray in in a moment for leopard in and for that work but also we're having a time of giving towards those projects many of you who are familiar with victoria's work know that we often have a gift today where we contribute for specific needs on this occasion obviously things are a little bit different we're not gathering together physically but if you'd like to give towards the summer camps that are happening for the youth and for the children of lebanon then you can make a donation online with a bank transfer and if you do that please also email the church office to say that you've done so and what the amount is to save us look you through copious statements at a later date or you can send a check in to the office made out to victoria baptist church but again drop us a note to say that it's specifically for the leopard in camps so it's wonderful that they're going ahead we're excited about that and for myself personally as someone who became a christian through a children's holiday club i find it just an absolute blessing to support that ministry so let's let's do some giving and help support the work we're going to pray for the work in lebanon now and some other things so you might want to just listen you might want to pause for a moment after i've mentioned a few things and pray your own prayers but let's pray first of all for for pastor bogdan and the work out in the ukraine lord we we thank you for the work that is going on in lebanon we thank you that bibles are being distributed we thank you that people are having the opportunity to hear the good news of Jesus Christ Lord we pray that you would pour out your blessing on bogden and the team who are working so hard to creatively and in a fun way share the stories of your word with the next generation we pray that the youth camp would be able to go ahead that they would be able to enjoy time sleeping out in the woods we pray that in the next couple of weeks Lord both the the children and the young teenagers would open their hearts to you we pray that you would keep them all safe and well during the time of the camps and we thank you Lord for the privilege of partnering with our friends in the Ukraine bless them and keep them Lord and just just reward their labor with the joy of seeing many people come to know salvation Lord would you speak to every family represented by a child on the holiday club and further thinking closer to home we want to pray for those who are still struggling with isolation for those who are still feeling lonely we thank you that some restrictions have now been lifted from us but we're very aware that we don't want to contribute to a second wave of coronavirus so lord help us to not only be sensible for ourselves but to be considerate of other people Lord we we thank you that you have seen some of our members through hospital appointments and and other important meetings that they've had to attend without them contracting the virus we're very grateful Lord and pray that you would continue to keep us all in good health and strength and Lord we pray for our world for our leaders for the governments of the nations for the whole world Lord adjusting to new ways of doing things further help us to be sensitive and helpful to our neighbor amen hello Church I hope you're all well let's worship the Lord together [Music] there must be [Music] Oh God can't breathe [Music] there must be spirit of god for you [Music] we [Music] [Music] [Music] No [Music] [Music] [Music] we [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] like the Russian blow the sweat power Oh [Music] now said the countess [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] where [Music] lord I pray we get a real passion for your name Lord and that passion will give blessings to every single one of us Lord I want to thank you for your protection over the last few weeks and over our lives Lord I want to pray that the or protection carries on Lord and you keep us safe now the Lord I pray that your spirit will fall upon every single one of us Lord as we carry on worshiping God you're so good amen [Music] welcomes me the kinds of mercy [Music] my surround is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a shoe [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] this night brain suffering Lord [Music] what calorie has bought for me [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] No [Music] Reyes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the Gospel of John chapter 11 verses 1 to 45 a man named Lazarus was sick he was from Bethany the village of Mary and her sister Martha this Mary whose brother Lazarus now lay sick was the one who poured perfume on the Lord and wiped his feet with her hair so the sisters sent word to Jesus Lord the one you love this sick when he heard this jesus said that the sickness will not end in death no it is for God's glory so that God's son may be glorified through it now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus so when he heard that Lazarus was sick he stayed where he was two more days and then he had this conversation with his disciples let us go back to Judea but rabbi a short while ago the Jews there tried to stone you and yet you going back are there not twelve hours of daylight anyone who walks in the daytime will not stumble for they see by this world's light it is when a person walks at night that they stumble for they have no light after he had said this the conversation continued as follows our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep but I am going there to wake him up the Lord of his sleeves then he will get better but Jesus had been speaking of Lazarus his death but his disciples thought he meant natural sleep so then he told them plainly Lazarus is dead and for your sake I'm glad I was not there so that you may believe but let us go to him then Thomas said to the rest of the disciples let us go also that we may die with him on his arrival Jesus found that Lazarus had already been in the tomb for four days now Bethany was less than two miles from Jerusalem and many Jews had come to Martha and Mary to comfort them in the loss of their brother when Martha heard that Jesus was coming she went out to meet him but Mary stayed at home Martha and Jesus conversed like this Lord if you had been here my brother would not have died but I know that even now God will give you whatever you ask your brother will rise again I know he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day I am the resurrection and the life the one who believes in Me will live even though they die and whoever lives by believing in me will never die do you believe this yes Lord I believe that you are the Messiah the son of God who is to come into the world after Martha had said this she went back and called her sister Mary aside saying the teacher is here and is asking for you when Mary heard this she got up quickly and went to him now Jesus had not yet entered the village but was still at the place where Martha had met him when the Jews who had been with Mary in the house comforting her noticed how quickly she got up with my doubt they followed her supposing she was going to the tomb to mourn there my Mary reached the place where Jesus was and saw him she fell at his feet and said Lord if you had been here my brother would not have died when Jesus saw weeping and the Jews who had come along with her also weeping he was deeply moved in spirit and troubled where have you laid him he asked come and see Lord they replied jesus wept then the Jews said see how he loved him and some of them said could not he who opened the eyes of the blind man have kept this man from dying Jesus once more deeply moved came to the tomb it was a cave with a stone laid across the entrance jesus said take away the stone Martha the sister of Lazarus who had died said but Lord by this time there is a bad odor but he has been there for days then jesus said did I not tell you that if you believe you will see the glory of God so they took away the stone then Jesus looked up and said father I thank you that you have heard me I know that you always hear me but I said this for the benefit of the people standing here that they may believe that you sent me when he had said this jesus called in a loud voice Lazarus come out the dead man came out his hands and feet wrapped with strips of linen and a cloth around his face jesus said to them take off the grave clothes and let him go therefore many of the Jews who had come to visit Mary and had seen what Jesus did believed in him I am the resurrection and the life Jesus declared that and then asked Martha do you believe this we're going to have a little look at this story and also consider what the resurrection is all about as we examine this I am statement it's really all a matter of life and death really I think it was Benjamin Franklin who coined the phrase there's nothing in this world certain except for death and taxes maybe a slightly negative view of life but it's true that we will all face a physical death at some point I read a book when I was studying that was written by Jewish scholars and it said a sentence that made me smile it said Jewish rabbis have noticed that death occurs when life is at its lowest ebb and it is characterized by a lack of breath I've read that and thought well thank you for clarifying that for me but here in John chapter 11 we have the story of a man Lazarus who has got sick and died and yet Jesus says this sickness is not going to end in death but clearly it did so what did he mean what was that all about and there are some lovely encouraging things that we discover throughout this story I'm always touched by Jesus's absolute compassion and humanity when he deals with with Mary and Martha who are grieving the loss of their brother he cries with them he cries when he goes to the Tumen and sees for himself that Lazarus is dead perhaps he also cried a few tears for the ignorance of the people who didn't know that he had the power to overcome death Mary made a comment and Martha made the same comment Lord if you'd been here Lazarus wouldn't have died this bad thing this terrible thing this awful tragedy would not have happened if you had been here and yet we face similar circumstances in life at times we say well Lord where are you if you were here god surely these bad things wouldn't happen but one of the lovely and encouraging things is that Jesus knows the bigger picture he knows that he has the power to overcome death not only does he say I am the resurrection in the life he proves it by raising people from the dead another aspect of the story I love is his Thomas's attitude he seems a little bit depressed when he hears the news that Lazarus is dead he said well let's go to Judea and die with him then because life is hard everything's difficult people are trying to stone Jesus to death being his disciple is costly and yet what a turnaround he must have had when this miracle occurred I'm struck by the power of Jesus's spoken word he simply says in a loud voice Lazarus come out and Lazarus comes out of the grave but mostly those key words for us are found in verse 25 and verse 26 Jesus says I am the resurrection and the life he is again alluding to the fact that he is the same I am that was revealed to Moses from within a burning bush thousands of years before so Jesus not only is the way to life but he's the one who imparts life not the biological life that we know where we talked before about BIOS biology that's the existence of life that we have by virtue of the fact that we are breathing but Zoe the real life and zest the full gamut of emotions and experiences that when we come to Christ we kind of go up a level we have a fresh awareness and a real joie de vivre that nothing else can bring so I want to move on from these encouraging and have a little look at what some of the beliefs and expectations about the resurrection were held by the Jewish people if you look through the Bible it's so completely in unity that in a sense nowhere acted out the resurrection everything was shut down there was there was life was contained within the ark but when the ark settled after the flood and the waters receded a new life emerged from the ark the new the new world starting again with with the pairs of animals that had been taken on board life came out of a very dark situation David expected the resurrection King David the king of Israel and in the Psalms he alone alludes to the resurrection that yet to come for the Messiah acts chapter 2 of verse 22 onwards says seeing what was to come David spoke of the resurrection of the Messiah that he was not abandoned to the realm of the Dead nor did his body see decay God has raised this Jesus to life and we are all witnesses of it so the apostles were able to link back to King David's reign and recognize that in Psalm 16 David had spoken of the resurrection Isaiah prophesied that the Messiah after his suffering would be raised again and you can find that in Isaiah 53 verses 8 to 11 Jonah in act re-enacted the resurrection in a sense he was a prophet on his way to Nineveh and he'd been rebelling against God really not wanting to go and share good news with them and he was thrown overboard and a big fish or a whale swallowed him up and he stayed in in the belly of the whale for three days before it then spewed him up onto dry land again that's a picture of Jesus's three days and nights in the tomb and then coming out again in fullness of life with a resurrection body a though he had existed thousands of years before Jesus saw the forthcoming resurrection in fact when he died Abraham is taken into heaven where he knows that Jesus will bring about life and resurrection Moses was told about that at the burning bush again we've spoken of Exodus chapter 3 before where God reveals himself to Moses as I am Matthew's Gospel says this but about the resurrection of the Dead have you not read what God said to you I am the God of Abraham the god of Isaac and the God of Jacob he is not the god of the dead but of the living so even though Abraham and Moses were thousands of years before Jesus they enter life because of him Martha believed a resurrection would happen at the last day the day of judgment we read about that in John chapter 11 along with the Jewish people who were with her they were expecting to see resurrection a jesus promised her your brother will rise again and Martha answered I know he will rise from the dead at the resurrection on the last day but then Jesus himself says I'm here now and I'm going to prove to you that I'm the resurrection in the life and he raises Lazarus from the dead and then of course the resurrection of Christ is the hinge point of our faith Jesus explained it he exemplified it by raising others from the dead and he experienced it himself he raised people such as gyruss his daughter a twelve-year-old girl who had got sick and died he said to her little girl wake up and she came back to life he raised the dead son of a widow who would have been absolutely bereft if as her son died because he would have been the one to care for her and provide for her her hope had completely gone but Jesus raises him from the dead and restores him to his mother and of course we know that Lazarus was raised after four days in the tomb and we presume that these people that Jesus raised from the dead in their premature deaths were then to experience another physical death later on because they couldn't just go on existing eternally in the state that they were in so although these folk had to die a physical death again they too will experience the full resurrection on that final day and they're being raised from the dead if you like is a foretaste of what is to come that Jesus is going to return and when he returns there will be a resurrection of everybody to life or to eternal death and when we think about Jesus's response when Lazarus comes out of the grave what he says and what he wants to do is to take the grave clothes off him resurrection is about newness of life it's saying let's shake off the old let's shake off the things that are of death let's let's get rid of that process of death and decay and that should give us hope because the resurrection to life that is yet to come will be a glorious event where we have no more death no more grave clothes and of course jesus prophesied his own death and resurrection many many times and people questioned him about that in John chapter 2 verses 18 to 22 the Jews come to Jesus and say what sign will you give us to prove your authority to do the things that you're doing the miracles the healings that the raising people from the dead and jesus answered them I'll destroy this temple and I will raise it again in three days and they said it's taken 46 years to build this temple and you're going to raise it in three days but the temple Jesus had spoken of was his own body after he was raised from the dead his disciples recalled what he said then they believed the scripture and the words that Jesus had spoken and again when Jesus was talking about his own death and resurrection he mentioned the story of Jonah he said the sign of Jonah will be given to you this is going to be a sign to you that I am who I say I am I am the Messiah I am the resurrection in the life I am the bread of life I am The Good Shepherd the sign of Jonah was three days in the belly of that big fish I don't know if you've ever been to a museum and stood inside the ribcage of a of a great sea mammal but it is quite a powerful thing and you can easily see how a man would slip through the jaws and into the digestive tract of a big fish well I think it would have been pretty stinky when Jesus entered into the tomb following his death on the cross that might have become pretty stinky but in actual fact the body doesn't start to decompose until four days after death so the three days is a very significant thing also in Jewish belief they believe that the spirit of a person hung around the body for three days after they had physically died so it's very important in these stories that that time has elapsed Jesus was in his tomb for three days he didn't get to the point of decay which is what David had said in Psalm 16 you won't let your Holy One be abandoned in the grave nor see decay Lazarus however had started to decompose remember his sister said there's going to be a smell if we open up that grave but these three three days is a significant time and also why in the New Testament accounts we have the story of women go into the tomb to anoint Jesus's body for burial to take spices and to to wrap the body in fragrant spices it's to detract from that process of decomposition but when they got to Jesus's tomb of course the tomb was empty and Jesus had risen acts 1337 says the one whom God raised from the dead did not see decay so Jesus himself was raised and quite often throughout Scriptures we hear that that Jesus was that Jesus suffered he was crucified he was dead and he was buried for three days according to the scriptures and if you want to know what those scriptures are you can look at this little list Psalms Isaiah Jonah and so on and Luke summarizes all of that and we're told that after his resurrection when Jesus appeared to the disciples who were walking to Emmaus they had to have their minds opened to understanding the scripture it wasn't until Jesus broke bread with them and they recognized who he was that he revealed he was the risen resurrected Christ then their minds were open to how God had fulfilled all his promises Jesus is also described as a first fruit of the resurrection the first fruit is the first part of the harvest that was very generously given back to God in celebration when a harvest had happened and there was abundance people would take the best and offer it to God and say Lord we recognized that everything we have has come from you and we're giving this back to you as an offering and Jesus is described as being the firstfruits of the resurrection to eternal life Jesus's resurrection is the first fruit if you like of those who will be raised in resurrection power ultimately never to die again and he himself in Revelation chapter 1 when he's revealing himself to John says I was dead but behold I am alive forevermore so we know that Jesus brought people back to life and that was a glimpse of the kingdom to come it was a glimpse of the Resurrection yet to take place when he returns but how does this apply to us well first of all I want to preach the truth that we will all be raised from the dead one day we will all be given a new body and we will be in our best nature we will be better than we've ever been I was chatting with my friend Carol dads well who recently had become very sick and it looked like it might have been a terminal case but she said today that she's feeling even better her mobility is better than it was before she got sick in the first place she can stand for longer now than she could before the sickness and that gave me great joy and encouragement to hear that because the resurrection or the the second life that we will have through faith in Christ will be so much more glorious and so much better than any state we've ever started in Acts chapter 24 and verse 15 tells us very clearly there will be a resurrection of both the righteous and the wicked and in his letter to the Corinthians Paul expands on this and says we're all going to be changed it'll be like a momentary thing a twinkling of a twinkling of the eye and we will all be changed and if you want to find out what the resurrection body will be like for us who will be raised there's no better place to go than 1 Corinthians chapter 15 and in that chapter Paul compares the state of us as human beings in our natural bodies and the resurrection body that we will have he uses the analogy of a seed being planted in the ground as a symbol of death a seed has to die to the form it's in in order for the new life to emerge and come forth so looking at the nature of the resurrection body we learn that it is sown perishable but it will be raised imperishable the human body is sown in agony or dishonor but it will be raised in glory in our current state we live in weakness then we will live in power our bodies right now a flesh and blood they're very natural but we will one day take on a spiritual body although Jesus after his resurrection said you can feel my my flesh and he said you know I can eat with you give me something to eat so the spiritual body is something that we haven't experienced yet Paul says there are two two men if you like Adam the first man who we all are made very similar to Adam is made in the image of God Adam is a human being made from the dust of the earth and we're basically dust or as I read somewhere we share 90% of our DNA with a cucumber so we're basically just cucumbers with anxiety but we are dust we will we will return to the ground our bodies will fade away but our spirits are in the likeness of Christ and the resurrection body will be like Jesus's so at the moment we're in the likeness of the first man Adam but we will be in the image of the final Adam the last Adam who is Jesus and be like him so now we're mortal we're limited we're earthly but when the resurrection comes we will be clothed with eternity with a heavenly and spiritual but somehow still tangible body and another thing that Jesus says when the Sadducees questioned him is that at the resurrection people won't be married or given in marriage they'll be like the angels in heaven it's often comforting when someone dies to say they're being reunited with their loved ones and they will be but it will be in a different state - how it is on the earth and the sadducees didn't believe in the resurrection they didn't believe that was going to happen so their question was really just a trap saying well what if somebody has lots of husbands or wives throughout their life who will they be married to when the resurrection happens and Jesus says you're in ignorance because you don't know the scripture you don't know the Word of God it's it's a different kind of body we're told in Philippians chapter 3 and verses 20 to 21 that our citizenship is in heaven and we eagerly away to save you from there the Lord Jesus Christ who will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body I think we'll still have our personalities as and be individuals but we'll be individuals with no trace of sin anymore we'll never get sick again we'll never experience physical death again our bodies will be perfect renewed indestructible and not limited to the current laws of nature so when Jesus says to Martha I am the resurrection and the life he is promising so much he's promising hope for the Hereafter he's promising joy he's promising a release from the earthly things that we go through sickness and sadness and and depression and anxiety and all the things that we contend with in our humanity and we'll be like him so what about the here and now this is great but it's a hope for the future isn't it the resurrection is yet to come after Jesus returns well that's true but the power of the Resurrection the power of the life that Jesus can give to you and to it to me is like Lazarus is coming out of the grave it's like waking up to a new life through Christ saying yeah my sins are forgiven yes I can I can worship freely I can enjoy all the goodness of God even here Eve now and I can have a foretaste of the kingdom of heaven though I live in the kingdom of the earth in Ephesians Paul tells us that when Christ was raised from the dead we were raised with him we're seated in heavenly places with him I don't know about you but you might be sat on a couch right now thinking well I'm not seated in heavenly places I'm seated on my Ceti in the living room but in a spiritual sense you're already there if you've put your faith in Christ Colossians 3 verse 1 says since you've been raised with Christ set your hearts on things above where Christ is seated at the right hand of God again where Jesus is seated we're with him in spirit in a sense and through baptism as we go down into water we're saying yeah we identify with the death of Christ we're dying to sin we're dying to selfishness we're dying to our old ways and we're being resurrected raised up in newness of life this is really encouraging for us and I want to read some words from Romans chapter 8 if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ he doesn't belong to Christ but if Christ is in you your body is dead because of sin yet your spirit is alive because of righteousness and if the spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his spirit who lives in you it's the same power that raised Jesus from the dead that we can encounter and live our lives with as we put our faith in him I've recently come across a brilliant new worship song called resurrecting and the bridge and final verse say this by your spirit I will rise from the ashes of defeat the resurrected King is resurrecting me in your name I come alive to declare your victory the resurrected King is resurrecting me the tomb where soldiers watched in vain was borrowed for three days his body there would not remain our God has robbed the grave wow what a great line that is what a great image of God the ultimate grave robber so when we read the story of Lazarus we can take from it that Jesus wants to impart life to us now I think if Jesus were with us now he'd say take off the grave clothes of your old life of death of sin of sickness and and come follow me so that we can enjoy that foretaste of the great resurrection yet to come I love Paul's honesty throughout scripture and again in 1 Corinthians 15 verses 3 to 8 he says if Jesus didn't rate didn't rise from the dead then our faith is futile and if we believe in the resurrection but it didn't really happen then we would be the most pitiable of all people why is that well if we were to live a life that contains a measure of hardship and suffering because we choose to follow Christ and at times that may even mean persecution or martyrdom for some with no hope of a resurrection no hope of a better day to come we would be in a very sad and sorry state and we would be pitied for living that life dedicated to the cause of Christ and yet for two thousand plus years thousands hundreds of thousands of people have have risked that danger of martyrdom of giving their lives of being persecuted to follow Christ because they are so utterly convinced of the resurrection of Jesus the empty tomb is our great declaration point of the Christian faith if you look at other leaders of other religions and philosophies and faith they're all dead the Buddha is dead Muhammad is dead the gurus of Sikhism and Hinduism are dead but Jesus Christ is alive this is the faith that we assert and the thing that we put our trust and our hope in when I was studying religious studies as a sixth former doing my a-levels I spent two years during those studies trying to convince my re teacher about why it was worth following Jesus Christ and after two years he said to me M argue with you til I'm blue in the face giving you all the reasons for not believing in your Jesus but the one thing I cannot deny and the one thing I cannot get past is the fact that that tomb was empty Jesus had gone it was a miracle he rose from the dead and that gave me great encouragement Paul says to the church in Rome if you declare with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead you will be saved what an amazing reassurance so when we think about the story of Lazarus we think about this this great impacting event that will have changed many many people's lives we see that foretaste of the glorious resurrection yet to come and that takes us back really to the place where we started Jesus saying I am the resurrection and the life if you believe in me you will never die you will live even though you will physically die and if you die but you believe in me you will live forever there will be no more sickness crying pain agony death because he's overcome it he is the Conqueror and this same power is at work in us let's proclaim our faith in Him and the resurrection power of Jesus Christ as we sing that the same power lives in us [Music] there is power [Music] [Music] Jesus Christ [Music] Jesus Christ [Music] my [Music] kids [Music] right [Music] [Music] see [Music] [Music] kay [Music] right [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] can't jeez [Music] Grande [Music] the same [Music] you break you like you say you okay the break again Oh goodnight you say you okay whatever my knees say keep forever Jesus Roundy glory race yeah the same [Music] [Music] [Music] well thank you for worshiping with us this morning and hearing the word of God we've come to the end of our service but if you'd like to know more please go to our Victoria Baptist Church website and you'll also find some study notes in our newsletter to accompany this talk and to explain more about the resurrection I want to bless you with these words of Paul to the Ephesians to the church in Ephesus I keep asking that the god of our Lord Jesus Christ the glorious father may give you the spirit of wisdom and revelation so that you may know him better I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you the riches of his glorious inheritance in the Saints and in his incomparable great power for us who believe that power is like the working of his mighty strength which he exerted in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms be blessed as you go through this week knowing that if you put your faith in Him you have the hope of the Resurrection you have the same power living in you that raised Jesus from the dead amen you
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Views: 510
Rating: 4.6666665 out of 5
Id: CO5Ps8Bosog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 52sec (4552 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 19 2020
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